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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virusinės internetinės rinkodaros komunikacijos kanalų pritaikomumo galimybės Lietuvos turizmo įmonėse / Viral marketing communication channels applicability possibilities to Lithuanian tourism enterprises

Valiukaitė, Ramona, Kauzaitė, Gintarė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: virusinės internetinės rinkodaros komunikacijos kanalų pritaikomumas Lietuvos turizmo įmonėse. Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti virusinės internetinės rinkodaros kanalų pritaikomumo galimybes Lietuvos turizmo įmonėse. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti virusinės internetinės rinkodaros vietą rinkodaros sistemoje. 2. Atskleisti virusinės internetinės rinkodaros veikimo sistemą. 3. Pateikti susistemintą virusinės internetinės rinkodaros apibrėžimą. 4. Identifikuoti pagrindinius virusinės internetinės rinkodaros komunikacijos kanalus. 5. Palyginti interneto vartotojų ir turizmo įmonių rinkodaros specialistų suvokimą ir reagavimą į virusinės internetinės rinkodaros komunikacijos kanalus. Pagrindiniai rezultatai ir išvados: Išanalizavusios mokslinę literatūrą nustatėme, kad virusinė internetinė rinkodara priskiriama vienai iš internetinės rinkodaros formų, kuri yra modifikuoto „Aštuonių P“ internetinės rinkodaros komplekso elemento - rėmimo dalis ir kurios veikimas prasideda nuo pranešimo skleidimo vartotojams, sukeldamas provokuojančias emocijas, jis skatina vartotojus komunikuoti ir platinti jį per savo socialinius tinklus. Pagrindinius komunikacijos kanalus: el. paštas, video, „Blogai“, socialiniai tinklapiai, forumai, internetiniai žaidimai. Mūsų sudarytas virusinės internetinės rinkodaros apibrėžimas - tai panaši į virusą, greitai sklindanti reklaminė žinutė, kuri skatina savanorišką informacijos platinimą tarp individų. Tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad el. paštas ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / -.

Slang matek na internetových diskusních serverech / The Mommy jargon on Internet Forums

CÍSAŘOVÁ, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the analysis of the "mother language" on the Czech Internet forums (especially on emimino.cz, baby-cafe.cz, mimibazar.cz). In the theoretical part the author introduces the varieties of the national language. She defines the characteristics, structure and social differentiation of the analysed sociolect. Then she presents the fundamental aspects of human communication and also devotes to the particularities of communication on the Internet. In the practical part she carries out a language analysis of the collected material. She focuses primarily on the lexical means, mainly diminutives, compounds and abbreviations. The aim of the thesis is to present the specific type of expressing and at the same time to contribute to the research of the non-standard Czech language with this study.

Výzkum trhu kurzů písemné komunikace / The Market Research of The Written Communication Courses

Čeladníková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The principal theme of this work is the courses of written communication. The theoretical part mainly focuses on the business plan and the market research. The practical part describes the evolution of internet communication and continues with a business plan which comprises the concept of courses of written communication. Based on the market research, the goal of the work is to find out whether the chosen focus group would be interested in this kind of courses. The market research consists of the secondary and primary research. The primary quantitative research served as a tool to update the secondary data. As a qualitative research the author used the individual in-depth interviews. The work concludes by evaluating the results of the market research and serves as a recommendation for managers of educational institutions.

Online propagace malého internetového obchodu / Online propagation of a small e-commerce

Purnochová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation titled Online propagation of a small e-commerce is focused on the propagation of the e-commerce on the Internet and on the online communication mix creation. At the beginning it briefly outlines the online marketing theory. The first chapter defines the term marketing and shows its targets, presents communication mix on the Internet, then it describes the czech statistics of the use of the internet and of online promotion. The second chapter is then focused on the application of some forms of propagation to the model e-commerce, which is selling sports clothes. The last part of the dissertation evaluates particular parts of the online communication mix and compares the paid promotion with regard to the orders and to the e-commerce attendance. In the end there are drawn up some recommendations, which could be useful for some similar e-commerces.

