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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodika tréninku sportovního zápasu v karate / Methodology training in sports matches in karate

Beníšek, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Title: Methodology training in sports matches in karate Objectives: The main aim of this work is to create a model of development of movement skills and special skills and knowledge of of tactics needed to manage difficult situations in sports match. Methods: In our thesiswe used a method of analysis and study of documents, historical method and the method of compilation and comparison. The method of analysis was applied in the analysis of various aspects of discipline kumite and method of compilation and comparison in the comparison of traditional and modern teaching methods. Method photographs and video footage was used for multimedia processing the issue with output in the form of a DVD. Results: The result of this study is a modern concept of teaching sport match which follows the changing trends in the development of karate raised working towards Olympic sport. Keywords: Sport, karate, kumite, training, methodology

The uncertain journey : a reflective exploration of the teachable moment

White, Cheryl, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education January 1998 (has links)
This reflective, experientially based study examines the "teachable moment" in the context of two learning contexts, a university tutorial classroom and a karate dojo. The data for the study is generated through in-depth reading; journal, exploratory and expositional writing; and a cyclical interaction with the texts generated during the study. As teacher, student and writer, the researcher examines her experiences in these contexts to further her development as a teacher. The boundaries of the inquiry in the selected to allow enough room to explore concepts and experiences as they emerge. The researcher attempts to convey the experiential nature as well as the content of the inquiry in the thesis text. The form of the thesis and the processes used in writing it contribute substantially to the content of the document. The writing is more than the account of the research findings; rather, it is the methodological vehicle used to drive the inquiry. The text of the thesis is an attempt to creatively express the ineffable qualities to teaching. Italicized excerpts, from the researcher's own journal inserted throughout the text, are used to express reflections on the embodied experiences of these qualities of teaching an learning. Throughout the text, the language is carefully chosen and the meaning of the language considered. The researcher uses analytical and categorical language as well as experiential, personal language and attempts to include creative, artistic language to creat a narrative unity which corresponds more closely to the entirety of her teaching and learning experiences. The researcher's own uncertaintly and questions are the beginning place for her search for knowlege about teaching and learning in the teachable moment and for an exploration of the nature of knowledge. The teachable moment is an opportunity for learning and teaching. The teachable moment begins with the learner's question. The teacher, obedient to the search for knowledge and fully present to the conditions surrounding the question, turust he or she will respond appropriately, ensuring the learnig environment is supportive of inquiry. The teachable moment is a space for authentic questions and answers contributing to the devleopment of a personal relationship between the learner and the topic and to his or her understanding of the nature of knowledge. Learning in the teachable moment is potentially transformative, creating the conditions to make a space for change in the learner's perceptions, understanding and practices. The teachable moment can be powerful for the student because it is an opportunity to integrate several levels of understanding and ways of knowing, extending beyond a rational understanding. Teaching for the teachable moment achknowledges the pace of learning varies depending upon how the student's learning is integrated into her or his understanding. The learning and the writing in this study are cyclical in nature. Ideas or themes that emerged early in the inquiry, surface again and again during the researcher's dialogue with the texts generated from the two teaching and learning contexts each time revealing a new layer of meaning. The researcher has tried to convey this cylce of learning in the thesis text by revisiting the themes, the nature of knowlege, uncertainty, awareness or mindfulness, attentiveness, obedience and trust in each chapter. Each treatment of these themes deepens the discussion of them, following the researcher's own learning. The author of this study asks the reader to engage holistically with the text, to come along with her on a learning journey to seek possiblities and further questions as well as answers. / vii, 108 leaves ; 29 cm.

