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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gone With the Headwind. Characterizing Erosion Using Lattice-Boltzmann Method : and its Implication in Planet Formation

Cedenblad, Lukas January 2019 (has links)
Erosion has a long history in science and is used in many different fields today, for example in geology for coastal erosion and in the oil industry for pipe erosion. It is very difficult to study erosion both analytically. Numerically it is difficult due to moving and shape-changing boundaries. Here we develop a numerical model in 3D using the Lattice-Boltzmann method, which is good at simulating complex moving boundaries, and erosion capabilities are implemented. Both laminar and turbulent flow can be modelled with this program. Using an experimentally derived model for the mass change due to erosion in clay and mud-type objects, one can derive equations predicting that the volume of a sphere should, due to erosion, scale as V ∼ −t2. This is also observed with simulations. The shapes of a double sphere with different orientations and a cube in laminar flow we find to have similar power law exponent P, P = 2±0.1. But a cube eroding in Re = 800 had no power law behaviour, meaning that the current analytical framework is incomplete. The possibility of a more general framework is presented for future research. Different Reynolds number also affected the power law behaviour and the shape change over time for the different solids. Very little research has been made for erosion of planetesimals, but it has been argued that erosion can be relevant to their fate. Using the same erosion model, an equation of the erosion time is found for laminar flows and for a sphere. Simulation results find that the equation works within an order of magnitude for turbulent flows, a double sphere and a cube. This gives an estimate of the erosion time t∗ of planetesimals to be t∗ ∼ 1s, given a size of radius equal to 10cm and 1km, an orbital eccentricity e > 10−2 and a distance at r = 1 a.u. Implying that orbits for planetesimals with low eccentricity might be favoured.

Galaxy clusters and cosmic voids in modified gravity scenarios

Castello, Sveva January 2019 (has links)
The so-called 'cosmic web', comprising cosmic voids and galaxy clusters, has been proven to be extremely sensitive to deviations from General Relativity. This could be further investigated by future large-scale surveys, such as with the European Space Agency satellite Euclid. In this study, the parameter |fR0| from f(R) gravity is constrained by considering the Euclid survey specications to predict the observed numbers of voids and clusters in bins of redshift, mass and, only for voids, density contrast. From these values, the Fisher matrix is computed for three values of |fR0|, 10-4, 10-6 and 10-8, by assuming a flat Universe with a component that mimics the cosmological constant. The probability density functions are obtained for |fR0| and seven other parameters from the fiducial model considered (ns, h, Ωb, Ωm, σ8, w0 and wa).

Effect of chameleons on the mass of a galaxy cluster

Roca Vich, Isabel January 2019 (has links)
Chameleons are scalar fields coming from modied gravity theories and can be possible explanations for Dark Energy. They cause a fifth force and have a screening mechanism which allows this force to avoid solar system constraints. In this thesis, astrophysical consequences of the potential presence of the chameleon field will be studied. More precisely, the difference between the hydrostatical and the weak lensing mass of galaxy clusters due to the effect of the chameleon fifth force is discussed.

The Variability of the R Magnitude in Dynamical Models of AGB Stars

Brogan, Roisin January 2019 (has links)
This report will first give a brief background on asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and the characteristics that make them interesting to study. Some methods and tools used in the field are then introduced, before the photometric variability of these stars is investigated. This is achieved by using data from dynamical models of AGB stars with differing chemical abundances. The R, J and K bands of the UBVRI system are specifcally investigated to explore whether these are good candidates for AGB photometric and spectroscopic research. Lastly, the molecular features at these wavelengths are investigated to understand the impact that they have on the photometric variability during the pulsation cycle and which molecules are most prominent in this.

