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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Innovation: a key to internationalization? : Jugaad in the context of Swedish SMEs

Hislop, Marc, Kryger, Simon January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to acquire knowledge of how Swedish SMEs could use Jugaad as an advantage when internationalizing towards India and as a tool for innovation. The phenomena has been identified and analyzed in relation to innovation theories and internationalization. The research has been done following a qualitative research method, resulting in a deeper understanding of how the phenomenon works and impacts Swedish SMEs. A deductive approach towards the research has been used, due to limited empirical studies of the research phenomena.   Furthermore the literature review includes theories from internationalization, international knowledge, innovation and the phenomena Jugaad. Based upon the literature review a conceptual framework where created, visualizing the relations between the theories. The conceptual framework has further been used when studying the empirical data, collected from four different sources.   The analysis addresses the similarities differences between the theory and empirical findings, based upon the structure of the conceptual framework. The last chapter is conclusion, where the results based upon the analyze, are presented. Furthermore the implications, limitations and what we suggest for further research is presented. The main theoretical implications this thesis has created an understanding of how a Jugaad mindset can enhance innovation and create new market opportunities for companies using a frugal and flexible approach. The practical implications of this thesis resulted in that the phenomena Jugaad were unknown by the respondents. However did the respondents recognize patterns that could be aligned with the phenomena Jugaad, and agreed on the fact that innovation is key to continued success?

Increasing water access throughhuman-centered design : Design of a off-grid water purifying devicein a resource constraint environment

