Spelling suggestions: "subject:"knowledgebased"" "subject:"knowledge.based""
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Percepção de resultados em projetos sob a perspectiva dos fatores críticos de sucesso. / Perception of project results in the perspective of critical success factors.Adolfo Alves de Vasconcelos 14 April 2010 (has links)
As empresas enfrentam no mundo atual o fato de estarem inseridas em um ambiente cada vez mais repleto de mudanças e que acontecem numa velocidade que só tem acelerado com o passar dos anos. Nesse contexto a gestão de projetos busca contribuir para o sucesso dos projetos que tem se mostrado a fonte para que as empresas continuem e se tornem ainda mais competitivas. Com esse cenário, o trabalho em questão busca desenvolver uma ferramenta de apoio baseada na teoria dos fatores de certeza em conjunto com o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa orientada a uma área de projetos de uma grande empresa para identificar a percepção do peso dos principais fatores críticos de sucesso e assim possibilitar aos gestores orientação no difícil caminho do sucesso em projetos. Ao final é realizada uma análise crítica dos principais resultados alcançados e sugestões para eventuais linhas de pesquisa para darem continuidade ao trabalho. / Companies face in today\'s world the fact that they are exposed to an environment increasingly filled with change and that happen at a speed that has only accelerated over the years. In this context the project management will contribute to the success of the projects that has proved the source for companies to continue and become even more competitive. With this scenario, the work in question seeks to develop a support tool based on the theory of certainty factors in conjunction with the development of a research oriented to a project area of a large company to identify the perception of the weight of the main critical success factors and thus provide guidance to managers in the difficult path to success in projects. At the end is performed a critical analysis of the main achievements and suggestions for possible lines of research in order to continue the work.
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SES : sistema de extração semântica de informações / System of semantic extraction of informationScarinci, Rui Gureghian January 1997 (has links)
Entre as áreas que mais se desenvolvem na informática nos últimos anos estão aquelas relacionadas ao crescimento da rede Internet, que interliga milhões de usuários de todo o mundo. Esta rede disponibiliza aos usuários uma a enorme variedade e quantidade de informações, principalmente dados armazenados de forma não estruturada ou semi estruturada. Contudo, tal volume e heterogeneidade acaba dificultando a manipulação dos dados recuperados a partir da Internet. Este problema motivou o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Mesmo com o auxílio de várias ferramentas de pesquisa na Internet, buscando realizar pesquisas sobre assuntos específicos, o usuário ainda tem que manipular em seu computador pessoal uma grande quantidade de informação, pois estas ferramentas não realizam um processo de seleção detalhado. Ou seja, são recuperados muitos dados não interessantes ao usuário. Existe, também, uma grande diversidade de assuntos e padrões de transferência e armazenamento da informação criando os mais heterogêneos ambientes de pesquisa e consulta de dados. Esta heterogeneidade faz com que o usuário da rede deva conhecer todo um conjunto de padrões e ferramentas a fim de obter a informação desejada. No entanto, a maior dificuldade de manipulação esta ligada aos formatos de armazenamento não estruturados ou pouco estruturados, como, por exemplo: arquivos textos, Mails (correspondência eletrônica) e artigos de News (jornais eletrônicos). Nestes formatos, o entendimento do documento exige a leitura do mesmo pelo usuário, o que muitas vezes acarreta em um gasto de tempo desnecessário, pois o documento, por exemplo, pode não ser de interesse deste ou, então, ser de interesse, mas sua leitura completa só seria útil posteriormente. Várias informações, como chamadas de trabalhos para congressos, preços de produtos e estatísticas econômicas, entre outras, apresentam validade temporal. Outras informações são atualizadas periodicamente. Muitas dessas características temporais são explicitas, outras estão implícitas no meio de outros tipos de dados. Isto torna muito difícil a recuperação de tal tipo de informação, gerando, várias vezes, a utilização de informações desatualizadas, ou a perda de oportunidades. Desta forma, o grande volume de dados em arquivos pessoais obtidos a partir da Internet criou uma complexa tarefa de gerenciamento dos mesmos em conseqüência da natureza não estruturada dos documentos recuperados e da complexidade da análise do tempo de validade inerente a estes dados. Com o objetivo de satisfazer as necessidades de seleção e conseqüente manipulação das informações existentes a nível local (computador pessoal), neste trabalho, é descrito um sistema