Influence of the Martian regolith on the atmospheric methane and water vapour cycle

Weinmann, Julian January 2019 (has links)
Context. The Martian methane and water cycle are subject of ongoing research through simulation. Exchange with the subsurface has a potentially strong impact, but is often neglected. Aims. For methane, I determine if adsorption with an increased enthalpy can explain the observed seasonal variations and conflicting observations by the Trace Gas Orbiter and the Curiosity rover. For water, the impact of adsorption and ice formation in the subsurface on the global cycle is studied. A new way of initializing the soil, by running a decoupled subsurface model, is tested. Depths of stable subsurface ice and subsurface water distributions are studied. Methods. A General Circulation Model (GCM) is used with a purely diffusive subsurface model. For methane, different initial states, source scenarios, and decay times are tested. For water, a model without an active atmosphere is implemented to provide an initial state. The effect of the subsurface with this initial state on the full atmospheric water cycle is tested. Results. For methane, a strong influence on the global methane cycle is observed. Seasonal variations measured at Gale Crater are reproduced, but the conflicting observations cannot be explained by adsorption. For water, the new initialization can be used without completely disrupting the water cycle. It leads to a generally wetter atmosphere, in conflict with observations. Found ice table depths do not match well with observations, but ice profiles reproduce previous findings. Conclusion. Methane adsorption is able to partly explain observed variations, but cannot be the only process to influence methane abundances. The new initialization method for water works well in principle, but a more refined model is needed for more realistic results.

Martinus andliga vetenskap

Wesslén, Per Erik January 2006 (has links)
<p>I min uppsats vill jag undersöka Martinus andliga vetenskap, försöka klargöra på vilket sätt den egentligen är vetenskap – om den överhuvudtaget kan sägas vara det. Är det en kvalitativ eller en kvantitativ vetenskapsmodell Martinus presenterar? Efter att ha analyserat Martinus texter kan jag konstatera att det finns vissa problem och paradoxer i denna andliga vetenskap.</p><p>Martinus menade att dagens materialistiska vetenskap är totalt bristfällig. Martinus var själv oskolad, och stoltserade närmast med att vara obeläst. Han använder således inte termerna kvalitativ eller kvantitativ vetenskap. Martinus avfärdar den akademiska vetenskapen som sådan, så som han uppfattar den. Men i själva verket finns det ju inte bara en sorts vetenskap. Olika ämnesområden följer olika vetenskapsmodeller, men även ett och samma ämnesområde kan studeras utifrån olika vetenskapsteorier och metoder.</p><p>Jag kommer i min uppsats att diskutera Martinus vetenskapskritik, och den vetenskapstro han menar att de etablerade moderna vetenskapsmännen ägnar sig åt. Samtidigt vill jag diskutera Martinus troskritik, och dessutom kritiskt granska den vetenskapstro som finns hos Martinus själv – hans ”tro” på sin egen vetenskap.</p><p>Martinus ägnar sig, paradoxalt nog, rätt mycket åt just ”tro”, i sin vilja att besegra densamma. Dock verkar Martinus vara delvis omedveten om problemet själv, och dessutom har tidigare forskning i ämnet helt missat, negligerat, eller helt enkelt inte insett det stora problem som finns här.</p>

Svarta hål i Vintergatan : Mörk materia, gravitationslinser och MACHOs

Höglund Aldrin, Ronja January 2009 (has links)
<p>Ett av de mest notoriska dilemman i dagens kosmologi är den mörka materians natur och dess förekomst i universum. Mot bakgrund av detta har nya forskningsdiscipliner med rötterna i Einsteins relativitetsteori växt fram, bl.a. teorin om gravitationslinser som möjliggör en indirekt observationsmetod av ljussvaga kompakta objekt som annars skulle vara mycket svåra eller omöjliga att upptäcka på traditionella vis, såsom svarta hål.</p><p>Via en genomgång av grundteorin för gravitationslinser, några enkla teoretiska studier och en grundläggande felmarginalsanalys illustreras hur olika typer av kompakta objekt i Vintergatans omedelbara omgivning kan ge upphov till vissa karakteristiska linsfenomen. Detta sätts i relation till rådande teorier om den tidigaste stjärnbildningen och de massiva kompakta rester som denna generation av mycket massiva stjärnor bör ha efterlämnat – i synnerhet <em>intermediära svarta hål</em> med massor på 100-1000 M<sub>sol</sub> som ännu kan finnas i dagens mörka galaxhalor. Sådana objekt kan komma att upptäckas i betydligt högre grad i framtiden med de observationstekniker som är under utveckling idag. </p> / <p>One of the most notorious dilemmas in cosmology today is the nature of dark matter and its distribution in the universe. Due to this, new research disciplines originating from Einstein’s theory of relativity have emerged, among them the theory of gravitational lensing which makes it possible to indirectly observe faint compact objects that would otherwise be very difficult or impossible to discover with traditional means, up to and including black holes.</p><p>Through a rundown of the basic theory of gravitational lensing, a couple of simple theoretical models and an elementary error analysis, it is illustrated how different types of compact objects in the immediate vicinity of the Milky Way can yield various characteristic lensing phenomena. This is put in relation to contemporary theories regarding the earliest star formation and the massive compact remnants this generation of very massive stars should have left behind – particularly <em>intermediate black holes</em> with masses of 100-1000 M<sub>sun</sub> that may still be found in dark galactic halos of today. Such objects can contribute to future observations carried out with the observational technology being developed at present.</p>

