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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La contribution au fonctionnement du marché intérieur des dispositifs d'aide au transport maritime / The contribution of maritime transport aid devices to the functioning of the internal market

Graziani, Serge 30 June 2015 (has links)
Initialement exclu des domaines couverts par le Traité de Rome, le transport maritime a fait l’objet en 1992 de mesures permettant l’accès des armateurs de l’Union à la libre prestation de service sur les lignes intérieures des États membres. Néanmoins, l’espace maritime européen n’a pas de consistance juridique : il n’est composé que de la juxtaposition des espaces reconnus par le droit international comme la mer territoriale de chaque État membre. Au-delà de cette limite, la mer est internationale. L’Union, au fil des élargissements, a perdu sa configuration continentale pour intégrer un nombre croissant d’îles ce qui accentue l’importance des transports maritimes pour la libre circulation des personnes et des marchandises au sein du marché intérieur. En outre, la situation géographique, économique et démographique de ces îles est hétérogène : quelques habitants dans les Orcades, plusieurs millions en Sicile ... Malgré la diversité des territoires insulaires, de la mer du nord à la mer Egée, les conditions de mise en oeuvre de la libre prestation de service de transport maritime par le règlement du Conseil n° 3577/92 (cabotage) sont identiques en dépits de la réalité contrastée des marchés concernés. Pourtant, les mesures adoptées par l’Union, au regard des conditions d’attribution des aides relatives aux missions de service public vers les îles, notamment dans le cadre d’un SIEG, ont des effets restrictifs tant sur les conditions de concurrence entre les armateurs que sur les échanges commerciaux entre les États membres. Malgré l’incompatibilité des aides aux entreprises, le Traité FUE ménage des dérogations dont la Commission peut jouer. Dans le secteur maritime les aides compatibles avec le Traité FUE concernent notamment la construction navale, la sécurité, la formation des équipages. Une distinction doit être opérée entre ces aides sectorielles et les aides individuelles concernent les transports de ligne. Lorsqu’ils sont corrélés à des contrats de service et, où, à des obligations de service public établis sur des trajets prédéterminés, les dispositifs d’aide agissent comme des barrières non tarifaires aux échanges qui structurent les circulations maritimes et impactent le fonctionnement du marché intérieur en influant sur l’origine nationale des marchandises destinées aux consommateurs insulaires. La Commission, sous le contrôle de la Cour, analyse les marchés et la compatibilité des aides en anticipant leurs effets. Cependant, cette activité prédictive la conduit à influencer les marchés maritimes. L’étude de la pratique décisionnelle de la Commission en matière d’aide au transport maritime montre qu’elle utilise une analyse ligne par ligne qui restreint le marché géographique. Ayant établi en 2005, et renouvelé en 2011, l’exemption de notification des compensations de service public et pratiquant des analyses insuffisantes des marchés maritimes, la Commission se prive de contrôler les conditions réelles de la circulation maritime de marchandise. Cependant, si la Commission exempte de notification la majeure part des aides au profit des SIEG de transport maritime, et si ses analyses des marchés sont insuffisantes, c’est in fine la capacité du juge de l’Union à arbitrer entre l’intérêt général des États membres et l’intérêt commun de l’Union qui, compte tenu du principe du contrôle restreint applicable en matière de faits économiques complexes, est remise en cause. / Initially excluded from areas covered by the Treaty of Rome, maritime transport has been in 1992 the subject of measures allowing shipowners to access to the freedom to provide services on domestic routes in the Member States. Nevertheless, the European maritime area has no legal consistency: it is only composed of the juxtaposition of areas recognised by international law as the territorial sea of each Member State. Beyond this limit, the sea is international. Over the course of enlargements, the Union has lost its continental configuration to integrate a growing number of islands, which highlights the importance of maritime transport for the free movement of people and goods within the internal market. In addition, the geographic, economic and demographic situation of these islands is heterogeneous: some people are living in Orkney, millions of others are living in Sicily... Despite the diversity of island territories from the North Sea to the Aegean Sea, the conditions for the implementation of the freedom to provide maritime transport service by Council Regulation No 3577/92 (cabotage) are identical, despite the multifaceted reality of the concerned markets. However, the measures adopted by the Union, based on the conditions for the allocation of the aid in connection with public service missions to the islands, particularly in the context of an SGEI, have restrictive effects both on the conditions for competition between shipowners, and on trade exchange between the Member States. Despite the inconsistency of State aid with companies, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) allows derogations on which the Commission can play. In the maritime sector, the aid compatible with the TFEU is about shipbuilding, safety, crew training, amongst others. A distinction must be made between these sectoral aid and individual aid as regards transport line. When correlated with service contracts or with public service obligations established on predetermined paths, the aid system acts as a non-tariff barriers to trade, which structure maritime traffic and impact the functioning of the market by influencing national origin of goods for consumers living in island regions. The Commission, under the control of the Court, analyses the markets and the compatibility of aid by anticipating their effects. However, the predictive activity leads the Commission to influence maritime markets. An analysis of the decisions taken by the Commission on aid to maritime transport shows that it uses a line by line analysis which brings a restriction on the geographic market. Having established in 2005 and renewed in 2011 the exemption from notification of public service compensation, and having practiced insufficient analysis of the maritime market, the Commission denies controlling the real conditions of maritime traffic goods. However, if the Commission exempts from notification the main part of aid in favor of SGEI shipping, and if its market analyses are insufficient, it is ultimately the ability of the EU Courts to arbitrate between the public interest of the Member States and the common interests of the Union, which, based on the principle of limited control applicable to the complex economic facts, is questioned.

