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Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um novo método de extração de resíduos de antibióticos presentes em carne de frango / Development and application of a new extraction method for antibiotic residues in chicken meatCoelho, Vinicius Adriano 21 July 2014 (has links)
A avicultura de corte brasileira tem apresentado elevados índices de crescimento. No intuito de garantir uma maior eficiência da produção de aves, medicamentos veterinários são administrados para tratamento e prevenção de doenças. A coccidiose é uma dessas doenças, a qual é causada por várias espécies do protozoário do gênero Eimeria. Os poliéteres ionóforos são antibióticos largamente administrados no controle desses microrganismos. No entanto, a administração contínua de doses subterapêuticas dessa classe de fármacos pode acarretar no acúmulo de resíduos nos tecidos dos frangos de corte. No intuito de garantir a segurança dos consumidores, são definidos Limites Máximos de Resíduos (LMRs) por órgãos internacionais como: Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Commission Regulation, Codex Alimentarius; e nacionais como Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Dessa forma, este estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento, validação e aplicação de um método para determinação em peito de frango de resíduos de Lasalocida (LAS), Monensina (MON), Salinomicina (SAL) e Narasina (NAR) por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas sequencial com ionização por eletrospray (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Nigericina (NIG) foi utilizada como padrão interno do método analítico. As amostras foram liofilizadas, trituradas e tamisadas, sendo utilizadas no método amostras com tamanho de partículas entre 125 ?m e 250 ?m. Os resíduos foram extraídos com metanol e uma alíquota do extrato foi evaporada e reconstituída para análise em LC-ESI-MS/MS no modo positivo de monitoramento de reação selecionada (SRM). A etapa de clean up foi realizada por meio de filtração do extrato em membrana de PTFE 0,22 ?m. O método apresentou-se linear no intervalo de concentração de 0,0 a 40,0 ?g kg-1 para LAS, de 0,0 a 20,0 ?g kg-1 para MON, de 0,0 a 200,0 ?g kg-1 para SAL e de 0,0 a 30,0 ?g kg-1 para NAR. Para todos os antibióticos o coeficiente de correlação linear (r) esteve de acordo com as diretrizes para métodos bioanalíticos (r >= 0,98). A repetitividade foi avaliada em três concentrações de fortificação para cada antibiótico ionóforo, sendo realizada em três dias consecutivos. Foi obtida boa reprodutibilidade intralaboratorial, com coeficiente de variação (CV) de 4,5% para NAR (22,5 ?g kg-1) e 15,2% para LAS (10,0 ?g kg-1). A recuperação ficou acima de 90,0% para todos os antibióticos, sendo de 91,5% para LAS (10,0 ?g kg-1) e 99,1% para MON (15 ?g kg-1). Valores satisfatórios para o limite de decisão (CC?) e capacidade de detecção (CC?) foram obtidos, sendo CC? de 11,8 ?g kg-1 e 115,2 ?g kg-1 para MON e SAL, respectivamente, e CC? de 13,6 ?g kg-1 e 130,3 ?g kg-1 para os mesmos antibióticos. Os limites de detecção (LD) e os limites de quantificação (LQ) foram determinados a partir de dados da curva de calibração. Todos os antibióticos apresentaram LQ inferior ao seu respectivo LMR. O método foi aplicado em 18 amostras disponíveis comercialmente em Ribeirão Preto, SP. De todas as amostras analisadas apenas uma apresentou resíduo de NAR com concentração acima do seu respectivo LD. / The Brazilian poultry industry has shown high rates of growth. In order to ensure greater efficiency of poultry production, veterinary drugs are administered for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Coccidiosis is one of those diseases, which is caused by various species of protozoa of the genus Eimeria. Polyether ionophore antibiotics are widely administered to control these microorganisms. Continuous administration of subtherapeutic doses of this class of drugs may result in the accumulation of residues at low concentration levels in the tissues of broiler. In order to ensure consumer safety, are set Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) by international organizations such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Commission Regulation (EU), Codex Alimentarius; and national such as Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (MAPA). Thus, this study aimed to develop, validate and apply a simple method for determination of residues of Lasalocid (LAS), Monensin (MON), Salinomycin (SAL) and Narasin (NAR) in chicken meat by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Nigericin (NIG) was used as qualitative internal standard. Samples were lyophilized, powdered and sieved. Particles size between 125 ?m and 250 ?m were used. Residues were extracted with methanol and aliquots of the extracts were evaporated and reconstituted for injection in the LC-ESI-MS/MS operated in positive selected reaction monitoring (SRM). From the molecular ion were obtained two fragment ions and that of higher relative abundance was used in quantification process. Clean-up step was performed by filtration on 0.22 ?m PTFE membrane. In the validation process, this method showed linearity over the concentration range from 0.0 to 40.0 ?g kg-1 for LAS; 0.0 to 20.0 ?g kg-1 for MON; 0.0 to 200.0 ?g kg-1 for SAL and 0.0 to 30.0 ?g kg-1 for NAR. For all antibiotics the coefficient of linear correlation (r) was in accordance with the guidelines for bioanalytical methods (r >= 0.99). The intra-day precision was evaluated at three spiked concentrations for each ionophore antibiotic and was determined in three consecutive days. Good inter-day precision was obtained, with relative standard deviations from 4.5% for NAR (22.5 ?g kg-1) and 15.2% for LAS (10.0 ?g kg-1). For all antibiotics recovery above 90.0% was obtained, which were 91.5% for LAS (10.0 ?g kg-1) and 99.1% for MON (15.0 ?g kg-1). Satisfactory results of decision limit (CC?) and detection capability (CC?) were determined, which were CC? 11.8 ?g kg-1 and 115.2 ?g kg-1 for MON and SAL, respectively; CC? 13.6 ?g kg-1 and 130.3 ?g kg-1 for the same drugs. The limit of detection (LD) and limit of quantification (LQ) were determined from data of the calibration curve. All the LQs were remarkably below the MLRs for each antibiotic. The method was applied to 18 samples acquired in Ribeirão Preto, SP. Of all analyzed samples only one exhibited traces of NAR with concentration above its respective LD. Thus, the proposed method can be applied in routine analysis on samples of commercial chicken meat.
