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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konvertering och modifiering av ett DOS-baserat administrationsprogram till ett Windows-baserat program

Frost, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Mindre företag i Sverige använder även i dag äldre DOS-baserade (Disk Operating System) program för att hantera sina administrationsbehov. I takt med övergången till fönsterbaserade applikationer har även behovet av hanteringen av övergången ökat. I detta examensarbete har företaget ifråga haft behov av en uppdatering av dess befintliga DOS-baserade administrationsprogram. Uppgiften har varit att ta fram ett motsvarande Windows-baserat administrationsprogram med stöd för alla de funktioner som det ursprungliga programmet hade men med utökad funktionalitet. För att lösa denna uppgift har första steget i samråd med företagets representant varit att analysera hur användarna använder det befintliga systemet för att ta reda på de funktioner som behövdes för att skapa ett väl fungerande program. Det andra steget har varit att konstruera en server- och en klientapplikation som utgjorde programmets två delar. I det tredje steget har en utvärdering utförts av det färdiga programmet av företagets representant efter en tids användning i form av ett frågeformulär designat för ändamålet. Projektet har resulterat i ett Windows-baserat administrationsprogram skrivet i Java med stöd för alla de funktioner som företaget eftersträvade. Användare av systemet kan söka och lagra kunder, artiklar, leverantörer, skapa och skriva ut fakturor och följesedlar, lägga beställningar, hantera betalningar och grundläggande bokföring för tidigare nämnda transaktioner. Företagets representant ansåg efter användning och utvärdering att applikationen uppfyllde de ställda kraven. / Small companies in Sweden even today use older DOS-based (Disk Operating System) programs to manage their administration requirements. As the transition to windows-based applications continues, there is an increased need for this transition to be managed successfully. In this thesis the company in question required its existing DOS-based administration program to be updated. The task has been to develop an equivalent Windows-based administration program with support for all the features of the original program but with extended functionality. To solve this task, the first step involved consulting with the company's representative to analyze how users use the existing system in order to determine the necessary features so as to create a well-functioning program. The second step was to construct a server- and a client application which formed the two parts of the program. After the program had been used for a given amount of time, an evaluation was performed by the company's representative as a third step which involved the use of a questionnaire designed for the purpose. The project resulted in a Windows-based administration program written in Java with support for all the features desired by the company. Users of the system can search and store customers, articles and supplier data, create and print invoices and packing slips, place orders, process payments and handle basic accounting for the aforementioned transactions. After both the use and evaluation of the application, the company's representative considered that it had met the required criteria.

Enkel navigering i webbdatabaser inom bioinformatik: En implementation av moduler för ett urval av databaser

Peterson, Rickard January 2010 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är framtaget för att utforma moduler till programmet BioSpider som utvecklats vid ADIT avdelningen vid IDA institutionen Linköping Universitet med syfte att förenkla för biologer när de söker information om andra forskares resultat. Det finns ett stort antal databaser som innehåller forskningsdata kring proteiner, reaktioner, signalvägar etc. Exempel på databaser är UniProt, Reactome, IntAct, BioModels och KEGG. Det uppstår problem med att dessa databaser är uppbyggda på olika sätt och ej kan användas på ett universellt sätt, utan kräver individuellt utformning och anpassning för att kunna användas tillsammans med andra databaser.  Det är där BioSpider kommer in, BioSpider är ett program som försöker bygga upp ett träd utifrån olika databaser. Varje databas hanteras individuellt av BioSpider men presenteras på ett universellt sätt i form av ett träd för användaren. Examensarbetets del i BioSpider är att utforma moduler som behandlar ytterligare databaser utöver BioModels som redan stöds i BioSpider. Behovet av att tillgängliggöra stöd för fler databaser var nödvändigt för att kunna visa upp en användbar version av BioSpider med mer än en databas. Detta för att kunna visa att metoden fungerar i praktiken. Examensarbetet har utförts genom att en förstudie av ett antal databaser har gjorts och inom dessa valt ut relevant information som sedan implementerats i BioSpider med olika moduler för de olika databaserna. Det som fanns tillgängligt vid examensarbetets start var programmet BioSpider och implementation för en databas (BioModels). Nu stöds BioSpider av ytterligare fyra stycken databaser som är UniProt, Reactome, KEGG och IntAct som bygger ut trädet. BioSpider stöds även utav DIP, Ensembl, EMBL, FlyBase, GO, InterPro, OMIM, PDB, PIR, PROSIT och RefSeq för vidare länkning till webbsida där ytterligare information kan återfås. / The aim of this thesis was to develop modules for the system BioSpider that are developed by ADIT division at IDA institute at Linköping University. The objective is to simplify for biologist when they seek for information about research findings. There is a large number of databases that contains research results about proteins, reactions, pathways etc. Examples of these databases are UniProt, Reactome, IntAct, BioModels and KEGG. Problems emerges since the databases are constructed in different ways and cannot be used in a universal way, they must be individually tailored and adjusted to be compatible with other databases. This is where BioSpider comes in, BioSpider is a program that is supposed to build up a tree of the different databases. Each database is managed individually by BioSpider and is presented to the user in a universal way in the form of a tree. This thesis extends the BioSpider system so that more databases are supported than just the database BioModels. The need to support more databases was necessary to be able to produce a usable version of BioSpider with more than one database. This is important to show that the method works in practice. The work has been performed by a pilot study of a number of databases. Within these we selected appropriate information that was implemented in BioSpider with different modules for different databases. At start of this thesis one database was supported by BioSpider, this database is BioModels. Now BioSpider supports by additional four databases UniProt, Reactome, KEGG and IntAct. BioSpider also supports linking to websites where information can be retrieved, the supported databases are DIP, Ensembl, EMBL, FlyBase, GO, InterPro, OMIM, PDB, PIR, PROSIT and RefSeq.

