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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kansei Engineering Approach : Mapping the correlation between user's subjective perception and design features for dining tables

Toderean, Alexandru Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
Because of the competitive market and high product failure, product development and quality is moving towards a merging of functionality and usability with psychological needs. The interaction with the products creates a need, which can be a decisive aspect for the user when choosing a product. The Kansei approach, also known as Kansei Engineering, aims at converting the psychological needs that influence the subjective perception of the user, into actual design specification, with eight types developed so far. Furthermore, the method implies that, the competitiveness of the product can be enhanced by attaching users’ feelings and aesthetic impressions in term of product attributes, to the product features.This thesis describes how the methodology can be used by implementing Kansei Engineering Type I as a tool to evaluate and map the subjective perceptions of dining tables. The research shows that it was possible to map correlations between the users’ subjective perception and design features. E.g. a dining table that is perceived as solid, has the feature rail/frame and is heavy (>35kg). This can be used as input in user-centred product development. Even if no correlation was possible in some cases, valuable information was gathered that can be used for further analysis. As a continuation of the research, will be to focus on which surface textures is better perceived as natural feeling of wood.

From Idea to Innovation: Exploring the Application of Design Thinking in Product Development / Från Idé till Innovation: Utforska Användningen av Design Thinking inom Produktutveckling

Skaljo, Sejla, Ljungberg, Elaine January 2023 (has links)
Design thinking (DT) is a popular method and methodology for leveraging innovation. However, using DT in practical organisational settings is challenging because there is little acknowledgment of such research in academia. The few existing researches about the utilization of DT has been misinterpreted by organisations due to the phenomenon on wicked problems, leading to misuse of the method. This research investigates and enhances interdisciplinary approaches that can enhance the utilization of DT in product development for driving innovation. This qualitative case study was conducted by two full-time engineer students over a span of twenty weeks, starting in mid-January, as a thesis project for their industrial product realization studies at Jönköping University. The case study was carried out at a manufacturing company, Thule, in Sweden, specializing in outdoor recreational products. Using the IDEO method of DT, the study implements a systematic approach to develop a new, innovative solution. The project began with an extensive analysis of the market competition, users, and the company Thule, using innovative techniques such as brainstorming and various stages of sketching to address identified user challenges. Utilizing DT methods for innovation was successful as the insights were transformed into a tangible concept using computer-aided design and prototyping tools. As a result of implementing DT, a conceptualised approach was developed that ultimately lead to the innovative idea of creating a modular camping box mounted to the car's tow bar.

Engineering Feelings of Quality

Ayas, Ebru January 2008 (has links)
There is an increasing emphasis on developing systematical research approaches for design of products that appeal to people’s emotions and values. This thesis proposes methodological developments for investigating people’s subjective emotional needs and values towards quality and explores interactions of related physical design attributes for product design. The overall aim of the licentiate thesis is to gain an understanding on Affective engineering of products through exploring the concept of quality feeling and to develop methodological approaches for this. Quality feeling can be described as a holistic concept considering individuals’ perceptions, expectations, experiences, physical and psychological expressions for a product or service. Affective Engineering methodology aims at translating human psychological processes, such as feelings and emotions, into appropriate product design attributes, such as size, shape, and surface characteristics. The thesis presents three methodological approaches when evaluating products for affective engineering and one approach for an interactive product design support system development. The first study presented deals with feelings of quality for reach truck operator’s cabin components. Components that would convey to give a higher total quality feeling were identified and improvement opportunities were prioritized. The second study presented is based on developing an interactive affective design and decision support system software for design of the steering wheel from drivers’ individual and shared preferences. In the third study affective values arising from judgments for important feelings of quality is the study basis. The author presents research on identifying interactions of design attributes for affective values in waiting areas of primary health care services. Further, a new approach for applying Affective Engineering in design of complex contexts is proposed.The proposed approach aims to handle contexts where feelings and design attributes have complex interactions for products and services that give almost an infinite number of design alternatives that are difficult to handle in traditional Kansei Engineering studies. With this thesis also an interactive product design and decision support system software is developed for steering wheel design and proposed for educational and industrial use. The proposed system works based on linking product design attributes to human feelings by applying Genetic algorithms and provides potential basis for future product development and improvements. This thesis has also contributed with affective design recommendations applicable for vehicle cabins and waiting areas in primary health care. Moreover, a number of existing methods in Affective Engineering have been tested and methodological experience is drawn, including advantages, disadvantages and limitations of using these methods.

