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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza bankovního produktu se zaměřením na studentské konto

Kopecká, Iva January 2007 (has links)
V magisterské práci byl proveden marketingový výzkum studentských kont nabízených bankami na českém trhu. Byly analyzovány faktory, podle kterých se studenti rozhodují při výběru konta. Na základě této analýzy a analýzy konkurence bylo navrženo konto Independent. Konto je založeno na svobodném výběru jednotlivých prvků studentského konta, které jsou uspořádány do pyramidy. V každém patře pyramidy konta si student podle předem stanoveného schématu volí balíčky služeb. Výsledkem je, že si klient může navrhnout své konto podle svých představ a neplatí za služby, které nepotřebuje.

Flexikonto v rámci Škoda Auto a.s. / Flexible working hours account within the Škoda Auto a.s.

Bydžovská, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my master`s thesis was to approach the issue of working hours as one of the most important working conditions, and its special arrangements known as flexible working hours account. The basis of working hours is contained the Labour Code 262/2006. Working hours are often decisive factor for selecting employment. Mothers welcome the opportunity to negotiate a shorter working time. They can properly take care of their children as well as go to work. Today is very popular flexible working hours. The thesis is devoted to working hours, both at an international and European level. These regulations have a considerable influence on the Czech regulation of working time. ILO conventions have priority over the Czech law. From the 1st May 2004 is the Czech Republic member of the European Union and it implies an obligation to bring Czech legal regulation into conformity with European Union regulation. For regulation of working hours are important judgements of the European Court of Justice. The most important judgements are mentioned in the thesis (e.g. Jaeger, SIMAP). These judgements had big influence on definitions of working hours in Labour Codes of the Member States. Czech Labour Code respects these decisions as well as the Council Directive 2003/88/EC on some aspects of organization of the...

Marketingová strategie specifického produktu / The Marketing Strategy of Specific Product

Fasselová, Iva January 2009 (has links)
This Master Thesis describes marketing strategy of G2 Student Account that was adopted by Komerční banka, a.s. in 2007. Despite a strong competition , within a year after its launch the bank became a market leader in student accounts segment. Objectives of this work are to introduce theoretical approaches to marketing strategy creation, to depict activities connected to launching a particular marketing strategy and last but not least, to evaluate its results and propose possible corrections.

Platsledningens påverkan att minska avvikelser i ett byggprojekt : En fallstudie i ekonomiska avvikelser och platsledningens påverkan på utfallet / The influence of the site management to reduce deviations in construction projects : A case study of the economic deviations and the effect of the site management outcome

Göransson, Filip, Hesselstrand, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet är en fallstudie där en undersökning utförs kring varför det verkliga utfallet överstiger produktionskalkylen i ett byggprojekt och hur platsledingen kan påverka utfallet.   Syftet med arbetet är att belysa vikten av en väl fungerande platsledning samt vikten av att ta fram noggranna kalkyler för att hålla budgeten i ett byggprojekt. Detta uppnås genom en fallstudie där ekonomiska avvikelser identifieras och orsaker till dessa fastställs. Orsakerna till avvikelserna kategoriserades enligt följande: Kalkyleringsfel Kontofel Ändring av metod Tillval Hantering De resultat som uppnåtts visar att den största orsaken till avvikelser sker på grund av felkalkylering, följt av metodbyte. Den största enskilda orsaken fastställdes som kalkylering av systemform, som används vid gjutning av betong. I snitt ökade kostnaden med 340 % vilket resulterat i en felräkningskostnad om ca 870 000: -.  Vidare fastställdes att platsledningen kan påverka de totala avvikelserna i ett byggprojekt med ca 40 %. Sammanställning av den intervju som genomfördes för platsledningen på de granskade projekten visar att den största orsaken till avvikelser ligger i bristande projektering. De rekommendationer som ges är att vara konsekvent vid kontering så att rätt kostnad hamnar på rätt konto, det förenklar avstämningar och prognoser.  Arbeta för en dynamiskgrupp där det finns ledaregenskaper, administrativa kunskaper och byggtekniska kunskaper. / The thesis is a case study in which a survey is carried out on why the actual result exceeds production estimate of construction projects and how the site management can affect the outcome. The aim is to highlight the importance of a well-functioning site management and the importance of obtaining accurate calculations in order to keep the budget in a construction project. This is achieved through a case study where economic deviations are identified and causes of these sets. The causes of deviations were categorized as follows: Calculation errors Account error Change in method  Option Management The results obtained show that the major cause of deviations is due to miscalculation, followed by the change in method. The biggest single cause was identified as costing systems form, which is used in casting of concrete. The average cost increased by 340% which resulted in a miscalculation by 870 000:-. Furthermore was determined that the site management has the authority to affect the total deviations of a construction project by about 40%. Summary of the interview, which was conducted for the site management on the projects audited shows that the biggest cause of deviations is the lack of planning. The recommendations given are to be consistent in posting, so that the right cost is at the correct account, it simplifies reconciliation and predictions. Working for a dynamic group where there are leadership skills, administrative skills and build technical knowledge.

