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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-Invasive Liquid Metering Method Analysis / Analys På Icke-Invasiva Metoder Av Flödesmätning Med Ultraljud

Sten, Gustav, Helle, Thibault January 2018 (has links)
The ability to measure flow in pipes often introduces expensive and difficult installations due to existing flow-meters being invasive. To solve this a non-invasive solution has been found by testing and evaluating different mechanical and electrical methods using ultrasonic piezo-crystals and time-of-flight calculations. The solution consists of an impedance matched circuit with a boosting circuit. Using ultrasound in an non-invasive way comes with a decreased accuracy which can be increased using various software methods. The results from tests at different water-flows shows that there is no significant statistical difference between the developed flow-meter and an existing mechanical one. It also shows that calibration has a major impact on the measured values. This hints at that with the right calibration of the ultrasonic flow-meter it should be possible to close the performance gap between the two flow-meters. / Möjligheten att mäta flöde i rör involverar ofta dyra och svåra installationer på grund av att existerande flödesmätare sitter i röret. För att lösa detta har en optimal icke-invasiv lösning hittats genom att testa och utvärdera olika mekaniska och elektriska metoder som använder piezo-kristaller och signalflygtid. Lösningen består av en impedansmatchningskrets och en boostkrets. Att använda ultraljud på ett icke invasisvt sätt kommer med en minskad precision som kan ökas genom att använda olika mjukvarulösningar. Resultaten från tester vid olika flödeshastigheter visar att det inte finns någon statistisk signifikans mellan den utvecklade flödesmätaren och en existerande mekanisk. Det visade också att kalibrering har en stor betydelse för mätvärderna. Det här visar på att man med rätt kalibrering borde kunna minska skillnaden i precision mellan de två mätarna.

Spatio-temporal species distribution modeling: Application to invasive alien species’ monitoring

Dutrieux, Mariane January 2017 (has links)
The developments of species distribution modeling techniques have brought new opportunities in the field of biological invasion management. In particular, statistical niche modeling for spatio-temporal predictions of species’ distribution is a widely spread tool that has proved its efficiency. The main purpose of this Master thesis is to study applicability of species distribution modeling to invasive alien species, with the aim of supporting efficient decision-making for their prevention. Some research questions are: how useful can species distribution modeling be for invasives’ prevention? Is distribution modeling technically feasible in the case of invasive species? What types of techniques are recommended to model distributions of IAS? What are the limits of such a tool? The methods employed to answer these questions are literature review and expert advice. I found that species distribution models can provide risk maps which are necessary to enable effective invasive alien species’ prevention. However intrinsic characteristics of invasives introduce uncertainties in the predictions made. Consequently several preliminary analyses should be conducted before applying the distribution model. Finally recommendations were made on the most appropriate distribution modeling technique to use depending on the urgency of the situation and the availability of data. / Utvecklingen av metoder för modelering av artdistribution har medfört nya möjligheter inom området hantering av biologiska invasioner. Statistisk nischmodelering för spatio-temporala förutsägelser av arters distribution är ett väl använt verktyg som har visat sig vara effektivt. Det övergripande målet med det här arbetet har varit att studera hur lämpad artmodelering är vid förebyggande av invasioner av främmande arter. Det har även undersökts huruvida metoden kan bidra till bättre och enklare beslutsfattande när det kommer till att förhindra sådana invasioner. Forskningsfrågorna lyder: hur användbart är fördelningsmodelering för förebyggande av spriding av invasiva arter? Är distributionsmodelering tekniskt genomförbar när det gäller invasiva arter? Vilka olika tekniker rekommenderas för att modelera spridningen av invasiva arter? Vilka begräsningar har modelerna? De metoder som används är litteraturöversikt och expertråd. Resultaten visar att artdistributionsmodelering kan bidra till att sammanställa riskkartor som är nödvändiga för att möjliggöra ett förebyggande arbete. Men speciella egenskaper hos de invasiva arterna som är svåra att förutse skapar osäkerheter i resultatet. Därför kan preliminära analyser med fördel genomföras innan modelering. I slutsatserna återfinns rekommendationer för vilken distributionsmodelteknik man bör använda, beroende av hur brådskande situationen är och om data finns tillgängligt.