para extração e sumarização destes dados, utilizando conceitos de IE (Information Extraction) e Sistemas Baseados em Conhecimento. Os dados processados são parcialmente estruturados ou não estruturados, sendo manipulados por um extrator configurado a partir de bases de conhecimento geradas pelo usuário do sistema. O objetivo final desta dissertação é a implementação do Sistema de Extração Semântica de Informações, o qual permite a classificação dos dados extraídos em classes significativas para o usuário e a determinação da validade temporal destes dados a partir da geração de uma base de dados estruturada. / One of the most challenging area in Computer Science is related to Internet technology. This network offers to the users a large variety and amount of information, mainly, data storage in unstructured or semi-structured formats. However, the vast data volume and heterogeneity transforms the retrieved data manipulation a very arduous work. This problem was the prime motivation of this work. As with many tools for data retrieval and specific searching, the user has to manipulate in his personal computer an increasing amount of information, because these tools do not realize a precise data selection process. Many retrieval data are not interesting for the user. There are, also, a big diversity of subjects and standards in information transmission and storage, creating the most heterogeneous environments in data searching and retrieval. Due to this heterogeneity, the user has to know many data standards and searching tools to obtain the requested information. However, the fundamental problem for data manipulation is the partially or fully unstructured data formats, as text, mail and news data structures. For files in these formats, the user has to read each of the files to filter the relevant information, originating a loss of time, because the document could be not interesting for the user, or if it is interesting, its complete reading may be unnecessary at the moment. Some information as call-for-papers, product prices, economic statistics and others, has associated a temporal validity. Other information are updated periodically. Some of these temporal characteristics are explicit, others are implicitly embedded in other data types. As it is very difficult to retrieve the temporal data automatically, which generate, many times, the use of invalid information, as a result, some opportunities are lost. On this paper a system for extraction and summarizing of data is described. The main objective is to satisfy the user's selection needs and consequently information manipulation stored in a personal computer. To achieve this goal we are employed the concepts of Information Extraction (IE) and Knowledge Based Systems. The input data manipulation is done by an extraction procedure configured by a user who defined knowledge base. The objective of this paper is to develop a System of Semantic Extraction of Information which classifies the data extracted in meaningful classes for the user and to deduce the temporal validity of this data. This goal was achieved by the generation of a structured temporal data base.
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Sistemas de capitais como método de análise da economia criativa para o desenvolvimento baseado no conhecimento na cidade de Bento GonçalvesD'Arisbo, Anelise 04 December 2013 (has links)
As cidades que crescem com base no modelo industrial estão se tornando cada vez maiores, exigindo cada vez mais insumos e gerando maiores gastos e resíduos. A perspectiva de resultado para tal abordagem é o colapso ambiental, social e econômico, quando as cidades ultrapassarem os limites gerenciáveis para o seu crescimento. Na economia pós-industrial, em sociedades do conhecimento, este modelo de desenvolvimento das cidades não é mais funcional e um modelo de desenvolvimento que contemple as dimensões sociais, econômicas e ambientais é requerido. Nesse âmbito se insere a abordagem do desenvolvimento baseado no conhecimento (DBC). O DBC busca o desenvolvimento sustentável, por intermédio de processos sociais de conhecimentos que valorizem a endogeneidade, as potencialidades e recursos locais. É o caso da economia criativa (EC), que tem como base criatividade, conhecimento e cultura, matérias-primas intangíveis e renováveis. Na medida em que for possível implementar políticas de EC que permitam democratizar o processo de criar, armazenar, compartilhar e utilizar o conhecimento, a economia criativa poderia atuar como fator de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Mas para isso, são necessárias informações confiáveis e estruturadas. Em documentos governamentais já é manifestada carência por um método que forneça dados necessários para análise e fomento da EC, adaptado às características locais. O DBC possui um método para avaliação e acompanhamento dos capitais de uma cidade: o sistema de capitais (SC). O SC apresenta uma taxonomia completa com indicadores também relacionados à EC. Assim, o objetivo da dissertação foi estudar as dimensões