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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between emotional intelligence and burnout of Police Constable Officers of the SAPS in the Western Cape.

Dette, Edwina Judith. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between the emotional intelligence and burnout levels of police constables of the South African Police Service<br /> (SAPS) in the Western Cape. The field work of constables includes situations in which police officers need to make quick decisions involving life and death.</p>

Varulagervärdering : - En fallstudie av ett tillverkande företag / Inventory valuation : - A case study of a manufacturing company

Eriksson, Mona, Eriksson, Erika, Lindberg, Lina January 2010 (has links)
Problemformuleringar: Hur går det undersökta företaget tillväga för att värdera sitt varulager? Har det undersökta företaget svårigheter med att värdera varulagret, i så fall vilka? Kan det undersökta företagets värdering av varulagret förbättras? Syfte: Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera varulagervärdering i ett tillverkande företag. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om det uppstår svårigheter vid värdering av varulagret i det undersökta företaget och vilka dessa är. Den syftar även till att undersöka om företagets varulagervärdering kan förbättras. Metod: I uppsatsen har en kvalitativ metod valts. Referensramen är uppbyggd av vetenskaplig litteratur och artiklar. Empirin bygger på personliga intervjuer. Referensramen och empirin har ställts mot varandra i analysen för att slutsatser skulle kunna dras. Slutsats: Det undersökta företaget följer råden i BFNAR 2000:3 för värdering av varulagret även om inte huvudreglerna tillämpas. Företaget har vissa svårigheter med varulagervärderingen men dessa är inte betydande då värderingssystemet som helhet fungerar bra. De förbättringar företaget kan göra är att fastställa produkternas värde vid varje förädlingssteg, bli bättre på att följa upp förkalkyler med efterkalkyler, utbilda operatörerna för noggrannare rapportering samt förbättra värderingen vid månadsbokslut. / The main issue: How does the investigated company value it’s inventory? Do the investigated company have difficulties in valuing the inventory, if so, which? Can the investigated company’s inventory valuation be improved? Purpose: The purpose of the bachelor thesis is to describe and analyze inventory valuation in a manufacturing company. The thesis aims to investigate if difficulties arise in the inventory valuation in the investigated company and which they are. It also aims to investigate if the company’s inventory valuation can be improved. Method: In the thesis a qualitative method has been chosen. The frame of reference is composed of scientific literature and articles. The empirics are composed of personal interviews. The frame of reference and the empirics have been put against each other in the analysis for conclusions to be drawn. Conclusions: The investigated company conforms to the principles in BFNAR 2000:3 for the valuation of the inventory even if it doesn’t conform to the main principles. The company has some difficulties with the inventory valuation but these are not significant as the valuation system as a whole functions well. The improvements the company can make are to determine the value of the products at each processing step, become better at following up the pre calculations with after calculations, educate the operators for more accurate reporting and improve the valuation of monthly financial statements.

VMI - informationsutbyte i koncernrelationer

Lifvenforth, Erica, Lindvall, Anna, Wrejde, Therese January 2007 (has links)
Till följd av marknadens utveckling har beroendet av informationsutbyte och samverkan i olika nätverk ökat. De senaste årtiondenas fokus på informationsutbyte och samarbete ledde till att Supply Chain Management uppstod. Flera forskare har karakteriserat lyckad styrning av samverkan som en kärnkompetens som krävs för att vara konkurrenskraftig. Ägande och kontrollfunktioner som tidigare låg inom samma verksamhet har förändrats och tillämpningen av VMI har uppkommit. VMI innebär att leverantören övertar ansvaret för lagerstyrningen hos kunden. Samarbetet kräver effektivt informationsflöde inom försörjningskedjan och ett bättre informationssystem, vilket ökar möjligheten att förbättra kedjans effektivitet. Vi hade, med den här utgångspunkten i åtanke, för avsikt att besvara problemformuleringen: Hur hanteras information i VMI-styrda relationer inom koncerner? Syften med undersökningen var att undersöka hur lagerstyrning i form av VMI fungerar i en koncern, förklara hur VMI påverkar informationsflöde och relationer i en koncern samt att analysera betydelsen av VMI för informationsutbytet. Efter teoretiska studier genomfördes en undersökning på en koncern där VMI har införts och givit resultat. Resultaten från intervjuerna har sedan analyserats och vi har kommit fram till följande. För att hantera information i VMI-styrda relationer krävs att det finns bra system, en tydlig ansvarsfördelning och förtroende mellan parterna.

