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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuições para o estudo do ciúme excessivo / Contributions to the study of excessive jealousy

Costa, Andrea Lorena da 14 December 2010 (has links)
O ciúme romântico é um complexo de pensamentos, emoções e ações que visam proteger o relacionamento diante de uma ameaça percebida real ou imaginária e tem como objetivo eliminar os riscos da perda do objeto de amor. O ciúme excessivo (patológico) é uma preocupação infundada, irracional e irreal, composto de diversas emoções e pensamentos que provocam prejuízos significativos no funcionamento pessoal e relacional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi explorar a presença de transtornos psiquiátricos, características sócio-demográficas, aspectos emocionais (tais como impulsividade, personalidade, depressão, ansiedade e agressividade), comportamentos excessivos, adequação social, intensidade do ciúme e características do relacionamento amoroso (tais como qualidade, tipo de apego e estilo de amor) em três amostras distintas: 32 sujeitos com ciúme excessivo, 33 sujeitos com amor patológico e 31 sujeitos saudáveis. Os resultados mostraram que os indivíduos com ciúme excessivo comparativamente aos indivíduos saudáveis, apresentam elevada sintomatologia depressiva e elevada impulsividade e maior agressividade, elevada busca de novidades e esquiva ao dano e menor autodirecionamento e cooperatividade. São mais submissos no relacionamento e trabalham excessivamente. Apresentam pior adequação social e mais história de abuso infantil. Além disso, são mais insatisfeitos com o relacionamento, apresentam mais frequentemente o tipo apego ansioso-ambivalente e o estilo de amor Mania. Diferentemente dos sujeitos com amor patológico, a maior parte dos indivíduos com ciúme excessivo mora com o parceiro. Já o estilo de amor Ágape é mais presente nos sujeitos com amor patológico, que apresentam maior autodirecionamento, estão mais insatisfeitos no relacionamento e são menos agressivos comparativamente aos sujeitos com ciúme excessivo. Conclui-se que pessoas com ciúme excessivo apresentam uma série de características emocionais e psicossociais que necessitam ser levadas em consideração no desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas / Romantic jealousy is a complex of thoughts, emotions and actions aimed to protect the relationship in face of a perceived threat - real or imaginary - and to eliminating the risks of loss of the love object. Excessive (pathological) jealousy is an unfounded, unreasonable and unrealistic concern, composed of various emotions and thoughts that cause significant losses in personal and relational functioning. The aim of this study was to explore psychiatric disorders, socio-demographic characteristics, emotional aspects (such as impulsivity, personality, depression, anxiety and aggression), excessive behaviors, social adjustment, jealousy intensity and romantic relationship characteristics (such as quality, type of attachment and love style) in three different samples: 32 subjects with excessive jealousy, 33 subjects with pathological love and 31 healthy subjects. The results showed that individuals with excessive jealousy display intense depressivce symptomatology and compared to healthy individuals, show high impulsivity and increased aggressiveness, higher novelty seeking and harm avoidance and lower self-directedness and cooperativity. They are workaholic and more submissive in the relationship. They have worse social adjustment and more history of childhood abuse. Moreover, they are more jealous and dissatisfied with the love relationship, often show the ambivalent-anxious attachment type and Mania love style. Unlike subjects with pathological love, most individuals with excessive jealousy live with their partner. Agape love style is more present in subjects with pathological love. Pathological love subjects have higher self-directedness, are more dissatisfied in their relationship and are less aggressive compared to subjects with excessive jealousy. We conclude that people with excessive jealousy present a series of emotional and psychosocial characteristics that need to be taken into account in the development of therapeutic strategies

Ciúme romântico e infidelidade amorosa entre paulistanos : incidências e relações / Romantic jealousy and loving infidelity between people from São Paulo : incidences and relations.

