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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die problematiek van klavierbladlees, spesifiek die konseptualisering van die tweedimensionaliteit van musieknotasie (Afrikaans)

Fourie, Ella 29 October 2012 (has links)
Abstract only in Afrikaans. Talle oorsake van die swak bladleesstandaard kan teruggevoer word tot probleme met die waarneming van die kompleksiteite van die tweedimensionele notebeeld. 'n Oorsig van die belangrikste navorsing wat oor hierdie twee dimensies - toonhoogte en toonduur - gedoen is, word ten aanvang gegee. Die denkhandelinge van die kognitiewe-, psigomotoriese- en affektiewe leerdomeine word breedvoerig ondersoek, die verband hiervan met die bladleesproses aangetoon en ernstige probleme en leemtes betreffende bladleesopleiding blootgelê. Wat kognitiewe denkhandelinge betref word onder andere gewys op die feit dat die eienskappe van ken en kennisverwerwing op die vroegste stadium van musikale ontwikkeling grootliks verontagsaam word. Eweneens kom probleme in die ontwikkeling van psigomotoriese denkhandelinge voor omdat die gebeuresekwense vir optimale motoriese ontwikkeling aan die meeste onderwysers en leerlinge onbekend is. Dit blyk ook dat affektiewe gedrag by bladlees meesal 'n negatiewe konnotasie het. Daar is by leerlinge onsekerheid en vrees vir bladlees met 'n gevolglike faal-angs wat die bladleespoging kan laat misluk. Vervolgens word aandag geskenk aan die funksies van die onderskeie geheuestore van die brein, die proses van blokvorrning en die verskynsel van hemisferisiteit. Die invloed van interferensie op die leesproses en op oog-hand-span tydens bladlees asook die konteks-sensitiwiteit van die korttermyngeheue en die implikasies daarvan, word uitgewys. Die waarde van blokvorming, waardeur musieksimbole as eenhede waargeneem word en daar nie op enkelnote gekonsentreer word nie, word beklemtoon. Die moontlikheid dat individue as leergestrem beskou kan word as gevolg van hemisferiese spesialisasie of laterale dominansie en die moon tlike effek daarvan in die bladleessituasie, word in 'n ernstige lig beskou. Indringende navorsing oor sowel die positiewe as negatiewe aspekte van hemisferiese spesialisasie, word bepleit. 'n Deeglike ontleding word gedoen van die foute wat in 32 bladleestoetse gemaak is. Foutering met die mees algemene komponente van toonhoogte en toonduur in isolasie sowel as in musicale konteks, word gerneet. Die ooreensternrning van fouteringswyses in verskillende moeilikheids-grade en toetse en die omvang en herhalende aard van foute, dui op grondliggende probleme in die mondering van bladlesers. Die verband van hierdie foute en probleme met die denkhandelinge van die leerdomeine en met breinfunksies asook moontlike oorsake vir die foute en probleme, word bespreek en toegelig. Ten slotte word die dringende behoefte aan vernuwing in bladleesopleiding op sowel andragogiese as pedagogiese vlak uitgespreek en verskeie vernuwingsmomente en metodes ter vernuwing, uitgespel. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Music / unrestricted

