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Développement de méthodes analytiques pour la détection et la quantification de traces de produits pharmaceutiques dans les eaux du fleuve Saint LaurentGarcía Ac, Araceli 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyse de traces de micropolluants dans l'eau et le lait maternel en vue d'évaluer leur impact sur la santé / Quantification of traces of micropollutants in water and breast milk in assessment impact on human healthCariot, Axelle 26 November 2012 (has links)
L'exposition humaine au bisphénol A et aux nonylphénols constitue un problème majeur de santé publique, en conséquence du caractère ubiquitaire de ces molécules et de leur toxicité en tant que perturbateur endocrinien. Leurs dérivés chlorés, formés par chloration lors de l'étape de désinfection de l'eau potable, présentent un effet perturbateur endocrinien jusqu'à 100 fois plus important que les composés parents. Au cours de ce travail nous avons développé des méthodes de dosage sensibles et reproductibles par LC-MS/MS de ces polluants dans l'eau. Le choix de l'isomère 353NP a été discuté et retenu comme substance de référence des nonylphénols. Le bisphénol A et le 353NP ont été retrouvés dans l'eau de surface (en entrée) et dans l'eau traitée (en sortie) de 8 usines de traitement d'eau potable, à des concentrations comprises entre 2,0 et 29,7 ng.L-1 et entre <4,1 et 124,9 ng.L-1 respectivement. Par ailleurs, aucun dérivé chloré n'a été détecté. Des dosages du bisphénol A et de ses dérivés chlorés réalisés dans 14 eaux du robinet et 4 eaux embouteillées ont montré leur présence dans ces eaux de boisson. Pour évaluer l'imprégnation de la population au bisphénol A et ses dérivés chlorés, nous avons mis au point un dosage ultrasensible de ces molécules par SPE-UPLC-MS/MS dans le lait maternel, validé selon les recommandations internationales. Ces composés ont été retrouvés dans le colostrum de 21 mères avec des concentrations comprises entre <0,40 et 6,12 ng.mL-1. Ces résultats prouvent qu'il existe une origine hydrique de la contamination chez l'homme par le bisphénol A, comme pour ses dérivés chlorés. / Bisphenol A and nonylphenols are widespread industrial chemicals which over the past decade have demonstrated their toxicity as endocrine disruptors. Residual chlorine present in drinking water may react with these compounds to form chlorinated derivatives, which have demonstrated a heightened level of estrogenic activity. In this work, we have comprehensively validated accurate and reproducible methods of quantification measuring these target compounds in water using LC-MS/MS. We have discussed and selected 353NP as the reference material for the analysis of nonylphenols. Bisphenol A and 353NP were found in both surface and treated water samples extracted from eight French drinking water treatment plants, at a level ranging from 2.0 to 29.7 ng.L-1 and from <4.1 to 124.9 ng.L-1, respectively. Neither chlorinated BPA nor chlorinated 353NP was detected. Quantification of bisphenol A and its chlorinated derivatives in 14 tap water samples and 4 bottled water samples showed that those pollutants are present in drinking water. Exposure to bisphenol A and its chlorinated derivatives in the population was investigated through breast milk. We developed a method using on-line SPE-UPLC-MS/MS to quantify these chemicals in breast milk according to internationally accepted guidelines. The target compounds were found in the colostrum of 21 women at concentrations ranging from <0.40 to 6.12 ng.mL-1. Drinking water may consequently constitute a source of human exposure to bisphenol A and its chlorinated derivatives.
