1001 |
La traduzione della metafora nelle novelle di William H. GassMonti, Enrico <1976> 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Il simbolismo delle gemme nell'ambito imperialeAvgoloupi, Eleftheria <1975> 07 July 2011 (has links)
Le vesti e le insegne degli imperatori nonché degli alti dignitari, sono ornate e “appesantite” da pietre preziose, lì disposte non a caso. Esse spesso divengono emblemi dei personaggi che le portano e offrono loro virtù e qualità che spesso si ricollegano anche a caratteristiche di alto valore ideologico.
Già dai tempi pre-biblici le pietre sono considerate creature vive, messe in corrispondenza con gli astri, secondo la dottrina della simpathia. Questa concezione perdura anche nel Medioevo: infatti, nei vari lapidari vi sono pietre capaci di generare, e pietre “incinte”; esistono pietre dalle virtù talismaniche e taumaturgiche; altre guariscono, allontanano i mali, ottengono il favore dei potenti, consentono di portare a felice compimento tutto quel che si intraprende; rendono eloquenti, simpatici, graditi.
Tornando all’ambito imperiale, l’imperatore per governare deve manifestare qualità che vengono condivise anche da Dio, quali la filantrophia, l’eunomia; rispettare la taxis; essere capace di autocontrollo; mostrare pietà; essere filocristos, vittorioso, misericordioso; essere temperante e giusto. Alcune di queste qualità gli vengono offerte anche dall’uso delle pietre preziose; così ad esempio il diamante dà forza e coraggio: preserva l’integrità del carattere e la buona fede; il rubino allude alla fiamma della carità; lo zaffiro è simbolo della ricchezza e dei cieli, custode dell’innocenza e della verità; lo smeraldo è anche esso simbolo della fede e allude simbolicamente alla capacità di intuire e trasmettere il messaggio divino propria del personaggio che ne è adornato.
Le fonti prese in esame anche se vengono separate da un’arco di tempo grande e non rispecchiano un limite cronologico fisso, neccessario per ogni ricerca, tuttavia permettono di delineare il percorso evolutivo delle virtù delle gemme attraverso i secoli; e quindi di avere un’ idea molto più chiara sulla concezione delle pietre stesse, e su come, col passare degli anni, queste virtù si evolvono o svaniscono.
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El material didáctico para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en Italia: el papel de los elementos culturales en la construcción de la imagen de “lo hispánico”Nanetti, Valentina <1976> 14 October 2011 (has links)
In this work we examine the reference to cultural elements in a sample of 13 textbooks of Spanish as a foreign language for Italian students. The aim is to observe how they treat the cultural component in the particular context of Spanish language teaching to Italians. In this context, especially relevant issues are the linguistic and cultural proximity between Italy and Spain, and the present fascination for Spain, which has given rise to some interesting phenomena, among others, a massive emigration of Italian youths to Spain.
1004 |
Yves Bonnefoy traduttore di Shakespeare: il poeta e la prova del dialogoAmadori, Sara <1981> 15 September 2011 (has links)
Contemporary French poet Yves Bonnefoy has always been attracted by English poetry, especially by Shakespeare’s work. Translating Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets has been a fundamental experience for him. The contact with a different culture, a different language and a different sort of poetry has been an important moment in his poetic experience. The dialogue between the French and the Elizabethan poet, which started in the 1950s, hasn't stopped yet and it offers some interesting perspectives to study Bonnefoy's work from a new point of view.
Translation – which is first of all a poetic experience to him – is in fact the chance to get in touch with somebody else's poetry and to establish a dialogue with his poetic universe. Such a dialogue requires on the one hand an ‘ethic’ attitude on the translator's part, that is an attentive listening and a deep understanding of the original text. However, Bonnefoy has to create a new ‘poetic’ text in his own language. This is why the ‘seeds’ of his own poetry are also present in his translated texts, in which it is possible to clearly distinguish both the presence of the French poet’s own voice and his attempt to open his ‘speech’ to the specific quality of the Shakespearean poetry.
