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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toward understanding the role of protein context in the polyglutamine disease, SCA3

Harris, Ginny Marie 01 May 2011 (has links)
The polyglutamine diseases are a clinically heterogeneous group of inherited neurodegenerative disorders caused by expansion of polyglutamine-encoding (CAG)n trinucleotide repeats within the disease genes. It is increasingly clear that the amino acid sequences flanking the polyglutamine expansion in each disease protein, i.e. the specific protein context, contribute to selective neuronal toxicity by influencing the behavior of the disease protein within selectively vulnerable neuronal populations. In the studies described here, I explore the role that protein context plays in the polyglutamine disease, Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3). Toward this end, I utilize biochemical, cell-based, and animal models to gain a broader understanding of the SCA3 disease protein, ataxin-3, and generate tools for further exploration of the molecular properties of ataxin-3 that modulate its toxicity during disease. In Chapter 1, I provide an overview of the recognized polyglutamine diseases, emphasizing the elements of protein context that are distinct among the polyglutamine disease proteins and may contribute to the neuropathological and clinical heterogeneity within this family of diseases. Alternative splicing of the polyglutamine disease gene products adds an additional level of complexity to the tissue-specific protein context of expanded polyglutamine, yet this phenomenon has been underinvestigated. In Chapter 2, I examine the significance of ataxin-3 splice variation. Several minor 5' variants and both known 3' splice variants of ataxin-3, a deubiquitinating enzyme, are expressed at the mRNA level in brain. At the protein level, however, the C-terminal splice isoform with three ubiquitin interacting motifs (3UIM ataxin-3) is the predominant isoform in brain, independent of age or (CAG)n expansion. Although both C-terminal ataxin-3 splice isoforms display similar in vitro deubiquitinating activity, 2UIM ataxin-3 is more prone to aggregate and is more rapidly degraded by the proteasome. These observations demonstrate how alternative splicing of sequences distinct from the polyglutamine-encoding (CAG)n repeat can alter disease-related components of protein context. Knock-in models of polyglutamine diseases utilize pathogenic (CAG)n expansions within the endogenous genomic, transcript, and protein context to recreate key features of individual polyglutamine diseases. In chapter 3, I describe the creation of the first knock-in mouse model of SCA3. Hemizygous knock-in mice transmit the knock-in allele in Mendelian ratios and broadly express both the expanded Atxn3(Q3KQ82) protein and the wildtype murine Atxn3(Q6) protein. In this chapter, I also compare the gene targeting efficiencies and rates of chromosomal instability of a novel C57BL/6J ES cell line (UMB6JD7) and two well established ES cell lines (W4 and Bruce4.G9). Of these, Bruce4.G9 ES cells proved superior based on lower rates of aneuploidy and the production of germline transmitting chimeras. Finally, in Chapter 4 I discuss questions and concepts raised during the course of these studies, and suggest avenues of future research aimed at broadening our understanding of ataxin-3 physiology and of protein context-dependent elements in polyglutamine disease pathogenesis.

Einfluss der NO-sensitiven Guanylyl-Cyclase auf den cGMP/cAMP-Crosstalk und die Steifigkeit der murinen Aorta / Influence of NO-sensitive guanylyl-cyclase on cGMP/cAMP crosstalk and the stiffness of the murine aorta