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Exposition fœtale à différentes familles de xénobiotiques en Bretagne : analyse de la matrice méconium / Fetal exposure to different families of xenobiotics in Brittany, France : analysis of meconium matrixMeyer, Marie 22 December 2014 (has links)
Le méconium constitue les premières selles du nourrisson. Cette matrice complexe est analysée dans le cadre du projet « PENEW » (Pregnancy Environment and NEWborn malformations) afin de déterminer si le degré d'exposition fœtale aux xénobiotiques joue un rôle dans la survenue de malformations congénitales. Le but de cette étude était le développement analytique pour la détection et la quantification dans le méconium d’une quarantaine de composés de familles différentes (composés organiques volatils, pesticides, éthers de glycol et les métabolites associés). Trois techniques analytiques différentes et une préparation d’échantillon spécifiques ont été développées pour la détection et la quantification de ces composés dans le méconium. L’application des ces méthodes à 246 échantillons de méconium a montré une exposition fœtale à plusieurs des substances recherchées. / Meconium is the earliest stool of newborns. This complex matrix was analyzed through the "PENEW" project (Pregnancy and Newborn malformations Environment) to determine if the degree of fetal exposure to xenobiotics has an influence in the occurrence of birth defects. The objective of this thesis was developed analytical methods for the detection and quantification of several different families of compounds (volatile organic compounds, pesticides, glycol ethers and their metabolites) in meconium. Three different analytical methods and a specific sample preparation have been developed for the detection and quantification of these compounds in the meconium. The application of these methods to 246 meconium samples showed a fetal exposure to several target compounds.
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Detektion av hydrolyserad β-laktamantibiotika i plasma med Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry och Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass Spectrometry / Detection of hydrolyzed β-lactam antibiotics in plasma by Matrix-Assisted Desorption Laser Ionization – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass SpectrometryThenstedt, Niklas January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion Antibiotikaresistens är ett globalt växande problem. Till gruppen β-laktamantibiotika hör piperacillin-tazobaktam och cefotaxim som båda verkar genom att försvaga cellväggen med kovalenta bindningar till peptidoglykanlagret som lyserar cellen. E. coli och K. pneumoniae tillhör gruppen Enterobacteriaceae, som är en del av den humana tarmfloran och ofta förekommande vid urinvägsinfektion och sepsis. Utvidgat Spektrum β-Laktamas (ESBL) är ett enzym som finns hos Enterobacteriaceae och som hydrolyserar β-laktamantibiotika. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) är en kvalitativ analysteknik för detektion av kemiska föreningar i avseende på massa och laddning. Kännedom om antibiotikametaboliters molekylvikt vid hydrolys möjliggör detektion. Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) är en högsensitiv kvantifieringsmetod som separerar molekyler i avseende på polaritet för vidare detektion i avseende på massa och laddning. Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att vidareutveckla en snabb och effektiv metod för att påvisa nedbrytning av piperacillin-tazobaktam och cefotaxim i blodplasma med LC-MS/MS. Material och Metod Tiofaldigt sjunkande koncentrationer av piperacillin-tazobaktam från 2000 till 2 µg/ml, och cefotaxim med koncentrationerna 500 till 0,5 µg/ml analyserades med MALDI-TOF MS, dels intakt men även med bakterierna E. coli och K. pneumoniae med uttryck av olika resistensmekanismer. Vid optimerade koncentrationer spikades plasmaprover med nedbrutet antibiotika som sedan kvantifierades med LC-MS/MS. Resultat Lägsta detektionsgräns med MALDI-TOF MS för intakt och hydrolyserat piperacillin-tazobaktam var 20/2,5 µg/ml. För cefotaxim var lägsta gränsen 5 µg/ml. Med kliniskt relevanta blodkoncentrationer gick hydrolys inte att detektera för. Med tre bakteriekolonier/50 µl kunde dock hydrolys detekteras och kvantifieras med LC-MS/MS. Slutsats Detektion av β-laktamantibiotika är möjligt med både MALDI-TOF MS och LC-MS/MS. För att påvisa hydrolys krävdes större mängder bakterier än förväntat med LC-MS/MS. / Introduction Antibiotic resistance is a global growing problem. Piperacillin-tazobactam and cefotaxime are parts of the group β-lactam antibiotics. The common feature is to inhibit the cell wall synthesis by covalent bindings to the peptidoglycan layer and thereby causing lysis of the bacterial cell. E. coli and K. pneumoniae are members of the Enterobacteriaceae which is a part of the human normal flora but also are commonly associated with urinary tract infections which sometimes develops into to sepsis. Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases (ESBLs) are enzymes with hydrolytic abilities acting on β-lactam antibiotics, expressed by Enterobacteriaceae. The qualitative, Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) can be used to detect chemical compounds in the ratio of mass to charge in accordance to their molecular weight. Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is a highly sensitive two-step method of quantification which first separate molecules by their polarity attraction force and then by the ratio of mass to charge. Aim The aim of this study was to develop a fast and efficient method to determine degradation of piperacillin-tazobactam and cefotaxime in blood plasma by LC-MS/MS. Method Tenfold dilution of piperacillin-tazobactam in concentrations of 2000 to 2 µg/ml, and cefotaxime in concentrations of 500 to 0,5 µg/ml where analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS, intact and also with the bacteria E. coli and K. pneumoniae with different expression of antibiotic resistance. Optimized concentrations where fixed in blood plasma and then quantified by LC-MS/MS. Result The detection limit by using MALDI TOF MS of hydrolyzed as well as non-hydrolyzed piperacillin-tazobactam was 20/2,5 µg/ml. The detection limit in cefotaxime was 5 µg/ml. Hydrolysis could not be detected in clinically fixed blood concentrations. Detection and quantification of hydrolysis by LC-MS/MS was possible in a concentration of three bacteria colonies/50 µl. Conclusion It is possible to detect hydrolysis in both MALDI TOF MS and LC-MS/MS. A larger amount of bacteria than expected was needed to demonstrate hydrolysis In LC-MS/MS.