On the other hand, such a deep contact with Shakespeare's work has changed the French poet, contributing to the development and maturity of his own poetry. Indeed, the Elizabethan poet is present in his work in different ways, in his critical essays as well as in his poems. Against this background, the aim of the present study is to define the complex dialogic forms and the osmotic relationships between the poetic experience and the experience of translation, which are considered two different moments of the same ontological research by the French poet.
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La traduction des textes de théatre. Analyse comparée des réalités contemporaines française et italienneZucchiatti, Marie Line <1964> 15 September 2011 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to address contemporary drama translation by comparing two different scenarios, namely France and Italy. For each country, the following areas are described: publications of translated drama texts, their promotion and dissemination, the legal framework concerning copyright in publication and performance contracts.
Moreover, the analysis highlights that the translation process of drama texts is part of a working cycle networking different professional figures, such as dramatic authors, directors, actors and publishers. Within this cycle, the translator is in a middle and central position at the same time, a sort of border zone between different contexts, i.e. the source language and culture and the target language and culture. As regards translation-related issues, on the basis of theoretical approaches that can be applied to drama translation, a number of translators’ opinions, statements, positions and practices are compared, thus highlighting an idea of drama translation wavering between translation and adaptation. Drama translators seem to follow these two orientations simultaneously, in compliance with translation ethics and the functional needs of target texts. Such ambivalence is due to the desire and difficulty of translating the specific nature of drama texts, i.e. translating textual elements that are linked, eventually, to stage performance. Indeed, the notion of text or form fidelity is replaced by the notion of fidelity to the theatrical value of a text, in terms of fidelity to its theatrical nature and rhythmical tension. The analysis reveals that drama translators work together with theatre operators, and that in many cases translators are authors, directors or actors themselves. These drama skills enable translators to apply relevant strategies when translating elements that generate rhythm, thus choosing from deleting, reproducing or recreating.
1006 |
La comunicazione e la formazione linguistica per istituzioni e aziendePolselli, Paola <1962> 29 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Educazione alla cittadinanza per cittadini immigrati adulti. Il contributo della formazione linguistico-giuridica all'acquisizione di competenze di cittadinanza in lingua secondaBavieri, Luisa <1961> 29 September 2011 (has links)
The research examines which cultural and linguistic instruments can be offered to provide adult migrants with formative access to citizenship competences. Starting from the questions:
How can individuals of all community groups present in a nation-state acquire high standards of linguistic, sociolinguistic and discourse competences in order to be fully integrated, that is to participate and be included in social activities in the public domain such as work and institutional environments?
How are these competencies developed in an educational context?
How do adult migrants behave linguistically in this context, according to their needs and motivations?
The research hypothesis aimed at outlining a formative project of citizenship education targeted at adult foreign citizens, where a central role is assigned both to law education and linguistic education.
Acoordingly, as the study considered if the introduction of a law programme in a second language course could be conceived as an opportunity to further the access to active citizenship and social participation, a corpus of audiodata was collected in law classes of an Italian adult professional course attended by a 50% of foreign students. The observation was conducted on teacher and learner talk and learner participation in classroom interaction when curriculum legal topics were introduced and discussed. In the classroom law discourse two dimensions were analyzed: the legal knowledge construction and the participants’ interpersonal and identity construction.
From the analysis, the understanding is that drawn that law classes seem to represent an educational setting where foreign citizens have an opportunity to learn and practise citizenship. The social and pragmatic approach to legal contents plays a relevant role, in a subject which, in non-academic contexts, loses its technical specificity and refers to law as a product of social representation. In the observed educational environment, where students are adults who bring into the classroom multiple personal and social identities, legal topics have the advantage of increasing adult migrants’ motivation to ‘go back to school’ as they are likely to give hints, if not provide solutions, to problems relating to participation in socio-institutional activities. At the same time, these contents offer an ideal context where individuals can acquire high discourse competences and citizenship skills, such as agency and critical reflection. Besides, the analysis reveals that providing adult learners with materials that focus on rights, politics and the law, i.e. with materials which stimulate discussion on concerns affecting their daily lives, is welcomed by learners themselves, who might appreciate the integration of these same topics in a second language course.
