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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv environmentální certifikace budov při oceňování s ohledem na životní cyklus stavby / Influence of Building Environmental Certification on Price Valuation with Respect to the Building Life-Cycle

Mrňová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is an analysis and evaluation of environmental certifications influence on rental rates and operating costs of administrative buildings. The analysis is conducted for administrative buildings because these are the most frequently certified buildings in the Czech Republic. To fulfil this defined goal, two office space offer price databases in Prague and Brno are compiled. The first database is consists of office space offer rentals which possess environmental certification. The second database is also compiled of building offer rentals but without environmental certification. Based on these two databases the effect of environmental certification on rental rates using paired t-test is examined. Simultaneously, effective operating costs of buildings located in Brno are analysed, and it is evaluated whether and if so, at what intensity their amount is affected by environmental certifications.

LEED- und AES-Untersuchungen an Silicidschichten

Allenstein, Frank 11 December 2002 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Wachstum dünner CrSi2-Schichten auf Si(001). Die Schichtherstellung wurde mittels eines template-Verfahrens in einer MBE-Anlage realisiert. Die Charakterisierung der Schichten erfolgte mittels RBS,AES,LEED,REM,TEM,XRD sowie Widerstandsmessungen.

Adsorbat-induzierte Oberflächensysteme und ultra-dünne intermetallische Legierungsfilme im Fokus der niederenergetischen Elektronenbeugung und spektroskopischer Analysemethoden / Adsorbate-unduced surface systems and ultra-thin intermetallic alloy films in the focus of low-energy electron diffraction and spectroscopic analysis methods

Zinner, Martin Gerhard January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation werden mit unterschiedlichen Analysemethoden die Korrelationen zwischen den strukturellen, elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von Selten Erd-basierten intermetallischen Oberflächenlegierungen anhand der beiden Probensysteme LaPt$_5$/Pt(111) und CePt$_5$/Pt(111) untersucht. Darüber hinaus werden die strukturellen Eigenschaften von Adsorbat-induzierten Oberflächenrekonstruktionen im sub-ML Bereich in reduzierten Dimensionen auf der Halbleiteroberfläche Si(111) anhand der beiden Materialsysteme Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au und Si(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Sn mit der Methode LEED-IV analysiert. Das erste experimentelle Kapitel dieser Arbeit behandelt die intermetallische Oberflächenlegierung LaPt$_5$/Pt(111), die sich ausbildet wenn La-Atome auf einem sauberen Pt(111)-Substrat abgeschieden werden und anschließend thermische Energie hinzugefügt wird. Die Dicke der gebildeten Legierung lässt sich über die zuvor angebotene Menge an La-Atomen variieren und resultiert aufgrund der Gitterfehlanpassung von Pt(111) und den obenauf liegenden LaPt$_5$-Filmen in sechs unterschiedliche Beugungsmuster im LEED, deren Überstrukturvektoren durch zwei unterschiedliche Rotationsausrichtungen in Bezug auf das Gitter des Substrats und unterschiedlichen lateralen Gitterkonstanten der Filme gekennzeichnet sind. Die atomare Struktur kann auf eine gemeinsame Kristallstruktur zurückgeführt werden, deren Stöchiometrie aus dickenabhängigen AES-Messungen zu LaPt$_5$ mit einer Pt-reichen Oberflächenabschlusslage bestimmt werden konnte. Die Ergebnisse einer durchgeführten LEED-IV Studie bestätigen das Wachstum der Filme in der CaCu$_5$-Struktur, wobei die Oberflächenterminierungslage im Vergleich zum Volumengitter ein zusätzliches Pt-Atom pro Einheitszelle aufweist, das zusätzlich um einen Wert von \unit{0.26}{\angstrom} aus der Oberfläche hervorsteht. Die La-Atome, die direkt unterhalb der Terminierungslage liegen, erfahren eine Verschiebung in entgegengesetzter Richtung, so dass im Vergleich zum Volumen der Filme eine lokal veränderte Symmetrie im oberflächennahen Bereich vorherrscht und sich auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften der LaPt$_5$-Filme auswirkt. Darüber hinaus wurden die Schwingungseigenschaften der LaPt$_5$-Filme mittels der polarisierten in situ Raman-Spektroskopie bestimmt, bei der die auftretenden Schwingungspeaks durch die Kenntnis der atomaren Struktur und mit Überlegungen aus der Gruppentheorie unterschiedlichen Tiefenbereichen der LaPt$_5$-Filme (Volumen und Oberfläche) zugewiesen werden konnten. Im zweiten experimentellen Kapitel liegt der Fokus auf der atomaren Struktur sowie auf den elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften des Kondo- und Schwerfermionensystems CePt$_5$/Pt(111). In Abhängigkeit von der vor dem Legierungsprozess angebotenen Menge an Ce-Atomen auf dem