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Optimering av vätskekromatografiska parametrar vid kvantifiering av läkemedel i serum med LC-MS/MS för klinisk diagnostik / Optimizing Chromatographic Parameters for Quantification of Pharmaceuticals in Serum with LC-MS/MS for Clinical UseEdlund, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Vid Klinisk kemi och farmakologi, Specialkemi, vid Skånes universitetssjukhus, Lund, utförs kvantifiering med LC-MS/MS av antipsykotiska och antidepressiva läkemedelskoncentrationer i serum med acetonitril (ACN) som mobilfas. ACN är på grund av sin höga elueringsstyrka ett av de vanligaste organiska lösningsmedlen vid reversed phase (RP) kromatografi, men uppvisar samtidigt en hög toxicitet med risk för stora leveransproblem. I syfte att reducera mängden ACN undersöktes därför möjligheten till ett mobilfasbyte till metanol (MeOH). Ordinarie metod jämfördes med tre nyutvecklade metoder med MeOH-baserad mobilfas. I en av metoderna ändrades endast mobilfas och elueringsgradient, medan två av metoderna även använde andra sorters RP-kolonner med anpassade elueringsgradienter. Samtliga analyter uppvisade godkänd separation och retention vid eluering med MeOH, men stor fluktuation från referensmetod sågs vid kvantifieringen av flera analyter, däribland olanzapin, desmetylolaznapin och mirtazapin. Liknande avvikelser med avseende på regression och kvantifieringsdifferens observerades vid eluering med andra sorters RP-kolonner. Detta indikerar att vidare optimering av andra vätskekromatografiska och masspektrometriska parametrar bör utföras innan metoderna kan valideras. / The quantification of antipsychotics and antidepressants in human serum with LC-MS/MS is usually performed with acetonitrile (ACN) as mobile phase. ACN is one of the most common organic solvents in reversed phase (RP) chromatography thanks to its high elution strength but is also highly toxic and can at times suffer from major delivery problems. The present study investigated the possibility of replacing ACN with methanol (MeOH) as primary organic solvent with the purpose of reducing the total ACN-usage. Three newly developed methods for chromatographic analysis of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs using MeOH as organic solvent as part of the mobile phase were compared to the routine method in regard to analyte separation and retention, as well as the relative quantification of substance. In one of the methods only the mobile phase and elution gradient was changed whereas different types of RP columns were applied in addition to the changed mobile phase in the other two. All substances showed acceptable separation and retention when eluted with MeOH but displayed large fluctuations in the quantification of the analyzed substances, more specifically olanzapine, desmethylolanzapine and mirtazapine, in comparison to the reference method. Similar deviations in terms of regression and quantification bias were observed when analytes were eluted with MeOH through other types of RP columns. This indicates that further optimization of other parameters relating to the chromatography and mass spectrometer should be performed before validation.
