Spelling suggestions: "subject:"csrknowledge 1mprocesses"" "subject:"csrknowledge byprocesses""
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Competitive Advantage of KIBS Providers: Influence of Knowledge ProcessesRoy, Soumya January 2017 (has links)
KIBS providers are organizations that perform knowledge intensive business activities mainly for other organizations and in the present age have become key components of industrialized economies. The primary purpose of KIBS providers is to deliver customized solutions to clients through the implementation of three core knowledge processes: knowledge acquisition, knowledge recombination, and knowledge diffusion. Existing research has predominantly focused on understanding the importance of these providers in creating a competitive edge for their clients. However, little is known in terms of how such providers can create an improved competitive position for themselves. This research helps to understand whether the use of knowledge processes influences the competitive advantage¬ of KIBS providers. A guiding framework developed from literature posits that such generic knowledge processes may provide competitive advantage for a given provider if they are transformed into valuable, rare, inimitable, and well-exploited resources (VRIO). The study follows a holistic multiple case research design of three IT service providers to refine the existing theory on the influence of knowledge processes on the competitive advantage of KIBS providers. Data was collected through interviews of employees occupying different roles in a company to provide their perspectives on the various parts of the framework. The findings of this study reveal that participants perceive knowledge processes to provide competitive advantage to their companies. However, data analysis using the VRIO framework indicates that knowledge processes do not confer competitive advantage by themselves, but rather through an emerging theme called delivery. Findings also indicate that delivery influences other factors of competitive advantage. The study contributes to the existing literature as it leads to a refined understanding of the relationship between knowledge processes and competitive advantage by highlighting the importance of delivery as a dynamic capability. The study has practical implications for managers as it informs them that delivery improves brand name, reduces costs, and helps to achieve client satisfaction.
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Elements of a Knowledge Management Guide for Public Sector OrganizationsHarris, Mark Cameron 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study explored the factors that are critical to the success of public (government) sector knowledge management initiatives and the lessons from private sector knowledge management and organizational learning that apply in the public sector. The goal was to create a concise guide, based on research-validated success factors, to aid government organizations in establishing effective knowledge management initiatives to improve organizational learning.
Academic and business literature provided 91 success factors in nine categories relating to social, organizational, managerial, and technological considerations. Determining which factors will have more bearing on success can be challenging for any organization, but possibly more so for public organizations, given that most guidance derives from the private sector. Many of the few government oriented studies targeted service to the public, but effective services depend on healthy processes and practices that capture, organize, share, maintain, apply, and--when complex, turbulent environments demand novel approaches--create new knowledge to enable desired outcomes. A review of knowledge management and organizational learning literature--most of which reflected private sector initiatives--provided a set of candidate success factors.
A panel of knowledge management experts with public sector experience tested a draft survey instrument and provided suggestions for improving its questions and organization. Links to the amended survey instrument were provided in online and email solicitations targeting members of online professional communities dedicated to knowledge management and organizational learning, and who had experience with public sector knowledge management initiatives. Members of these communities participated, providing insights into the factors that most affected the success of their initiatives. After responding to the survey questions, 17 participants clarified and expanded on some of their responses during follow-on interviews. Analysis and conclusions based on survey and interview findings supplemented the literature review in providing content for the guide, which has been offered to participants.