Tvoření deantroponymických jmen v ruštině a češtině od antroponym cizího původu na materiálu webových stránek věnovaných filmům, seriálům a fan-fikci / Derivation of deanthroponymic personal names in Russian and Czech from foreign anthroponyms on web pages, related to films, TV-series and fanfiction

Andreeva, Dariia January 2021 (has links)
(in English) The aim of the diploma thesis is to reveal the particularities in the derivation of hypocorisms from names of foreign origin in Czech and in Russian on websites, related to films, TV-series and fanfiction. The first part of the diploma thesis is dedicated to the theoretical questions such as the difference in the semantics of hypocorisms and official personal names, the methods of derivation, typical for hypocorisms in Czech and in Russian and their usage. In the second part, the derivation of hypocorisms from names of foreign origin in Czech and in Russian on websites, related to films, TV-series and fanfiction is revealed.

Integrationen av IKT-verktyg för kunskapsdelning : En kvalitativ analys av hur Microsoft Teams påverkar kunskapsdelning inom en IT-konsultverksamhet / Integration of ICT-technologies for Knowledge Sharing : A Qualitative Analysis of how Microsoft Teams Impacts Knowledge Sharing within an IT-consulting firm

Björkman, Ludvig, Karlsson Lindström, Olivia, Gruffman Lundin, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
With the rapidly increasing pace of developments in the IT industry there is now rising pressure on companies to maintain a high standard of competency in their workforce. As a result, a lot of research has been put into how best to assist in this competence development as well as how ICT technologies can play a part in this endeavour. One platform that is widely used as a communication tool within organizations is Microsoft Teams, with over 270 million users. However, there is little research looking into how Microsoft Teams is used and how this usage supports knowledge sharing within organizations. This case study aimed to fill this gap by providing insight into how Microsoft Teams impacts information availability and knowledge sharing within an IT-consulting firm. Furthermore, the purpose was to look how workers inside the organization experience the integration and use of Teams and its positive and negative aspects. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees within the organization with varying tenures. The results show an overall positive inclination among the employees toward the use of Microsoft Teams, with it improving information availability and arenas for communication. However, the results also indicate that the use of Microsoft Teams causes an overload in information and communication which under certain circumstances can become a distraction. The study contributes insights into the causes of these positive and negatives effects and provides a discussion whether Teams should be considered an Enterprise Social Media Platform in the context of the chosen

Твиттер Владимира Жириновского: лингвориторический анализ : магистерская диссертация / Twitter of Vladimir Zhirinovsky: linguistic analysis

Караульных, Д., Karaulnyh, D. January 2017 (has links)
Master's thesis is devoted to the analysis of records in Twitter by Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In the introduction, the research objectives are specified, the observations of specialists considering the features of Vladimir Zhirinovsky's image are summarized, and the research hypothesis is formed. The first chapter considers modern Internet communication, describes its forms and genres, establishes a functional range of blogs of politicians. In the second chapter, the results of a free associative experiment are given, which allow us to establish the rhetorical potential of the keywords that occur in Twitter. The syntactic component of Twitter is analyzed. When considering lexical means, special attention is paid to socio-political, socio-economic vocabulary, and separately examined axiologically marked vocabulary. The conclusion includes formulations of the final results of the study. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена анализу записей в Твиттере Владимира Жириновского. Во введении отмечаются целевые установки исследования, обобщаются наблюдения специалистов, рассматривающих особенности имиджа Владимира Жириновского, формируется гипотеза исследования. В первой главе рассматривается современная интернет-коммуникация, описываются ее формы и жанры, устанавливается функциональный диапазон блогов политиков. Во второй главе приводятся результаты свободного ассоциативного эксперимента, позволяющие установить риторический потенциал ключевых слов, встречающихся в Твиттере политика. Анализируется синтаксическая составляющая Твиттера политика. При рассмотрении лексических средств особое внимание уделяется общественно-политической, социально-экономической лексике, отдельно рассматривается аксиологически маркированная лексика. Заключение включает формулировки итоговых результатов исследования.

