Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intervervention csrstrategies"" "subject:"intervervention bothstrategies""
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A critical review of language errors in the writing of distance education studentsWard-Cox, Maxine 11 1900 (has links)
‘A critical review of language errors in the writing of distance education students’ examines linguistic competence and investigates the language errors made by a heterogeneous group of 100 entry-level distance education university students with a view to improving their academic writing skills. The research follows a process of error identification and statistical analysis, and reviews intervention strategies based on the findings. Despite the continuing debates on the value of error correction, especially in relation to ‘World Englishes’, language accuracy remains a key factor in determining academic success. This is of particular concern in the South African multi-lingual context and in the light of the under-performance of South African students as evidenced in international comparative studies. The implications of the bimodal pattern of distribution in the review findings are discussed and pedagogically appropriate approaches and intervention strategies are suggested. / English Studies / M.A. (TESOL (Teaching English to speakers of other languages))
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Development of Intervention Strategies for Management of Medical Waste in Vhembe District, South AfricaOlaniyi, Foluke Comfort 07 1900 (has links)
PhD (Public Health) / Department of Public Health / Medical waste is a special type of hazardous waste generated from healthcare facilities. Mismanagement of this waste has a negative impact on healthcare workers, patients and their relatives, medical waste handlers and the community. South Africa, like many other developing countries, is resource-constrained in the management of medical waste and poor practices have been reported across the country, especially in the urban health facilities that have received more attention from researchers. This study was conducted to explore the practices and challenges of medical waste management in Vhembe District, a largely rural district in Limpopo province and develop intervention strategies for better management of the waste in the District. A convergent parallel approach of mixed method design was adopted to achieve the objectives of this study. The target population included the main stakeholders of medical waste management in the district: the Department of Health, healthcare facilities and the waste management company responsible for the treatment and disposal of medical waste in Limpopo Province. The study population from the Department of Health included representatives from the medical waste management section while the waste management company was represented by the manager of the company in Limpopo Province. The samples for the healthcare facilities were drawn from fifteen randomly selected healthcare facilities in the district and included the administrative heads, medical waste generators and medical waste handlers. The study was conducted in three phases. Phase 1 was a qualitative study during which the administrative heads of the selected healthcare facilities, personnel directly involved in medical waste management at the healthcare facilities as well as the representatives from the Department of Health and waste management company were engaged in in-depth interviews. This phase also involved voice recording, observations, field documentation and taking of relevant pictures. Thematic content analysis was used to analyze the data obtained. During phase 2 (quantitative study), a semi-structured questionnaire was employed for data collection from medical waste generators and handlers at the healthcare facilities. A total of 229 questionnaires were retrieved from the participants and were analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25.0. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed; Chi-square and Cramer’s V tests were used to determine the associations between dependent and independent variables, as well as the strength of association where significant relationships exist. Statistical significant level was set at p<0.05 and the results are presented in tables and graphs. The results from both phases were interpreted and discussed simultaneously. Respondents and participants were assured of anonymity of their identities and confidentiality of the information they provided. They were given adequate information about the study and only those who volunteered participated in the study after appending their signatures on the informed consent form. In phase 3, the Medical Research Council Framework was used to develop intervention strategies for improved medical waste management in Vhembe District based on the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) and Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal (PESTEL) analysis techniques. The study revealed inefficient practices of medical waste management in all the healthcare facilities. Rate of medical waste generation was 338.15kg/day, 19.2kg/day and 15.5kg/day of HCRW from the hospitals, community health centers and clinics respectively. Segregation practices were poor, and only 28.4% of respondents rated their healthcare institutions as being excellent with medical waste segregation. The type of occupation was found to be significantly associated with exposure to training (p=0.000) and the level of knowledge about medical waste management (p=0.000). Also, the use of personal protective equipment was found to be significantly associated with training (p=0.011). Transportation and temporary storage were not done according to the recommendation in the guidelines and incineration was the main means of treatment of the waste. The final product of waste treatment is being disposed into an hazardous waste landfill. The challenges encountered in the process of managing medical waste include lack of adequate funding and budget for medical waste management, ineffective and irregular training of healthcare workers, non-compliance to medical waste management guidelines, insufficient bins, substandard central storage rooms, insufficient personal protective equipment and unavailability of Hepatitis B vaccine. The strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of medical waste management in Vhembe District were analyzed and specific intervention strategies were developed to improve on the strength, minimize the weakness, take advantage of the opportunity and combat the threats. The developed strategies were validated. This study provides the evidences of poor management of medical waste in Vhembe District, and shows the need for urgent intervention measures to be put in place. We therefore recommend that the intervention strategies proposed here be evaluated and implemented to mitigate the untoward effects of poor medical waste management among healthcare workers and the community as a whole. / NRF
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Architecture in motion: procesos dinámicos en la reconstrucción post-catástrofeRocchio, Daniele 24 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis de doctorado "Architecture in motion: procesos dinámicos en la reconstrucción post-catástrofe" reflexiona sobre la reconstrucción como un proceso en constante transformación.