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Igenkännande och motkraft : Förskole- och fritidspedagogikens betydelse för specialpedagogiken - En deltagarorienterad studie / Recognition and Counter powerSiljehag, Eva January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to describe, explain and understand the importance of preschool and leisure pedagogy for special education. Knowledge was therefore generated concerning teacher’s reflection on three themes: 1) the view of knowledge, people and society, 2) special education as organisation, activity and content, 3) a gender perspective and its implication for their realisation of a professional practice. An analytical aim was to understand the content of the teachers’ reflection process in a critical social perspective. The group included 14 persons. The empirical material consists of eleven analysed group meetings, two sets of interviews with the participants, educational policy documents, archive material and two background interviews. The study is based on a participatory research approach and on democratic knowledge processes guided by critical social theory. The participants formulate the importance of sensory experiences, multiple forms of knowledge and on all people’s equal value. The qualification structure of the group includes overview as well as direct work with an interior and exterior organisation. The participants associate questions from the field with revealed opportunities and obstacles, relations, processes and contexts. The analysis shows that solely acceptance of the different child is not enough. Recognition precedes the appreciation of the unique and absolute Subject. The analysis by the group reveals a reproduction of subordination. The qualification structure of salaried employee and service production demands critical consciousness to avoid exploitation and control in a capitalist and market-oriented society. The double subordination of the group in the school world contains the power of recognising this partly as an opportunity for a counter power based on the justified participation on equal terms, partly as a counter power to the current tendency to split pedagogical and collective work on value issues. </p>
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Igenkännande och motkraft : Förskole- och fritidspedagogikens betydelse för specialpedagogiken - En deltagarorienterad studie / Recognition and Counter powerSiljehag, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe, explain and understand the importance of preschool and leisure pedagogy for special education. Knowledge was therefore generated concerning teacher’s reflection on three themes: 1) the view of knowledge, people and society, 2) special education as organisation, activity and content, 3) a gender perspective and its implication for their realisation of a professional practice. An analytical aim was to understand the content of the teachers’ reflection process in a critical social perspective. The group included 14 persons. The empirical material consists of eleven analysed group meetings, two sets of interviews with the participants, educational policy documents, archive material and two background interviews. The study is based on a participatory research approach and on democratic knowledge processes guided by critical social theory. The participants formulate the importance of sensory experiences, multiple forms of knowledge and on all people’s equal value. The qualification structure of the group includes overview as well as direct work with an interior and exterior organisation. The participants associate questions from the field with revealed opportunities and obstacles, relations, processes and contexts. The analysis shows that solely acceptance of the different child is not enough. Recognition precedes the appreciation of the unique and absolute Subject. The analysis by the group reveals a reproduction of subordination. The qualification structure of salaried employee and service production demands critical consciousness to avoid exploitation and control in a capitalist and market-oriented society. The double subordination of the group in the school world contains the power of recognising this partly as an opportunity for a counter power based on the justified participation on equal terms, partly as a counter power to the current tendency to split pedagogical and collective work on value issues.
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Learning from the future meets Bateson's levels of learningKaiser, Alexander January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose: Previous studies showed that combining learning based on experiences in the past with learning from an envisioned future scenario results in more innovative and radical ideas, as well as in a higher number of covered content domains. However, currently there is no holistic learning theory that integrates both sources of learning. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate whether it is possible to extend Bateson's theory of learning, to link these two learning sources in one coherent framework.
Design/methodology/Approach: To answer this research question, the author draws on learning from an envisioned future, and tries to link it with the most important levels of learning in Bateson's framework.
Findings: This paper contributes to the literature by attempting to link the important but still underexplored aspect of "learning from the future" to the complex and multifaceted work of Bateson. Given the fact that both sources of learning and experience yield a great potential to create new knowledge, this study outlines a possibility to include both sources into one learning theory.
Research limitations/implications: This work provides the basis for further research in building a general holistic theory of learning to learn.
Practical implications: On the individual level, the proposed approach can be easily applied with systemic coaching processes in general and coaching processes in the fields of developing an individual vision in particular. In the field of organizational learning, the awareness of different learning sources and different learning modes on the one hand and knowledge about the implementation of enabling spaces (PE-ba, FE-ba) to support these various learning modes on the other hand help organizations to generate new knowledge and create innovative and sustainable solutions, products and services.
Originality/value: To the best of the author's knowledge, it is the first theoretical work that describes the integration of learning from past experiences and learning from future experiences in a methodological way.