dos sistemas de capitais que podem estruturar a análise da economia criativa para o DBC. A coleta de dados deu-se através de estudo de caso único na cidade de Bento Gonçalves. A pesquisa utilizou abordagem de métodos mistos com estratégia de triangulação concomitante de Creswell e Clark (2011). Foi aplicada a metodologia do SC, e a análise foi orientada para economia criativa, tomando por base os princípios da SEC (2011), a teoria dos 3Ts de Florida (2005) e a setorização da EC no Brasil (2011). Foram encontradas relações entre os capitais do SC com todos esses elementos. Como resultado foi possível construir uma estrutura de análise que relaciona os capitais do SC com a EC na cidade estudada. Os resultados revelam também os ativos e passivos da EC na cidade, o que se configura num conjunto de subsídios que pode fomentar o DBC bem como políticas públicas que levem a alternativas de desenvolvimento coerentes com os anseios da sociedade. / Cities which grow based on the industrial model are becoming increasingly larger, demanding more inputs and generating higher spendings and waste. The result perspective expected for this approach is the environmental, economic and social collapse, when cities exceed the manageable limits to its growth. In the post-industrial economy, in knowledge societies, this development model to cities is no longer functional and a development model which addresses the social, economic and environmental issues is required. In this case fits the knowledge based development (KBD). The KBD seeks sustainable development through social knowledge processes that value endogeneity, potentialties and local resources. This is related to the creative economy (CE), which is based on creativity, knowledge and culture, renewable and intangible raw materials. Insofar as it is possible to implement policies that allow CE democratize the creating, storing, sharing and using knowledge processes, creative economy could act as a socio-economic development factor. For this, reliable and structured information is needed. In governmental documents lack of a method that provides data needed for CE analysis and development has already manifested, adapted to local conditions. The KBD has a method for assessing and monitoring the city capitals: the capital system (CS). The CS has a complete taxonomy with indicators which are also related to CE. Then, the dissertation aims to study the capital systems’ dimensions that can structure the creative economy analysis for the KBD. Data collection was carried out through a single case study in Bento Gonçalves city. The research used mixed methods approach with concurrent triangulation strategy from Creswell and Clark (2011). The CS methodology was aplyed, and the analysis was driven to creative economy, based on the SEC (2011) principles, Florida’s 3T’s theory (2005) and the Brazilian CE sectorization (2011). Relationships on CS with all these elements were found in the analysis. As a result it was possible to build a framework that relates the CS capitals with the CE on the studied city. Results also reveal the cities’ CE assets and liabilities which configure a set of subsidies that can foster the KBD as well as public policies which take to development alternatives consistent with the society expectations.
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Novos parâmetros para a intervenção do Estado na economia: persistência e dinâmica da atuação do BNDES em uma economia baseada no conhecimento / New parameters for the State intervention in the economy: persistence and dynamics of BNDES performance in a knowledge based economyMario Gomes Schapiro 14 May 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar os novos caminhos da intervenção direta do Estado na economia, notadamente no ambiente financeiro nacional, em que prevalece a atuação de um banco público de desenvolvimento - O BNDES. O trabalho parte do pressuposto de que há uma variedade de alternativas institucionais de organização financeira, que refletem as trajetórias históricas dos países. É por esta razão que se pode identificar, por exemplo, diferenças entre o modelo norte-americano e o modelo nipo-germanico: enquanto o primeiro é baseado nas operações do mercado de capitais, o segundo conta com os investidores institucionais e com os bancos. A partir daí, pode-se igualmente reconhecer que a alternativa institucional constitutiva do sistema financeiro nacional conta com os agentes estatais: os seus principais atores financeiros. Destes todos, o BNDES é o exemplo mais significativo. Diante disso, uma vez caracterizado que a intervenção direta do Estado, também chamada no trabalho de regulação institucional, é o elemento característico do modelo brasileiro de desenvolvimento, a tese procurar mostrar que esta ação pública tem sofrido alterações, em um contexto recente. Em razão de um novo paradigma econômico, a economia baseada no conhecimento, pode-se reconhecer modificações na forma de atuação do agente estatal. Um estudo de caso revela que não só o financiamento das inovações passou