Die departementshoof se rol as begeleier van grondslagfase onderwysers

Du Plessis, Jeanette January 2014 (has links)
Ooreenkomstig een van die beginsels wat in die onderwys in die vooruitsig gestel word, naamlik dat onderwysers lewenslange leerders is, behoort onderwysers hulself voordurend professioneel te ontwikkel, sodat die onderwys kan getuig van kwaliteit onderrig en leer. Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel moet aan die diversiteit van behoeftes van leerders voldoen en vra dus ‘n kreatiewe oplossing vir onderrig en leer. Hierdie studie handel oor die rol van die departementshoof as begeleier van grondslagfase onderwysers. Navorsing verwys na ’coaching’ en kan dus direk vertaal word met 'afrigting.' Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie hou ’coaching’ egter meer verband met begeleiding en sal dié term as vertaling dien. Navorsing in die veld van begeleiding in die onderwyssektor in Suid-Afrika blyk egter onbekend te wees. Daar blyk 'n behoefte aan bewysgebaseerde navorsing oor alternatiewe strategieë soos begeleiding te wees. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal in hoe 'n mate departementshoofde van die grondslagfase binne die wetgewing en die regsraamwerk die onderwysers kan begelei binne die beperkte tyd tot hul beskikking. Die leerteoretiese beginsels van die andragogie, wat ook elemente van die kognitiewe leerteorie bevat, is vir die doeleindes van die studie as vertrekpunt gebruik. 'n Kwalitatiewe interpretivistiese benadering is gevolg ten einde die departementshoofde en bereidwillige onderwysers van vyf privaatskole se ervarings van begeleiding te kon bepaal. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met die deelnemers gevoer. Die studie het bevind dat die departementshoofde sowel as onderwysers deurlopende begeleiding nodig ag. Die deelnemende skole pas begeleiding meestal informeel toe, sonder ‘n begeleidingsmodel. Die departementshoofde se bestuur en onderrigleierskap is ondersoek en die studie het bevind dat onderwysers ‘n groot behoefte aan monitering en kontrole van hul departementshoofde verwag. Ewekniebegeleiding word weinig toegepas en is nog ‘n onbekende strategie vir die departementshoofde. Begeleiding as deurlopende strategie vir professionele ontwikkeling word verkies bo eendagwerkwinkels, aangesien begeleiding in die skool se spesifieke behoeftes kan voorsien. Die departementshoof as onderrigleier leef die visie van die skool voor, hoofsaaklik deur gedeelde waardes. Die meeste departementshoofde maak gebruik van refleksietegnieke vir begeleiding, maar verlang meer opleiding hierin. In hierdie studie is bevind dat die grootste voordeel van begeleiding daarin lê dat dit probleemoplossende denke stimuleer en nuwe onderrigmetodes aanleer. Begeleiding het bepaalde uitdagings en ewekniebegeleiding word veral deur sommige onderwysers as intimiderend en evaluerend beskou. Die studie het ook bevind dat departementshoofde beperkte tyd vir begeleiding het. Die studie maak laastens die nodige aanbevelings vir begeleiding na aanleiding van die literatuur en bevindinge van die studie. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Education Management and Policy Studies / MEd / Unrestricted

Oorsaaklikheid en oorganklikheid in Afrikaans : `n kognitiewe benadering

Zulu, Sylvia Phiwani January 2000 (has links)
Proefskrif ingelewer vir the Graad Doktor in die Lettere en Wysbegeerte aan die Universiteit van Zululand. = Submitted in fulfillment for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Literature and Languages at the University of Zululand, 2000. / Afr: In hierdie proefskrif doen ek verslag oor navorsing wat ek binne die raamwerk van die Kognitiewe Retoriek gedoen het oor die venvantskap tussen oorsaaklikheid en oorganklikheid in Afrikaans. Nadat ek die aard van oorsaaklikheid aan die hand van die jongste literatuur beskryfhet, het ek gewys hoe oorsaaklikheid saam met ander betekeniselemente soos beeldskemas, konseptuele melafore en semantiese rolle die grondslag vorm vir hoe die mens dink en praat oor die interaksies om hom wat hy oorganklike gebeure noem. = Engl: In this dissertation I am reporting the results of the research that I did within the framework of Cognitive Rhetoric regarding the relationship between causality and transitivity in Afrikaans. After describing the nature of causality based on the most recent literature in this regard, I demonstrate how causality, along with other elements of meaning such as image s enemas, conceptual metaphors and semantic roles form the basis of how humans think and-talk about the-interactions-around-them that they term transitive events. / National Research Foundation

‘n Verkenning van kognitiewe beheerterapie by ‘n adolessent met downsindroom (Afrikaans)

