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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maintenance, a Forgotten Part of the Strategic Plan / Maintenance, a Forgotten Part of the Strategic Plan

Riva Zaferson, Franco Alberto 03 August 2018 (has links)
This article exposes the reasons behind the relegation of maintenance management as an operative unit instead of a strategic tool in the organizational management. It works with literature review and the peruvian business context. Finally, it shows some statistical criteria relevant to the maintenance planning. / En el artículo se expone los motivos por los cuales la gestión de mantenimiento ha sido relegada a una unidad operativa en lugar de ser tomada en cuenta como herramienta estratégica de la gestión organizacional. Se trabaja con relación a revisión de literatura y a la situación del empresariado peruano. Finalmente se exponen algunos criterios estadísticos que pueden ser relevantes al momento de planificar el mantenimiento.

Higher-order languages : dualities and bisimulation enhancements / Langages d'ordre supérieur : dualités et techniques de bisimulation

Madiot, Jean-Marie 31 March 2015 (has links)
Les comportements des processus concurrents peuvent être exprimés en utilisant des calculs de processus, des langages formels simples qui permettent de démontrer des résultats mathématiques précis sur les interactions entre processus. Un exemple très simple est CCS, un autre exemple est le pi-calcul, plus expressif grâce à un mécanisme de communication de canaux. Dans ce dernier, on peut instaurer un système de types (pour raffiner l'analyse aux environnements plus contraints) et encoder le lambda-calcul (qui représente les calculs séquentiels).Certains de ces calculs, comme CCS ou des variantes du pi-calcul comme les calculs de fusions, ont une certaine propriété de symétrie. On utilise dans un premier temps cette symétrie comme un outil, pour prouver que deux encodages du lambda-calcul dans le pi-calcul sont en fait équivalents.Cette preuve nécessitant un système de types et une forme de symétrie, on se pose la question de l'existence d'un système de types pour les autres calculs symétriques, notamment les calculs de fusion, à laquelle on répond par la négative avec un théorème d'impossibilité.En analysant ce théorème, on découvre un contrainte fondamentale de ces calculs qui empêche l'utilisation des types, à savoir la présence d'une notion de relation d'équivalence entre les canaux de communication. Le relâchement de cette contrainte pour obtenir une relation de pré-ordre engendre un calcul intéressant qui recouvre des notions importantes du pi-calcul, absentes dans les calculs de fusion : les types et les noms privés. La première partie de la thèse se concentre sur l'étude de ce calcul.La deuxième partie de la thèse se concentre sur la bisimulation, une méthode pour établir l'équivalence de deux agents dans des langages d'ordre supérieur, par exemple le pi-calcul ou le lambda-calcul. Une amélioration de cette méthode est la théorie des techniques modulo, très puissante, mais qui malheureusement s'applique uniquement aux systèmes de premier ordre, comme les automates ou CCS.Cette thèse s'applique alors à décrire les langages d'ordre supérieur en tant que systèmes du premier ordre. On récupère ainsi la théorie générale des techniques modulo pour ces langages, en prouvant correctes la correspondance induite et les techniques spécifiques à chaque langage. On détaille les tenants et aboutissants de cette approche, pour fournir les outils nécessaires à son utilisation pour d'autres langages d'ordre supérieur. / The behaviours of concurrent processes can be expressed using process calculi, which are simple formal languages that let us establish precise mathematical results on the behaviours and interactions between processes. A very simple example is CCS, another one is the pi-calculus, which is more expressive thanks to a name-passing mechanism. The pi-calculus supports the addition of type systems (to refine the analysis to more subtle environments) and the encoding of the lambda-calculus (which represents sequential computations).Some of these calculi, like CCS or variants of the pi-calculus such as fusion calculi, enjoy a property of symmetry. First, we use this symmetry as a tool to prove that two encodings of the lambda-calculus in the pi-calculus are in fact equivalent.This proof using a type system and a form of symmetry, we wonder if other existing symmetric calculi can support the addition of type systems. We answer negatively to this question with an impossibility theorem.Investigating this theorem leads us to a fundamental constraint of these calculi that forbids types: they induce an equivalence relation on names. Relaxing this constraint to make it a preorder relation yields another calculus that recovers important notions of the pi-calculus, that fusion calculi do not satisfy: the notions of types and of privacy of names. The first part of this thesis focuses on the study of this calculus, a pi-calculus with preorders on names.The second part of this thesis focuses on bisimulation, a proof method for equivalence of agents in higher-order languages, like the pi- or the lambda-calculi. An enhancement of this method is the powerful theory of bisimulations up to, which unfortunately only applies for first-order systems, like automata or CCS.We then proceed to describe higher-order languages as first-order systems. This way, we inherit the general theory of up-to techniques for these languages, by proving correct the translations and up-to techniques that are specific to each language. We give details on the approach, to provide the necessary tools for future applications of this method to other higher-order languages.