L'individu, sujet du droit de l'Union européenne / The individual, subject of European Union law

Rondu, Julie 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à analyser l’émergence de l’individu comme un sujet du droit de l’Union européenne s’affirmant face à l’État membre. Elle défend l’idée selon laquelle le droit de l’Union connaît un processus de « subjectivisation fonctionnelle », de source essentiellement juridictionnelle, qui se manifeste par la reconnaissance des droits, des intérêts et de la situation subjective de l’individu, de façon à placer ce dernier au service de la réalisation du projet d’intégration européenne. Prenant une portée constitutionnelle, ce mouvement s’inscrit dans une double logique de protection et d’instrumentalisation de l’individu par l’Union, dialectique inhérente à l’ordre juridique incomplet que constitue l’Union. / This dissertation aims at describing the emergence of the individuals as subjects of European Union law, asserting themselves against the Member State. It upholds the idea that European Union law undergoes a “functional subjectivation” process, mostly based on case-law, materialized by the recognition of the individuals’ rights, interests and subjective situation, in order to make them agents of the European integration project realization. This movement, taking on a constitutional dimension, is part of both a protective and instrumental approach of the individual by the European Union, dialectic inherent to the European Union incomplete legal order.

Gynnas aktörer från ett land utanför EU på den inre marknaden? : Vid tillhandahållandet av elektroniska tjänster / Does a supplier from a country outside the European Union benefit on the internal market? : When supplying electronic services

