Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aan"" "subject:"nan""
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Krematorium på Norra Begravningsplatsen / Crematorium on the northern cemeteryAnduaga, Jan January 2015 (has links)
A new crematorium in the northern necropolis, in solna is now proposed. The idea is that the crematory will be just as much an industry as a place for relatives to say goodbye to. The central grip design has been to design a well-functioning workplace with effective solutions in logistics and technology but also to split the building with corten details for the relative part. A parable for what we really are looking for the relatives. To pause a direction of flow of daily work and to give the families a final farewell moments before the coffin rolls on into the oven hall. It is also important to sharpen the mind for the relatives during farewell. To strengthen the actual farewell. With a sequence of closing then the dark and concentrated light with a well constructed paving and then go back through a disintegrating views led the families through and back of the building. / På norra begravningsplatsen tillkommer nu ett krematorium som skall vara en byggnad som gifter sig väl med landskapet, med generösa arbetsytor ochvälkomnande anhörigdel. Tanken är att krematoriet skall vara lika mycket en industri som en plats för anhöriga att ta avsked på. Det centrala gestaltningsgreppet har varit att utforma en väl fungerande arbetsplats med effektiva lösningar i logistik och teknik men också att klyva byggnaden med cortendetaljer för att leda in de anhöriga. En liknelse till vad vi egentligen är ute efter som anhöriga. Att pausa en flödesriktning av dagligt arbete och kistväg för att ge de anhöriga ett sista avskedsmoment innan kistan rullar vidare in till ugnshall. Viktigt är också att skärpa sinnet för de anhöriga under avskedet. Att förstärka det faktiska avskedet. Genom en rumsekvens av slutande därefter mörker och koncentrerat ljus med en väl inkomponerad stenläggning för att därefter gå tillbaka genom en uppluckrande utsikt leds de anhöriga igenom och tillbaka i byggnaden.
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Zur Bedeutung des Nationalen bei der deutschen Rezeption polnischer Musik von 1900 bis 1914 am Beispiel von Szymanowski und PaderewskiKeym, Stefan 31 May 2018 (has links)
Dass 'die nationale Bedeutung oder Färbung eines musikalischen Phänomens [. . . ] zu einem nicht geringenTeil eine Sache der Auffassung und der Übereinkunft: der Rezeptionsweise'1 ist, wird an der polnischen Musikgeschichte besonders deutlich. Das außergewöhnliche politische Schicksal Polensim 19.Jahrhundert - das Verschwinden eines fast tausend Jahre alten Staates, die Aufteilung seinesTerritoriums unter drei fremden Mächten und das Andauern dieses Zustands über mehr als hundert Jahre, ausgerechnet in der Hochphase des Nationalgedankens - hatte zur Folge, dass den Künstlern bei der Wahrung der nationalen Identität eine führende Rolle geradezu aufgedrängt wurde.
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Die Schüler des Jan Dismas ZelenkaPoppe, Gerhard 19 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Zur Vorgeschichte der Fantasie SweelincksKämper, Dietrich 23 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Musica des Jan Blahoslav 1569Quoika, Rudolf 24 March 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Transmission of sacred music between Bohemia and Dresden as seen in the collection of Jan Dismas ZelenkaStockigt, Janice B. 26 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Kritischer Bericht zu den hier veröffentlichten StudienpartiturenJentschke, Christina 02 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Obležen národem dramatiků. Jan Lier kritik a dramaturg Národního divadla / Besieged by a Nation of Playwrights. Jan Lier Critic and Dramaturge of the National Theatre in PragueJežková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Besieged by a Nation of Playwrights Jan Lier Critic and Dramaturge of the National Theatre in Prague The cultural endeavours of the second half of the 19th century and the turn of the 20th century - from which we have inherited more than is immediately apparent - have for the most part already been described. Nevertheless, most of what we know about them comes to us only through selected figures from the realm of politics, literature, or theatre. At the same time, there existed many other individuals who had a significant influence on their time. They may not have been "pillars" of their era - many of which are retroactively constructed by subsequent eras and have often been uncritically conserved to this day. We have thus chosen to take a new look at this era in question through the figure of Jan Lier. Although Lier had been quite popular during his life and held several important positions in society, he was ignored by later historians. This dissertation presents the full range of Lier's activities, which we divide into three parts. The first section (Ecce Homo Jan Lier) describes the author's life from his youth to his literary debut and popular novels, which brought him fame as an author of railway novels and stylistically refined (perhaps excessively so) salon prose that irritated contemporary...
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Tvorba Jana Jiřího Schaubergera na Moravě / Work of Jan Jiří Schauberger in MoraviaBřečka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Work of Jan Jiří Schauberger in Moravia This Diploma thesis treats about the life and work of Jan Jiří Schauberger, a baroque artist, who came from Austria, but worked and lived in Moravia, where he created many statues, as well as wooden or stucco sculptures, particularly in the interiors of churches. Among his best known and also the first work in Moravia belong riding statue of Caesar's fountain placed in Olomouc, erected in 1725. For the rest of his artistic life concentratedd his work primarily for sacral objects. He died relatively young as in his roughly 44 years in 1744, the exact date of his birth is unknown but is widely placed of about 1700. The first chapter is devoted to detailed criticism of literature related to the topic. Second, extensive chapter deals comprehensively with the life and work of sculptor. In the third chapter the author reflects on J. J. Schauberger's personality, in the next as about the artist. And last, the great part, is divided into several subsections depending on the material that was used for each major works, which the author discussed in detail in further sections. At the end the summarizes his findings.
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Karel Stádník a sakrální umělecká tvorba / Karel Stádník and sacral artZajícová, Anna January 2011 (has links)
In the thesis "Karel Stádník and Sacred Art" we start by a general rendering of the role, changes and development of sacred art not only in Bohemia. This introduction creates an overall context for the following description of the personality and work of the academic sculptor, restorer and permanent deacon Karel Stádník. As the author remains largely unnoticed in art history research and publications, in the thesis we provide new facts revealed during interviews with the artist's family. Thus - inter alia - we were able to extend the chapter dedicated to the artist's life and to elaborate the list of sacred works of the author. Close attention is paid to the general development and characteristic features of the author's work focusing mainly on the most important projects implemented in churches, including examples of conservation work. The next parts of the text are dedicated to selected artists with a major impact on Czech sacred art. These include architect Jan Sokol, painter Mikuláš Medek and all-round artist Ludvík Kolek. For each artist, details are provided regarding their life, personality and artistic development - again focusing mainly on the most important works for churches. The individual chapters result in comparing their sacred art with work of Karel Stádník, searching for...
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