El objetivo principal es demostrar la necesidad de contar con una visión procesual de la intervención post-catástrofe para integrar a los usuarios con el entorno cambiante del contexto específico y con el fin de proteger y preservar a la identidad socioespacial del lugar. Para tal fin, se ha utilizado la metodología del reserch-by-design, concretamente en su primera fase de pre-design (observación y proyección), como un proceso de investigación llevado a cabo desde la experiencia vivida en primera persona en la localidad de Chamanga en Ecuador, donde se registró en el 2016 un evento sísmico de 7.8 de la escala Richter.
La estructura del presente texto de investigación está estrictamente relacionada con los métodos utilizados. Por lo tanto, después de la introducción, en la cual se manifiestan el problema, los objetivos, la relevancia, el estado de la cuestión y la metodología y los métodos, se desarrollan los capítulos que ponen las bases teóricas que definirán la reconstrucción post-catástrofe como dinámica. Finalmente, Architecture in motion es el capítulo final que une las reflexiones teóricas de los apartados que analizan el tiempo, la imagen, la realidad espacial, la evolución y el habitar de un contexto post-catástrofe.
El desenlace de la investigación demuestra la importancia de aproximarse a la realidad de la post-catástrofe, desde el pre-design, con una perspectiva dinámica. Por ende, la intervención debe basarse en el concepto de flexibilidad, en donde la adaptabilidad se manifiesta como cuestión multiescalar, tanto del espacio como de quien lo vive o interviene en ello.
El ámbito de esta tesis es teórico, aun siendo consecuencia de la forma experimental en la cual se lleva el estudio de la investigación. Así, se quiere contribuir a la reflexión sobre los conceptos de catástrofe, imagen y temporalidad de la post-catástrofe, indefinición del espacio, evolución del territorio y hábitat para que, una vez analizadas las cuestiones que nacen de la problemática, se puedan definir los aspectos principales a tomar en cuenta en la reconstrucción en clave dinámica. / [CAT] La present tesi de doctorat "Architecture in motion: processos dinàmics en la reconstrucció postcatàstrofe" reflexiona sobre la reconstrucció com un procés en constant transformació.
L'objectiu principal és demostrar la necessitat de comptar amb una visió de procés de la intervenció postcatàstrofe per a integrar als usuaris amb l'entorn canviant del context específic i amb la finalitat de protegir i preservar a la identitat socioespacial del lloc. Per a tal fi, s'ha utilitzat el reserch-by-design, en la fase de pre-design (observació i projecció), com un procés d'investigació dut a terme, des de l'experiència viscuda en primera persona, en la localitat de Chamanga a l'Equador, on es va registrar, en el 2016, un esdeveniment sísmic de 7.8 de l'escala Richter.
