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Effet des conditions environnementales sur les caratéristiques morpho-physiologiques et la teneur en métabolites secondaires chez Inula montana : une plante de la médecine traditionnelle Provençale / Effect of the environmental conditions on the morpho-physiological caratéristiques and the content it métabolites secondary sectors(high schools,Secondary) at Inula Montana : a plant of traditional Provencal medicineAl Naser, Osama 24 January 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans un projet régional, initié par le Parc du Lubéron et en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie et d'Ethnopharmacologie de l’Université de Marseille. Il avait pour objectif d'étudier la possibilité de domestiquer une plante sauvage, Inula montana L. (Asteraceae) connue dans la pharmacopée provençale pour ses effets anti traumatiques semblables à ceux d'Arnica montana L. et de la proposer comme nouvelle production agricole. Inula montana produit notamment des lactones sesquiterpènes, identifiées comme les métabolites secondaires responsables de ses aptitudes biologiques anti inflammatoires. Il s’est agit dans cette étude1) de déterminer les caractéristiques de croissance et de développement de la plante sauvage largement inconnue et d’identifier en conditions naturelles les facteurs les plus favorables à la production de métabolites secondaires, 2)d’étudier sa capacité à se multiplier végétativement in vitro et à former des cultures cellulaires aptes à synthétiser les molécules d’intérêt 3), de proposer un itinéraire technique applicable agronomiquement et 4) de tester les effets de divers facteurs environnementaux (fertilisation, apport de NaCl, modification du rythme circadien de l’éclairement,rayonnement UVB, ablation de feuilles, application de méthyl jasmonate ) sur la production qualitative et quantitative des lactones sesquiterpènes et des composés phénoliques. Les traits phénologiques de la plante sauvage sont impactés par l’altitude qui induit un retard dans la croissance végétative et la phase reproductrice ainsi que des modifications physiologiques et morphologiques. Les teneurs en métabolites secondaires (certaines lactones sesquiterpènes, les polyphénols totaux et flavonoïdes) varient en fonction de la saison et sont plus importantes dans le site qui présente les conditions climatiques les plus contraignantes du point de vue hydrique (sol drainant,température plus élevée et présence d’une période sèche en été). L’observation microscopique a indiqué la présence de deux types de trichomes : glandulaires (bisériés) et non glandulaires (des poils) qui sont potentiellement les structures porteuses des molécules d’intérêt. I. montana est apte à former des cals in vitro à partir d’explants racinaires, foliaires et caulinaires sur lesquels des pousses feuillées se forment. La domestication d’Inula a été réussie à partir de semences issues des plantes sauvages et en conditions agronomiques, les teneurs en lactones sesquiterpènes (costunolide, artémorine, eldarine et hydrocostunolide) et en composés phénoliques sont généralement plus élevées que chez les plantes sauvages. Les différentes contraintes appliquées pour tester les effets des facteurs environnementaux sur la production des métabolites ont montré : 1) qu’il ne peut pas être établi de corrélation entre la présence d’un stress oxydatif et une augmentation des teneurs en métabolites chez Inula 2) que l’accumulation des lactones et composés phénoliques semblent principalement favorisée lorsque la plante dispose d’un surplus de squelettes carbonés, non utilisés pour la croissance 3) enfin, les deux conditions les plus favorables à l’accumulation des métabolites chez Inula, sont : dans les feuilles, une alternance rapide de lumière et d’obscurité durant la photopériode et dans les capitules, l’application de méthyl jasmonate. Ce travail augure de bonnes perspectives en termes de valorisation d’Inula dans le secteur pharmaco-cosmétologique. Il reste à poursuivre la description du profil phytochimique de la plante et à localiser précisément les organes et/ou sous structures anatomiques concentrant les composés considérés. Ayant démontré que cette plante présente une bonne réponse à la domestication, il est également proposé de poursuivre l’étude des leviers environnementaux susceptibles d’influencer positivement et significativement le profil chimique d’Inula. / This thesis work is part of a regional project, initiated by the Luberon Park and in collaboration with the Laboratory of Pharmacognosy and Ethnopharmacology of the University of Marseille. It aimed to study the possibility of domesticating a wild plant, Inula montana L. (Asteraceae) known in the Provençal pharmacopoeia for its anti-traumatic effects similar to those of Arnica montana L. and to propose it as a new agricultural production. Inula montana produces lactones sesquiterpenes, identified as the secondary metabolites responsible for its biological anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, 1) to determine the growth and development characteristics of the largely unknown wild plant and to identify under natural conditions the most favorable factors for the production of secondary metabolites, 2) to study its characteristics. ability to multiply vegetatively in vitro and to form cell cultures able to synthesize the molecules of interest 3), to propose an agronomically applicable technical itinerary and 4) to test the effects of various environmental factors (fertilization, NaCl supply, modification circadian rhythm of illumination, UVB radiation, ablation of leaves, application of methyl jasmonate) on the qualitative and quantitative production of sesquiterpene