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李仁榮 Unknown Date (has links)
中韓兩國在過去幾期的經濟建設計劃中,能如期成功達成之理由,雖可謂是中韓兩國政府及國民的努力之結果,但中韓兩國所吸收之外國貸款及外人投資之功,也不可沒。本文針對外國貸款及外人投資對中韓兩國經濟之影響,做多方面的檢討。而最近中韓兩國的輿論,也對將來如欲繼續吸引外人投資之問題,提出必須合理的規定吸收之了幾種製品,提出決定中韓兩國之企業容許外人投資之比率方案,以中韓兩國之企業與外人企業之間的適當投資比率之問題。為此我選擇金額的主張。因此在如何合理地吸引外人投資之問題下,自然會引出供中韓兩國之參考。 本文提出之決定投資比率方案,也許自行為科學方面或其他重要因素來看,不過是一個極為片斷而且是一已之偏見也說不定,而矛盾或不全自是難免,甚盼各位師長同學不吝賜教。 第一章序論說明研究目的在觀察外國貸款及外人投資對中韓兩國經濟建設之影響,提出決定,中韓兩國之企業興外人企業之間投資比率方法。其內容及範圍為檢討外國貸款及外人投資對中韓兩國之影響,觀察最近中韓兩國所吸收之外國貸款及外人投資以何業為重,及檢討中韓兩國在未來繼續吸收外人投資時可能遭受阻礙之因素,與如何摒除阻礙因素之方案。而研究方法乃採描述研究(descriptive studies;有關資料之蒐集,原則上採用中韓兩國政府之刊物、報紙及雜誌等次級資料。 第二章論及外國貸款及外人投資供給了中韓兩國資本財,使中韓兩國有效地達成了經濟建設計劃。在檢討中韓兩國經濟發展中,我用中韓兩國在經濟建設計劃之前與之後的產業結構、國際收支、雇傭部分之比較方法 說明外國貸款及外人投資對經濟發展之貢獻,並且由外國貸款及外人投資之公司持有的新生產方式,及目與原有之企業相互競爭下所造成的健全之企業環境,鞏固國際性競爭能力,來說明它們對中韓兩國之所得所造成的長期性增加。 第三章是在檢討中韓兩國迄今為止所吸收之外國貸款的來源、數量、時問及投資之事業與金額。對於韓國方面,增加了檢討將來韓國政府所需之外國貸款及此等外國貸款在投資計劃及投資上將對韓國經濟所要發生之效果,並且觀察將來韓國政府必須價還之本利的償還計劃。 在檢討中韓兩國吸引外人投資中,我傾注全力於各年度的外來投資增加額、增加之理由、來源、數量及外人投資在產業類別中之比重,與造成之後果─即外人投資之企業,因稅制上的特惠、資本及技術上的優勢,而對原有企業所造成之不利等問題。另以韓國外人投資之公司外人匯回本國之金額為投資總額之七.一%,外國貸款償還額為貸款總額之十.八%之實際情形為例,由外國貸款之本利的固定性及外人投資外人匯回本國之金額的變動性─即外人投資愈多,則匯回本國之利潤也愈多來說明外人投資實比外國貸款對中韓兩國之經濟不利。但是中韓兩國之實情,必經外人投資始能達到充實資本,獲得技術及原料,開拓海外市場之故,合理的吸引外人投資,遂成為不可避免的問題。 第四章在分別提示中韓兩國決定外人投資比率之方案。在中華民國方面,先選擇出幾種製品,利用此種製品的安定性及收益性為中心的財務分析結果,決定外人投資比率。下面為被選定之製品及外人投資比率:塑膠及其製品工業、電氣機械器材工染、合板工業、造紙工業等之外人投資比率應訂為五十%以下;人造纖維紡織工業,水泥及其製品工業等之外人投資比率應訂為五十%;機械工業、肥料工業、綿紡織工業、鋼鐵工業等之外人投資比率,應可訂為五十%以上。當然,中華民國之專家或施政者,在全盤檢討經濟狀況時,若認為塑膠及其製品工業、電氣機械器材工業、合板工業已無需外人投資之時,也可以訂造紙工業、人造纖維紡織工業、水泥及其製品工業之外人投資比率為五十%以下,機械工業之外人投資比率為五十%,肥料工業、綿紡織工業、鋼鐵工業等之外人投資比率為五十%以上。 至於韓國方面,也先自選擇出幾種製品,以此等製品之收益性、國際收支效果,雇傭效果、附加價值效果為中心,決定外人投資比率:電視機、電氣用銅、冰箱、電話機等之外人投資比率可訂為五十%以下;人造絹織物、化學紙漿等之外人投資比率可訂為五十%;至於工作機械、鋁塊、輪胎、多元脂綿之外人投資比率可訂為五十%以上。 第五章是先觀察某些企業在投資海外之時的一股性阻礙因素,然後再觀察中韓兩國有關吸收外人投資之獎勵政策。在此章中以韓國的外人投資企業公司所發生之實例,提出修正及改善投資環境等方案。 第六章是綜合了以上各章之檢討結果,說明外人投資企業因永存於中韓兩國,故該企業匯回本國之利潤也就永久存在;而外國貸款之企業,則可經田償還本利而減經負擔,而達到負擔之消滅。尤以外人投資之企業皆隨時間而走上軌道,便利益的發生也隨之增加,致而外人匯回本國之利潤也隨之永久性的增加。可是,如果這一企業乃屬外國貸款者,利益之增加不變動本利,因此中韓兩國在吸收外來資本時,應吸收外國貸款為主。另外,由於現代之社會是一個急又多變的社會,為了應付及適應這個社會所產生之急變情勢、中韓兩國應經常講究及保持應變之策。