Dünnes, Sarah January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die NO/cGMP-vermittelte Signalkaskade ist im vaskulären System entscheidend an der Regulation des Blutdrucks beteiligt. Innerhalb der Kaskade nimmt die NO-sensitive Guanylyl-Cyclase (NO-GC) eine Schlüsselfunktion als wichtigster Rezeptor für das Signalmolekül Stickstoffmonoxids (NO) ein. NO wird endogen von verschiedenen Isoformen der NO Synthase produziert. Die Bindung von NO an die NO GC führt zur Produktion des sekundären Botenstoffs cyclisches Guanosinmonophosphat (cGMP). Dieser Botenstoff aktiviert verschiedene Effektor-Moleküle und bewirkt letztlich eine Relaxation der glatten Muskulatur. Ein weiterer sekundärer Botenstoff, das Signalmolekül cyclisches Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP), ist ebenfalls an der Regulation des Tonus der glatten Muskulatur und dadurch an der Blutdruckregulation beteiligt. Unterschiedliche Phosphodiesterasen (PDE) bauen die sekundären Botenstoffe ab und beenden dadurch die Signalkaskaden. Die PDE3 spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle, da sie eine gemischte Substratspezifität besitzt. Um den Einfluss der NO-GC auf das kardiovaskuläre System zu untersuchen, wurden NO-GC Knockout(KO)-Mäuse mit globaler (GCKO) oder Glattmuskel-spezifischer (SMC-GCKO) Deletion der NO-GC generiert. Um das Zusammenspiel von cAMP und cGMP näher zu beleuchten, wurde im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit die PDE3 genauer untersucht. Im Gefäßsystem wird lediglich die PDE3A und nicht die PDE3B exprimiert. Die Aorten von GCKO- und SMC-GCKO-Tieren reagieren sensitiver auf PDE3A-Blockade als die Kontroll-Tiere. Auch die akute Blockade der NO-GC führt zu diesem Sensitivitätseffekt. Die PDE3A ist in Folge der NO-GC-Deletion sowohl in ihrer Expression, als auch ihrer Aktivität um die Hälfte reduziert. Dies dient vermutlich kompensatorisch dazu, das cAMP-Signal weitgehend zu erhalten und so eine cAMP-induzierte Relaxation der Gefäße zu gewährleisten. Ohne Rückkopplung zwischen den beiden Signalwegen käme es vermutlich zu weiteren negativen Konsequenzen für das Herz-Kreislaufsystem. Diese Daten weisen auf eine direkte Regulation der PDE3 in glatten Muskelzellen durch die NO/cGMP-Signalkaskade und einen PDE3-vermittelten cAMP/cGMP-Crosstalk hin. Der genaue Mechanismus dieser Expressionsregulation ist noch unklar. Denkbar wäre eine cGMP-vermittelte Transkriptionsregulation oder eine Modulation der Translation der PDE3A. Der Verlust der NO-GC führt in GCKO- und SMC-GCKO-Mäusen zu einem erhöhten systolischen Blutdruck von ~30 mmHg. Bei der Entwicklung der arteriellen Hypertonie könnte eine erhöhte Aortensteifigkeit beteiligt sein, die im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit näher untersucht wurde. In GCKO-Mäusen ist die aortale Steifigkeit und daraus resultierend die Pulswellengeschwindigkeit (PWV) deutlich erhöht. Die Steigerung der PWV wird in den GCKO-Tieren zusätzlich durch den verminderten Aorten-Durchmesser bedingt. Außerdem weisen die Aorten dieser Tiere eine veränderte Wandstruktur auf, die zu einer Verminderung der aortalen Windkesselfunktion führt. Diese Veränderungen könnten die Blutdruckerhöhung in GCKO-Mäusen erklären. In SMC-GCKO-Tieren tritt keine dieser Gefäß-Modifikationen auf. Eine Aortensteifigkeit als mögliche Ursache für den erhöhten systolischen Blutdruck in den SMC-GCKO-Tieren kann somit ausgeschlossen werden. Zur Aufklärung müssen weitere Versuche zum Aufbau der Gefäßwände und zur Bestimmung des peripheren Widerstands gemacht werden. Auch der Einfluss anderer Zelltypen, wie z.B. Perizyten oder Fibroblasten, auf die Blutdruckregulation sollte untersucht werden. / The NO/cGMP-mediated signaling cascade is crucially involved in the regulation of blood pressure. Within the cascade, NO-sensitive guanylyl cyclase (NO-GC) plays a key role as the most important receptor for the signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO). NO is endogenously produced by three different isoforms of NO synthase. Binding of NO to NO-GC stimulates the production of the second messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP, in turn, activates various effector molecules, finally leading to smooth muscle relaxation. Another second messenger, the signalling molecule cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), also participates in the regulation of smooth muscle tone and is thus also involved in the regulation of blood pressure. Phosphodiesterases (PDE) degrade cyclic nucleotides thereby ending their signalling. In order to investigate the effect of NO-GC on the cardiovascular system, mice with global (GCKO) or smooth muscle-specific (SMC-GCKO) deletion of NO-GC have been generated. To shed light into the interplay of cAMP and cGMP, PDE3 was studied in the first part of this thesis. PDE3 plays a special role in cGMP/cAMP crosstalk based on its mixed substrate specificity. From the two PDE3 isoenzymes (PDE3A and PDE3B), only PDE3A is expressed in the aorta. The aortas of GCKO- and SMC-GCKO animals are more sensitive to PDE3A inhibition than those from control animals. The acute blockade of NO-GC using ODQ also leads to this sensitivity effect. As a result of NO-GC deletion, PDE3A expression and activity are reduced by approx. 50%. This is probably a compensatory response in order to maintain functional cAMP signalling and to guarantee cAMP-induced relaxation of blood vessels. These results indicate a direct regulation of PDE3A in smooth muscle cells by the NO/cGMP-signalling cascade and a PDE3-mediated cAMP/cGMP crosstalk. The exact mechanism how NO-GC/cGMP regulates PDE3A expression remains unclear; conceivable options are a cGMP-mediated regulation of transcription or a modulation of PDE3A translation. Loss of NO-GC in GCKO and SMC-GCKO mice leads to an elevated systolic blood pressure by around 30 mmHg. In the second part of this thesis, stiffness of aortae from these KO animals was examined. In GCKO mice, the pulse wave velocity (PWV) was significantly faster than in control animals indicating an increased aortic stiffness. The increase in PWV in GCKO animals is likely to be explained by a reduced aortic diameter. Even though elastin and collagen content were unchanged, the aortas of these animals have an altered wall structure. SMC-GCKO animals show neither an increase in PWV nor morphological changes of the aorta. Thus, an increased aortic stiffness can be excluded as cause for the elevated systolic blood pressure in GCKO animals.