lactones and phenolic compounds. The phenological characteristics of the wild plant are impacted by the altitude which induces a delay in the vegetative growth and the reproductive phase as well as physiological and morphological modifications. Levels of secondary metabolites (certain sesquiterpene lactones, total polyphenols and flavonoids) vary according to the season and are more important in the site which has the most water-constraining climatic conditions (draining soil, higher temperature and presence of a dry period in summer). Microscopic observation indicated the presence of two types of trichomes: glandular (biseriate) and non-glandular (hair) which are potentially the carrying structures of the molecules of interest. I. montana is able to form calli in vitro from root, foliar and shoot explants on which leafy shoots are formed. The domestication of Inula has been successful from seed from wild plants and under agronomic conditions, sesquiterpene lactone (costunolide, artemorine, eldarin and hydrocostunolide) and phenolic compounds are generally higher than in wild plants. The different constraints applied to test the effects of environmental factors on the production of metabolites have shown: 1) that there can be no correlation between the presence of oxidative stress and an increase in metabolite levels in Inula 2) that the accumulation of lactones and phenolic compounds seems mainly favored when the plant has a surplus of carbon skeletons, not used for growth; 3) finally, the two most favorable conditions for the accumulation of metabolites in Inula, are: in the leaves, a rapid alternation of light and darkness during the photoperiod and in the flower heads, the application of methyl jasmonate. This work augurs good prospects in terms of valuation of Inula in the pharmaco-cosmetological sector. It remains to continue the description of the phytochemical profile of the plant and to precisely locate the organs and / or anatomical substructures concentrating the compounds in question. Having demonstrated that this plant has a good response to domestication, it is also proposed to continue the study of environmental levers likely to positively and significantly influence the chemical profile of Inula.
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Production d'arômes par fermentation en milieu solide / Aroma production by solid state fermentationTry, Sophal 25 May 2018 (has links)
La transposition d’un milieu liquide (FML) à un milieu solide (FMS) de la production de γ-décalactones par fermentation par Yarrowia lipolytica a été étudiée pour la première fois. Dans un premier temps, différentes matrices solides (rafles de maïs, éponges de cellulose, éponges de courgette et graines de ricin) ont été utilisées. L'éponge de courgette était le support sur lequel les lactones étaient produites aux concentrations les plus élevées. La production de lactones a donc été réalisée sur ce support et dans trois types de réacteurs FMS sous différentes conditions d’aérations (sans aération, avec aération statique et avec aération forcée). Une concentration élevée de 5 g/L d’hydroxy-lactone a été détectée dans la condition d’aération statique en fiole à col large. Une certaine concentration de lactones était entrainée lors de l’aération forcée au cours de la production en mini-réacteur. Pour calculer la production totale de lactones dans cette condition, un modèle mathématique a été utilisé pour modéliser les pertes. Par ailleurs, un nouveau procédé par injection d’air enrichi en oxygène (20 %, 30 %, 40 % et 50 %) a été mis en place pour étudier les effets de l’oxygène sur la β-oxydation chez Y. lipolytica. Dans cette partie, les résultats ont montré que l’oxygène est nécessaire pour la production d’hydroxy-lactone et la dégradation de γ-décalactone mais pas pour la dernière étape de production de cette dernière. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, l’effet de l’activité de l’eau (Aw) a été étudié préliminairement sur la croissance en milieu gélosé, et pour la croissance et la production de lactone en FML. / The adaptation of the production of γ-decalactones from submerged fermentation (SmF) to solid state fermentation (SSF) by Yarrowia lipolytica was investigated in this work. First of all, different solid matrices (corncob, cellulose sponge, luffa sponge, and castor seeds) were used for the first adaptation of the production of γ-décalactones. Luffa sponge appeared to be the most interesting solid support on which lactones were produced in higher concentrations than in the other solid matrices used. Then, the production of lactones using luffa sponge as the solid support was carried out in three types of SSF reactors to monitor different aeration conditions (without aeration, with a static aeration and with a forced aeration). A 5 g/L-high concentration of hydroxy-lactone was detected in the condition of static aeration using wide-mouth Erlenmeyer flasks. Furthermore, a concentration of lactones was stripped when forced aeration was used during the production using mini-reactors. To calculate the total production of lactones in this case, a mathematical model was used to evaluate the losses. Moreover, a novel alternative process using oxygen-enriched air (20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) was employed to study the effect of oxygen on β-oxidation in Y. lipolytica. In this part, the results showed that oxygen is required for hydroxy-lactone production and γ-decalactone degradation but not for the last step of production of this latter lactone. In the last part of this work, the effect of water activity (Aw) was preliminary studied on growth in agar medium, and for growth and lactone production in SmF.