Thiago de Almeida 16 February 2007 (has links)
Embora o ciúme romântico e a infidelidade amorosa sejam dois importantes temas que afetam vários relacionamentos humanos e, também, um desafio para muitos destes, seus mecanismos de gênese, ação, associação e conseqüências que podem acarretar para os desdobramentos amorosos ainda não foram totalmente esclarecidos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar possíveis associações entre estes dois fenômenos. Participaram desta pesquisa 45 casais de namorados heterossexuais com média de idade de 24,6 anos recrutados por meio de um anúncio colocado no site da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Para avaliar os graus de ciúme dos participantes utilizou-se a Escala de Ciúme Romântico – ECR (versões masculina e feminina) de Ramos. Para avaliar a infidelidade dos participantes foi utilizado o Inventário de Comportamentos Relacionados à Infidelidade, confeccionado especialmente para este trabalho. Para poder analisar os resultados a seguir foram utilizadas as seguintes ferramentas estatísticas: média, desvio padrão, máximo, mínimo, o Teste t para comparação de médias e o teste não paramétrico Mann-Whitney para a comparação das medianas. Os softwares utilizados foram o Excel e o Minitab. Os resultados obtidos mostram que (1) ainda que de forma fraca, o ciúme é um agente de profecia auto-realizadora para a infidelidade (r= 0,25; 90 gl; p< 0,05 e r= 0,21; 90 gl; p< 0,05), de tal forma que há uma associação entre a infidelidade em ambos os parceiros (r=0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r= 0,30; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r= 0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,01), (2) a partir dos dados analisados, pode-se afirmar que, para a nossa amostra, os sexos não diferem quanto à exibição do ciúme em termos de intensidade, (3) o sexo masculino tem tendência a trair mais do que o sexo feminino, provavelmente por razões ligadas à sexualidade (Teste W = 894,5; 826,0; 1496,5; p< 0.0001), (4) foi refutada a hipótese freudiana para a existência de um ciúme de natureza projetiva em homens e para as mulheres, (5) os comportamentos de infidelidade que mais se destacam entre os participantes são relacionados à rede internet (utilizar salas de bate papo, e-mails, mensagens on-line, dentre outros) e ter pensamentos relacionados aos comportamentos infiéis; ambos estão associados com o aumento das oportunidades que as pessoas têm de se engajarem em comportamentos amorosos infiéis, (6) há uma tendência, ainda que fraca, de quanto maior a auto-atribuição do escore “Nota física para si” menor será o número de comportamentos relacionados à infidelidade de seu(sua) parceiro(a) (r= -0,261; 90 gl; p< 0,01), (7) há uma tendência, ainda que fraca, de quanto a Nota física atribuída para o parceiro menor será o escore de ciúme, para ambas as etapas desta pesquisa (r= -0,217; 90 gl; p< 0,05 e r= - 0,205; 90 gl; p< 0,05, respectivamente), (8) nada se pode concluir com relação àqueles que se auto-atribuem notas quanto aos fatores psicológicos, em relação aos parceiros no que diz respeito ao ciúme, ou mesmo no que tange à infidelidade (9) quanto maior a idade dos participantes maior é o seu grau de comprometimento dos mesmos (r= 0,27; 90 gl; p< 0,01). Assim, pode-se concluir que os presentes resultados apoiaram algumas das hipóteses estabelecidas pelo autor desta pesquisa e foram consistentes com pesquisas anteriores, embora tenha refutado outras. Ainda pouco se conhece a respeito de quais os indivíduos são mais suscetíveis à infidelidade, mas este estudo permitiu identificar alguns fatores que promovem a infidelidade, algo que era muito pouco tratado pela literatura acadêmica até então. Dessa forma, o presente possibilitou uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica interpessoal amorosa, principalmente, referente a estes dois temas. Este estudo ainda, pode contribuir para outros estudos com o “Inventário de Comportamentos Relacionados à Infidelidade” que é útil para medir a freqüência de ocorrência de comportamentos amorosos infiéis. / Although