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Análise multirresíduos de pesticidas em tomate utilizando LC-MS/MS e avaliação dos efeitos de lavagem na descontaminação / Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in tomatoes using LC-MS/MS and evaluation of the effects of washing in decontaminatingAndrade, Graziela Cristina Rossi de Moura 03 July 2013 (has links)
Os pesticidas têm sido largamente empregados na agricultura para controle de pragas, doenças e ervas daninhas. O uso intensivo de pesticidas nas culturas de tomates, desrespeitando as boas práticas agrícolas, tem causado preocupações quanto à provável contaminação do produto final e muitos métodos multirresíduos têm sido empregados para avaliar e determinar os níveis de resíduos em amostras de alimentos. Para tanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi a validação do método usando QuEChERS no preparo de amostra e LC-MS/MS para a quantificação de resíduos de 61 pesticidas de diferentes classes químicas em tomate. A detecção foi realizada utilizando espectrômetro de massas no modo MRM dinâmico, o tempo de análise foi de 13 min com coluna analítica recheada com partículas de 1,8 \'mü\'m de partícula. Dos 61 pesticidas estudados, 46 estão de acordo com os parâmetros de validação da Comissão Européia e Anvisa, 15% dos pesticidas validados apresentaram efeito matriz médio e as recuperações ficaram entre 87 e 116% e coeficiente de variação de 5 a 17%. Mais de 85% dos compostos investigados apresentaram limites de detecção igual ou menor que 5 \'mü\'g kg-1 e de quantificação igual ou menor que 10 \'mü\'g kg-1. Foram analisadas 58 amostras de tomate coletadas em supermercados da cidade de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. Doze compostos foram detectados em trinta e cinco amostras (60% do total analisado), todos abaixo do limite máximo de resíduos permitido no Brasil para acefato, acetamiprido, azoxistrobina, benalaxil, bromuconazol, diflubenzurom, imidacloprido, iprodiona, procloraz e tiametoxam, e 15 amostras positivas para metamidofós e 1 para oxamil, que não possuem uso autorizado para a cultura de tomate. Foi realizado um estudo de lavagem de tomates contaminados com produtos formulados (8 pesticidas) com água, solução com 10% de vinagre e com 10% de bicarbonato de sódio e analisada a casca e polpa, para avaliar a capacidade de remoção de cada procedimento. Todos os tratamentos de lavagens (n=3) diferiram estatisticamente para todos os pesticidas avaliados (n=8), com exceção do fipronil, para o qual as lavagens com solução de 10% de bicarbonato de sódio e água não apresentaram diferença no nível de significância de 5%. A lavagem com água ou outras soluções antes do consumo é indicada para a redução de resíduos de pesticidas em tomate e a retirada da casca também contribui para essa redução / Pesticides have been widely used in agriculture to control pests, diseases and weeds. The intensive use of pesticides in tomato crops disrespecting good agricultural practices have been causing concerns about the possible contamination of the final product and many multiresidue methods have been used in order to evaluate and determine the levels of residues in food samples. Therefore, the aim of this study was validate the method using QuEChERS sample preparation and LC-MS/MS for quantification of 61 pesticides residues from different chemical classes in tomato. Detection was performed using mass spectrometry in dynamic MRM mode, run time had 13 min and analytical column packed with 1,8 \'mü\'m particles. Of the 61 pesticides studied, 46 are in accordance with the validation parameters of the European Commission and ANVISA, 15% of the validated pesticides presented matrix effect, recoveries were between 87 and 116% and coefficient of variation 5 to 17%. More than 85% of the compounds investigated showed limits of detection less or equal than 5 \'mü\'g kg-1 and the limits of quantification less or equal than 10 \'mü\'g kg-1. 58 real samples of tomato were analyzed and collected in supermarkets in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Twelve compounds were detected in thirty-five samples (60% of the total analyzed), all below the maximum residue limit allowed in Brazil for acephate, acetamiprid, azoxystrobin, benalaxyl, bromuconazole, diflubenzuron, imidacloprid, iprodione, prochloraz and thiamethoxam, and 15 positive samples of methamidophos and 1 for oxamyl, which are not authorized to use at the culture of tomatoes. A wash study was conducted with spiked tomatoes using formulated products (8 pesticides) with water, 10% acetic acid, 10% sodium bicarbonate solution and analyzed concentration in the peel and pulp, in order to evaluate the capacity to remove pesticides in each procedure. All wash treatments (n= 3) differed significantly for all pesticides evaluated (n= 8), with the exception of fipronil, which the washing with 10% of sodium bicarbonate solution and water no showed difference in the level of significance 5%. The washing with water or other solutions before consumption is indicated for the reduction of pesticide residues in tomatoes and the peeling also contributes to this reduction
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Desenvolvimento de método multiresíduo para determinação de pesticidas benzimidazóis, carbamatos e triazinas em milho por cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas em tandem e sua certificação / Development of a multiresidue method for the determination of benzimidazolic pesticides, carbamates and triazines in corn by Liquid Chromatography coupled to tandem Mass Spectrometry and its certificationKussumi, Tereza Atsuko 12 December 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta os dados obtidos no estudo para o desenvolvimento de método multirresíduo de pesticidas dos grupos de benzimidazol (carbendazim, tiabendazol e tiofanato metílico), carbamatos (aldicarbe, aldicarbe sulfona, aldicarbe sulfóxido, carbaril, carbofurano, metomil, metiocarbe, pirimicarbe, propoxur) e triazinas (atrazina e simazina) em amostras de milho verde. Os pesticidas foram extraídos em acetona, sob agitação, diluídos em água e injetados no sistema LC/MS/MS. A técnica analítica de quantificação e confirmação utilizada foi a Cromatografia Líquida acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem com ionização por Electrospray no modo positivo. A validação do método multirresíduo foi submetida em conformidade com a