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Régulation, expression in situ et biostimulation de l'activité quorum-quenching d'un agent de biocontrôle : Rhodococcus erythropolis / Regulation, in situ expression and biostimulation of the quorum-quenching activity of a biocontrol agent : Rhodococcus erythropolisChane, Andrea 10 July 2018 (has links)
Le biocontrôle est défini comme un ensemble de méthodes de protection des végétaux par l’utilisation de mécanismes naturels. Son principe repose sur la gestion des équilibres des populations d’agresseurs plutôt que sur leur éradication. La protection des cultures de la pomme de terre Solanum tuberosum contre les bactéries pectinolytiques (Dickeya et Pectobacterium) a été précédemment proposée comme une application du biocontrôle. Il s’agit ici de perturber (quencher) la communication quorum-sensing (QS) utilisée par l’agent pathogène pour coordonner son attaque et sa virulence. Afin d’optimiser cette méthode de lutte par quorum-quenching (QQ) et d’en contrôler l’efficacité, nous avons étudié la voiecatabolique des -lactones d’un agent de biocontrôle, la bactérie Rhodococcus erythropolis. Cette voie est impliquée dans la dégradation des signaux N-acyl-homoserine lactones du pathogène. Nous avons d’abord étudié le rôle du répresseur QsdR ainsi que la régulation transcriptionnelle de l’opéron qsd impliqué dans la dégradation des signaux. La compréhension de cette régulation a permis de générer des biosenseurs capables de monitorer les activités QS du pathogène et QQ du protecteur. Sous microscopie confocale à balayage laser, ces outils ont apporté des preuves visuelles du rôle et du lien entre ces deux activités dans les tissus du tubercule. Enfin, la faible spécificité du répresseur QsdR pour ses ligands, apermis de proposer la -caprolactone, un analogue structural des signaux de QS, comme inducteur de l’opéron qsd. Dans l’ensemble, ces travaux permettent d’approfondir nos connaissances sur le rôle et le fonctionnement du QQ chez R. erythropolis. Ils permettent aussi d’envisager le contrôle de la maladie via un agent dont l’activité de QQ pourra être biostimulée par des lactones peu coûteuses lors de la formulation puis de l’épandage aux champs. / Biocontrol is defined as a set of plant protection methods through the use of natural mechanisms. Its principle involves the control of populations of aggressors rather than their eradication. The protection of the potato Solanum tuberosum against soft-rot bacteria (Dickeya and Pectobacterium) has been previously proposed as an application of biocontrol. This involves disturbing the quorum-sensing (QS) communication used by the pathogen to coordinate its attack and virulence. In order to optimize this quorum-quenching (QQ) biocontrol method and to control its effectiveness, we have studied the catabolic pathway of -lactones of a biocontrol agent, the Rhodococcus erythropolis bacterium. This pathway is involved in the degradation of the pathogen N-acyl-homoserine lactones signals. We firststudied the role of the QsdR repressor as well as the transcriptional regulation of the qsd operon involved in signal degradation. The understanding of this regulation has made it possible to generate biosensors capable of monitoring the QS of the pathogen and QQ of the protector. Under confocal laser scanning microscopy, these tools provided visual evidence of the role and link between these two activities in the tuber tissues. Finally, the low specificity of the QsdR repressor for its ligands made it possible to propose the -caprolactone, a structural analog of QS signals, as an inducer of the qsd operon. Overall, this work provides insight into the role and function of QQ in R. erythropolis. It also allows to envisage the control of the disease using a biocontrol agent whose QQ activity can be biostimulated by inexpensive lactones during formulation then spreading in the field.