The use of karate in supporting the educational and psychological needs of school-going girls

Simoes, Raquel Lopes 23 July 2008 (has links)
Many young boys in South Africa are often recommended to take part in karate as a means of “anger management”, as well as to boost self-confidence, muscle tone, co-ordination and for various other purposes. As a karate instructor, the researcher has seen how karateka (people who take part in karate) have grown and developed whilst doing karate and has wondered how karate may have contributed to this. The researcher has also, over the last few years realised an increase in the number of girls partaking in karate and also growing through this experience. Various researchers have undertaken to try and ascertain the influence of karate on children with varying results. Adler (2003), Reynes and Lorant (2002 & 2004) conducted studies focusing on the ability of martial arts to reduce aggressive tendencies, primarily in young boys. However, little has been documented about the experiences of young girls who take part in karate. By focusing on young girls, the researcher hopes to, not only clarify karate’s influences, but also its role in a girl’s life. This research was conducted in a qualitative research paradigm. Three girls and a karate instructor were interviewed and the researcher wrote a reflective journal. From this research the child’s experiences, as well as specific guidelines, were made available for professions working with children such as teachers, occupational therapists and educational psychologists. As an educational psychologist, it will become clearer as to the contribution karate plays in the growth and development experienced by karateka and the use of karate as a referral for various needs. / Mrs. J.V. Fourie

Memórias da cultura japonesa no rio grande do sul (1970-980): lembranças dos senseis de karate-do shotokan

Aires de Los Santos, Alfredo Fernando January 2017 (has links)
O Karate-do, quando visualizado enquanto uma prática esportiva, é um fenômeno sociocultural sustentado por uma base histórica, dotado de sentidos e significados. Tal prática de luta suscita representações de identidades culturais nos grupos de praticantes. As identidades culturais são construções históricas inseridas em determinado contexto social que, no decorrer das transformações do tempo e do espaço, são também modificadas, negociadas, reconstruídas. Como criação cultural e social, a identidade cultural não é inerente ao sujeito, não nasce com ele, mas é produzida em uma relação de interdependência com o diferente e com o semelhante. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar as memórias da cultura japonesa no Rio Grande do Sul nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, a partir das lembranças dos senseis de Karatê Shotokan. A escolha para esse recorte temporal refere-se à década de chegada do Sensei Tasuke Watanabe ao Rio Grande do Sul, o responsável pela introdução do estilo Shotokan no Estado e encerra com o afastamento do referido sensei do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A presente pesquisa utilizou-se do método qualitativo para obtenção e análise das informações. As entrevistas foram escolhidas como fonte de coleta de informações por constituírem-se em uma estratégia que permite o estabelecimento de um vínculo melhor e de maior profundidade com o entrevistado. Por intermédio das fontes analisadas foi possível entender o contexto do recorte temporal apresentado e pudemos observar que houve por intermédio da prática do karate-do a transferência de elementos da cultura japonesa nos seus participantes e também pudemos verificar que não houve problemas de aceitação dos elementos da Cultura Japonesa dentro da Cultura Sul Rio Grandense por causa da grande miscigenação que existe no Rio Grande do Sul pela sua colonização europeia. / Karate-do, when visualized as a sports practice, is a sociocultural phenomenon sustained by a historical basis, endowed with meanings and meanings. Such a practice of struggle raises representations of cultural identities in groups of practitioners. Cultural identities are historical constructions inserted in a certain social context that, in the course of the transformations of time and space, are also modified, negotiated, reconstructed. As cultural and social creation, cultural identity is not inherent in the subject, not born with it, but is produced in a relation of interdependence with the different and with the like. The present study aims to investigate the memories of Japanese culture in Rio Grande do Sul in the 1970s and 1980s, from the memories of Shotokan karate senseis. The choice for this temporal cut refers to the decade of the arrival of Sensei Tasuke Watanabe to Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for the introduction of the Shotokan style in the State and ends with the removal of the aforementioned sensei from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Qualitative method for obtaining and analyzing the information. The interviews were chosen as a source of information gathering because they constitute a strategy that allows the establishment of a better and deeper bond with the interviewee. Through the analyzed sources it was possible to understand the context of the presented temporal cut and we could observe that through the karate-do practice the transfer of elements of the Japanese culture in its participants and also we could verify that there were no problems of acceptance of the elements of the Japanese Culture within the South Rio Grande Culture because of the great miscegenation that exists in Rio Grande do Sul for its European colonization. / El Karate-do, cuando se ve como una práctica deportiva, es un fenómeno sociocultural sostenido por una base histórica, dotado de sentidos y significados. Tal práctica de lucha suscita representaciones de identidades culturales en los grupos de practicantes. Las identidades culturales son construcciones históricas insertadas en determinado contexto social que, en el transcurso de las transformaciones del tiempo y del espacio, son también modificadas, negociadas, reconstruidas. Como creación cultural y social, la identidad cultural no es inherente al sujeto, no nace con él, sino que se produce en una relación de interdependencia con lo diferente y con lo semejante. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar las memorias de la cultura japonesa en Rio Grande del Sur en las décadas de 1970 y 1980, a partir de los recuerdos de los senseis de Karate Shotokan. La elección para ese recorte temporal se refiere a la década de llegada del Sensei Tasuke Watanabe a Rio Grande del Sur, el responsable por la introducción del estilo Shotokan en el Estado y cierra con el alejamiento del referido sensei del estado de Rio Grande del Sur. Se utilizó el método cualitativo para la obtención y el análisis de la información Las entrevistas fueron elegidas como fuente de recolección de informaciones por constituirse en una estrategia que permite el establecimiento de un vínculo mejor y de mayor profundidad con el entrevistado. Por intermedio de las fuentes analizadas fue posible entender el contexto del recorte temporal presentado y pudimos observar que hubo por medio de la práctica del karate-do la transferencia de elementos de la cultura japonesa en sus participantes y también pudimos verificar que no hubo problemas de aceptación de los elementos de la cultura japonesa Cultura Japonesa dentro de la Cultura Sur Río Grandense a causa del gran mestizaje que existe en el Río Grande del Sur por su colonización europea.