EL RENDER DE ARQUITECTURA. Análisis de la respuesta emocional del observador

Iñarra Abad, Susana 30 June 2014 (has links)
En el ámbito de la expresión gráfica arquitectónica, la realidad virtual supone una herramienta, indispensable en nuestros días, para comunicar del proyecto de arquitectura. Entre todos los canales de expresión de la realidad virtual, los renders o perspectivas digitales son los más comúnmente empleados en concursos, publicaciones y medios de divulgación arquitectónica. En estos soportes, las imágenes renderizadas permiten una rápida comprensión de la propuesta planteada, sean expertos o no los observadores de las mismas. El rápido avance de los programas informáticos de modelización digital ha permitido a los arquitectos producir sofisticadas imágenes como una valiosa herramienta para seducir a los observadores de las mismas. Si los medios de representación diédrica requieren del observador determinadas habilidades de interpretación espacial para imaginar el futuro lugar que el proyecto contendrá, estas imágenes nos trasladan directamente a él y nos permiten sentir lo que en aquellos lugares experimentaríamos. Estas sensaciones evocadas, generarán en el observador, una opinión más o menos favorable, sobre el espacio que la imagen representa. El proyecto necesita comunicarse, y por lo tanto requiere de cierta estrategia de comunicación. Si hasta ahora era el punto de vista del arquitecto el que inundaba la expresión del proyecto de arquitectura, ahora aparece la figura del usuario (jurado de concurso, futuro cliente, comprador de un piso) como un nuevo filtro a través del cual, se hace necesario observar el proyecto. Conocer los factores cognitivos que hay detrás del proceso de evaluación del observador permite la aplicación de técnicas, de manera que analizando las preferencias del usuario, éstas pueden ser incluidas en el proceso de diseño. La publicidad actual desarrolla sofisticadas estrategias para captar la atención del público general o de un determinado sector en particular, y despertar en él sentimientos que favorezcan la elección del producto diseñado. Sin embargo, no se encuentran apenas trabajos de investigación que analicen los factores cognitivos en renders de arquitectura. / Iñarra Abad, S. (2014). EL RENDER DE ARQUITECTURA. Análisis de la respuesta emocional del observador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/38447 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales


