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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vergiftungen durch Petermännchen (Echiichthys spp.) - Eine retrospektive Analyse von 323 humanen Expositionen des Giftinformationszentrums-Nord / Intoxications with (Echiichthys spp.) - A retrospective analysis of 323 cases by the Poisons Centre for northern Germany

Kilian, Adrienne 03 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.


McIlvain, Gary Eugene 01 January 2008 (has links)
Recently, energy drinks that contain high caffeine content without any age restrictions for purchase, have been introduced into the U.S. market. Caffeine consumption in the U.S. has increased dramatically, resulting in an increase in emergency room visits and calls to poison control centers. This increase in energy drink consumption, along with the traditional coffees, teas, and soft drinks that people consume regularly, have pushed caffeine consumption to new highs in a multi-billion dollar market. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the amount of caffeine consumed by a sample of freshmen students at Marshall University, (2) their beliefs regarding caffeine consumption, (3) reported perceived benefits and adverse effects of caffeine consumption, (4) reasons for consuming or refraining from consuming caffeine, and (5) predictors of high and low caffeine consumption. Eighty three percent reported having at least one sign/symptom of caffeine intoxication in the past while 51% reported having at least one sign/symptom of caffeine withdrawal. More than 78% consumed above the recommended 200mg of caffeine per day. The mean milligram of caffeine consumed per day in the present study was 849.86, which computes to 12.08 mg/kg/day. This was three to five times the recommended amount. Father’s social index, participation in organized activity in college, and three items for concentration, keep awake, and wake up (items of alertness) were statistically significant predictors of caffeine consumption. Respondents that participated in organized activity while in college consumed on average 60.7% more caffeine than those who indicated they did not participate in organized activity while in college. Every time the three items for concentration, keep awake, and wake up increased one point, caffeine consumption increased on average 41.1%. Females were more likely to believe that caffeine is addictive than their male counterparts. Beliefs of negative consequences of caffeine consumption did not deter caffeine consumption. Slightly more than 60% reported using caffeine to wake up in the morning and more than 76% reported using it to stay awake. This was consistent with reported beliefs of the effects of caffeine consumption. Implications for education were discussed.

Nietzsche's monster of energy : the self-creation of the great man

Townsend, Simon January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis I develop an account of Nietzsche’s great man framed around the idea that he is a ‘monster of energy.’ In the first part I establish that Nietzsche developed a criterion to assess the value of values, centred on whether they express abundance or exhaustion. Cultivating an abundance of energy is the key to how we should approach the problem of suffering, how we master ressentiment, and ultimately, how we experience authentic joy. We should thus use energy expenditure as the standard to evaluate the different narratives that we use to interpret ourselves and our existence. In the second part I use this criterion to establish the types of narratives most conducive to creating oneself as the monster of energy. I argue that the great man should desire to determine his own will, should cultivate strength of character, believe in the freedom of his will, and take responsibility for the self that he has created. Finally, I examine the attitude the great man should adopt towards his past, and argue that we should reject the idea that the eternal return plays an important role in the process of becoming a great man, since this process should emphasise the necessity of self-mastery, asceticism, and the cultivation of a unified and volitional self.

Élaboration d’un module de raisonnement adaptable dédié aux risques liés à l’utilisation d’une cuisinière par des personnes âgées

