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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparação da adaptação pessoal de adolescentes judiciarizados e não-judiciarizados: a aplicação do inventário de personalidade de Jesness e de Eysenck e de humores depressivos de Beck / Personal adaptation comparison between adjudicated and non-adjudicated adolescents: the application of the Jesness anda Eysenck Personality Inventories and the Beck Humor Depressive Inventory

Ivana Regina Panosso 20 October 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho, sob o referencial da Teoria da Regulação Pessoal e Social da Conduta Delituosa, ocupou-se da compreensão da adaptação pessoal de um grupo de adolescentes judiciarizados (GJ) em comparação a um grupo de adolescentes não-judiciarizados (GNJ). Sessenta adolescentes do sexo masculino, com idades entre 16 e 18 anos, participaram da pesquisa, 30 constituindo o GJ e 30 constituindo o GNJ. A coleta de dados foi feita com três instrumentos: Invetário de Personalidade de Eysenck, (IPE), Inventário de Personalidade de Jesness (IPJ) e Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI). Os resultados indicaram diferenças de adaptação pessoal entre os grupos na medida em que o GJ e o GNJ tiveram médias significativamente diferentes em muitas das dimensões dos instrumentos utilizados (Propensão à Delinqüência, Neuroticismo e Psicotismo do IPE; DS, OV, Im, Au, Al, AM e IA do IPJ e; Tristeza, Insatisfação, Punição, Auto-aversão, Choro, Perda de Apetite e Escore Total do BDI). As diferenças entre os grupos revelaram que a adaptação pessoal do GJ é deficitária, denotando um desenvolvimento de personalidade mais egocêntrico (em oposição a um desenvolvimento alocêntrico da personalidade), em comparação ao GNJ. Os resultados obtidos através dos três instrumentos foram discutidos à luz dos resultados publicados pela literatura científica sobre o tema. Teceram-se algumas considerações finais acerca das contribuições trazidas por este estudo, bem como acerca de suas limitações. / This study was conducted under the basis of the Offensive Behavior Personal and Social Regulation Theory. It aimed to understand the personal adaptation of a group of adjudicated adolescents (AG) in comparison to a group of non- adjudicated ones (NAG). Sixty male adolescents with ages between 16 and 18 years participated of the research (30 composing AG and 30 composing NAG). The data collection was made with three instruments: Eysenck Personality Inventory, (EPI), Jesness Personality Inventory (JPI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The results indicated that the groups differentiated on personal adaptation as AG and NAG had significantly different averages in many of the dimensions of the instruments (Propensity to the Deliquency, Neuroticism and Psicoticism of the IPE; SM, VO, Im, Au, Al, MA and AI of the IPJ and Sadness, Dissatisfaction, Punishment, Self-aversion, Tears, Appetite loss and Total score of the BDI). The inter-group differences showed that the AG personal adaptation is low, denoting a more self-centered personality development (the opposite of a personality alocentric development), in comparison to the NAG. The results from the three instruments were discussed in a comparison with the published results from scientific literature on the subject. Some final considerations regarding the contributions brought by this study, as well as some considerations regarding its limitations was carried out.

Den ideella ledaren : En studie som undersöker personlighetstyper kopplat till utbrändhet tillsammans med motivationsfaktorer inom svenska idrottsföreningar