Van Jaarsveld, Jana 23 August 2005 (has links)
This study is an in-depth description of the application of Cognitive Control Therapy (CCT) in regard to an adolescent with Down syndrome. The literature review revealed a dearth of knowledge on the cognitive development and functioning of adolescents with Down syndrome. The interpretivist research paradigm was used as a philosophical basis for the qualitative case study that created an opportunity for close observation and critical reflection. The primary method of enquiry consisted of interliking therapeutic sessions during which CCT was applied as an intervention technique. The data generated through this process were verified in terms of recent literature, interviews and observations. The data analysis served to highlight the interactive relationship between such aspects as the adolescent’s genetic predisposition, as well as physical and psychological factors which to a large extent, influence the cognitive functioning and development, and therefore also the learning ability of the adolescent with Down syndrome. The findings show that the application of CCT resulted in an improvement (although limited) in the adolescent’s metacognitive abilities and distractibility and that there was a measure of transference in regard to the social and emotional domains. In conclusion, it appears that CCT was an effective intervention strategy for this adolescent because it accommodated his specific learning style. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Die invloed van adolessensie op die huweliksbevrediging van die ouers in die vroeë middeljare : 'n maatskaplike werk perspektief (Afrikaans)

Evert, Catharina Johanna 25 July 2005 (has links)
Afrikaans: Huwelike in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing word tans met radikale veranderings gekonfronteer. Beraders en terapeute word gekonfronteer met middeljarige huweliksmaats wat met verskeie probleme presenteer wat hulle huweliksverhouding beïnvloed. Dikwels het die egpaar kinders in die fase van adolessensie wat soms ook ‘n bron van konflik is, Die huweliksverhouding van die ouers moet egter op een of ander manier, hetsy positief of negatief, beïnvloed word deur die fase van adolessensie van die kinders, maar inligting in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks oor hierdie invloed kon nie opgespoor word nie. <-p> Die navorsingsprobleem is geformuleer op grond van die gesin wat deur twee veranderinge, naamlik die fase van adolessensie en die fase van die vroeë middeljare terselfdertyd beweeg. Hierdie tydperk in die gesin word ook aan 'n hoë egskeidingsyfer in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks herken. Dit is baie moeilik om die aanvang en beëindiging van die fase van adolessensie kronologies volgens In ouderdom te onderskei. Hierdie lewensfase het sy eie unieke individuele aanvang- en beeïndigingstyd vir elke adolessent. Die adolessente fase word in twee periodes verdeel. Dit blyk dat laat adolessensie (vanaf 15/16 jaar tot volwassenheid) 'n meer komplekse periode is as vroeë adolessensie (11 jaar tot 15/16 jaar) vanweë die meer gevorderde ontwikkelinge in die laat periode. Daar is 'n beduidende ooreenkoms dat die fase van adolessensie soortgelyk is as die fase van die vroeë middeljare aangesien beide deur seksuele- en identiteitskrisisse gaan, rolverdeling, emosionele aanpassing, herassessering van waardes- en finansiele probleme ervaar. Nes die fase van adolessensie kan daar teoreties na verskeie ouderdomme verwys word as poging om die middeljare af te baken. Hierdie Iewensfase kan egter ook nie in 'n presiese kronologiese ouderdom afgebaken word nie. Die literatuur dui aan dat die huweliksbevrediging van die egmaats in die fase van die vroeë middeljare wel meer negatief beïnvloed kan word deur die fase van adolessensie. Die doeI van hierdie ondersoek is om verkennende navorsing uit te voer na die invloed wat die fase van adolessensie op die huweliksbevrediging van die ouers in hulle vroee middeljare het. Die kwantitatiewe navorsingsproses is gevolg in die navorsing, alhoewel navorsingsmetodes uit beide die kwantitatiewe- en kwalitatiewe benaderings gebruik is. 