親情Online:網路媒介與家庭溝通型態之相關研究 / Family online:the correlational study of the Internet and family communication patterns

沈孟燕 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦科技的普及,網路逐漸成為親子溝通的工具之一,父母和孩子也與其他的關係一樣,在網路上相處、溝通與互動,然而目前的網路研究中,親子溝通鮮少成為研究的對象,而家庭傳播中對網路的討論,則大多將焦點集中在新科技使用與家庭生活時間的互斥與否的爭議之上,網路在此研究脈絡中喪失了溝通互動的性質,本研究並不企圖否定過去對電腦與家庭關係中的互動討論,而是期望加入目前實際生活中,網路在親子關係中所發揮的溝通功能,而使網路在親子溝通的角色可以更加完備。 本文以網路問卷調查的方式,期望瞭解在強調父母威權(社會取徑)與鼓勵與子女互動(概念取徑)的兩種不同家庭中,子女對媒介特質的感知有何差異,以及是否會有不同的網路關係維持行為。研究結果指出,家庭中越是強調父母權威,子女越能感受到:網路讓他們比較敢向父母表達自身想法,並且也越能在與父母溝通前有更多時間好好地組織自己想法,而越是重視父母權威的家庭,子女也越會傾向在網路中與父母分享心事與表現出對父母的體諒,網路讓這些原來關係緊張的親子之間有了更多親密互動的可能。 / With the population of the computer technology, internet has become one of the tools of parent-child communication. Parents and children nowadays also interacted and communicated on line, just like any other relationships. However, parental communication rarely became the topic in the study about the internet. In family communication research, the researchers always talked about whether the internet interaction reduces the actual interaction in family life. In this thesis, the context of this idea lacked the communicative function of the internet., This study investigates how children have different perception of media characteristics and different internet communication behavior in the social oriented families (that emphasis parent’s power) and concept oriented families (that encourage children to share their opinions). Firstly, the study finds that the children from social oriented families are more likely to feel that they have more various topics which are unable to show while being together with their parents by face-to-face. Secondly, they consider that they are able to arrange their ideas more perfectly before talking with their parents. Moreover, the finding also indicates that the children from social oriented families are willing to share their secrets and express understanding for their parents on line. Thus, for the social oriented families, the internet provides another way to improve parental relationships.

Blogs de mães enlutadas: o luto e as tecnologias de comunicação / Bereaved Mothers Blogs: mourning and communication technologies