Eklöw, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Elektroniska tjänster utgör en stor del av marknadsekonomin i större delen av världen således även på den inre marknaden. Elektronisk handel, där elektroniska tjänster ingår, har under de senaste åren expanderat. U.S. Bureau of Census uppskattade att elektroniska tjänster genererat i drygt 600 miljarder kronor under år 2005. Det är en ökning med 24.6 % från föregående år. Statistiken visar endast handeln i USA, men ger ändå ett mått på den framfart som skett de senaste åren rörande elektronisk handel. Inom gemenskapen har rådet fastställt en rad harmoniseringsregler, främst i det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet . I syfte att harmonisera de mervärdesskatterättsliga reglerna för att undvika en snedvridning av konkurrensen mellan aktörer etablerade i olika medlemsstater. Den inre marknaden är förvisso avsedd för aktörer etablerade inom EU, men man kan inte bortse från det faktum att även aktörer i tredjeland har tillträde till den inre marknaden. För att utreda om aktörer från tredjeland gynnas framför aktörer etablerade i gemenskapen i tillhandahållande av elektroniska tjänster till icke skattskyldiga inom gemenskapen är bestämmandet av platsen av betydelse. Först fastställs om transaktionen faller inom ramen för artikel 2 i det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet. Där konstateras att mervärdesskatt skall betalas för tjänster som tillhandahålls inom landets territorium av en skattskyldig. För fastställande av ”landets territorium” hänvisas till artikel 3, se bilaga 4. Det andra steget är att konstatera om den som tillhandahåller tjänsten betraktas som skattskyldig enligt artikel 4.1, se bilaga 5 till uppsatsen. Är kriterierna i artikel 2 och 4 uppfyllda går man vidare till artikel 9 för bestämmandet av platsen. Ursprungslandsprincipen och destinationslandsprincipen ligger till grund för bestämmandet av vilken stat som har beskattningsrätt, först fastställs omsättningslandet och därigenom platsen för tillhandahållandet. Destinationslandsprincipen och ursprungslandsprincipen kräver ett förtydligande. Från början tillämpades ursprungslandsprincipen för att nå den inre marknaden. Destinationslandsprincipen är den rådande men kommissionens långsiktiga mål är att gå över till ursprungslandsprincipen. Trots detta ändras i dagsläget regler för att passa destinationslandsprincipen. Tillhandahållande av elektroniska tjänster existerade inte vid utformandet av det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet. Följaktligen saknades begreppet elektroniska tjänster i direktivet. Då rådet antog direktiv 2002/38/EG infördes begreppet elektroniska tjänster samt ett tydliggörande av vad som var att anse som platsen för tillhandahållande. Begreppsdefinitionen var dock inte uttömmande och rådet antog förordning 1777/2005 där elektroniska tjänster definieras både i förordningen samt tillhörande bilaga. Klassificeringen av elektroniska tjänster sker på samma vis oberoende av platsen för tillhandahållandet. Däremot skiljer sig bestämmandet av omsättningsland och platsen beroende på om en aktör är etablerad i en medlemsstat eller ej. Innan direktiv 2002/38/EG antogs kunde aktörer från tredjeland undgå mervärdesbeskattning då de tillhandahöll elektroniska tjänster till icke skattskyldiga i gemenskapen. Rådets intention vid antagande av direktivet var att undanröja snedvridning av konkurrensen samt att tydliggöra reglerna om platsen för tillhandahållande i de fall då aktörer var etablerade i tredjeland. Med direktiv 2002/38/EG antogs den regel som bestämmer platsen för tillhandahållande till den där aktören är registrerad. I samband med detta infördes den ordning vilken innebär att aktörer från tredjeland skall registrera sig för mervärdesskatt i en medlemsstat. Även det fasta driftstället har betydelse för bestämmande av platsen. I vissa fall är det fasta driftstället att anse som platsen och i andra fall är huvudkontoret platsen för tillhandahållande. Begreppet fast driftställe nämns i artikel 9 i det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet, men ingen definition ges av vad som omfattas eller vilka kriterierna är. För att fastställa detta är man hänvisad till EG-domstolens praxis då inget uttömmande svar ges i direktiven. Gällande elektroniska tjänster och inkomstskatterätt kan i vissa fall en server utgöra ett fast driftställe, det är inte möjligt inom mervärdesskatterätten. / Electronic commerce constitutes a big market economy in the world, therefore also in the internal