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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Značaj intraoperativnog mehaničkog ispiranja u prevenciji kontaminacije kalema kod rekonstrukcije prednje ukrštene veze kolena / Importance of intraoperative mechanical irrigation in prevention of graft contamination in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Rašović Predrag 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Intraoperativna kontaminacija autokalema tokom rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta je i dalje tema koja je predmet stalne debate među ortpedskim hirurzima, a koja se preteţno odnosi na potrebu i način njenog tretmana. Ona nastaje kao posledica naseljavanja uzročnika kontaminacije iz vazduha, sa koţe i sluznica kako pacijenata tako i osoblja, kao i preko nesterilisanih ili nedovoljno sterilisanih instrumenata. Patogeni koji je izazivaju su identični uzročnicima koji izazivaju septični arthritis, pa se smatra jednim od faktora rizika za njegov nastanak. Septični arthritis predstavlja najče&scaron;ću komplikaciju u artroskopskoj hirurgiji uop&scaron;te, a njegove posledice mogu bitno uticati na funkcionalni i mentalni status pacijenata. Zbog toga se smatra da je tretman intraoperativne kontaminacije autokalema tokom rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena mandatoran. Najče&scaron;će primenjivani agensi u tretmanu intraoperativne kontaminacije alokalema predstavljaju različite vrste antiseptičnih i antibiotskih solucija. I pored toga &scaron;to intraoperativna irigacija fiziolo&scaron;kim rastvorom predstavlja jednu od najče&scaron;če primenjivanih procedura tokom hirur&scaron;kih operacija, u savremenoj literaturi je objavljen mali broj radova na temu primene ove procedure u tretmanu intraoperativne kontamninacije. Cilj ove studije je bio da pokaţe da se dekontaminacija autoklema tokom rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena moţe uspe&scaron;no tretirati intraoperativnom mehaničkom irigacijom čistim fiziolo&scaron;kim rastvorom, kao i da odredi koja je količina fiziolo&scaron;kog rastvora dovoljna da izvr&scaron;i potpunu dekontaminaciju autokalema. Jedan od ciljeva se odnosio na utvrđivanje uticaja faktora okruţenja na pojavu intraoperativne kontaminacije. Studija se sastojala iz dva dela- eksperimentalnog i kliničkog. Eksperimentalni deo studije je bio sproveden na Odeljenju za kliničku bakteriologiju Centra za mikrobiologiju Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine i sastojao se iz pravljenja eksperimentalnog modela koji je imao za cilj da u in vitro uslovima obezbedi iste ili pribliţno iste uslove kao i operacionoj sali. On se sastojao od pedeset ispreparisanih i sterilisanih svinjskih tetiva dubokih pregibača prstiju koje su po svojim dimenzijama pribliţno odgovarale humanom prednjem ukr&scaron;tenom ligamentu kolena. Tetive su potom bile kontaminirane unapred određenom koncetracijom najče&scaron;ćeg uzročnika kontaminacije, a to je koagulaza negativan stafilokok ( ATCC 12228 Staphylococcus epidermidis). One su se potom mehanički ispirale sa 500 ml, 1000 ml, i 1500 ml fiziolo&scaron;kog rastvora, a nakon svakog ispiranja uzimao se bris. Brisevi su nakon toga bili zasejavani na krvni agar, a nakon 24h inkubacije su očitavane vrednosti brojanjem kolonija uzročnika. Rezultati eksperimentalnog dela pokazuju da je količina od 1500 ml fiziolo&scaron;kog rastvora dovoljna da izazove potpunu dekontaminaciju tetive. Rezultati eksperimentalnog dela su potom bili primenjivani u kliničkom delu studije koji je obuhvatao 200 ispitanika starosne dobi između 15-50 godina i koje je je bilo sprovedeno na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Kontrolnu grupu su činili onih 100 pacijenata kod kojih je mehaničko intraoperativno ispiranje autokalema neposredno pred njegovu implantaciju vr&scaron;eno pomoću 500 ml fiziolo&scaron;kog rastvora, a ispitivanu grupu su činili drugih sto pacijenata kod kojih je isto to ispiranje izvr&scaron;eno sa 1500 ml fiziolo&scaron;kog rastvora. Rezultati kliničkog dela studije jasno ukazuju da je količina od 1500 ml fiziolo&scaron;kog rastvora kojim se vr&scaron;i intraoperativna mehanička irigacija dovoljna da izvr&scaron;i potpunu dekonaminaciju autokalema kao i da stepen kontaminacije autokalema raste sa povećanjem vremena koje kalem provodi na vazduhu tokom obrade, &scaron;to je u direktnoj vezi sa vremenskim trajanjem operacije i vrstom kalema koji se koristi za rekonstrukciju. Rezultati pokazuju da je