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Molécules bioactives issues de la biodiversité cambodgienne : Vernonia cinerea Less. et Vernonia elliptica DC. / Bioactive molecules from the cambodian biodiversity : Vernonia cinerea Less. and Vernonia elliptica DC.Khay, Mom 23 February 2015 (has links)
Nos travaux de doctorat s’inscrivent dans la démarche de la valorisation de la biodiversité végétale cambodgienne. Les objectifs portaient sur les travaux phytochimique et pharmacologique de deux plantes cambodgiennes : Vernonia cinerea et Vernonia elliptica. Une méthode de dosage par CLHP du composé 8α-tigloyloxyhirsutinolide 13-O-acetate (H1) appartenant à la classe des lactones sesquiterpènes de V. cinerea a été mise au point et validée dans le but de déterminer la teneur de ce composé. La teneur en H1 varie entre 0,08 % à 0,17 % pour les échantillons étudiés provenant de 4 régions du Cambodge. L’évaluation de l’activité antiproliférative in vitro des extraits de V. cinerea, et du composé H1 a été réalisée vis-à-vis de deux lignées cellulaires cancéreuses humaines HT29 et HepG2. Le composé H1 présente une CI50 similaire à celle du contrôle positif 5FU, 4,3 ± 0,2 versus 5,4 ± 0,9 µM vis-à-vis de la lignée HepG2. Les résultats intéressants obtenus sur V. cinerea nous ont incités à travailler sur d’autres espèces du genre Vernonia qui poussent au Cambodge, Vernonia elliptica. L’étude phytochimique menée sur cette plante a permis d’isoler un lignane [(+)-Syringaresinol] et deux lactones sesquiterpènes [(+)-8,13-diacetyl-piptocarphol et Glaucolide B]. Ces composés sont décrits dans cette plante pour la première fois. L’étude in vitro de l’activité antiproliférative des extraits de V. elliptica montre que l’extrait dichlorométhane obtenu à partir de l’extrait aqueux est très actif. / Our PhD work is in the process of valorization of the Cambodian plant biodiversity. The objectives focused on phytochemical and pharmacological studies of two Cambodian plants of the Vernonia genus: Vernonia cinerea and Vernonia elliptica.An analytical HPLC method was developed and validated to quantify the major compound 8α-tigloyloxyhirsutinolide 13-O-acetate (H1) of Vernonia cinerea. We found that the compound H1 content ranges from 0.08% to 0.17% in samples collected from cambodian regions. We thus evaluated the anti-proliferative activity in vitro of extracts of V. cinerea and H1 compound against two human cancer cell lines HT29 and HepG2. For HepG2 cell line, the compound H1 has a similar IC50 to the positive control 5FU, 4.3 ± 0.2 versus 5.4 ± 0.9 µM. The interesting results on V. cinerea encouraged us to study other species of Vernonia genus growing in Cambodia, Vernonia elliptica. The phytochemical study conducted on this plant led to isolate a lignan [(+)-syringaresinol] and two sesquiterpene lactones [(+)-8,13-diacetyl-piptocarphol and Glaucolide B]. These compounds were described in this plant for the first time. The in vitro study of the anti-proliferative activity of the extracts of V. elliptica shows that the dichloromethane extract obtained from aqueous extract is very active.
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Studies of spin alignment in ferrocenylsilane compounds and in regiospecific oxidation reactions of 1,9-dimethylpentacyclo [,6.03,10.05,9]undecane-8,11-dione.Atim, Silvia 08 1900 (has links)
Part I. The syntheses of a series of stable ferrocenylsilane compounds and their corresponding polyradical cations are reported. Electron spin properties of these molecules were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, ESR, and magnetic susceptibility measurements. All the compounds presented, showed significant electronic communication (>100 mV) between the redox centers by CV.