Implications des modifications post-transcriptionnelles dans la régulation de l'activité de MITF in vivo : un facteur de transcription essentiel pour la lignée mélanocytaire

Debbache, Julien 09 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le facteur de transcription Microphthalmia (Mitf) et la voie de signalisation des " Mitotic Activated Protein Kinase " (MAPK) sont des éléments déterminants pour la différentiation, la prolifération et la survie des melanocytes. L'altération des fonctions de l'un ou l'autre se manifeste par une perte totale ou partielle de ce type cellulaire. A l'inverse, le mélanome est associé très majoritairement à une activation constitutive des MAPK, et parfois, à un gain d'activité de MITF. Afin d'étudier les interaction entre les MAPK et l'activité de MITF, nous nous sommes intéressés aux modifications post transcriptionnelles qui permettent la génération d'isoformes multiples dotées d'activité différentes. MITF contient un site de phosphorylation, la serine 73 (S73), qui a été démontré par le passé comme jouant un rôle à la fois dans l'augmentation de l'activité et dans la réduction de la stabilité de MITF in vitro. Pour comprendre le rôle de cette serine in vivo, une tentative de mutation S73A de Mitf a été réalisée. Ce codon fait parti d'un " Exon splicing Enhencer " et sa mutation réduit l'affinité de fixation de la protéine SRp40 et l'exclusion de l'exon 2B dans lequel est situé ce site de phosphorylation. Pour dissocier l'exclusion de l'exon 2B et de sa phosphorylation, nous avons donc altéré la jonction de l'exon 2A-2B afin qu'elle ne soit plus reconnue par le spliceosome. En conséquence, l'exon 2B ne peut plus être exclu des transcrits Mitf quelque soit le statut du codon 73. La comparaison de 3 nouveaux allèles Mitf S-S73A S-S73D et S-S73S, où l'inclusion de l'exon 2B est forcée, nous a permis d'associer l'absence de phosphorylation à un gain d'activité de MITF.

Knock Intensity and Torque Control on an SVC Engine / Reglering av Knackintensitet och Utmoment på en SVC Motor

Sinnerstad, Klara January 2004 (has links)
<p>Knock is a phenomenon that limits how effciently an engine can operate. Severe knock is harmful to the engine and must therefore be avoided. Controlling the knock intensity is complicated by a phenomenon called cycle to cycle variations. Because of these variations, the knock intensity must be considered a stochastic variable and the control is made on a mean value from a large number of cycles. </p><p>The SVC (Saab Variable Compression) concept adds the compression ratio as an extra degree of freedom. At Vehicular systems, research is done on how to put this additional variable to its best use. </p><p>A controller is developed that control the engine to a desired knock intensity and torque, using the ignition angle and the pedal position. The controller is implemented as two separate controllers in Matlab and Simulink. These are merged together with a Stateflow chart. A confidence interval calculation is implemented for the mean value of the knock intensity. A program is also developed to process a large number of operating points and make measurements in all of them. </p><p>The conclusion is that the basic construction of the controller and the script are fi;lling their functions but that there are some improvements left to be done. The controller is rather slow and the calculations of the confi;dence interval needs further refi;nement.</p>

Etude de l'effet des modulations de l'expression des métalloprotéases et de leurs inhibiteurs dans la réaction bronchique aux aéroallergènes.