the romantic jealousy and the loving infidelity are two important subjects that affect some human relationships and, also, a challenge for many of them, its origin mechanisms, action, association and consequences that can contribute to loving unfolding occur, haven’t had pretty well clarified. The present work has the intention of to verify possible associations between these two phenomena. Forty-five straight couples participated of this research with the average of 24.6 years enlisted by un announcement in the website of the University of São Paulo (USP). To evaluate the degrees of jealousy of the participants it was used the Scale of romantic jealousy - ECR (masculine and feminine versions) of Ramos, Yazawa & Salazar (1994). To evaluate the infidelity of the participants the “Inventory of Behaviors Related to the Infidelity” was especially elaborated for this work. To be able to analyze the results the following statistical tools had been used: average, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, the “T” test for comparison of averages and the test no parametric Mann-Whitney for the comparison of the medium ones. There were used Excel and Minitab soft wares. The results show that (1) although in a weak way, the jealousy is an agent of self-fulfilling prophecy for the infidelity (r= 0,25; 90 gl; p< 0,05 and r= 0,21; 90 gl; p< 0,05), in such a way that there is an association among the infidelity in both partners (r= 0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r= 0,30; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r=0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,01), (2) starting from the analyzed data, it can be affirmed that, for our sample, the sexes don't differ as for the exhibition of the jealousy in intensity terms, (3) men usually tend to trail much more than women, maybe because of reasons connected to sexuality (“W” test = 894,5; 826,0; 1496,5; p< 0.0001), (4) the Freudian hypothesis was refuted for the existence of a jealousy of projective nature in men and for the women, (5) the infidelity behaviors that more they stand out among the participants are related to the use of the net internet (to use chats-rooms, e-mails, on-line messages, among other) and to have thoughts related to the behaviors infidels; both are associated with the increase of the opportunities that the people have of if they engage in behaviors loving infidels, (6) there is a tendency, although weak, of as larger the attribution of the score physical "Evaluation for itself" minor will be the number of behaviors related to his own infidelity (r= -0,261; 90 gl; p< 0,01), (7) there is a tendency even it is not strong, of as larger the physical Note attributed for the partner, smaller will be the jealousy score, for both stages of this research (r= -0,217; 90 gl; p<0,05 and r= - 0,205; 90 gl; p< 0,05, respectively), (8)There is nothing to conclude in relation to those people who give themselves superior or inferior grades, if the adopted criteria are the psychological factors, in relation to the partners in what it says respect to the jealousy, or even in what it refers to the infidelity (9) as the participants get older, the more they increase the level of commitment (r= 0,27; 90 gl; p< 0,01). So, it can be concluded that the results had supported some of the hypotheses established for the author of this research and had been consistent with previous research, although it has refuted others. There is a lot to know, regarding which individuals are more susceptible to the infidelity, but this research allowed, inside of its references, to identify and to discuss a little on some factors that promote the infidelity, something that has not been a common subject for the academic literature until then. This way, it was also possible to have a better understanding of the interpersonal love dynamics, mainly, referring to these two themes. This research can still contribute to other researches related to the “Inventory of Behaviors Related to the Infidelity” that is useful to measure the frequency the infidel love behaviors occur.

