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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglystės amžiaus mergaičių požiūris į kūno vaizdą ir mitybos įpročius / Teenage girls‘ attitude towards body figure and eating habits

Volkytė, Sandra 31 July 2013 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė paauglių požiūrio į savo kūną ir mitybos įpročių analizė. Iškeltos dvi hipotezės: 1. Dauguma paauglių, norėdamos tapti lieknesnėmis, keičia savo mitybos įpročius, stengiasi sveikai maitintis, didina fizinį aktyvumą. 2. Daugumai normalaus svorio ir kūno sudėjimo merginoms atrodo, kad jų svoris yra per didelis, jos save vertina storesnėmis nei iš tiesų yra, tampa nepatenkintos savo kūno vaizdu.Empirinėje dalyje tiriami paauglių mitybos įpročiai, kūno vaizdas ir fizinis aktyvumas. Taip pat pasitenkinimas savo kūno vaizdu, bei paauglės nurodomas, jos norimas, tobulas kūno vaizdas.Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas atskleisti paauglių (mergaičių) požiūrį į savo kūną ir mitybos įpročius. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė. Pusiau struktūruotu interviu buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti kaip paauglės vertina ir koks turėtų būti jų tobulas kūno vaizdas. Mergaičių supratimas apie kūno vaizdo estetiką nustatytas paveikslais, naudojant Ališauskaitės (2011) metodika, kur didesnis skirtumas tarp nurodomo kūno vaizdo ir norimo reiškia didesnį nepasitenkinimą savo kūno vaizdu. / The paper displays theoretical analysis of teenage girls’ attitude towards their body and eating habits. There are two hypotheses: 1. Most of the teenage girls change their eating habits, try to eat healthy and do physical activities in order to become fit. 2. Most of the regular weight and body type girls think they weigh too much and asses their self as thicker than they are and become not satisfied with their body. The empirical part studies eating habits, body image and physical activities. Moreover, the satisfaction of one’s body image, given and wanted image of the perfect body is explored.The questionnaire survey was made which aimed to reveal the attitude of teenage girls towards their bodies and eating habits. The statistic data analysis was made. Due to semi-structural interview, the self-assessment of how should a perfect body look like was made. Satisfaction / dissatisfaction of one’s body image (Ališauskaitė, 2011), where the difference between the given body image and the wanted body image shows the greater dissatisfaction of one’s body image.The quantitative part of the research consisted of 403 and the qualitative part of the research consisted of 14 teenage girl participants from various Lithuanian cities and regions.

Lėtinių ligų rizikos veiksnių raida nuo vaikystės (Kauno m. gyventojų kohortinis tyrimas) / Evolution of chronic noncommunicable diseases risk factors since childhood to adulthood (A cohort study in Kaunas population)

Sakalauskienė, Giedrė Valdonė 02 March 2006 (has links)
Good health is a fundamental resource for social and economic development. Non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes mellitus are reaching epidemic proportions worldwide. Over the last decades NCDs remain the main public health problem in Lithuania also. The leading NCD’s in the Lithuania are CVD and cancer. The key targets of the Health 21 policy for WHO European Region as well as of Lithuanian Health Programme are reduction of morbidity and mortality from CVD, cancer and other NCD’s. The leading strategy to tackle NCDs is control and prevention of risk factors. Common, modifiable risk factors underlie the major NCD’s. Seven risk factors are responsible for the majority of NCD in the European region: high blood pressure, tobacco, alcohol, high cholesterol, being overweight, low intake of fruits and vegetables, and physical inactivity. The lifestyle habits start to develop in childhood. Children and adolescents begin to smoke and use alcohol, adopt unhealthy nutrition habits and sedentary lifestyle. Harmful lifestyle choices lead to children’s overweight, increase of their blood pressure (BP), and metabolic disorders. Many epidemiological studies designed to assess the association between health indices in childhood and adulthood were conducted over the last years. However, the number of longitudinal, cohort studies that would follow people from childhood to middle age and would apply the... [to full text]

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