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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Violence prevention: Teaching peace, tolerance, caring, and the value of all life to the eighth grade language arts student

Bancroft, Susan Anne 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.


李素珍, Lee, Su-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在瞭解學校人員對無障礙校園環境的認知,並探討臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題,同時研擬具體可行之「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」,作為行政機關及學校的參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談等四種研究方法。首先透過文獻分析,探討無障礙環境的基本理念與法令、規章的發展概況,及臺北市無障礙校園環境的執行過程;其次,以文獻探討的結果及專家座談的建議,研擬具體可行的「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」及編製「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境調查問卷」,進行問卷調查研究,並輔以實地觀察訪談,以瞭解學校人員對無障礙環境的認知,及臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題。 本研究的調查對象為臺北市國民中學之校長、總務主任、特教組長、教師及家長會長(或代表),共57所學校,計發出問卷285份,總計收回53所學校260份問卷,回收率為91.2﹪,實得有效問卷260份,並以SPSS 10.0 For Windows軟體進行問卷資料之統計分析;實地觀察訪談對象,依學校規模分大、中、小型(60班以上為大校、59班至35班為中校、34班以下為小校)三組,每組再依建校歷史,以民國79年「殘障福利法」修正公布為準,分新、舊兩組,各抽取一所學校,以該校總務主任為訪談之對象,該校為實地觀察之地點,共6人。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談的結果,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市國民中學認為無障礙校園環境很重要,認知狀況普遍良好,其中以特教組長對無障礙校園環境的認知狀況最好。 二、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施的使用情形尚可,維護情形良好。 三、臺北市國民中學規畫最好的無障礙設施是「坡道及扶手」、「廁所、盥洗室」、「昇降機(電梯)」,最難規劃的無障礙設施是「昇降機(電梯)」、「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」等,尚須改善的無障礙設施有「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」、「昇降機(電梯)」、「避難層出入口」。 四、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施規劃設計上比較困難的因素是原有建築或空間及經費的受限,故臺北市政府教育局應提供協助以建構完善的無障礙校園環境,其中檢核表對臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境的推動深具價值。 根據研究發現與結論,提出建議如下: 一、臺北市國民中學的無障礙校園環境應整體性規劃,其中特教組長應積極扮演協同的角色,並為師生辦理無障礙校園環境體認等多元活動。 二、臺北市政府教育局應利用儲訓或相關研習加強學校主管的無障礙校園環境理念與實務,對經費補助的方式則應先檢核評估學校整體無障礙環境並以整體規畫、專案補助為主,其中「觀眾席」、「升降機」、「避難層出入口」等設施的新建或修繕補助應列為第一優先,並應提供無障礙校園環境相關諮詢管道與一份完善的無障礙校園環境檢核表以供協助,同時建立各校無障礙設施之基本資料與執行績效評量制度,並對總務人員任期的人事法令予以鬆綁以為配套。 三、其他建議如:各大學院校相關系所應開設無障礙校園環境的相關課程;我國建築技術規則等相關法規應儘速修正並儘速建立人體工學資料。 / The main purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and to investigate the implementation, design and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities in junior high schools in Taipei City. In addition, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City” for the reference of both the authorities and schools. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the researcher adopted the methods of literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys in this study. First of all, through analysis, the researcher explored the basic ideals, the development of rules and regulations and the process of implementation of the barrier-free campus in Taipei City. Secondly, based on the results from the literature analysis and the suggestions from experts in various seminars, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” designed a “Questionnaire on the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” conducted questionnaire surveys and field surveys to get an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and the implementation, structure and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities. The research subjects of this study were principals, directors of general affairs, chiefs of special education, teachers, and presidents (or representatives) of parent committee in junior high schools in Taipei. The researcher sent out 285 questionnaires to 57 schools. A total of 260 questionnaires from 53 schools were retrieved. The response rate was 91.2%. SPSS 10.0 For Windows was employed to analyze the 260 effective questionnaires; the subjects of field surveys were classified into three groups according to the size of school (schools of 60 classes or more are large schools, 35-59 medium schools, and 60 schools or less small schools). In each group, 1990, the year in which the Welfare Law for the Handicapped and Disabled was revised, was set as the point of demarcation to divide these schools into two subgroups: old schools and new schools. The researcher chose one school from each subgroup and interviewed the director of general affairs from the chosen schools which were the sites for field surveys. A total of 6 people were interviewed for this study. Based on literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys, the researchers reached the following conclusions: A. Junior high schools in Taipei City consider the barrier-free campus environment important. In general, staff at school have good understanding of the barrier-free campus environment, especially chiefs of special education. B. The way in which barrier-free facilities are used is acceptable; the maintenance of barrier-free facilities is satisfactory. C. The best planned barrier-free facilities are “ramps and handrails,” “bathrooms and lavatories” and “hoists (elevators).” The greatest difficulty in planning barrier-free facilities is in “hoists (elevators),” “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls).” Barrier-free facilities which require improvements are “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls),” “hoists (elevators)” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors.” D. The difficult part in structuring barrier-free facilities lies in the limitations of original architecture, space and budget. Therefore, Taipei City’s Department of Education should provide assistance to build up a complete barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. The checklists are valuable to the promotion of the barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. Based on these findings, the researcher proposed the following suggestions: A. The barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City should be planned as a whole. Chiefs of special education should play roles of active coordinators, and hold various activities to help teachers and students understand the barrier-free campus environment. B. Taipei City’s Department of Education should make use of various training programs and seminars to enhance the understanding and performances of directors at school. The whole barrier-free campus environment in each school should be evaluated before issuing subsidy. Subsidy should be planned as a whole and issued on a case-by-case basis. Moreover, the installment and repair of “audience seats,” “hoists” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors” should make the top priority on the list of special funds. A complete checklist for the barrier-free campus environment should be provided as support. At the same time, basic data of all the junior high schools in Taipei City and the performance evaluation system in each school should be established. Lastly, terms of staff in general affairs should be more flexible as a supplementary measure. C. Other Suggestions: related departments in every college should provide courses about the barrier-free campus environment; building Code and Regulations in Taiwan should be revised as soon as possible; Ergonomics data should be updated and established as soon as possible.