L'estructura del present text d'investigació està estrictament relacionada amb els mètodes fets servir. Per tant, després de la introducció, en la qual es manifesten el problema, els objectius, la rellevància, l'estat de la qüestió i la metodologia i els mètodes, es desenvolupen els capítols que posen les bases teòriques que definiran la reconstrucció postcatàstrofe com a dinàmica. Finalment, Architecture in motion és el capítol final que uneix les reflexions teòriques dels apartats que analitzen el temps, la imatge, la realitat espacial, l'evolució i l'hàbitat d'un context postcatàstrofe.
El desenllaç de la investigació demostra la importància d'aproximar-se a la realitat de la postcatàstrofe, des del pre-design, amb una perspectiva dinàmica. Per tant, la intervenció ha de basar-se en el concepte de flexibilitat, on l'adaptabilitat es manifesta com a qüestió multiescalar, tant de l'espai com de qui el viu o intervé en això.
L'àmbit d'aquesta tesi és teòric, fins i tot sent conseqüència de la forma experimental en la qual s'emporta l'estudi de la investigació. Així, es vol contribuir a la reflexió sobre els conceptes de catàstrofe, imatge i temporalitat de la postcatàstrofe, indefinició de l'espai, evolució del territori i hàbitat perquè, una vegada analitzades les qüestions que naixen de la problemàtica, es puguen definir els aspectes principals a tenir en compte en la reconstrucció en clau dinàmica. / [EN] This doctoral thesis, "Architecture in motion: dynamic processes in post-catastrophe reconstruction," reflects on reconstruction as a process in constant transformation.
The main objective is to demonstrate the need to have a processual vision of post-catastrophe intervention to integrate users with the changing environment of the specific context in order to protect and preserve the socio-spatial identity of the place. For this purpose, the research-by-design has been used, in the pre-design phase (observation and projection), as a research process carried out from experience lived in first person in the town of Chamanga in Ecuador, where a seismic event of 7.8 on the Richter scale was recorded in 2016.
The structure of this research text is strictly related to the methods used. Therefore, after the introduction, in which the problem, the objectives, the relevance, the state of the question, and the methodology and methods are manifested, the chapters introduce the theoretical bases that will define post-catastrophe reconstruction as a dynamic are developed. Finally, Architecture in motion is the final chapter that unites the theoretical reflections of the sections that analyze time, image, spatial reality, evolution, and living in a post-catastrophe context.
The outcome of the investigation demonstrates the importance of approaching the post-catastrophe reality, from the pre-design, with a dynamic perspective. Therefore, the intervention must be based on the concept of flexibility, where adaptability is manifested as a multiscalar issue of both the space and those who live it or intervene in it.
The field of this thesis is theoretical, even though it is a consequence of the experimental way the study of the investigation is carried out. This dissertation wants to contribute to the reflection on the concepts of catastrophe, image, and temporality of the post-catastrophe, lack of definition of space, and the evolution of the territory and habitat so that, once the issues arising from the problem have been analyzed, the main aspects to be taken into account in the reconstruction can be defined. / Rocchio, D. (2023). Architecture in motion: procesos dinámicos en la reconstrucción post-catástrofe [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195439
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Arquitectura de tierra en yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica: estudio de riesgos naturales, sociales y antrópicos y estrategias de conservación.Manzano Fernández, Sergio 10 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] La tierra ha constituido uno de los materiales constructivos de mayor antigüedad y presencia en las sociedades del pasado, dada su elevada disponibilidad en el entorno, sencilla obtención y transformación. Durante los diferentes periodos históricos, el desarrollo de técnicas constructivas como las mixtas, el amasado, el adobe o la tapia, ha respondido a tradiciones y culturas constructivas específicas que, en base a la experimentación, suponen un perfeccionamiento en su ejecución en aras de mejorar las propiedades mecánicas y físicas, así como dar una respuesta personalizada a los agentes de degradación. Por ello, se trata de construcciones capaces de arrojar datos de gran relevancia en la caracterización de estas sociedades, su delimitación territorial, migraciones, contactos o formas de vida; pero también de constituir herramientas para su transmisión al gran público mediante el reconocimiento físico y visual de las mismas.