Didelio meistriškumo karate fuku-go rungties sportininkų rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu / High level karate athletes preparedness for fuku-go contest during the yearly cycle training

Danilevičius, Rimantas 01 August 2013 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu susidomėjimas kovos menais pasaulyje yra išaugęs tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visame pasaulyje. Karate yra vienas iš kovos menų stilių – tai būdas taip ištreniruoti savo kūną, kad priešininką galima būtų nugal ti tik kūno technika, nenaudojant ginklo Šiandienos karate galima išskirti tris kryptis: karate kaip fizinis menas, kaip sportas ir kaip savigynos būdas. Šiame darbe karate nagrinėjamas kaip sportas, kuriuo užsiima ir Lietuvos sportininkai. Karate kovos vyksta sudėtingomis dinaminėmis sąlygomis, sportininkas kovodamas gali pasirinkti labai įvairią techniką (smūgiuoti rankomis ar kojomis, daryti pakirtimus), todėl yra labai svarbus tiek geras fizinis sportininko parengtumas, tiek specialusis parengtumas bei fizinio pasirengimo rodiklių kaita metiniu rengimo ciklu. Literatūroje pasigendama tokių tyrimų, ypač karate sportininkų testavimo rezultatų, kuriuos būtų galima sulyginti su šių dienų sportininkų rodikliais tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti didelio meistriškumo karate fuku-go rungties sportininkų sportinio rengimo programą ir nustatyti bendrojo ir specialaus fizinio parengtumo rodiklių kaitą metiniu rengimo ciklu, kad įvertintume sportininkų bendrąjį ir specialųjį pasirengimą atskiruose laikotarpiuose, treniruočių įtaką sportininko organizmui, nustatytume, ar treniruotėse tinkamai dozuojami krūviai ir į ką būtų galima atsižvelgti sudarant kitų metų treniruočių programą. Tikslui įgyvendinti buvo tirti 7 didelio meistriškumo karatė fuku-go rungties sporitninkai -... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Over the past several decades, the martial arts have become an increasingly popular. Martial arts are body, mind, and spiritual practices that originated in China. Karate - do is an empty - handed art - the ability to train your body to the point whereby you can overcome an opponent with one technique without the need for weapons. Three branches of present day karate - as a physical art, as a sport, and as self - defence - are developed. In our work we are used karate as sport, which is practiced in Lithuania too. Karate system consists of techniques of blocking or thwarting an attack and counterattacking the opponent by punching, striking, or kicking, therefore general and special physical qualification of athletes and the changes of indices of general and special physical qualification in different periods of yearly cycle training are very important. There are lack of such kind of studies which results could be compared to our athletes. The purpose of the work is to investigate the structure and content of the training process of karate athletes during the one year cycle of initial training and to analyze the changes of indices of general and special physical qualification of karate fighters in the yearlong cycle. The 7 karate athletes from Lithuania were studied. The indices of physical development, physical fitness and functional capacity were established three times during the year. It was found that in the period of our study the karate athletes indices of physical... [to full text]