rizik za nastanak kontaminacije autokalema u direktnoj vezi sa faktorima okruţenja, odnosno da se porastom broja ljudi u operacionoj sali, kao i redosledom operativnih procedura u toku jednog operativnog dana u smislu da operacije koje počinju kasnije na operativnom programu, povećava i procenat kontaminacije. Intraoperativna mehanička irigacija kontaminiranog autokalema se pokazala kao metoda koja se uspe&scaron;no moţe koristiti u intaoperativnoj dekontaminaciji autokalema tokom rekonstrukcije prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena. Rezultati ove studije se mogu se primeniti i na druge asetne hirurgije i mogu posluţiti i daljim kliničkim istraţivanjima.</p> / <p>Intraoperative contamination of autograft during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction still remains a topic for debate among orthopaedic surgeons mainly concerning the need and the way of its treatment. Graft contamination arises after pathogen settlement from the surrounding air, from skin and mucoses of patient and staff, as well as not enough sterilized instruments. Pathogens found in graft contamination are the same ones who are causes of septic arthritis, which is the most common complication in arthroscopic surgery in general. Consequences of septic arthritis usually leave a huge impact on patient&rsquo;s mental and physical status. In modern surgery, it is mandatory to prevent potential auto-graft contamination by irrigation (during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in knee). Most commonly used agents for intraoperative auto-graft irrigation are variety of antiseptic and antibiotic solutions. Even though intraoperative irrigation with saline solution presents one of the most commonly used procedures during different surgical interventions in general, little is said in literature about its usage in auto-graft contamination. The aim of this study was to show that decontamination of auto-graft during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction of the knee can be successfully done by mechanical irrigation with saline (0,9%) solution and also to define a precise quantity of saline for complete decontamination. Furthermore, effects of different factors in surroundings were inspected. The study consisted of two parts: experimental and clinical. Experimental part was conducted at the Department for clinical bacteriology, at Microbiology Centre at the Institute for public health of Vojvodina. It consisted in making the experimental model with in vitro conditions similar to or as the same as in the operating theatre. Experimental model was made of 50 preparated and sterilized pig tendons of deep finger flexors, which are similar dimensions as human anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. Then, the tendons were contaminated with previously defined concentration of most common cause of contamination which is coagulase negative staphylococcus (ATCC 12228 Staphylococcus epidermidis). Contaminated tendons were mechanicaly irrigated with 500ml, 1000ml and 1500ml saline solution. After each irrigation a swab was taken and put in blood agar to grow. Following 24h of incubation, bacterial colonies were counted. Results of experimental model show that 1500ml of saline solution is required for decontamination of tendon. Results of experimental model were used in clinical part of the study which was conducted at the Clinic for orthopaedic surgery and traumatology in Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. It comprised of 200 patients, who were 15-50 years old. Patients were divided in two equal groups: tested and control group. In control group mechanical irrigation of auto-graft was done prior to its implementation with 500ml saline solution, while in tested group 1500ml of saline was used for irrigation. Results of clinical part of the study show that intraoperative irrigation with 1500ml of saline solution is enough for complete decontamination of auto-graft. Furthermore, degree of auto-graft contamination rises with prolonged exposure time on surrounding air, with incrised number of people in the operating theatre and also with number and sequence of operations during the day. Intraoperative mechanical irrigation proved to be a sufficient method that can be used in intraoperative autograft decontamination during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The results of this study can be applied to other aspects of the surgery and could be used and further clinical<br />studies.</p>