market. Electronic commerce, which includes electronic services, has expanded in the past years. In the end of year 2005, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated the total U.S. electronic commerce sales at $ 86.3 billion. This featured a 24.6 percent increase from the previous year 2004. Even though this is U.S. statistics, it gives a view of how electronic commerce has expanded the last years. Within the internal market, the Council of the European Union constituted a number of regulations on harmonisation, mainly in the Sixth VAT Directive . The purpose of harmonising the VAT regulations is to prevent distortion of the competition between suppliers established in the European Union. The internal market is intended for the suppliers established in the European Union, nevertheless suppliers from the countries outside the European Union have access to the internal market. The place of supply is of importance to investigate if a supplier from a country outside the European Union is in favour before a supplier established within the European Union in supply of electronic services to persons non-liable to tax. To investigate whether or not a supplier from a country outside the European Union benefit before suppliers established within the internal market the place of supply is of significance. The first question that arises is whether the transaction falls within the scope of article 2. Article 2 establishes that the subject to value added tax is the supply of services affected for consideration within the territory of the country by a taxable person. Article 3 es-tablishes the territory of the country, see attachment 4. The second step to clarify is if the person supplying the services is liable for tax according to article 4, see attachment 5. If the criteria for article 2 and 4 are satisfied the next step is article 9 and to establish the place of supply. To define the country with the right to tax, the establishment of the place of supply leads to the place of transaction. The principle of destination and principle of origin need to be explained. From the beginning, the Commission applied the principle of origin to reach the single market. In spite of the fact that the Commission’s long-term goal is to apply the principle of origin, rules are constantly changed to be applicable on the principle of destination. The supplying of electronic services did not exist when the Sixth VAT Directive was proposed. Therefore the concept of electronic services is not defined in the directive. When the Council of the European Union approved Directive 2002/38/EC , the concept of electronic services was classified and it was also made clear what is established as the place of supply. Notwithstanding the concept was not exhaustive and the Council of the European Union approved the regulation 1777/2005 in which electronic services are defined further, both in the regulation and in the attachment belonging to the regulation. The classifications of electronic services are independent of whether the supplier is established in a Member States or country outside the European Union. The place of supply depends on if the supplier is established in a Member State or outside the European Union. Before directive 2002/38/EC, a supplier from a country outside the European Union could escape value added tax when supplying services to non-liable tax persons. The Council of the European Parliaments intention to lay down the directive was to set aside dis-torted competition and to clarify the rules of the place of supply in situations when a sup-plier is established in a country outside the European Union. With directive 2002/38/EC the rule that decides the place of supply to the one where the supplier are registered were taken into force. In relation to that, a regulation was introduced where suppliers from a country outside the European Union shall register for value added tax in a Member State. The permanent establishment is of certain significance to establish the place. In some situations, a permanent establishment is considered as the place of supply and in others it is the head office. The classification of a permanent establishment is mentioned in article 9 in the Sixth VAT Directive but there is no definition of what it comprises or the criteria. To in-vestigate what a permanent establishment is one is referred to go through the European Court of Justices case-law. In income tax, there are situations when a server can constitute a permanent establishment, which is not possible in value added tax.