En los años recientes, la construcción con tierra de la antigüedad ha suscitado un interés renovado en el ámbito académico, debido al atesoramiento de dicha información en tanto a las técnicas constructivas; y en el de conservación, dadas las contradicciones experimentadas en la prolongación de su vida útil, reducción del mantenimiento derivado del desuso y retención de valores de autenticidad. Sin embargo, son numerosos los factores que amenazan y dificultan la preservación de estos vestigios, al tratarse de una arquitectura desprovista de sus sistemas de protección tradicionales, con un encaje y funcionalidad limitada en la sociedad actual, y una comprometida valoración del material, asociado a connotaciones negativas y a la pobreza constructiva.
El objetivo de la presente tesis es abordar el panorama peninsular en este marco, atendiendo a los contextos de mayor fragilidad y priorizando la arquitectura de tierra doméstica, productiva y funeraria adscrita a los periodos prehistórico, protohistórico, romano o, en menor medida, medieval. De esta forma, identificar, por una parte, una muestra representativa de casos de estudio con vestigios conservados in situ, y generar una base de datos tanto de
origen bibliográfico (estudio de técnicas constructivas), como con información actualizada (estado de conservación y transformación actual), a través de la toma de los mismos en visitas de campo. Por otra, proponer una metodología de evaluación que represente los principales factores de peligrosidad en la dimensión natural (sismo, inundación, desertificación y precipitación), social y antrópica, en aras de establecer, por comparación y cruce de datos institucionales, grados de vulnerabilidad y riesgo que favorezcan la prevención y planificación de estrategias de conservación. / [CA] La terra ha constituït un dels materials constructius de major antiguitat i presència en les societats del passat, d'acord amb la seua elevada disponibilitat en l'entorn, senzilla obtenció i transformació. En els diferents períodes històrics, el desenvolupament de tècniques constructives com les mixtes, la paret de mà, els tovots o la tàpia, ha respost a tradicions i cultures constructives específiques que, atesa l'experimentació, suposen un perfeccionament en la seua execució a fi de millorar les propietats mecàniques i físiques, així com donar una resposta personalitzada als agents de degradació. Per això, es tracta de construccions capaces de llançar dades de gran rellevància en la caracterització d'aquestes societats, la seua delimitació territorial, migracions, contactes o formes de vida; però també de constituir eines per a la seua transmissió al gran públic mitjançant el reconeixement físic i visual.
En els últims anys, la construcció amb terra de l'antiguitat ha suscitat un interés renovat en l'àmbit acadèmic, a causa del tresorejament d'aquesta informació en tant a les tècniques constructives; i en el de conservació, d'acord amb les contradiccions experimentades en la prolongació de la seua vida útil, reducció del manteniment derivat del desús i retenció de valors d'autenticitat. No obstant això, són nombrosos els factors que amenacen i dificulten la preservació d'aquests vestigis, en tractar-se d'una arquitectura desproveïda dels seus sistemes de protecció tradicionals, amb un encaix i funcionalitat limitada en la societat actual, i una compromesa valoració del material, associat a connotacions negatives i a la pobresa constructiva.