norma EC/2002/657 da Comunidade Européia. Para quantificação dos analitos utillizouse as curvas analíticas dos princípios ativos, nas concentrações que variaram de 0,04 a 8,0 ng/ml, correspondentes a 2,0 a 400 ?g.kg-1 na amostra. Para o estudo da recuperação, os pesticidas foram avaliados em cinco níveis, de ½ Limite de quantificação (LOQ) a 5 LOQ, correspondentes a níveis de fortificação de 4,0 a 200 ?g.kg-1 . Os resultados da recuperação apresentaram, em níveis aceitáveis, na faixa de 80 a 110% e com precisão satisfatórias, CV <=20%, com exceção de aldicarbe e de aldicarbe sulfona. Os limites de quantificação do método variaram de 8 a 40 ?g.kg-1 e os limites de detecção do método, de 0,2 a 2,9 ?g.kg-1. Os limites de quantificação do método atendem aos limites máximos de resíduos da legislação brasileira em vigor. Nas amostras estudadas, não foram encontrados resíduos de pesticidas acima do limite de quantificação do método. Por outro lado, todos os pesticidas, exceto carbaril e pirimicarbe, foram detectados em todas as amostras e em níveis acima dos limites de detecção do método. A alta incidência da presença de resíduos de pesticidas se deve possivelmente ao uso inadequado de agrotóxico, quando não autorizado o seu uso para a cultura de milho no Brasil ou proveniente de alguma contaminação, como o tratamento de agrotóxicos aplicados em outras culturas plantadas no mesmo solo. / The present work presents the results of a study of development about a multiresidue method for determining pesticides of the following groups in corn: benzimidazolic compounds (carbendazim, thiabendazol and methyl thiofanate), carbamates (aldicarb, aldicarb sulfone, aldicarb sulfoxide, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl, methiocarb, pirimicarb, propoxur), and triazines (atrazine and simazine). The pesticides were extracted in acetone under constant stirring, diluted in water and injected in the LC/MS/MS system. The analytical technique for quantification and confirmation was Liquid Chromatography coupled to tandem Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray ionization in the positive mode The validation of the multiresidue method underwent the European Community EC/2002/657 standard. For the quantification of the analytes, calibration curves of the substances in concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 8.0 ng/mL were used, corresponding to 2.0 to 400 ?g.kg-1 in the sample. For recovery tests, the pesticides were assessed on five levels, from ½ Limit of Quantification (LOQ) to 5 LOQ, corresponding to the fortification levels of 4.0 to 200 ?g.kg-1. The results of the tests showed a recovery of 80-110% with satisfactory precision, and CV <=20%, except for aldicarb and aldicarb sulfone. The limits of quantification of the method ranged from 8 to 40 ?g.kg-1 and the limits of detection ranged from 0.2 to 2.9 ?g.kg-1. The limits of quantification of the method meet the maximum residue limit allowed by the Brazilian law. In the studied samples, pesticide residues above the limit of quantification of the method were not found. On the other hand, all pesticides, except for carbaryl and pirimicarb, in all samples, were detected and level above the limits of detection of the method. The high incidence of residues of these pesticides is probably due to their inadequate use, since it is not allowed on corn cultures in Brazil, or any kind of contamination like the use of such pesticides on other cultures over the same soil.
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Desenvolvimento de método multiresíduo para determinação de pesticidas benzimidazóis, carbamatos e triazinas em milho por cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas em tandem e sua certificação / Development of a multiresidue method for the determination of benzimidazolic pesticides, carbamates and triazines in corn by Liquid Chromatography coupled to tandem Mass Spectrometry and its certificationTereza Atsuko Kussumi 12 December 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta os dados obtidos no estudo para o desenvolvimento de método multirresíduo de pesticidas dos grupos de benzimidazol (carbendazim, tiabendazol e tiofanato metílico), carbamatos (aldicarbe, aldicarbe sulfona, aldicarbe sulfóxido, carbaril, carbofurano, metomil, metiocarbe, pirimicarbe, propoxur) e triazinas (atrazina e simazina) em amostras de milho verde. Os pesticidas foram extraídos em acetona, sob agitação, diluídos em água e injetados no sistema LC/MS/MS. A técnica analítica de quantificação e confirmação utilizada foi a Cromatografia Líquida acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem com ionização por Electrospray no modo positivo. A validação do método multirresíduo foi submetida em conformidade com a norma EC/2002/657 da Comunidade Européia. Para quantificação dos analitos utillizouse as curvas analíticas dos princípios ativos, nas concentrações que variaram de 0,04 a 8,0 ng/ml, correspondentes a 2,0 a 400 ?g.kg-1 na amostra. Para o estudo da recuperação, os pesticidas foram avaliados em cinco níveis, de ½ Limite de quantificação (LOQ) a 5 LOQ, correspondentes a níveis de fortificação de 4,0 a 200 ?g.kg-1 . Os resultados da recuperação apresentaram, em níveis aceitáveis, na faixa de 80 a 110% e com precisão satisfatórias, CV <=20%, com exceção de aldicarbe e de aldicarbe sulfona. Os limites de quantificação do método variaram de 8 a 40 ?g.kg-1 e os limites de detecção do método, de 0,2 a 2,9 ?g.kg-1. Os limites de quantificação do método atendem aos limites máximos de resíduos da legislação brasileira em vigor. Nas amostras estudadas, não foram encontrados resíduos de pesticidas acima do limite de quantificação do método. Por outro lado, todos os pesticidas, exceto carbaril e pirimicarbe, foram detectados em todas as amostras e em níveis acima dos limites de detecção do método. A alta incidência da presença de resíduos de pesticidas se deve possivelmente ao uso inadequado de agrotóxico, quando não autorizado o seu uso para a cultura de milho no Brasil ou proveniente de alguma contaminação, como o tratamento de agrotóxicos aplicados em outras culturas plantadas no mesmo solo. / The present work presents the results of a study of development about a multiresidue method for determining pesticides of the following groups in corn: benzimidazolic compounds (carbendazim, thiabendazol and methyl thiofanate), carbamates (aldicarb, aldicarb sulfone, aldicarb