Gynnas aktörer från ett land utanför EU på den inre marknaden? : Vid tillhandahållandet av elektroniska tjänster / Does a supplier from a country outside the European Union benefit on the internal market? : When supplying electronic services

Eklöw, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Elektroniska tjänster utgör en stor del av marknadsekonomin i större delen av världen således även på den inre marknaden. Elektronisk handel, där elektroniska tjänster ingår, har under de senaste åren expanderat. U.S. Bureau of Census uppskattade att elektroniska tjänster genererat i drygt 600 miljarder kronor under år 2005. Det är en ökning med 24.6 % från föregående år. Statistiken visar endast handeln i USA, men ger ändå ett mått på den framfart som skett de senaste åren rörande elektronisk handel.</p><p>Inom gemenskapen har rådet fastställt en rad harmoniseringsregler, främst i det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet . I syfte att harmonisera de mervärdesskatterättsliga reglerna för att undvika en snedvridning av konkurrensen mellan aktörer etablerade i olika medlemsstater. Den inre marknaden är förvisso avsedd för aktörer etablerade inom EU, men man kan inte bortse från det faktum att även aktörer i tredjeland har tillträde till den inre marknaden.</p><p>För att utreda om aktörer från tredjeland gynnas framför aktörer etablerade i gemenskapen i tillhandahållande av elektroniska tjänster till icke skattskyldiga inom gemenskapen är bestämmandet av platsen av betydelse. Först fastställs om transaktionen faller inom ramen för artikel 2 i det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet. Där konstateras att mervärdesskatt skall betalas för tjänster som tillhandahålls inom landets territorium av en skattskyldig. För fastställande av ”landets territorium” hänvisas till artikel 3, se bilaga 4. Det andra steget är att konstatera om den som tillhandahåller tjänsten betraktas som skattskyldig enligt artikel 4.1, se bilaga 5 till uppsatsen. Är kriterierna i artikel 2 och 4 uppfyllda går man vidare till artikel 9 för bestämmandet av platsen.</p><p>Ursprungslandsprincipen och destinationslandsprincipen ligger till grund för bestämmandet av vilken stat som har beskattningsrätt, först fastställs omsättningslandet och därigenom platsen för tillhandahållandet. Destinationslandsprincipen och ursprungslandsprincipen kräver ett förtydligande. Från början tillämpades ursprungslandsprincipen för att nå den inre marknaden. Destinationslandsprincipen är den rådande men kommissionens långsiktiga mål är att gå över till ursprungslandsprincipen. Trots detta ändras i dagsläget regler för att passa destinationslandsprincipen.</p><p>Tillhandahållande av elektroniska tjänster existerade inte vid utformandet av det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet. Följaktligen saknades begreppet elektroniska tjänster i direktivet. Då rådet antog direktiv 2002/38/EG infördes begreppet elektroniska tjänster samt ett tydliggörande av vad som var att anse som platsen för tillhandahållande. Begreppsdefinitionen var dock inte uttömmande och rådet antog förordning 1777/2005 där elektroniska tjänster definieras både i förordningen samt tillhörande bilaga. Klassificeringen av elektroniska tjänster sker på samma vis oberoende av platsen för tillhandahållandet. Däremot skiljer sig bestämmandet av omsättningsland och platsen beroende på om en aktör är etablerad i en medlemsstat eller ej.</p><p>Innan direktiv 2002/38/EG antogs kunde aktörer från tredjeland undgå mervärdesbeskattning då de tillhandahöll elektroniska tjänster till icke skattskyldiga i gemenskapen. Rådets intention vid antagande av direktivet var att undanröja snedvridning av konkurrensen samt att tydliggöra reglerna om platsen för tillhandahållande i de fall då aktörer var etablerade i tredjeland.</p><p>Med direktiv 2002/38/EG antogs den regel som bestämmer platsen för tillhandahållande till den där aktören är registrerad. I samband med detta infördes den ordning vilken innebär att aktörer från tredjeland skall registrera sig för mervärdesskatt i en medlemsstat.</p><p>Även det fasta driftstället har betydelse för bestämmande av platsen. I vissa fall är det fasta driftstället att anse som platsen och i andra fall är huvudkontoret platsen för tillhandahållande. Begreppet fast driftställe nämns i artikel 9 i det sjätte mervärdesskattedirektivet, men ingen definition ges av vad som omfattas eller vilka kriterierna är. För att fastställa detta är man hänvisad till EG-domstolens praxis då inget uttömmande svar ges i direktiven. Gällande elektroniska tjänster och inkomstskatterätt kan i vissa fall en server utgöra ett fast driftställe, det är inte möjligt inom mervärdesskatterätten.