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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Black-Box Model Development of the JAS 39 Gripen Fuel Tank Pressurization System : Intended for a Model-Based Diagnosis System / Black-box-modellering av tanktrycksättning hos bränslesystemet i JAS 39 Gripen : Avsedd för ett modellbaserat diagnossystem

Kensing, Vibeke January 2002 (has links)
The objective with this thesis is to build a Black-Box model of the tank pressurization system in JAS 39 Gripen. This model is intended to be used in an existing diagnosis system for the security control in the tank pressurization system. The tank pressurization system is a MIMO system. This makes the identification process more complicated when the best model is to be chosen. In this master's thesis the identification procedure for a MIMO system can be followed. Testing of the diagnosis system with the created Black-Box model shows that the model seems to be good enough. The diagnosis system takes the right decisions in the performed simulations. This shows that system identification might be a good alternative to physical modelling for a real-time model. The disadvantage with the Black-Box model is that it is less accurate in steady-state than the physical model used before is. The advantage is that it is faster than the physical model. The diagnosis system and the model developed in this thesis are not directly applicable on the real system today. The model has to be redesigned on the real system, this is also the case for the diagnosis system. The diagnosis system also has to be redesigned, so general flight cases, not only the security control can be supervised. However, experiences and choices like input and output signals, and choice of sample interval can be reused from this thesis when a new model might be developed.

Black-Box Model Development of the JAS 39 Gripen Fuel Tank Pressurization System : Intended for a Model-Based Diagnosis System / Black-box-modellering av tanktrycksättning hos bränslesystemet i JAS 39 Gripen : Avsedd för ett modellbaserat diagnossystem

Kensing, Vibeke January 2002 (has links)
<p>The objective with this thesis is to build a Black-Box model of the tank pressurization system in JAS 39 Gripen. This model is intended to be used in an existing diagnosis system for the security control in the tank pressurization system. The tank pressurization system is a MIMO system. This makes the identification process more complicated when the best model is to be chosen. In this master's thesis the identification procedure for a MIMO system can be followed. Testing of the diagnosis system with the created Black-Box model shows that the model seems to be good enough. The diagnosis system takes the right decisions in the performed simulations. This shows that system identification might be a good alternative to physical modelling for a real-time model. The disadvantage with the Black-Box model is that it is less accurate in steady-state than the physical model used before is. The advantage is that it is faster than the physical model. The diagnosis system and the model developed in this thesis are not directly applicable on the real system today. The model has to be redesigned on the real system, this is also the case for the diagnosis system. The diagnosis system also has to be redesigned, so general flight cases, not only the security control can be supervised. However, experiences and choices like input and output signals, and choice of sample interval can be reused from this thesis when a new model might be developed.</p>

Decision Support System for Fault Isolation of JAS 39 Gripen : Development and Implementation

Holmberg, Anders, Eriksson, Per-Erik January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a result of the increased requirements on availability and costs of the aircraft Jas 39 Gripen. The work has been to specify demands and to find methods suitable for development of a decision support system for the fault isolation of the aircraft. The work has also been to implement the chosen method. Two different methods are presented and a detailed comparison is performed with the demands as a starting point. The chosen method handle multiple faults in O(N2)-time where N is the number of components. The implementation shows how all demands are fulfilled and how new tests can be added during execution. Since the thesis covers the development of a prototype no practical evaluation with compare of manually isolation is done.

Světelné znečištění v okolí hvězdárny Ondřejov / Light pollution in the vicinity of the Ondřejov Observatory

Kocourek, David January 2017 (has links)
Light pollution is currently one of the environmental problems of human society. With the technological development and the increase of the human population on the planet, the landscape is constantly increasing the emission of disturbing light into the surrounding area during the night. The largest producer of light pollution is the urban and suburban regions where light spreads to several decades away, increasing the brightness of the sky, as well as rural or nature-close landscapes. Exposure to disturbing light has a demonstrably unfavorable effect on human, animal and plant health as well as on the balance of whole ecosystems. In this work I focus on finding and assessing the state of sky brightness in the interest zone of the observatory of Astronomical Institute AV at Ondřejov. Based on my own data measured in the field during nine night excursions, I created an interpolated map of ArcMap 10.2 and, according to directional measurements, interpreted the main polluters in this area. The results clearly show a clear trend to reduce the sky's brightness from the northwest to the east. The measurements also show that the local sources of obstrusive light near Ondřejov have a slight influence on the overall zenith brightness of the sky compared to the presence of Prague, several miles away....