'n Navorsingsvraag is soos volg geformuleer: Wat is die invloed wat die fase van adolessensie op die huweliksverhouding van die middeljarige ouers het? Die vraag was deur middel van die verkennende navorsingsontwerp en met behulp van gestandaardiseerde skale (kwantitatiewe data-insamelingsmetode) en aangesig-tot-aangesig onderhoude (kwalitatiewe data¬ihsamelingsmetode) ondersoek. Die kwantitatiewe data se resultate bestaan uit die verwerking van die respondente se biografiese gegewens, asook die gestandaardiseerde skale vir huwelikstevredenheid, -gesinsverhouding en ¬ouergesindheid. Die kwaltitatiewe data se resultate bestaan uit die verwerking van die aangesig-tot-aangesig onderhoude. Aile kwalitatiewe asook kwantitatiewe data het 'n ooreenkomstige antwoord op die navorsingsvraag verskaf. Hierdie data het aangedui dat die adolessent wel die ouers se huweliksverhouding beduidend meer negatief as positief beïnvloed. Verdere navorsing deur middel van in-diepte gevallestudies, asook navorsing met gesinne waar die adolessent in of die vroee of in die laat adolessensie is, word aanbeveel. English: Marriages within the South-African context are currently being confronted with radical changes. Counselors and therapists' are regularly being confronted with middle age marital partners who present with problems that have an effect on the marital relationship. In most cases, the marital couple has children in the phase of adolescence who are at times a source of conflict. The marital relationship of the parents is affected either positively or negatively through the children who are in a phase of adolescence, although information in the South-African context could not be found. The research problem is being formulated on the basis that these families are experiencing two changes at the same time, namely; the phase of adolescence and the phase of the early middle years. During this period, the family is also exposed to a high divorce rate in the South-African context. It is very difficult to separate the beginning and the end of the phase of adolescence on a chronological age. This life phase has it own unique individual beginning and end for each adolescent. The phase of adolescence can be divided into two periods. It seems that late adolescence (from 15/16 years to adulthood) is a more complex period compared to the early adolescence (11 years to 15/16 year), due to the more advanced development in the late period. There is a recognizable similarity between the phase of adolescence and the phase of early middle years because both phases are exposed to sexual- and identity crises, role changes, emotional adaptation, re¬assessment and problems regarding values and finances. Just like the phase of adolescence it is difficult to divide the middle years into specific age groups. It is therefore very difficult to add a precise chronological division to it. The literature shows that the marital satisfaction of marital couples who are in their early middle years is influence in a more negative way by the phase of adolescence. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the phase of adolescence on the marital satisfaction of the parents. The quantitative research process was followed during the research, however research methods from both the quantitative¬and the qualitative approaches were used. The research question was formulated as follow: What is the influence of the phase of adolescence on the marital satisfaction of the middle age parents. The question was researched by explorative research designs, by methods of standardized scales (quantitative data) and face-to-face interviews (qualitative data). The results of the quantitative data consist of analyzing the respondent's biographical information as well as the standardized scales for marital satisfaction, family relations and parental attitudes. The results of the qualitative data consist of the interpretation of the face-to-face interviews. All the quantitative- and qualitative results had a similar outcome in terms of the research question. This data proven that the adolescents influence their middle age parents marital satisfaction, more negatively than positively. Future research with in-depth case studies as well as research with families where the adolescents are either in the early or late stages of adolescence is proposed. / Dissertation (MA (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Die verhouding tussen verhaal en metafoor in Agaat (Marlene van Niekerk) / Hester Elzebet Venter