Gullersbo, Rebecca, Steiner, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Abstract   Title: The nonprofit leader   Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration   Author: Felicia Jingmyr Steiner and Rebecca Gullersbo   Supervisor: Jonas Kågström   Date: May 2020   Aim: The purpose is to highlight the connection between Big Five´s different personality traits, the dimension according the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the underlying motivational factors within Swedish sport associations and their non-profit leaders.   Method: The study uses a quantitive method with a deductive approach. The method involved a survey in which 380 leaders in Swedish sports associations were assigned the questionnaire. The empirical data was then processed in the analysis and statistics program Jamovi through a descriptive-, correlation- and factor analysis.   Result and analysis: The result of the study showed that leaders with high levels of neuroticism have the biggest risk of burnout. A big part of the study group had high values of conscientiousness and extraversion built in to perform their leadership and involvement tasks well with high efficiency. The result showed that the leaders have a number of underlying motivational factors and not only one. The biggest motivating factor in the leaders who participated in this study was to help other people and the least motivated factor was the monetary reward.   Contribution of the thesis: The study makes the most knowledge and an increased understanding of the interaction between different personality traits with other factors such as burnout and underlying motivational factors. The survey´s selection of leaders within Swedish sport associations provides a practical contribution in the form of knowledge about the leaders themselves and how they should work with them to keep the involvement going.   Suggestions for further research: Upon completion of the study, further research of the sports associations´ leaders and their assignments can a connection between personality traits with other factors such as burnout and underlying motivational factors be found. An interesting angle of this type of research would be relevant is to see how the leader´s actual mission affects its sense of purpose. Further research in sport leaders and their non-profit involvement could do more in-depth by looking at their team/athletes´ demographic variables and strengths to see if the motivational factors are being eradicated because of these.   Keywords: “The Big Five”, “Maslach Burnout Inventory”, burnout, personality trait, volunteer, voluntary work, “Volunteer Function Inventory”, coach, sport

Studie optimalizace procesu zásobování podniku / The Study of Optimalization Process Supply in Company

Kjeronský, Michal January 2009 (has links)
Main subject of this master thesis is inventory controlling in Siemens Elektromotory, s.r.o. (Ltd), plant Frenštát pod Radhoštěm. In theoretical part are described the essential topics as the controlling generally , then substance of the the inventory controlling and the importation of inventory for the company, their classification and reasons, why is it so important to go in for the inventory controlling. In the practical part the thesis describes current situation in the company and current controlling toolls in inventory field. Then is described the process of developing new inventrory controlling program and the contribution of this program for inventory management. In following part is performed the ABC analysis of invetory acording their proportion on the total consumption. Based on this part are formulated suggestions for setting up new consignment stocks and calculated the influence on the company asset management

Integrering av automatiserade lagersstyrningssystem

Ulgemo, Conrad, Svedberg, Albin January 2020 (has links)