L'objectiu de la present tesi és abordar el panorama peninsular en aquest marc, atesos els contextos de major fragilitat i prioritzant l'arquitectura de terra domèstica, productiva i funerària adscrita als períodes prehistòric, protohistòric, romà o, en menor mesura, medieval. D'aquesta manera, identificar, d'una banda, una mostra representativa de casos d'estudi amb vestigis conservats in situ, i generar una base de dades tant d'origen bibliogràfic (estudi de tècniques constructives), com amb informació actualitzada (estat de conservació i transformació actual), a través de la recollida d'aquests en visites de camp. Per una altra, proposar una metodologia d'avaluació que represente els principals factors de perillositat en la dimensió natural (sisme, inundació, desertificació i precipitació), social i antròpica, a fi d'establir, per comparació i encreuament de dades institucionals, graus de vulnerabilitat i risc que afavorisquen la prevenció i planificació d'estratègies de conservació. / [EN] Earth has been one of the oldest and most widely used building materials in past societies, given its high availability in the environment, ease of production and transformation. Throughout different historical periods, the development of construction techniques such as wattle and daub, cob, adobe, and rammed earth has been influenced by specific construction traditions and cultures. Through experimentation, these techniques have been refined to improve their mechanical and physical properties, as well as to provide personalised responses to degradation. Consequently, these constructions yield significant data for the characterization of these societies, their territorial boundaries, migrations, contacts, and ways of living. They also serve as tools for public dissemination through their physical and visual recognition.
In recent years, ancient earth construction has sparked renewed interest in the academic and conservation fields. The accumulation of knowledge regarding these construction techniques and the challenges experienced in extending their lifespan, reducing maintenance resulting from disuse, while preserving their authenticity values, have contributed to this interest. However, numerous factors threaten and complicate the preservation of these remnants, as they lack traditional protective systems, have limited fit and functionality in today's society, and are associated with negative connotations and poor construction quality.
The objective of this thesis is to address the situation on the Iberian Peninsula within this circumstances, focusing on contexts of greater fragility and prioritizing domestic, productive, and funerary earthen architecture from prehistoric, protohistoric, Roman, and to a lesser extent, medieval periods. The aim is twofold: first, to identify a representative sample of case studies with preserved remains in situ and generate a database from both bibliographic sources (study of construction techniques) and updated information (current state of conservation and transformation) through field visits and data collection. Second, to propose an evaluation methodology that encompasses the main factors of natural (earthquakes, flooding, desertification, and precipitation), social, and anthropic hazards. By comparing and cross-referencing institutional data, this methodology aims to establish degrees of vulnerability and risk that facilitate prevention and conservation planning strategies. / Gracias al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, por financiar la presente tesis en
el Centro de Investigación en Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Gestión para el
Desarrollo Sostenible de la Universitat Politècnica de València, así como las
estancias de índole internacional y nacional durante los años de desarrollo. / Manzano Fernández, S. (2023). Arquitectura de tierra en yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica: estudio de riesgos naturales, sociales y antrópicos y estrategias de conservación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/197994
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Caregivers are socializing agents for their children and play an important role in their psychosocial development and desistance from criminal pathways. When children’s psychosocial needs are unmet by their caregivers, social workers play an important role in supporting their healthy development. Considering the increased attention by scholars toward caregiver engagement in children’s interventions, and the acknowledgment of emergent power dynamics in the interaction between caregivers and social workers, it is of interest to explore broader influences of engagement. This paper compares the experiences of social workers and caregivers at an outpatient treatment working on behalf of Swedish Social Services. Caregiver engagement in children’s psychosocial development is discussed from stereotypes and broader sociocultural influences to explore potential power dynamics. The findings suggest that caregiver engagement is not a simple dichotomy of good or bad. Instead, sociocultural influences such as shame, guilt, and blame, along with integrational processes and sociocultural norms are indicative of inclusive and exclusive processes of caregiver engagement. Failure to address intercultural misunderstandings and failure to recognize individual needs beyond the caregiver identity are perceived as discriminatory factors contributing to unfair assessments of caregiver capabilities and practices. Consequently, power dynamics resulting in discriminatory assessments have led to fear and mistrust towards Swedish authorities, leading caregivers to avoid seeking support. This avoidance from caregivers could potentially result in children persisting on criminal or deviant pathways. Therefore, the result warrants awareness of unequal or unjust assessments of caregiver engagement based on prejudice toward cultural and social stereotypes. Practically, this emphasizes the implementation of individualized interventions that promote open communication, trust, and intercultural learning.
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