Porovnání výsledků experimentálních měření dohlednosti s dostupným SW / Comparison of Results of Experimental Visibility Measurements with Available Software

Maxera, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the analysis of comparison the results of experimental measurements of visibility with the software Dohľadnosť 2.0. Based on the specifications obtained by measuring in the field evaluates, whether the results acquired from the software by simulating an identical situation are consistent and therefore applicable for an expertise activities in solving the analysis of road-traffic accident.

En studie på flygvapenpiloter kring KASAM och meningsfullhet med yrket / A study of air force pilots on SOC and meaningfulness of the profession

Däldehög, Filip January 2010 (has links)
<p>Författaren till detta arbete har anledning att tro att piloter från olika flygsystem inom Flygvapnet känner olika stor grad av meningsfullhet med det arbete de utför. I detta arbete gör författaren en undersökning där han utifrån ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv försöker påvisa sådana skillnader mellan stridspiloter och transportflygpiloter. Samt vilka effekter dessa skillnader i så fall kan innebära för piloternas hälsa och motivation i såväl yrket som i livet i allmänhet. Författaren beskriver utifrån Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) hur det går att förklara varför vissa människor är bättre rustade än andra för att klara av problematiska situationer eller svåra händelser. Vidare beskriver författaren även vikten av att individer känner en meningsfullhet i det arbete de utför och hur detta kan påverka deras vilja till att stanna kvar i det. Största delen av empirin till arbetet erhåller författaren genom en enkätundersökning bland piloter i Flygvapnet som flyger antingen JAS 39 Gripen eller C-130 Hercules. Resultatet av undersökningen är att författaren inte lyckas påvisa någon skillnad i känsla av sammanhang mellan de båda grupperna. De har utifrån detta resultat således likartade förutsättningar för att hantera motgångar och svåra situationer i livet. Författaren ser vidare en tendens till att transportflygpiloterna uppfattar sitt arbete som något mer meningsfullt än stridspiloterna, särskilt tydligt är detta i åldersintervallet 30-39 år. Författaren lyckas emellertid inte påvisa dessa skillnader som statistiskt signifikanta och utifrån uppmätt meningsfullhet med yrket drar författaren slutsatsen att de båda pilotgrupperna har likartade förutsättningar till att vilja stanna kvar inom sina respektive yrken.</p> / <p>The author of this work has reasons to believe that pilots from different systems within the Swedish air force experiences different degree of meaning with that work they carry out. In this essay the author does a survey where he on the basis of a behavior scientific perspective tries to identify such differences between fighter pilots and transport pilots. He also tries to describe what possible effects these differences, if they exist, could cause for the pilots' health and motivation. The author describes on the basis of Aaron Antonovskys theory about sense of coherence (SOC) how it is possible to explain why some people, better than other, manage to copewith difficult situations or threatening events. Furthermore the author describes the importance of feeling a purpose and meaningfulness with the work the pilots do and how this may affect their willingness to remain in their trade. The author has obtained most of the empirical material through a survey among pilots in the Swedish Air Force, flying either the JAS 39 Gripen or the C-130 Hercules. The result of the study is that the author is not able to detect any differences in sense of coherence (SOC) between the two groups of pilots. Based on this result they therefore seem to have similar abilities to handle adversities and difficult situations in life. The author also sees a tendency that cargo pilots experiences their work as something more meaningful than fighter pilots, this is particularly evident in the age 30-39 years. However, the author does not manage to prove these differences as statistically significant. Based on the study the author therefore draws the conclusionthat neither of the two different groups of pilots is more likely than the other to leave their profession due to lack of meaningfulness with what they are accomplishing.</p>

En studie på flygvapenpiloter kring KASAM och meningsfullhet med yrket / A study of air force pilots on SOC and meaningfulness of the profession