Part II. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of (1,9-dimethyl-PCU-8,11-dione) was performed using m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid in 1:2 molar ratios. The product obtained was the corresponding dilactone 113. The structure of the reaction products was established unequivocally via single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The reaction of the 1,9-dimethyl-PCU-8,11-dione with 1:1 molar ratio of m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid produced again the dilactone 113, and not the expected monolactone 114. Ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN) promoted oxidation reaction of 1,9-dimethyl-PCU-8,11-dione afforded a mixture of dimethylated lactones, which indicated unique reaction mechanism pathways. These individual isomers, 115 and 116, have been isolated from these mixtures via column chromatography by using silica gel as adsorbent followed by fractional recrystallization of individual chromatography fractions. Structures of these pure products have been established unequivocally by application of single crystal X-ray crystallographic methods.
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Synthesis of prostaglandins and novel N-oxyamide linked oligosaccharide and oligonucleotide mimetics / Synthèse de prostaglandines et de nouveaux mimes d’oligosaccharides et d'oligonucléotides liés par des liaisons N-oxy amideGong, Yanchun 30 August 2012 (has links)
Les prostaglandines (PG) jouent un rôle clé dans la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire, la différenciation et la régénération dans les systèmes gastro-intestinaux et cardio-vasculaires, et les réponses inflammatoires et immunitaires. Après un demi-siècle de développement, il a été démontré que PGs ont un large éventail de puissantes propriétés pharmacologiques sur l'inflammation, le glaucome, l'ostéoporose, le cancer, le diabète de type 2 et les maladies neuro-dégénératives. Les structures intéressantes et complexes de la PG et de leur disponibilité très limitée dans la nature ont suscité des chimistes organiques pour créer des méthodes de synthèse les plus élégantes afin de répondre à la recherche scientifique et les exigences pharmaceutiques. Dans cette thèse, nous avons réalisé la synthèse totale de la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2) en 24 étapes avec un rendement total de 1,33%, avec seulement 5 purifications chromatographiques pour l'ensemble du processus. Une synthèse efficace en one-pot des lactones de Corey a été mise au point à partir des dérivés chloro-cétoacide, en présence d'Oxone. Une méthode pratique pour la résolution racémique de l’acide 2-oxotricyclo [,5]heptane-7-carboxylique avec haute valeur e.e. (> 99%) a également été développée. Les acides nucléiques et les glucides sont présents dans tous les systèmes vivants et jouent des rôles très importants en biologie comme l'expression des gènes et des processus de reconnaissance intracellulaires. Beaucoup d’efforts récents ont été consacrés au développement de mimes d'oligosaccharides et d’oligonucléotides synthétiques pour diverses applications biologiques, thérapeutiques et diagnostiques. Dans cette thèse, nous avons décrit la synthèse d'une nouvelle série d’oligosaccharides et d’oligonucléotide liés par des liaisons N-oxyamide. A partir de la diacétone D-glucose, les D-ribofuranoid glycoaminooxy acides ont été préparés comme une nouvelle famille de briques constitutives de sucre. Des homo-oligomères (de dimères à l'hexamère) ont été générés en tant que mimes d'oligosaccharides. Les nucléosides aminooxy acides ont été synthétisés pour la première fois, via la N-glycosylation des glycoaminooxy acides avec les cinq bases nucléiques. Le couplage entre les nucleosides aminooxy acides conduit aux dinucléosides liés par une liaison N-oxyamide. / Prostaglandins (PGs) play key roles in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, and regeneration in gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems, and a fundamental role in inflammatory and immune responses. After half century of development, PGs have been demonstrated to have a wide range of potent pharmacological properties on inflammation, glaucoma, osteoporosis, cancer, type 2 diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. The interesting and complex structures of PGs and their very limited availability in nature have sparked the organic chemists to create more elegant synthesis methods to meet the scientific research and pharmaceutical demands. In this thesis, we have realized the total synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in 24 steps with a total yield of 1.33%, with only 5 chromatographic purifications for the whole process. An efficient one-pot synthesis of Corey lactones have been realized from the chloro-ketoacid derivatives in the presence of Oxone. A practical method for the resolution of racemic 2-oxotricyclo[,5]heptane-7-carboxylic acid with high e.e. value (> 99%) has also been developed. Nucleic acids and carbohydrates are existing in all the living systems and play very important biological roles as gene expression and intracellular recognition processes. Much recent efforts have been devoted to the development of oligosaccharide mimetics and synthetic oligonucleotides for various biological, therapeutic and diagnostic applications. In this thesis, we have described the synthesis of a new series of N-oxyamide linked oligosaccharide and oligonucleotide mimetics. From the readily available diacetone D-glucose, D-ribofuranoid glycoaminooxy acid derivatives have been successfully prepared as a novel family of sugar building blocks. Homo-oligomers (dimer to hexamer) have been generated as oligosaccharide mimetics. Nucleoside aminooxy acids have been synthesized for the first time by N-glycosylation of sugar aminooxy acids with five common nucleic bases. Coupling reaction of nucleoside aminooxy acid derivatives furnished the desired N-oxy amide-linked dinucleosides.