Šešių savaičių trukmės koncentruotų jėgos greitumo krūvių įtaka karate sportininkų staigiosios jėgos ir smūgio ranka rodikliams / Concentrated force quickness loads on the karate athletes explosive force and punch indexes on six weeks

Ronaitis, Edvinas 18 June 2014 (has links)
Aktualumas. Karate yra viena iš populiarių dvikovinių sporto šakų Lietuvoje. Karate kovotojui išskirtinai svarbios yra tokios fizinės ypatybės kaip jėga, galingumas, lankstumas ir pusiausvyra (Probst, Fletcher, Seeling, 2007). Manoma, kad didelę įtaką smūgio ranka efektyvumui turi nugaros ir pilvo preso raumenų funkcinis pajėgumas, tačiau tai nėra patvirtinta moksliniais tyrimais. Yra žinoma, kad pliometrinės treniruotės gali ženkliai padidinti smūgio jėgą, galingumą ir nesportuojantiems asmenimis (Drinkwater et al., 2007), ir suaugusiems sportininkams, tačiau nėra žinoma, ar po šešių savaičių nugaros ir pilvo raumenų stiprinimo programos padidės sportininkų smūgių jėga. Keliama hipotezė, kad nugaros, pilvo preso raumenų staigiosios jėgos padidėjimas turės reikšmingos įtakos karate sportininko smūgio ranka efektyvumui. Objektas – raumenų funkcinių grupių pajėgumo sąsajos. Tikslas – nustatyti pilvo preso ir nugaros raumenų pajėgumo įtaką dvikoves sporto šakas kultivuojančių asmenų smūgio ranka efektyvumui. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti karate sporte taikomų kontrolinių pratimų staigiosios jėgos vertinimui atkartotinumą. 2. Nustatyti šešių savaičių trukmės koncentruotų jėgos greitumo krūvių įtaką karate sportininkų raumenų staigiosios jėgos rodikliams. 3. Nustatyti šešių savaičių trukmės koncentruotų jėgos greitumo krūvių įtaką karate sportininkų smūgio ranka efektyvumui. Darbe buvo taikyti šie metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizė; dinamometrija (smūgio jėgos nustatymas „Kiktest-1... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Karate is one of the most popular sports in Lithuania. It is exceptionally important for karate fighter such physical abilities as strength, power, flexibility, and balance (Probst, Fletcher, Seeling, 2007). It is believed that a great influence on the efficiency of the hand to strike back and abdominal muscle functional capacity, but it is not confirmed by scientific research. It is known that pliometrinės workout can significantly increase the impact strength, power and nonathletes parties (Drinkwater et al., 2007), and adult athletes, but it is not known whether the six weeks of back and abdominal muscle strengthening program for athletes to increase the force of impact. Hypothesis of this study was that the increase of spinal and abdominal muscle explosive strength will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of karate sportsmen strike hand . Object –interface of muscle function abilities. Purpose – to determine the influence of abdominal and spinal muscle‘s strength on hand shock performance in duel sports. Goals: 1. Identify the accuracy of testing exercises aplied in karate sport for control of explosive strength. 2. To determine the effectiveness of six weeks of concentrated power speed workloads influence karate athletes muscular explosive strength indicators. 3. Set of six weeks of concentrated power for speed workloads influence karate athletes strike arm efficiency. Methods: review of literature sources; dynamometry (strike force of „Kiktest-100“... [to full text]

