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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kraft- und Drehmomentabgabe thermoplastisch geformter Schienen bei Rotationsbewegung eines Unterkieferfrontzahnes / Forces and moments generated by thermoplastic appliances during rotation of a lower lateral incisor

Gruber, Gesa 22 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Méthodes de réduction de modèles appliquées à des problèmes d'aéroacoustique résolus par équations intégrales

Casenave, Fabien, Casenave, Fabien 05 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'articule autour de deux thématiques : les méthodes numériques pour la propagation d'ondes acoustiques sous écoulement et les méthodes de réduction de modèles. Dans la première thématique, nous développons une méthode de couplage d'éléments finis et d'éléments de frontière pour résoudre l'équation d'Helmholtz convectée, lorsque l'écoulement est uniforme à l'extérieur d'un domaine borné. En particulier, nous proposons une formulation bien posée à toutes les fréquences de la source. Dans la deuxième thématique, nous proposons une solution au problème classique d'accumulation d'arrondis machine qui survient en calculant l'estimateur d'erreur a posteriori dans la méthode des bases réduites. Par ailleurs, nous proposons une méthode non intrusive pour calculer une approximation sous forme séparée des systèmes linéaires résultant de l'approximation en dimension finie de problèmes aux limites dépendant d'un ou plusieurs paramètres


CARLA CITO ACCIOLY 30 August 2007 (has links)
[pt] A supervisão da vazão da água de resfriamento em equipamentos de produção de energia de usinas hidrelétricas tem sido uma questão de preocupação devido à possibilidade de obstrução dos equipamentos de medição pela água sem tratamento. Outrossim, por razões econômicas, um instrumento barato e confiável deve ser escolhido para os vários pontos de monitoramento. Neste trabalho, um dispositivo não intrusivo foi desenvolvido, tendo seu desempenho avaliado para a medição da vazão da água na faixa de 0,7 a 7 m3/h. O princípio básico de operação é a variação da freqüência de formação de vórtices como função da vazão. Um acelerômetro colocado na parede externa de uma tubulação mede a freqüência de vibração induzida pelos vórtices. Vários testes mostraram que o instrumento é sensível a ruídos, que devem ser filtrados para a redução da incerteza de medição. O número de Strouhal foi avaliado como função do número de Reynolds do escoamento, mostrando um comportamento assintótico para números de Reynolds elevados. O instrumento diferencia nitidamente a existência ou não de escoamento. Presentemente, um esforço para condicionamento do sinal está sendo feito para a redução da incerteza de medição da vazão, que é estimada nesta dissertação. / [en] The supervision of the cooling water flow rate in power producing equipments of hydro-electric plants has been an issue of concern due to the possibility of clogging up measurement instruments by the used non treated flowing water. Furthermore, for economic reasons, a cheap and reliable instrument must be chosen for each of the many monitoring points. In this work, a non-intrusive device was developed and its performance analized for measuring water flow rate in the 0,7 to 7 m3/h range. The basic operating principle is the variation of the vortex shedding frequency with flow rate. An accelerometer placed outside the pipe wall measures the vortex induced vibration frequency. Several tests showed that the instrument is noise sensitive, which must be filtered to reduce the uncertainty of measurement. The Strouhal number was plotted as a function of the flow Reynolds number, showing an asymptotic trend towards an approximately constant value at high Reynolds numbers. The instrument sharply differenciates between flow and non-flow situations. Presently, a signal conditioning effort is being conducted to reduce the uncertainty of measurement of the flow rate, which is estimated in this dissertation.

Algorithmes et méthodes pour le diagnostic ex-situ et in-situ de systèmes piles à combustible haute température de type oxyde solide / Ex-situ and in-situ diagnostic algorithms and methods for solid oxide fuel cell systems