Pt(111)-Substrat konnten insgesamt sieben verschiedene LEED-Phasen der CePt$_5$-Filme identifiziert werden, deren jeweilige Oberflächenrekonstruktionen durch eine unterschiedliche Rotationsausrichtung in Bezug auf das Pt(111)-Substrat gekennzeichnet sind. Zusätzlich ist die laterale Gitterkonstante einem Prozess aus Verspannung und Dehnung aufgrund der Gitterfehlanpassung von Film und Substrat ausgesetzt. Eine durchgeführte LEED-IV Analyse bestätigt das Wachstum der Filme in der CaCu$_5$-Struktur mit einer Pt-reichen Oberflächenabschlusslage, deren Pt$_3$-Kagom\'-Lage im Vergleich zum Volumengitter mit einem zusätzlichen Pt-Atom pro Einheitszelle gefüllt ist. Die strukturellen Ergebnisse stimmen mit erzielten Resultaten aus früheren Arbeiten überein und verdeutlichen zudem die isostrukturellen Eigenschaften zur intermetallischen Oberflächenlegierung LaPt$_5$/Pt(111). Dies ermöglicht durch geeignete Vergleichsexperimente an LaPt$_5$/Pt(111) die induzierten Phänomene der $4f$-Elektronen bezüglich des Kondo- und Schwerfermionenverhaltens bei CePt$_5$/Pt(111) zu bestimmen, da La-Atome in ihrem atomaren Aufbau keine $4f$-Elektronen beherbergen. Mit der polarisierten in situ Raman-Spektroskopie aufgenommene Spektren anhand von unterschiedlich dicken CePt$_5$-Filmen beinhalten sowohl charakteristische Schwingungspeaks als auch elektronische Übergänge. Das spektroskopische Verhalten der Schwingungspeaks zeigt dabei nicht nur Gemeinsamkeiten zu LaPt$_5$/Pt(111) bei der Zuweisung der Schwingungsmoden zu den jeweiligen Tiefenbereichen in den CePt$_5$-Filmen, sondern es treten auch Unterschiede auf, da eine CePt$_5$-Schwingungsmode einem anormalen Temperaturverhalten unterliegt, das auf die Wechselwirkung mit den $4f$-Elektronen zurückzuführen ist. Weitere spezifische Raman-Signaturen, die elektronischen Übergängen in Form von Kristallfeldniveauaufspaltungen der $4f$-Elektronen von Ce zugewiesen werden konnten, resultieren ebenfalls aus unterschiedlichen Regionen der CePt$_5$-Filme (Oberfläche, inneres Volumen, Interface). Die magnetischen Eigenschaften der CePt$_5$-Filme wurden mit XAS und XMCD an den Ce M$_$-Kanten in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur, dem Einfallswinkel, der Filmdicke und der Stärke des Magnetfelds analysiert. Die markanten Übergänge zwischen unterschiedlichen Curie-Weiss-Regimen in der inversen Suszeptibilität erlauben Rückschlüsse über das Kristallfeldaufspaltungsschema, die Kondo- und die RKKY-Wechselwirkung und korrelieren mit der Ce-Valenz. Zudem konnte bei tiefen Temperaturen ein Übergang in den kohärenten Schwerfermionen-Zustand für alle untersuchten CePt$_5$-Filmdicken in dieser Arbeit nachgewiesen werden. Durch die Vorhersage eines metamagnetischen Lifshitz-Übergangs für diese Filme, der sich in der Magnetfeldabhängigkeit des magnetischen Moments äußert, konnte durch die Aufnahme von Magnetisierungskurven bei tiefen Temperaturen und hohen Magnetfeldern auf zwei weitere charakteristische Energieskalen der renormalisierten Bandstruktur zugegriffen werden. Das dritte experimentelle Kapitel widmet sich der mit LEED und LEED-IV durchgeführten Aufklärung der atomaren Struktur eines quasi-eindimensionalen Elektronensystems, bei dem sich die gebildeten Au-Nanodrähte auf der Si(111)-Oberfläche durch eine Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au Rekonstruktion beschreiben lassen. Die aufgenommenen LEED-Bilder mit ihren markanten Beugungsreflexen und sogenannten Streifen deuten auf drei gleichwertige Rotationsdomänen, die jeweils um einen Winkel von \unit gegeneinander gedreht sind, auf der Oberfläche hin. Zudem konnte aus einer Simulation der Beugungsbilder das Auftreten von Streifen durch drei zusätzliche Spiegeldomänen, die eine Phasenverschiebung von einem halben Überstrukturvektor einführen und bei einer sorgfältigen LEED-IV Analyse ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden sollten, erklärt werden. Aus den in der Literatur nach einer zweiten Rekalibrierung der nötigen Menge an Au-Atomen zur Ausbildung der Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au Rekonstruktion in den letzten Jahren heftig diskutierten Strukturmodellen gibt das von Kwon und Kang aufgestellte Geometriemodell (KK-Modell) die beobachteten energieabhängigen Intensitätsmodulationen in den experimentellen Daten beim Vergleich mit theoretisch berechneten IV-Kurven am besten wieder. Für dieses Modell nimmt der R-Faktor nach Pendry bei den unabhängig voneinander betrachteten drei Energieserien unter verschiedenen Einfallswinkeln der Elektronen auf die Probenoberfläche stets den kleinsten Wert an. Unter der expliziten Berücksichtigung von Si-Adatomen, die sich zusätzlich auf der Oberfläche befinden und in einer (5$\times$4)-Einheitszelle beschrieben werden können, bleibt das KK-Modell das zu präferierende Strukturmodell zur Beschreibung der ausgebildeten Au-Ketten und der Si-Honigwabenstruktur bei der Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au Oberflächenrekonstruktion. Im