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Studies towards the total synthesis and structural elucidation of leiodolide AAldred, Gregory January 2015 (has links)
In 2006, the secondary metabolite leiodolide A was isolated from a newly discovered deep-sea sponge of the genus Leiodermatium. The 19-membered macrolide represented a new class of mixed polyketide, nonribosomal, peptide synthetase natural products. A total synthesis of leiodolide A is yet to be achieved and is of specific interest, not only for its complex structure and undefined stereochemistry, but also the potent cytotoxic properties it possesses, particularly towards leukaemia, non-small cell lung and ovarian cancers. A synthetic strategy for leiodolide A must be flexible to overcome the currently unresolved stereochemistry and a convergent route towards the synthesis of the molecule required three subunits. Following the earlier synthesis of the C21-C25 vinyl stannane fragment, this work describes the synthesis of the C1-C10 subunit in the both possible diastereomeric forms. The synthesis of the two required C13 epimers of the C11-C20 subunit is also detailed accompanied by an investigation into potential fragment coupling, in preparation for total synthesis.
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Transformações microbianas da lactona sesquiterpênica tagitinina C / Microbial transformation of sesquiterpene lactone tagitinin CRocha, Bruno Alves 22 June 2009 (has links)
A busca por moléculas de origem natural que ocupem um espaço químico diferente daquelas já existentes tornou-se uma necessidade para atender às novas demandas das indústrias farmacêuticas. A pesquisa envolvendo transformações microbianas de metabólitos secundários de origem vegetal pode ser utilizada como uma nova ferramenta na biosíntese destas novas substâncias, favorecendo a criação de bibliotecas ricas em estruturas com o emprego em diversos alvos biológicos. A tagitinina C é uma lactona sesquiterpênica isolada da Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae). Essa substância possui diversas atividades biológicas descritas na literatura. Contudo, há certa ressalva no uso de lactonas sesquiterpênicas para fins terapêuticos devido à elevada toxicidade apresentada por essas substâncias. A biotransformação de substâncias naturais de elevado interesse farmacológico pode ser utilizada com o intuito de diminuir seus efeitos tóxicos ou ampliar sua capacidade terapêutica. Assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivo a utilização de fungos para a biotranformação da tagitinina C. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os fungos de solo Aspergillus terreus e Mucor rouxii possuem a capacidade de biotransformar tagitinina C. O fungo Aspergillus terreus levou a formação de um produto biotransformado através de uma reação não usual de epoxidação entres os C4-C5 e ainda metoxilação do C1, formando então 1-metóxi-3-hidróxi-3,10-4,5-diepóxi-8-isobutiroilóxi-germacra-11(13)-en-6,12-olido. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho demostram que é possível a utilização de fungos na biotransformação da tagitinina C, levando a alterações na molécula que podem influenciar no seu potencial tóxico ou terapêutico. / The search for molecules of natural origin that place a chemical space which is different from the already existing has become that a need in process of discovery new chemical entities with pharmacological interest that support the demand of the pharmaceutical industries. Research involving microbial transformations the secondary metabolites from plants can be used as an alternative for the biosynthesis of such new compounds, thus facilitating the creation of libraries which are rich in structures to be screened against diverse biological targets. Tagitin C is a sesquiterpene lactone isolated from Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae) that displays several biological activities already described in the literature. Howeever, due to several reports describing toxic effects of sesquiterpenes lactones, there is a concern in its oral use. Thus, the biotransformation of pharmacologically interesting substances can be carried out with the aim to decrease their toxic effects or amplify their therapeutic properties. Therefore, this work aimed at using of fungi to perform biotransformations of tagitin C. The results showed that the soil fungi Aspergillus terreus and Mucor rouxii have the ability to carry out biological transformations of tagitinin C. The fungus A. terreus led to the formation of a different product through an unusual reaction of epoxidation between C4-C5 and metoxilation of C1 of tagitinin C, the derivative 1-methoxy-3-hydroxy-3,10-4,5-diepoxy-8-isobutiroyloxygermacr- 11 (13)-en-6 ,12-olide. The results of this work show that it is possible to use soil fungi in the biotransformation of tagitinin C, leading to changes in the chemical structure that may influence its toxic or therapeutic potential.