Avaliação intra-operatória da pressão portal e resultados do tratamento cirúrgico da hipertensão portal em pacientes esquistossomóticos / Intraoperative evaluation of the portal pressure and the immediate results of the surgical treatment of the portal hypertension in patients with schistosomiasis

Silva Neto, Walter de Biase da 21 October 2003 (has links)
No Brasil a principal causa de hipertensão portal é a esquistossomose mansônica na sua forma hepato-esplênica, classificada como pré-sinusoidal. Esta doença adquire grande importância epidemiológica, por acometer indivíduos jovens, com função hepática preservada, e por atingir uma grande parcela da população (cerca de 1 milhão de indivíduos). Destes, cerca de 12 a 52% irão apresentar hemorragia digestiva por ruptura de varizes de esôfago. Não existe até o momento nenhum tratamento que se estabeleça como de consenso para esta enfermidade, porém há uma preferência dos autores para o tratamento cirúrgico e, no Brasil, esta recai sobre a desconexão ázigo-portal e esplenectomia geralmente associada a escleroterapia endoscópica das varizes no pós-operatório. Não estão bem estabelecidas as alterações hemodinâmicas portais decorrentes do tratamento cirúrgico da hipertensão portal e sua influência no resultado deste tratamento. Com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto imediato da desconexão ázigo-portal e esplenectomia (DAPE) na pressão portal e os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico da hipertensão portal no que se refere à recidiva hemorrágica e ao calibre das varizes de esôfago, foram estudados 19 pacientes portadores de esquistossomose hepato-esplênica e hipertensão portal com história de hemorragia digestiva alta por ruptura de varizes esofágicas, com idade média de 37,9 anos. Durante a cirurgia foi avaliada a pressão portal, no início e no final do procedimento através da cateterização da veia porta por cateter de polietileno introduzido por veia jejunal. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à endoscopia no pré e pós-operatório para avaliar a variação do calibre das varizes esofágicas. Os pacientes foram acompanhados ambulatorialmente e o tempo médio de seguimento foi de 26 meses. Como resultado obteve-se uma queda na pressão portal média de 31,3% após a DAPE (p=0,0001). No acompanhamento pós-operatório houve redução significativa do calibre das varizes esofágicas quando comparadas com a avaliação pré-operatória (p < 0,05). Apenas um paciente (8,3%) apresentou, durante o acompanhamento, recidiva hemorrágica porém, esta foi decorrente de úlcera gástrica e não de varizes esofágicas. Por fim chegou-se à conclusão de que a desconexão ázigo-portal e esplenectomia promoveu queda imediata na pressão portal, com conseqüente diminuição do calibre das varizes esofágicas, tendo sido eficaz no tratamento da hipertensão portal destes pacientes / The main cause of portal hypertension in Brazil is the hepato-splenic form of mansonic schistosomiasis, which is classified as pre-sinusoidal. It acquires major epidemiological importance because it occurs in young individuals and affects a huge parcel of the population (around 1 million people), 12 to 52% of whom will present digestive hemorrhage due to rupture of esophageal varices. There is no consensus treatment for this disease up to the moment, but there is a predilection for the surgical approach. In Brazil, the most employed technique is the esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy (EGDS), generally associated to late postoperative endoscopical sclerotherapy of the esophageal varices. The hemodynamic alterations in the portal flow resulting from the surgery and their possible influences on the outcome are not well established. With the aim of evaluating the immediate impact of the EGDS upon the portal pressure as well as the results of the surgical treatment on the digestive hemorrhage recurrence and the caliber of the esophageal varices, 19 patients (11males, aged between 18 and 61 years) with hepato-splenic schistosomiasis, presenting portal hypertension and previous episodes of digestive hemorrhage were studied. None of the patients had received any treatment prior to the surgery. The portal pressure was assessed at the beginning and the end of the EGDS through catheterization of the portal vein with a polyethylene catheter introduced through a branch of a jejunal vein. All the patients were submitted to digestive endoscopy before and after the surgery (2 months), in order to classify the caliber of the esophageal varices according to Palmer\'s classification. They also entered the continuous program of endoscopical evaluation and sclerotherapy. The mean clinical follow up period was 26 months. Our results showed that the portal pressure had diminished in all the patients, with a mean decrease of 31.3% after the EGDS. In the postoperative follow up (1 month), the esophageal varices showed a statistically significant reduction in their calibers, when compared to the pre-surgical measurements (p=0.004). Only one patient presented digestive hemorrhage during the follow up period, but it was due to gastric ulcer and not to rupture of esophageal varices. These results have demonstrated that the EGDS promotes an immediate decrease in the portal pressure and a reduction in the caliber of the esophageal varices, thus contributing to the good results of this technique. With the association of EGDS and sclerotherapy of the esophageal varices, no hemorrhagic episodes were observed in this series, during the study

Measuring the effects of direct electrical stimulation during awake surgery of low grade glioma / Mesure des effets de la stimulation électrique directe du cerveau lors de chirurgie éveillée des gliomes de bas grade