Wang, Kun 21 December 2012 (has links)
Le projet Européen « GENIUS » ambitionne de développer les méthodologies génériques pour le diagnostic de systèmes piles à combustible à haute température de type oxyde solide (SOFC). Le travail de cette thèse s’intègre dans ce projet ; il a pour objectif la mise en oeuvre d’un outil de diagnostic en utilisant le stack comme capteur spécial pour détecter et identifierles défaillances dans les sous-systèmes du stack SOFC.Trois algorithmes de diagnostic ont été développés, se basant respectivement sur la méthode de classification k-means, la technique de décomposition du signal en ondelettes ainsi que la modélisation par réseau Bayésien. Le premier algorithme sert au diagnostic ex-situ et est appliqué pour traiter les donnés issues des essais de polarisation. Il permet de déterminer les variables de réponse significatives qui indiquent l’état de santé du stack. L’indice Silhouette a été calculé comme mesure de qualité de classification afin de trouver le nombre optimal de classes dans la base de données.La détection de défaut en temps réel peut se réaliser par le deuxième algorithme. Puisque le stack est employé en tant que capteur, son état de santé doit être vérifié préalablement. La transformée des ondelettes a été utilisée pour décomposer les signaux de tension de la pile SOFC dans le but de chercher les variables caractéristiques permettant d’indiquer l’état desanté de la pile et également assez discriminatives pour différentier les conditions d’opération normales et anormales.Afin d’identifier le défaut du système lorsqu’une condition d’opération anormale s’est détectée, les paramètres opérationnelles réelles du stack doivent être estimés. Un réseau Bayésien a donc été développé pour accomplir ce travail.Enfin, tous les algorithmes ont été validés avec les bases de données expérimentales provenant de systèmes SOFC variés, afin de tester leur généricité. / The EU-project “GENIUS” is targeted at the investigation of generic diagnosis methodologies for different Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) systems. The Ph.D study presented in this thesis was integrated into this project; it aims to develop a diagnostic tool for SOFC system fault detection and identification based on validated diagnostic algorithms, through applying theSOFC stack as a sensor.In this context, three algorithms, based on the k-means clustering technique, the wavelet transform and the Bayesian method, respectively, have been developed. The first algorithm serves for ex-situ diagnosis. It works on the classification of the polarization measurements of the stack, aiming to figure out the significant response variables that are able to indicate the state of health of the stack. The parameter “Silhouette” has been used to evaluate the classification solutions in order to determine the optimal number of classes/patterns to retain from the studied database.The second algorithm allows the on-line fault detection. The wavelet transform has been used to decompose the SOFC’s voltage signals for the purpose of finding out the effective feature variables that are discriminative for distinguishing the normal and abnormal operating conditions of the system. Considering the SOFC as a sensor, its reliability must be verifiedbeforehand. Thus, the feature variables are also required to be indicative to the state of health of the stack.When the stack is found being operated improperly, the actual operating parameters should be estimated so as to identify the system fault. To achieve this goal, a Bayesian network has been proposed serving as a meta-model of the stack to accomplish the estimation. At the end, the databases originated from different SOFC systems have been used to validate these three algorithms and assess their generalizability.

Estudo prospectivo de sonda capacitiva não intrusiva duplo-sensor para medir fração volumétrica in situ em escoamentos contendo água, óleo e ar / Prospective study of a non-intrusive double-sensor capacitive probe for in-situ volumetric fraction measurements in oil-water-air flows

Almeida, Israel Frank dos Santos 12 December 2006 (has links)
Sensores capacitivos são amplamente utilizados em vários sistemas de medida, tanto na indústria como em laboratórios de pesquisa. Estes dispositivos medem variadas grandezas físicas, como deslocamento, força, pressão, densidade e concentração de substâncias em escoamentos bifásicos, entre outros. Sua aplicação vêm sendo utilizada há algum tempo de forma relativamente elementar, necessitando ainda de estudos específicos para entender a fundo o fenômeno de transferência de carga. A sonda proposta neste trabalho visa melhorar a aquisição do sinal capacitivo e obter uma medida precisa de fração volumétrica em condições bifásicas e trifásicas. Portanto, é necessário um circuito transdutor que transmita de forma precisa a capacitância registrada entre os eletrodos dos sensores até uma central de aquisição. Neste trabalho buscamos desenvolver um modelo de sonda para medir frações volumétricas in situ. Para tanto, apresentamos as etapas de calibração dos sensores, através de válvulas de fechamento rápido, e validamos a técnica sob determinadas condições e variados padrões de escoamento. Dois sensores de geometrias distintas (anéis e hélices) foram utilizados na composição da sonda capacitiva não intrusiva. Propõe-se a solução do sistema linear para medição direta de fração volumétrica em escoamento trifásico. / Capacitive sensors are widely employed in many measurement systems in both industry and laboratory activities. These devices measure several physical quantities such as displacement, forces, pressure, density and concentration of substances in two-phase flows. Their application in industry is still insipient, in part because specific studies are still necessary to properly understand the phenomenon of charge transfer. The goal of this research is the development of a non-intrusive double-sensor probe to on-line measurement of in-situ volumetric fractions in two and three-phase flows. Therefore, we present the calibration work, through quick-closing valves, and validation techniques under certain conditions and for different flows patterns. A transducer circuit to transmit the capacitance sign accurately from the sensors to the central acquisition was developed. Two sensors with different geometries (rings and helix) comprise the double-sensor capacitive probe. Finally, we propose the solution of a linear system for the direct measurement of in-situ volumetric fraction in three-phase flow.

