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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abrindo A Caixa Preta: uma leitura da sociedade israelense na década de 70 / Opening the Black Box: a reading society Israel in the 70

Gabriel Steinberg Schvartzman 03 October 2000 (has links)
A sociedade israelense passou por modificações, em especial, na década de 70 que levaram a mudanças políticas e sociais. O escritor Amós Oz, um dos mais destacados do país, aborda em seus textos ficcionais e não ficcionais, as mudanças e alterações refletidas no país. Este trabalho pretende estudar as modificações da década em questão, conforme apresentadas no romance A Caixa Preta de Amós Oz e para isto, são aqui desenvolvidos os seguintes temas: A busca pela identidade nacional, o confronto entre a direita e a esquerda dento do sistema político israelense, o levantamento das semelhanças entre o Estado que busca redefinir sua identidade e o movimento sionista, que procura reencontrar seus objetivos uma vez que o Estado tornou-se realidade, a posição da esquerda israelense e as concepções do grupo pacifista Shalom Achshav, a atuação da direita israelense e a militância do grupo nacionalista Gush Emunim, as diferentes ondas imigratórias para Israel antes e após a proclamação da independência e a absorção das diferentes comunidades de imigrantes, o início dos conflitos étnicos entre as diversas comunidades que formam o mosaico social israelense. Uma análise do livro A Caixa Preta, mostrando como os conflitos étnicos, religiosos e políticos se refletem na obra de Amós Oz, assim como a análise dos personagens e seus comportamentos indicando a ligação entre ficção e realidade no cotidiano israelense completam a segunda parte desta dissertação / The israeli society has gone through some moves, specially on the seventies, that led to political and social changes. The author Amós Oz, a remarkable one in the country, has written in his fictional and non-fictional works about those innovations reflected in the country. This work intends to study the changes in the period above, as shown in the novel Kufsa Chhora (The Black Box) from Amós Oz. Therefore, these themes are here developed: The search for national identity, the confrontation between right and left in the israeli political system, the collecting of the simmilarities between the State, redefining its identity and the sionist movement, that is reshaping its objectives, once the State became a reality, the position of the israeli left wing and the conceptions of the pacifist group Shalom Achshav, the position of the israeli right wing and the militanty of the nacionalistic group Gush Emunim, the different immigratory waves to Israel before and after the proclamation of the State and the absorption of the different communities of immigrants, the beggining of ethnical conflicts among the several communities, which from the israeli social mosaic. We have, here, too, an analisis of the book Kufsa Chhora (The Black Box) showing how ethnical, religious and political conflicts reflect in Amós Ozs work, as well as an analisis of the characters and their behavior to show the liaison between fiction and reality in Israels routine.

Conflitos identitários do árabe israelense: Aravim Rokdim de Sayed Kashua / Identity conflict of the Arab-Israeli: Aravim Rokdim of Sayed Kashua

Juliana Portenoy Schlesinger 30 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na análise do romance Aravim Rokdim (Árabes Dançantes), do escritor árabe israelense muçulmano Sayed Kashua, e tem como foco central a questão identitária que envolve o árabe israelense conforme visto nessa obra. Publicado em 2002, o romance conta em hebraico, idioma que tem como leitor majoritário o judeu, a história de uma família de árabes israelenses. Este estudo é desenvolvido com base nas teorias provindas dos Estudos Culturais e Pós- Colonialistas, segundo as quais no ser humano coexistem múltiplas e antagônicas identidades. Esse fato é exponencialmente visto nesse árabe cidadão israelense apresentado no romance de Kashua, que convive com sentimentos de culpa devido à sua dupla-lealdade e conflitantes fidelidades: por um lado, ele aceita sua cidadania israelense; por outro, além de ser membro de um povo cujas muitas nações se opõem à existência do Estado de Israel, ele possui parentes nos territórios ocupados por Israel na Guerra dos Seis Dias (1967) que não tiveram direito àquela cidadania. Esses sentimentos complexos e ambivalentes são intensificados devido ao contexto sociopolítico do romance: a Segunda Intifada (2000-2006). Nesse período da moderna história de Israel, a desconfiança do judeu e do Estado de Israel em relação à fidelidade do cidadão árabe israelense para com seu Estado foi exacerbada. Surge dessa combinação um romance político inusitado, que se utiliza do humor e da autoironia para contar ao seu leitor a história do árabe israelense que vive preso entre duas sociedades, que se sente um estrangeiro em seu próprio meio e, mesmo assim, não desiste de buscar um novo lugar identitário para si próprio. / This work consists of an analysis of the novel Aravim Rokdim (Dancing Arabs) by Arab-Israeli Muslim writer Sayed Kashua, which focuses on the identity issues surrounding Arab-Israelis portrayed in the work. Published in 2002, the novel is written in Hebrew and recounts the history of an Arab-Israeli family. This study is based on the theories derived from the Cultural and Post-Colonial Studies, according to which human beings simultaneously experience multiple and antagonistic identities. This fact can be observed exponentially in this Arab citizen of Israel introduced by Kashua, as he lives with feelings of guilt due to his twin-loyalties and conflicting allegiances: if, on one side, he accepts his Israeli citizenship, on the other, he is not only a member of a people whose many nations oppose the existence of the State of Israel, but has relatives living in territories occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War (1967) who were denied the right to that citizenship. These complex and ambivalent feelings are intensified by the social-political context of the novel: the Second Intifada (2000-2006), a period in modern Israeli history when the distrust of Jews and the State of Israel regarding the allegiance of Arab-Israeli citizens to the State was exacerbated. These circumstances result in a unique political novel that uses humor and self-irony to tell the reader the story of an Arab-Israeli that lives trapped between two societies, that feels like a foreigner among his own people and that tirelessly seeks a new place to call his own.