A linguistic ethnography of learning to teach English at Japanese junior high schools

Hall, James M. January 2017 (has links)
The study examined three Japanese junior high-school English teachers’ initial years of full-time employment. It investigated the type of pedagogical puzzles these teachers experienced, how their practice developed over 18 months, and my role as a Teacher of Teachers (TOT). Drawing on linguistic ethnography, this study took an ethnographic approach to understanding the teachers’ social context and used techniques from discourse analysis to consider how they interpreted their puzzles and constructed their practice. These techniques were also used to analyze my working relationship with the teachers. The purpose of this endeavor was to contribute to the understanding of novice teacher development in an ‘expanding circle’ country. Over the course of the study, I observed the teachers’ classes and interviewed them once or twice a month. Using the coding of interview transcripts and class fieldnotes, I identified Critical Incidents that represented the teachers’ pedagogical puzzles and typical practice, as well as my role as a TOT. Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory(CHAT), I analyzed how elements of the social context brought about the teachers’ pedagogical puzzles and affected their capacity to address them. Coding of the interviews and a microanalysis of the interactions showed my role as a TOT. Overall, the CIs gave an emic portrait of each teacher’s experience and my efforts to support them. The pedagogical puzzles the teachers faced were a result of their personal histories and school conditions. These puzzles did not change, which indicates that teachers will face complex issues that cannot be resolved. Understanding them, however, can promote teacher development. Applying CHAT, I could identify the conditions that helped determine the types of pedagogy in which teachers engaged. I tried to fulfill my role as a TOT by conducting a form of reflective practice (RP). An examination of the RP I conducted with the teachers challenged the notion that it involves the sequential steps of identifying issues, attempting to resolve them, and reflecting on one’s efforts. This dissertation concludes with a discussion about the contributions it has made toward the field of English teacher development: using CHAT to understand the English teaching experiences, the development of an understanding of RP as it can be carried out in the field, an understanding of novice teachers in expanding circle countries, and the value of linguistic ethnography for researching novice teachers.