letzten experimentellen Kapitel wird ein zweidimensionales Elektronensystem -- die $\alpha$-Si(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Sn Oberflächenrekonstruktion, die sich bei 1/3 ML an Sn-Adsorbaten auf dem Si(111)-Substrat ausbildet -- im Hinblick auf die atomare Struktur bei Raumtemperatur mit LEED und LEED-IV untersucht. Aus den insgesamt sechs in die Analyse aufgenommenen Strukturmodellen, bei denen die Sn-Atome innerhalb der rekonstruierten ($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Einheitszelle unterschiedliche Adsorptionsplätze auf einer ideal terminierten Si(111)-Oberfläche einnehmen, konnte ein Legierungsverhalten, wie es bei der $\gamma$-Si(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Sn Phase auftritt, ausgeschlossen werden. Die Sn-Atome ordnen sich ausschließlich auf der Oberfläche neu an und führen zu einer Relaxation des darunterliegenden Substrats, deren atomare Verschiebungen sich bis in die sechste Si-Lage nachverfolgen lassen. Im Vergleich zu früheren Strukturaufklärungen an diesem Materialsystem bestätigt diese Analyse, dass sich die abgeschiedenen Sn-Atome auf T$_4$-Adsorptionsplätzen energetisch günstig anlagern, wobei die bei drei unterschiedlichen Einfallswinkeln aufgenommenen experimentellen Daten an unterschiedlichen Probenpositionen auf ein vorhandenes bzw. fehlendes Si-Atom auf einem S$_5$-Gitterplatz im darunterliegenden Si(111)-Substrat hindeuten. Außerdem konnte das theoretisch vorhergesagte dynamische Fluktuations-Modell aufgrund der sehr stark erhöhten thermischen Auslenkungen der Sn-Atome aus ihrer Gleichgewichtslage in den Modellrechnungen zur dynamischen Streutheorie nachgewiesen werden. Dies könnte neben den unregelmäßig angeordneten Si-Fehlstellen eine Ursache für das Ausbleiben des strukturell reversiblen Phasenübergangs von einer ($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Phase zu einer (3$\times$3)-Phase bei tiefen Temperaturen, wie er beispielsweise beim elektronisch vergleichbaren Adsorbatsystem Ge(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Sn auftritt, sein. / In the scope of the present PhD thesis the correlations between the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of rare earth-based intermetallic surface compounds are examined by means of different analysis methods on the basis of the two sample systems LaPt$_5$/Pt(111) and CePt$_5$/Pt(111). In addition, the structural properties of adsorbate-induced surface reconstructions in the sub-ML range in reduced dimensions on the semiconductor surface Si(111) are analyzed on the basis of the two material systems Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au and Si(111)-($\sqrt\times\sqrt$)R30$$-Sn with LEED-IV. The first experimental chapter of this thesis deals with the intermetallic surface compound LaPt$_5$/Pt(111). LaPt$_5$/Pt(111) forms when La atoms are deposited onto a clean Pt(111) substrate and subsequently thermal energy is applied. The thickness of the intermetallic film can be varied over the amount of La atoms offered before the alloying process and results in a total of six different diffraction patterns in LEED due to the lattice mismatch of Pt(111) and the LaPt$_5$ films on top. The superstructure vectors of the films formed are characterized by two different rotational orientations with respect to the lattice of the substrate and different lateral lattice constants of the films. The atomic structure can be traced back to a common crystal structure whose stoichiometry could be determined out of thickness dependent AES measurements to LaPt$_5$ with a Pt-rich surface termination layer. The results of a LEED-IV study confirm the growth of the films in the CaCu$_5$ structure, where the surface termination layer contains an additional Pt atom per unit cell compared to the bulk lattice. Additionally, this Pt atom protrudes from the surface by a value of \unit. The La atoms directly underneath the termination layer are shifted in opposite direction and therefore a locally changed symmetry prevails in the near surface region compared to the volume of the films and furthermore the electronic properties of the LaPt$_5$ films are affected. In addition, the vibrational properties of the LaPt$_5$ films were determined by means of polarized in situ Raman spectroscopy, in which the occurring vibrational peaks could be assigned to different depth regions of the LaPt$_5$ films (volume and surface) by knowledge of the detailed atomic structure and further considerations from group theory. In the second experimental chapter, the focus is put on the atomic structure and the electronic and magnetic properties of the Kondo- and heavy-fermion system CePt$_5$/Pt(111). Depending on the amount of Ce atoms offered before the alloying process on the Pt(111) substrate, a total of seven different LEED phases of the CePt$_5$ films could be identified, whose respective surface reconstructions are characterized by two different rotational