Personligt konto för hälsoinformation / Personal Health Record

Frisell, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet undersöker det personliga kontot för hälsoinformation (PHR) som alla medborgare i Sverige ska erbjudas. Detta efter ett beslut från Socialdeparte-mentet att genomföra en upphandling genom Apotekens Service AB. Upphandlingen är vid tiden för denna rapports färdigställande ännu inte genomförd vilket den var planerad att vara.Målet med examensarbetet är att på uppdrag av Mawell undersöka vilka affärsmöjlig-heter lanseringen av en nationellt tillhandahållen tjänst för PHR, och det ekosystem för applikationer och tjänster, förväntas leda till. Men också implementera två tjänster som visar konceptet med hur en tjänst kan användas för att skapa nytta för en utvald målgrupp.Under arbetet genomfördes litteraturstudier samt intervjuer med olika målgrupper. Syftet med intervjuerna var att identifiera vilka problem och behov dessa har i sina verksam-heter för att sedan analysera samt ge förslag på hur tjänster utvecklade för PHR kan utformas för att lösa dessa.Resultatet av undersökningen är ett antal olika tjänsteförslag baserade på målgruppernas problem och behov samt två tjänsteimplementationer. Rapporten ger även Mawell förslag på en tänkbar fortsättning på arbetet. / This thesis investigates the personal account for health information (PHR) that every citizen in Sweden will be offered. The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has made a decision to conduct a public procurement through Apotekens Service AB. The pro-curement was not finalized at the time of this report.The goal of this thesis is to on behalf of Mawell investigate what business opportunities the launching of a nationally provided service for PHR, and the ecosystem for applica-tions and services, is expected to result in, but also to implement two services to demonstrate the concept of how a service could be used to create benefits for a selected target group.During the thesis work a literature study and interviews with different target groups were performed. The purpose with the interviews was to identify different problems that the target group have in their operations and then analyze and give a proposal to how services developed for PHR could solve the problems.The result of the investigation is proposed services based on the different problems and needs of the targets groups and two service implementations. The report also gives Mawell proposal to how they could continue this work further.

Flexibilní formy pracovní doby / Flexible forms of working hours

Kuncová, Gabriela January 2010 (has links)
66 Abstract - Flexible forms of working hours This diploma thesis deals with the flexible forms of working hours and its goal is to describe this issue in intelligible and comprehensive way. It is being very interesting and current theme which is to a great extent not subject to direct legal regulations and provides its contracting parties with a big amount of freedom of contract. This fact assists in bigger flexibilization of labour market and represents a significant instrument in the fight against unemployment and economic crisis. This thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One introduces the term flexible forms of working hours and briefly describes the content of following chapters. Chapter Two delimits the area of labour law in relation to other branches of law and describes law principles relating to labour law. The following Chapter Three deals with legal regulations of working hours, its length, ways of allotment and international legal regulations. Chapter Four represents an introduction to the flexible forms of working hours. The basic methods of division of flexibility in the relation to the labour market are mentioned here as well as flexible forms of work are divided on the basis of typology which is used in this diploma thesis. This chapter is followed by Chapter Five, which is the most...

Ditt liv genom andras ögon : En kvalitativ studie om yngre kvinnors personliga integritet på Instagram / Your life through the eyes of others : A qualitative study about the privacy of younger women on Instagram

Persson, Frida, Eriksson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Since social media is used more today than just a few years ago, it is easier to share our lives to the public in just a few seconds. Social media is easily accessible on smartphones, tablets and computers which allow us users to use them whenever we want. Instagram is an example of a very popular social media today. In this paper we focus on how younger women think about their privacy when using and publishing pictures on Instagram. We have been using a qualitative research method in which ten people were interviewed. All respondents agreed that privacy is important when publishing pictures or videos on Instagram, but there were also some differences between users with public and private accounts. This study’s result demonstrate that previous experience of risk associated with sharing private information and user's purpose of sharing on social media, affects younger women's ways of thinking about their privacy on Instagram. This is because previous experience of risks affects the user's trust towards a social network, which often determines what purpose the user has by sharing. The purpose of sharing may in many cases outweigh the risks associated with the partition itself, when likes, comments, and an increased number of followers encourage the user to continue with its behavior.

Návrh informačního systému / Information System Proposal

Výmola, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Because of a growing number of services offered by the Masaryk University to its students, and because of the ever-changing legislation of the Czech Republic, a need for an implementation of a new information system, capable of processing payments for university’s services, has arisen. The goal of this thesis is to analyse the current condition of payments at the university, consider users’ demands, choose an appropriate information system and project its implementation. It is utterly necessary to keep the costs of implementation at acceptable levels and above all the system must be able to be operated without the need for new employees. The proposed system must be universal because of various natures of services offered and goods sold, as well as it must be efficient. It is required that the system will be able to handle the growth of both number of clients and provided services.

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