Goujeau, Camille January 2017 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la personne implique généralement un déclin des fonctions cognitives et physiques pouvant apporter des risques dans la vie de tous les jours. Les personnes âgées tendent à vouloir rester vivre chez elles le plus longtemps possible, afin de conserver un sentiment d’indépendance. Cependant, cette volonté peut nécessiter des aménagements au domicile de la personne, afin d’assurer sa sécurité et rassurer son entourage. Cette sécurité passe notamment par la cuisine, qui est un lieu à haut risque. Un incendie peut facilement se déclarer si la personne âgée n’est pas assez attentive à ce qu’elle cuisine, tout comme la personne peut se brûler ou être intoxiquée par les émanations de fumées. Pour pallier à cette problématique de l’utilisation de la cuisinière par une personne âgée, nous proposons Inovus, un système permettant la prévention des risques majeurs liés à l’utilisation de la cuisinière, ainsi que des méthodes d’interventions pour avertir et protéger la personne de ces risques. Inovus regroupe un ensemble de capteurs surveillant des paramètres critiques liés à l’utilisation d’une cuisinière, dans le but de prévenir efficacement les trois risques majeurs identifiés, à savoir les incendies, les brûlures et les intoxications. Pour ces trois risques, un niveau de dangerosité est défini grâce à un module de raisonnement et un ensemble de règles linguistiques. En se basant sur ces niveaux de risque, Inovus va déterminer quelles sont les interventions à effectuer auprès de la personne pour l’avertir des risques et la protéger le plus efficacement possible. Ces interventions sont déterminées grâce à module de raisonnement qui évalue le niveau de risque auquel la personne est confrontée et décide des interventions les plus appropriées. Les interventions développées sont sensibles au contexte et à l’activité de la personne. En fonction de la position de la personne dans son domicile et du niveau de risque déterminé, les interventions s’effectueront au niveau de la cuisinière ou bien dans le reste du domicile. Plusieurs méthodes d’interventions sont proposées afin de s’assurer que la personne soit efficacement avertie des risques. Des interventions d’ordre lumineuses et sonores servent principalement à avertir la personne des risques. De plus des interventions sur les appareils intelligents de la personne sont également proposées afin de l’informer de la situation.

Differences in Peer Perception of Alcohol Use, Personal Alcohol Use, and Levels of Intoxication Among Students at Virginia Commonwealth University from 2002 to 2004.

Evans, William 07 April 2010 (has links)
This study involves the examination of National Collegiate Health Assessment (NCHA) data collected by the VCU Wellness Resource Center. This study will compare trends in college student health behavior perceptions and personal activity regarding alcohol use, as self-reported via the NCHA data, with a particular focus on a comparison between 2002, which is the year that the Wellness Resource Center (then known as the Office of Health Promotion) first implemented an alcohol education campaign based upon a “social norms” theoretical framework, and 2004, after 18 months of intensive campaigning. Thus, the aim of the project is to examine the changes in student behavior regarding alcohol usage and student perceptions in the prevalence of alcohol usage, after two years of social norms-based campaigning, while controlling for factors such as sex and place of residence. The measures that are analyzed are based upon the number of alcoholic drinks that students reported imbibing during the last time they socialized and the number of alcohol drinks that the students reported to be what they considered the norm during such periods of socializing. This data is supplemented by a calculation of blood alcohol concentration (BAC), acquired through use of personal information that students reported on the NCHA, in order to more accurately describe student drinking behaviors.

Studie adsorpčních schopností diosmectitu a aktivního uhlí u vybraných modelových sloučenin, které nejčastěji způsobují akutní intoxikaci v České Republice / Study of adsorption efficiency of diosmectite and charcoal on selected model compounds causing acute intoxication in the Czech Republic

Mináriková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The first step in treatment of acute intoxications is usually based on a method suitable to eliminate the toxic agent from the poisoned body. The principle of such a method consists of binding the harmful substances to the surface of a suitable adsorbent material. The aim of the present study was to compare the adsorption ability of two adsorbent materials, namely diosmectite and activated charcoal towards selected model compounds which are most commonly involved in acute intoxication in the Czech Republic. The eleven model compounds were selected: acetylsalicylic acid, α-amanitin, amlodipine, digoxin, phenobarbital, ibuprofen, imipramine, carbamazepine, oxazepam, promethazine, and theophylline. Of the tested compounds, promethazine was most effectively adsorbed to diosmectite. Its adsorption to diosmectite (0.191 ± 0.035 mg promethazine/mg diosmectite) was significantly higher than its adsorption to activated charcoal. Amlodipine, imipramine and carbamazepine were adsorbed both to diosmectite and to charcoal, by analogous efficiencies. The effect of temperature and pH on the adsorption efficiencies of these adsorbents was also evaluated. The utilized pH simulated physiological conditions in the various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Surprisingly, the pH was not found to significantly...