A conjectura de Bateman-Horn e o Lambda-cálculo de Golomb / The Bateman-Horn conjecture and Golomb\'s Lambda-method

Pedro Henrique Pontes 02 July 2012 (has links)
A Conjectura de Bateman-Horn dá condições sobre uma família de polinômios com coeficientes inteiros $f_1(X),\\dots,f_k(X)$ para que hajam infinitos $n \\in \\N$ tais que $f_1(n),\\dots,f_k(n)$ sejam todos primos, e determina qual deve ser o comportamento assintótico de tais inteiros $n$. Neste texto, vamos estudar essa conjectura, assim como um método desenvolvido por Solomon W. Golomb que pode ser usado para demonstrá-la. Veremos que esse cálculo prova a Conjectura de Bateman-Horn a menos da troca de um limite com uma série infinita, que é o único passo ainda não provado desse método. Também estudaremos uma tentativa para solucionar esse problema por meio do uso de teoremas abelianos de regularidade, e provaremos que teoremas tão gerais não são suficientes para provar a troca do limite com a série. / Given a family of polynomials with integer coefficients $f_1(X),\\dots,f_k(X)$, one would like to answer the following question: does there exist infinitely many $n \\in \\N$ such that $f_1(n),\\dots,f_k(n)$ are all primes? Schinzel conjectured that if these polynomials satisfy certain simple conditions, then the answer to this question is affirmative. Assuming these conditions, Bateman and Horn proposed a formula for the asymptotic density of the integers $n \\in \\N$ such that $f_1(n),\\dots,f_k(n)$ are all primes. In this text, we shall study the Bateman-Horn Conjecture, as well as a method proposed by Solomon W. Golomb that may be used to prove this conjecture. We shall see that Golomb\'s $\\Lambda$-method would prove the Bateman-Horn Conjecture, except for a single unproved step, namely, the commutation of a limit with an infinite series.

Controle da mistura ar/combustível em um motor a combustão interna: sistema em malha fechada. / Air/fuel ratio control in an internal combustion engine: closed loop system.

Bruno Silva Pereira 11 May 2015 (has links)
O controle da mistura ar/combustível é muito importante para o correto funcionamento dos motores à combustão interna ciclo Otto. A relação entre o ar e o combustível influencia diretamente no funcionamento do motor, na emissão de poluentes e no consumo de combustível. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um controle da mistura ar/combustível a partir do estudo de modelos de malha fechada deste sistema. Esse controle tem por objetivo manter a mistura o mais próxima possível do ponto estequiométrico, a fim de otimizar a taxa de conversão de gases poluentes pelo catalisador, e utiliza um sensor de oxigênio, conhecido como sonda lambda, para realizar a realimentação do sistema, indicando se a mistura está no ponto estequiométrico. Este trabalho também apresenta o desenvolvimento de um compensador em malha fechada para controlar a mistura a/c (ar/combustível) em outros pontos, além do estequiométrico, através do uso de uma sonda lambda de banda larga. / The control of the air/fuel mixture is very important for the correct operation of Otto cycle internal combustion engines. The relationship between the air and the fuel directly influences the engine operation, pollutant emissions and fuel consumption. This work presents the development of an air/fuel ratio controller, based on the study of closed loop systems. This control aims to keep the A/F mixture as close as possible of the stoichiometric point, in order to optimize the conversion rate of pollutant gases by the catalytic converter, and uses an oxygen sensor, known as lambda probe to perform the feedback to the system, indicating whether the mixture is at the stoichiometric point or not. This work also presents the development of a closed loop controller for the air fuel ratio at values other than the stoichiometric one, by using a wide band lambda sensor.

Lambdareglering : Installation av lambdareglering på pelletsbrännare / Lambda control : Installation of lambda control on pellet burner