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A novel method for the measurement of plasma metanephrines using online solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometryAdaway, Joanne E., Peitzsch, Mirko, Keevil, Brian G. 19 September 2019 (has links)
Background: Measurement of plasma metanephrine, normetanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine is useful in the diagnosis of phaeochromocytomas, but many assays require a large volume of plasma due to poor assay sensitivity, and often require lengthy sample preparation. Our aim was to develop a method for measurement of plasma metanephrines using a small sample volume with minimal hands-on preparation. Methods: Samples were deproteinised using 10 K spin filters prior to online solid phase extraction using a Waters Acquity UPLC Online SPE Manager (Waters, Manchester, UK) coupled to a Waters Xevo TQ-S mass spectrometer (Waters, Manchester, UK). The assay was validated and results compared to a previously published method. Results: We achieved a limit of quantification of 37.5 pmol/L for metanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine and 75 pmol/L for normetanephrine using only 150 mL of sample. The assay was linear up to 30,000 pmol/L for all analytes and in a method comparison study results showed good agreement with a previously published LC-MS/MS assay. Conclusions: We have developed a simple method for measurement of plasma metanephrine, normetanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine using only 150 mL of sample. There is minimal hands-on sample preparation required and the assay is suitable for routine use in a clinical laboratory.
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Entwicklung einer Methode zur Validierung von Immunoassays im Hinblick auf Kreuzreaktivitäten und MatrixeffekteHoffmann, Holger 20 September 2018 (has links)
Immunoassays basieren auf der Anwendung von Antikörpern, welche selektiv den zu messenden Analyten binden. Die Richtigkeit der erhaltenen Ergebnisse hängt maßgeblich von der Selektivität der Antikörper ab und kann durch Interferenzen gestört werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine Methode entwickelt, bei der die Probe mittels Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (LC) in Fraktionen aufgetrennt wird und diese Fraktionen anschließend mittels Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) vermessen werden. Dieses Verfahren wurde als LC-ELISA bezeichnet. Das erhaltene Profil aus im ELISA gemessener Analytkonzentration in Abhängigkeit von der Elutionszeit wurde als LC-ELISAgramm bezeichnet und bietet die Möglichkeit, Interferenzen zu erkennen, welche beim ELISA unentdeckt bleiben. Als Modellanalyten für die zu untersuchenden ELISAs dienten Sulfamethoxazol (SMX), Carbamazepin (CBZ) und Estron (E1). Dabei wurden verschiedene Umweltmatrices wie Oberflächenwasser und Abwässer mit dem jeweiligen ELISA vermessen. Es wurde ein Ansatz zur Unterscheidung von spezifischen und unspezifischen Interferenzen in Umweltproben aufgezeigt. Durch diesen Ansatz und Anwendung der sauren Hydrolyse der Probe war es möglich, einen bisher unbekannten SMX-Metaboliten zu detektieren und dessen wahrscheinliche Kreuzreaktivität mit 460 ± 150 % abzuschätzen. Es wurde zudem ein neuer Tracer in einer linearen 13-Stufen-Synthese entwickelt, wobei neuartig die Konjugation der Peroxidase an der N1-Position des SMX erfolgte. / Immunoassays are based on the use of antibodies that selectively bind the analyte. The trueness of the results obtained depends to a great extent on the selectivity of the antibodies and can be affected by interferences. In this study, a method was developed in which the sample is separated into fractions by using high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) and these fractions are measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This method was referred to as LC-ELISA. The profile obtained from the measured analyte concentration by ELISA as a function of the elution time was referred to as LC-ELISAgram and offers the possibility to detect interferences which otherwise remain undetected during the ELISA. Sulfamethoxazole (SMX), carbamazepine (CBZ) and estrone (E1) were used as model analytes for the ELISA and LC-ELISA measurements. Various environmental matrices such as surface water and wastewater were examined for their interference in the respective ELISA. The good quantification properties of the validated LC-ELISA have been used to demonstrate an approach to distinguish between specific and non-specific interferences from environmental samples. By this approach and application of acidic hydrolysis of the sample, it was possible to detect a previously unknown metabolite of SMX and estimate its cross-reactivity to probably 460 ± 150%. Furthermore, a new tracer was developed in a linear 13-step synthesis, which resulted in the novel conjugation of the peroxidase at the N1-position of SMX. The new hapten was also used for the synthesis of a novel immunogen.