Evaluation of the three-dimensional patterns and ecological impacts of the invasive Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum)

Maldonado, Alexis 01 January 2014 (has links)
Invasion by non-native species has had significant ecological and economic impacts on a global scale. In the state of Florida, Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum) is an invasive plant listed by FLEPPC as a category one invader with significant ecological impacts that threaten native plant diversity. This species relies on existing vegetative structures for support to climb into the forest canopy and forms dense mats that cover tree crowns. This subsequently affects the resources available to other species present. Quantifying the structural changes due to the presence of this species has proved logistically difficult, especially on a large spatial scale. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) technology is a form of remote sensing that measures the elevation of surfaces over a site. In this study I utilized LiDAR to calculate various forest structure metrics at Jonathan Dickinson State Park (JDSP) in Hobe Sound, Florida across various management frequencies and densities of Old World climbing fern. These data were used to quantify the degree to which this invasive species alters forest structure across these two gradients. I also recorded species composition in the field to relate how Old World climbing fern impacts native plant diversity. Structural measurements including average canopy height, height of median energy (HOME), rugosity, canopy openness, and vertical structural diversity (LHDI) were calculated for a total of three hundred 0.25ha sites stratified by invasion density and management frequency. Using a combination of univariate and multivariate statistical analyses I found that the presence of Old World Climbing fern altered the physical structure of the forest communities it invades. Higher percent cover of Old World climbing fern decreased structural diversity while increased management effort was found to mitigate those impacts. The management for Old World Climbing fern was also found to impact both species richness and diversity at JDSP. I also demonstrated that there were several species that were not found and others that were more common in the presence of Old World climbing fern and that there was a relationship between management and what species were present. The results show that both Old World climbing fern and the management practices used to control it have had significant ecological impacts on the natural communities in South Florida.

The Removal Of Motion Artifacts From Non-invasive Blood Pressure Measurements

Thakkar, Paresh 01 January 2004 (has links)
Modern Automatic Blood Pressure Measurement Techniques are based on measuring the cuff pressure and on sensing the pulsatile amplitude variations. These measurements are very sensitive to motion of the patient or the surroundings where the patient is. The slightest unexpected movements could offset the readings of the automatic Blood Pressure meter by a large amount or render the readings totally meaningless. Every effort must be taken to avoid subjecting the body of the patient or the patient's surroundings to motion for obtaining a reliable reading. But there are situations in which we need Blood Pressure Measurements with the patient or his surroundings in motion; for instance in an ambulance while a patient is being transported to a hospital. In this thesis, we present a technique to reduce the effect of motion artifact from Blood Pressure measurements. We digitize the blood pressure waveform and use Digital Signal Processing Techniques to process the corrupted waveform. We use the differences in frequency spectra of the Blood Pressure signal and motion artifact noise to remove the motion artifact noise. The motion artifact noise spectrum is not very well defined, since it may consist of many different frequency components depending on the kind of motion. The Blood Pressure signal is more or less a periodic signal. That translates to periodicity in the frequency domain. Hence, we designed a digital filter that could take advantage of the periodic nature of the Blood Pressure Signal waveform. The filter is shaped like a comb with periodic peaks around the signal frequency components. Further processing of the filtered signal: baseline restoration and level shifting help us to further reduce the noise corruption.

The Next "killer" Algae? Assessing And Mitigating Invasion Risk For Aquarium Strains Of The Marine Macroalgal Genus Chaetomorpha

Odom, Rachel 01 January 2012 (has links)
Biological invasions threaten the ecological integrity of natural ecosystems. Anthropogenic introductions of non-native species can displace native flora and fauna, altering community compositions and disrupting ecosystem services. One often-overlooked vector for such introductions is the release of aquarium organisms into aquatic ecosystems. Following detrimental aquarium-release invasions by the "killer alga" Caulerpa taxifolia, aquarium hobbyists and professions began promoting the use of other genera of macroalgae as "safe" alternatives. The most popular of these marine aquarium macroalgae, the genus Chaetomorpha, is analyzed here for invasion risk. Mitigation strategies are also evaluated. I found that the propensity for reproduction by vegetative fragmentation displayed by aquarium strains of Chaetomorpha poses a significant invasion threat—fragments of aquarium Chaetomorpha are able to survive from sizes as small as 0.5 mm in length, or one intact, live cell. Fragments of this size and larger are generated in large quantities in online and retail purchases of Chaetomorpha, and introduction of these fragments would likely result in viable individuals for establishment in a variety of geographic and seasonal environmental conditions. Mitigation of invasion risk was assessed in two ways—rapid response to a potential introduction by chemical eradication and prevention through safe hobbyist disposal. I tested the effectiveness of five chemicals used as algicides and found that acetic acid was highly effective at limiting survival and growth of aquarium Chaetomorpha. Chlorine bleach, copper sulfate and rock salt were effective at limiting growth but were inconsistent or ineffective in reducing survival of algal fragments. The algicide Sonar limited neither survival nor growth. If aquarium strains of iii Chaetomorpha are released, chemical eradication presents a viable management strategy, particularly through the use of acetic acid. A more cost-effective strategy, however, would be preventing introductions; thus safe alternatives to release were determined for hobbyist disposal of unwanted or excess aquarium Chaetomorpha. Here I present the minimum exposure durations necessary to induce full mortality of aquarium Chaetomorpha through boiling, microwaving, freezing, desiccation and exposure to freshwater. Hobbyist disposal by any of these methods would constitute safe alternatives to introduction of the alga into natural environments. Such preventative measures will inform outreach campaigns in order to limit the potential for aquarium-release introduction.