Barbárie virtual: simulacro e espetacularização da notícia em Israel no romance Partes Humanas, de Orly Castel-Bloom / Virtual barbarism: simulacrum and spectacle of the news media in Israel, in Orly Castel-Blooms romance Human Parts

Feder, Clarissa 08 April 2013 (has links)
Este projeto de pesquisa propõe-se a analisar a presença da mídia na obra Partes Humanas, da israelense Orly Castel-Bloom. A escritora traz à luz Israel com um cenário apocalíptico, em que cada ser humano só tem olhos para si e vive, em meio a uma atmosfera de caos, a luta por sua sobrevivência. O pânico diário e a insatisfação crônica são as marcas registradas dos diferentes seres humanos que, por extensão, moldam e são moldados pelo cenário fragmentado, nebuloso e trágico em que vivem no país. Nessa obra pós-sionista, os meios de comunicação assumem um papel primordial, pois não se restringem a ser um reflexo dessa sociedade, mas procuram influenciá-la com o que transmitem. Pobreza, violência, guerra e sofrimento estão presentes nas pautas dos meios de comunicação de forma quase cinematográfica. Assim, a mídia contribui para espetacularizar a vida humana. / This research project aims to examine the role of the media in the book Human Parts, of the Israeli Orly Castel-Bloom. The writer describes Israel in an apocalyptic scenary, in which each person thinks only of themselves. The people live in a chaotic atmosphere, fighting for their survival. The existential panic and the chronic dissatisfaction are present in different characters who, by extension, influence and are influenced by the fragmented, murky and tragic context, in which they live. In this post-Zionist book, the media has a primordial role, not only is it a mirror of the society, but it is also influenced by what is heard and seen in it. Poverty, violence, war, suffering: everything is present in their lives and in the media as if it were in a movie. In this way, the media contributes to sensationalize human life.

Barbárie virtual: simulacro e espetacularização da notícia em Israel no romance Partes Humanas, de Orly Castel-Bloom / Virtual barbarism: simulacrum and spectacle of the news media in Israel, in Orly Castel-Blooms romance Human Parts

Clarissa Feder 08 April 2013 (has links)
Este projeto de pesquisa propõe-se a analisar a presença da mídia na obra Partes Humanas, da israelense Orly Castel-Bloom. A escritora traz à luz Israel com um cenário apocalíptico, em que cada ser humano só tem olhos para si e vive, em meio a uma atmosfera de caos, a luta por sua sobrevivência. O pânico diário e a insatisfação crônica são as marcas registradas dos diferentes seres humanos que, por extensão, moldam e são moldados pelo cenário fragmentado, nebuloso e trágico em que vivem no país. Nessa obra pós-sionista, os meios de comunicação assumem um papel primordial, pois não se restringem a ser um reflexo dessa sociedade, mas procuram influenciá-la com o que transmitem. Pobreza, violência, guerra e sofrimento estão presentes nas pautas dos meios de comunicação de forma quase cinematográfica. Assim, a mídia contribui para espetacularizar a vida humana. / This research project aims to examine the role of the media in the book Human Parts, of the Israeli Orly Castel-Bloom. The writer describes Israel in an apocalyptic scenary, in which each person thinks only of themselves. The people live in a chaotic atmosphere, fighting for their survival. The existential panic and the chronic dissatisfaction are present in different characters who, by extension, influence and are influenced by the fragmented, murky and tragic context, in which they live. In this post-Zionist book, the media has a primordial role, not only is it a mirror of the society, but it is also influenced by what is heard and seen in it. Poverty, violence, war, suffering: everything is present in their lives and in the media as if it were in a movie. In this way, the media contributes to sensationalize human life.