Vincent, Marion 07 November 2017 (has links)
La "chirurgie éveillée du cerveau" consiste à retirer des tumeurs cérébrales infiltrantes (gliomes de bas grade, GIBG) à progression lente chez un patient éveillé. Une cartographie anatomo-fonctionnelle du cerveau est réalisée par stimulation électrique directe (SED) des zones proches de la tumeur afin de discriminer les aires cérébrales fonctionnelles de celles qui ne le sont plus. Les effets inhibiteurs de la stimulation sont mis en évidence par les tests neuropsychologiques réalisés par le patient lors de la chirurgie. Cependant, la SED est paramétrée de manière totalement empirique bien qu’utilisée de façon standardisée. De plus, si ses effets comportementaux sont mis en avant, ses effets électrophysiologiques restent plus méconnus. La conservation de la relation entre électrophysiologie (potentiel évoqué, PE) et comportement (fonction) est cruciale lors de chirurgies des GIBG : l’analyse des PE en temps réel permettrait une identification de ces relations au cours même de la chirurgie.Pour cela, nous avons réalisé des enregistrements peropératoires de l’activité électro-corticographique (ECoG) du cortex (CPP, n° ID-RCB : 2015-A00056-43). L’étude de ces enregistrements a permis de mesurer les effets electrophysiologiques de la SED corticale et sous-corticale, en évaluant la réponse du cerveau à la stimulation au travers des PE. Une chaine d'acquisition spécifique à la mesure de l'ECoG a été développée afin de pouvoir à terme mesurer et visualiser les PE en temps réel. De plus, un algorithme de post-traitement a été implémenté afin de réduire la contamination du signal par l’artefact de stimulation.Mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents à la SED, notamment au travers de la mesure des réponses électrophysiologiques, doit permettre de proposer des protocoles peropératoires plus objectifs afin d'améliorer la planification chirurgicale et la qualité de vie des patients. / The ‘Awake brain surgery’ consists in removing some slow-growing infiltrative brain tumor (low grade glioma, LGG) in a patient, to delay its development while preserving the functions. An anatomo-functional mapping of the brain is performed by electrically stimulating brain areas near the tumor to discriminate functional versus nonfunctional areas. The inhibitory effects of this direct electrical stimulation (DES) are evidenced by the neuropsychological tests undergone by the patient during the tumor resection. However, the DES parameters are empirically set even though its use is standardised. Moreover, even if its behavioural effects are well known, its electrophysiological effects have been partially depicted.Preserving the relationship between electrophysiology (evoked potential, EP) and behaviour (function) is crucial in LGG surgery.Intra-operative electrocorticographic recordings (ECoG) of the brain activity were thus performed (CPP, n° ID-RCB : 2015-A00056-43). The electrophysiological effects of cortical and subcortical DES on brain activity have been highlighted, by assessing the response of the brain to the stimulation through EP recordings analysis. A new acquisition set-up has also been specifically developed for ECoG recordings in order to measure and eventually visualise the EP in real-time. Furthermore, a post-processing algorithm has been implemented to reduce the signal disturbances induced by the stimulation artefact.A better understanding of the underlying DES mechanisms, in particular through the measurement of electrophysiological responses, should enable designing more perfected protocols in order to improve the surgical planning, and quality of life of the patients.

Avaliação do desfecho de pacientes que sofreram parada cardiorrespiratória durante o intraoperatório / Risk fators for mortality of patients that suffered intraoperative cardiac arrest

Vane, Matheus Fachini 15 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) é o evento de maior gravidade que pode ocorrer no intraoperatório. A literatura é escassa sobre quais fatores de risco impactam negativamente no desfecho do paciente vítima de PCR no intraoperatório. Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores que impactaram no desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, em até 24 horas, em até 30 dias e em até 1 ano após a PCR. Metodologia: Pacientes com PCR intraoperatória de 2007 a 2014 foram analisados quanto a dados demográficos, comorbidades, uso de droga vasoativa, tempo de PCR, dados gasométricos, eletrolíticos, da coagulação, do hemograma, da função renal e da escala de Glasgow 24 horas após o retorno à circulação espontânea (RCE), bem como variações destes valores entre a admissão e 24 horas após o evento. Estes dados foram avaliados para o desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, até 24 horas, de 24 horas até 30 dias e até um ano. Resultados: 167.574 anestesias e 158 eventos foram localizados. A letalidade intraoperatória, em 24 horas, 30 dias e um ano foi, respectivamente, de 35,4%, 29,4%, 44,4% e 71,6%. A causa da PCR como hipovolemia, hipotensão na admissão do centro cirúrgico e a maior duração foram fatores independentes para a letalidade de intraoperatória. A hipovolemia como causa, a maior duração da PCR, a razão normalizada internacional (RNI) do tempo de protrombina (TP) acima de 1,2 na admissão, o sódio sérico antes da PCR fora do intervalo da normalidade e a relação entre duração e a dose de adrenalina foram fatores independentes para a letalidade em 24 horas. A variação do RNI negativa do TP entre a admissão e ao final das primeiras 24 horas e a escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T após 24 horas da situação foram fatores independentes para a letalidade 30 dias. A escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T, a variação negativa do RNI do TP nas primeiras 24 horas e a duração da PCR foram variáveis independentes para a letalidade 1 ano. Conclusão: A PCR intraoperatória apresenta grande letalidade, sendo que a conjunção de fatores clínicos e laboratoriais está relacionada ao prognóstico / Introduction: Cardiac arrest (CA) is the most devastating event that can take place during the intraoperative period. Data regarding risk factors for a worse outcome of intraoperative CA (ICA) are scarce, especially regarding laboratorial analysis. Objectives: This study analyzed the outcomes and risk factors of patients 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after ICA. Methods: Records of patients that had ICA from 2007 to 2014 were analyzed. Data for demographics, comorbidities, vasoactive drug infusion, ICA duration, electrolytes, acid-base balance, international normalized ratio (INR) of the prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (aTTP), hemoglobin and hematocrit, urea, creatinine, Glasgow Comma Scale (GCS) 24h after ICA were collected. These data were analyzed in the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event. Results: 167,574 anesthesias and 158 ICAs were found. Lethality for the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event were 35.4%, 29.4%, 44.4% e 71.6%, respectively. The hypovolemia as a cause, hypotension at admission, and the ICA duration were independently associated with greater intraoperative mortality. The hypovolemia as a cause, the ICA duration, the INR of the PT at admission, the sodium level before the ICA, and the ratio between adrenaline doses and ICA duration were independently associated with death up to 24 hours after ICA. The negative variation of the INR of the PT and the GCS 24 hours after the ICA were independently associated with mortality in 30 days. The GCS 24 hours after ICA, the worsening of the in INR of the PT in the first 24 hours after ICA and the ICA duration were independently associated with mortality in 1 year. Conclusion: Patients that ICA have a high lethality during the first year of the event. Laboratorial and clinical factors after the ICA are linked to patient´s prognosis