Fernández Plazaola, Igor 01 September 2017 (has links)
Education is undoubtedly one of the greatest legacies we can leave to our own. When we educate, we turn our whole being into giving the others the best of all our vital spirit. There is a physical space that collected, classified and guarded knowledge, and nowadays also offers it to society. A space that is transforming its functions from copy and custody of knowledge to space of acquisition and transmission of knowledge and skills. Books life has been parallel to education and culture, and libraries as entities framed in an architectural space are parallel to these. Spaces have gone from being no more than a mere shelter of the human being, to host much more complex and specific functions as a home. To achieve the transmission of functions, architecture and therefore buildings, not only need to respond to functional or aesthetic issues, but also certainly must meet vital and sensory needs of personal experience. Building, like any other product or service, transmits and generates sensations and perceptions, that each of us interprets according to our life experience, and this process like any other, can and must be defined, measured and assessed. Libraries have this dual function, on the one hand the enormous work to support learning and education as a historical institution, and on the other, to foster this educational experience as an architectural product designed and executed. This research work intends to classify, by its quantification, the incidence that the different categories of design parameters that make up a library space, generate on the global valuation of architectural space university library. For its development and with the "voice of the user" as the backbone of the research, we have adopted the Kansei Engineering as a validated methodology. So, from the scope of user-oriented product development define and measure the feelings or perceptions that university libraries generate in their users. In this thesis, we have evaluated the ten university libraries of the campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The originality of the present research consists in the application of the methodology to the university library and to the building as an architectural product. The library, the study of its indicators, and its evaluation are profuse topics in the literature. However, the application of Kansei methodology is novel in the field and even more the analysis of the building and its affection to the perception of the users. The conclusions of the thesis allows us to establish a pattern of design parameters that will favour the users of a library space to perceive it as a space with "Good design". / La educación es sin duda alguna uno de los mayores legados que podemos dejar a los nuestros. Cuando educamos, volcamos nuestro ser al completo en dar lo mejor de todo nuestro bagaje vital. Hay un espacio físico que recogía el saber, lo clasificaba y custodiaba, y hoy en día además lo ofrece a la sociedad. Un espacio, que está transformando sus funciones de copia y custodia del saber, a espacio de adquisición y transmisión de conocimientos y competencias. Paralelamente a la educación y la cultura ha transcurrido el devenir de los libros y paralelos a estos la biblioteca como entidad enmarcada en un espacio arquitectónico. Los espacios han pasado de ser mero cobijo del ser humano y poco más, a albergar funciones mucho más complejas y específicas como un hogar. Para lograr la transmisión de funciones, la arquitectura y por ende la edificación, no solo necesitan responder a cuestiones funcionales o estéticas, si no sin duda deben atender necesidades vitales y sensoriales de experiencia personal. La edificación, como cualquier producto o servicio, transmite y genera sensaciones y percepciones que cada uno de nosotros interpretamos en función de nuestra experiencia vital, y este proceso como cualquier otro puede y debe definirse, medirse y evaluarse. Las bibliotecas tienen esa doble función, por un lado la ingente labor de apoyo al aprendizaje y la educación como institución histórica, y por otro la de favorecer esta experiencia educadora como producto arquitectónico ideado y ejecutado. Con este trabajo de investigación, se pretende clasificar por su cuantificación, la incidencia que las diferentes categorías de parámetros de diseño que conforman un espacio bibliotecario generan sobre la valoración global del espacio arquitectónico biblioteca universitaria. Para su desarrollo y con "la voz del usuario" como eje vertebrador de la investigación, en el trabajo hemos adoptado la Ingeniería Kansei como metodología validada. Para, desde el ámbito del desarrollo de productos orientados al usuario, definir y medir las sensaciones o sentimientos que las bibliotecas universitarias generan en sus usuarios. En este trabajo hemos evaluado las diez bibliotecas universitarias del campus de la Universitat Politècnica de València. La originalidad de la presente investigación consiste en la aplicación de la metodología a la biblioteca universitaria y al edificio como producto arquitectónico. La biblioteca, el estudio de sus indicadores, y su evaluación son temas profusos en la literatura. Sin embargo la aplicación de metodología Kansei es novedosa en el campo y más aún el análisis del edificio y la afección del mismo a la percepción de los usuarios. Las conclusiones del trabajo nos permiten establecer unas pautas de diseño que favorecerán que los usuarios de un espacio bibliotecario perciban este como un espacio con "Buen diseño". / L'educació és sens dubte un dels majors llegats que podem deixar als nostres. Quan eduquem, bolquem el nostre ser al complet donant el millor de tot el nostre bagatge vital. Hi ha un espai físic que arreplegava el saber, ho classificava i custodiava i hui en dia a més a més l'ofereix a la societat. Un espai que està transformant les seues funcions de còpia i custòdia del saber a espai d'adquisició i transmissió de coneixements i competències. Paral·lelament a l'educació i la cultura ha transcorregut l'esdevindre dels llibres i paral·lels a estos la biblioteca com a entitat emmarcada en un espai arquitectònic. Els espais han passat de ser mer recer del ser humà i poc més, a albergar funcions molt més complexes i específiques com pot ser una llar. Per a aconseguir la transmissió de funcions, l'arquitectura i per tant l'edificació, no sols necessiten respondre a qüestions funcionals o estètiques, si no sens dubte han d'atendre necessitats vitals i sensorials d'experiència personal. L'edificació, com qualsevol producte o servici, transmet i genera sensacions i percepcions que cada ú de nosaltres interpretem en funció de la nostra experiència vital, i este procés, com qualsevol altre pot i ha de definir-se, mesurar-se i avaluar-se. Les biblioteques tenen eixa doble funció, per un costat la ingent labor de suport a l'aprenentatge i l'educació com a institució històrica, i per un altre la d'afavorir esta experiència educadora com a producte arquitectònic ideat i executat. Amb este treball d'investigació, es pretén classificar per la seua quantificació, la incidència que les diferents categories de paràmetres de disseny que conformen un espai bibliotecari generen sobre la valoració global de l'espai arquitectònic biblioteca universitària. Per al seu desenrotllament i amb la "veu de l'usuari" com a eix vertebrador de la investigació, en el treball hem adoptat l'Enginyeria Kansei com a metodologia validada. Per a, des de l'àmbit del desenrotllament de productes orientats a l'usuari, definir i mesurar les sensacions o sentiments que les biblioteques universitàries generen en els seus usuaris. En este treball hem avaluat les deu biblioteques universitàries del campus de la Universitat Politècnica de València. L'originalitat de la present investigació consisteix en l'aplicació de la metodologia a la biblioteca universitària i a l'edifici com a producte arquitectònic. La biblioteca, l'estudi dels seus indicadors, i la seua avaluació són temes profusos en la literatura, no obstant això l'aplicació de metodologia Kansei és nova en el camp i més encara l'anàlisi de l'edifici i l'afecció del mateix a la percepció dels usuaris. Les conclusions del treball ens permeten establir unes pautes de disseny que afavoriran que els usuaris d'un espai bibliotecari perceben este com un espai amb "Bon disseny". / Fernández Plazaola, I. (2017). TAXONOMÍA CUANTIFICADA DEL DISEÑO EN LAS PERCEPCIONES DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITARIAS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86191