Mitt Fotbollslag : En mobilapplikation för fotbollslag

Malmsten Pedersen, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Den mobila applikationsmarknaden har växt explosionsartat under senare år. Många applikationer syftar till att förenkla vardagslivet för människor. Fotboll är världens största sport och många ägnar en del av sitt vardagsliv åt organiserad fotboll på amatörnivå. Målet med det här projektet var att undersöka hur informationsteknologi kunde förenkla administrationen av fotbollslag på lägre nivå. Projektets grundtanke var utveckling av en mobilapplikation till operativsystemet Android. Metoden som används var en klassisk objektorienterad utvecklingsmodell med faserna Planering, Analys, Design, Implementation och Test. I syfte att reda ut vilka funktioner som kunde anses mest intressant till en applikation av denna karaktär, användes en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen skickades ut och besvarades av fotbollstränare i division 5, och utgjorde grunden till en kravspecifikation för den tilltänkta mobilapplikationen. Kravspecifikationen kompletterades med funktioner som ansågs vitala för applikationens existens som exempelvis inloggning och val av användartyp. Utifrån kravspecifikationen utvecklades applikationen med tillhörande serverlösning. I syfte att säkerställa att de funktionella kraven hade uppfyllts genomfördes slutligen ett test för varje funktion i kravspecifikationen. Samtliga funktioner i kravspecifikationen uppfylldes. De slutsatser som kan dras är att informationsteknologi åtminstone kan förenkla vardagen för vissa fotbollslag. / During recent years the mobile application market has seen an explosive growth. Many of the applications are designed to simplify everyday life for people. Football is the largest sport in the world and many people devote a part of their everyday life to organized amateur-level football. The goal of this project was to investigate how information technology could simplify the administration of amateur-level football clubs. The initial idea was to develop an mobile applicationfor Android. The method that was used in the project was a classic objectoriented development model with the phases Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Test. A questionaire was created in order to find out the most usable features. The questionaire was answered by football coaches i the swedish 7th division and formed the basis of the requirement specification for the indended mobile application. Additional features like logging were identified as vital for the project and were also added to the requirement specification. The application was developed based on the features identified in the requirement specification. A test was designed and executed in order to ensure that the requirements were met. All features in the requirement specification were met. The conclusionis that information technology can simplify everyday life at least for some football clubs.

A Generic Approach for Protecting Java Card™ Smart Card Against Software Attacks / Une approche générique pour protéger les cartes à puce Java Card ™ contre les attaques logicielles