Svek &amp; skam : En socialpsykologisk studie om upplevelsen av att bli bedragen / Betrayal and shame

Borgström, Simon, Emmerberg, Per January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för den subjektiva upplevelsen av att bli bedragen i en nära relation och är således en fenomenologisk ansats. Undersökningen har baserats på tre kvalitativa intervjuer, där de intervjuade redogjort för sin subjektiva upplevelse av att bli bedragen samt definierat begreppet otrohet. Vi har utgått från teorier om skam, skuld och stigma för att kartlägga hur upplevelsen påverkat självet. Scheffs teorier om sociala band har använts för att beskriva påverkan på individens förhållanden till andra. Vi har upptäckt att en monogam relation inte är ett krav för att otrohet ska uppfattas. Det har även framgått att omgivningens reaktioner spelar roll, på så sätt att de antingen sökte stöd från vänner, eller aktivt undanhöll ämnet från dem. Vidare har vi även upptäckt att intervjupersonerna som blivit bedragna tenderar att skuldbelägga sig själva, känna skam över händelsen samt utveckla en starkare grad av svartsjuka – som en förändring av självet. / Based on three qualitative interviews, our research has set out to phenomenologically describe the experience of being cheated on (or in other words, infidelity). The three people we interviewed were to describe their subjective experiences and also provide their own definition of what they considered to be infidelity. Theories on shame, guilt and stigma has been used to describe the experience's implications ”the self”. The theory of ”Social bonds” by Scheff has been used to describe implications on social relationships. We've discovered that infidelity can take place even in a relationship that's not monogamous. We've also discovered that the reaction from others plays a big part - the persons either sought support among friends, or actively withheld information from them. The effects the experience had on the persons' self were the following: they tended to blame themselves, feel shameful about the incident and after the infidelity had occurred, developed stronger feelings of jealousy.

Post-conflict situations, conciliatory acts and relationship satisfaction in intimate relationships

Kontogianni, Maria January 2006 (has links)
The results of three studies are discussed in this thesis. In the first study, possible relationships between jealousy, aggression, sexual desire and post-conflict sex were investigated in a sample of 128 students and professionals from the East Midlands area. A model was proposed which predicted that jealousy will affect aggression; aggression will affect sexual desire and sexual desire will affect the possibility of post-conflict sex. Correlational analysis revealed that jealousy was significantly correlated to aggression and sexual desire; also, a strong significant relationship was found between aggression and post-conflict sex. Correlations were also discovered between aggression and sexual desire and between sexual desire and post-conflict sex. Further analysis using Structural Equation Modelling tested and supported a model which showed that jealousy influenced aggression and sexual desire, which in turn may influence post-conflict sex. The second study explored partners' possible conciliatory acts in post-conflict situations. The aim was to gain insight in the peace-making process and identify the ways in which . partners attempt to reach closure over an argument and return to how they were before the argument occurred. Interviews with 13 males and females were conducted. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using Thematic Networks Analysis. The results revealed that participants reached 'Perceived Closure' through four possible pathways a) Avoiding further conflict, b) Gaining control of the situation, c) Providing/receiving assurances, and d) Achieving normality. The exact processes involved in these pathways were found to be defined by clusters of basic themes. The themes that emerged showed that participants used affection, sex, distancing, apology and humour in order to return to normality and reach closure. This process was shown to be gradual as participants reported adopting a step-by-step approach that involves trying to gain control of their feelings and the situation, avoiding further arguments, reinstating feelings of security and safety and attempting to reinstate a sense of normality. The third study was designed to explore post-conflict conciliatory acts and investigate possible correlations with relationship satisfaction and positive and negative conflict outcomes patterns. The sample consisted of 139 partiCipants from the East Midlands area. The main findings were that participants who adopt constructive conflict styles (as shown from positive conflict outcomes) tend experience higher relationship satisfaction. Use of post-conflict conciliatory strategies was also predictive of higher relationship satisfaction.

Verbal and non verbal behavior values as expression of envy / Valoración de conductas verbales y no verbales como expresión de envidia