Predicting Invasive Range of Eucalyptus globulus in California

Lopez, Anthony J. 01 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Eucalyptus globulus is the subject of intense debate in California. Its invasive potential, aggressive growth, reproductive biology, and association with fire make the prediction of spread important in California. Two modeling simulations, Climex and Maxent, will illustrate the distribution and potential growth range of E. globulus in California based on climate and presence. Modeling the potential range of growth will predict invasive spread. The anticipated result is the continued spread of E. globulus in coastal regions with adequate moisture and suitable climate. Predicting the range of E. globulus in California dictates management strategy and is key for preventing further introduction, establishment, and dispersal.

An Invasive Grass and a Desert Adapted Rodent: Is There an Effect on Locomotory Performance and Is It Modified by Prior Experience or Familiarization?

Boag, Camille D 01 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spp.) are frequently characterized as keystone species for their role in altering soil characteristics, changing habitat structure through seed consumption and dispersal, and being important primary consumers in their ecosystem. They are arid adapted and known to forage in areas with sparse vegetation. Studies suggests densely vegetated habitat to be unsuitable for kangaroo rats because plants are an impediment to their locomotion and predator avoidance behaviors. This study focuses on an invasive grass, South African Veldt (Ehrharta calycina), that converts landscapes with sparse vegetation into dense grassland habitats, and the Lompoc kangaroo rat (Dipodomys heermanni arenae) that occupies some of those modified landscapes. I explored the proximate effects of Veldt grass by assessing the locomotion of D.h. arenae in three Veldt grass densities. I hypothesized that Veldt grass influences kangaroo rat locomotion, but that performance could also be influenced by experience with the grass. Kangaroo rats with long-term experience with Veldt grass (i.e., those occupying a habitat containing Veldt grass) and short-term experience (two-night habituation in an artificial Veldt grass patch) were tested by pursing the animals through runways of different grass densities and measuring the amount of time spent crossing the runway, amount of time spent stopped, average velocity, and amount of motivation required to initiate and sustain movement. I also monitored habitat use during the two-night habituation period in order to assess habitat utilization among three Veldt grass density habitat patches. I hypothesized that Veldt grass may influence normal habitat utilization patterns in D.h. arenae: specifically, the avoidance of the densest habitats and preference or disproportionate utilization of the most open habitat. I found, when the animals were left alone to forage and explore, they spent significantly more time in habitat patches containing Veldt grass than in a control patch containing zero percent cover. However, in locomotion trials, Veldt grass had a negative effect on locomotory performance. These effects seem to scale with grass density, and were ameliorated to some degree by familiarization: animals from a Veldt grass habitat of origin performed better in novel Veldt grass templates than animals from a non-Veldt habitat of origin; however, both groups performed equally well after two nights’ habituation to the templates. These results suggest that learning occurred in two nights and that it increased the kangaroo rats’ ability to locomote through the grass when pursued. I note that performance studies often do not take into account the amount of motivation employed to initiate and sustain running of the test animals, and suggest that this be considered in future studies. Furthermore, the learning capacity of a kangaroo rat, as well as a community level perspective that considers neutral or even positive trophic interactions among natives and invasives, must be considered in conservation and management decisions in the future.