Åkerblom, Hampus, Tennesmed, Roberth January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige finns det mycket skog att tillgå och en del av skogen används som energikälla för uppvärmning av hus. Många hus värms upp av pelletspannor och det finns många omoderna pelletspannor runt om i Sverige. Denna rapport syftar till att bygga om en pelletspanna av modell Ariterm PX21 från år 2009 med hjälp av lambdareglering.Brännaren idag har ingen teknik som kontrollerar förbränningen. Syftet med lambdaregleringen är att en lambdasond, som ska styra matarskruven till pelletsbrännaren, ska installeras och därmed styra förbränningen. Frågeställningen för arbetet är om en installation av lambdareglering förbättrar förbränningen och i sådana fall hur lång tid det tar innan investeringen lönar sig.En lambdasond installerades på rökröret och två Arduinos programmerades och installerades tillsammans med ett relä som är kopplat till matarskruvens strömförsörjning. Mätningar av avgaserna har genomförts både före och efter installationen och en förbättring på värdena NO, NOx och CO2 uppmättes vid lambdareglering. Vidare förbättrades verkningsgraden och bränsleförbrukningen. Förbränningen kan därmed antas vara mer fullständig med lambdareglering jämfört med utan. Efter inköpskostnaderna för installationen och besparingarna på pellets är installationen intjänad på en säsong. / There is a vast amount of forest in Sweden and parts of that is used as an energy source to heat up homes. Many homes are heated with pellet burners and some of these are old and inefficient. The purpose of this report is to rebuild a 2009 Ariterm PX21 pellet burner by installing a lambda controller.Currently, the burner has no built-in technique that controls the combustion. The purpose of the lambda controller is to control the pellet feeder to the burner with a lambda transmitter and by that control the combustion. The report aims to answer if that installation will improve the combustion and how long it will take until the investment is profitable.A lambda transmitter has been installed on the funnel and two Arduinos has been programmed and installed together with a relay connected to the feeder’s electrical supply. Exhaust measurements have been performed both before and after the installations. There was an improvement on NO, NOx, and CO2 after the installation. There was also an improvement of the efficiency and fuel consumption. Therefore, the installation of a lambda controller can be considered to improve the combustion. With the expenses made and the savings on pellet consumption, the installation will be profitable within one season.

Λ-Λ hyperons: the road to estimate the production cross-section in protonproton collisions

Appagere, Gandharva January 2024 (has links)
In this study, we analyse the $\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ hyperon channel in proton-proton scattering, $pp \mapsto \Lambda\Lambda + K^+K^+, \,\,\Lambda\mapsto p+\pi^-$, with a proton beam energy of $4.5$ GeV using the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI.The purpose of the study presented here is to measure the production cross-section for the $\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ channel. %at the above beam Kinetic energy. The following measurement will be the first at this energy scale (CoM: $\sqrt{s}=3.46$ GeV).We develop a multi-stage analysis strategy to first determine the acceptance-reconstruction efficiency for the $\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ channel from simulations produced according to phase space.The analysis of data is perforned for three different event selections: inclusive ($ pp \mapsto \Lambda\Lambda + X$), semi-exclusive ($ pp \mapsto \Lambda\Lambda + K^+ +X$) and the fully exclusive.For each selection, the data is represented by a two-dimensional histogram, where the axes correspond to the $p+\pi^-$ invariant mass of the respective $\Lambda$ candidate. %The same strategy was employed on the experimental data to build a $\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ 2D correlation matrix. The \sloppy{$\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ signal} is determined using a Statistical sideband analysis (SSB) and a Linear least squares (LLS) fit.The inclusive selection provides the most significant $\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ signal.Cross-section values corresponding to the two analyses  are calculated as weighted average of the result of the three selections.The production cross-section for $\Lambda$-$\Lambda$ in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=3.46$ GeV is measured \sloppy{to be $59\pm27$ nb} (one standard deviation uncertainity).

Lambda designs for lambda less than 60

Puliyambalath, Naushad Pasha 05 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.

λ-calcul différentiel et logique classique : interactions calculatoires

Vaux, Lionel 23 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse de théorie de la démonstration étudie les interactions entre le λ-calcul différentiel d'Ehrhard et Regnier d'un côté, et certaines émanations calculatoires de la logique classique (le λμ-calcul de Parigot et le λ-barre-μ-calcul de Herbelin) de l'autre. L'étude est initiée et guidée par la décomposition de ces calculs dans des extensions de la logique linéaire de Girard.<br /><br />Dans une première partie, on définit un cadre commun pour ces extensions, dans le formalisme des réseaux d'interaction de Lafont, et on y rappelle des résultats de la littérature ou du folklore. On donne en particulier la traduction du λμ-calcul et du λ-barre-μ-calcul dans les réseaux polarisés de Laurent et celle du fragment finitaire du λ-calcul différentiel dans les réseaux différentiels d'Ehrhard et Regnier.<br /><br />Dans la deuxième partie, on introduit les réseaux différentiels polarisés (RDP), comme l'extension par une polarisation à la Laurent des réseaux différentiels. La pertinence des règles de réduction nouvelles est soulignée par l'étude d'un modèle dénotationnel commun aux réseaux différentiels et aux réseaux polarisés.<br /><br />Enfin, on présente trois calculs de termes, chacun pouvant être considéré comme une lecture en arrière de tout ou partie des interactions définies par les RDP : un λμ-calcul différentiel, qui correspond à la réunion des réseaux différentiels et des réseaux polarisés ; un λ-barre-μ-calcul avec produit de convolution sur les piles, qui fait intervenir la structure de bigèbre des types polarisés introduite dans les RDP, mais pas la dérivée ; enfin, un λ-barre-μ-calcul différentiel qui développe toute l'expressivité des RDP.