Frizzo, Heloisa Cristina Figueiredo 07 August 2015 (has links)
A internet e as novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação vêm transformando as relações sociais e o modo de pensar e agir da sociedade contemporânea, particularmente no que diz respeito a espaços de encontro, partilha, interação, discussão de ideias e temas de interesse comum. A expressão do luto na internet tem sido observada com frequência no ciberespaço, especialmente em blogs e redes sociais. Assim, é relevante investigar as repercussões desta prática nos processos de enfretamento do luto. Objetivo: Compreender a experiência de mães enlutadas sobre a criação e manutenção de um blog temático relacionado à perda de um filho. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, a partir da etnografia virtual, com análise de blogs de autoria de mães, cuja temática principal é a perda de um filho. Participaram deste estudo seis mães e respectivos blogs seis de sua autoria. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de observação participante, entrevista semiestruturada e formulário de análise dos blogs. A análise comparativa dos dados permitiu conhecer a experiência das mães ao criar e manter um blog sobre a perda de um filho. Experiência esta composta por seis unidades temáticas: Entrando em contato com a perda, Criação do blog, Cultura do blog, Interações on e off line, Enfrentando o luto e Buscando significado na perda, que se interrelacionam ao longo da experiência. A articulação das temáticas, discutidas à luz de referenciais explicativos afins, contribui para a compreensão da experiência de Ocupar-se de blogar uma estratégia de enfrentamento do luto e restauração da vida de mães após a perda de um filho. Resultados: O ato de ocupar-se de blogar foi analisado como estratégia mediadora do enfrentamento do luto e restauração da vida de mães após a perda de um filho, em movimentos alternados. Ao enfrentar o luto, através da atividade de blogar, as mães tiveram a oportunidade de entrar em contato com a perda, desenvolver estratégias de enfrentamento do luto e buscar sentido e significado para a perda. Alternadamente ao movimento de enfrentamento do luto, foi possível, às mães, vivenciarem oportunidades de restauração/restabelecimento da vida. Assim, a experiência contribuiu ora para a vivência e ressignificação da perda, ora para a restauração da vida após a perda do filho, em movimentos alternados. Ao criar blogs sobre a perda de um filho, de acordo com cultura em rede, as mães produziram interações sociais, que contribuíram para o apoio e o suporte social, além de ressignificação da vida e das ocupações, apesar da perda. Considerações finais: A prática de ocupar-se de blogar sobre a perda de um filho constitui-se em espaços virtuais de expressão, escuta, apoio e suporte social para as mães, num contexto social em que a acolhida ao luto é restrita. Os resultados contribuem para instrumentalizar as equipes de saúde a implementarem, a partir do ciberespaço e de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, estratégias de cuidado ao enlutado que o auxiliem a restabelecer e reorganizar a vida, ressignificar suas relações com o falecido, consigo e com o mundo que o cerca. / Introduction: The internet and new communication and information technologies are transforming social interactions and the way of thinking and acting of contemporary society, particularly regarding meeting environments, sharing, interacting, discussing ideas and issues of common interest. The mourning expression on the Internet has been frequently observed in cyberspace, especially in blogs and social networks. Therefore, it is relevant to investigate the repercussions of this practice in the coping processes. Objective: To understand the experience of bereaved mothers about the creation and maintenance of a thematic blog related to loss of a child. Methods: This is a qualitative research, based on virtual ethnography, with analysis of blogs written by bereaved mothers, in which their main theme is the loss of their children. The study included six mothers and their six blogs. Data were gathered through participant observation, semi-structured interviews and an analysis sheet for each blog. The comparative analysis of the data allowed the comprehension of the experience of mothers in creating and maintaining a blog about the loss of a child. This experience consists of six thematic units: Getting in touch with the loss, Creating the blog, The culture of the blog, Interacting on and offline, Facing grief and Seeking meaning in loss, that are interrelated through the experience. The articulation of the thematic units, discussed in light of related theoretical framework, contributes to understanding the experience Getting busy by blogging a grief coping strategy and life restoration experience for mothers after the loss of a child. Results: The act of blogging was analyzed as either a grief coping strategy or a life restoration for mothers after the loss of a child, in an alternation movement. When facing grief through blogging activity, mothers had the opportunity to get in touch with loss, develop grief coping strategies and to search for meaning and significance to the loss. Alternating with the grief coping motion, it was possible, for mothers, to experience opportunities for restoration/restoration of life. So, the experience contributed to reframing the loss, and for restoring their own lives after the loss of their children. By creating blogs on the loss of a child, according to network culture, mothers created social interactions, which increased their social support, as well as gave them a redefinition of life and occupations, despite their loss. Final considerations: the act of blogging about the loss of a child creates a virtual space for expressing, listening, supporting and receiving social support for mothers in a social context in which the reception to mourning is limited. The results contribute to instrumentalize health professionals to implement care strategies, using cyberspace and new information and communication technologies, that assist grieving persons to restore and reorganize their lives, reframe their relationship with the deceased, with themselves and the world around them.

Onions in the queue

Tschorsch, Florian 07 July 2016 (has links)
Performanz ist ein zentraler Bestandteil des Designs von Anonymisierungsdiensten. Ihre zunehmende Popularität führt jedoch zu einer hohen Netzwerklast, die unzulängliche Entwurfsentscheidungen imminent macht. Die Anforderungen und die vielschichtige Architektur von Anonymisierungsdiensten machen die Thematik zu einem anspruchsvollen und zugleich inspirierenden Forschungsgegenstand. Die vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert das Design von sogenannten Niedriglatenz-Anonymisierungsdiensten im Allgemeinen und dem Tor-Netzwerk als relevantesten Vertreter im Speziellen. Es werden Lösungen für eine Reihe von Forschungsfragen entwickelt, die allesamt das Ziel verfolgen, diese Overlay-Netzwerke zu verbessern und sicherer zu gestalten. Es entsteht ein fundamentales Verständnis zu Netzwerkaspekten in Anonymisierungs-Overlays, das die Netzwerklast, als vorherrschende Ursache für die schwache Performanz, thematisiert. / Performance is a pivot point in the design of anonymity overlays. Due to their growing popularity, they are faced with increasing load, which makes design problems imminent. The special requirements and complex architecture of anonymity overlays renders the topic a challenging but likewise inspiring object of research. In this work, we discuss the design of low-latency anonymous communication systems in general and the Tor network as the de-facto standard in particular. We develop solutions to a number of research questions, all collectively following the aim of enhancing and securing such networks. By doing this we create a fundamental technical understanding of networking aspects in anonymity overlays and tackle the most prevalent performance issue experienced today: network congestion.

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