a assumir um caráter relevante na agenda do BNDES, como, principalmente, esta atividade esteve associada a uma nova racionalidade de intervenção. Diante da nova economia, o Banco atua em convergência com os demais agentes financeiros e com isso assume um papel de indutor tanto das empresas emergentes, como do próprio de mercado de capital de risco. Esta constatação aponta para dois atributos que compõem, então, esta nova rodada da regulação direta da economia: a persistência e a dinâmica. A persistência porque apesar das modificações advin advindas de uma economia baseada no conhecimento, o Estado e, em especial o BNDES, continua a desempenhar um papel chave no financiamento do desenvolvimento brasileiro, particularmente em áreas não consolidadas e portadoras de futuro, como, ora, são as inovações. A dinâmica porque esta prevalência do agente estatal no financiamento corporativo assenta-se em novas ferramentas e assume uma distinta racionalidade, compatível com uma economia privatizada e aberta à concorrência internacional. É, pois, disso que trata esta tese: da regulação institucional de um banco de desenvolvimento em uma economia baseada no conhecimento. / The objective of this dissertation is to examine the new ways of direct State intervention in the economy, especially in the domestic financial environment, which has a prevailing public bank for development - the BNDES. The work is based on the assumption that there are a variety of alternatives to institutional financial organization, which reflect the historical trajectories of the countries. It is for this reason that we can identify, for example, differences between the U.S. model and the Japanese-German model: while the former is based on the operations of the capital market, the latter deals with institutional investors and the banks. Hence, we can also recognize that the alternative institutional constituent of the national financial system takes into account state agents, their main financial players. Of them all, the BNDES is the most significant example. Thus, once established the direct intervention of the state, also called institutional regulation, as the main feature of the Brazilian model of development, the dissertation examines the changes it recently underwent. Because of a new economic paradigm, the knowledge based economy, there have been changes in the way state acts in economy. A case study shows that not only that the financing of innovation has become paramount within the BNDES agenda, but also this activity has been associated with a new rationale for intervention. Facing this new economy, the Bank operates in convergence with other financial agents, thus taking a role in inducing both emerging companies and venture capital. This finding points to two attributes that make up, thus, this new stage of direct regulation of the economy: persistence and dynamics. Persistence because despite changes resulting from a knowledge based economy, the state and, in particular the BNDES, continues to play a key role in the financing of Brazilian development, particularly in non¬consolidated and future bearing areas, as innovations. Dynamics, because the prevalence of the state agent in corporate finance is based on new tools and takes a different rationale, consistent with a privatized economy, open to international competition. That is, therefore, with the core issue of the present dissertation: the institutional regulation of a development bank within a knowledge-based economy.
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Mobile technology for interest-based communities: concept design with a knowledge-based approachStill, K. (Kaisa) 08 December 2009 (has links)
This research provides a glimpse into the fast-evolving world of mobile technology and maybe even faster evolving world of communities. The communities of this research are about voluntary activities, centered around an interest or hobby, and are technologically mediated. Traditionally they have used computers for their communication and collaborative activities, but the advances of mobile technology as well as its availability are seen to offer novel opportunities for them. The premise of this research is seeing technology as basis for supporting new ways of interactions, through responding to user needs, hence leaning on the tradition of human-computer interaction and user-centered design.
The research comprised of an extensive literature review geared toward understanding of these new forms of communities and their technology, as well as toward understanding how to design for them. Both supported case-study approach of this study, which addressed the designing for virtual stable community and birdwatcher community, and resulted in a concept of a dedicated mobile device (for the virtual stable community), and understanding of the importance of integrated technologies (for the bird watcher community). These results were further developed into new propositions for design criteria, overall providing a fresh perspective toward designing mobile technology.