Sistema de Engenharia Kansei para apoiar a descrição da visão do produto no contexto do Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos de produtos manufaturados / Kansei Engineering System to support product vision description in the context of Agile Project Management of manufactured products.

Ferreira Junior, Lucelindo Dias 23 January 2012 (has links)
O Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos é uma abordagem útil para projetos com alto grau de complexidade e incerteza. Duas de suas características são: o envolvimento do consumidor nas tomadas de decisão sobre o projeto do produto; e, o uso de uma visão do produto, artefato que representa e comunica as características prioritárias e fundamentais do produto a ser desenvolvido. Há métodos para apoiar a criação da visão do produto, mas eles apresentam deficiências em operacionalizar o envolvimento do consumidor final. Por outro lado, existe a Engenharia Kansei, uma metodologia que permite capturar as necessidades de um grande número de consumidores e relacioná-las a características do produto. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo aprofundado da metodologia da Engenharia Kansei e analisa como essa pode ser útil para apoiar a descrição da visão do produto, no contexto do Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos de produtos manufaturados. Em seguida, para verificar essa proposição, apresenta o desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Engenharia Kansei baseado na Teoria de Quantificação Tipo I, Aritmética Fuzzy, e Algoritmos Genéticos, testado para o projeto de uma caneta voltada a alunos de pós-graduação. Para execução do projeto foi utilizado um conjunto de métodos e procedimentos, tais como: revisão bibliográfica sistemática; desenvolvimento matemático; desenvolvimento computacional; e, estudo de caso. Analisa-se o Sistema de Engenharia Kansei proposto, e os resultados no caso aplicado, para averiguar seu potencial. Indica evidencias que o Sistema de Engenharia Kansei é capaz de gerar requisitos sobre configurações de produtos segundo a perspectiva do consumidor potencial, e que essas configurações são úteis para a formulação da visão do produto e na evolução desta visão no decorrer do projeto de produto. / The Agile Project Management is a useful approach for projects with high degree of complexity and uncertainty. Two of its singularities are: costumer involvement in decision making about the product design; and the use of a product vision, an artifact that represents and communicates the fundamental and high-priority features of the product to be developed. There are methods to support the creation of the product vision, but they have shortcomings in operationalizing the costumer involvement. On the other hand, there is the Kansei Engineering, a methodology to capture the needs of a large number of consumers and correlate them to product features. This paper presents a detailed study of the Kansei Engineering methodology and analyzes how this can be useful to support the description of the product vision, in the context of Agile Project Management of manufactured products. Then, to verify this proposition, it presents the development of a Kansei Engineering System based on Quantification Theory Type I, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Genetic Algorithms, tested for the design of a pen aimed at graduate students. To implement the project we used a set of methods and procedures, such as systematic literature review, mathematical development, computational development, and case study. It analyzes the proposed Kansei Engineering System and the results in the case study applied, to ascertain their potential. Evidence indicates that Kansei Engineering System is capable of generating requirements on product configurations from the perspective of the potential consumer, and that these configurations are useful for the description of the product vision and for the progression of this vision during the project of the product.