Observations of distant supernovae and cosmological implications

Amanullah, Rahman January 2006 (has links)
Type Ia supernovae can be used as distance indicators for probing the expansion history of the Universe. The method has proved to be an efficient tool in cosmology and played a decisive role in the discovery of a yet unknown energy form, dark energy, that drives the accelerated expansion of the Universe. The work in this thesis addresses the nature of dark energy, both by presenting existing data, and by predicting opportunities and difficulties related to possible future data. Optical and infrared measurements of type Ia supernovae for different epochs in the cosmic expansion history are presented along with a discussion of the systematic errors. The data have been obtained with several instruments, and an optimal method for measuring the lightcurve of a background contaminated source has been used. The procedure was also tested by applying it on simulated images. The future of supernova cosmology, and the target precision of cosmological parameters for the proposed SNAP satellite are discussed. In particular, the limits that can be set on various dark energy scenarios are investigated. The possibility of distinguishing between different inverse power-law quintessence models is also studied. The predictions are based on calculations made with the Supernova Observation Calculator, a software package, introduced in the thesis, for simulating the light propagation from distant objects. This tool has also been used for investigating how SNAP observations could be biased by gravitational lensing, and to what extent this would affect cosmology fitting. An alternative approach for estimating cosmological parameters, where lensing effects are taken into account, is also suggested. Finally, it is investigated to what extent strongly lensed core-collapse supernovae could be used as an alternative approach for determining cosmological parameters.

Aspects of spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmology

Isaksson, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, after a general introduction, we first review some differential geometry to provide the mathematical background needed to derive the key equations in cosmology. Then we consider the Robertson-Walker geometry and its relationship to cosmography, i.e., how one makes measurements in cosmology. We finally connect the Robertson-Walker geometry to Einstein's field equation to obtain so-called cosmological Friedmann-Lemaître models. These models are subsequently studied by means of potential diagrams.

Martinus andliga vetenskap

Wesslén, Per Erik January 2006 (has links)
I min uppsats vill jag undersöka Martinus andliga vetenskap, försöka klargöra på vilket sätt den egentligen är vetenskap – om den överhuvudtaget kan sägas vara det. Är det en kvalitativ eller en kvantitativ vetenskapsmodell Martinus presenterar? Efter att ha analyserat Martinus texter kan jag konstatera att det finns vissa problem och paradoxer i denna andliga vetenskap. Martinus menade att dagens materialistiska vetenskap är totalt bristfällig. Martinus var själv oskolad, och stoltserade närmast med att vara obeläst. Han använder således inte termerna kvalitativ eller kvantitativ vetenskap. Martinus avfärdar den akademiska vetenskapen som sådan, så som han uppfattar den. Men i själva verket finns det ju inte bara en sorts vetenskap. Olika ämnesområden följer olika vetenskapsmodeller, men även ett och samma ämnesområde kan studeras utifrån olika vetenskapsteorier och metoder. Jag kommer i min uppsats att diskutera Martinus vetenskapskritik, och den vetenskapstro han menar att de etablerade moderna vetenskapsmännen ägnar sig åt. Samtidigt vill jag diskutera Martinus troskritik, och dessutom kritiskt granska den vetenskapstro som finns hos Martinus själv – hans ”tro” på sin egen vetenskap. Martinus ägnar sig, paradoxalt nog, rätt mycket åt just ”tro”, i sin vilja att besegra densamma. Dock verkar Martinus vara delvis omedveten om problemet själv, och dessutom har tidigare forskning i ämnet helt missat, negligerat, eller helt enkelt inte insett det stora problem som finns här.

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