Within this research, design was seen as a social activity, where participants communicate and share their knowledge. Getting relevant, appropriate and useful knowledge from users was therefore imperative for this research. Towards this end, a new online method for user involvement called web based storytelling was developed. Furthermore, emphasis was placed on understanding the concept design process with concepts and theories from knowledge management. The nature of knowledge (tacit/explicit and context-specific) as well as knowledge processes of users and designers and their linkages were introduced and systematically used and interpreted toward improving the concept design process. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä tutkimus tarjoaa katsauksen mobiiliteknologian nopeasti kehittyvään maailmaan ja ehkä vielä nopeammin kehittyvään yhteisöjen maailmaan. Tutkimuskohteena ovat vapaaehtoiset harrasteyhteisöt. Perinteisesti nämä yhteisöt ovat käyttäneet tietokoneita ja Internettiä toimintaansa, mutta uudet mobiilit laitteet ja niihin liittyvät teknologiat tarjoavat heille mielenkiintoisia mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana ovatkin uuden teknologian tarjoamat mahdollisuudet yhteisöjen jäsenille ja näiden käyttäjälähtöinen suunnittelu.
Tutkimuksessa esitetään laaja kirjallisuuskatsaus sekä uusien yhteisöjen ja niiden teknologioiden ymmärtämiseen, että konseptisuunnitteluprosessin käyttäjälähtöisyyteen. Niiden avulla suoritettiin case-tutkimus, jonka tuloksena syntyi mobiililaitteen konseptiversio virtuaalitalliyhteisölle ja kuvaus kommunikointiteknologioiden integroinnista lintubongariyhteisölle. Nämä jalostuivat mobiiliteknologian konseptisuunnittelua ohjaaviksi kriteereiksi, mitkä tuovat uutta, yhteisöllisyyttä korostavaa näkökulmaa suunnitteluprosessiin.
Suunnitteluprosessi käsitettiin tässä tutkimuksessa sosiaalisena toimintona, missä osallistujat kommunikoivat ja jakavat sekä tietojaan että tietämystään. Tarvittavan, oikean ja hyödyllisen käyttäjätiedon merkityksellisyys tutkimuksessa tuotti yhtenä tutkimuksen tuloksena uuden käyttäjätutkimusmenetelmän (verkkopohjainen tarinankerronta). Kaikenkaikkiaan tutkimuksen kantavana voimana oli tietopohjainen lähestymistapa suunnitteluprosessiin, mikä tarkoitti suunnitteluprosessin ymmärtämistä tietojohtamisprosessina ja tulkitsemista tietojohtamisen käsitteiden kautta. Tiedon ominaisuuksien (hiljainen/eksplisiittinen ja kontekstisidonnaisuus) sekä käyttäjien ja suunnittelijoiden tietoprosessien yhteyksien systemaattisen käytön nähtiin parantavan konseptisuunnitteluprosessia.
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Evaluation de la performance des ouvrages hydrauliques en remblai soumis à la présence de végétation arborescente / Performance assessment of embankment hydraulic works subjected to the woody vegetation presenceBambara, Gisèle 25 January 2016 (has links)
L’évaluation de la performance des ouvrages hydrauliques en remblai est un enjeu majeur pour les gestionnaires en charge de leur sécurité. Qu'il s'agisse de digues ou de barrages, la présence de végétation arborescente représente un facteur de fragilité important. Deux types de mécanismes de détérioration peuvent ainsi être initiés ou aggravés : l’érosion interne et l’érosion externe. Or, ce facteur n’a été pris en compte que partiellement dans les modèles d’évaluation existants. De plus, les petits barrages en remblai peuvent avoir des dispositifs d’étanchéité différents et ne sont pas toujours équipés de drains et d’instruments d’auscultation: il est alors nécessaire d’adapter les modèles à chaque cas. L’objectif de la thèse est de répondre à ces verrous scientifiques. Les résultats de nos recherches concernent l’établissement de modèles d’évaluation de la performance basés sur des approches à base de connaissances.La démarche a été appliquée sur des ouvrages réels : 3 tronçons de digues de protection contre les inondations ainsi que 7 barrages en remblai ce qui nous a permis de montrer sa pertinence et donc son potentiel d’utilisation opérationnelle. / The performance assessment of embankment hydraulic works is a major challenge for managers in charge of their security. For both dikes and dams, the presence of trees represents an important fragility factor. Two types of deterioration mechanism can thus be initiated or aggravated: internal erosion or scouring. However, this factor has been taken only partially into account in existing assessment models. In addition, small embankment dams can have different sealing devices and are not always equipped with drains and monitoring instruments: it is thus necessary to customize the models in each case. The aim of the thesis was to remove these scientific obstacles. The results of our research concern the design of performance assessment models relying on knowledge-based approaches.The approach was implemented for real works: three sections of river dikes and seven small embankment dams which allowed us to show its relevance and therefore its operational potential.