Memórias da cultura japonesa no rio grande do sul (1970-980): lembranças dos senseis de karate-do shotokan

Aires de Los Santos, Alfredo Fernando January 2017 (has links)
O Karate-do, quando visualizado enquanto uma prática esportiva, é um fenômeno sociocultural sustentado por uma base histórica, dotado de sentidos e significados. Tal prática de luta suscita representações de identidades culturais nos grupos de praticantes. As identidades culturais são construções históricas inseridas em determinado contexto social que, no decorrer das transformações do tempo e do espaço, são também modificadas, negociadas, reconstruídas. Como criação cultural e social, a identidade cultural não é inerente ao sujeito, não nasce com ele, mas é produzida em uma relação de interdependência com o diferente e com o semelhante. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar as memórias da cultura japonesa no Rio Grande do Sul nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, a partir das lembranças dos senseis de Karatê Shotokan. A escolha para esse recorte temporal refere-se à década de chegada do Sensei Tasuke Watanabe ao Rio Grande do Sul, o responsável pela introdução do estilo Shotokan no Estado e encerra com o afastamento do referido sensei do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A presente pesquisa utilizou-se do método qualitativo para obtenção e análise das informações. As entrevistas foram escolhidas como fonte de coleta de informações por constituírem-se em uma estratégia que permite o estabelecimento de um vínculo melhor e de maior profundidade com o entrevistado. Por intermédio das fontes analisadas foi possível entender o contexto do recorte temporal apresentado e pudemos observar que houve por intermédio da prática do karate-do a transferência de elementos da cultura japonesa nos seus participantes e também pudemos verificar que não houve problemas de aceitação dos elementos da Cultura Japonesa dentro da Cultura Sul Rio Grandense por causa da grande miscigenação que existe no Rio Grande do Sul pela sua colonização europeia. / Karate-do, when visualized as a sports practice, is a sociocultural phenomenon sustained by a historical basis, endowed with meanings and meanings. Such a practice of struggle raises representations of cultural identities in groups of practitioners. Cultural identities are historical constructions inserted in a certain social context that, in the course of the transformations of time and space, are also modified, negotiated, reconstructed. As cultural and social creation, cultural identity is not inherent in the subject, not born with it, but is produced in a relation of interdependence with the different and with the like. The present study aims to investigate the memories of Japanese culture in Rio Grande do Sul in the 1970s and 1980s, from the memories of Shotokan karate senseis. The choice for this temporal cut refers to the decade of the arrival of Sensei Tasuke Watanabe to Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for the introduction of the Shotokan style in the State and ends with the removal of the aforementioned sensei from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Qualitative method for obtaining and analyzing the information. The interviews were chosen as a source of information gathering because they constitute a strategy that allows the establishment of a better and deeper bond with the interviewee. Through the analyzed sources it was possible to understand the context of the presented temporal cut and we could observe that through the karate-do practice the transfer of elements of the Japanese culture in its participants and also we could verify that there were no problems of acceptance of the elements of the Japanese Culture within the South Rio Grande Culture because of the great miscegenation that exists in Rio Grande do Sul for its European colonization. / El Karate-do, cuando se ve como una práctica deportiva, es un fenómeno sociocultural sostenido por una base histórica, dotado de sentidos y significados. Tal práctica de lucha suscita representaciones de identidades culturales en los grupos de practicantes. Las identidades culturales son construcciones históricas insertadas en determinado contexto social que, en el transcurso de las transformaciones del tiempo y del espacio, son también modificadas, negociadas, reconstruidas. Como creación cultural y social, la identidad cultural no es inherente al sujeto, no nace con él, sino que se produce en una relación de interdependencia con lo diferente y con lo semejante. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar las memorias de la cultura japonesa en Rio Grande del Sur en las décadas de 1970 y 1980, a partir de los recuerdos de los senseis de Karate Shotokan. La elección para ese recorte temporal se refiere a la década de llegada del Sensei Tasuke Watanabe a Rio Grande del Sur, el responsable por la introducción del estilo Shotokan en el Estado y cierra con el alejamiento del referido sensei del estado de Rio Grande del Sur. Se utilizó el método cualitativo para la obtención y el análisis de la información Las entrevistas fueron elegidas como fuente de recolección de informaciones por constituirse en una estrategia que permite el establecimiento de un vínculo mejor y de mayor profundidad con el entrevistado. Por intermedio de las fuentes analizadas fue posible entender el contexto del recorte temporal presentado y pudimos observar que hubo por medio de la práctica del karate-do la transferencia de elementos de la cultura japonesa en sus participantes y también pudimos verificar que no hubo problemas de aceptación de los elementos de la cultura japonesa Cultura Japonesa dentro de la Cultura Sur Río Grandense a causa del gran mestizaje que existe en el Río Grande del Sur por su colonización europea.