Myopic Allocation in Two-level Distribution Systems with Continuous Review and Time Based Dispatching

Howard, Christian January 2007 (has links)
This thesis studies the allocation of stock in a two-level inventory system with stochastic demand. The system consists of one central warehouse which supplies N non-identical retailers with one single product. Customer demand occurs solely at the retailers and follows independent Poisson processes. The purpose is to investigate the value of using a more advanced allocation policy than First Come-First Serve at the central warehouse. The focus is on evaluating how well the simple First Come-First Serve assumption works in a system where the warehouse has access to real-time point-of-sale data, and where shipments are time based and consolidated for all retailers. The considered allocation policy is a myopic policy where the solution to a minimization problem, formulated as a constrained newsvendor problem, determines how the warehouse allocates its stock to the retailers. The minimization problem is solved using (a heuristic method based on) Lagrangian relaxation, and simulation is used to evaluate the average inventory holding costs and backorder costs per time unit when using the considered policy. The simulation study shows that cost savings around 1-4 percent can be expected for most system configurations. However, there were cases where savings were as high as 5 percent, as well as cases where the policy performed worse than First Come-First Serve. The study also shows that the highest cost savings are found in systems with relatively low demand, few retailers, short transportation times and a short time interval between shipments.

Improving Inventory Management in Small Business : A Case Study

Bai, Lining, Zhong, Ying January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: The growth of small business is fast and their impact on the economy is becoming bigger. How to manage the inventory effectively and efficiently often is a challenge for these small businesses. The study took place at HEM-SOL FORSALJNINGS AB, a company involved in gym sports equipment wholesale. For HEM-SOL two inventory problems, stock-out and overstock occur frequently. The company wants to improve its efficiency and is con-sidering a change in the inventory management. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons behind the inventory management inefficiency in HEM-SOL, and then the proposed managerial suggestions will be presented to deal with the issues. Method: The study is considered as qualitative single-case study. Data collection is mainly through the interviews with the top manager and other staff involved in inventory control opera-tions. Secondary data is retrieved from the information system to provide the annual pur-chasing and sales report about twenty items using a purposive sampling approach. Data analysis follows the theoretical framework. Conclusion: Small businesses have limited financial resources and bargaining power. Long-distance suppliers, big fluctuation of demand and lack of formalized inventory control system result in HEM-SOL bad performance on inventory management. The authors analyze the col-lected data and establish a formal inventory control system as the solution to improve the company’s inventory management.

The Study of Mathematical Problem Solving Competence for Elementary Students in Tainan City