中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究 / The Possibility of Private Management of Public Schools System in Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools

曹俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學八十七學年度第二學期碩士論文提要 系 所 別:教育系碩士班 指導教授:秦夢群博士 論文名稱:中小學教育實施公辦民營之研究 研 究 生:曹俊德 論文內容摘要: 本研究之目的在探討我國中小學實施公辦民營制度之可行性。其內容包括以下五部分: 一、探討公辦民營學校之相關理論。 二、瞭解美國公辦民營學校的特色及實施成效。 三、瞭解我國類似案例;並分析公辦民營學校相關法令。 四、透過調查瞭解我國實施公辦民營學校之相關意見。 五、結論與建議。 本研究以台灣地區國民中小學校長、主任、教師以及家長、教育行政機關人員為調查對象,在學校方面抽出45所學校,與教育部(廳)、北高兩市教育局、二十三縣市教育局等教育行政機關共計發出1000份問卷,回收678份,回收率67.3%,有效問卷628份。研究工具採自編之「中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究意見調查」問卷,研究中所使用的統計方法包括次數分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採用SPSS for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 政府補助教育經費不足影響到國民中小學各項教育工作之推行。 二、 國民中小學由政府完全辦理的方式應予以檢討。 三、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校符合教育選擇權的需求。 四、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校已逐漸形成趨勢。 五、 特許學校與「B.O.T.」模式的公辦民營方式較適合在台灣實施。 六、 辦學績效不彰的學校應先實施公辦民營學校制度,不應無條件全面實施。 七、 公辦民營學校制度仍然有一些問題有待解決。例如: (一) 公辦民營學校制度的權責不易劃分清處。 (二) 公辦民營學校制度的績效評鑑標準難以建立。 (三) 公辦民營學校制度的誘因不多,難以吸引民間。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程、暨時正調查之分析結果,僅針對實務及未來研究等二方面提出下列建議: 對於實務之建議是: 一、 政策的形成要多瞭解各類人員的看法與意見。 二、 儘速修訂相關法令。例如修改「國民教育法」與「私立學校法」,加強鼓勵民間興學之政策性宣示。 三、 具體鼓勵民間興辦小規模,且具實驗性質之公辦民營國民中小學,待成效良好再擴大辦理。 四、 公辦民營學校不應採「以價制量」的方式辦理。 五、 公辦民營學校應以學校本位的管理方式為配套措施。 六、 實施辦理期間應委託學術機構進行政策評估。 對於相關研究之建議是: 一、 本研究採取量化之研究法,未能再深入瞭解中小學公辦民營學校實施之狀況,建議可採行深度訪談、座談會或參與場地等直化研究方式。 二、 本研究可以擴展至其他學制部份,包括高中職及學前教育部份,甚至包括大專院校等的可行性與問題之研究。 三、 本研究所採外國文獻只限於美國地區,未討論其他世界先進諸國,未來可以擴展至英、法、德等國,或是大陸地區。 四、 本研究探討的重點在於尋求現有最合適之公辦民營模式,希望未來相關研究能建構出一套最佳之公辦民營模型,以為二十一世紀之學校經營之參考。 a / Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools. The study contains five parts. First, this study explores the theory of private management of public schools. Second, this study wants to understand the characteristics and effects of private management of public schools in American. Third, this study wants to understand the condition of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Forth, this study wants to know the comments of the practice of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Fifth, this study wants to come to conclusions and gives some proposals. Objectives of this study include public junior high schools’ staff in Taiwan Province, and Education Administration staff in Taiwan Province, Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. The researcher compiles “Questionnaire for the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools”. 45 schools have been sampled and 1000 copies of the questionnaire dispatched 687 copies of effective samples are actually acquired Data of questionnaire had been proceeding for statistic analysis under the statistic package software: SPSS for Windows” Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follows: 1. The shortage of funds of government effects the work of junior high schools and elementary schools. 2. The way of public schools should be criticized. 3. The management way of private management of public schools in junior high schools and elementary schools is conformed to the need of schools choices. 4. It’s a trend to put the private management of public schools system into practice in Taiwan. 5. Charter schools and the model of B.O.T. are suitable in Taiwan. 6. It should have priority to put the system of private management of public schools into practice in the bad-achievement schools. 7. The system of private management of public schools has some weak points: (1) The evaluation of standard of private management of public schools is hard to establish. (2) It’s not easy to appeal the public to support the system of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about practice are offered: 1. It needs to know the opinions of all circles to form the polity. 2. It should revise laws and decrees as quickly as possible. 3. The government should urge the civil to adopt the system of private management of public schools to establish schools. 4. The private management of public schools shouldn’t adopt high price in tuition. 5. We should adopt the “S.B.M.”Way of management to caudate the private management of public schools. 6. It should have learned society to evaluate the effect of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about relative research are offered: 1. We can adopt qualitative methods to research this study. 2. The study can expand to discuss another schools systems. 3. The foreign literature is limited. The literature of this study includes only American data. We suggest that the future study can adopt more foreign literatures. 4. The main purpose of this study is to search the best model of private management of public schools system. And this system can be the model of 21-century schools.

