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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produção leiteira e comportamento ingestivo de vacas Jersey em pastagem cultivada de inverno com e sem suplementação / Milk production and ingestive behavior of ‘jersey’ cows on cool season annual pasture with or without soybean supplement

Velho, Ione Maria Pereira Haygert January 2008 (has links)
O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma propriedade rural, no município de Pelotas, RS. Com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento ingestivo diurno e a produção de leite de vacas e a relação dos componentes da pastagem com o comportamento ingestivo e a produção de leite. A fase experimental foi de 117 dias, entre 02 de agosto e 26 de novembro de 2006, divididos em nove períodos. Com temperaturas médias que variaram de 7,3 ºC à 21,6 ºC e umidade relativa de 43,1% à 77,4%. Os tratamentos foram pastagem cultivada de inverno, constituída de uma mistura de aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb), azevémperene (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) e ervilhaca (Vicia sativa) com suplementação (farelo de soja e casca de soja) e sem suplementação. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatóriamente aos tratamentos segundo um delineamento completamente casualizado. O método de pastejo foi lotação rotacionada em faixas. Foram utilizadas oito vacas da raça Jersey. A produção de leite foi mensurada através do controle individual, 48 horas após o pastejo dos animais. O conhecimento do comportamento de vacas leiteiras em pastejo é de suma importância para o melhor aproveitamento das pastagens bem como para o estabelecimento de estratégias adequadas de manejo. Para o registro das atividades de pastejo, ruminação e ócio, adotou-se a observação visual, feita a cada 10 minutos, no tempo de permanência das vacas na pastagem que foi de 7 horas e 30minutos. Foram registrados a taxa de bocados, que compreende o tempo necessário para o animal realizar 20 bocados de apreensão. O estágio de desenvolvimento da planta afeta a digestibilidade. A fibra em detergente neutro afetou no tempo de ruminação. A diminuição de lâmina foliar dificulta a oportunidade dos animais de apreenderem a forragem, influenciando na taxa de bocado. A eficácia da mastigação e da ruminação esta relacionada e depende tanto do animal como da composição da forragem. / The objective of this work was to evaluate the diurnal ingestive behavior and milk production of lactating ‘Jersey’ cows grazing a cool season annual pasture of black oats (Avena strigosa), annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and common vetch (Vicia sativa), from August 02 to November 26, 2006 (117 grazing days), in Pelotas, RS, southern Brazil. The rotational stocking grazing method was used. Eight mature cows were used and to each one of four was fed 8 kg/cow/day of a soybean meal + soybean hull supplement. Treatments were assigned at random to cows, using a complete randomized experimental design. Data on behavioral activities were taken at every 10 minutes, by visual observation, during 450 minutes, time that cows spent on the pasture daily. Behavioral parameters studied were: grazing time, rumination time, idleness, bite rate and bite size. Milk production/cow/day was determined by milk weighting, 48 hours after grazing, during two consecutive days. Statistical analysis of data was performed using mainly the SAS PROC MEANS procedure, and for stepwise regression studies the PROC REG program was used to determine total R² and partial R² for each variable included in the model. Average grazing time was 297 and 275 minutes/day for cows on pasture alone and on pasture plus soybean supplement, respectively. It was also affected (R²=0,53) by the crude protein content of diet. The forage NDF content influenced (R²=0,82) on rumination time and the bite rate was affected (R²=0,95) by the proportion of leaf blades of forage plants present in the pasture. Feeding cows with soybean supplement increased milk production. Average milk production (corrected to 4% fat) was 17.6 and 20.6 kg/cow/day for cows on pasture alone and on pasture plus soybean supplement, respectively. In general, no relevant changes on the diurnal ingestive behavior of lactating ‘Jersey’ cows kept on a cool season annual pasture were found in this study, as a result of using the soybean supplement.

Leite instável não ácido e propriedades físico-químicas do leite de vacas Jersey / Unstable not acid milk and physical-chemical characteristics of milk from jersey cows