Kappa and lambda light chain mRNA in situ hybridization compared to flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry in B cell lymphomas

Rimsza, Lisa, Day, William, McGinn, Sarah, Pedata, Anne, Natkunam, Yasodha, Warnke, Roger, Cook, James, Marafioti, Teresa, Grogan, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Detection of B cell clonality is useful for assisting in the diagnosis of B cell lymphomas. Clonality assessment can be accomplished through evaluation of KAPPA and LAMBDA light chain expression. Currently, only slide based methods are available for the majority of patient biopsies and do not detect light chain protein or mRNA in many B-cell lymphomas. Herein we evaluated a new method, known as colorimetric in situ hybridization (CISH), with improved sensitivity and multiplexing capacity, for its usefulness in clonality detection in mature B cell malignancies.METHODS:The KAPPA and LAMBDA ISH was performed on a Ventana Benchmark XT utilizing two color chromogenetic detection. The probes comprised 2 haptenated riboprobes each approximately 500 base pairs long directed against the conserved regions of either KAPPA or LAMBDA mRNA. The dual colors consisted of silver deposition (black) for KAPPA light chain and a novel (pink) chromogen for LAMBDA light chain. Following optimization, CISH allowed visualization of mRNA in benign B cells in reactive tissues including germinal center, mantle zone, and post-germinal center cells. We then identified 79 cases of B cell lymphoma with formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) biopsies including: follicular (36 cases), mantle cell (6 cases), marginal zone (12 cases), lymphoplasmacytic (6 cases), small lymphocytic (4 cases), and diffuse large B cell (15 cases), which were selected on the basis of either prior flow cytometry or immunohistochemistry (IHC) results to serve as the predicate, "gold standard," comparator.RESULTS:39/79 (49.4%) cases were classified as KAPPA and 29/79 (36.7%) as LAMBDA light chain restricted / while 9/79 (11.3%) cases were classified as indeterminate. Of the 70 cases with KAPPA or LAMBDA light chain restricted CISH, 69/70 (98.6%) were concordant with the reference method, while 1/70 (1.4%) was discordant.CONCLUSIONS:Optimized CISH detected lower levels of mRNA than can be visualized with current slide based methods, making clonality assessment in FFPE biopsies possible for mature B cell neoplasms. In this preliminary study, CISH was highly accurate compared to flow cytometry or IHC. CISH offers the possibility of wider applicability of light chain ISH and is likely to become a useful diagnostic tool.Virtual Slides: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1430491067123856

Outside of the Binary : En undersökning av det diskursiva utrymmet för icke-binära subjekt i lambda nordicas utgivning

Odland, Tove January 2016 (has links)
I denna uppsats görs en undersökning av tidskriften lambda nordica (1989-2016) och det diskursiva utrymme för icke-binära subjekt som skapas i denna. lambda nordica är en vetenskaplig tidskrift som har haft inriktning först mot homosexualitetsstudier och senare mot queerteori och HLBTQ-studier. Undersökningen inleds med en kvantitativ innehållsanalys för att kunna se de stora dragen över tid i talet om trans* i allmänhet. Som ett andra steg görs en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att tematiskt karaktärisera olika förhållningsätt till icke-binära subjekt som finns i materialet när trans* berörs. Tre huvudkategorier av förhållningssätt identifieras: explicit namngivning, implicita öppningar och uteslutning, och det går att se en ökning av de två första förhållningssätten under tidsintervallet 2008-2016. Slutligen analyseras dessa förhållningssätt utifrån de diskursteoretiska begreppen objektivitet, det politiska, hegemoniska interventioner och dekonstruktion. Baserat på denna analys dras slutsatsen att en subjektsposition för icke-binära etableras, implicit eller explicit, i ett fåtal texter, och analysen informeras av denna etablering i en liten delmängd av dessa. Trots att synligheten för icke-binära subjekt i viss mån ökat, så är den huvudsakliga slutsatsen att dessa subjekt till största del är uteslutna i materialet som helhet och att förekomsten av faktisk analys av icke-binära subjekt är mycket begränsad.

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