Däldehög, Filip January 2010 (has links)
Författaren till detta arbete har anledning att tro att piloter från olika flygsystem inom Flygvapnet känner olika stor grad av meningsfullhet med det arbete de utför. I detta arbete gör författaren en undersökning där han utifrån ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv försöker påvisa sådana skillnader mellan stridspiloter och transportflygpiloter. Samt vilka effekter dessa skillnader i så fall kan innebära för piloternas hälsa och motivation i såväl yrket som i livet i allmänhet. Författaren beskriver utifrån Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) hur det går att förklara varför vissa människor är bättre rustade än andra för att klara av problematiska situationer eller svåra händelser. Vidare beskriver författaren även vikten av att individer känner en meningsfullhet i det arbete de utför och hur detta kan påverka deras vilja till att stanna kvar i det. Största delen av empirin till arbetet erhåller författaren genom en enkätundersökning bland piloter i Flygvapnet som flyger antingen JAS 39 Gripen eller C-130 Hercules. Resultatet av undersökningen är att författaren inte lyckas påvisa någon skillnad i känsla av sammanhang mellan de båda grupperna. De har utifrån detta resultat således likartade förutsättningar för att hantera motgångar och svåra situationer i livet. Författaren ser vidare en tendens till att transportflygpiloterna uppfattar sitt arbete som något mer meningsfullt än stridspiloterna, särskilt tydligt är detta i åldersintervallet 30-39 år. Författaren lyckas emellertid inte påvisa dessa skillnader som statistiskt signifikanta och utifrån uppmätt meningsfullhet med yrket drar författaren slutsatsen att de båda pilotgrupperna har likartade förutsättningar till att vilja stanna kvar inom sina respektive yrken. / The author of this work has reasons to believe that pilots from different systems within the Swedish air force experiences different degree of meaning with that work they carry out. In this essay the author does a survey where he on the basis of a behavior scientific perspective tries to identify such differences between fighter pilots and transport pilots. He also tries to describe what possible effects these differences, if they exist, could cause for the pilots' health and motivation. The author describes on the basis of Aaron Antonovskys theory about sense of coherence (SOC) how it is possible to explain why some people, better than other, manage to copewith difficult situations or threatening events. Furthermore the author describes the importance of feeling a purpose and meaningfulness with the work the pilots do and how this may affect their willingness to remain in their trade. The author has obtained most of the empirical material through a survey among pilots in the Swedish Air Force, flying either the JAS 39 Gripen or the C-130 Hercules. The result of the study is that the author is not able to detect any differences in sense of coherence (SOC) between the two groups of pilots. Based on this result they therefore seem to have similar abilities to handle adversities and difficult situations in life. The author also sees a tendency that cargo pilots experiences their work as something more meaningful than fighter pilots, this is particularly evident in the age 30-39 years. However, the author does not manage to prove these differences as statistically significant. Based on the study the author therefore draws the conclusionthat neither of the two different groups of pilots is more likely than the other to leave their profession due to lack of meaningfulness with what they are accomplishing.

JAS 39C - markförbandens nye rotekamrat?