sulfoxide, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl, methiocarb, pirimicarb, propoxur), and triazines (atrazine and simazine). The pesticides were extracted in acetone under constant stirring, diluted in water and injected in the LC/MS/MS system. The analytical technique for quantification and confirmation was Liquid Chromatography coupled to tandem Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray ionization in the positive mode The validation of the multiresidue method underwent the European Community EC/2002/657 standard. For the quantification of the analytes, calibration curves of the substances in concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 8.0 ng/mL were used, corresponding to 2.0 to 400 ?g.kg-1 in the sample. For recovery tests, the pesticides were assessed on five levels, from ½ Limit of Quantification (LOQ) to 5 LOQ, corresponding to the fortification levels of 4.0 to 200 ?g.kg-1. The results of the tests showed a recovery of 80-110% with satisfactory precision, and CV <=20%, except for aldicarb and aldicarb sulfone. The limits of quantification of the method ranged from 8 to 40 ?g.kg-1 and the limits of detection ranged from 0.2 to 2.9 ?g.kg-1. The limits of quantification of the method meet the maximum residue limit allowed by the Brazilian law. In the studied samples, pesticide residues above the limit of quantification of the method were not found. On the other hand, all pesticides, except for carbaryl and pirimicarb, in all samples, were detected and level above the limits of detection of the method. The high incidence of residues of these pesticides is probably due to their inadequate use, since it is not allowed on corn cultures in Brazil, or any kind of contamination like the use of such pesticides on other cultures over the same soil.
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Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um novo método de extração de resíduos de antibióticos presentes em carne de frango / Development and application of a new extraction method for antibiotic residues in chicken meatVinicius Adriano Coelho 21 July 2014 (has links)
A avicultura de corte brasileira tem apresentado elevados índices de crescimento. No intuito de garantir uma maior eficiência da produção de aves, medicamentos veterinários são administrados para tratamento e prevenção de doenças. A coccidiose é uma dessas doenças, a qual é causada por várias espécies do protozoário do gênero Eimeria. Os poliéteres ionóforos são antibióticos largamente administrados no controle desses microrganismos. No entanto, a administração contínua de doses subterapêuticas dessa classe de fármacos pode acarretar no acúmulo de resíduos nos tecidos dos frangos de corte. No intuito de garantir a segurança dos consumidores, são definidos Limites Máximos de Resíduos (LMRs) por órgãos internacionais como: Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Commission Regulation, Codex Alimentarius; e nacionais como Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Dessa forma, este estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento, validação e aplicação de um método para determinação em peito de frango de resíduos de Lasalocida (LAS), Monensina (MON), Salinomicina (SAL) e Narasina (NAR) por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas sequencial com ionização por eletrospray (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Nigericina (NIG) foi utilizada como padrão interno do método analítico. As amostras foram liofilizadas, trituradas e tamisadas, sendo utilizadas no método amostras com tamanho de partículas entre 125 ?m e 250 ?m. Os resíduos foram extraídos com metanol e uma alíquota do extrato foi evaporada e reconstituída para análise em LC-ESI-MS/MS no modo positivo de monitoramento de reação selecionada (SRM). A etapa de clean up foi realizada por meio de filtração do extrato em membrana de PTFE 0,22 ?m. O método apresentou-se linear no intervalo de concentração de 0,0 a 40,0 ?g kg-1 para LAS, de 0,0 a 20,0 ?g kg-1 para MON, de 0,0 a 200,0 ?g kg-1 para SAL e de 0,0 a 30,0 ?g kg-1 para NAR. Para todos os antibióticos o coeficiente de correlação linear (r) esteve de acordo com as diretrizes para métodos bioanalíticos (r >= 0,98). A repetitividade foi avaliada em três concentrações de fortificação para cada antibiótico ionóforo, sendo realizada em três dias consecutivos. Foi obtida boa reprodutibilidade intralaboratorial, com coeficiente de variação (CV) de 4,5% para NAR (22,5 ?g kg-1) e 15,2% para LAS (10,0 ?g kg-1). A recuperação ficou acima de 90,0% para todos os antibióticos, sendo de 91,5% para LAS (10,0 ?g kg-1) e 99,1% para MON (15 ?g kg-1). Valores satisfatórios para o limite de decisão (CC?) e capacidade de detecção (CC?) foram obtidos, sendo CC? de 11,8 ?g kg-1 e 115,2 ?g kg-1 para MON e SAL, respectivamente, e CC? de 13,6 ?g kg-1 e 130,3 ?g kg-1 para os mesmos antibióticos. Os limites de detecção (LD) e os limites de quantificação (LQ) foram determinados a partir de dados da curva de calibração. Todos os antibióticos apresentaram LQ inferior ao seu respectivo LMR. O método foi aplicado em 18 amostras disponíveis comercialmente em Ribeirão Preto, SP. De todas as amostras analisadas apenas uma apresentou resíduo de NAR com concentração acima do seu respectivo LD. / The Brazilian poultry industry has shown high rates of growth. In order to ensure greater efficiency of poultry production, veterinary drugs are administered for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Coccidiosis is one of those diseases, which is caused by various species of protozoa of the genus Eimeria. Polyether ionophore antibiotics are widely administered to control these microorganisms. Continuous administration of subtherapeutic doses of this class of drugs may result in the accumulation of residues at low concentration levels in the tissues of broiler. In order to ensure consumer safety, are set Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) by international organizations such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Commission Regulation (EU), Codex Alimentarius; and national such as Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (MAPA). Thus, this study aimed to develop, validate and apply a simple method for determination of residues of Lasalocid (LAS), Monensin (MON), Salinomycin (SAL) and Narasin (NAR) in chicken meat by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Nigericin (NIG) was used as