Abreu, Alexandre Susenbach de January 2008 (has links)
O experimento foi realizado em Itapiranga/SC, de 14 de maio a 17 de junho de 2007. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do aumento do aporte de nutrientes sobre a estabilidade do leite na prova do álcool e as propriedades físico-químicas do leite além do perfil bioquímico sanguíneo. Dezesseis vacas da raça Jersey em lactação foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos homogêneos, com oito animais em cada grupo de forma a padronizar a condição corporal, peso, estádio e ordem de lactação e produção de leite. Os animais do grupo controle continuaram recebendo a dieta a base de silagem de sorgo, pastagem de capim elefante pioneiro (Pennisetum purpureum) e concentrado comercial, enquanto o outro grupo recebeu dieta, usando os mesmos ingredientes, mas formulada para atender a 100% das necessidades nutricionais (NRC, 2001). Os animais foram avaliados quanto ao peso e condição corporal no início, meio e final do ensaio. A produção de leite, estabilidade ao álcool, acidez titulável foram avaliados duas vezes por semana durante o experimento. A densidade, índice crioscópico, composição química do leite, pH, fervura, redutase, contagem bacteriana total (CBT) e contagem de células somáticas (CCS) foram avaliados no início, meio e final do experimento, enquanto a análise sanguínea dos animais foi realizada no início e no final do experimento. O ajuste da dieta aumentou a estabilidade do leite na prova do álcool, porém não modificou a produção de leite nem suas características físico-químicas e microbiológicas. / The trial was performed in Itapiranga / SC, from May 14to June 17, 2007. The objective was to evaluate the effect of increased nutrient supplyon the stability of milk at alcohol test and the physicochemical properties of milk, as well blood profile. Sixteen lactating Jersey cows were used , randomly distributed into two homogenous groups, with eight animals in each group in order to standardize the body condition, weight, stage of lactation, number of offspring, milk production. Control group received the same diet they had been fed with sorghum silage, elefant grass pasture (Pennisetum purpureum), and commercial concentrate, while the other group received diet with the same feeds but formulated to meet the 100% of nutritional requirements (NRC, 2001). The animals were assessed for weight, stage and number of lactation, and body condition at the beginning, middle and end of the trial. Milk yield, stability at the alcohol test, titrable acidity were evaluated twice a week,density, crioscopyc index, milk chemical composition , pH, boiling, reductase, somatic cell count (SCC), total bacterial count (CBT), urea were evaluated at the beginning, middle and end of the experiment while animal’s blood were evaluated at the beginning and end of the experiment. Diet adequacy increased milk stability at the alcohol test, but did not change milk yield, nor physical-chemical and microbiological properties of milk.

JERSEY, SURE ! : Special developed jersey knits with color effects

Moëll, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of single jersey, based on its original formas a cylinder. It is also an investigation of color and transforming surfaceof garment.The outfits are based on the cylinder in construction. With some cuts andseams, developed into garments. The surface of the fabric has qualities recognizable to rib, but the constructionis different. By using cotton and polyester yarns, the stripesshrinks in different directions and when the body integrates with thefabric, shape, gravity and movement will make the material transform byopen and closing the lines. Different color effects are presented in the collection. The result is suggestingdifferent color effects, depending on size of the stripes, the saturationof the colors and the placement on the body.

REST/HTTP Access to the SensibleThings Platform

Liu, Ying January 2017 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT), also called the Internet of Everything or the Industrial Internet, is a new technology paradigm regarded as a global network of machine and devices capable of interacting with each other. Internet of things (IoT) is closely related to numerous fields. The IoT platform is a suite of components that enable deployment of applications, independent and secure connectivity between devices, device/sensor management and integration with 3rd party systems. With increased demand of utilize the platform by web access, the task of this thesis is to develop a RESTful web service for specific IoT platform – SensibleThings platform using Jersey framework. Then measuring the web server under two scenarios and evaluating. Finally, I present the future work for the RESTful web service to improve its functions.

Aditivo fitogênico na alimentação de novilhas leiteiras da raça jersey: parâmetros zootécnicos, hematológicos e comportamentais / Phytogenic additive in feeding of jersey dairy heifers: performance, hematological and behavior parameters