Det har skett mycket de senaste åren inom tillverkningsindustrin. Kundanpassning med olika tillbehör och önskemål sätter press på företags förmåga att producera. En effektiv och noggrann hantering samt lagring av gods är en förutsättning för att förbli konkurrenskraftig. Det är väsentligt med lagerstyrning för kontroll av verksamhetens in- och utflöden i syfte att uppnå lönsamhet och hög kundnöjdhet. Hallberg-Rassy är skandinaviens största företag inom skeppsbyggnad som alltid levererat i tid. Med en ökad efterfråga och hantering av gods är lagerstyrningen viktig för att bevara kvaliteten. Företaget har uppmärksammat en misshantering av artiklar i främst höglagret som är i behov av ett förbättringsarbete.   Företaget har ett stort centrallager som styrs av affärssystemet Navision. Problemet är att det befintliga affärssystemet inte kan utnyttjas till samtliga lager i verksamheten. Detta för att affärssystemet anpassats för mycket till centrallagret vilket resulterar i att systemets modul inte kan appliceras till företagets höglager. I dagsläget styrs höglagret av ett manuellt system i form av pärmar, där hanteringen leder till missvisande lagersaldon. Vi har med intervjuer och observationer av företaget samt framtagning av relevant teori, tagit reda på vilka faktorer som är anledningen till att manuella lagerrutiner bibehållas. Även vilka åtgärder som ska vidtas för att integrera manuella lagerrutiner i ett modernt lagerstyrningssystem. Men också undersökt vilka komplikationer en sådan övergång medför. Vi kom fram till att Hallberg-Rassy är kvar i manuella lagerrutiner för att integreringen i ett modernt lagerstyrningssystem medför stora kostnader med motstånd och rädsla från arbetarna. Denna integrering kan även medföra eventuella risker för en bristande kunskap av den nya modulen i affärssystemet. Detta sätter krav på utbildning för att upprätthålla hög arbetsmoral som främjar rätt indata till den nya modulen i affärssystemet. / A lot has happened in recent years in the manufacturing industry. Customization with different accessories and wishes puts pressure on companies' ability to produce. Efficient and accurate handling and storage of goods is a prerequisite for staying competitive. It is essential to have inventory management for control of the company's inputs and outflows in order to achieve profitability and high customer satisfaction. Hallberg-Rassy is Scandinavia's largest shipbuilding company that always delivers on time. With increased demand and handling of goods, inventory management is important in order to preserve quality. The company has a large central warehouse that is controlled by the business system Navision, but the problem is that the existing business system cannot be used for all the warehouses in the business. The business system has been adapted too much to the central warehouse, which means that the system cannot be applied to the company's other warehouse. Today is the other warehouse controlled by a manual system in the form of binders, where the handling entails a misleading stock balance. With interviews and observations of the company as well as the development of relevant theory, we’ve found out which factors that are the reasons manual inventory routines are retained. Also, which approach should be taken to integrate manual warehouse routines into a modern warehouse management system. We also investigated the complications of such a transition result. We concluded that Hallberg-Rassy remain the manual storage routines because integration to a modern warehouse management system causes high costs with resistance and fear from the workers. This integration can also pose potential risks for lack of knowledge of the new module in the business system. This requires training to maintain a high work ethic that promotes the right input to the new module in the business system.