Avaliação de crescentes  teores de zinco dietético no metabolismo do cobre e na prevenção de intoxicação cúprica em ovinos / Evaluation of increasing dietary zinc on copper metabolism and in the prevention of cumulative cooper poisoning in sheep

Minervino, Antonio Humberto Hamad 25 February 2011 (has links)
Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de crescentes quantidades de zinco dietético no metabolismo do cobre e na prevenção de intoxicação cúprica em ovinos. Foram utilizados 40 ovinos, machos, mestiços da raça Santa Inês, distribuídos em 5 grupos experimentais de 8 animais cada, submetidos a diferentes tratamentos com cobre (Cu) e zinco (Zn). Os grupos A, B, C e D receberam diariamente 12 mg de Cu por kg de PV sendo que adicionalmente o grupo A recebeu 1 mg de zinco por kg de PV/dia, o grupo B 4 mg de zinco por kg de PV/dia e o grupo C recebeu 8 mg de zinco por kg de PV/dia. O grupo H (controle), recebeu apenas a dieta basal. O experimento teve duração de 14 semanas. Foi realizada biópsia hepática ao início do estudo e sacrifício dos animais ao término do período experimental para coleta de tecidos e flúidos. Foram determinadas as concentrações de cobre e zinco no fígado, bile e sangue total. Semanalmente foram coletadas amostras de sangue para determinações bioquímicas e hematológicas, bem como realizada pesagem dos animais. Nenhum animal do grupo controle (H) e do grupo C (alto zinco) apresentou manifestação clínica, enquanto um animal dos grupos A, B e D, respectivamente, apresentou quadro clínico característico de intoxicação cúprica acumulativa (lCA). Observou-se uma elevação dos valores de cobre no fígado em todos os grupos experimentais entre o início e o final do experimento, contudo a elevação verificada no grupo H foi marcantemente menor, tendo ocorrido em decorrência de maiores níveis de cobre na dieta basal. Verificou-se ao final do experimento que os grupos A, B, C e D apresentaram maiores concentrações de cobre hepático em relação ao grupo H. O grupo C (alto Zn) teve menor concentração de cobre hepático do que o grupo D, que não recebeu zinco. Os grupos suplementados com zinco apresentaram maiores concentrações de metalotioneína (MT) no fígado em relação aos grupos não suplementados (D e H). Os grupos A e C apresentaram maiores valores de Cu ligado à MT em relação aos grupos D e H. Conseqüentemente houve maior proporção de Cu ligado à MT em relação ao Cu total nos grupos A e C em relação ao grupo D. Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os valores da atividade da yGT entre os grupos suplementados com cobre, havendo apenas uma clara diferença entre o grupo controle e os demais. Ocorreu uma elevação dos valores da atividade da yGT em relação ao tempo zero nos grupos A, B C e D a partir da sétima semana. Observou-se uma elevação dos valores da atividade da AST em relação ao tempo zero nos grupos suplementados a partir da oitava semana do experimento. Não foram verificadas alterações nas variáveis bioquímicas e hematológicas nos grupos experimentais no decorrer do experimento, a exceção dos três animais que apresentaram quadro clínico de ICA. A quantidade de cobre utilizado para desafiar os ovinos foi suficiente para gerar um aumento substancial de cobre hepático e provocar em alguns dos animais quadros característicos de intoxicação cúprica. A adição de altos teores de zinco preveniu a morte de animais no decorrer do experimento; promoveu uma redução na quantidade de cobre acumulado no fígado; estimulou a síntese de metalotioneína hepática; incrementou a quantidade de cobre hepático ligado à metalotioneína; assim como o percentual de cobre hepático ligado a metalotioneína. Essas condições favoreceram a prevenção de quadros de intoxicação por cobre em ovinos. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of increasing quantities of dietary zinc on the metabolism of copper and the prevention of copper toxicosis in sheep. Forty male, mixed breed St. Inês, sheep were divided into 5 experimental groups, each containing 8 animais, and were submitled to different doses of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Animais from Groups A, B, C, and D received 12 mg of Cu per kg of body weight daily (BW). Additionally, those in Group A, B, and C were supplemented with increasing levels of zinc: Group A, 1 mg of Znl kg BW; Group B 4 mg of Znl kg BW; and Group C 8 mg of Zn/kg BW. Group H animais served as controls and received only the basic diet. The experiment occurred during 14 weeks during which hepatic biopsies were done at the beginning of the study, and tissue fragments were collected at the end of the experiment after the animais were euthanized. The concentrations of Zn, Cu, bile, and whole blood were determined. Weekly blood samples were obtained to evaluate biochemical and hematological parameters during which the weight of each animal was recorded. Animais used as controls (Group H) and those that supplemented with elevated doses of Zn (Group C) did not demonstrate clinical manifestation of intoxication. However, one member from Group A, B, and D demonstrated clinical manifestations that were consistent with accumulative copper toxicosis (ACC). Elevated values of hepatic Cu occurred in ali groups between the beginning and the end of the experiment, but this elevation was drastically more reduced in Group H animais due to comparatively reduced Cu levels within the basic diet. At the end of the experiment it was verified that Group A, B, C, and D animais demonstrated more elevated concentrations of hepatic Cu relative to their counterparts from Group H. Members from Group C (elevated Zn) demonstrated reduced concentrations of hepatic copper relative to those from Group D, who did not receive any zinco Members from groups that received Zn supplement demonstrated more elevated concentrations of hepatic metallothionein (MT) relative to those from Groups D and H that did not receive any supplementation. Members from Groups A and D demonstrated more reduced values of Cu bound to MT (Cu-MT), relative to those from Groups D and H. Consequently, there was a greater proportion of Cu- MT relative to total Cu in animais from Groups A and C when compared with those from Group D. Significant differences in the values of yGT activity were not verified between the groups that were supplemented with Cu; there was only a distinct difference between members of the control group and the other groups. There was an elevation in the values of yGT activity relative to time 0 on Groups A, B, C and D effective from the eight week. An increase in the values of AST activity relative to time 0 was observed in animais from groups that were supplemented, this being effective from the tenth week of the experiment. Alterations to biochemical and hematological variables were not observed during the experiment; occurring only in those three animais that demonstrated clinical manifestations of ACC. The amount of copper used to challenge the sheep was adequate to induce a substantial increase of hepatic copper and produce the characteristic manifestations of copper toxicosis in some animais. The addition of elevated values of Zn prevented the death of animais during the experiment; promoted a reduction in the quantity of copper accumulated within the liver; stimulated the synthesis of metallothionein; incremented the quantity and the percentage of hepatic copper bound to metallothionein. These conditions favor the prevention of cupper toxicosis in sheep.