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Mecanismo da adição de reagentes electrófilos a ésteres de ácidos γ, δ - insaturados / Mechanism addition of electrophilic reagents to esters of fatty γ, δ - unsaturatedEl Seoud, Omar Abdel Moneim Abou 10 January 1972 (has links)
Foi estudado o mecanismo da reação de alguns ésteres do áci¬do alilacético com reagentes electrófilicos. 1 - Foram preparados os seguintes ésteres para o estudo do fatôr estérico: alilacetato de fenila, alilfenilacetato de fenila e alildifenilacetato de fenila. A susceptibilidade da reação ao fatôr estérico (δ) foi (-0.5). 2 - Foram preparadas as seguintes séries de compostos para o estudo do efeito do fatôr polar sôbre a velocidade de reação: alil p-x-fenilacetato de fenila, onde x = NO2, Cl, F, H, CH3 e CH3O. A velocidade de reação aumenta para grupos que cedem elétrons e diminui para grupos que atraem elétrons. O valôr de p da equação de Hammett foi (-0.5). O significado dêste resultado foi discutido. 3 - Foi proposto o mecanismo da reação considerando-se as seguintes observações: a) a lactona formada é um anel de cinco membros. b) a reação global é de segunda ordem; de primeira ordem com relação ao éster e de primeira ordem com relação co cloreto de mercúrio II. c) a reação se dá com a participação do grupo carboxifenila vizinho e de água. d) a etapa lenta da reação é aquela em que ocorre a saída da molécula de fenol. / Abstract not available
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Transformações microbianas e avaliação da citotoxicidade de lactonas sesquiterpênicas de \'Viguiera robusta\' Gardn. (Asteraceae) / Microbial Transformations and cytotoxic evaluation of sesquiterpene lactones from Viguiera robusta Gardn. (Asteraceae).Arakawa, Nilton Syogo 08 February 2008 (has links)
O processo de transformação microbiana de metabólitos secundários é uma técnica emergente no Brasil e que apresenta enorme potencial para obtenção de substâncias biotransformadas com novas e diferentes moléculas, as quais podem apresentar melhor desempenho de suas atividades biológicas. O objetivo do presente projeto foi efetuar transformações microbianas de metabólitos secundários oriundos da espécie vegetal Viguiera robusta Gardn. (família Asteraceae), com ênfase nas lactonas sesquiterpênicas (LSTs), para posterior avaliação de sua citotoxicidade frente a linhagens celulares. As etapas de isolamento e purificação de LSTs foram realizadas através de métodos cromatográficos e a elucidação estrutural através de métodos espectroscópicos. A avaliação da atividade citotóxica dos metabólitos biotransformados foi proposta em virtude de estudos iniciais indicarem potencial citotóxico da LST budleína A frente às linhagens SK-BR-3 (adenocarcinoma de mama) e células leucêmicas JURKAT. / The microbial transformation of secondary metabolites is an emerging technique in Brazil with high potential to obtain biotransformed compounds with new and different molecules which can show enhanced biological activities. Herein, microbial transformations of secondary metabolites from Viguiera robusta Gardn. (family Asteraceae), with emphasis in sesquiterpene lactones (STLs), were proposed with the aim to evaluate their cytotoxic activity against tumor cells lines. Isolation and purification of STLs were carried out through chromatographic methods and structural elucidation by spectroscopic methods. The evaluation of cytotoxic activity of the biotransformed metabolites was proposed due to the fact that previous studies indicated potential cytotoxic activity of the STLs budlein A against SK-BR-3 and JURKAT cells lines.
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