Kundcentrerad marknadsföring : - En uppskattad hjälp eller oönskat otyg?

Jonsson Fjällby, Albin, Nyström, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ och explorativ studie som grundas på ett socialkonstruktivistiskt synsätt. Det socialkonstruktivistiska synsättet har vi haft i åtanke då respondenternas svar kan se annorlunda ut i framtiden. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera hur konsumenterna uppfattar kundcentrerad marknadsföring via internet och den övervakning som det innebär. Ett andra syfte är att försöka bidra till marknadsföringsforskningen genom att analysera problemet ur ett kritiskt övervakningsperspektiv. Vi undersökte respondenternas attityder till den kundcentrerade marknadsföringen då tidigare forskning grundar sig mer på företagens perspektiv; ett effektivt tillvägagångssätt som är baserat på konsumentens tidigare aktiviteter vilket gör att det går att anpassa annonser till den specifika konsumenten. Företagen har sett detta som en god service då konsumenterna besparas annonser som de inte intresserar sig av. Hur ser konsumenterna på det här? Vi kunde se att respondenterna i vår studie till stor del, vare sig de tycker om det eller inte, anser att det är en effektiv metod som påverkar dem. Däremot ansåg en del respondenter att övervakningen är integritetskränkande och påträngande. Den här studien ska fungera som ett underlag för fortsatt forskning kring konsumenters attityder till den kundcentrerade marknadsföringen. / This is a qualitative and exploratory study which relies on a social constructionist view where the data might be different in the future. The purpose is to describe and analyze the consumers’ perceptions regarding the customer centric marketing including internet surveillance. A second purpose of the study is to contribute to the marketing science by analyzing the surveillancecomplication through a critical perspective. We were interested in finding out what our respondents’ stand on the marketing phenomenon. Prior research is mostly based on the external actors’ point of view; it is an effective marketing strategy based on the consumers’ activities. Since it is based on the consumers’ previous activities, the companies can provide relevant ads of what they believe the consumers to be wanting; hence it should be seen as a desired service. In our data, we found that the majority of respondents’, whether or not theyliked it, believe this to be an effective marketing tool, since it affects them, but also a tool that put them in a state of discomfort. The surveillance that has to take place to make the customer centric marketing effective is seen as i.a. intrusive and nosy. This study should work as a foundation and inspiration for future research where a larger sample is studied.

Caractérisation robuste de liaisons amortissantes avec dispositifs piezo-électriques pour la réduction de vibrations de structures.

Karim, Yassine 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude présentée dans ce document a pour objet l'étude de différents modes de réduction de vibrations dans les structures avec liaisons. Le premier mode étudié se base sur la dissipation d'énergie apportée par la déformation d' éléments piézoélectriques connectés à un circuit électrique adapté. Le second mode proposé se base sur la propriété de la liaison boulonnée à changer les fréquences propres d'une structure en fonction du serrage appliqué. Cette propriété est utilisée avec plusieurs lois de contrôle du serrage afin d'éviter les plages de fréquences critiques. Ensuite une étude probabiliste est effectuée pour déterminer la robustesse de la réduction de vibrations par rapport à la variation de certains paramètres du modèle. Cette étude de robustesse est effectuée à travers des méthodes stochastiques non-intrusives, parmi lesquelles une méthode originale proposée. Elle permet une réduction de la taille du modèle stochastique à résoudre, ce qui réduit très considérablement le temps de calcul sans perte de qualité significative.