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Development Of A Knowledge-Based Hybrid Methodology For Vehicle Side Impact Safety DesignSrinivas, CH Kalyan 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The present research work has been carried out to develop a unified knowledge-based hybrid methodology combining regression-based, lumped parameter and finite element analyses that can be implemented in the initial phase of vehicle design resulting in a superior side crash performance. As a first step, a regression-based model (RBM) is developed between the injury parameter Thoracic Trauma Index (TTI) of the rear SID and characteristic side impact dynamic response variables such as rear door velocity (final) and intrusion supplementing an existing RBM for front TTI prediction. In order to derive the rear TTI RBM, existing public domain vehicle crash test data provided by NHTSA has been used. A computer-based tool with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed for obtaining possible solution sets of response variables satisfying the regression relations for both front and rear TTI. As a next step in the formulation of the present hybrid methodology for vehicle side impact safety design, a new Lumped Parameter Model (LPM) representing NHTSA side impact is developed. The LPM developed consists of body sub-systems like B-pillar, front door, rear door and rocker (i.e. sill) on the struck side of the vehicle, MDB, and “rest of the vehicle” as lumped masses along with representative nonlinear springs between them. It has been envisaged that for the initial conceptual design to progress, the targets of dynamic response variables obtained from RBM should yield a set of spring characteristics broadly defining the required vehicle side structure. However, this is an inverse problem of dynamics which would require an inordinate amount of time to be solved iteratively. Hence a knowledge-based approach is adopted here to link the two sets of variables i.e., the dynamic response parameters (such as average door and B-pillar velocities, door intrusion, etc.) and the stiffness and strength characteristics of the springs present in LPM. In effect, this mapping is accomplished with the help of an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm (referred to as ANN_RBM_LPM in the current work). To generate the required knowledge database for ANN_RBM_LPM, one thousand cases of LPM chosen with the help of the Latin Hypercube technique are run with varying spring characteristics.
The goal of finding the desired design solutions describing vehicle geometry in an efficient manner is accomplished with the help of a second ANN algorithm which links sets of dynamic spring characteristics with sets of sectional properties of doors, B-pillar and rocker (referred as ANN_LPM_FEM in the current work). The implementation of this approach requires creation of a knowledge database containing paired sets of spring characteristics and sectional details just mentioned. The effectiveness of the hybrid methodology comprising both ANN_RBM_LPM and ANN_LPM_FEM is finally illustrated by improving the side impact performance of a Honda Accord finite element model. Thus, the unique knowledge-based hybrid approach developed here can be deployed in real world vehicle safety design for both new and existing vehicles leading to enormous saving of time and costly design iterations.
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Developing A Dialogue Based Knowledge Acquisition Method For Automatically Acquiring Expert Knowledge To Diagnose Mechanical AssembliesMadhusudanan, N 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Mechanical assembly is an important step during product realization, which is an integrative process that brings together the parts of the assembly, the people performing the assembly and the various technologies that are involved. Assembly planning involves deciding on the assembly sequence, the tooling and the processes to be used. Assembly planning should enable the actual assembly process to be as effective as possible.Assembly plans may have to be revised due to issues arising during assembly. Many
of these revisions can be avoided at the planning stage if assembly planners have prior
knowledge of these issues and how to resolve them. General guidelines to make assembly easier (e.g. Design for Assembly) are usually suited for mass-manufactured assemblies and are applied where similar issues are faced regularly. However, for very specific issues that are unique to some domains only, such as aircraft assembly, only expert knowledge in that domain can identify and resolve the issues.