Dor pélvica crônica de origem incerta: caracterização clínico demográfica de 81 doentes / Chronic pelvic pain of uncertain origin. Demographic characterization of a series of 81 patients

Ungaretti Junior, Arthur 06 July 2004 (has links)
Foi caracterizada uma amostra de 81 doentes com dor relevante crônica pélvica de origem indefinida e na ausência de afecções viscerais, segundo a expressão sintomática, aspectos clínicos e síndromes álgicas. A média das idades foi de 48,6 anos. Foram identificadas anormalidades miofasciais pélvica em 55 doentes (67,9%), neuropáticas em 10 (12,3%) e miofasciais e neuropáticas em 16 (19,8%). A descrição verbal da dor e as regiões acometidas pela dor, impactos funcionais, a evidenciação de pontos dolorosos e em gatilhos e os aspectos psicossociais dos doentes foram estabelecidos para melhorar a compreensão da condição clínica dos doentes. Traumatismos decorrentes de traumatismos cirúrgicos estavam relacionados à ocorrência da dor em 36 (44,4%) doentes, sendo dor miofascial em 15 doentes (18,5%), 6 (7,4%) como neuropática e 15 (18,5%) como dor miofascial e neuropática / Eighty-one chronic pelvic pain patients (mean of ages 48.6 years old) without visceral abnormalities and uncertain etiology were characterized according to the symptomatic expression, clinical findings and pain syndromes. It was observed that in 55 patients there was pelvic miofascial pain (67.9%), in 10 patients neuropathic (12.3%) conditions and 16 (19.8%) had miofascial and neuropathic abnormalities. The verbal description of pain, pain aspects as localization, aggravating and improvement factors, functional impact, the occurrence of trigger or tender points and the psychosocial aspects were determined to improve the comprehension of the clinical presentation of the patients. Surgical traumas were related to pain in 26 (32.0%) patients, miofascial pain in 11 (13.6%), neuropathic pain in 5 (6.2%) and miofascial and neuropathic pain in 10 (12.3%)

Ultrassonografia durante cirurgia para metástase cerebral: influência no índice de Karnofsky e volume do tumor residual / Ultrasonography during surgery to treat cerebral metastases: influence on Karnofsky index score and residual tumor volume