Uso do álcool em idosos: validação transcultural do Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - geriatric version (MAST-G) / Alcohol use in the elderly: cross-cultural validation of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - Geriatric Version (MAST-G)

Kano, Marcia Yumi 21 October 2011 (has links)
Esse estudo tem por objetivo validar o Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - Geriatric Version (MAST-G) e identificar os problemas relacionados ao uso de bebida alcoólica entre os idosos usuários da Unidade Saúde da Família (USF) do município de São Carlos (SP). O desenho metodológico do estudo é do tipo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário contendo as informações sociodemográficas e o MAST-G, seguindo as etapas de tradução e adaptação transcultural. A amostra foi constituída por 111 pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos cadastrados na USF do município de São Carlos. Do resultado, a idade média foi de 70 anos, sendo 45% do sexo masculino e 55% do sexo feminino, escolaridade média de 3 anos e 92% residem com a família. O MAST-G apresentou um bom índice de confiabilidade, com Alfa de Cronbach ? = 0,7873 e por meio da curva de ROC mostrou uma boa especificidade e sensibilidade no valor de corte de 5 respostas positivas, corroborando a literatura internacional. Pode-se concluir que o instrumento é de fácil aplicação e pouco intimidativo, além de ser possível averiguar diversas questões acerca do comportamento do beber do idoso e assim, possibilitando um atendimento especializado, pontual para que o idoso tenha uma assistência de qualidade. / This study aims to validate the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test - Geriatric Version (MAST-G) and to identify the pattern of consumption and alcohol use among elderly users of Family Health Units (USF) in the municipality of São Carlos (SP), Brazil. The methodological design of the study is a descriptive quantitative approach. Data were collected using an instrument that contains sociodemographic information and the MAST-G, following the steps of translation and cultural adaptation. The sample consisted of 111 people aged over 60 years who were enrolled in the USF of São Carlos. The result, the average age was 70 years, 45% male and 55% female, average schooling for 3 years and 92% living with family. The MAST-G had a good level of reliability, with Cronbach\'s alpha ? = 0.7873 and shows a good specificity and sensitivity in cut-off of 5 positive answers, as observed by the ROC curve, in good agreement with the literature. It could be concluded that the instrument is easy to be applied and less intimidating, besides being able to ascertain other questions about the behavior of the life of the elderly so it can allow a specialized service, timely so that the elderly have a better quality of assistance.

Metodologia para identificação cromatográfica de aldicarb em sangue de cães e gatos intoxicados / Methodology for cromatographic identification of aldicarb in blood of intoxicated dogs and cats

Melito, Ana Letícia 19 March 2004 (has links)
O carbamato aldicarb (Temik 150®) é um praguicida de uso freqüente na agricultura e tem como característica alta toxicidade. No Brasil o aldicarb é comercializado de forma ilegal como rodenticida, o que acarreta inúmeros casos de intoxicações em animais domésticos. O presente trabalho desenvolveu uma metodologia comatográfica para detectar o aldicarb em sangue de cães e gatos. As amostras foram analisadas após separação em colunas de aminopropil, por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução, acoplado a detector de UV. As concentrações de aldicarb, utilizadas para o estudo da linearidade variaram entre 150 a 10.000 ng/mL sendo que o valor de r2 foi de 0,995. O limite de detecção (LD) foi definido como 75 ng/mL para o padrão técnico e de 150 ng/mL para a amostra fortificada e o limite de quantificação (LQ) como 150 ng/mL tanto para o padrão técnico como para a amostra fortificada. A recuperação para a concentração média de 2.500 ng/mL, adicionada às amostras de sangue, foi de 2.248 ± 316 ng/mL eqüivalendo a 89,9% do valor adicionado. A recuperação para a concentração baixa de 150 ng/mL, adicionada às amostras de sangue, foi de 101 ± 18 ng/mL eqüivalendo a 68 % do valor adicionado. Os presentes resultados permitem concluir que a metodologia de identificação do aldicarb em sangue mostrou-se adequada, podendo ser empregada no diagnóstico de intoxicação exógena por aldicarb em cães e gatos / The carbamate aldicarb is an insecticide of frequent usage in agriculture and it has hight toxicity as a caracteristic. In Brasil aldicarb is comercialized ilegaly as a rodenticide, this lead to inumerous causes of intoxication in domestic animals. The present record developed a methodology in cromatographic detection of aldicarb in blood of dogs and cats. The samples were analized after aminopropil column separation by hight performance liquid cromatography, acoplished to an UV detector. The concentration of aldicarb used for linearity variated between 150 a 10.000 ng/mL, and the r2 value was 0,995. The detection limit was defined as 75 ng/mL for aldicarb technical standard and 150 ng/mL for the fortificated sample and the quantification limit as 150 ng/mL for both samples. The recovery for medium concentration of 2500 ng/mL, added to the blood samples, was 2.248 ± 316 ng/mL, being equivalence to 89% of added value. The recovery for low concentration of 150 ng/mL, added to the blood samples, was 101 ± 18 ng/mL, being equivalence to 68% of added value. The present results allowed to conclude that the methodology of identification of aldicarb in blood was adequated, and could be employed in the diagnosis of exogenous intoxication by aldicarb for dogs and cats