Bouffard, Guillaume 10 October 2014 (has links)
De nos jours, la carte à puce est la pierre angulaire de nos usages quotidiens. En effet, elle est indispensable pour retirer de l'argent, voyager, téléphoner, ... Pour améliorer la sécurité tout en bénéficiant d'un environnement de développement facilité, la technologie Java a été adaptée pour être embarquée dans les cartes à puce. Présentée durant le milieu des années 90, cette technologie est devenue la plate-forme principale d'exécution d'applications sécurisées. De part leurs usages, ces applications contiennent des informations sensibles pouvant intéresser des personnes mal intentionnées.Dans le monde de la carte à puce, les concepteurs d'attaques et de contre-mesures se livrent une guerre sans fin. Afin d'avoir une vue générique de toutes les attaques possibles, nous proposons d'utiliser les arbres de fautes. Cette approche, inspirée de l'analyse de sûreté, aide à comprendre et à implémenter tous les événements désirables et non désirables existants. Nous appliquons cette méthode pour l'analyse de vulnérabilité Java Card. Pour cela, nous définissons des propriétés qui devront être garanties: l'intégrité et la confidentialité des données et du code contenus dans la carte à puce. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes focalisés sur l'intégrité du code des applications. En effet, une perturbation de cet élément peut corrompre les autres propriétés. En modélisant les conditions, nous avons découvert de nouveaux chemins d'attaques permettant d'accéder au contenu de la carte. Pour empêcher ces nouvelles attaques, nous présentons de nouvelles contre-mesures pour prévenir les éléments indésirables définis dans les arbres de fautes. / Smart cards are the keystone of various applications which we daily use: pay money for travel, phone, etc. To improve the security of this device with a friendly development environment, the Java technology has been designed to be embedded in a smart card. Introduce in the mid-nineties, this technology becomes nowadays the leading application platform in the world. As a smart card embeds critical information, evil-minded people are interested to attack this device. In smart card domain, attacks and countermeasures are advancing at a fast rate. In order to have a generic view of all the attacks, we propose to use the Fault Tree Analysis. This method used in safety analysis helps to understand and implement all the desirable and undesirable events existing in this domain. We apply this method to Java Card vulnerability analysis. We define the properties that must be ensured: integrity and confidentiality of smart card data and code. During this thesis, we focused on the integrity property, especially on the code integrity. Indeed, a perturbation on this element can break each other properties. By modelling the conditions, we discovered new attack paths to get access to the smart card contents. We introduce new countermeasures to mitigate the undesirable events defined in the tree models.

Accelerating Java on Embedded GPU

P. Joseph, Iype January 2014 (has links)
Multicore CPUs (Central Processing Units) and GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) are omnipresent in today’s market-leading smartphones and tablets. With CPUs and GPUs getting more complex, maximizing hardware utilization is becoming problematic. The challenges faced in GPGPU (General Purpose computing using GPU) computing on embedded platforms are different from their desktop counterparts due to their memory and computational limitations. This thesis evaluates the performance and energy efficiency achieved by offloading Java applications to an embedded GPU. The existing solutions in literature address various techniques and benefits of offloading Java on desktop or server grade GPUs and not on embedded GPUs. Our research is focussed on providing a framework for accelerating Java programs on embedded GPUs. Our experiments were conducted on a Freescale i.MX6Q SabreLite board which encompasses a quad-core ARM Cortex A9 CPU and a Vivante GC 2000 GPU that supports the OpenCL 1.1 Embedded Profile. We successfully accelerated Java code and reduced energy consumption by employing two approaches, namely JNI-OpenCL, and JOCL, which is a popular Java-binding for OpenCL. These approaches can be easily implemented on other platforms by embedded Java programmers to exploit the computational power of GPUs. Our results show up to an 8 times increase in performance efficiency and 3 times decrease in energy consumption compared to the embedded CPU-only execution of Java program. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work done on accelerating Java on an embedded GPU.

Um serviço de autorização Java EE baseado em certificados de atributos X.509. / A Java EE authorization service based on X.509 attribute certificates.