Memórias da cultura japonesa no rio grande do sul (1970-980): lembranças dos senseis de karate-do shotokan

Aires de Los Santos, Alfredo Fernando January 2017 (has links)
O Karate-do, quando visualizado enquanto uma prática esportiva, é um fenômeno sociocultural sustentado por uma base histórica, dotado de sentidos e significados. Tal prática de luta suscita representações de identidades culturais nos grupos de praticantes. As identidades culturais são construções históricas inseridas em determinado contexto social que, no decorrer das transformações do tempo e do espaço, são também modificadas, negociadas, reconstruídas. Como criação cultural e social, a identidade cultural não é inerente ao sujeito, não nasce com ele, mas é produzida em uma relação de interdependência com o diferente e com o semelhante. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar as memórias da cultura japonesa no Rio Grande do Sul nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, a partir das lembranças dos senseis de Karatê Shotokan. A escolha para esse recorte temporal refere-se à década de chegada do Sensei Tasuke Watanabe ao Rio Grande do Sul, o responsável pela introdução do estilo Shotokan no Estado e encerra com o afastamento do referido sensei do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A presente pesquisa utilizou-se do método qualitativo para obtenção e análise das informações. As entrevistas foram escolhidas como fonte de coleta de informações por constituírem-se em uma estratégia que permite o estabelecimento de um vínculo melhor e de maior profundidade com o entrevistado. Por intermédio das fontes analisadas foi possível entender o contexto do recorte temporal apresentado e pudemos observar que houve por intermédio da prática do karate-do a transferência de elementos da cultura japonesa nos seus participantes e também pudemos verificar que não houve problemas de aceitação dos elementos da Cultura Japonesa dentro da Cultura Sul Rio Grandense por causa da grande miscigenação que existe no Rio Grande do Sul pela sua colonização europeia. / Karate-do, when visualized as a sports practice, is a sociocultural phenomenon sustained by a historical basis, endowed with meanings and meanings. Such a practice of struggle raises representations of cultural identities in groups of practitioners. Cultural identities are historical constructions inserted in a certain social context that, in the course of the transformations of time and space, are also modified, negotiated, reconstructed. As cultural and social creation, cultural identity is not inherent in the subject, not born with it, but is produced in a relation of interdependence with the different and with the like. The present study aims to investigate the memories of Japanese culture in Rio Grande do Sul in the 1970s and 1980s, from the memories of Shotokan karate senseis. The choice for this temporal cut refers to the decade of the arrival of Sensei Tasuke Watanabe to Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for the introduction of the Shotokan style in the State and ends with the removal of the aforementioned sensei from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Qualitative method for obtaining and analyzing the information. The interviews were chosen as a source of information gathering because they constitute a strategy that allows the establishment of a better and deeper bond with the interviewee. Through the analyzed sources it was possible to understand the context of the presented temporal cut and we could observe that through the karate-do practice the transfer of elements of the Japanese culture in its participants and also we could verify that there were no problems of acceptance of the elements of the Japanese Culture within the South Rio Grande Culture because of the great miscegenation that exists in Rio Grande do Sul for its European colonization. / El Karate-do, cuando se ve como una práctica deportiva, es un fenómeno sociocultural sostenido por una base histórica, dotado de sentidos y significados. Tal práctica de lucha suscita representaciones de identidades culturales en los grupos de practicantes. Las identidades culturales son construcciones históricas insertadas en determinado contexto social que, en el transcurso de las transformaciones del tiempo y del espacio, son también modificadas, negociadas, reconstruidas. Como creación cultural y social, la identidad cultural no es inherente al sujeto, no nace con él, sino que se produce en una relación de interdependencia con lo diferente y con lo semejante. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar las memorias de la cultura japonesa en Rio Grande del Sur en las décadas de 1970 y 1980, a partir de los recuerdos de los senseis de Karate Shotokan. La elección para ese recorte temporal se refiere a la década de llegada del Sensei Tasuke Watanabe a Rio Grande del Sur, el responsable por la introducción del estilo Shotokan en el Estado y cierra con el alejamiento del referido sensei del estado de Rio Grande del Sur. Se utilizó el método cualitativo para la obtención y el análisis de la información Las entrevistas fueron elegidas como fuente de recolección de informaciones por constituirse en una estrategia que permite el establecimiento de un vínculo mejor y de mayor profundidad con el entrevistado. Por intermedio de las fuentes analizadas fue posible entender el contexto del recorte temporal presentado y pudimos observar que hubo por medio de la práctica del karate-do la transferencia de elementos de la cultura japonesa en sus participantes y también pudimos verificar que no hubo problemas de aceptación de los elementos de la cultura japonesa Cultura Japonesa dentro de la Cultura Sur Río Grandense a causa del gran mestizaje que existe en el Río Grande del Sur por su colonización europea.