Guéders, Maud 17 April 2008 (has links)
Lasthme est une pathologie inflammatoire caractérisée par une inflammation, une hyperréactivité et un remodelage bronchique. Des études menées sur des souris déficientes en MMP-8 et en MMP-19 nous ont permis de démontrer que ces deux protéases jouaient un rôle protecteur vis-à-vis du développement de l'inflammation dans la pathologie asthmatique. En effet, suite à la sensibilisation et à l'exposition par inhalation à lallergène (Ovalbumine),les souris déficientes en MMP-8 en MMP-19 développent respectivement une inflammation neutrophilique et éosinophilique significativement plus importante comparativement aux souris wild-type. Dans une seconde partie de ce travail, nous avons évalué les effets de deux inhibiteurs synthétiques des MMPs administrés en inhalation sous une formulation adéquate dans notre modèle murin dasthme. Suite à ladministration de ces deux inhibiteurs, nous avons observé une diminution de linflammation au sein du lavage bronchoalvéolaire. De plus, nous observons une diminution de linfiltration du tissu pulmonaire par les cellules inflammatoires. Lhyperréactivité bronchique observée suite à linhalation de doses croissantes de méthacholine est également significativement diminuée. Ces résultats sont comparables à ceux obtenus après linhalation de Fluticasone, stéroïde inhalé utilisé très largement en clinique humaine et utilisé dans nos expériences comme médicament de référence. Afin dobserver les modifications morphologiques bronchiques, nous avons mis au point un modèle murin dasthme permettant une exposition de longue durée (90 jours) aux allergènes. En plus de développer une inflammation pulmonaire, les souris traitées vont voir la structure de leurs bronches se modifier. L'inhalation de doxycycline diminue significativement l'inflammation, la réactivité bronchique et diverses caractéristiques du remodelage bronchique telles que l'hyperplasie des cellules à mucus, le dépôt de collagène péribronchique, l'épaisseur de la membrane basale sous-épithéliale et l'épaisseur de la couche de cellules musculaires lisses. Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons caractérisé des modèles murins dasthme. Nous avons démontré que linhibition de certaines MMPs est délétère, nous incitant à les considérer comme des « anti targets ». Nous avons, dans une seconde partie, pu apporter la démonstration que linhibition de certaines MMPs précises (MMP-2, -9 et -14) par des inhibiteurs relativement spécifiques administrés en inhalation améliore le phénotype asthmatique. Par ces travaux, nous avons contribué à la compréhension globale des mécanismes impliquant les MMPs dans la pathologie asthmatique et nous suggérons que de nouvelles voies thérapeutiques, basées sur linhibition de certaines MMPs, pourraient faire lobjet de développements futurs.

B-cell Lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) Is an Essential Regulator of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis

Ceizar, Maheen 19 September 2012 (has links)
Of the thousands of dividing progenitor cells (PCs) generated daily in the adult brain only a very small proportion survive to become mature neurons through the process of neurogenesis. Identification of the mechanisms that regulate cell death associated with neurogenesis would aid in harnessing the potential therapeutic value of PCs. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is suggested to regulate death of PCs in the adult brain as overexpression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), an anti-apoptotic protein, enhances the survival of new neurons. To directly assess if Bcl-2 is a regulator of apoptosis in PCs, this study examined the outcome of removal of Bcl-2 from the developing PCs in the adult mouse brain. Retroviral mediated gene transfer of Cre into adult floxed Bcl-2 mice eliminated Bcl-2 from developing PCs and resulted in the complete absence of new neurons at 30 days post viral injection. Similarly, Bcl-2 removal through the use of nestin-induced conditional knockout mice resulted in reduced number of mature neurons. The function of Bcl-2 in the PCs was also dependent on Bcl-2-associated X (BAX) protein, as demonstrated by an increase in new neurons formed following viral-mediated removal of Bcl-2 in BAX knockout mice. Together these findings demonstrate that Bcl-2 is an essential regulator of neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus.