qualitative internal standard. Samples were lyophilized, powdered and sieved. Particles size between 125 ?m and 250 ?m were used. Residues were extracted with methanol and aliquots of the extracts were evaporated and reconstituted for injection in the LC-ESI-MS/MS operated in positive selected reaction monitoring (SRM). From the molecular ion were obtained two fragment ions and that of higher relative abundance was used in quantification process. Clean-up step was performed by filtration on 0.22 ?m PTFE membrane. In the validation process, this method showed linearity over the concentration range from 0.0 to 40.0 ?g kg-1 for LAS; 0.0 to 20.0 ?g kg-1 for MON; 0.0 to 200.0 ?g kg-1 for SAL and 0.0 to 30.0 ?g kg-1 for NAR. For all antibiotics the coefficient of linear correlation (r) was in accordance with the guidelines for bioanalytical methods (r >= 0.99). The intra-day precision was evaluated at three spiked concentrations for each ionophore antibiotic and was determined in three consecutive days. Good inter-day precision was obtained, with relative standard deviations from 4.5% for NAR (22.5 ?g kg-1) and 15.2% for LAS (10.0 ?g kg-1). For all antibiotics recovery above 90.0% was obtained, which were 91.5% for LAS (10.0 ?g kg-1) and 99.1% for MON (15.0 ?g kg-1). Satisfactory results of decision limit (CC?) and detection capability (CC?) were determined, which were CC? 11.8 ?g kg-1 and 115.2 ?g kg-1 for MON and SAL, respectively; CC? 13.6 ?g kg-1 and 130.3 ?g kg-1 for the same drugs. The limit of detection (LD) and limit of quantification (LQ) were determined from data of the calibration curve. All the LQs were remarkably below the MLRs for each antibiotic. The method was applied to 18 samples acquired in Ribeirão Preto, SP. Of all analyzed samples only one exhibited traces of NAR with concentration above its respective LD. Thus, the proposed method can be applied in routine analysis on samples of commercial chicken meat.
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Análise multirresíduos de pesticidas em tomate utilizando LC-MS/MS e avaliação dos efeitos de lavagem na descontaminação / Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in tomatoes using LC-MS/MS and evaluation of the effects of washing in decontaminatingGraziela Cristina Rossi de Moura Andrade 03 July 2013 (has links)
Os pesticidas têm sido largamente empregados na agricultura para controle de pragas, doenças e ervas daninhas. O uso intensivo de pesticidas nas culturas de tomates, desrespeitando as boas práticas agrícolas, tem causado preocupações quanto à provável contaminação do produto final e muitos métodos multirresíduos têm sido empregados para avaliar e determinar os níveis de resíduos em amostras de alimentos. Para tanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi a validação do método usando QuEChERS no preparo de amostra e LC-MS/MS para a quantificação de resíduos de 61 pesticidas de diferentes classes químicas em tomate. A detecção foi realizada utilizando espectrômetro de massas no modo MRM dinâmico, o tempo de análise foi de 13 min com coluna analítica recheada com partículas de 1,8 \'mü\'m de partícula. Dos 61 pesticidas estudados, 46 estão de acordo com os parâmetros de validação da Comissão Européia e Anvisa, 15% dos pesticidas validados apresentaram efeito matriz médio e as recuperações ficaram entre 87 e 116% e coeficiente de variação de 5 a 17%. Mais de 85% dos compostos investigados apresentaram limites de detecção igual ou menor que 5 \'mü\'g kg-1 e de quantificação igual ou menor que 10 \'mü\'g kg-1. Foram analisadas 58 amostras de tomate coletadas em supermercados da cidade de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. Doze compostos foram detectados em trinta e cinco amostras (60% do total analisado), todos abaixo do limite máximo de resíduos permitido no Brasil para acefato, acetamiprido, azoxistrobina, benalaxil, bromuconazol, diflubenzurom, imidacloprido, iprodiona, procloraz e tiametoxam, e 15 amostras positivas para metamidofós e 1 para oxamil, que não possuem uso autorizado para a cultura de tomate. Foi realizado um estudo de lavagem de tomates contaminados com produtos formulados (8 pesticidas) com água, solução com 10% de vinagre e com 10% de bicarbonato de sódio e analisada a casca e polpa, para avaliar a capacidade de remoção de cada procedimento. Todos os tratamentos de lavagens (n=3) diferiram estatisticamente para todos os pesticidas avaliados (n=8), com exceção do fipronil, para o qual as lavagens com solução de 10% de bicarbonato de sódio e água não apresentaram diferença no nível de significância de 5%. A lavagem com água ou outras soluções antes do consumo é indicada para a redução de resíduos de pesticidas em tomate e a retirada da casca também contribui para essa redução / Pesticides have been widely used in agriculture to control pests, diseases and weeds. The intensive use of pesticides in tomato crops disrespecting good agricultural practices have been causing concerns about the possible contamination of the final product and many multiresidue methods have been used in order to evaluate and determine the levels of residues in food samples. Therefore, the aim of this study was validate the method using QuEChERS sample preparation and LC-MS/MS for quantification of 61 pesticides residues from different chemical classes in tomato. Detection was performed using mass spectrometry in dynamic MRM mode, run time had 13 min and analytical column packed with 1,8 \'mü\'m particles. Of the 61 pesticides studied, 46 are in accordance with the validation parameters of the European Commission and ANVISA, 15% of the validated pesticides presented matrix effect, recoveries were between 87 and 116% and coefficient of variation 5 to 17%. More than 85% of the compounds investigated showed limits of detection less or equal than 5 \'mü\'g kg-1 and the limits of quantification less or equal than 10 \'mü\'g kg-1. 58 real samples of tomato were analyzed and collected in supermarkets in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Twelve compounds were detected in thirty-five samples (60% of the total analyzed), all below the maximum residue limit allowed in Brazil for acephate, acetamiprid, azoxystrobin, benalaxyl, bromuconazole, diflubenzuron, imidacloprid, iprodione, prochloraz and thiamethoxam, and 15 positive samples of methamidophos and 1 for oxamyl, which are not authorized to use at the culture of tomatoes. A wash study was conducted with spiked tomatoes using formulated products (8 pesticides) with water, 10% acetic acid, 10% sodium bicarbonate solution and analyzed concentration in the peel and pulp, in order to evaluate the capacity to remove pesticides in each procedure. All wash treatments (n= 3) differed significantly for all pesticides evaluated (n= 8), with the exception of fipronil, which the washing with 10% of sodium bicarbonate solution and water no showed difference in the level of significance 5%. The washing with water or other solutions before consumption is indicated for the reduction of pesticide residues in tomatoes and the peeling also contributes to this reduction