Sundvall, David January 2022 (has links)
Patrick and Felicia are a couple who run a farm. Every day they harvest their crops and sell them at the local market. This is the family's everyday life and today's income goes to all the family'sexpenses such as food, water, and transport to the market. At the end of the day, the family's totalbudget results in plus or minus zero. The crop that was not sold must be thrown away because itrots during the night. If the family had a refrigerator, they would have been able to store the cropsand extend their life of it, which in turn gives them the opportunity to also sell the crops the nextday and earn more money. The crux of the family is that the cheapest refrigerator on the marketis far too expensive to buy and operate due to electricity costs. The cooler of MittiCool Clay is acooler made of clay that costs around 1000 SEK and does not need electricity. Instead, it uses thenatural laws of thermodynamics to cool the contents making it free to operate.This is an example of a scenario where a product can create value for a family living in a resourceconstrainedenvironment (RCE). The product can offer a possible way to be able to save moneyand eventually be able to afford schooling for their child, a savings capital for crises and healthcareThis thesis uses a human-centred design process to create a solution for this target group. Thechallenge for these particular people in this project is the low access to clean water.Through a need-finding process that resulted in 10 insights that served as a guide in the project.In three workshops and with a contoured idea generation process with residents and designteachers, a variety of ideas could be developed. The ideas were put together and became concepts.The concept was evaluated through an evaluation matrix based on the needs of the users, thetechnical possibility, and the potential financial sustainability. At the end of the evaluationprocess, one concept remained Life Cube. The concept is a franchise, product and a service thatenables residents to clean their grey cat through an off-grid "cube" to drinkable quality. Theconcept also provides an opportunity for a prospective cube owner to run his own business andoffer this service.Four billion people live at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid and can be potentialcustomers. The feasibility study showed that there are very few products in this market today andthat the number of potential customers is large. Creating a so-called ‘frugal innovation’, combinedwith the fact that it is financially sustainable with very small funds, is complex. This requires thatthe innovator works locally with the user's specific needs and usually with local resources and thatthe local economic and physical infrastructure is considered.The conclusion is that one can use human-centred design to create products and services for peopleliving in a resource-constrained environment. The basis of the process is based on people's needs,economic situation, infrastructure, institutions, resource availability, which are essential factorsto consider for the solution desired by the user, technically viable and financially sustainable. Asecond conclusion is that the difficulties of product development towards this target group requireresources and knowledge that are not usually required in product development contexts towardsthe market that belonged to the top of the socio-economic pyramid, which can complicate theproduct development. / Patrick och Felicia är ett par som driver en odling. Varje dag skördar de sina grödor och säljer påden lokala marknaden. Det här är familjens vardag och dagens inkomst går åt till alla familjensutgifter som mat, vatten och transport till marknaden. I slutet av dagen så resulterar familjenstotalbudget i plus minus noll. Skörden som inte blev såld måste slängas för att den ruttnar ändåunder natten. Hade familjen haft ett kylskåp hade dom kunat förvara grödorna och förlängtlivstiden på den, som i sin tur ger dom möjligheten att även sälja grödorna dagen efter och tjänamer pengar. Kruxet för famlijen är att den billigaste kylen på marknaden är alldeles för dyr attköpa och driva på grund av elkostnaderna. Kylen av MittiCool Clay är en kyl gjord i lera somkostar runt 1000 SEK och istället använder termodynamikens naturlagar för att kyla innehållet,vilket gör att den inte kostar något att driva.Detta är ett exempel på ett scenario där en product kan skapa värde för en familj som lever i enresursbegränsad miljö (RBM). Produkten kan erbjuda en möjlig väg för att kunna spara pengaroch så småning om kunna ha råd med en skolgång till sitt barn, ett sparkapital för krissituationeroch sjukvård. Detta examensarbete använder en människocentrerad design process för attskapa en lösning mot denna målgrupp, alltså människor som lever i en resurs begränsad miljö.Utmaningen för just dessa personer i detta projekt är den låga tillgången till rent vatten.Genom en behovsidentifieringsprocess som resulterade i 10 stycken insikter som fungeradesom en guide i projektet. I tre workshops och med en konteurnelig idegenereringsprocess medlokala invånare och designlärare kunde en mängd ideer tas fram. Ideerna sammanfogades ochblev till koncept. Koncepten utvärderades genom en utvärderingsmatris som grundades påanvädnarnas behov, den tekniska möjligheten och den potentiellt finansiella hållbarheten. I slutetav utvärderingsprocessen återstod ett concept, Life Cube. Konceptet är en franchise, produkt ochen tjänst som möjligör för lokalbon att rena sitt gråvatten genom en off-grid “kub” till drickbarkvalité. Konceptet ger även möjlighet för en blivande kub-ägare att driva sin egen verksamhet ocherbjuda denna tjänst.Förstudien visade att det finns väldigt få produkter mot denna marknad idag och att antaletpotentiella kunder är stort. Fyra miljarder människor lever i botten av den socioekonomiskapyramiden och kan vara potentiella kunder. Att skapa en så kallat ‘frugal innovation’, ikombination med att den är finansiellt hållbar med väldigt små medel är komplext. Det kräver attinnovatören arbetar lokalt med användarens specifika behov och oftast med lokala resurser, samtatt den lokala ekonomiska och fysiska infrastrukturen tas i beaktning.Slutsattsen är att man kan använda människocentrerad design för att skapa produkter ochtjänster för människor som lever i en resursbegränsad miljö. Processens grund baseras påmänniskornas behov, ekonomsika situation, infrastruktur, institutioner, resurstillgängligheten,vilket är essensiella faktorer att ta hänsyn till för att lösningen ska vara önskvärd av användaren,teknisk möjlig och finansiellt hållbar. En andra slutsats är svårigheterna med att produktutvecklamot denna målgrupp kräver resurser och kunskap som vanligtvis inte krävs i produktutvecklingssammanhang mot marknaden som tillhör toppen av den socioekonomiska pyramiden, vilketkan försvåra utvecklingsarbetet.