Stefan Neusatz Guilhen 03 June 2008 (has links)
O surgimento e a popularização de arquiteturas de software que fornecem suporte à programação distribuída orientada a objetos, como CORBA, .NET e Java EE, gerou uma demanda por infra-estruturas de segurança eficientes, capazes de proteger os recursos dos sistemas de ataques maliciosos. Essa proteção começa pela identificação dos usuários que interagem com os sistemas, processo conhecido como autenticação. Entretanto, a autenticação por si só não é suficiente para garantir a segurança dos recursos, uma vez que a autenticação não determina quais ações os usuários estão autorizados a executar depois de autenticados. Em outras palavras, um mecanismo de autorização, que faz valer as políticas de controle de acesso aos recursos definidas pelos administradores de sistemas, se faz necessário. Neste trabalho estudamos mecanismos de controle de acesso baseado em papéis e a aplicabilidade dos certificados de atributos X.509 como estrutura de armazenamento desses papéis em um ambiente Java EE. Em particular, estendemos a infra-estrutura de segurança do servidor de aplicações JBoss, de modo que ela passasse a comportar os certificados de atributos X.509. Além disso, analisamos as vantagens e desvantagens do uso de tais certificados e avaliamos o desempenho da extensão desenvolvida em relação a outras alternativas que são oferecidas pelo JBoss para o armazenamento de papéis dos usuários. / The popularization of software architectures that provide support for distributed object-oriented programming, like CORBA, .NET, and Java EE, revealed the need for efficient security infrastructures to protect the resources of enterprise systems from malicious attacks. This protection usually begins with the identification of the users that interact with the systems, a process known as authentication. However, authentication alone is not enough to guarantee the protection of the resources, as it cannot determine what actions a particular user is allowed to execute on a given resource. In other words, an authorization mechanism is needed in order to enforce the access control policies as defined by the system administrators. In this dissertation we studied role-based access control mechanisms and the use of X.509 attribute certificates as data structures that store the users roles in a Java EE environment. Particularly, we added X.509 attribute certificates support to the existing JBoss application server security infrastructure. Furthermore, we evaluated the pros and cons of using these certificates, and compared the performance of the developed extension to the performance of the existing solutions provided by JBoss to store the users roles.

Ambiente de testes utilizando verificação de componentes java com tratamento de exceções / Test environment using property checking of Java components with exception handling

Kleber da Silva Xavier 17 April 2008 (has links)
Um sistema de software que apresente problemas em sua execução pode gerar conseqüências desde um simples incômodo ao usuário, até desastres como a perda de uma sonda da NASA em Marte. As atividades de teste visam identificar erros nos sistemas de software, prevenindo estas conseqüências indesejáveis. Porém, os testes podem envolver entre 30% e 40% do esforço de desenvolvimento do sistema, e em sistemas críticos, seu custo pode ser de 3 a 5 vezes maior do que o custo combinado das demais atividades. Para tentar reduzir estes custos podemos automatizar parte das atividades. No presente caso, pretende-se minimizar os casos de teste gerados manualmente, utilizando uma técnica denominada verificação de modelos. Esta técnica consiste em verificar propriedades definidas formalmente através de expressões matemáticas, utilizando uma ferramenta de verificação que simula a execução do código. Além disso, um sistema que utilize um tratamento de condições excepcionais eficiente, tem sua manutenibilidade, robustez e confiabilidade melhoradas. Por isso, definimos propriedades relacionadas ao tratamento de exceções, como ponto de entrada para a verificação de modelos. Apresentamos um ambiente de testes criado para permitir a verificação destas propriedades com o verificador Java PathFinder e a exibição das estatísticas de cobertura de testes de acordo com o critério selecionado. Este ambiente facilita a execução dos testes, pois apresenta uma interface gráfica com o usuário que permite a configuração e execução dos testes sem que seja necessária a escrita de código pelo testador. Apresentamos também o resultado do uso deste ambiente para o teste de vários programas exemplo, utilizando desde código concorrente até diferentes estratégias de tratamento de exceção e discutimos as características, cuidados no uso e limitações das ferramentas utilizadas. / A software system that shows some failure at runtime execution may bring consequences that range from a simple user annoyance to great disasters such as the lost NASA probe on Mars. The test activities aim to find errors in software systems, preventing these undesirable consequences. However, tests may take between 30% and 40% of total development time, and on critical systems, its cost can be from 3 to 5 times greater than the combined cost of the other activities. In an effort to reduce these costs, we may automate some of the activities. In this work we intend to minimize test case manual generation, using a technique called model checking. This technique involves the checking of properties defined through the use of mathematical formulas, using a tool, that simulates code execution. In addition, a system with an efficient exception handling mechanism, has its maintainability, robustness and reliability enhanced. So, in this work we define exception handling related properties, as an input for model checking. We present a test tool created to allow checking of these properties using the Java PathFinder model checker, and to list the test coverage statistics, according to the selected test criteria. This tool makes easy the test execution, since it presents a graphical user interface that allows configuration and running of tests with no need to write any lines of code. We also show the results of running several tests with the GUI, using some programs implemented with concurrent code and several exception handling techniques and discuss the main features, pitfalls and limitations of the underlying tools.