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Análise comparativa de parâmetros bioquímicos e fisiológicos de um genótipo de feijão-de-corda (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) suscetível e seu mutante derivado, resistente, infectados com o vírus do mosaico severo do caupi (CPSMV) / Comparative Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Parameters from a Susceptible Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) genotype and its derivative mutagenized-Resistant both infected with Cowpea Severe Mosaic VirusSouza, Pedro Filho Noronha de January 2016 (has links)
SOUZA, Pedro Filho Noronha de. Análise comparativa de parâmetros bioquímicos e fisiológicos de um genótipo de feijão-de-corda (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) suscetível e seu mutante derivado, resistente, infectados com o vírus do mosaico severo do caupi (CPSMV). 2016. 180 f. Tese (Doutorado em bioquímica)- Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, 2016. / Submitted by Elineudson Ribeiro (elineudsonr@gmail.com) on 2016-07-28T15:30:39Z
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Previous issue date: 2016 / Cowpea is an important crop that makes major nutritional contributions as a source of proteins and carbohydrates in the diet of many people worldwide. However, its production is impaired due to various stresses including those of biotic origins. Cowpea Severe Mosaic Virus (CPSMV) infects cowpeas leading to severe symptoms and low productivity. Several studies of plant-virus interaction show that seed treatment with Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS, chemical mutagen), results in a resistant phenotype in plants, which was previously susceptibility, to virus infection of the Potyvirus genus. The aim of this study was to investigate some physiological and biochemical parameters of a susceptible cowpea cultivar (CPI) (CE-31, sin. Pitiuba) in comparison with its derived resistant mutagenized (MCPI), both infected with CPSMV. MCPI plantlets were obtained after treatment of CE-31 seeds with 0.04% EMS. Two different approaches were used in this study: 1) biochemical (antioxidant enzymes and H2O2 content, PR-proteins and secondary metabolites) and physiological analysis (photosynthetic parameters and chlorophyll content); and 2) Label free quantitative proteomic approach (LC-ESI-MS / MS) to identify proteins responsive to viral infection. Our results showed that MCPI had no symptoms of CPSMV infection and biochemical (high H2O2, PR-proteins and secondary compounds [phenolic and lignin]) and physiological responses (High photosynthesis index and chlorophyll content) is activated in MCPI plantlets after CPSMV inoculation. With regard to proteomic analysis, 99 proteins were differentially represented, where these 68 are up- and 31 down represented in MCPI compared to CPI. Regardless whether to CPI (susceptible) or MCPI (mutagenized resistant) plantlets, CPSMV induce changes in proteome profile that involve several biological process (energy and metabolism, photosynthesis, response to stress, oxidative burst, and scavenging). Moreover, these results suggest that the CPSMV responsive proteins in the MCPI represent a complex network involving in resistant mechanisms to CPSMV. Treatment of the susceptible CE-31 genotype seeds with the mutagenic agent EMS induced genomic alterations generating a cowpea mutagenized resistant to CPSMV by apparently inducing classical biochemical and physiological responses against infection. / O feijão-de-corda tem grande importância socioeconômica no Nordeste brasileiro. Entretanto, sua produção é baixa devido a diversos fatores bióticos, como, por exemplo, o vírus do mosaico severo do caupí (CPSMV, gênero Comovirus), que apresenta grande destaque, por causar a virose que mais acomete essa cultura no país. No estudo da interação planta-vírus, diversos trabalhos mostram que o tratamento de sementes com o etil metanosulfonato (EMS, mutagênico químico) resulta no fenótipo de resistência em plantas que, anteriormente, apresentavam susceptibilidade à infecção por vírus do gênero Potyvirus. Por essa razão, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar as respostas de defesa bioquímicas e fisiológicas das plantas de feijão-de-corda do genótipo (CE-31) susceptível ao CPSMV (CPI) a partir de sementes tratadas com EMS (0,04% v/v), e avaliar se as plantas mutagenizadas (MCPI), produzidas a partir dessas sementes se tornaram resistentes ao CPSMV. Duas diferentes abordagens foram utilizadas neste trabalho: 1) análises bioquímicas (enzimas antioxidantes e conteúdo de H2O2, PR-proteínas e compostos secundários) e fisiológicas (parâmetros fotossintéticos e teor de clorofila); 2) abordagem proteômica quantitativa (LC-ESI-MS/MS), livre de marcação, para identificar proteínas responsivas à infecção viral. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as plantas MCPI são capazes de induzir respostas bioquímicas (aumento de H2O2, indução de PR-proteínas e aumento no conteúdo de compostos secundários) e alterações nos parâmetros fisiológicos (alta taxa fotossintética e teor de clorofila) que, aparentemente, têm relação com o fenótipo de resistência das plantas mutagenizadas ao CPSMV. Na análise proteômica, 99 proteínas foram identificadas como sendo diferenciais, das quais 68 aumentaram e 31 diminuíram em abundância nas plantas MCPI em relação as plantas CPI. A análise proteômica, mostrou diversas vias metabólicas (Metabolismo Redox, Energia e Metabolismo, Fotossíntese, Metabolismo de RNA e Defesa) envolvidas nas respostas de defesa das plantas MCPI frente a infecção viral. O tratamento das sementes com o EMS, resultou em plantas de feijão-de-corda com fenótipo de resistência capazes de acionar mecanismos de defesa para impedir a infeção viral.