Prediction of chronic alcoholism from the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory

Sedlacek, Gordon Max. January 1955 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1955 S44 / Master of Science

Optical scanner assessment information as valued by hospital pharmacy directors

Meier, Ardis Jean, 1953- January 1988 (has links)
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of communication and information on the potential adoption of optical scanners by hospital pharmacy directors. The study used a randomly selected national mail survey of 600 hospital pharmacy directors. A response rate of 64.17% was attained and the instrument was determined to have adequate reliability. Believability of optical scanner assessment information was compared between directors with high and low optical scanner familiarity. Directors with high familiarity rates the information's influence on their decision to adopt significantly higher than directors with low familiarity. Directors were also asked to rate the importance of the source of information and the optical scanner characteristics when making their decision to adopt. Directors with high familiarity rated management sources, administrative uses and time-savings higher and cost lower in importance. The survey revealed that 18.96% of the respondents were currently using optical scanners, primarily for inventory control.

Validation transculturelle en langue française du "Political Skill Inventory"

Dubé, Stéphanie January 2011 (has links)
Dans les organisations d'aujourd'hui, les structures hiérarchiques traditionnelles ont cédé leur place aux relations latérales. Ainsi les mécanismes de coordination et de contrôle sont devenus plus horizontaux. La dynamique du fonctionnement des organisations s'en trouve transformer [i.e. transformée] et devient de nature sociale. Dans ce contexte, pour favoriser la performance et prendre en compte l'omniprésence des phénomènes politiques dans les organisations, la maîtrise d'habiletés interpersonnelles dont l'habileté politique devient incontournable. De nombreux impacts positifs pour l'individu et l'organisation sont associés à son utilisation. Pourtant, une seule mesure de cette compétence a été répertoriée : le Political Skill Inventory (PSI, Ferris et al., 2005a). Afin d'en faire bénéficier les organisations francophones du Québec, la traduction et validation de l'outil est nécessaire. L'objectif général de cette recherche est d'effectuer la validation transculturelle en français du questionnaire PSI au moyen de la méthodologie de Vallerand (1989). Les hypothèses émises visent à vérifier les validités de contenu, concomitante et de construit ainsi que, la fidélité de la version expérimentale. La traduction du questionnaire PSI constitue la phase 1 de la méthode de Vallerand et la validation du PSI-FR représente la phase 2. Pour la traduction en français du questionnaire, la responsable du projet de recherche avec quatre traducteurs bilingues auquel [i.e. auxquels] s'ajoute un doctorant en psychologie organisationnelle constituent un comité d'experts et 20 travailleurs participent au pré-test. Quant à la validation du PSI-FR, elle s'est déroulée en deux temps de mesure et avec deux échantillons de participants bilingues. L'échantillon du premier temps de mesure comprend 208 travailleurs et pour le second, 147 travailleurs. La version originale du PSI, de langue anglaise, ainsi que sa version traduite en français ont été utilisées. Un second questionnaire utilisé pour la présente recherche est le Machiavelianism Personality Scale (MPS, Dahling, Whitaker, & Levy, 2009). Il sert à mesurer la variable de machiavélisme, concept connexe mais distinct de l'habileté politique. Les résultats démontrent une congruence entre les versions française et anglaise et ce, aux deux temps de mesure. Les mesures de fidélité du questionnaire expérimental, soit les indices statistiques de consistance interne et de stabilité temporelle confirment sa fidélité. Les résultats liés à la validité de construit aux Temps 1 et 2 suggèrent une solution d'ordre supérieur prometteuse (Temps 1) et la supériorité d'une solution à quatre facteurs primaires (Temps 2). Les mesures prises au Temps 2 sont plus près des résultats des études de Ferris et al. (2005) que celles du Temps 1, notamment aux relations entre les dimensions. Finalement, les résultats confirment l'inexistence de lien entre le machiavélisme et l'habileté politique. Si des études complémentaires s' avèrent nécessaires pour obtenir un instrument fidèle et valide de l'habileté politique, cette recherche a par ailleurs apporté des contributions notables : l'accès à un court questionnaire mesurant l'habileté politique, le PSI-FR et une validation supplémentaire du modèle théorique du construit tel que décrit par Ferris et al. (2005a). Quant à l'application pratique, la présente étude offre un outil prometteur pour les travailleurs francophones du Québec, utile pour le développement des compétences en matière d'habiletés politiques.