Proširivo agentsko okruženje bazirano na java tehnologiji / Extensible Java based agent framework

Vidaković Milan 06 December 2003 (has links)
<p>Agentska paradigma predstavlja najprirodniji i najdosledniji&nbsp;postojeći pristup implementaciji distribuiranih sistema. Uz&nbsp;pomoć agenata moguće je u potpunosti realizovati koncept<br />distribuiranih softverskih komponenti, koje će, osim re&scaron;enja&nbsp;zadatka na distribuiranom nivou, pružiti i određenu količinu&nbsp;autonomnosti i inteligencije da bi se zadati cilj ostvario.&nbsp;Agentsko okruženje predstavlja programsko okruženje koje&nbsp;upravlja životnim tokom agenata i obezbeđuje mu sve potrebne&nbsp;mehanizme za realizaciju zadatka. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji&nbsp;predložen je model agentskog okruženja baziran na tehnologiji&nbsp;distribuiranih komponenti, koji podržava FIPA specifikaciju i&nbsp;sledeće koncepte: razmenu poruka, mobilnost agenata,&nbsp;sigurnosne mehanizme i direktorijume agenata i servisa. Model&nbsp;agentskog okruženja je implementiran u J2EE tehnologiji.&nbsp;Podržan je sistem plug-in-ova za sve bitne komponente&nbsp;agentskog okruženja (menadžere). Modelovan je i<br />implementiran koncept mobilnih zadataka. Dat je model i&nbsp;implementacija sistema međusobnog uređenja odnosa agentskih&nbsp;centara. Predloženo re&scaron;enje agentskog okruženja verifikovano&nbsp;je na bibliotečkom informacionom sistemu BISIS. Verifikacija&nbsp;je izvr&scaron;ena na sledećim agentskim zadacima: pretraživanje&nbsp;bibliotečke mreže, ocenjivanje kvaliteta zapisa i inteligentna&nbsp;raspodela opterećenja.</p> / <p>Agent technology is one of the most consistent approaches to&nbsp;the distributed computing implementation. Agents can be used&nbsp;to fully implement distributed software component concept.&nbsp;Agents can solve distributed problems utilizing certain degree&nbsp;of autonomy and intelligence. Agent framework represents&nbsp;programming environment that controls agent life cycle and&nbsp;provides all necessary mechanisms for task execution. The&nbsp;subject of the dissertation is formal specification of an agent&nbsp;framework based on distributed component technology. This&nbsp;framework supports FIPA specification and following concepts:&nbsp;message interchange, agent mobility, security and agent and&nbsp;service directory. Agent framework is implemented in J2EE&nbsp;technology. Plug-in system is designed for all key elements of&nbsp;agent framework. Mobile tasks were specified and&nbsp;implemented. Also, inter-facilitator connectivity mechanism is&nbsp;specified and implemented. The framework is verified by a case&nbsp;study on the library information system BISIS. Following agent&nbsp;tasks were performed: library network search, library record&nbsp;quality estimation and intelligent load balansing.&nbsp;</p>

Analýza datových toků pro knihovny se složitými vzory interakcí / Data Lineage Analysis of Frameworks with Complex Interaction Patterns

Hýbl, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
Manta Flow is a tool for analyzing data flow in enterprise environment. It features Java scanner, a module using static analysis to determine the flows through Java applications. To analyze an application using some framework, the scanner requires a dedicated plugin. Although Java scanner provides plugins for several frameworks, to be usable for real applications, it is essential that the scanner supports as many frameworks as possible, which requires implementation of new plugins. Application using Apache Spark, a framework for cluster computing, are increasingly popular. Therefore we designed and implemented Java scanner plugin that allows the scanner to analyze Spark applications. As Spark focuses on data processing, this presented several challenges that were not encountered in other frameworks. In particular it was necessary to resolve the data schema in various scenarios and track the schema changes throughout any operations invoked on the data. Of the multiple APIs Spark provides for data processing, we focused on Spark SQL module, notably on Dataset, omitting the legacy RDD. We also implemented support for data access, covering JDBC and chosen file formats. The implementation has been thoroughly tested and is proven to work correctly as a part of Manta Flow, which features the plugin in...

Pokročilý robot na procházení webu / Advanced Web Crawler

Činčera, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
This Master's thesis describes design and implementation of advanced web crawler. This crawler can be configured by user and is designed for web browsing according to specified parameters. Can acquire and evaluate content of web pages. Its configuration is performed by creating projects which are consisting of different types of steps. User can create simple action like downloading page, form submission, etc. or can create more complex and larger projects.

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