Indirect Food Web Interactions: Sea Otter Predation Linked to Invasion Success in a Marine Fouling Community

Jenkins, Maggie F 01 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Humans have caused grave ecological and economic damage worldwide through the introduction of invasive species. Understanding the factors that influence community susceptibility to invasion are important for controlling further spread of invasive species. Predators have been found to provide biotic resistance to invasion in both terrestrial and marine systems. However, predators can also have the opposite effect, and facilitate invasion. Therefore, recovery or expansion of native predators could facilitate the spread of invasive species. Needles et al. (2015) demonstrated that the threatened southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) facilitated the invasion of an exotic bryozoan, Watersipora subatra. However, the underlying mechanism was not fully understood. We tested the hypothesis that sea otter predation on Romaleon antennarium crabs indirectly facilitated the abundance of W. subatra. To do this, we collected weekly data on sea otter foraging and quantified the abundance of crabs in the sea otter diet. We also conducted a caging experiment, where we experimentally manipulated crab densities and limited otter access using exclusion cages on pier pilings in Morro Bay, CA. We used photoQuad image processing software to calculate the abundance of W. subatra on PVC panels within each treatment group. We found that crabs were the second most abundant prey item in Morro Bay, comprising 25.1% of the otter diet. Through the caging experiment, we found that W. subatra abundance significantly increased as crab densities decreased. Our results indicated that sea otters indirectly facilitated the invasion of W. subatra by reducing R. antennarium crab densities and sizes. Removal of crabs may release W. subatra from the disturbance caused by crab foraging behavior. Understanding the impacts of top predators in invaded ecosystems has important management implications, as recovery of predator populations could unintentionally benefit some non-native species. Therefore, management should focus first on prevention and second on early detection and eradication of invasive species likely to benefit from predator recovery.

Developing novel drug combinations for treatment of invasive fungal infections

Salama, Ehab Ali 20 December 2023 (has links)
Several Fungal species have the potential to cause a broad spectrum of diseases in humans, ranging from mild superficial to disseminated invasive infections that involve the bloodstream and vital organs. Invasive fungal infections are severe, life-threatening diseases that result in the deaths of 1.5 million patients each year. The most common fungal species responsible for the majority of invasive fungal infections include Candida, Cryptococcus, and Aspergillus. The current treatment options for invasive fungal infections are restricted to three classes of antifungals: Azoles, polyenes, and echinocandins. The emergence of new fungal species, especially C. auris, marked by high resistance profiles and increased mortality rates (30-60%), has further exacerbated the limitations in its therapeutic options. This emphasizes the urgent need for effective alternatives to combat these deadly pathogens. C. auris isolates exhibited high resistance capability especially against azole (fluconazole) and polyene (amphotericin B) antifungals. Here, we utilized the combinatorial strategy to screen ~3400 FDA-approved drugs and clinical compounds to identify hits that can enhance/restore the antifungal activity of azoles and amphotericin B against resistant C. auris. The HIV protease inhibitors (lopinavir and ritonavir) were identified as potent enhancers to the antifungal activity of azole drugs (fluconazole, voriconazole and itraconazole). We confirmed that lopinavir and ritonavir have the capability to interfere with fungal efflux pump machinery. The in vivo efficacy of the combination of azole antifungals and HIV protease inhibitors was also evaluated to discover the best combination of itraconazole, lopinavir and ritonavir. Three drugs (lansoprazole, rolapitant and idebenone) were identified to effectively enhance the antifungal effects of amphotericin B and overcome its resistance in C. auris. Furthermore, the synergistic interactions of these combinations were applied on other medically important Candida, Cryptococcus, and Aspergillus species. In a comprehensive mechanistic study, we discovered that lansoprazole interferes with an essential target in the fungal mitochondrial cytochrome system, cytochrome bc1. This interference induces oxidative stress in fungal cells and subsequently enhances the antifungal activity of amphotericin B. For rolapitant, a transcriptomic analysis along with ATP luminescence assays confirmed that rolapitant at sub-inhibitory concentrations significantly interferes with ATP production in C. auris. For idebenone, checkerboard assays confirmed the synergistic interactions between amphotericin B and idebenone against a diversity of medically important fungal species. This combination exhibited a rapid fungicidal activity within 4 hours. Additionally, the cytotoxicity of this combination was assessed in a cell line model of kidney cells. Based on the potent in vitro and in vivo synergistic relationships observed for the identified combinations, it can be concluded that our approach offers a new hope to restore the antifungal activity of the existing antifungal drugs, even against resistant fungal infections. Additionally, it provides valuable insights into identifying novel targets to overcome resistance in multidrug-resistant fungal pathogens. / Doctor of Philosophy / Fungi comprise a diverse group of organisms that interact with humans in many good and bad aspects. Candida auris, a recently identified fungus, poses a significant threat to patients with weak immune systems. Infections with C. auris can be associated with mortality rates of up to 60%. Notably, this fungus is characterized by its powerful spreading capability and displays extraordinary resistance to antifungal agents, rendering many existing antifungal drugs ineffective. As a result, there is an unmet need to find efficient treatments for such deadly fungal infections. In this study, several drugs were identified with the potential to restore the activity of traditional antifungal drugs. The study identified four promising drugs (lopinavir, lansoprazole, rolapitant, and idebenone) with the potential to enhance the activity of the antifungal drugs against C. auris. lopinavir showed great potential to enhance the activity of azole antifungals, including fluconazole, voriconazole, and itraconazole. Furthermore, three other drugs (lansoprazole, rolapitant, and idebenone) were identified for their potential to enhance the activity of amphotericin B, which is considered a last-line antifungal therapy. We clarified the mechanisms by which these drugs could restore the activity of antifungal agents. Finally, we confirmed the effectiveness of these combinations in animal models, providing valuable insights into their potential for clinical applications. In summary, our research has opened promising avenues to overcome resistance and develop new treatments for hard-to-treat fungal infections.