</p> / <p>Electronic commerce constitutes a big market economy in the world, therefore also in the internal market. Electronic commerce, which includes electronic services, has expanded in the past years. In the end of year 2005, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated the total U.S. electronic commerce sales at $ 86.3 billion. This featured a 24.6 percent increase from the previous year 2004. Even though this is U.S. statistics, it gives a view of how electronic commerce has expanded the last years.</p><p>Within the internal market, the Council of the European Union constituted a number of regulations on harmonisation, mainly in the Sixth VAT Directive . The purpose of harmonising the VAT regulations is to prevent distortion of the competition between suppliers established in the European Union. The internal market is intended for the suppliers established in the European Union, nevertheless suppliers from the countries outside the European Union have access to the internal market. The place of supply is of importance to investigate if a supplier from a country outside the European Union is in favour before a supplier established within the European Union in supply of electronic services to persons non-liable to tax.</p><p>To investigate whether or not a supplier from a country outside the European Union benefit before suppliers established within the internal market the place of supply is of significance. The first question that arises is whether the transaction falls within the scope of article 2. Article 2 establishes that the subject to value added tax is the supply of services affected for consideration within the territory of the country by a taxable person. Article 3 es-tablishes the territory of the country, see attachment 4. The second step to clarify is if the person supplying the services is liable for tax according to article 4, see attachment 5. If the criteria for article 2 and 4 are satisfied the next step is article 9 and to establish the place of supply.</p><p>To define the country with the right to tax, the establishment of the place of supply leads to the place of transaction. The principle of destination and principle of origin need to be explained. From the beginning, the Commission applied the principle of origin to reach the single market. In spite of the fact that the Commission’s long-term goal is to apply the principle of origin, rules are constantly changed to be applicable on the principle of destination.</p><p>The supplying of electronic services did not exist when the Sixth VAT Directive was proposed. Therefore the concept of electronic services is not defined in the directive. When the Council of the European Union approved Directive 2002/38/EC , the concept of electronic services was classified and it was also made clear what is established as the place of supply. Notwithstanding the concept was not exhaustive and the Council of the European Union approved the regulation 1777/2005 in which electronic services are defined further, both in the regulation and in the attachment belonging to the regulation. The classifications of electronic services are independent of whether the supplier is established in a Member States or country outside the European Union. The place of supply depends on if the supplier is established in a Member State or outside the European Union.</p><p>Before directive 2002/38/EC, a supplier from a country outside the European Union could escape value added tax when supplying services to non-liable tax persons. The Council of the European Parliaments intention to lay down the directive was to set aside dis-torted competition and to clarify the rules of the place of supply in situations when a sup-plier is established in a country outside the European Union.</p><p>With directive 2002/38/EC the rule that decides the place of supply to the one where the supplier are registered were taken into force. In relation to that, a regulation was introduced where suppliers from a country outside the European Union shall register for value added tax in a Member State.</p><p>The permanent establishment is of certain significance to establish the place. In some situations, a permanent establishment is considered as the place of supply and in others it is the head office. The classification of a permanent establishment is mentioned in article 9 in the Sixth VAT Directive but there is no definition of what it comprises or the criteria. To in-vestigate what a permanent establishment is one is referred to go through the European Court of Justices case-law. In income tax, there are situations when a server can constitute a permanent establishment, which is not possible in value added tax.</p>