Venter, Hester Elzebet January 2009 (has links)
The novel Agaat by Marlene van Niekerk is a highly complex text. One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is the way in which the author constructs an underlying metaphorical grid which determines the composition of the novel. The motives in the novel cannot be regarded merely as motives because specific prominent and powerful metaphors are continually exploited by variation and extension. The complicated relationship between narrative and metaphor on different levels is of great importance in the interpretation of the novel. Due to the complexity of the text, the dominant metaphors cannot be analyzed in the traditional manner. In this study I want to demonstrate that conceptual blending theory, which can be regarded as a branch of conceptual metaphor theory, offers a theoretical framework that can be used to understand the underlying cognitive functioning of the interaction between author, text and reader. This dissertation will examine the processes of blending shaped from the mottos posted at the beginning of the novel. The three mottos, the music motto, the embroidery motto and the farming motto, act throughout the novel as a backdrop against which events in the novel can be interpreted. The blending formed from these mottos merge with other metaphors in the novel in order to generate meaning. The three mottos were taken from the introductions of the FAKVolksangbundel, the embroidery book Borduur so and the Hulpboek vir boere in Suid-Afrika. The three books are used by Milla to educate and teach Agaat. She uses the books to "create" Agaat and to mould her into the person that Milla wants her to be. The mottos stress the uplifting of the people and the creation of a true Afrikaner identity. Agaat accomplishes everything that the books require of her, she becomes an expert in the areas that determine the Afrikaner identity. However, as a brown woman, she is still not considered a member of community or as a fully acceptable civilized woman. The meanings of the other important metaphor in the novel, the mirror metaphor, are also investigated extensively. The mirror plays an important role in the relationship between Milla and Agaat. The mirror is also important in Milla's confrontation with herself, especially in her experience of her illness and her acceptance of her imminent death. The mirror is also used in the depiction of the relationship between characters and the experience of each other as the "Other". The blending of the mirror metaphor and the link that can be established with the theories of Lacan are part of one of the main blendings formed from the mirror metaphor. This metaphor also interacts with the embroidery metaphor. The mirror reflects images to the characters and via the characters to the readers which enforce moral judgments about perceptions and practices. The final part of the dissertation analyses how the dominant metaphors, namely music, embroidery, farming and the mirror, blend in multiple ways in the text to create new domains of meaning. The four main metaphors also blend with secondary metaphors in the novel in order to generate meaning. One of the important secondary metaphors is the "waterhondjies". The "waterhondjies" blend with Guido Gezelle's poem "Het Schrijverke". There is also emphasis on the relationship between writing and the "waterhondjies". The blending of the caeser butterfly plays an important role in the novel as well. In the final chapter the statement is made that the metaphors and symbols in Agaat cannot merely be regarded and interpreted as traditional motives, but rather as examples of cognitive blending. The types of blending in the novel require the cooperation of the reader in all cases. The reader must, in some cases, as with the mirror metaphor and the metaphor of the "waterhondjies", identify and activate the second domain of the blend. In the case of the mottos the different domains of the blend are activated by the author and the reader only needs to provide an interpretation. At the end of the dissertation the conclusion is made that the blending theory offers a suitable method and terminology to analyze the complex processes of generating meaning in the novel. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010

Die verhouding tussen verhaal en metafoor in Agaat (Marlene van Niekerk) / Hester Elzebet Venter