Desenvolvimento de um Medidor de Vazão Termal Inteligente. / Development of an Intelligent Thermal Flow Meter.

Marcos Antônio Andrade de Oliveira 07 July 2010 (has links)
Técnicas não-intrusivas de medição de vazão constituem uma necessidade crescente em diversas aplicações. Atualmente, diversos estudos têm sido realizados com o objetivo de desenvolver técnicas de medição não-intrusivas que possam suprir as deficiências das técnicas existentes. Este trabalho visa desenvolver um medidor de vazão baseado no princípio de convecção forçada (termal) não-intrusivo inteligente. O medidor utiliza dois transdutores RTD comerciais do tipo PT100, um aquecido, que é responsável pela medição da velocidade de escoamento, e o outro utilizado como referência de set-point de temperatura do sensor aquecido. Uma Rede Neural é responsável por corrigir os erros de medição do instrumento. Para a avaliação do medidor construído, foi desenvolvida uma bancada de realização de ensaios, possibilitando a variação da vazão e temperatura na seção de teste. Com o intuito de prover a bancada de uma referência para comparação, foi instalado também um medidor do tipo Venturi normalizado segundo a ABNT. / Non-intrusive techniques of flow measurement are very useful in several applications. Nowadays, several studies have been conducted to develop non-intrusive measuring techniques that can overcome the shortcomings of the existing ones. This work aims to design an intelligent non-intrusive flow meter device based on the forced heat convection principle (thermal). This device uses two commercial RTD transducers (PT100), one is used as reference of temperature set-point, and the other is responsible for the flow measurement. A neural network is responsible for correcting the errors in relation to the calibration standard. To evaluate the intelligent flow meter, test bench was built. In order to provide another flow meter to compare the results, an ABNT Venturi type flow meter was installed in the test bench.

Apports du couplage non-intrusif en mécanique non-linéaire des structures / Contributions of non-intrusive coupling in nonlinear structural mechanics