Tsai, Tsung-hsien 29 August 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is (1) to investigate factors that influence mathematical problem solving competence for elementary students, (2) to understand the current studies regarding the development of mathematical problem solving competence, and (3) to probe background factors that affect the development of mathematical problem solving competence. The subjects of the study included 710 fifth-graders in Tainan city. The surveys of Thinking Style Inventory, Mathematical Learning Perception Check List as well as Mathematical Problem Solving Competence Test were used as instruments for data collection. A total of 710 questionnaires were delivered and 587valid questionnaires were collected, with fairly high 82.60% return rate. The collected data was tested with descriptive analysis, independent t test¡BANOVA¡Bproduct-moment correlation coefficient,multiple correlation and multiple regression. Based on the data analysis, the six findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The low satisfaction with mathematics class was revealed from the analysis of students¡¦ Mathematical Learning Perception Check List. It is suggested boosting subjects¡¦ satisfaction with the mathematics class will enhance the development of mathematical problem solving competence. 2. The positive correlation between administration style and mathematical problem solving competence was shown eminently among all types of thinking styles. The result indicated different function of the thinking styles influenced the development of mathematical problem solving competence in a varied degree. 3. From the analysis of students¡¦ background factor and mathematics problem solving competence, the statistic indicated the length of extra curriculum students devoted to does not affect their mathematical problem solving competence. The factors that influence students¡¦ mathematical problem solving competence the most were shown in the following order: administration district, the social status of father, the social status of mother, gender and the size of school. 4. The comparative variance of the mathematics learning achievement and mathematics problem solving competence was 24.3%. It implied the two influences each other. Students with low mathematical learning achievement show low mathematical problem solving competence and vice versa. 5. When predicting students¡¦ development of mathematical problem solving competence via the data of parents¡¦ social status and mathematical learning perception check list, the result showed the prediction via parents¡¦ social status is less significant. Yet the prediction via mathematical learning perception check list gained the highest variance ratio in this case. 6. In terms of the distribution of parents¡¦ social status, East, North and Middle East were of eminent as compared to South, An-Ping and An-Nan district in Tainan city. The finding implied parents¡¦ social status was a major factor that influence students¡¦ mathematics problem solving ability in administration district, as the £b2 ¡]Eta Squared¡^¡×25.3¢H shown in this study.

Betydelsen av copingresurser och självkänsla för attityd till krisstöd inom polisen

de Colli, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Krisstöd som syftar till att lindra stress för poliser i yttre tjänst är en förutsättning för att uppnå en god arbetsmiljö. Enligt tidigare forskning bör personers behov och inställning tas i beaktande vid planeringen av krisstöd. Vad personer har för inställning till krisstöd kan studeras i form av attityder. Personers självkänsla är besläktat med känslighet för stress vilket kan påverka behov av krisstöd. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om copingresurser och självkänsla hade någon betydelse för attityd till krisstöd. Poliser i yttre tjänst deltog (N = 101, varav 29 kvinnor). Coping Resource Inventory (CRI), två skalor av självkänsla samt ett eget konstruerat frågeformulär för mätning av attityder till krisstöd användes. Resultaten visade att copingresurser och självkänsla hade betydelse för positiv attityd till krisstöd. Detta indikerar att högre bassjälvkänsla och högre copingresurser, via mer positiv attityd, utgör en nyckel till ett mer lyckat krisstöd.

Undersökning av svenska advokaters arbetssituation

Mesick, Tasha, Näsström, Jens January 2006 (has links)
Skadliga nivåer av stress och därtill relaterade sjukdomar är ett väl belagt fenomen bland amerikanska advokater. Dock fanns det ingen likartad forskning om svenska advokater, varför föreliggande studie syftade till en ökad förståelse av deras arbetsförhållanden och hälsoproblem. Detta för såväl den samlade gruppen svarande som för demografiska undergrupper. En enkätundersökning av Sveriges advokatsamfunds verksamma medlemmar (N=2318) visade bland annat att advokaterna låg relativt högt på emotionell utmattning och upplevd effektivitet, men närmare medel beträffande cynism enligt Maslachs Burnout Inventory – General Survey. En hierarkisk regressionsanalys visade att arbetsförhållandena (kvantitativ och kvalitativ arbetsbelastning, samt överengagemang) i högre grad än demografiska faktorer kunde predicera sömnkvalitet, emotionell utmattning och cynism bland svenska advokater. Sammantaget indikerade resultaten en arbetssituation med såväl påfrestningar som resurser i form av hög arbetstrivsel och upplevd effektivitet.