Grenzen der Dienstleistungsfreiheit im Bereich des Gesundheitswesens unter Berücksichtigung der Patientenrichtlinie 2011/24/EU / Limits of the freedom to provide services in the field of health care in consideration of the “patients’ directive” 2011/24/EU

von Ameln, Felix 05 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ausgangspunkt dieser Studie stellt die sog. „Patientenrichtlinie“ 2011/24/EU dar. Diese beruht auf der Rspr. des EuGH, wonach für die Inanspruchnahme grenzüberschreitender Gesundheitsleistungen die Dienstleistungsfreiheit Anwendung findet. Bezogen auf den Bereich des Gesundheitswesens steht die Dienstleistungsfreiheit jedoch in einem Spannungsverhältnis zu der Organisationshoheit der Mitgliedstaaten für ihre Gesundheitssysteme. Diese Arbeit widmet sich daher zunächst dem Begriff der Gesundheitsleistungen und führt das Bestehen des Spannungsverhältnisses auf die historische Entwicklung der Sozialregelungen in den Verträgen zurück. In einem weiteren Schritt wird dann die tatsächliche Anwendbarkeit der Dienstleistungsfreiheit für den Bereich der Gesundheitsleistungen untersucht. Im Anschluss daran erfolgt eine Analyse der Rechtsprechung des EuGH. Dieser versucht das Spannungsverhältnis auf der Ebene der „Rechtfertigung“ zu lösen. Letztlich führt jedoch dieser Ansatz nicht zur Lösung dieses Spannungsverhältnisses, da durch die Auslegungsbedürftigkeit des Primärrechts rechtliche Unsicherheiten entstehen. Auch die Patientenrichtlinie, welche auf der Rechtsprechung des EuGH beruht, kann daher nur bedingt zur Beseitigung der bestehenden Unsicherheiten bei grenzüberschreitenden Gesundheitsleistungen beitragen. Ebenso können weitere in der Literatur vorgestellte Alternativen das Grundproblem nicht lösen. Notwendig wäre vielmehr eine klarere Abgrenzung der Regelungszuständigkeiten im Primärrecht selbst. / The starting point for this study is the so-called „Patient Directive“ 2011/24/EU. This is based on the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, according to which when using cross-border healthcare services the free movement of services finds application. Referring to the area of healthcare the free movement of services however is in a relationship of tension with the organisational sovereignty of member states for their healthcare systems. For this reason this work addresses itself firstly to the concept of healthcare services and leads the existence of a relationship of tension back to the historical development of social regulations in the contracts. In a further step then the actual applicability of the free movement of services for the area healthcare services is examined. Following this an analysis of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice takes place. This attempts to solve the relationship of tension at the level of „justification“. In the end however this starting-point does not lead to solving this tension relationship, for through the need for interpretation of primary law legal uncertainties arise. Also the patient directive, which is based on the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, can for this reason only partially contribute to the removal of uncertainties existing with cross-border healthcare services. Equally further alternatives presented in literature cannot solve the basic problem. Rather a clearer delimitation in the primary law itself would be required.

Vybrané právní aspekty jednotného digitálního trhu / Selected Legal Aspects of the Digital Single Market

Stárková, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis "Selected Legal Aspects of the Digital Single Market" delineates the legislative reaction of the European Union ("EU") to technological development for the Jacques Delors' encompassing overhaul of Europe's The master's thesis answers the on by identifying the DSM's theoretical and conceptual framework, DSM. The second part delineates the DSM's foundations arket's regulatory framework is DSM's foundations to assess the state of play of the DSM through the EU's most advanced - strengthening of the status of the free flow of data in the internal market's architecture, which

Jednotná kontaktní místa a jejich přínos podnikatelům / Points of Single Contacts and their benefits to entrepreneurs

BERNARDOVÁ, Dana January 2014 (has links)
Subject of diploma theses "Points of Single Contact and their benefits to entrepreneurs" is to evaluate the contribution of activities Point of single contact for businesses, imposed by the Directive on services to help entrepreneurs doing business in the single market of the European Union. The work pursues the development of the internal market in particular freedom to provide services, describes how successfully the Services Directive is complied and how Points of Single Contact operate.

Competition Policy and State Aid under the European Union Emissions Trading System / Política de competencia y ayudas estatales en el marco del Régimen Comunitario de Comercio de Derechos de Emisión de la Unión Europea

Rodríguez Morales, Jorge Ernesto 10 April 2018 (has links)
The interaction between competition and environmental policy is quite complex, particularly before state aids, whose control level reflects the emerging opportunity cost between both policies. In order to illustrate the potential efficiency losses or the imbalances on level playing field of competition, this article analyzes the legal, economic and political dimensions of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) free allocation of allowances mechanism for the power generation sector. / La interacción entre la política de competencia y la medio ambientales bastante compleja, especialmente en el caso de las ayudas estatales, cuyo nivel de control refleja el coste de oportunidad emergente entre ambas. Con el fin de ilustrar las potenciales pérdidas de eficiencia o los desequilibrios en la equidad de condiciones de competencia, este artículo analiza las dimensiones legal, económica y política del mecanismo de asignación gratuita de permisos de emisión del Régimen Comunitario de Comercio de Derechos de Emisión (RCCDE) de la Unión Europea para el sector de la generación eléctrica.