Edström, Carl-Johan January 2006 (has links)
När vi nu står inför en ominriktning i Försvarsmakten mot ett insatsförsvar kommer förband och organisationställas inför nya utmaningar och uppgifter. För flygvapnet kan detta ställa till en del problem i och medatt materielplanen är långsiktig och tiden från beslut om anskaffning till implementering av nya system oftaär lång. Detta är inte fallet med politiska målsättningar vilka kan vara mycket föränderliga och ändra inriktningfrån ett försvarsbeslut till ett annat. När den politiska inriktningen för Flygvapnets förmåga till internationellainsatser nu även innefattar förmågan till flygunderstöd till Nordic Battle group, har då Flygvapnetmed JAS 39C som verkanssystem möjlighet att genomföra direkt flygunderstöd i moderna internationellakonflikter?Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att analysera om JAS 39C, med tillhörande vapen-, sensor- och kommunikationssystem,uppfyller de krav som ställs på ett flygsystem vid genomförandet av DFU i en internationellinsats. Med stöd av ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av teorier, doktrin och moderna erfarenheter harbåde de grundläggande förutsättningarna för ett effektivt genomförande av direkt flygunderstöd identifieratssamt ett specifikt analysinstrument arbetats fram. Detta analysinstrument har därefter använts för attanalysera JAS 39C förmåga till direkt flygunderstöd.JAS 39C bedöms efter genomförd analys att med gällande materialplan inneha goda förutsättningar attgenomföra direkt flygunderstöd redan 2008. Dess styrka är här förmågan till precisionsbekämpning ochden goda responsförmågan, dess svaghet avsaknaden av allväderskapacitet. Resultaten i uppsatsen visardessutom att de förutsättningar som ligger till grund för ett effektivt genomförande av direkt flygunderstödgår att återfinna under såväl moralrelaterade förutsättningar som konceptuella eller rent fysiska förutsättningar.Vid en lösning som endast fokuserat på att uppfylla de fysiska förutsättningarna är risken därförstor att den sammanlagda effekten och slagkraften i samband med genomförandet av direkt flygunderstödinte når önskad nivå. / Facing a transformation of the armed forces both individual units and the organization will be confrontedwith new tasks and challenges. For the air force this could cause some problems due to the fact that it oftentakes some time from decision to implementation of new weapons and technical systems. This is not thecase with political objectives; they can change from one defense decision to another. When the politicalaim and direction regarding the air force capacity for global operations now also includes the ability tosupport the Nordic Battle Group, do the air force and the JAS 39C have the right means to carry out CloseAir Support in modern international conflicts?The purpose of this essay is to analyze if JAS 39C with its weapon-, sensor-, and communication systemscomply with the modern demands on a fighter aircraft carrying out Close Air Support in international operations.With the support of an analytical framework containing theories, doctrines and modern experiencesboth the requirements that lay the foundation for an effective accomplishment of Close Air Supportand a specific analytical instrument has been identified. The analytical instrument was thereafter used toanalyze JAS 39C and its ability to carry out Close Air Support.The results of the analysis show that JAS 39C, technically and materially, in all likelihood will be able tocarry out Close air support as early as 2008. Its strength being the ability to carry out precision engagementstogether with a high responsiveness and its weakness consisting in the lack of all-weather capacity.The results furthermore indicates that the foundation for an effective accomplishment of Close Air Supportcan be found within both moral related pre-conditions as well as conceptual or purely physical preconditions.A solution only focused on fulfilling physical pre-conditions may therefore risk that the combinedeffect and the effectiveness of a future Close Air Support mission will not reach the desired level. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 0406

Laboratorní pracoviště pro měření věrnosti barev ve videotechnice / Laboratory site for color measurement in video technology

Melo, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dividend into four parts. The first part describes basic terms in video technology (luminance, hue, diagrams CIE). The second part includes types of colour spaces RGB, HSV, CMY(K), YUV, YCbCr, YIQ. In the third and fourth part, these theoretical findings are used to propound laboratory observations. The laboratory observation processes the colour rendition of the colours in video technology. In the Matlab software, a user system environment was developed for operations with measured values. The software is capable of recalculating chromaticity coordinates between different colour spaces, to screen colours into diagrams CIE and to show the vectors of colours. The device used for measuring was Chromametr Konica Minolta CS-100A. A manual for the device was created. The laboratory observation was measured and processed in the form of a laboratory protocol.

Hodnocení kvality osvětlení s využitím moderních softwarových prostředků / Evaluation of Lighting Quality Using Modern Software Tools

Fazekas, Tibor January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the quality of lighting with the usage of the latest software products used nowadays. The first part of the work is about indoor lighting, the basic requirements invested in lighting, and the basic concepts of indoor lighting. The second part includes complete search for today's computer implements for projecting, simulating, calculation and analysis of light, their functions and characteristics, including luminance analyzers based on CCD sensors and their software equipment. The last part of the work has the task to model a computer room using softwares which can be found within the territory of VUT Brno, and the task was to assess its lighting. Following this, with the help of luminance analyzer, the task is to capture the scene under different lighting conditions and to evaluate the measured data.

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