The Perceived Effectiveness of the 7 Mindsets Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum for Elementary Students

Cochran, Megan 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

類典型相關分析及其在 免試入學上採計成績之研究 / A canonical correlation analysis type approach to model a criterion for enrolling high school students

卓惠敏, Cho, Hui Min Unknown Date (has links)
實施十二年國民基本教育,目的是為促進學生五育均衡發展,兼顧國中學習品質及日常生活表現。由於各校對成績的評分標準與評分方式皆不相同,因此如何使在校成績採計達到公平性將成為一項重要的問題。 戴岑熹(2011) 考慮了國中在校綜合學科分數與基測總分間的相關性,以決定在校各學科的權重。而本研究延伸其概念與方法,將基測各科量尺分數考慮進來,於在校綜合學科分數與基測綜合量尺分數的關聯性最密切的情況下,分析各學科權重的取決方式,希望能找出較理想的模式來代表學生在校三年的整體學習表現與成果,以做為免試升學採計在校成績的參考與依據。 本文的研究方法是運用典型相關分析的理論,但因權重的限制條件與傳統典型相關分析的要求不同,因此,便將其命名為「類典型相關分析」。在類典型相關分析中,我們證明了在校各學科分數及基測各科量尺分數的最佳權重,可先透過典型相關分析求得典型相關向量,若有必要的話,使用Rao-Ghangurad 方法加以修正,最後,再將所獲得的非負典型相關向量正規化,即可獲得所要的結果,這是一個求最佳權重向量極便捷的途徑。在實例分析方面,我們發現了一個有趣的現象,即在校學科分數與基測考科量尺分數的最佳權重向量相當接近,即名稱相同的學科與考科幾乎有相同的權重。在比較了幾個權重分配方式不同的在校綜合學科分數後,我們也發現一般學校常用的等加權模式,其表現結果也頗優異。 / The purpose of implementing the twelve-year compulsory education is to promote the balanced development of learning in students, taking into account their learning quality and normal daily performances in school. As the evaluation standard and method vary among schools, achieving fairness in calculating in-school grades has become an important issue. Dai (2011) considered the correlations between the scores of in-school academic performance and the total score of the BCTEST for junior high schools, which decided to the weightings of all learning subjects. This study extended his concept and method, and took into account the scale scores of all learning subjects. In the closest case of the weightings of all learning subjects and find out the correlations between the scores of in-school academic performance and the BCTEST, and analyse the weightings of all learning subjects. We hope the study can find a better approach that can not only reflect students’ learning situations and achievements for the three years in school but also provide a reference for the evaluation of entering senior high schools without entrance examinations. The research method in this paper employs the theory of canonical correlation analysis.However, due to that fact that weight restrictions are different from the requirements of canonical correlation analysis, it is named as the canonical correlation analysis type approach. In the canonical correlation analysis type approach, we proved that the optimal weights for school subject score and test subject score scales can be obtained by finding the canonical correlation vectors using canonical correlation analysis. Then the Rao-Ghangurad method can further be used for amending, if needed. Finally, the nonnegative canonical correlation vectors generated would be normalized to get the desired result. It is an extremely convenient way to obtain the optimal weight vector. In the case study, we found an interesting phenomenon as follows: When the optimal weight vectors for school subject score and test subject score scales were very close, subjects and tests of the same name had almost the same weight. After comparing several comprehensive school subject scores of different weight distribution, we also found that the results of the equal weighting model commonly used in schools also showed quite good results.

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