The impact of language on personality assessment with the Basic Traits Inventory

Grobler, Sonja 01 1900 (has links)
Personality psychology became an identifiable discipline in the social sciences in the 1930s when Allport (1937) published an article on the psychological interpretation of personality. The field of personality traditionally emphasised the study of the whole person, the dynamics of human motivation and the identification and measurement of individual differences (McAdams, 1997). Since the publication of Allport’s article, personality has been extensively researched and several theories exist that attempt to organise and explain the differences in human behaviour. Personality instruments are based on personality theories and aim to assist psychologists with the prediction of human behaviour. Psychologists use personality instruments as part of a selection battery to assist organisations with the screening and selection of individuals who have the potential to be successful within a specific work environment. The Basic Traits Inventory (BTI), a personality instrument that is based on the Five-Factor model, was developed in South Africa by Taylor and De Bruin (2006). The BTI is a valid and reliable personality instrument as indicated by results from research by Taylor (2004), Taylor and De Bruin (2006) and Taylor (2008) on its utility within the multicultural and multilingual environment of South Africa. Taylor (2008) nevertheless identified some problematic items when she analysed the construct, item, and response bias of the BTI across cultures for three language groups – Afrikaans, English and indigenous African languages – and consequently indicated the need for further research in this regard. The current study therefore explores the possible bias of the items of the BTI, and uses a sample large enough to analyse each of the eleven of the official languages of South Africa separately. The study focuses on the impact of the eleven official languages of South Africa on assessment of the Big Five personality factors with the BTI. The actual sample consisted of 105 342 respondents, resulting in the sub-samples per official language group being larger than 1 000. Each of the eleven official South African language groups could therefore be analysed separately, which has not been possible in previous studies. Analysis of the responses of the total sample to the BTI items generally yielded high reliability in terms of Cronbach alpha coefficients (α) and the Person Separation Index (PSI). The results were reported as follows: Extraversion (α=.86; PSI=.85); Neuroticism (α=.89; PSI=.86); Conscientiousness (α=.93; PSI=.88); Openness to experience (α=.90; PSI=.84); Agreeableness (α=.94; PSI=.86); and Social desirability (α=.72; PSI=.70). MANOVA results indicated statistically significant differences between the mean values of each of the BTI factors for the different language groups. Rasch analysis methods were used to further analyse the differences in terms of item responses for each of the eleven official language groups in South Africa. Respondents generally interpret and endorse the items of a personality instrument according to their intrinsic personality characteristics and their interpretation of the words used in the items of the personality instrument. In order to assess the respondents’ understanding of the administration language, English, two English proficiency tests were administered together with the BTI. The combined English proficiency scores were used to differentiate between respondents who understood English very well (top 25% – high English proficiency group) and those who struggled to understand English terminology (bottom 25% – low English proficiency group). Rasch analysis techniques were used to analyse the data for the whole sample as well as for the high and low English proficiency groups. Some items showed statistically significant differences for the language groups, indicating item bias in the BTI. Contrary to expectation, a larger number of biased items were indicated for the higher English proficiency group than for the total group or for the low English proficiency group. Due to the number of biased items for the high English proficiency group, it was concluded that the differences between the eleven official language groups may be a result of the differences in the intrinsic personality characteristics of the respondents, rather than measurement errors or item bias of the BTI instrument. Further research in this regard was recommended. The current study confirms that home language and English proficiency, as indicators of the level of understanding of the language in which the personality instrument was administered, undeniably influence the individual’s response pattern. Far fewer items indicated bias than those identified in Taylor’s (2008) study, where a smaller sample was used and language groups were combined. Despite some BTI items showing bias, the conclusion was reached that this personality instrument can be used with confidence to assess personality traits in persons speaking any of the eleven official South African languages. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / D. Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Rates of Apparently Abnormal MMPI-2 Profiles in the Normal Population

Odland, Anthony Paul 01 January 2013 (has links)
Previous research suggests as more scores are interpreted, there is a coinciding increase in the chance significant scores will be obtained. Interpretation of the MMPI-2 can involve the analysis of as many as 98 or more separate scores, suggesting the measure has a strong proclivity for producing a high frequency of seemingly abnormal scores amongst normal healthy adults. In the current study the incidence of elevated MMPI-2 scores was simulated for the normal population using Monte Carlo methodology. Interscale correlations from the MMPI-2 restandardization sample were obtained to determine the percentage of the population with N or more seemingly abnormal scores. Simulations were conducted for all scales combined, and for the Clinical, Harris-Lingoes, Content, Content-Component, and Supplementary scales separately at varying T-score cutoffs. 36.8% of normal adults are expected exhibit at least one elevated score on the Clinical scales at 65T. The normal incidence of at least one seemingly abnormal score was 38.3% on the Content, and 55.1% on the Supplementary scales. When all scale groups are considered together, approximately 50% of the normal population has three or more significant scores, and at least seven seemingly meaningful scores are found for one out of five normal persons. These results imply that consideration of a large number of MMPI-2 scales should be conducted with caution, and that high T-score cut-points may optimally increase confidence in the absence of corroborative test scores and extra test data.

Tillförlitligheten i den automatiserade gallringsuppföljningen

Pettersson, Kristian January 1985 (has links)
To ensure that thinning is done properly and correct due to instruction, regularly manual monitoring of the stand is done by the harvester operator after thinning. The aim of this study is to investigate the reliability of a newly developed program, that is using harvester data to automaticly calculate stand variables after thinning. A manual forest inventory was carried out in ten differens stands i south west of Sweden, where basal area, stem density, volume and species mix were estimated and compared to the automatically calculated data. The results shows that volume and stem density were estimated with high precision while the systematic deviation for basal area was 10 %, which is a significant differens.

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