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Knowledge Management Systems Support for Value Co-Creation in KIBS EngagementOkakwu, Chidinma Priscilla January 2016 (has links)
Collaborative value creation (otherwise known as value co-creation) is a concept that has been explored over the years in the context of knowledge - intensive business services (KIBS) such as management consulting, engineering services, etc. A body of studies has investigated how to foster value co-creation among KIBS providers, clients, and partners during KIBS engagements. Knowledge processes have been identified as an important enabler of value co-creation. In organizations more generally, knowledge management systems and related ICT tools (referred to as KM tools in this research) have been identified to support knowledge processes. However, the support provided to knowledge processes in the specific context of KIBS engagements is yet to be explored. Through the development of a conceptual framework that examines the linkages between KM tools, knowledge processes, and value co-creation in the context of KIBS engagements, this research investigates how knowledge management systems provide support to value co-creation in KIBS engagements. We adopt a multiple case study research design. Using eight semi-structured interviews, we obtained data on knowledge processes and KM tools in KIBS engagements. The result is a refined framework that illustrates the type of KM tools currently used in KIBS engagements, the knowledge processes they support, and their relationship to value co-creation. We also present a discussion of how this framework can be applied practically. At a conceptual level, this study contributes to the field of KIBS by identifying how exactly knowledge processes provide support to value co-creation processes in KIBS engagements, and how KM tools provide support to knowledge processes. At a practical level, this study contribute s to the field of knowledge management systems design by providing guidance on the KM tools that can meet the specific needs of service providers, clients, and partners in the domain of knowledge-intensive services.
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Value creation in childhood obesity care and preventionKänsäkoski, H. (Helena) 06 May 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to increase understanding about creation of value in health care. Value is created through knowledge processes in multiprofessional integrated care pathways (ICP) of childhood obesity and defined as health and well-being which benefits the patients, their families, health care organisations and society. An ICP is a practice among Finnish primary and special care which in this study is regarded as the value creating network. Knowledge processes take place in social networks of health professionals and families and information technology (IT) networks.
The transdisciplinary study combines theories of Information Studies with theories of customer value in Business and Marketing research. The care and prevention of childhood obesity pursues permanent lifestyle changes through health counselling. Examination of value creation in networks based on knowledge processes has the potential to enhance health professionals’, patients’, and their families’ interaction in counselling.
The qualitative case study involves the ICPs of two Finnish University Hospital districts. The empirical data, collected between 2009 and 2012, consists of semi-structured interviews of 30 health professionals in primary and special health care, of three children and their mothers, a family questionnaire (N=13), and care path instructions and memos of an ICP work group.
The findings indicate that information practices and IT do not support knowledge processes and organisational learning in the ICP. Along with structural and IT-based boundaries in and between organisations, organisational culture confirms boundaries. Moreover, lack of time restricts the sharing of experiences. Knowing in health care is a complex phenomena; especially the care of childhood obesity appeared to include emotional aspects not addressed in previous research. Thus, the study contributes to theoretical knowledge by suggesting empathetic knowing to be included in the typology of knowing in the context of health care. Even if counselling was perceived well, it does not ensure permanent lifestyle changes. Actual value for the families is created in the everyday practices which should be supported by the environment.
The theoretical framework can be tested further in similar constructions in health care organisations or in other ICPs to enhance Knowledge Management and value creation in health care. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimus pyrkii lisäämään ymmärrystä siitä, miten arvoa luodaan lasten lihavuuden hoitoketjun tietoprosesseissa moniammatillisessa yhteistyössä. Hoitoketju on perusterveydenhuollon ja erikoissairaanhoidon välille luotu käytäntö, jota tarkastellaan arvoa luovana verkostona. Arvolla tarkoitetaan hyötyä, joka syntyy potilaille, heidän perheilleen, terveydenhuolto-organisaatioille ja yhteiskunnalle. Tietoprosessit muodostavat arvoverkoston ammattilaisten ja perheiden sosiaalisten verkostojen sekä hoitoketjun tietoverkostojen kautta.
Tieteidenvälinen tutkimus yhdistää informaatiotutkimuksen teorioita liiketalouden tutkimuksen teorioihin asiakasarvon luomisesta. Lasten lihavuuden tärkein hoito- ja ennaltaehkäisykeino on terveysneuvonta, joka pyrkii pysyviin elämäntapamuutoksiin. Tietoprosessien tarkastelu arvoverkostoina mahdollistaa ammattilaisten ja perheiden vuorovaikutuksen kehittämisen terveysneuvonnassa.