Etude de la réception de la littérature hébraïque en France : nature et enjeux culturels, économiques et politiques des œuvres de fiction en prose traduites en français depuis l'an 2000 / Study of the acceptance of Israeli literature in France : nature and economic, political and cultural issues in the works of fiction translated into French since 2000

Allouche-Chemla, Marie-Rose 03 December 2014 (has links)
Les traductions en français de la littérature israélienne ont nettement augmenté au cours des dernières décennies. Ce phénomène s'inscrit dans le cadre général de l'augmentation des échanges littéraires internationaux mais tient également à des raisons politiques, commerciales ou culturelles. Notre étude recense les œuvres de fiction en prose traduites en français entre 2000 et 2012 et établit des statistiques sur leur nombre, les auteurs les plus traduits, les maisons d’édition et les traducteurs impliqués dans cette importation. Elle précise le rôle des principaux acteurs de cette exportation/ importation : institutions  gouvernementales israéliennes et françaises, agents littéraires, éditeurs et traducteurs et en analyse les enjeux politiques, économiques et culturels. Notre étude tente enfin de cerner la nature de la réception de ces œuvres dans les médias et le grand public. Nos conclusions s’appuient d’une part sur un large corpus d’œuvres littéraires israéliennes et d’articles de presse et d’autre part sur des entretiens ou réponses écrites d’écrivains, agents littéraires, éditeurs, traducteurs, directeurs de bibliothèques et lecteurs. Elles soulignent non seulement un changement quantitatif de cette réception de la littérature israélienne en France mais aussi une évolution en termes de choix de traduction qui tiennent à l’évolution de la littérature israélienne elle-Même et à la volonté de quelques personnes fortement impliquées dans cette exportation / importation. Si l’approche des médias français reste aujourd’hui, quoique dans une moindre mesure, orientée politiquement, le public de lecteurs est principalement sensible à ses qualités littéraires. / There are been a significant increase in French translations of Israeli literature in recent decades. This phenomenon fits into the general framework of increased international literary exchange, but also due to political, commercial or cultural reasons. Our study identifies the works of prose fiction of Israeli literature translated into French between 2000 and 2012, and provides statistical data on the number of translations to Hebrew, on the most translated authors and on the publishers and translators involved in the import into France.It clarifies the role of the main actors involved in such export / import: Israeli and French governmental institutions, literary agents, editors and translators, and it analyses for each of them the importance of political, cultural and commercial issues.Lastly, our study attempts to understand how these works were accepted into France by the media and by the general public.Our conclusions are based on the one hand on a broad corpus of Israeli literary works and press articles and on the other hand on interviews or written responses of writers, literary agents, editors, translators, library directors and readers. They highlight not only a quantitative change in the acceptance of Israeli literature in France, but also a change in terms of choice of translation that reflect evolution of Israeli literature itself and the individual will of a few people much involved in such export / import. If the approach of the French media remains today, although to a lesser extent, politically oriented, the public of readers is primarily sensitive to its literary qualities

Moderní izraelská povídka / Modern Israeli Short Story

Maizels, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation "Modern Israeli short story" focuses on the form of the current short prose studied on the work of four of the renowned Israeli contemporary authors. Employing the method of text comparison we try to illustrate the specifics of the modern Israeli short story. The dissertation contains both the theoretical overview as well as analytical material. The authors were selected according to several criteria: two male and two female writers which enables us to determine whether "gender" plays a role - meaning if each author favors heroes of a specific gender or if they focus only on "female" or "male" contents. We also chose two native Israeli writers and two authors of foreign descent that immigrated to Israel which enabled us to study the linguistic angle and to realize whether the writer's background is reflected in his/her work. The analytical parts as well as the amendments contain a number of samples which prove our conclusions.