León, Ramón, Martell, Elena 25 September 2017 (has links)
The present communicarion reports a study abour verbal and non verbal behavior perceived as expression of envy in a sample of Peruvian students. 709 students of a privare university ofLima (376 women and 333 men} complered a 31-irems scale, prepared by rhe aurhors. They evaluared rhemselves in a 11-points scale abour rhe rheir traits of envioussnes and completed too a 11-points scale about the amount of envy in Peru, as they perceive it. Resulrs are almost the same form both genders (3.19 versus 3.20}, but women believe more than men there is envy in Peru (7.34 versus 6.96; <0.05). The behavior found as the most representative of envy was "one becomes green of envy" (Peruvian idiomatic expression that means extreme envy). The second behavior was malicious comments about mistakes and defeats of people. Aurhors comment these results in the frame of the social reality of Peru. / La presente comunicación reporta los resultados de una investigación acerca de conductas verbales y no verbales percibidas como indicadores de envidia en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios deLima Metropolitana. 709 estudiantes (376 mujeres y 333 hombres) respondieron una escala de 31 ítemes preparados por los autores. Además, se les solicitó que se autoevaluaran en una escala de Oa 10 como envidiosos -no envidiosos, y que valoraran el grado de envidia en el Perú, asimismo en una escala de O a 10 (nada de envidia- demasiada envidia). Tanto hombres como mujeres puntúanbajo en la autovaloración de la envidia (mujeres 3.19 versus hombres 3.20}, pero atribuyen (en especial las mujeres) mucha envidia a los peruanos (mujeres 7.34 versus hombres 6.96; <0.05). La conductaconsiderada como más expresiva de envidia tanto por hombres como por mujeres fue "ponerse verde de envidia". La segunda "comentar con alegría los fracasos de una persona". Los autores formulan una serie de comentarios acerca de los hallazgos en el contexto de la realidad peruana.

Contribuições para o estudo do ciúme excessivo / Contributions to the study of excessive jealousy

Andrea Lorena da Costa 14 December 2010 (has links)
O ciúme romântico é um complexo de pensamentos, emoções e ações que visam proteger o relacionamento diante de uma ameaça percebida real ou imaginária e tem como objetivo eliminar os riscos da perda do objeto de amor. O ciúme excessivo (patológico) é uma preocupação infundada, irracional e irreal, composto de diversas emoções e pensamentos que provocam prejuízos significativos no funcionamento pessoal e relacional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi explorar a presença de transtornos psiquiátricos, características sócio-demográficas, aspectos emocionais (tais como impulsividade, personalidade, depressão, ansiedade e agressividade), comportamentos excessivos, adequação social, intensidade do ciúme e características do relacionamento amoroso (tais como qualidade, tipo de apego e estilo de amor) em três amostras distintas: 32 sujeitos com ciúme excessivo, 33 sujeitos com amor patológico e 31 sujeitos saudáveis. Os resultados mostraram que os indivíduos com ciúme excessivo comparativamente aos indivíduos saudáveis, apresentam elevada sintomatologia depressiva e elevada impulsividade e maior agressividade, elevada busca de novidades e esquiva ao dano e menor autodirecionamento e cooperatividade. São mais submissos no relacionamento e trabalham excessivamente. Apresentam pior adequação social e mais história de abuso infantil. Além disso, são mais insatisfeitos com o relacionamento, apresentam mais frequentemente o tipo apego ansioso-ambivalente e o estilo de amor Mania. Diferentemente dos sujeitos com amor patológico, a maior parte dos indivíduos com ciúme excessivo mora com o parceiro. Já o estilo de amor Ágape é mais presente nos sujeitos com amor patológico, que apresentam maior autodirecionamento, estão mais insatisfeitos no relacionamento e são menos agressivos comparativamente aos sujeitos com ciúme excessivo. Conclui-se que pessoas com ciúme excessivo apresentam uma série de características emocionais e psicossociais que necessitam ser levadas em consideração no desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas / Romantic jealousy is a complex of thoughts, emotions and actions aimed to protect the relationship in face of a perceived threat - real or imaginary - and to eliminating the risks of loss of the love object. Excessive (pathological) jealousy is an unfounded, unreasonable and unrealistic concern, composed of various emotions and thoughts that cause significant losses in personal and relational functioning. The aim of this study was to explore psychiatric disorders, socio-demographic characteristics, emotional aspects (such as impulsivity, personality, depression, anxiety and aggression), excessive behaviors, social adjustment, jealousy intensity and romantic relationship characteristics (such as quality, type of attachment and love style) in three different samples: 32 subjects with excessive jealousy, 33 subjects with pathological love and 31 healthy subjects. The results showed that individuals with excessive jealousy display intense depressivce symptomatology and compared to healthy individuals, show high impulsivity and increased aggressiveness, higher novelty seeking and harm avoidance and lower self-directedness and cooperativity. They are workaholic and more submissive in the relationship. They have worse social adjustment and more history of childhood abuse. Moreover, they are more jealous and dissatisfied with the love relationship, often show the ambivalent-anxious attachment type and Mania love style. Unlike subjects with pathological love, most individuals with excessive jealousy live with their partner. Agape love style is more present in subjects with pathological love. Pathological love subjects have higher self-directedness, are more dissatisfied in their relationship and are less aggressive compared to subjects with excessive jealousy. We conclude that people with excessive jealousy present a series of emotional and psychosocial characteristics that need to be taken into account in the development of therapeutic strategies