L'intelligence économique en contexte hostile : l'information brevet et l'innovation frugale, outils de promotion de l'innovation. / Competitive intelligence in hostile context : patent information and frugal innovation, as tools to promote innovation

Seck, Mohamadou 13 December 2016 (has links)
: Les PED dans leur globalité et l’Afrique en particulier ont accusé un retard technologique par rapport aux pays développés. Cet écart s’est renforcé avec les différentes révolutions industrielles qui ont permis au bloc occidental de s’émanciper et de renforcer sa domination sur les pays du tiers monde. Cette hégémonie se manifeste aujourd’hui par le nombre impressionnant de brevets déposés par ces pays, pendant que la plupart des Etats africains peinent à dépasser la barre des 100 brevets par pays et par an. Pour les pays les moins avancés, continuer à appliquer les mêmes modèles que les occidentaux ne fera que renforcer leur dépendance vis-à-vis de ces pays. Il s’agit alors de penser de nouveaux modèles qui collent mieux avec les réalités des ces pays dont les milieux sont souvent hostiles.Cette thèse vise à montrer dans quel cadre l’information contenue dans les documents brevets peut être utilisée pour le développement de solutions technologiques adaptées aux contextes hostiles des pays en développement. Il s’agit surtout de l’information sur les inventions dont les brevets sont tombés dans le domaine public et qui sont donc légalement réutilisables même dans une optique commerciale, mais aussi de toutes les autres informations contenues dans les bases de données brevets. Ainsi, ce travail met en exergue, dans une première partie, les techniques d’exploitation des bases de données brevets, les méthodes pour compléter l’information recueillie ainsi que les possibilités de transformation de cette information en solutions technologiques grâce à la reverse engineering et à la cartographie des brevets notamment. La deuxième partie fait un benchmark des meilleures pratiques en matière d’innovation développées par des pays en développement. Une étude approfondie d’une vingtaine d’innovations frugales a permis de différencier cette forme de créativité avec les techniques traditionnelles, ses caractéristiques ainsi que les conditions de sa mise en œuvre. Elle a été l’occasion de démontrer comment des zones, qui étaient jusque là considérées comme des lieux de « non innovation », étaient devenues des nids de créativités qui se confrontaient souvent aux défis de la valorisation. Ces deux premières parties ont permis de proposer dans une troisième partie un modèle d’organisation adapté aux contextes hostiles. Il consiste d’une part à rompre la chaine traditionnelle de l’innovation caractérisée par les normes et conventions, à penser différemment d’où la notion d’Ethical Non Practicing Entities et à réorganiser les systèmes nationaux d’innovation. / Developing countries as a whole and Africa in particular continue to lag behind industrialized nations in their technological advances. The technologies invented during and since the Industrial Revolution reinforced the West’s domination over developing countries.This hegemony is manifested today by the majority of patents currently being filed by industrialized nations, while most African countries do not exceed 100 patents per year. For developing nations continuing to apply Western models that Western reinforces their dependence on the West. Developing countries need new models that accommodate the reality of their often-hostile physical and political environment.This thesis aims to demonstrate how the contextual information contained in patent documents can be used to develop technological solutions adapted to the harsh environments in developing countries.This thesis focuses on the patents of innovations that fall into the public domain which makes them legally reusable, even commercially, and includes all the other information contained in patent databases.This work highlights the operation of technical patent databases, the methods employed to supplement the information gathered, and thus the possibilities for transformation through reverse engineering solutions, patents mapping and the frugal innovation in particular.The second part is a benchmark for innovative practices from developing countries. A thorough study of twenty frugal- and reverse-innovations helped differentiate this form of creativity from the traditional techniques by its characteristics and the harsh conditions for which these innovations are created.This study offered an opportunity to demonstrate that areas previously considered places of "non-innovation" have become nests of creativity that confront the challenges of recovery.This suggests an organizational model suitable for patents in hostile environments. It breaks the traditional chain of innovation characterized by Western norms and conventions, to think differently about the notion of Ethical Non Practicing Entities and the organization of national systems of innovation.