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Development of novel analytical methods for vitamin D metabolites analysis in biological matrices based on mass spectrometry – Derivatization strategies and LC-MS/MS method development.Alexandridou, Anastasia 12 December 2024 (has links)
Vitamin-D-Mangel und -Unterversorgung haben sich zu einem großen Problem für die öffentliche Gesundheit entwickelt, das vor allem auf eine unzureichende Sonnenlichtexposition und eine begrenzte Zufuhr dieses essenziellen Nährstoffs über die Nahrung zurückzuführen ist. Diese "Pandemie" hat zu einem bemerkenswerten Anstieg der Nachfrage nach der Bestimmung des zirkulierenden 25-Hydroxyvitamin-D-Spiegels (25(OH)D) geführt. Die meisten Studien fokussieren sich in erster Linie auf 25(OH)D und betrachten es als Biomarker für den Vitamin-D-Status. Es besteht jedoch ein wachsendes Interesse an der gleichzeitigen Messung mehrerer klinisch bedeutsamer Vitamin-D-Metaboliten wie dem nativen Vitamin D, 25(OH)D-Epimeren, 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D und 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D. Die Flüssigchromatographie/Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (LC-MS/MS) gilt als "Goldstandard" für die Bestimmung des Vitamin-D-Spiegels und ermöglicht die gleichzeitige Analyse mehrerer Analyten, die für das Verständnis der physiologischen Rolle von Vitamin D und seiner klinischen Auswirkungen unerlässlich sind. In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit soll verschiedene Aspekte der Vitamin-D-Landschaft erforschen, umfassende Einblicke geben und Herausforderungen innerhalb des Forschungsthemas besprechen. Zunächst lag der Schwerpunkt auf dem Vergleich mehrerer Derivatisierungsreagenzien für die Vitamin-D-Analyse und der Frage, wie sie sich auf die Nachweisempfindlichkeit der Methode und die chromatographische Trennung der getesteten Vitamin-D-Metaboliten auswirken. Ein zweiter Schwerpunkt lag auf der Untersuchung der Stabilität der Derivatisierungsprodukte in Serumextrakten. Der letzte Versuch war die Entwicklung einer LC-MS/MS-Methode, die die Ergebnisse der vorangegangenen Untersuchungen nutzen sollte. Als Ergebnis wurde eine neue Methode vorgestellt, die meines Wissens zum ersten Mal FMP-TS für die chemische Derivatisierung von Vitamin-D-Metaboliten verwendet. / Vitamin D deficiency has emerged as a significant public health concern, attributed largely to insufficient exposure to sunlight and limited dietary sources rich in this essential nutrient. This “pandemic” has led to a notable increase in the demand for assessing circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). Most studies have primarily focused on 25(OH)D, considered it as the vitamin D status biomarker. However, there is a growing interest in simultaneously measuring multiple clinically significant vitamin D metabolites such as the native vitamin D, 25(OH)D epimer, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and others. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop analytical methods which will be able to separate and quantify the metabolites of interest accurately and precisely. Liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) stands out as the “gold standard” technique for vitamin D analysis. Its versatility enables simultaneous analysis of multiple analytes, thereby facilitating the generation of comprehensive vitamin D profiles essential for understanding its physiological role and clinical implications. The present doctoral thesis is designed to explore diverse aspects of vitamin D landscape, providing comprehensive insights and addressing challenges within the research topic. Initially there was a focus on comparing multiple derivatization reagents for vitamin D analysis and discovering how they impact the method’s detection sensitivity and the chromatographic separation of the tested vitamin D metabolites. Moreover, there was a second focal point on examining the stability of the derivatization products in serum extracts. The final attempt was the development of an LC-MS/MS method that would utilize the outcomes of the investigations conducted before. As a result, a new method was introduced utilizing FMP-TS for the chemical derivatization of vitamin D metabolites, a reagent which has not been reported before for vitamin D analysis.