Trieste, inaptidão e ciúme: três componentes fundantes do romance sveviano / Trieste, inaptitude and jealousy: three foundational components of svevo\'s novels

Ivair Carlos Castelan 10 October 2014 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma leitura atenta que demonstre a importância do ciúme para a tessitura narrativa nos romances de Italo Svevo: Una vita (1892), Senilità (1898) e La coscienza di Zeno (1923). A partir da ordem de publicação de cada obra, pretende-se desvelar as relações amorosas, desnudando o modo como o ciúme apresenta-se nas histórias vividas pelos personagens. As diversas teorias que discorrem sobre o ciúme, ainda que de modos diferentes, convergem em um ponto, ou seja, no caráter triplo desse sentimento que terá, portanto, o triângulo como a forma geométrica que melhor o representa. Todavia, o ciúme será analisado neste estudo, sobretudo, à luz da teoria do filósofo francês, René Girard. Este trabalho ainda trata de duas questões fundamentais na obra de Svevo, intrinsicamente ligadas ao ciúme: o ambiente triestino, onde se desenrolam as histórias e o caráter inapto de seus protagonistas. / The main goal of this work is to produce an attentive reading that demonstrates the importance of jealousy shaping the narrative web in Italo Svevo\'s novels: Una vita (1892), Senilità (1898) e La coscienza di Zeno (1923). Following the chronological order of each piece, the intent is to unveil the amorous relationships by uncovering the manner jealousy is presented in characters\' histories. The diverse theories lecturing on jealousy -though may diverge in some aspects- end up converging in one: the triple aspect of the feeling, the triangle for its geometrical shape that very well represents it. However, jealousy will be taken in this study, most of all, enlightened by the french philosopher theory of René Girard. Furthermore, this thesis also deals with two important matters of Svevo\'s work, intrinsically linked to jealousy: the Triestian enviroment, where main characters\' storyline and inaptitude flourish.

Male responses to jealousy as a function of sex-role identity in gay male and heterosexual couple relationships

Alexander, Ron 01 January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

Asymmetries among homosexual men and women in subjective distress to sexual and emotional infidelity: A critical test of evolutionary hypothesis

Fernández, Ana María 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Změna hladiny testosteronu u 16letých chlapců jako důsledek experimentálně vyvolané žárlivostní reakce / Changes in testosterone level in 16-year-old boys in response to experimentally induced jealousy reaction

Enderlová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Past research suggests association between basal steroid hormone testosterone level and its changes with some individual characteristics (especially some behavioral manifestations of dominance and aggression) or different outcomes of male-male competition. This relationship is usually (in accordance with evolutionary theory) interpreted as the consequence of different individual prerequisites (or the degree of individual motivation) for high status position including winning a male-male competition. The aim of this study was to test the adequacy of measuring jealousy reaction in adolescent boys by way of changes in salivary testosterone level and finding their associations with some individual characteristics mentioned by researchers. For the purpose of measuring basal testosterone level and changes in this hormone level during the competition for a mate which simulated the internet mating and changes in this hormone after being informed of their failure in this competition, the boys who participated in our study provided three salivary samples. For finding associations of basal testosterone level and these hormonal changes with some individual characteristics, the boys filled in a set of questionnaires (EATQ-R, the short version of IPIP, EBIS, ISJS, RSPQ, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale and expanded...

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