Venter, Hester Elzebet January 2009 (has links)
The novel Agaat by Marlene van Niekerk is a highly complex text. One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is the way in which the author constructs an underlying metaphorical grid which determines the composition of the novel. The motives in the novel cannot be regarded merely as motives because specific prominent and powerful metaphors are continually exploited by variation and extension. The complicated relationship between narrative and metaphor on different levels is of great importance in the interpretation of the novel. Due to the complexity of the text, the dominant metaphors cannot be analyzed in the traditional manner. In this study I want to demonstrate that conceptual blending theory, which can be regarded as a branch of conceptual metaphor theory, offers a theoretical framework that can be used to understand the underlying cognitive functioning of the interaction between author, text and reader. This dissertation will examine the processes of blending shaped from the mottos posted at the beginning of the novel. The three mottos, the music motto, the embroidery motto and the farming motto, act throughout the novel as a backdrop against which events in the novel can be interpreted. The blending formed from these mottos merge with other metaphors in the novel in order to generate meaning. The three mottos were taken from the introductions of the FAKVolksangbundel, the embroidery book Borduur so and the Hulpboek vir boere in Suid-Afrika. The three books are used by Milla to educate and teach Agaat. She uses the books to "create" Agaat and to mould her into the person that Milla wants her to be. The mottos stress the uplifting of the people and the creation of a true Afrikaner identity. Agaat accomplishes everything that the books require of her, she becomes an expert in the areas that determine the Afrikaner identity. However, as a brown woman, she is still not considered a member of community or as a fully acceptable civilized woman. The meanings of the other important metaphor in the novel, the mirror metaphor, are also investigated extensively. The mirror plays an important role in the relationship between Milla and Agaat. The mirror is also important in Milla's confrontation with herself, especially in her experience of her illness and her acceptance of her imminent death. The mirror is also used in the depiction of the relationship between characters and the experience of each other as the "Other". The blending of the mirror metaphor and the link that can be established with the theories of Lacan are part of one of the main blendings formed from the mirror metaphor. This metaphor also interacts with the embroidery metaphor. The mirror reflects images to the characters and via the characters to the readers which enforce moral judgments about perceptions and practices. The final part of the dissertation analyses how the dominant metaphors, namely music, embroidery, farming and the mirror, blend in multiple ways in the text to create new domains of meaning. The four main metaphors also blend with secondary metaphors in the novel in order to generate meaning. One of the important secondary metaphors is the "waterhondjies". The "waterhondjies" blend with Guido Gezelle's poem "Het Schrijverke". There is also emphasis on the relationship between writing and the "waterhondjies". The blending of the caeser butterfly plays an important role in the novel as well. In the final chapter the statement is made that the metaphors and symbols in Agaat cannot merely be regarded and interpreted as traditional motives, but rather as examples of cognitive blending. The types of blending in the novel require the cooperation of the reader in all cases. The reader must, in some cases, as with the mirror metaphor and the metaphor of the "waterhondjies", identify and activate the second domain of the blend. In the case of the mottos the different domains of the blend are activated by the author and the reader only needs to provide an interpretation. At the end of the dissertation the conclusion is made that the blending theory offers a suitable method and terminology to analyze the complex processes of generating meaning in the novel. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010

Pastors as gewonde genesers : emosionele intelligensie en pastoraat (Afrikaans)

Nolte, Stephanus Philippus 23 May 2008 (has links)
This is a qualitative study born out of personal experiences throughout my life, including my 25 years of ministry. The theme of the study is relevant for pastors’ identity and ministry in a postmodern world. Many people, including pastors, suffer from emotional wounds. These wounds play a significant role in shaping pastors’ lives. Carl Jung’s conviction that analysts can help their patients in an effective way when they themselves are wounded healers and Henri Nouwen’s understanding of the wounded healer metaphor for pastoral care, are employed to discuss the theme of the study. Nouwen’s own spirituality plays a vital role in his unpacking of the metaphor. A fairly recent development in psychological circles, namely emotional intelligence, is employed as instrument to aid pastors in becoming aware of their emotional wounds. This study argues that pastors who are emotionally intelligent wounded healers will be better able to guide and sustain others towards healing. Chapter 1 presents the reason for undertaking the study. It is argued that pastors experience cognitive dissonance as a consequence of the shift from a modern to a postmodern paradigm. Theological traditions and concepts concerning Biblical authority, play a vital role in the experience of cognitive dissonance. The interpretation of Jesus as “the human face of God” is presented as a model for pastors’ relationships to others. A survey of relevant literature in pastoral theology and pastoral care is followed by a description of the value of autobiographical biblical criticism for pastoral care. Because Carl Jung used the wounded healer metaphor to describe analysts’ disposition in therapeutic situations, chapter 2 explores the value of Jung’s psychology for the theme of the study. The wounded healer metaphor Jung used goes back to an ancient Greek myth. Therefore mythology, theories of myth and the value of myths for pastoral care are discussed. Chapter 3 investigates Henri Nouwen’s interpretation of the wounded healer metaphor as related in a Talmudic tractate. The relevance of several of his works to the theme of the study, especially The wounded healer, is discussed. Chapter 4 is concerned with the way in which concepts about God influence the way pastors think about the Bible, people and authority. The study argues that a “soft” authority is congruent with the way in which Jesus interpreted God as his Father. Various other metaphors for God are related to the theme of the study as well. The concept of emotional intelligence and its relevance to the theme of the study is expounded in chapter 5. Different theories of the concept are discussed and the choice for the theory of John Mayer, Peter Salovey and David Caruso is motivated. The chapter shows the value of intelligent processing of emotions for pastors’ personal lives and their ministry. Chapter 6 presents the findings of the study and concludes with a short autobiographical description of my own position. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Die invloed van ‘n studiebegeleidingsprogram op die lokus van kontrole van studente