Laadullinen tapaustutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa suomalaisessa yliopistollisessa sairaanhoitopiirissä. Aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2009–2012. Se koostuu 30 terveydenhuollon ammattilaisen, kolmen potilaan ja heidän äitiensä teemahaastatteluista, 13 perheen lomakekyselyvastauksista sekä hoitopolkuohjeistuksista ja kokousmuistioista.
Tulokset osoittavat, että tietoverkot ja informaatiokäytännöt eivät tue tietoprosesseja ja organisaatioiden oppimista hoitoketjussa. Rakenteellisten ja informaatio- ja viestintäteknologian luomien rajojen lisäksi erilaiset organisaatiokulttuurit muodostavat esteitä tietoprosessien etenemiselle. Kiire estää kokemusten jakamista. Tietämys ja osaaminen terveydenhuollossa ovat moniulotteisia seikkoja. Tutkimus nostaa esille lasten lihavuuden hoitoon liittyvät tunteet, joita ei ole tarkasteltu aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa. Siten tulokset täydentävät teoriataustana sovelletun tietämisen typologiaa empaattisen tietämisen tyypillä terveydenhuollon kontekstissa. Perheet kokivat terveysneuvonnan hyväksi, mutta vaikutukset pysyviin elämäntapamuutoksiin eivät nouse vahvasti esille. Hoidon arvo muodostuu perheiden jokapäiväisen elämän käytännöissä, mitä myös ympäristön tulisi tukea.
Tutkimuksessa sovellettua teoriaa ja viitekehystä voidaan testata vastaavissa yhteistoimintahankkeissa ja hoitoketjuissa. Niiden avulla voidaan kehittää arvoa luovia tietoprosesseja ja tietojohtamista terveydenhuollossa.
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Cloud-based Knowledge Management in Greek SME’sDimitrios, Rekleitis January 2018 (has links)
Nowadays, Cloud Technologies are commonly used for a lot of large organizations to aid knowledge sharing. This brings some benefits to the organization by reducing the cost of the charges, improve security, enhance content accessibility, improve efficiency etc. On the other hand, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) tend to manage their information in more informal way by not using the specific language or terminology of KM. Moreover, Small and Medium enterprises do not trust the adoption of cloud-based techniques for managing information for many reasons that discussed later. This thesis tries to provide the benefits and drawbacks of cloud-based Knowledge Management techniques in Greek SMEs and also to find how knowledge processes are used in Greek SMEs according to cloud-based Knowledge Management techniques. Also, through this work I will come up with the benefits and drawbacks of applying cloud-based techniques for managing information-knowledge in SMEs. To accomplish this, I derived with a methodology that is based on qualitative approach. More specifically, I provide an exhaustive literature review and then I contacted with five SMEs in Greece to explore, using different techniques, if these SMEs can benefit from the cloud-based Knowledge Management techniques and how indent are for adopting cloud-based Knowledge Management techniques in their organization. I realized that three of the SMEs are using cloud-based techniques for Knowledge Management, where the two of them does not. To be more specific one of these two SMEs does not manage its knowledge at all. However, all of the five organizations showed a great interest to adopt cloud-based and information system technologies for Knowledge Management. At the end, this work comes up with the following important findings and insights, as well: Cloud-based Knowledge Management techniques can bring a lot of benefits in terms of cost savings and performance. However, this suits the right and efficiently use of cloud-based techniques. The lack of using efficiently cloud-based Knowledge Management techniques may lead to some drawbacks, such as reduction on the performance of the organization and reduction on the savings. This thesis also discusses some points for future direction such as the analysis of a larger space of organizations, the investigation of quantitative analysis and also the combination of both (qualitative and quantitative).