Concepts of Innovation for and from Emerging Markets

Albert, Martin 09 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A closer look at innovation for and from emerging markets respectively developing economies reveals that a variety of different terms and concepts related to this type of innovation exist. The goal of my conceptual paper is to present a comprehensive overview of related terms and concepts and to suggest theoretical based classification criteria in order to differentiate them. After a first investigation in relation to innovation for and from emerging markets the keywords ‘reverse’, ‘frugal’, ‘jugaad’, and ‘bottom of the pyramid / bottom of pyramid / bop’ were identified and used for searching the database of Google Scholar. For further investigation only texts were considered with at least eight various terms. 19 different texts were identified which classified for a further analysis. As results 33 identified terms in relation to innovation for and from emerging markets, various spellings and synonyms and references with at least two mentions in the identified texts are presented. As theoretical based classification criteria ‘market orientation’, ‘determinants’ (of innovation for and from emerging market)’, ‘nature’ (of innovation for and from emerging markets), sophistication’, ‘sustainability’, ‘novelty’ and ‘innovator type’ were identified.

Concepts of Innovation for and from Emerging Markets

Albert, Martin 09 November 2016 (has links)
A closer look at innovation for and from emerging markets respectively developing economies reveals that a variety of different terms and concepts related to this type of innovation exist. The goal of my conceptual paper is to present a comprehensive overview of related terms and concepts and to suggest theoretical based classification criteria in order to differentiate them. After a first investigation in relation to innovation for and from emerging markets the keywords ‘reverse’, ‘frugal’, ‘jugaad’, and ‘bottom of the pyramid / bottom of pyramid / bop’ were identified and used for searching the database of Google Scholar. For further investigation only texts were considered with at least eight various terms. 19 different texts were identified which classified for a further analysis. As results 33 identified terms in relation to innovation for and from emerging markets, various spellings and synonyms and references with at least two mentions in the identified texts are presented. As theoretical based classification criteria ‘market orientation’, ‘determinants’ (of innovation for and from emerging market)’, ‘nature’ (of innovation for and from emerging markets), sophistication’, ‘sustainability’, ‘novelty’ and ‘innovator type’ were identified.

Inovação frugal à luz dos princípios da Jugaad : estudo de múltiplos casos em MPEs