Laubscher, Leswin Robert January 1991 (has links)
Magister Artium (Social Work) - MA(SW) / Julian Rotter (1966, 1975) het die persoonlikheidskonstruk lokus van kontrole beskryf as die mate waartoe.die individu glo dat versterking die gevolg is van sy eie gedrag (interne lokus van kontrole) of die gevolg is van gelukkige toeval, kans, of die noodlot (eksterne lokus van kontrole) . Sedert Rotter (1966) die konstruk "lokus van kontrole" gedefinieer en as integrale komponent van sy sosiale leerteorie voorgestel het, het velerlei navorsers ook hierdie konstruk indringend ondersoek en met talle aspekte in verband probeer bring. Een van die veranderlikes wat veral aandag geniet het, is akademiese prestasie en die verband wat ditmet lokus van kontrole sou toon. Alhoewel daar nie ooreenstemming bestaan met betrekking tot hierdie verband nie, blyk dit asof die meerderheid navorsers wel bevind dat 'n interne lokus van kontrole verband hou met hoê akademiese prestasie (byvoorbeeld Kishor, 1983; Maqsud, 1980; Messer, 1972). Verskeie tersiêre inrigtings (waaronder die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland, waar hierdie studie beslag vind) bied dan ook studiebegeleidingsprogramme aan ten einde studente van studievaardighede te voorsien wat hulle in staat sou stelom akademies beter te presteer. Hierdie programme neem egter selde persoonlikheidsveranderlikes in aanmerking en fokus veel eerder op die verskaffing van studiewenke en -vaardighede. Hierdie studie het dus In unieke studiebegeleidingsprogram probeer ontwerp wat In interne lokus van kontrole by die deelnemende proefpersone wil bevorder. Dit is dan die primêre studiebegeleidingsprogram van die U.W.K. te evalueer ten opsigte van die invloed daarvan op die persoonlikheidskonstruk lokus van kontrole by die deelnemende proefpersone. Sekondêre doelstellings behels die volgende ii) om die samehang tussen die konstruk lokus van kontrole met die volgende veranderlikes te bepaal: a) Geslag b) Geografiese herkoms, naamlik plattelandse vs. stedelike studente • c) Ouderdom d) Sosio-ekonomiese status e) Studierigting f) Taalgroep g) Politieke betrokkenheid, organisatoriese affiliasie en organisatoriese betrokkenheid h) Akademiese prestasie i) Akademiese studiejaar iii) om vergelykings te tref met Westerse navorsingsbevindinge Die huidige studie was ondersoekend van aard weens die afwesigheid van soortgelyke voorafgaande navorsing. In Voortoets-natoets kontrole groep-ontwerp is gebruik om die verband tussen lokus van kontrole en die studiebegeleidingsprogram na te vors. Altesaam Proefpersone het aan die ondersoek deelgeneem Collins (1974) se aanpassing van Rotter (1966) se interneeksterne lokus van kontrole skaal is as meetmiddel gebruik. Herdie skaal het deel gevorm van In vraelys wat ook informasie ingewin het omtrent die persoon huistaal, studiedoelstellings, se geslag, politieke studentestatus, betrokkenheid, betrokkenheid, organisatoriese affiliasie, organisatoriese akademiese prestasie en geografiese herkoms. Die resultate van die huidige navorsing het aangedui dat daar geen beduidende verband bestaan tussen die lokus van kontrole geneigdheid van die proefpersone en die ervaring van die studiebegeleidingsprogram nie. Die huidige navorsing het voorts geen verband gevind waar dit die samehang van lokus van kontrole en die veranderlikes van geslag, geografiese herkoms, ouderdom, sosio-ekonomiese status, studierigting, taalgroep, politieke affiliasie, en organisatoriese betrokkenheid aangaan nie. Beduidende verbande is wel bespeur ten opsigte van die lokus van kontrole-tellings van manlike en vroulike proefpersone wat In Afrika-taal besig, asook ten opsigte van die veranderlikes politieke betrokkenheid, akademiese prestasie en akademiese studiejaar. Hierdie bevindinge is bespreek met verwysing na die geneigdheid van die proefpersone en die ervaring van die studiebegeleidingsprogram nie. Die huidige navorsing het voorts geen verband gevind waar dit die samehang van lokus van kontrole en die veranderlikes van geslag, geografiese herkoms, ouderdom, sosio-ekonomiese status, studierigting, taalgroep, politieke affiliasie, en organisatoriese betrokkenheid aangaan nie. Beduidende verbande is wel bespeur ten opsigte van die lokus van kontrole-tellings van manlike en vroulike proefpersone wat In Afrika-taal besig, asook ten opsigte van die veranderlikes politieke betrokkenheid, akademiese prestasie en akademiese studiejaar. Literatuuroorsig, asook met inagneming van die unieke aard van die studentebevolking aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland. Die unieke suid-Afrikaanse sosio-politieke realiteit is ook in aanmerking geneem. Ten slotte word sekere aanbevelings gemaak met die oog op verdere navorsing .