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Lipidomic analysis of prostanoids by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.Nicolaou, Anna, Masoodi, Mojgan, Mir, Adnan A. January 2009 (has links)
No / Lipidomics aim to generate qualitative and quantitative information on different classes of lipids and their species, and when applied in conjunction with proteomic and genomic assays, facilitate the comprehensive study of lipid metabolism in cellular, organ or body systems. Advances in mass spectrometry have underpinned the expansion of lipidomic methodologies. Prostanoids are potent autacoids present in a plethora of cellular systems, known best for their intimate role in inflammation. Electrospray ionisation (ESI) allows the efficient ionisation of prostanoids in aqueous systems. ESI can be readily coupled to liquid chromatography (LC) followed by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)-based detection, thus allowing the development of a potent and selective LC/ESI-MS/MS quantitative assays. The protocol we describe in this chapter outlines the steps we follow to a) extract prostanoids from solid or liquid samples, b) semi-purify the metabolites using solid phase extraction c) set-up the HPLC separation using reverse phase chromatography and d) set up the MS/MS assay using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The experimental details and notes presented here are based on the detailed protocols followed in our group
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Untersuchung von Matrixeffekten in der quantitativen Analyse mit Flüssigkeitschromatographie-Tandem-Massenspektrometrie - Bestimmung, Kompensation und MethodenentwicklungRossmann, Julia 02 May 2019 (has links)
Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Promotion war die Untersuchung und Kompensation des Matrixeffekts für die Analytik von Arzneimitteln in komplexen Probenmatrices mit LC-ESI-MS/MS-Technik. Zunächst konnte eine einfache analytische Methode für eine breite analytische Anwendbarkeit entwickelt werden. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass die Matrixeffektkompensation zu einem Mehraufwand bei der Probenvorbereitung führt. Deshalb wurde anschließend der Mechanismus des Matrixeffektes auf die LC-ESI-MS/MS-Technik genauer untersucht. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden anschließend eingesetzt, um eine einfache alternative Quantifizierungsmethode mittels der PCI eines internen Standards zu entwickeln.
Im ersten Teilprojekt wurde eine LC-ESI-MS/MS-Methode für die Analytik von häufig verschriebenen Antibiotika in Abwasserproben der Stadt Dresden entwickelt. Da weder Vergleichsmatrix für Abwasser zur Verfügung stand, noch für alle Zielanalyte isotopenmarkierte Standards erhältlich sind, wurde der stark variierende Matrixeffekt der Abwasserproben mittels der Standardaddition kompensiert. Die Ergebnisse der Methodenentwicklung zeigen, dass eine genaue und flexible Methode entwickelt werden konnte, die Matrixkompensation jedoch zu einem erhöhten Zeit- und Materialaufwand führt. Es wurde deutlich, dass neben bisher genutzten Kompensationsmethoden für den Matrixeffekt, wie Standardaddition und interner isotopenmarkierter Standards, neue alternative Strategien getestet werden müssen.
In dem zweiten Teilprojekt wurde daher der Matrixeffektmechanismus von Urin-, Plasma- und verschiedenen Abwasserproben bei der Messung von verschiedenen Arzneimitteln mittels LC-ESI-MS/MS analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen mittels „post-column infusion“ konnten bisherige Erkenntnisse zu Matrixeffektmechanismen bestätigen und das Verständnis vertiefen. Matrixeffekte sind von der jeweiligen Zusammensetzung der Probenmatrix abhängig, aber auch substanzspezifisch. Dabei kommt es zwischen Analyt und Begleitsubstanzen zu einer Konkurrenz um freie Ladungsträger oder zu einer veränderten Anordnung/Verteilung innerhalb der ESI-Spray-Tröpfchen. Gleichzeitig zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass es auch andere Mechanismen, wie z. B. Ladungstransfers zwischen Analyt und Begleitsubstanzen, geben muss.