Gabbi, Alexandre Mossate 22 December 2004 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This experiment evaluated the effects above performance, hematological and behavior parameters of phytogenic additive included in feeding of Jersey dairy heifers. The experiment was conducted in Boapaba Ranch, with geographic localization 29º 37 S 53º 30 W, within July to September, 2004, utilizing 12 Jersey s heifers, with mean age and weight at start of trial of eight months and 112 kg, respectively. The animals were separated in two groups, with same number of repetitions, considered a Control group (with addition of phytogenic additive) and a Treatment group (with inclusion of 500 grams of phytogenic additive per ton. of ration). The phytogenic additive utilized was Fresta® F Conc., a commercial blend of essential oils, flavonoids and mucilage. The animals received, daily, divided in two feeding, 2 kg. of ration and, approximately, 3 kg. of alfalfa hay and 10 kg. of chopped black oat and ryegrass. The performance parameters evaluated were initial weight, final weight, daily average daily weight gain and feed conversion of ration. The hematological parameters evaluated were erythrogram and leukogram. Behavior parameters analyzed were feeding behavior, rectal temperature, cardiac beat, and time of intake for ration and roughage. There were not significantly differences (P > 0.05) for performance parameters. Within hematological parameters were observed significantly differences to erythrocytes and monocytes (P < 0.10), lymphocytes (P < 0.05) and leukocytes (P < 0.01). Within behavior parameters, were observed significantly differences to feeding behavior (P < 0.05), cardiac beat (P < 0.05) and time of intake for concentrate (P < 0.01). It is concluded what phytogenic additive act above hematological and behavior parameters of dairy heifers receiving this supplement. / Este trabalho avaliou os efeitos sobre os parâmetros zootécnicos, hematológicos e comportamentais de aditivo fitogênico incluso na alimentação de novilhas leiteiras da raça Jersey. O trabalho foi conduzido na Granja Boapaba, com localização geográfica 29º 37 S 53º 30 W, entre julho e setembro de 2004, utilizando-se 12 fêmeas da raça Jersey, com idade média de oito meses e peso médio ao início do experimento de 112 kg. Os animais foram separados em dois grupos, com o mesmo número de repetições, considerado um grupo Controle (sem adição de aditivo fitogênico) e um grupo Tratamento (com adição de 500 gramas de aditivo fitogênico por tonelada de ração comercial). O aditivo fitogênico utilizado foi o Fresta® F Conc., uma mistura comercial de óleos essenciais, flavonóides e mucilagens. Os animais recebiam diariamente, dividido em duas refeições, dois quilogramas de ração comercial, e aproximadamente três quilogramas de feno de alfafa e dez quilogramas de aveia e azevém picado. Os parâmetros zootécnicos avaliados foram peso inicial, peso final, ganho de peso médio diário e conversão alimentar da ração. Os parâmetros hematológicos avaliados foram eritrograma e leucograma. Os parâmetros comportamentais avaliados foram comportamento ao cocho, temperatura retal, batimentos cardíacos e tempo de ingestão de ração e volumoso. Não houve diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) para os parâmetros zootécnicos. Entre os parâmetros hematológicos, houve diferenças entre a contagem de hemácias e monócitos (P < 0,10), linfócitos (P < 0,05) e leucócitos (P <0,01). Entre os parâmetros comportamentais , houve diferenças significativas entre comportamento de cocho (P < 0,05), batimentos cardíacos (P < 0,05) e ingestão de ração (P < 0,01). Conclui-se que o aditivo fitogênico influi sobre os parâmetros hematológicos e comportamentais de novilhas leiteiras recebendo tal suplemento.

A Single Regret

Ehlen, Jason 07 March 2016 (has links)
A SINGLE REGRET is a murder mystery set on the post Hurricane Sandy Jersey shore. At thirteen, Jimmy Miller killed his father in retribution for murdering his mother. Twenty years later, he returns home because of the murder of his childhood best friend, Dillon Abernathy. Jimmy learns that Gavin, a classmate turned junkie, is charged with murdering Dillon, a scenario Jimmy doesn’t find plausible, so he decides to pursue leads the police won’t. Told in first person past tense, A SINGLE REGRET follows Jimmy as he unearths the secrets behind his friend’s death and also learns the truth behind the destruction of his own family. As in Dennis Lehane’s Mystic River, the novel examines how childhood ties shape perceptions in ways that are both true and false. Jimmy is forced to evaluate his own sense of bitterness and learn how to forgive his own mistakes and those of others.

Effect of stage of lactation on milk yield, somatic cell counts, mineral and fatty acid profiles in pasture-based Friesian, Jersey and Friesian × Jersey cows