VMI, a successful supply chain strategy? : Towards a VMI implementation at Kongsberg Automotive

Nowak, Daniel, Nyman, Robert, Lundberg, Marie January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Kongsberg Automotive (KA), a first- and second-tier supplier to some of the largest automotive manufactures, has acknowledged the need to enhance their competitiveness and to collaborate within the supply chain. In order to do this, KA must improve the current business processes by establishing long term relationships with their suppliers. Today, KA face a high level of inventory, which has resulted substantial amount of tied up capital and inefficient processes. Therefore, this study will evaluate KA’s and three chosen suppliers’ possibilities and the effects that a vendor managed inventory (VMI) partnership will imply. VMI is a concept within supply chain management, where the supplier is fully responsible for managing the customer’s inventory level. To achieve this, the supplier is given access to sensitive information of the customer’s inventory level and demand and can, thereby, replenish the customer’s stock when needed. Although, some firms have embraced the concept with success, others have retreated forcefully. To fulfil the purpose of this study, we have done a broad literature review regarding VMI and performance measurements, as well as, organisational structures and information sharing in collaborative partnerships. Further, to better understand the implementation and effects of VMI, a benchmarking study was made at Volvo Powertrain in Skövde, an early VMI pioneer. In addition to the thorough study of KA’s processes, field visits were made at the suppliers’ to visualize their material and information flow in order to examine in what areas VMI would have an impact. The conclusion of this study is that a VMI strategy, in supplement with a consignment stock policy, is possible for KA. However, issues concerning responsibilities and ownership have become apparent throughout the study that needs to be agreed upon. Further, the study indicates that the benefits from a VMI implementation will be greater for KA, than for the suppliers. Specifically, a reduction in inventory value can be attained by KA, while the suppliers only can obtain minor improvements within the areas of inventory, production, and order processing. On the other hand, the suppliers will face drawbacks, mainly in their order processing, which will result in increased costs. However, we advice KA to further discuss and test the VMI and consignment stock strategy in a pilot project in order to find the right solution for the company and the suppliers.

Minimizing the risk of material shortage and waiting times via an improved order to delivery process : A study conducted within IV Produkt in Växjö

Dagberg, Alexandra, Thorén, Alexander, Tozzi, Giovanni, Velichkov, Kalin January 2013 (has links)
~ 3 ~ Abstract Master Program in Business process and Supply Chain Management Degree Project in Logistics 15 hp, Course 4FE06E Authors: Alexandra Dagberg, Alexander Thorén, Giovanni Tozzi, Kalin Velichkov Tutor: Roger Stokkedal Examiner: Helena Forslund Title: “Minimizing the risk of material shortage and waiting times via an improved order to delivery process – A study conducted within IV Produkt in Växjö” Background: Inventory Management activities have gained a relevant importance over the time in reducing uncertainties at both upstream as well as downstream levels of the supply chain, allowing a smooth material flow between chain members while responsively meeting customer demand. Control activities over the inventory represent a challenged and controversial aspect for most of today’s companies, including IV Produkt. Problem discussion: IV Produkt has, due to the rapid growth during the last ten years, fallen behind the area of inventory management as well as internal material handling process. The reason is that the company has not been able to develop these functions with the same pace as the economic growth. Consequently, the firm is facing difficulties to efficiently supply assembly lines, causing material shortage and waiting times. Research questions: RQ1: - How is the order to delivery process, from material supply functions to the Assembly line 2, at IV Produkt built up today? RQ2: - How can the order to delivery process of raw material and semi-finished products, between material supply functions and the Assembly line 2, be improved in order to minimize the risk of material shortage and waiting times? RQ3: - How can the physical storage of raw material and semi-finished products be structured within the studied area in order to support RQ2? Method: This thesis represents a descriptive case study conducted via a positivistic perspective and a deductive approach. Data was collected by interviews, observations and questionnaires, as well as via academic literature procured via a research in Linnaeus University’s library and via the use of approved web databases. Results are based on quantitative data collected from the studied company, guaranteeing the scientific credibility of the thesis. The respect of ethical principles were ensured by a discussion with company to mutually agree on the confidentiality of the presented information. Conclusion: The conclusion shows how the studied order to delivery process is built up today, highlighting several kind of waste in the current material and information flows. As a result, several actions, such as an extended use of the data system, the application of Kanban and the implementation of the ABC logic, in combination with a new proposed storage layout, were identified and proposed in order to minimize the risk of material shortage and waiting times.

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