Oliveira, Marcelo de Lima 30 May 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Os principais objetivos do tratamento das metástases cerebrais (MC) são no auxílio do controle da doença no encéfalo e a melhora da qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A cirurgia convencional tem um importante papel no tratamento das MCs e os métodos de monitoração intraoperatória podem auxiliar na obtenção de resultados cirúrgicos melhores. Objetivos: Avaliar a influência da ultrassonografia encefálica durante cirurgia para ressecção de MC no índice de Karnofsky e no grau de ressecção do tumor. Métodos: Neste estudo prospectivo controlado e não randomizado, doentes com indicação de tratamento cirúrgico de MCs foram incluídos. A ultrassonografia intraoperatória (USIO) foi realizada por um neurossonologista. O índice de Karnofsky foi avaliado por equipe multidisciplinar de oncologia; o grau de dificuldade para ressecção cirúrgica do tumor foi avaliado pelo cirurgião e o volume tumoral foi avaliado pelo neurorradiologista por meio da RM realizada no pré e pós-operatório. Resultados: Dos 78 doentes, 40 homens e 38 mulheres com idade média de 53 anos, 35 foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico com auxílio da USIO. Não houve diferença estatística no KPS e volume tumoral pré-operatório entre os grupos. O KPS pós-operatório no grupo da USIO foi de 80 e no grupo-controle de 70 (p=0,045). Considerando-se a melhora do KPS no pós-operatório, a quantidade de doentes tiveram melhora do KPS foi superior no grupo da USIO (p=0,036) destacando-se os seguintes subgrupos: tumores com grau de dificuldade de ressecção < 4 (p=0,037), tumores nas áreas eloquentes (p=0,043), tumores não relacionados aos grandes vasos e nervos (p=0,007), e lesões únicas no leito cirúrgico (p=0,038). O tumor residual na RM pós-operatória foi menor no grupo da USIO: 9,5% no grupo da USIO e 30,8% no grupo-controle; 1,6 mm3 no grupo da USIO e 9 mm3 do grupo-controle; p=0,05. Considerando-se doentes com KPS >= 70, o número de doentes com volume de tumor residual inferior a 10% em relação ao volume pré-operatório foi superior no grupo da USIO (p=0,032 e OR de 3,8). Conclusão: Os achados deste estudo sugerem que a USIO encefálica pode influenciar na melhora do índice de Karnofsky e na redução do volume de tumor residual / Object: The goals of treating a cerebral metastasis (CM) are to achieve local control of the disease and to improve patient quality of life. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of using conventional surgery supported by intra-operative ultrasound (IOUS) to approach a CM. To perform this analysis, we determined Karnofsky post-operative scores (KPS) and tumour resection grades. Methods: Patients with CM who were eligible to undergo a surgical approach were included in this study. Surgical treatment was either supported or not supported by IOUS. A neural oncology team determined the pre- and post-operative KPS. A radiologist examined the tumour volume using pre- and post-operative magnetic resonance imaging. Before the surgery, the surgeon determined whether it was possible to perform a total CM resection. Results: A total of 78 patients with CM diagnosis were treated using a surgical approach (35 with and 43 without IOUS). The post-operative median KPS was higher in the IOUS group (80 versus 70, p=0.045). Within the IOUS group, KPS evolution was superior (p=0.036), especially in the following CM subgroups: a difficulty of tumour resection ranking score<4 (p=0.037), the tumour was in an eloquent area (p=0.043), the tumour was not associated with vessels or nerves (p=0.007), and solitary lesions (p=0.038). The volume of residual tumours was lower in the IOUS group (9.5% and 1.6 mm3 versus 30.8% and 9 mm3, p=0.05). In patients with a KPS >= 70, the residual tumour volume was categorized as < 10% or >= 10%, and 62% of patients had < 10% residual tumours (76% in the IOUS group and 45% in the non-IOUS group; p=0.032 and OR=3.8). Conclusion: This study suggests that IOUS can play a role in improving post-operative KPS and in decreasing residual tumours in CM surgeries

Camera-based photoplethysmography in an intraoperative setting

Trumpp, Alexander, Lohr, Johannes, Wedekind, Daniel, Schmidt, Martin, Burghardt, Matthias, Heller, Axel R., Malberg, Hagen, Zaunseder, Sebastian 11 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Background Camera-based photoplethysmography (cbPPG) is a measurement technique which enables remote vital sign monitoring by using cameras. To obtain valid plethysmograms, proper regions of interest (ROIs) have to be selected in the video data. Most automated selection methods rely on specific spatial or temporal features limiting a broader application. In this work, we present a new method which overcomes those drawbacks and, therefore, allows cbPPG to be applied in an intraoperative environment. Methods We recorded 41 patients during surgery using an RGB and a near-infrared (NIR) camera. A Bayesian skin classifier was employed to detect suitable regions, and a level set segmentation approach to define and track ROIs based on spatial homogeneity. Results The results show stable and homogeneously illuminated ROIs. We further evaluated their quality with regards to extracted cbPPG signals. The green channel provided the best results where heart rates could be correctly estimated in 95.6% of cases. The NIR channel yielded the highest contribution in compensating false estimations. Conclusions The proposed method proved that cbPPG is applicable in intraoperative environments. It can be easily transferred to other settings regardless of which body site is considered.

Role perioperační sestry v bezpečnostní proceduře na operačním sále / The role of perioperative nurses in the safety procedure in the operating theatre.

VÁCOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Preoperative safety procedure is a departmental safety goal laid down by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. The providers of health care directly controlled by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic are obliged to putpreoperative safety procedure and its documentation into practice, other health care organizations are recommended this implementation. However, the Ministry does not specify the formof this procedure nor its process in the operating room, there is no uniform documentation prescribed and last but not least, it is not clearly laid down which person of the operational team is responsible for the correct implementation of this procedure. The goal of the research is to map the preoperative safety procedure in the operating theatres in selected hospitals, to compare the process of the preoperative safety procedures in the operating theatres among the addressed hospitals, to describe the competencies of perioperative nurses during the preoperative safety procedures in the operating theatres in the selected hospitals and to find out the attitude of the perioperative nurses to the preoperative safety procedure. In the selected hospitals the safety procedure is introduced and implemented in different ways. The preoperative safety procedure in the operating theatres is introduced as an administrative act, but not as a practical tool to improve patient safety. The competences of perioperative nurses in preoperative safety procedures are not clearly specified in all of the respondent hospitals. The perioperative nurses adopt entirely positive approach to that, in most cases they believe it is important for ensuring the safety of the patient.

Avaliação do desfecho de pacientes que sofreram parada cardiorrespiratória durante o intraoperatório / Risk fators for mortality of patients that suffered intraoperative cardiac arrest

Matheus Fachini Vane 15 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) é o evento de maior gravidade que pode ocorrer no intraoperatório. A literatura é escassa sobre quais fatores de risco impactam negativamente no desfecho do paciente vítima de PCR no intraoperatório. Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores que impactaram no desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, em até 24 horas, em até 30 dias e em até 1 ano após a PCR. Metodologia: Pacientes com PCR intraoperatória de 2007 a 2014 foram analisados quanto a dados demográficos, comorbidades, uso de droga vasoativa, tempo de PCR, dados gasométricos, eletrolíticos, da coagulação, do hemograma, da função renal e da escala de Glasgow 24 horas após o retorno à circulação espontânea (RCE), bem como variações destes valores entre a admissão e 24 horas após o evento. Estes dados foram avaliados para o desfecho óbito no intraoperatório, até 24 horas, de 24 horas até 30 dias e até um ano. Resultados: 167.574 anestesias e 158 eventos foram localizados. A letalidade intraoperatória, em 24 horas, 30 dias e um ano foi, respectivamente, de 35,4%, 29,4%, 44,4% e 71,6%. A causa da PCR como hipovolemia, hipotensão na admissão do centro cirúrgico e a maior duração foram fatores independentes para a letalidade de intraoperatória. A hipovolemia como causa, a maior duração da PCR, a razão normalizada internacional (RNI) do tempo de protrombina (TP) acima de 1,2 na admissão, o sódio sérico antes da PCR fora do intervalo da normalidade e a relação entre duração e a dose de adrenalina foram fatores independentes para a letalidade em 24 horas. A variação do RNI negativa do TP entre a admissão e ao final das primeiras 24 horas e a escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T após 24 horas da situação foram fatores independentes para a letalidade 30 dias. A escala de Glasgow abaixo de 14 ou 10T, a variação negativa do RNI do TP nas primeiras 24 horas e a duração da PCR foram variáveis independentes para a letalidade 1 ano. Conclusão: A PCR intraoperatória apresenta grande letalidade, sendo que a conjunção de fatores clínicos e laboratoriais está relacionada ao prognóstico / Introduction: Cardiac arrest (CA) is the most devastating event that can take place during the intraoperative period. Data regarding risk factors for a worse outcome of intraoperative CA (ICA) are scarce, especially regarding laboratorial analysis. Objectives: This study analyzed the outcomes and risk factors of patients 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after ICA. Methods: Records of patients that had ICA from 2007 to 2014 were analyzed. Data for demographics, comorbidities, vasoactive drug infusion, ICA duration, electrolytes, acid-base balance, international normalized ratio (INR) of the prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (aTTP), hemoglobin and hematocrit, urea, creatinine, Glasgow Comma Scale (GCS) 24h after ICA were collected. These data were analyzed in the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event. Results: 167,574 anesthesias and 158 ICAs were found. Lethality for the intraoperative period, 24 hours, 30 days and 1 year after the event were 35.4%, 29.4%, 44.4% e 71.6%, respectively. The hypovolemia as a cause, hypotension at admission, and the ICA duration were independently associated with greater intraoperative mortality. The hypovolemia as a cause, the ICA duration, the INR of the PT at admission, the sodium level before the ICA, and the ratio between adrenaline doses and ICA duration were independently associated with death up to 24 hours after ICA. The negative variation of the INR of the PT and the GCS 24 hours after the ICA were independently associated with mortality in 30 days. The GCS 24 hours after ICA, the worsening of the in INR of the PT in the first 24 hours after ICA and the ICA duration were independently associated with mortality in 1 year. Conclusion: Patients that ICA have a high lethality during the first year of the event. Laboratorial and clinical factors after the ICA are linked to patient´s prognosis