Sistema de Engenharia Kansei para apoiar a descrição da visão do produto no contexto do Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos de produtos manufaturados / Kansei Engineering System to support product vision description in the context of Agile Project Management of manufactured products.

Lucelindo Dias Ferreira Junior 23 January 2012 (has links)
O Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos é uma abordagem útil para projetos com alto grau de complexidade e incerteza. Duas de suas características são: o envolvimento do consumidor nas tomadas de decisão sobre o projeto do produto; e, o uso de uma visão do produto, artefato que representa e comunica as características prioritárias e fundamentais do produto a ser desenvolvido. Há métodos para apoiar a criação da visão do produto, mas eles apresentam deficiências em operacionalizar o envolvimento do consumidor final. Por outro lado, existe a Engenharia Kansei, uma metodologia que permite capturar as necessidades de um grande número de consumidores e relacioná-las a características do produto. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo aprofundado da metodologia da Engenharia Kansei e analisa como essa pode ser útil para apoiar a descrição da visão do produto, no contexto do Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos de produtos manufaturados. Em seguida, para verificar essa proposição, apresenta o desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Engenharia Kansei baseado na Teoria de Quantificação Tipo I, Aritmética Fuzzy, e Algoritmos Genéticos, testado para o projeto de uma caneta voltada a alunos de pós-graduação. Para execução do projeto foi utilizado um conjunto de métodos e procedimentos, tais como: revisão bibliográfica sistemática; desenvolvimento matemático; desenvolvimento computacional; e, estudo de caso. Analisa-se o Sistema de Engenharia Kansei proposto, e os resultados no caso aplicado, para averiguar seu potencial. Indica evidencias que o Sistema de Engenharia Kansei é capaz de gerar requisitos sobre configurações de produtos segundo a perspectiva do consumidor potencial, e que essas configurações são úteis para a formulação da visão do produto e na evolução desta visão no decorrer do projeto de produto. / The Agile Project Management is a useful approach for projects with high degree of complexity and uncertainty. Two of its singularities are: costumer involvement in decision making about the product design; and the use of a product vision, an artifact that represents and communicates the fundamental and high-priority features of the product to be developed. There are methods to support the creation of the product vision, but they have shortcomings in operationalizing the costumer involvement. On the other hand, there is the Kansei Engineering, a methodology to capture the needs of a large number of consumers and correlate them to product features. This paper presents a detailed study of the Kansei Engineering methodology and analyzes how this can be useful to support the description of the product vision, in the context of Agile Project Management of manufactured products. Then, to verify this proposition, it presents the development of a Kansei Engineering System based on Quantification Theory Type I, Fuzzy Arithmetic and Genetic Algorithms, tested for the design of a pen aimed at graduate students. To implement the project we used a set of methods and procedures, such as systematic literature review, mathematical development, computational development, and case study. It analyzes the proposed Kansei Engineering System and the results in the case study applied, to ascertain their potential. Evidence indicates that Kansei Engineering System is capable of generating requirements on product configurations from the perspective of the potential consumer, and that these configurations are useful for the description of the product vision and for the progression of this vision during the project of the product.