The Effect of Individualized, Non-Individualized and Package Cognitive Intervention Strategies on Karate Performance

Seabourne, Thomas G. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effectiveness of individualized, non-individualized, and package cognitive intervention strategies on karate performance. Subjects were 43 male volunteer students enrolled in karate classes at North Texas State University. They were randomly assigned to one of five experimental groups including an individualized, non-individualized, package, placebo control, and control condition. The data were collected through performance evaluations which were administered during the fifth, tenth, and fifteenth weeks of classes. The physical performance evaluation consisted of dependent measures including skill, combinations, sparring, flexibility, and muscular endurance.

Analýza všestrannosti karatistů na soutěžích v České republice za posledních dvanáct let / Analysis of the versatility of karatekas at competitions in the Czech Republic in the last twelve years

Špírek, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the extensive and detailed analysis of versatility of karatekas based on the analysis of the results of the competitions in the National Cup JKA Czech Republic and the Czech Republic Championship JKA ČR in the categories from younger students to senior citizens in the Czech Republic over the past twelve years. The work was created as detailed extension examined shrinking phenomenon, relating to the versatility of karatekas in those competitions, categories and periods in the Czech Republic. Materials relating to the the final location of individual karatekas in those competitions, categories and periods in the Czech Republic were analyzed within the diploma thesis solution. The history philosophy and the meaning of karate are briefly shown in the theoretical part. To understand not only the results of the research part, but the whole work, there is also characterized competition and tournament rules and regulations. The results of the competitions following the versatility of karatekas are analyzed by the valid method in the research part of the diploma thesis, which lies in the tendency to place the medal positions in kata (set of consecutive techniques) and also in kumite (fight of two karate). Recommendations for improving the situation are shown here on...

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