Creation of a Simulation Model based upon Process Mapping within Pipeline Management at Scania

Ovesson, Elin, Stadler, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
This is a Master’s Thesis that has been carried out at the Global Outbound Logistics department at Scania. Scania manufactures trucks, buses and engines. Some trucks and buses are delivered to markets where it, due to reduced customs duties and cheaper manpower, is more profitable to do the assembly locally at so called Regional Product Centres (RPCs). Since the components are produced far away from the RPC markets the lead times become long. In addition, the customers’ buying behaviour at the RPC markets is often not comparable to the European culture were a customer can accept to wait for weeks for a unit to be delivered. The long lead time in combination with the customer behaviour implies that the RPCs need to keep a certain selection of standard models of buses and trucks in stock. It has turned out to be difficult for the pipeline managers at the RPCs to place order volumes that correspond well to what will be delivered to the business units or distributors later on. The result of this is high stock levels at the RPCs, which leads to an important amount of tied up capital. Due to what is explained above, the purpose of this study is “to create a simulation model, based upon a process mapping, that visualises future volume levels in the pipeline due to different demand and ordering scenarios”. The short term target, which is also the target of this study, is to increase the RPCs understanding for how different demand and ordering scenarios influence the future volume levels in the pipeline. The long term target is to reduce tied up capital by adjusting buffer levels and lead times, while still ensuring a certain service level. The model should contribute to more accurate decision making with respect to the previous mentioned aspects. First, a high level process mapping was made in order to select which flows that were suitable for being subject for a detailed mapping. Second, a detailed mapping was made during which several RPC-, process- and function responsible were interviewed. After the detailed mapping, common denominators between the flows were identified and all activities were clustered into a solution that could be generalised and suitable for all flows. Factors such as lead times, deviation risks and capacity limitations were taken into account during the aggregation of activities. When a common view of the different RPC flows had been created, the mathematical relationships for how the goods can move throughout the process could be established. Then, the development and validation of the simulation model, which was an iterative process, could start. A directive was to build the simulation model in Microsoft Excel. Interviews were made with experienced model creators in order to find out how to create a user-friendly and robust model. The creation of the simulation model started with the development of a structure and then the content of each part was defined. A final validation, which consisted of sensitivity analysis and user trials, was finally done in order to ensure the simulation models functioning and accuracy. To conclude, a simulation model that will serve as a helpful tool for the RPCs when they are to decide which order volumes to place has been created. By clearly visualising the simulation results, the simulation model will hopefully increase the RPCs’ comprehension for how the pipeline works with respect to different ordering and demand scenarios. On top of this, the method used, the process mapping and the mathematical relationships that have been defined are important input for a possible future development of a more permanent and robust non-Microsoft Excel solution. This solution could probably be even more precise, automatically updated and have an even higher granularity.

Knock Intensity and Torque Control on an SVC Engine / Reglering av Knackintensitet och Utmoment på en SVC Motor

Sinnerstad, Klara January 2004 (has links)
Knock is a phenomenon that limits how effciently an engine can operate. Severe knock is harmful to the engine and must therefore be avoided. Controlling the knock intensity is complicated by a phenomenon called cycle to cycle variations. Because of these variations, the knock intensity must be considered a stochastic variable and the control is made on a mean value from a large number of cycles. The SVC (Saab Variable Compression) concept adds the compression ratio as an extra degree of freedom. At Vehicular systems, research is done on how to put this additional variable to its best use. A controller is developed that control the engine to a desired knock intensity and torque, using the ignition angle and the pedal position. The controller is implemented as two separate controllers in Matlab and Simulink. These are merged together with a Stateflow chart. A confidence interval calculation is implemented for the mean value of the knock intensity. A program is also developed to process a large number of operating points and make measurements in all of them. The conclusion is that the basic construction of the controller and the script are fi;lling their functions but that there are some improvements left to be done. The controller is rather slow and the calculations of the confi;dence interval needs further refi;nement.

Ein Gen für ein neues Ubiquitin-konjugierendes Enzym: Genomische Organisation, Expression und Funktion

Altmann, Maria Elisabeth 22 June 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Etablierung und Charakterisierung einer Tetracyclin-induzierbaren PHD2-Knockdown-HeLa-Zelllinie / Establishment and characterisation of a tetracyclin-inducible PHD2 knock down HeLa cell line

Le-Huu, Sinja Kim-Anh 17 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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