Negócios internos: estrutura produtiva, mercado e padrão social em uma freguesia sul mineira. Itajubá – 1785-1850

Sobrinho, Juliano Custódio 23 March 2009 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-03T13:30:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 julianocustodiosobrinho.pdf: 2063155 bytes, checksum: 5c3e568cf5725498f371163097471be5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-06T20:08:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 julianocustodiosobrinho.pdf: 2063155 bytes, checksum: 5c3e568cf5725498f371163097471be5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T20:08:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 julianocustodiosobrinho.pdf: 2063155 bytes, checksum: 5c3e568cf5725498f371163097471be5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-23 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O tema central dessa pesquisa é um estudo sobre as estruturas produtivas da freguesia de Itajubá e seus agentes, em fins do século XVIII, até a primeira metade do século XIX. Localizada em uma área estratégica para o escoamento das produções mineiras e daquelas que utilizavam as rotas de Minas Gerais para o mercado da Corte do Rio de Janeiro, a freguesia de Itajubá era apontada como uma das mais importantes da região do sul de Minas, tanto pela sua participação no contingente populacional do termo de Campanha, como também na sua atuação mercantil. O objetivo é identificar e caracterizar o perfil socioeconômico da freguesia, a partir de sua produção agropastoril, voltada para a subsistência, como também o vínculo que aquelas propriedades e tais indivíduos tiveram com o abastecimento do mercado interno. A base documental para esse estudo foi os inventários post-mortem, encontrados no Fórum Wenceslau Braz, na atual cidade de Itajubá-MG. Nesse sentido, procurou-se entender os mecanismos pelos quais o sistema econômico da época se estruturou na região sul mineira, atuando sobre uma sociedade hierárquica, sobretudo, as variadas formas que aquela parcela social, registrada nos inventários, demarcou na freguesia. / The main theme of this research is the study about the productive structures in the freguesia de Itajubá as well as its agents, from the ending of the 18th century until the first half of the 19th. This freguesia is located on a strategic area for the flow of mineral production and for those which followed the routes through Mina Gerais until the Court in Rio de Janeiro. Itajubá was pointed as one of the most important freguesias in the south of Minas for its meanly participation in terms of population of the Campanha termo, as well as for its commercial acting. Our goal is identifying and describing the socioeconomic profile of this freguesia, from the production of agriculture and cattle raising (for family subsisting) until the linking between this properties and its owners and the importance they had to the internal market. The documental basis for this research was the inventories post-mortem found in Forum Wenceslau Braz, located in the city of Itajubá-MG. We also tried to understand the mechanisms through which the economic system of that time has consolidated itself in the south of Minas acting over a hierarchic society.

Sportovní národnost ve světle práva Evropské unie / Sporting nationality in the light of European Union law

Exner, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Sporting nationality in the light of European Union law Jan Exner Abstract The aim of this master's thesis is to answer the question of how to grasp and categorize the concept of sporting nationality in the EU. Its goal is to consider compliance of the rules set up by international sporting governing bodies determining athletes' eligibility in national teams with the concrete provisions of EU law. The provisions under scrutiny are mostly those laying down the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality in the fields of EU citizenship, internal market freedoms and competition. The master's thesis simultaneously aims at suggesting concrete recommendations to international sporting governing bodies in order to better adapt their rules to EU law requirements. The authors of this master's thesis first claims that rules governing athletes' eligibility in national teams fall within the scope of EU law since they have economic impact and effect. Secondly, it is submitted that these rules limit athletes' rights under EU law and constitute therefore a restriction to respective provisions of the EU legal order. That is why the question whether such a restriction to EU law may be justified is examined. In this respect, the Court of Justice provided sporting world with a useful manual on how to pass EU law...

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