Control Method for Invasive Aquatic Species introduced via Ballast Water: Effects of Carbon Dioxide Supersaturation on Survivorship of Digesia tigrina (Planaria: Maculata) and Lirceus brachyurus (Isopoda: Crustacea) and Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing on Freely Suspended and Shellfish Associated T7 Bacteriophage

Sheldon, Todd August 03 March 2005 (has links)
Control Method for Invasive Aquatic Species introduced via Ballast Water: Effects of Carbon Dioxide Supersaturation on Survivorship of Digesia tigrina (Planaria: Maculata) and Lirceus brachyurus (Isopoda: Crustacea) Survivorship of an aquatic species of planaria (Digesia tigrina) and isopods (Lirceus barchyurus) to elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) was determined. Both planaria and isopods were exposed to levels of freshwater supersaturated with carbon dioxide, and percent mortality was calculated for various exposure durations, and at various pressure levels. The data collected were graphically analyzed to determine the time necessary to produce mortality in 50% (LT50) of any given sample of specimens tested at a certain pressure level. At 38.6 kPa, 103.4 kPa and 172.4 kPa, the LT50 for planaria was calculated to be 150.3 ± 10.1, 58.6 ± 11.1, and 27.8 ± 6.2 minutes, respectively. At 38.6 kPa, 103.4 kPa and 172.4 kPa , the LT50 for isopods was calculated to be 181.1 ± 52.5, 79.7 ± 21.9, and 40.5 ± 17.0 minutes, respectively. These results suggest that CO₂ supersaturation may be an easily applied, efficient method that would end the unwanted introduction of nonnative aquatic species to habitats via ballast water released from shipping vessels. Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing on Freely Suspended and Shellfish Associated T7 Bacteriophage The effectiveness of hydrostatic pressure processing (HPP) for inactivating viruses has only been evaluated in a limited number of studies and most of the work has been performed with freely suspended viruses. In this work, the inactivation of freely suspended, as well as shellfish associated bacteriophage T7, by HPP was studied. T7 was selected in hopes that it could potentially serve as a model for animal virus behavior. Both clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were homogeneously blended separately and inoculated with bacteriophage T7. The inoculated shellfish meat, as well as freely suspended virus samples, were subjected to HPP under the following conditions: 2, 4 and 6 min durations; 241.3, 275.8 and 344.7 Megapascals (MPa) pressure levels; and temperature ranges of 29.4 – 35, 37.8 – 43.3 and 46.1 – 51.7Ë C. Plaque forming unit (PFU) reductions of 7.8 log10 (100% inactivation) were achieved for freely suspended T7 at 344.7 MPa, 2 min and 37.8 – 43.3Ë C. At 46.1 – 51.7Ë C, T7 associated with either clams or oysters was inactivated at nearly 100% (> 4 log10) at all pressure levels and durations tested. The results indicated that T7 is readily inactivated by HPP under the proper conditions, may be protected or made more susceptible by shellfish meat, and may serve as a viable model for the response of several animal viruses to HPP. / Master of Science

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