The potential for regional co-operation to control transboundary air pollution in Northeast Asia : a qualitative analysis

Lee, Ki-Duk January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Economic policy and development in south-east Asian economies

Ladpli, Pimpen January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Logistics outsourcing : empirical research on subjective decision-making of logistics service buyers in the Korean market

Park, Won Geun January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The economic impact of the Korean port industry on the national economy : a port planning and development perspective

Moon, Seong-Hyeok January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Dealing with authoritarianism : US policy towards South Korean governments, 1960-1968

Ma, Sang-Yoon January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

International law and the resolution of territorial disputes over islands in East Asia

Lee, Seokwoo January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

North Korea : transport and logistics scenarios and South Korean enterprises' location decisions

Pang, Kelvin Ka Liong January 2012 (has links)
North Korea is one of the world’s last remaining communist countries. Insistence on self-sufficiency has resulted in the stagnation of its economy and collapse of its transport distribution system. This research project examines how various scenarios for North Korea and the implications of South Korean enterprises’ location decisions affect future transport and logistics developments in North Korea. In the foreseeable future, aside from Chinese companies, South Korean investors will probably be the only companies to invest heavily in the North, driven by political and economic motivations. The objectives of this study are four-fold. Firstly, it analyses the political and economic factors affecting North Korea. Secondly, it appraises the present conditions of transport and logistics infrastructure in North Korea. Next, in order to ascertain the implications of business organisations’ decisions to locate in North Korea, it is imperative to determine the probable scenarios surrounding North Korea due to its unique and reclusive nature. Finally, it identifies the factors that will affect potential investors’ location choices. In order to answer the above research question and objectives, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used. In the absence of reliable data from North Korea, an exploratory study was undertaken with eight experts to gain deeper understanding of the issues surrounding North Korea. The insights gathered, together with the comprehensive literature review led to the development of eight sub-research questions. Next, in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted to help develop scenarios for North Korea. Quantitative surveys were concurrently conducted which engaged SMEs and logistics companies. The findings of the research uncovered new insights. Experts think that the status quo scenario is most likely to continue in the near future unless one of the wildcard situations, such as the death of Kim Jong-il occurs. Investors are likely to invest $1-9 million in North Korea, with Nampo and Sinuiju as probable investment locations. Four main factors will influence the location choices of potential South Korean investors including ‘legal’, ‘political economy’, ‘spatial’ and ‘infrastructure’. Road transport was found to be the choice of mode for both experts and investors and China and South Korea would be the mostly like export destinations for North Korean-made products.

The USSR-ROK relations (1985-1992) : an explanation of the role of elite images and domestic factors in the process of achieving diplomatic recognition

Hong, Sung-Pyo January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

American Southern Presbyterians and the formation of presbyterianism in Honam, Korea, 1892-1940 : traditions, missionary encounters, and transformations

Lee, Jaekeun January 2013 (has links)
The missionary enterprise of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS, American Southern Presbyterian Church) in Korea was initiated by the arrival of ‘seven pioneers’ in Korea in 1892. By a comity agreement between the three Presbyterian missions, the southwestern region of Korea, known as Honam or Jeolla province, was assigned to the American Southern Presbyterian Mission. Until 1940, when they were forced to end their mission work in Korea and to leave the country by the Japanese colonial administration, the American Southern Presbyterian missionaries contributed to the formation of indigenous Protestant Christianity in Honam by planting churches, and building hospitals and schools. They also encouraged the Korean converts to establish their own churches following the Nevius method which stressed the founding of threeself independent churches. In this thesis, I attempt to analyze the process of the formation of indigenous Protestantism in Honam according to the three themes of traditions, encounters, and transformations. Presbyterians in the South shared with other leading Southern Protestants such as Baptists and Methodists both the warm evangelistic impetus of evangelicalism and an appeal to the Bible to justify racism. In particular, ecumenical missionary movements originating from a series of evangelical revivals helped the Southern Presbyterian workers in foreign lands overcome their inherited identity as the adherents of a geographically, culturally, and theologically sectional organisation to become the advocates of a more pan-evangelical obligation. Southern Presbyterian Korea missionaries already shared many common elements of evangelical theology and middle-class values with other Protestant missionaries even before the initiation of their mission work in 1892. From 1892 onwards, in response to the example of their Northern Presbyterian counterparts in the Korea mission field in initiating a more amicable relationship with their Southern colleagues, their isolated Southern identity gradually began to dissolve. The dominance of the pietistic stream of evangelical Christianity in Honam resulted from the congruence between Southern Presbyterians’ missionary Christianity and the traditional worldview of Honam people. In addition, a series of events, such as the revivals in the 1910s, the March First Movement in 1919, the complete revision of the constitution of the Korean Presbyterian Church in 1922, and the devolution of church and school management administration were the primary landmarks in the successful founding of indigenous Honam Christianity. If mission history is in part about what happens to one Christian tradition when it crosses geographical and cultural frontiers, my primary contribution in this thesis is to show in what ways the evolving Southern Presbyterian tradition at home was further changed and transformed, and then indigenised, in the Honam context. The thesis concludes that the progressive weakening of Southern Presbyterian sectional identity, first in the United States and then in Korea, significantly facilitated the indigenisation of Christianity in Honam. Crucial in this process was the democratising impact of revivals and the implications of wider ecumenical relationships with representatives of other denominations and regions. Honam Presbyterianism today is not a replica of the American Presbyterian tradition in its traditional Southern form. However, it does display many of the same features as the broad pan-evangelicalism to which the Southern Presbyterian mission increasingly adhered.

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