Schließlich wurden die Ergebnisse des zweiten Teilprojekts in einer innovativen Methodenentwicklung zur Matrixkompensation und zur Quantifizierung von 16 Arzneimitteln in Urinproben verwendet. Der Matrixeffekt der Substanzen mit vergleichbarer Signalsuppression konnte über einen einzelnen nachsäuleninfundierten internen Standard kompensiert werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen deutlichen Vorteil der entwickelten Methode gegenüber Matrix-Kalibrierung in Präzision und Richtigkeit oder dem Einsatz von isotopenmarkierten internen Standards in Aufwand der Methodenentwicklung und Verbrauch von Standardsubstanzen.
Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen die Bedeutung, Komplexität und den Einfluss der Matrixeffekte in der Anwendung der LC-ESI-MS/MS-Technik. Einerseits sind geeignete Methoden für die Minimierung von Matrixeffekten wie Probenvorbereitung und Chromatographie nötig, andererseits müssen Ionisierungsmechanismen, insbesondere die Wechselwirkungen von Zielanalyten und Begleitsubstanzen, zukünftig Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen sein. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit liefern wichtige Beiträge zur Verbesserung der Analytik von komplexen Proben mittels der LC-ESI-MS/MS-Technik. / The overall goal of this Ph.D. thesis was to investigate and compensate the matrix effect of the analysis of drugs in complex sample matrices with LC-ESI-MS/MS technique. First, a simple analytical method for a broad analytical applicability was developed for wastewater analysis. However, the matrix effect compensation embraced the main part effort in sample preparation. Therefore, the mechanism of the matrix effect on the LC-ESI-MS/MS technique was examined in more detail. The findings were used to develop an alternative quantification method using post-column infusion of an internal standard substance.
In the first project, a LC-ESI-MS/MS method was developed to analyze commonly prescribed antibiotics in wastewater samples of Dresden. Since neither comparison matrix for wastewater nor all isotopically-labeled analogs for the target analytes were available, the strongly varying matrix effect of the wastewater samples was compensated by standard addition. The results show that the developed method is precise and flexible, but the matrix effect compensation leads to an increased expenditure of time and materials. Besides previously used matrix effect compensation methods, such as standard addition and internal isotopically-labeled standard, new alternative strategies need to be tested.
Therefore, the matrix effect mechanism of various drugs and sample matrix combinations was examined in the second project using post-column infusion. The results confirmed previous findings on matrix effect mechanisms and deepened our understanding that matrix effects not only depend on the composition of the sample matrix but are also substance-specific. This results to a competition of free charge carriers between analyte and accompanying substances or to an alternated distribution within the ESI spray droplets. Furthermore, the results indicate that there are other mechanisms, such as charge transfer between analyte and concomitant substances.
The results of the second project were used to invent a method for matrix effect compensation and quantification of 16 drugs in urine samples. The matrix effects of the substances with comparable signal suppression were compensated by a single post-column infused internal standard. The developed method has a significant advantage over the matrix calibration regarding precision and accuracy as well as the use of isotopically-labeled internal standards in effort of method development and consumption of standard substances.
Finally, the results of this work show the importance, complexity and influence of the matrix effects in the application of the LC-ESI-MS/MS-technique. Suitable methods for minimizing matrix effects such as sample preparation and chromatography are needed and ionization mechanisms, in particular the interactions of target analytes with accompanying substances, should be investigated in future studies. The work of this Ph.D. project contributes to the improvement of the analysis of complex samples using the LC-ESI-MS/MS-technique.
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The effect of sulforaphane on oxidative stress and biotransformation in HepaRG cells / A. Crous.Crous, Ané January 2013 (has links)
Sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate found in high concentrations in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Sulforaphane has received much attention due to the evidence that it inhibits phase I carcinogen-bioactivating enzymes and/or induces phase II antioxidant enzymes as well as metallothioneins (MTs) (Perocco et al., 2006; Clarke et al., 2008; Yeh & Yen, 2009). Since MTs and antioxidant enzymes are involved in the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the question was raised whether sulforaphane can provide protection against increased oxidative stress and if sulforaphane exposure of a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, like HepaRG cells, will have a negative impact on phase I and II biotransformation in these cells. Oxidative stress was exogenously induced in HepaRG cells with tert- Butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP). Phase I and phase II biotransformation pathways were assessed with caffeine, paracetamol, aspirin, sodium benzoate, and paraaminobenzoic acid, respectively, as probe substances. Through the use of a liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) assay, the biotransformation of caffeine in phase I and the formation of paracetamol, aspirin, sodium benzoate and para-aminobenzoic acid conjugates in phase II were investigated. This involved elucidating the time it took for the whole probe to be completely biotransformed during phase I biotransformation and the unique conjugates formed during phase II biotransformation in HepaRG cells.
The optimal t-BHP concentration and exposure time in HepaRG cells were standardized with a 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. LC-ESI-MS/MS assays to monitor phase I and phase II biotransformation were optimized and validated. The optimal sulforaphane concentration and exposure time in HepaRG cells were standardized with a MTT assay. To evaluate the possible protective effect of sulforaphane against oxidative stress, HepaRG cells were pre-incubated with sulforaphane followed by the induction of oxidative stress with t-BHP and the quantification of the amount of viable cells with a MTT assay. To investigate the effect of sulforaphane on phase I and phase II biotransformation pathways, HepaRG cells were first pre-incubated with sulforaphane followed by the addition of a specific probe substance and the assessment of the biotransformation of the probe with a LC-ESI-MS/MS assay.
The results partially supported the hypothesis of the study that sulforaphane will protect HepaRG cells against oxidative stress without negatively influencing phase I and phase II biotransformation. The results indicated that sulforaphane provided partial protection against t-BHP induced oxidative stress and had no effect on phase II paracetamol biotransformation in HepaRG cells. / Thesis, MSc (Biochemistry), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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