Assembly experts are the sources of knowledge for identifying and resolving these issues. If assembly planners could receive assembly experts’ advice about the potential issues and resolutions that are likely to occur in a given assembly situation, they could use this advice to revise the assembly plan in order to avoid these issues. This link between assembly experts and planners can be provided using knowledge based systems. Knowledge-based systems contain a knowledge base to store experts’ knowledge, and an inference engine that derives certain conclusions using this knowledge. However, knowledge acquisition for such systems is a difficult process with substantial resistance to being automated. Methods reported in literature propose various ways of addressing the problem of automating knowledge acquisition. However, there are many limitations to these methods, which have been the motivations for the research work reported in this thesis. This thesis proposes a dialog-like method of questioning an expert to automatically acquire knowledge from assembly experts. The questions are asked in the context of an assembly situation shown to them. During the interviews, the knowledge required for diagnosing potential issues and resolutions are identified. The experts were shown a situation, and asked to identify issues and suggest solutions. The above knowledge is translated into the rules for a knowledge based system. This knowledge based system can then be used to advise assembly planners about potential issues and solutions in an assembly situation.
After a manual verification, the questioning procedure has been implemented on computer as a software named EXpert Knowledge Acquisition and Validation (ExKAV). A preliminary evaluation of ExKAV has been carried out, in which assembly experts interacted with the tool using the researcher as an intermediary. The results of these sessions have been discussed in the thesis and assessed against the original research objectives. The current limitations of the procedure and its implementation have been highlighted, and potential directions for improving the knowledge acquisition process are discussed.
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Datorteket : Teknik, arbete och den anställningsbara människanCox, Miranda January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines how employability and the employable as a discursive subject was constructed through a Swedish labor market policy measure called “datortek”. The datortek was a form of combined computer lab and activity center that was set up in collaboration between local governance and the National market labour board. People who were registered as unemployed could be sent to the local datortek to learn how to use a computer. In this way, they would be made employable in the new, knowledge based society and Sweden would be well on its way to become a leading nation in the field of IT-technology and expertise. At least, that was the idea. In the 1990’s there was a shift in Swedish, as well as european, labour policy discourse. The politically defined problem of “unemployment” changed towards being an issue of the individual’s ability to make oneself “employable”. On a large extent, employability depends on certain individual properties, such as “flexibility”, “entrepreneurship” and being “active”. Earlier research have mainly focused on employability as a policy concept. In this view, employability is seen as something that is enforced through public policy onto the workers. This study is taking a somewhat different approach. Here, employability will be seen as a concept that takes form in a process of negotiation and articulation. A process that takes place in the interpersonal meeting, in the intercept between man and machine, in formal documents as well as through the design of the datortek itself. Thus, the datortek can serve as a study object that allow us to investigate how employability was articulated. It is this articulation, the process of becoming-employable through the datortek, which is at the heart of this study. The thesis shows that the datortek functioned as a simulated work place where the participants were made to stage and perform “teamwork” and learn “social competence”. The computer was given the role of an instrument for bringing out certain feelings amongst the participants. This emotive discipline can be understood as a way to achieve “emotional competence”. The thesis also shows a different way on how a concept such as employability can be studied. By looking into the very practical aspects of the datortek, the abstract idea of employability is made comprehensible. This gives us, not only deepened knowledge of the notion of modern labor, but also a better understanding of how ideology is (re)produced.
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Detekce tváří v obraze / Face recognitionŠkrobák, Dalibor January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused on face detection in static picture. Theoretical part contains color spaces (RGB, HSI, YCbCr), methods for skin detection (explicit, parametric or non-parametric methods), image metric, edge detection, mathematical morphology, methods for classification faces (appearance-based methods, feature invariant approaches, knowledge-based methods, template matching methods). Practical part of this thesis contains concept and practical realization two algorithms for segmentation skin in static image (simple method based on Cr chroma components and statistical method). Practical part contains concept and practical realization two algorithms for classification face (appearance-based method and template matching method) too.
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