Duval, Mickaël 08 July 2016 (has links)
Le projet ANR ICARE, dans lequel s'inscrit cette thèse, vise au développement de méthodes pour l'analyse de structures complexes et de grande taille. Le défi scientifique consiste à investiguer des zones très localisées, mais potentiellement critiques vis-à-vis de la tenue mécanique d'ensemble. Classiquement, sont mis en œuvre aux échelles globale et locale des représentations, discrétisations, modèles de comportement et outils numériques adaptés à des besoins de simulation gradués en complexité. Le problème global est traité avec un code généraliste dans le cadre d'idéalisations topologiques (formulation plaque, simplification géométrique) et comportementale (homogénéisation) ; l'analyse locale quant à elle demande la mise en œuvre d'outils spécialisés (routines, codes dédiés) pour une représentation fidèle de la géométrie et du comportement.L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à développer un outil efficace de couplage non-intrusif pour la simulation multi-échelles / multi-modèles en calcul de structures. Les contraintes de non-intrusivité se traduisent par la non modification de l'opérateur de rigidité, de la connectivité et du solveur du modèle global, ce qui permet de travailler dans un environnement logiciel fermé. Dans un premier temps, on propose une étude détaillée de l'algorithme de couplage global/local non-intrusif. Sur la base d'exemples et de cas-test représentatifs en calcul de structures (fissuration, plasticité, contact...), on démontre l'efficacité et la flexibilité d'un tel couplage. Aussi, une analyse comparative de plusieurs outils d'optimisation de l'algorithme est menée, et le cas de patchs multiples en interaction est traité. Ensuite le concept de couplage non-intrusif est étendu au cas de non-linéarités globales, et une méthode de calcul parallèle par décomposition de domaine avec relocalisation non-linéaire est développée. Cette méthode nous a permis de paralléliser un code industriel séquentiel sur un mésocentre de calcul intensif. Enfin, on applique la méthode de couplage au raffinement de maillage par patchs d'éléments finis. On propose un estimateur d'erreur en résidu explicite adapté au calcul de solutions multi-échelles via l'algorithme de couplage. Puis, sur la base de cet estimateur, on met en œuvre une procédure non-intrusive de raffinement local de maillage. Au travers de ces travaux, un outil logiciel de couplage non-intrusif a été mis au point, basé sur l'échange de données entre différents codes de calcul (protocole Message Passing Interface). Les développements effectués sont intégrés dans une surcouche Python, dont le rôle est de coupler plusieurs instances de Code_Aster, le code d'analyse de structures développé par EDF R&D, lequel sera utilisé dans l'ensemble des travaux présentés. / This PhD thesis, part of the ANR ICARE project, aims at developing methods for complex analysis of large scale structures. The scientific challenge is to investigate very localised areas, but potentially critical as of mechanical systems resilience. Classically, representation models, discretizations, mechanical behaviour models and numerical tools are used at both global and local scales for simulation needs of graduated complexity. Global problem is handled by a generic code with topology (plate formulation, geometric approximation...) and behaviour (homogenization) simplifications while local analysis needs implementation of specialized tools (routines, dedicated codes) for an accurate representation of the geometry and behaviour. The main goal of this thesis is to develop an efficient non-intrusive coupling tool for multi-scale and multi-model structural analysis. Constraints of non-intrusiveness result in the non-modification of the stiffness operator, connectivity and the global model solver, allowing to work in a closed source software environment. First, we provide a detailed study of global/local non-intrusive coupling algorithm. Making use of several relevant examples (cracking, elastic-plastic behaviour, contact...), we show the efficiency and the flexibility of such coupling method. A comparative analysis of several optimisation tools is also carried on, and the interacting multiple patchs situation is handled. Then, non-intrusive coupling is extended to globally non-linear cases, and a domain decomposition method with non-linear relocalization is proposed. Such methods allowed us to run a parallel computation using only sequential software, on a high performance computing cluster. Finally, we apply the coupling algorithm to mesh refinement with patches of finite elements. We develop an explicit residual based error estimator suitable for multi-scale solutions arising from the non-intrusive coupling, and apply it inside an error driven local mesh refinement procedure. Through this work, a software tool for non-intrusive coupling was developed, based on data exchange between codes (Message Passing Interface protocol). Developments are integrated into a Python wrapper, whose role is to connect several instances of Code_Aster, the structural analysis code developed by EDF R&D, which will be used in the following work.

Desenvolvimento de um Medidor de Vazão Termal Inteligente. / Development of an Intelligent Thermal Flow Meter.

Marcos Antônio Andrade de Oliveira 07 July 2010 (has links)
Técnicas não-intrusivas de medição de vazão constituem uma necessidade crescente em diversas aplicações. Atualmente, diversos estudos têm sido realizados com o objetivo de desenvolver técnicas de medição não-intrusivas que possam suprir as deficiências das técnicas existentes. Este trabalho visa desenvolver um medidor de vazão baseado no princípio de convecção forçada (termal) não-intrusivo inteligente. O medidor utiliza dois transdutores RTD comerciais do tipo PT100, um aquecido, que é responsável pela medição da velocidade de escoamento, e o outro utilizado como referência de set-point de temperatura do sensor aquecido. Uma Rede Neural é responsável por corrigir os erros de medição do instrumento. Para a avaliação do medidor construído, foi desenvolvida uma bancada de realização de ensaios, possibilitando a variação da vazão e temperatura na seção de teste. Com o intuito de prover a bancada de uma referência para comparação, foi instalado também um medidor do tipo Venturi normalizado segundo a ABNT. / Non-intrusive techniques of flow measurement are very useful in several applications. Nowadays, several studies have been conducted to develop non-intrusive measuring techniques that can overcome the shortcomings of the existing ones. This work aims to design an intelligent non-intrusive flow meter device based on the forced heat convection principle (thermal). This device uses two commercial RTD transducers (PT100), one is used as reference of temperature set-point, and the other is responsible for the flow measurement. A neural network is responsible for correcting the errors in relation to the calibration standard. To evaluate the intelligent flow meter, test bench was built. In order to provide another flow meter to compare the results, an ABNT Venturi type flow meter was installed in the test bench.

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