Designing Feelings into Products : Integrating Kansei Engineering Methodology in Product Development

Schütte, Simon January 2002 (has links)
Tendencies in product development of today make it likely that many future products will be functional equivalent and therefore hard to distinguish between for the customer. Customers will decide by highly subjective criteria which product to purchase. One task for product development in this context is to be able to capture the customer’s considerations and feelings of products and translate these emotional aspects into concrete product design. Today a number of different methods, such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Semantical Environment Description (SMB), Conjoint Analysis and Kansei Engineering exist and are used in practical applications. The purpose of this thesis is to understand and apply Kansei Engineering methodology and explore ways to integrate the methodology into an industrial product development process. This was done by conducting a study on forklift trucks in different European countries and business areas and by exploring ways of integrating Kansei Engineering in product development processes. The number of Kansei words collected was reduced based on the result of a pilot study using a combination of different tools. A computerized data collection method was used in combination with a modified VAS-scale in order to reduce the time for filling out the evaluation forms The results of the study in the visited Northern and Middle European companies make it evident that Kansei Engineering has to be adapted in several aspects to the circumstances in each situation. The data showed that there are differences in attitude towards reach trucks in the different European countries. These results were used in order to adapt the product requirements for each specific country. Starting at Cooper’s stage gate model Kansei Engineering was applied on a macro level, a micro level and for verifying purpose. Using QFD, Kansei Engineering helps to identify customer needs their importance and the technical responses as well as to conduct benchmarking and to connect the customer needs mathematically to the technical responses. This study of Kansei Engineering revealed that there was no general model on the methodology available in English literature. Outgoing from a previous flowchart, a conceptual framework of Kansei Engineering was developed integrating the existing Kansei Engineering Types and future tools. / <p>ISRN/Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic 2002:19</p>

Designing Feelings into Products : Integrating Kansei Engineering Methodology in Product Development

Schütte, Simon January 2002 (has links)
<p>Tendencies in product development of today make it likely that many future products will be functional equivalent and therefore hard to distinguish between for the customer. Customers will decide by highly subjective criteria which product to purchase. One task for product development in this context is to be able to capture the customer’s considerations and feelings of products and translate these emotional aspects into concrete product design.</p><p>Today a number of different methods, such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Semantical Environment Description (SMB), Conjoint Analysis and Kansei Engineering exist and are used in practical applications.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to understand and apply Kansei Engineering methodology and explore ways to integrate the methodology into an industrial product development process.</p><p>This was done by conducting a study on forklift trucks in different European countries and business areas and by exploring ways of integrating Kansei Engineering in product development processes.</p><p>The number of Kansei words collected was reduced based on the result of a pilot study using a combination of different tools. A computerized data collection method was used in combination with a modified VAS-scale in order to reduce the time for filling out the evaluation forms The results of the study in the visited Northern and Middle European companies make it evident that Kansei Engineering has to be adapted in several aspects to the circumstances in each situation. The data showed that there are differences in attitude towards reach trucks in the different European countries. These results were used in order to adapt the product requirements for each specific country. Starting at Cooper’s stage gate model Kansei Engineering was applied on a macro level, a micro level and for verifying purpose. Using QFD, Kansei Engineering helps to identify customer needs their importance and the technical responses as well as to conduct benchmarking and to connect the customer needs mathematically to the technical responses.</p><p>This study of Kansei Engineering revealed that there was no general model on the methodology available in English literature. Outgoing from a previous flowchart, a conceptual framework of Kansei Engineering was developed integrating the existing Kansei Engineering Types and future tools.</p> / ISRN/Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic 2002:19

Bringing the user experience to early product conception : From idea generation to idea evaluation

Bongard, Kerstin 19 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The User Experience (UX) has become a major concern for the design of consumer products. Today exist various tools for the evaluation of static properties of final products on their User Experience value. However, very few tools and methods are available that allow anticipating the future User Experience during the first stages of product conception. This thesis explores the wide range of design dimensions that potentially form the experience of the user. Dynamic product properties emerge as an important factor for User Experience. In the studies a software based on inspiration words and links, as well as the technique body storming are tested as a new means of User Experience generation. The produced early concepts and interaction gestures are then evaluated through a combination of questionnaires, behavioural and physiological measurements. The study results show firstly that a wide range of design dimension needs to be regarded to design for User Experience, secondly that it is possible to apply UX evaluations on early concepts and thirdly that UX evaluations can also be done on dynamic properties like interaction gestures. This thesis furthermore contributes design research and practice with a new model on the mechanism of User Experience and a list of design dimensions for early product conception.

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