Silva, Sandra Barbosa dos Santos 25 June 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The innovation has been pointed out by several studies (TORRES et al., 2017, COLBY, DOBNI, 2015, CARVALHO et al., 2015, SILVA, DACORSO, 2013, BESSANT and TIDD 2009) as a competitive energy source for business in a dynamic and globalized market. Regardless of the size and the segment, all businesses can innovate, because in countries like Brazil, small companies represent more than 90% of the country's total enterprises, being an important source of employability (SEBRAE, DIEESE, 2015). When searching specifically about frugal innovation, the objective was to describe how small businesses in the Itabaiana / SE region develop frugal innovation in their activities of producing goods and services in the light of Jugaad principles. The Jugaad innovation is in line with the Brazilian way, with the ability to adapt and improvise in the face of adversity in an ingenious way (RADJOU; PRABHU; AHUJA, 2012). This type of innovation follows six principles - seeking opportunities in adversity, doing more with less, being flexible, simplifying, giving the excluded a chance, and following the heart - consistent with the way innovation occurs in many small business in Brazil. The study is qualitative, using multiple case study strategy. For the collection of the evidences, documentary analysis, semi-structured interviews and direct observation were carried out in eight companies, two of them in the service sector, three in the industrial sector and three in the commercial sector. And the data were analyzed through individual case analysis and cross-case analysis. As the main results of the research were identified that six of the companies surveyed started the business when the owners sought opportunities in the personal adversities they faced, and only two companies emerged from the dream of their owners to undertake, as well as all entrepreneurs had prior knowledge on the field of activity, and all reported transforming the adversities that arise in their organizations in business opportunities, being the financial adversity pointed out as the main adversity faced by them; all respondents follow the principles of doing more with less in their organizations; in all the cases studied, the principle of flexibility was identified in actions such as: the change of the initial business model, and the interest in implementing innovative actions that are motivated by clients and / or competition; all the companies surveyed offer some kind of simple product, however good enough to solve the problems, needs or desires of the customers, while still maintaining the quality; all seek or have the majority of their clients poorly served or excluded by the market; and make decisions based on the following factors: intuition, empathy and / or passion. From the data analysis it was verified that the Jugaad principles are present in actions practiced by all the companies participating in the study. On some principles companies share the same type of action. Finally, the study presents a chart with examples of Jugaad actions found during the research to serve as inspiration for other SMEs. / A inovação vem sendo apontada, por diversos autores (TORRES et al., 2017; COLBY; DOBNI, 2015; CARVALHO et al., 2015; SILVA; DACORSO, 2013; BESSANT; TIDD 2009), como fonte de energia competitiva para os negócios num mercado dinâmico e globalizado. Independentemente do porte e do segmento, todos os negócios podem inovar, pois em países como o Brasil, as pequenas empresas representam mais de 90% do total de empreendimentos do país, sendo importante fonte de empregabilidade (SEBRAE, DIEESE, 2014). Ao pesquisar especificamente sobre a inovação frugal, objetivou-se descrever como os pequenos negócios da região de Itabaiana/SE desenvolvem inovação frugal em suas atividades de produção de bens e serviços à luz dos princípios da Jugaad. A inovação Jugaad ou inovação do improviso (melhor tradução para o português, de acordo com os autores do livro A inovação do Improviso) condiz com o “jeitinho” brasileiro, com a capacidade de se adaptar e improvisar diante das adversidades de maneira engenhosa (RADJOU; PRABHU; AHUJA, 2012). Este tipo de inovação segue seis princípios - buscar oportunidades na adversidade, fazer mais com menos, ser flexível, simplificar, dar chance aos excluídos, e seguir o coração - condizentes com o modo de atuação de tantas empresas brasileiras no que diz respeito ao processo de inovação. O estudo é de natureza qualitativa, sob a estratégia de estudo de casos múltiplos. Para coleta das evidências foram realizadas analise documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação direta em oito empresas, sendo duas do setor de serviços, três do setor industrial e três do comércio. E os dados foram analisados por meio de análise individual dos casos e cross-case analysis. Como principais resultados da pesquisa identificaram-se que seis das empresas pesquisadas iniciaram os negócios quando os proprietários buscaram oportunidades nas adversidades pessoais que enfrentavam, e apenas duas empresas surgiram a partir do sonho de seus proprietários de empreender, bem como todos os empresários possuíam conhecimento prévio sobre o ramo de atuação, e todos relataram transformar as adversidades que surgem em suas organizações em oportunidades de negócios, sendo a adversidade financeira apontada como principal adversidade enfrentada por eles; todos os entrevistados seguem o princípios de fazer mais como menos em suas organizações; em todos os casos estudados o princípio da flexibilidade foi identificado em ações como: a mudança do modelo de negócio inicial, e o interesse pela implementação de ações inovadoras que são motivadas pelos clientes e/ou pela concorrência; todas as empresas pesquisadas oferecem algum tipo de produto simples, porém bom o suficiente para resolver os problemas, necessidades ou desejos dos clientes, mantendo ainda assim a qualidade; todas buscam ou tem a maioria dos seus clientes mal atendidos, mal servidos ou excluídos pelo mercado; e tomam decisões baseados nos fatores: intuição, empatia e/ou paixão. A partir da análise dos dados verificou-se que os princípios Jugaad estão presentes em ações praticadas por todas as empresas participantes do estudo. Em alguns princípios as empresas compartilham do mesmo tipo de ação. Por fim, o estudo apresenta um quadro com os exemplos das ações Jugaad encontradas durante a pesquisa para que sirva de inspiração para outras MPEs. / São Cristóvão, SE

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