Nantapo, Carlos Wyson Tawanda January 2012 (has links)
The effect of stage of lactation on milk yield, somatic cell counts, mineral and fatty acid profiles in pasture-based Friesian, Jersey and Friesian × Jersey cows was investigated. Twenty Friesian, twenty Jersey and twenty Friesian × Jersey cows were randomly selected from a dairy herd. A total of 202 milk samples were collected and analysed in three stages of lactation. Genotypic differences were observed in milk yield and fat content. Friesian cows produced the highest yield and lowest fat content whereas the opposite was true for Jersey cows (P<0.01). No significant differences were observed in SCC in the different genotypes, but SCC levels were higher in mid and late lactation (P<0.001). There was no effect (P<0.005) of genotype and stage of lactation interaction on Ca, P, Mg, Na, Mn and Bo concentration. Jersey cows had the least concentration of Fe and Cu in all stages of lactation. Strong positive correlations were observed among Ca and P, Mg and Zn. Aluminium had a strong positive relationship with Bo, Fe, Mn and Zn (P<0.001). Generally, SCC had a weak positive relationship with macro elements but a significant negative relationship with microelements. Yield levels were negatively correlated with Mg, Na, Al, Mn and SCC. Pasture ALA, SFA, n-3, n-6/n-3 and PUFA/MUFA concentration did not differ across the study period. Linoleic acid was highest in the second phase which coincides with mid lactation in cows (P<0.001). Highest moisture content coincided with the least fat free dry matter content in early lactation (P<0.001). Significantly high fat content was observed in late lactation than in early lactation. Highest butyric, caproic, linoleic, n-6 and PUFA were observed for Friesian cows. All other fatty acids ratios were not significantly different among different genotypes. Highest CLA, ALA, LA, SFA, PUFA, n-6, and n-3 and atherogenicity index were observed in early lactation whereas desaturase activity indices were highest in late lactation. Strong positive correlations were observed among milk vaccenic, ALA, LA and CLA concentrations. Inverse relationships were observed between SFA and long chain fatty acids. It can be concluded, it may be of advantage to consume milk from early stage of lactation poses a lower risk to coronary diseases and are much safer to consume.

Time budgets, avoidance distance scores-related behaviour and milk yield of pasture-based Jersey, Friesland and cross bred cows

Dodzi, Madodana Sunson January 2010 (has links)
Time budgets, avoidance distance scores-related behaviour and milk yield of pasture-based Jersey, Friesland and crossbred cows. by Madodana Sunson Dodzi The study was conducted at the University of Fort Hare farm to determine the time budgets, the avoidance-related behaviour variables and their relationship with milk yield in three pasturebased dairy genotypes: Jersey, Friesland and crossbreed. Twenty one clinically health dairy cows aged between 52 and 55 months, in mid lactation and comprising of seven cows from each genotype were used in the study. The time spent on different activities (grazing, lying down, standing and others) at pasture was recorded using stop watches across four seasons. The behavioural responses of the three genotypes to humans were determined by recording their avoidance distance scores (AD), exit speed (ES), pen scores (PS), pen behaviour scores (PBS), plat form scores (PLS) and the occurrence of kicking (KCK) and stepping (SPG) during milking on four consecutive days in four seasons. Time spent standing was higher (P < 0.05) for Friesland compared to Jersey and crossbred during the hot-wet season. In the cool-dry season the Jersey spent more time (P < 0.05) grazing than the other breeds. The Friesland and crossbred on the other hand devoted most of their time lying down compared to Jersey in the cool- dry season (P < 0.05). There were season differences in time spent on all activities (P < 0.05). Time spent on grazing was longest in post-rainy seasonal and lowest in hot- wet season (P < 0.05). The longest lying down period was observed in the hot-dry season and lowest in hot-wet season (P < 0.05). iii Daily milk yield Varied (P < 0.05) with genotype with the Friesland and Jersey producing higher yield than the crossbred. The highest amount was produced in hot-dry and the least in hot-wet season. Milk yield was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with lying down. Standing was negatively correlated with milk yield (P < 0.05). The Friesland had the highest avoidance distance scores (P < 0.05) and the Jersey had the lowest avoidance distance scores in all seasons. There was an association (P < 0.05) between genotype and exit speed scores, pen scores and stepping behaviour scores. The Friesland exhibited the highest exit speed scores than the other breeds. The Jersey had the lowest (P < 0.05) kicking behaviour scores. There was a relationship (r = 0.64) between avoidance distance scores and exit speed. Exit speed scores were correlated with pen score(r= 0.23). Milk yield was significant related (r= 0.17) to the occurrence of kicking behaviour. The genotypes showed different levels of sensitivity to season and milk yield was influenced by breed and season. It can be concluded that time budgets vary with season and farmers need to adopt measures that buffer the effect of season on welfare of dairy cows. It can also be concluded that avoidance distance scores differs according to genotype with Jersey being more confident to humans than other two breeds. It is therefore recommended that provision of shades or cooling mechanism should be adopted to buffer the effects of hot-wet season. Improving quality of feed during the cool-dry season may be critical for Jersey cows. Finally positive handling of the dairy cows is recommended in order to improve the welfare and milk yield of pasture based dairy cows.