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The strategic continuing training needs of executives and managers on a selection of large South African companiesBotha, Deonie Francesca 28 July 2008 (has links)
The strategic environment of companies is divided in four domains. These domains are the known, knowable, complex and chaos domains. The known and knowable domains are characterised by order while the chaos and complex domains are characterised by unorder. The factors present in the chaos and complex domains are emergent in nature and are regarded as un-ordered. Executives and managers need to be prepared to manage in all four these domains in order to ensure the long-term competitiveness of companies. This implies that the training needs of executives and managers need to be identified and addressed in order to prepare them to manage in the four domains in the strategic environment of companies. Executives and managers are trained by means of traditional and/or strategic training. Traditional training prepares executives and managers to manage in the ordered domains while strategic training prepare executives and managers to manage in the domains characterised by un-order which are emergent in nature. Strategic training is “based on predictions of future job requirements” (Rothwell&Kazanas, 1994:425). Traditional training addresses the training needs of executives and managers as it flows from the current strategic orientation of the company while strategic training addresses the training needs of executives and managers as it flows from the emergent strategic orientation of the company. Knowledge management entails the establishment of an environment within which knowledge processes (creation, codification, sharing, organisation and use of knowledge) are performed through a variety of tools and techniques to the benefit of the company. Knowledge processes regarding the emergent strategic orientation of companies are performed during a strategic training process and therefore strategic training is regarded as a knowledge management technique. Strategic training enables executives and managers to learn as regards the emergent strategic orientation of the company. Ahmed, Kok and Loh (2002:23) state: “The objective of organizational learning and knowledge management is to create a motivated and energized work environment that supports the continuous creation, collection, use and reuse of both personal and organization knowledge in the pursuit of business success.” Furthermore, Ahmed, Kok and Loh (2002:23) explain that the ability of companies to capitalise on their knowledge assets defines their competitiveness. Knowledge management techniques such as strategic training should be used to ensure that the knowledge assets of companies contribute to the long-term competitiveness of companies. The literature on strategic training was studied and empirical research was conducted in a selection of 24 large South African companies in order to ascertain the nature and scope of training offered to executives and managers. The nature and scope of training in large South African companies were studied to ascertain whether these companies use a strategic training process to identify and address the strategic training needs of executives and managers and thus if companies perform knowledge processes regarding their emergent strategic orientation. It was ascertained that only a few of the 24 large South African companies which participated in the study use a strategic training process to identify and address the strategic training needs of executives and managers. A framework for the implementation of a cyclical strategic training process is therefore proposed as a guideline for companies that want to use a strategic training process. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Information Science / unrestricted
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Sanfolkets transformativa kunskapsprocesser : En kvalitativ analys av sanfolkets existentiella riter ur ett dramapedagogiskt perspektiv / The San People's Transformative Knowledge : A qualitative analysis of the San people's existential rites from a drama educational perspectiveSöderström, Ottilia January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att analysera sanfolkets existentiella riter och transformativa processer ur ett dramapedagogiskt perspektiv. Bakgrunden avgränsas till att undersöka och redogöra för Ju/’hoansifolkets etnografi, kosmologi samt riter med fokusering på de transformativa processerna. Metodansatsen är en aletisk och objektiverande hermeneutik med ett abduktivt tillvägagångsätt. Tidigare forskning belyser det antropologiska perspektivet på riter, Ju/’hoansis ontologiska transformationer samt beröringspunkterna mellan antropologi och teater. Den teoretiska referensramen redogör för det dramapedagogiska paradigmet och dess olika tolkningar på transformativa och kommunikativa kunskapsprocesser. I analysen redovisas resultatet med hjälp av rotmetaforer med den mest framstående korrelationen; den ontologiska pluralismen. Genom analysen framträdde även ett övergripande tema av det upplevelsebaserade kontinuumet. Resultatet och metodansatsen revideras i diskussionen. / The study aims to analyze the existential rites and transformative processes of the san people from a drama educational perspective. The background is constrained to examining and describing the Ju/’hoansi people's ethnography, cosmology and rites with a focus on the transformative processes. The method approach is alethic and objectifying hermeneutics with an abductive reasoning. Previous research sheds light on the anthropological perspective on rituals, Ju/’hoansi’s ontological transformations and the points of contact between anthropology and theatre. The theoretical frame of reference describes the drama educational paradigm and its different interpretations of transformative and communicative learning processes. In the analysis, the results are reported using root metaphors with the most prominent correlation; the ontological pluralism. Through the analysis, an overarching theme of the experience-based continuum also emerged. The result and the method approach are revised in the discussion.
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