Die representasie van veelfasettige manlikheidsbeelde in Eben Venter se romanoeuvre / Stefanus van Zyl

Van Zyl, Stefanus January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the representation of masculine imagos in the South African novelist Eben Venter’s novel oeuvre and more specifically on the multifaceted nature of Venter’s delineation of masculinity. His novels Foxtrot van die Vleiseters (1993), Ek stamel ek sterwe (1996) (translated into English as My beautiful death ((2004)) and Santa Gamka (2009) were selected to represent Venter’s novel oeuvre. The male protagonist in each novel may be viewed as typical representations of masculine imagos in his novels. The workability of cognitive narratology as a literary approach to analyse and interpret novels is tested by identifying the frames and scripts within the selected novels. Cognitive frames in narratives are those backdrops against which the events take place, while the actions executed by the characters are read as cognitive scripts. These scripts create the projected masculinity imagos of the male protagonists. When reading the novels, the reader is confronted with various cognitive choices of which three are especially important. The first is the choice to discard existing ideas and perceptions in order to make room for new ideas and perceptions. The second choice is to modify existing ideas and adjust them by means of the cognitive processing of information in the novels. The last choice entails the total rejection of the new ideas. Irrespective of the cognitive processes that occur during the reading process, the representation of masculinity in the novels will inevitably have an effect on the way in which the reader will experience masculinity in future. In the characters of Petrus Steenekamp (Foxtrot van die Vleiseters), Konstant Wasserman (Ek stamel ek sterwe) and Lucky Marais (Santa Gamka) Venter illustrates the complexity of the masculinity issue due to the cultural, social and political frames with which people are encoded. This encoding is also reflected in the scripts that are determined by the characters’ behaviour and actions. Venter demonstrates sensitivity and compassion for all the characters in his novels and his representation of masculinity instils sensitivity and compassion in readers. This instilment will most probably create a better understanding of masculinity, as well as humanity, within the cognition of the reader. The most important finding is that it is indeed possible to use cognitive narratology as literary approach to analyse and interpret the chosen novels in order to make valid conclusions – in this case with regard to the complex delineation of multifaceted masculine imagos within Eben Venter’s novel oeuvre. Further deductions include those made about the appearance of different images of masculinity within Venter’s novel oeuvre and especially how the farm frame and the father/son relationship frame manifest prominently in Venter’s novels. / MA (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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