Private Affections: Miscegenation and the Literary Imagination in Israel-Palestine

Cohen, Hella Bloom 05 1900 (has links)
This study politicizes the mixed relationship in Israeli-Palestinian literature. I examine Arab-Jewish and interethnic Jewish intimacy in works by Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish, canonical Israeli novelist A. B. Yehoshua, select anthologized Anglophone and translated Palestinian and Israeli poetry, and Israeli feminist writer Orly Castel-Bloom. I also examine the material cultural discourses issuing from Israel’s textile industry, in which Arabs and Jews interact. Drawing from the methodology of twentieth-century Brazilian miscegenation theorist Gilberto Freyre, I argue that mixed intimacies in the Israeli-Palestinian imaginary represent a desire to restructure a hegemonic public sphere in the same way Freyre’s Brazilian mestizo was meant to rhetorically undermine what he deemed a Western cult of uniformity. This project constitutes a threefold contribution. I offer one of the few postcolonial perspectives on Israeli literature, as it remains underrepresented in the field in comparison to its Palestinian counterparts. I also present the first sustained critique of the hetero relationship and the figure of the hybrid in Israeli-Palestinian literature, especially as I focus on its representation for political options rather than its aesthetic intrigue. Finally, I reexamine and apply Gilberto Freyre in a way that excavates him from critical interment and advocates for his global relevance.

Israeli military fiction: a narrative in transformation

Rubinstein, Keren Tova Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The current study investigates changing attitudes to militarism within Israeli society since the tumultuous decades following 1948. Events leading to the current state of Israeli society will be traced in order to illustrate the way in which change occurs. The shifts in Israeli history and society during these decades will be examined alongside developments in Israeli literature. Accordingly, eight works of fiction have been selected to lie at the heart of the study. These works, all of which centre around the Israeli military experience, convey an erosion of personal, national, and ideological certainties. The analysis of these works demands three areas of exploration: the depiction of the soldier in the civilian setting, the depiction of the soldier as he interacts with other soldiers in the military sphere, and ‘post-Zionist’ military fiction produced in recent decades. These three areas of exploration entail an interrogation of gender, nationalism, and ‘post-Zionism’ in contemporary Israel. The works examined in the third chapter contain commentary not only upon the social reality of their authors, but also upon the way in which Israeli literature engages with the issues that inform its existence. (For complete abstract open document)

"Ich dichte in die wüste Zeit" - Ich-Konstruktionen in der Lyrik der deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller_innen Israels / "I am writing into deserted times" - Constructions of the I in the German poetry of the Israeli writers Netti Boleslav and Jenny Aloni

Poppe, Judith 27 August 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht eine in der bisherigen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung unbeachtete Literatur – die deutschsprachige Literatur Israels. Exemplarisch wird dafür die Lyrik zweier Autor_innen, Jenny Aloni und Netti Boleslav, in den Blick genommen. Jenny Aloni und Netti Boleslav emigrierten Ende der 1930er Jahre aus dem nationalsozialistischen Deutschland bzw. Prag nach Israel, fanden dort eine neue Heimat und verfassten bis zu ihrem Tod in den 1980er bzw. 1990er Jahren in deutscher Sprache Lyrik und Prosa. Leben und Werk der Autor_innen werden in der Arbeit auf der Basis von Dokumenten wie Tagebüchern, Briefen und unveröffentlichten Manuskripten rekonstruiert, die hier zum Teil erstmals aus dem Nachlass gezogen und in die literarische Öffentlichkeit eingebracht werden. Die hermeneutische Untersuchung der Gedichte in ihrem poetischen Eigenwert wird durch die Einbeziehung poststrukturalistisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Methoden ergänzt. Die Studie rückt die Ich-Konstruktionen in den Fokus – sowohl die der empirische Autor_innen als auch die der literarischen Ichs – und verfolgt damit die Fäden an unterschiedliche Zeiten und Orte zurück, in und an denen die Literatur ihre Spuren hinterlassen hat. Auf der Basis der Analysen wird die untersuchte Literatur, basierend auf Konzepten von Deleuze/Guattari und Kühne, schließlich als „Kleine Zwischenliteratur“ bezeichnet. Die Literatur Alonis und Boleslavs erscheint in Spannungsfeldern zwischen deutschem und israelischem Literaturbetrieb, mäandert zwischen Einheiten wie Böhmen, dem nationalsozialistischen und postnationalsozialistischen Deutschland, dem Staat Israel, der CSSR aber auch zwischen „jüdischer“ und „israelischer“ Literatur, deutscher Popkultur, Naturlyrik und zionistischer Geschichtsschreibung. Die Literaturgeschichte hat diese einmalige Positionierung der deutschsprachigen Literatur bisher nahezu unbeachtet gelassen. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieser blinde Fleck geschlossen. Um dieser Literatur ihr Zuhause zu geben, so die abschließende Forderung der Arbeit, sind transdisziplinär und transnational Überlegungen anzustellen, wie die Literaturwissenschaft den Schnittmengen zwischen diesen zwei Literaturgeschichten institutionell und konzeptionell gerecht werden kann.

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