Avaliação intra-operatória da pressão portal e resultados do tratamento cirúrgico da hipertensão portal em pacientes esquistossomóticos / Intraoperative evaluation of the portal pressure and the immediate results of the surgical treatment of the portal hypertension in patients with schistosomiasis

Walter de Biase da Silva Neto 21 October 2003 (has links)
No Brasil a principal causa de hipertensão portal é a esquistossomose mansônica na sua forma hepato-esplênica, classificada como pré-sinusoidal. Esta doença adquire grande importância epidemiológica, por acometer indivíduos jovens, com função hepática preservada, e por atingir uma grande parcela da população (cerca de 1 milhão de indivíduos). Destes, cerca de 12 a 52% irão apresentar hemorragia digestiva por ruptura de varizes de esôfago. Não existe até o momento nenhum tratamento que se estabeleça como de consenso para esta enfermidade, porém há uma preferência dos autores para o tratamento cirúrgico e, no Brasil, esta recai sobre a desconexão ázigo-portal e esplenectomia geralmente associada a escleroterapia endoscópica das varizes no pós-operatório. Não estão bem estabelecidas as alterações hemodinâmicas portais decorrentes do tratamento cirúrgico da hipertensão portal e sua influência no resultado deste tratamento. Com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto imediato da desconexão ázigo-portal e esplenectomia (DAPE) na pressão portal e os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico da hipertensão portal no que se refere à recidiva hemorrágica e ao calibre das varizes de esôfago, foram estudados 19 pacientes portadores de esquistossomose hepato-esplênica e hipertensão portal com história de hemorragia digestiva alta por ruptura de varizes esofágicas, com idade média de 37,9 anos. Durante a cirurgia foi avaliada a pressão portal, no início e no final do procedimento através da cateterização da veia porta por cateter de polietileno introduzido por veia jejunal. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à endoscopia no pré e pós-operatório para avaliar a variação do calibre das varizes esofágicas. Os pacientes foram acompanhados ambulatorialmente e o tempo médio de seguimento foi de 26 meses. Como resultado obteve-se uma queda na pressão portal média de 31,3% após a DAPE (p=0,0001). No acompanhamento pós-operatório houve redução significativa do calibre das varizes esofágicas quando comparadas com a avaliação pré-operatória (p < 0,05). Apenas um paciente (8,3%) apresentou, durante o acompanhamento, recidiva hemorrágica porém, esta foi decorrente de úlcera gástrica e não de varizes esofágicas. Por fim chegou-se à conclusão de que a desconexão ázigo-portal e esplenectomia promoveu queda imediata na pressão portal, com conseqüente diminuição do calibre das varizes esofágicas, tendo sido eficaz no tratamento da hipertensão portal destes pacientes / The main cause of portal hypertension in Brazil is the hepato-splenic form of mansonic schistosomiasis, which is classified as pre-sinusoidal. It acquires major epidemiological importance because it occurs in young individuals and affects a huge parcel of the population (around 1 million people), 12 to 52% of whom will present digestive hemorrhage due to rupture of esophageal varices. There is no consensus treatment for this disease up to the moment, but there is a predilection for the surgical approach. In Brazil, the most employed technique is the esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy (EGDS), generally associated to late postoperative endoscopical sclerotherapy of the esophageal varices. The hemodynamic alterations in the portal flow resulting from the surgery and their possible influences on the outcome are not well established. With the aim of evaluating the immediate impact of the EGDS upon the portal pressure as well as the results of the surgical treatment on the digestive hemorrhage recurrence and the caliber of the esophageal varices, 19 patients (11males, aged between 18 and 61 years) with hepato-splenic schistosomiasis, presenting portal hypertension and previous episodes of digestive hemorrhage were studied. None of the patients had received any treatment prior to the surgery. The portal pressure was assessed at the beginning and the end of the EGDS through catheterization of the portal vein with a polyethylene catheter introduced through a branch of a jejunal vein. All the patients were submitted to digestive endoscopy before and after the surgery (2 months), in order to classify the caliber of the esophageal varices according to Palmer\'s classification. They also entered the continuous program of endoscopical evaluation and sclerotherapy. The mean clinical follow up period was 26 months. Our results showed that the portal pressure had diminished in all the patients, with a mean decrease of 31.3% after the EGDS. In the postoperative follow up (1 month), the esophageal varices showed a statistically significant reduction in their calibers, when compared to the pre-surgical measurements (p=0.004). Only one patient presented digestive hemorrhage during the follow up period, but it was due to gastric ulcer and not to rupture of esophageal varices. These results have demonstrated that the EGDS promotes an immediate decrease in the portal pressure and a reduction in the caliber of the esophageal varices, thus contributing to the good results of this technique. With the association of EGDS and sclerotherapy of the esophageal varices, no hemorrhagic episodes were observed in this series, during the study

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