Emotional Intelligence and Psychopathic Personality Traits: Examination of Adult Male Sex Offenders in New Jersey

White, Kelly Rose 01 January 2020 (has links)
Sexual assault and abuse have a significant impact on victims and society. Although there has been a plethora of research studies examining the criminogenic aspects of sexual offending, sparse literature exists on the emotional aspects of sexual offending. Prior research established that sex offenders hold deficits in their emotional functioning that could be a result of psychopathic personality traits. This research study sought to expand the literature on sex offenders and investigate if adult male sex offenders in New Jersey differ in emotional intelligence and psychopathic personality traits depending on victim typology. This study was grounded in coercion and integrated theories to explore if there are differences between the emotional intelligence and psychopathic personality traits of adult male sex offenders in New Jersey who have adult victims and child victims. The research questions asked if adult male sex offenders in New Jersey with adult victims differ in emotional intelligence and psychopathic personality traits than adult male sex offenders with child victims. Data were collected from a sample of 80 adult sex offenders located in New Jersey who were administered the Bar-On EQ-I and PPI-R. Results were analyzed using a multivariate analysis of variance. The findings of the study showed that when compared to convicted sex offenders with adult victims, convicted sex offenders with child victims had higher total and subscale scores on the EQ-I and lower scores on the three dimensions of the PPI-R. The implications for positive social change include helping to tailor treatment programs to reduce the risk of recidivism based off the identified offender emotional intelligence and psychopathic personality differences.

Do Equity and Adequacy Court Decisions and Policies Make a Difference for At-Risk Students? Longitudinal Evidence from New Jersey

Cornman, Stephen Quin January 2021 (has links)
The question of whether increased funding pursuant to equity and adequacy court decisions has improved academic performance of at-risk students has sparked a lively and spirited debate. The landmark New Jersey case of Abbott v. Burke has been at the center of this debate. In Abbott, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that students in twenty-eight (28) “special needs” districts must receive the same funding per pupil as students in the two highest socio-economic district factor groups in the State. 149 N.J. 145 (1997) (Abbott IV). The question of whether the redistribution of State aid pursuant to Abbott IV has been efficiently and effectively managed has dominated public policy debates on education in New Jersey for the last two decades. The research questions are: 1. Did the court orders in Abbott v. Burke and subsequent reform policies adopted by the state in response to these orders increase funding and resources for economically disadvantaged students in the Abbott districts? 2. Have increased resources from Abbott v. Burke directly reached students in the classroom through enhanced instruction and student support services? 3. Have Abbott v. Burke and ensuing State reform policies improved the academic performance of economically disadvantaged students as compared to analogous low socioeconomic and working-class students in districts that are not covered by the court decision? 4. Have a specific set of programs and reforms, including intensive early literacy programs in the elementary grades mandated by the State pursuant to Abbott v. Burke been effective for at-risk students in Abbott districts? My study proceeds from descriptive analyses of revenues by source and expenditures per pupil by function to quasi-experimental models. My primary causal analyses involved applying a difference-in-differences (DD) approach using expenditures per pupil, student teacher ratio, state standardized assessment scores for fourth, eighth, and eleventh grade; SAT Verbal and Math district averages; and Graduating with the Class as outcomes. My secondary causal analyses entailed a comparative interrupted time series (CITS) approach using state standardized assessment scores for eleventh grades, SAT scores, graduation rates, and post high plans as outcomes. After an exhaustive study, wherein I built one of the most comprehensive district-level databases in the nation and utilized over twenty-five measures, I find that Abbott v. Burke as an intervention has strong positive effects on education spending, student performance (in the early stages), and the learning environment. Abbott v. Burke had a strong positive effect on education spending from the time the seminal case was decided in 1997 up until to the present date. The fact that Abbott districts are expending more on student support services per pupil in FY 17 than all other socio-economic districts across the State in raw dollars ($2,477) and on a percentage basis (12.7 percent) indicates that increased resources from Abbott v. Burke directly reach students through enhanced student support services. In New Jersey, increased funding and reform policies pursuant to the line of Abbott v. Burke court decisions has improved the academic performance of economically disadvantaged student in the Abbott districts as compared to low socioeconomic and working-class non-Abbott districts. The DD model suggests that Abbott IV increased the proficiency levels on fourth grade reading assessments of Abbott districts as compared to low socioeconomic districts between school year 1997-98 and 2001-02 (p<0.01). The DD model suggests that the IEL program increased fourth grade reading proficiency scores of the Abbott districts who were “high and medium implementers” of this policy as compared to low socioeconomic districts. In a confirmation that the IEL program is effective, the DD model also implies that the IEL program increased fourth grade reading proficiency scores of the Abbott districts who were “low implementers” of this policy as compared to low socioeconomic districts. Abbott IV increased the number of students in Abbott districts enrolling in two-year colleges as compared to low socioeconomic or working class districts between school year 1997-98 and 2001-02 means that Abbott students are more cognizant of the opportunities to attend college.

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