Eficiência da desintoxicação de amônia em bovinos adaptados ou não com uréia dietética e submetidos a diferentes períodos de privação / Ammonia detoxication efficacy in cattle adapted or not to dietary urea and afterwards undergone to different privation periods

Santos, Néria Vania Marcos dos 16 December 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi realizada para avaliar criticamente a recomendação clássica proposta por Huber (1978), que há necessidade de se promover novo período de adaptação à uréia dietética se os bovinos se abstiverem de receber este nutriente por mais de três dias. Vinte e cinco garrotes foram alimentados com dieta baixa em proteína bruta (10%) e sem uréia dietética e em seguida distribuídos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos iguais, ou seja: controle (O) dieta basal; grupos A, B, C e D alimentados durante 21 dias com a dieta basal e uréia (1% MS). Todos os grupos foram desafiados com uma infusão intravenosa de solução de cloreto de amônio (1,5 M) até o surgimento da convulsão, quando esta foi interrompida. O desafio no grupo A ocorreu no 22o dia do recebimento de uréia; nos grupos B, C e D os desafios foram respectivamente nos dias 4, 15 e 30 dias da abstinência da uréia dietética. O exame clínico e a coleta de amostras de sangue e urina total foram realizados durante a infusão e nas três horas seguintes. Os animais adaptados à uréia (A, B, C e D) necessitaram de maior quantidade de cloreto de amônio para manifestarem convulsão (p<0,001), e demoraram mais para exibirem este sintoma que o grupo controle. Em relação ao grupo controle, os garrotes adaptados, com exceção do grupo C, tiveram um quadro clínico mais brando, se recuperaram mais prontamente e não necessitaram de tratamento médico após o término do experimento. Isto ocorreu devido a maior queda na concentração de amônia sangüínea, causada por uma maior atividade do ciclo da uréia, maior volume urinário e eliminação de amônio neste. Demonstrou-se ainda que a maior produção e eliminação de uréia pelos rins provocou maior diurese, que por sua vez estimulou maior excreção de amônio pela urina, aumentando a eficiência de desintoxicação, especialmente no momento mais crítico do quadro (até uma hora pós-convulsão). Concluiu-se que os animais alimentados previamente com uréia e com abstinência desta na dieta por até um mês não necessitam de novo período de adaptação, contrariando o axioma preconizado por Huber (1978). / This study was carried out to investigate the recommendation stated by Huber (1978) that there is a need to re-adapted cattle that were fed previously with dietary urea, but subsequently were deprived of this nutrient for more than 3 d. Twenty four steers fed a low crude protein ration, deprived of urea, were randomly distributed into 5 equal groups, and were fed as follows: O (control; basal diet); the remaining groups (A,B, C and D) were fed the basal diet + urea (1% D.M.) for 21 d; afterwards the groups B,C and D were fed only the basal diet for 4, 15 and 30 d, respectively. Thereafter, all steers were challenged with an intravenous infusion of ammonium chloride (1.5 M) up to the outcome of convulsion when the infusion was stopped. Throughout the infusion and for 3 h later clinical examination was carried out; blood samples and whole urine were also collected. The steers adapted to urea (A,B,C and D) needed a greater amount of ammonium chloride to cause convulsion (p < 0.001) and took longer to exhibited this symptom than the control group. As compared to the control, all the adapted groups, but the C, had a less severe clinical picture and recovered sooner, and did not require any medical treatment after the end of the experiment. This resistance was due a faster fall in the blood ammonia level, caused by a greater activity of the urea cycle, excretion of a higher excretion of ammonium and urinary volume. It was demonstrated that the higher the production and excretion urea by the kidneys, the greater the diuresis, that by its turn increased the excretion of ammonium into the urine improving the efficiency of detoxification, principally at the most critic moment of the poisoning (from the convulsion up to 1st h later). It was concluded that cattle fed previously with urea and afterwards restricted of urea for up to 30 d do not require a new re-adaptation period, contradicting Huber\'s axiom.

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