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Ricerche sulla desinenza del genitivo singolare tematico in Lineare BPierini, Rachele <1982> 29 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
1009 |
Matters of taste: the neoclassical furniture in the Italian portraits from the late eighteenth century to the RestorationMadrid Martin, Jose Maria <1981> 30 March 2012 (has links)
Analysis and description of the furniture shown on Italian portraits from the late eighteenth century to the period of the Restoration.
We have studied real examples of environments still exist with their furniture, chairs, mirrors, lamps, etc. in different areas of Italy.
All this to explain the refined taste and cosmopolitan of the characters painted in the portraits, that for this reason they were considered fashionable
1010 |
I materiali dell'assenza nella poesia della fine secolo portoghese / The materials of the absence in the end of the Century Portuguese PoetrySoffritti, Agnese <1981> 06 June 2012 (has links)
Il presente studio ha come obiettivo quello di chiarire le dinamiche culturali iscritte nella fine secolo portoghese a partire dall’analisi di alcune opere letterarie -in particolar modo poetiche - tra cui spicca il Só di António Nobre. L’Ultimatum inglese del 1890 mandando in frantumi il progetto imperiale in Africa, scatena un conflitto che si manifesta non solo a livello di un confronto con l’Altro, ma soprattutto, per le sue implicazioni simboliche, nei termini di un confronto interno proprio con l’immaginario nazionale. L’Ultimatum mette in crisi l’iperidentità descritta da Eduardo Lourenço come il frutto di una storia marcata da una deriva atlantica rispetto al resto d’Europa ed elaborata durante secoli di letteratura come il volto più autentico del Portogallo. Contemporaneamente segna inesorabilmente la distanza da quell’immaginario europeo e moderno che in stretto legame con il progetto imperiale ne costituiva le fondamenta. La poesia dell’epoca segue il paradigma apocalittico che associa al pianto e all’invettiva gli elementi di un’aspettativa messianica di riscatto: alla rabbia segue l’invito di riporre l’attenzione nelle glorie di un tempo in modo da rafforzare il Portogallo decaduto. La rivisitazione in chiave rigeneratrice del passato e dello spazio nazionale è una costante della letterautra neoromantica, l’opera di Antonio Nobre tuttavia non può essere affrontata secondo questa lettura: non si tratta qui di nessun recupero dell’età dell’oro, al contrario, la modernità dell’autore sta nel dichiarare l’impraticabilità di un immaginario che più che perduto non è mai esistito e si rivela dunque nella sua natura di feticcio. / This study is intended to clarify the cultural dynamics belonging to end of the century, examining some literatures, especially poetic literature, one of the most important being Só by António Nobre. In 1890 the English Ultimatum destroys the Imperial plan for Africa, causing a conflicts whose results are noticed not only by a comparison with the Other, but most of all, because of its symbolic implications, in terms of a comparison of National perceptions itself. Ultimatum questions the iper identity described by Eduardo Lourenço as the result of the history featuring an atlantic deviation in relation to the rest of Europe and resulting from centuries of literature as the most authentic image of Portugal. Simultaneously it marks the distance from European modern image that tightly connected to Imperial plan was the foundations of identity. The poetry of that period follows the apocalyptic paradigm that associates crying and the invective as elements of a Messianic expectation of redemption: anger is followed by invitation to look back to past glories so to strengthen decayed Portugal. Reviewing the past and the National space as a rinvigorating period is a constant feature of neo romantic literature, however the poetry of Antonio Nobre can’t be viewed as such interpretation: there is no recovery of a golden age, on the contrary, the author proof to be modern declaring that it is not possible to purse an image that rather than lost never existed and therefore proove its fetish nature.
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