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Biology and Detection of Pregnanes During Late Gestation in the MareWynn, Michelle Arelia Ann 01 January 2017 (has links)
Progesterone in the mare declines to almost undetectable concentrations in late gestation. It’s metabolized into several pregnanes, some circulating at very high concentrations. Although the function of many pregnanes remains unclear, 5α-dihydroprogesterone and allopregnanolone are bioactive. Measurements of pregnanes in late gestation are typically by immunoassay, although results are confounded by cross-reactivity with related pregnanes. Conversely, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) allows differentiation of individual pregnanes. The purposes of these studies were: 1) to evaluate the ability of a 5α-reductase inhibitor, dutasteride, to alter pregnane metabolism and pregnancy outcome, 2) to evaluate changes in target pregnanes in late gestation by LC-MS/MS in mares with ascending placentitis, and 3) compare immunoassay and LC-MS/MS detection of pregnanes in late gestation. Our findings suggest that dutasteride significantly altered pregnane metabolism without effects on pregnancy outcome. Pregnane measurement by LC-MS/MS resulted in a significant (p<0.05) differences in assay results, while correlation was observed between immunoassay measurements and actual progesterone concentrations by LC-MS/MS. These studies demonstrate the complexity of pregnane metabolism in late gestation in the mare and the necessity of LC-MS/MS to detect specific changes that immunoassays cannot differentiate.
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An investigation into the metabolic activation of novel chloromethylindolines by isoforms of cytochrome P450 : targeting drug metabolising enzymes in cancer : analysis of the role and function of selected cytochrome P450 oxidising novel cancer prodrugsAlandas, Mohammed Nasser January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) are the major family of enzymes responsible for detoxification and metabolism of a wide range of both endogenous and xenobiotics chemicals in living organisms. The use of CYPs to activate prodrugs to cytotoxins selectively in tumours has been explored including AQ4N, Phortress and Aminoflavone. CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP2W1, and CYP4F11 have been identified as expressed in tumour tissue and surrounding stroma at high frequency compared to most normal tissues. Aim is to investigate the differential metabolism of novel chloromethylindoline by high frequency expressed CYPs in tumours. This differential may be exploited to elicit a selective chemotherapeutic effect by metabolising inert small molecules to potent cytotoxins within the tumour environment. Materials and Methods: Sensitive and specific LC/MS/MS techniques have been developed to investigate the metabolism of chloromethylindolines. Recombinant enzymes and transfected cell lines were used to investigate the metabolic profiles with a focus on production of the cytotoxic derivatives of chloromethylindolines. Results: Detailed metabolic studies show that (1-(Chloromethyl)-1,2-dihydropyrrolo [3,2-e]indol-3(6H)-yl)(5-methoxy-1H-indol-2-yl) methanone (ICT2700) and other chloromethylindolines are converted by CYP1A1 mediated hydroxylation at the C-5 position leading to highly potent metabolites. In vitro cytotoxicity studies showed differentials of up to 1000-fold was achieved between CYP1A1 activated compared to the non-metabolised parent molecules. The reactivity of metabolites of ICT2700 was also explored using glutathione as a nucleophile. The metabolites were identified by a combination of LC/MS and LC MS/MS techniques. Investigations using mouse and human liver microsomes show that a large number of metabolites are created though none were shown to be associated with a potential anticancer effect. Studies focused on CYP2W1 show that this isoform metabolised ICT2706 to a cytotoxic species and a pharmacokinetic study showed a good distribution of ICT2706 into mouse tissues including tumour. However metabolism of ICT2726 by CYP2W1 resulted only in a non-toxic metabolite profile and may have potential as a biomarker for functional CYP2W1 in tissues. Preliminary studies show that palmitic acid hydroxylation is a useful marker of functional CYP4F11. Summary and conclusion: The in vitro results show that the chloromethylindolines are a novel class of agent with potential as prodrugs that following specific hydroxylation by CYP1A1 and CYP2W1 are converted to ultra-potent cytotoxins. Other metabolites are also evident which are not cytotoxic. Studies in vivo show that selected chloromethylindolines possess a good pharmacokinetic profile and show potential as prodrug anticancer agents that require activation by CYP1A1 or CYP2W1. The methods, results, progress and suggestions for future work are presented in this thesis.
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