orientations with respect to the Pt(111) substrate. Additionally the lateral lattice constant of the films are exposed to a process of stress and strain due to the lattice mismatch between film and substrate. A LEED-IV analysis confirms the growth of the films in the CaCu$_5$ structure with a Pt-rich surface termination layer whose Pt$_3$-Kagom\'{e} layer is filled with one additional Pt atom per unit cell compared to the bulk lattice. The structural results agree with results obtained in earlier studies and furthermore also illustrate the isostructural properties towards the intermetallic surface compound LaPt$_5$/Pt(111). The structural agreement between the two intermetallic surface compounds allows the determination of the $4f$ electrons induced phenomena with respect to the Kondo- and heavy-fermion behavior in CePt$_5$/Pt(111) by suitable comparative experiments on LaPt$_5$/Pt(111), since La atoms in their atomic structure do not contain $4f$ electrons. Spectra recorded with polarized in situ Raman spectroscopy of CePt$_5$ films with different film thicknesses contain both characteristic vibrational peaks and signatures of electronic transitions. The spectroscopic behavior of the vibrational peaks show similarities to LaPt$_5$/Pt(111) in the assignment of the vibrational modes to the respective depth regions in the CePt$_5$ films, but also differences occur, since one vibrational mode of CePt$_5$ is subject to an anomalous temperature behavior, which is attributed to the interaction with the $4f$ electrons. Further specific Raman signatures, which could be assigned to electronic transitions in form of level splitting of the $4f$ electron of the Ce atoms due to the crystal field of the Pt atoms, also originate from different depth regions of the CePt$_5$ films (surface, inner volume, interface). The magnetic properties of the CePt$_5$ films were analyzed with XAS and XMCD at the Ce M$_{4,5}$ edges as a function of temperature, angle of incidence, film thickness, and magnetic field strength. The prominent transitions in the inverse susceptibility between different Curie-Weiss regimes allow conclusions to be drawn about the crystal field splitting scheme, the Kondo- and RKKY-interactions and show a significant correlation with the Ce-valence. Furthermore, for all investigated CePt$_5$ film thicknesses in this thesis at low temperatures a transition to the coherent heavy-fermion state could be detected. By predicting a metamagnetic Lifshitz transition for these films, which is expressed in the magnetic field dependence of the magnetic moment, two further characteristic energy scales of the renormalized band structure could be accessed by recording magnetization curves at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. The third experimental chapter is devoted to the elucidation of the atomic structure of a quasi one-dimensional electron system with LEED and LEED-IV, in which the Au nanowires formed on the Si(111) surface can be described by a Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au reconstruction. The recorded LEED images include both a striking diffraction pattern and so-called diffraction streaks indicative for the existence of three equivalent rotational domains on the reconstructed surface, rotated by an angle of \unit{120}{\degree} against each other. In addition, the occurrence of diffraction streaks in the observed diffraction pattern could be explained through a theoretical simulation by the existence of three additional mirror domains on the surface, which introduce a phase shift of half a superstructure vector and should also be considered in a thorough LEED-IV analysis. From the structural models discussed vigorously in recent years in the literature after the introduction of a second recalibration of the necessary amount of Au atoms required for the formation of the Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au reconstruction, the geometry model established by Kwon and Kang (KK model) reflects best the observed energy-dependent intensity modulations in the experimental data when compared with calculated IV curves. For this model, the R-factor by Pendry always adopts its smallest value for the three energy series considered independently of each other at different angles of incidence of the electrons on the sample surface. Furthermore, even under explicit consideration of Si adatoms, which are additionally located on top of the reconstructed surface and can be described in a (5$\times$4) unit cell, the KK model remains the preferred structural model for the description of the Au chains formed and the Si honeycomb structure of the Si(111)-(5$\times$2)-Au surface reconstruction. In the final experimental chapter, a two-dimensional electron system -- the $\alpha$-Si(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Sn surface reconstruction, which is formed at a total coverage of 1/3 ML of Sn adsorbates on the Si(111) substrate -- is investigated with regard to the atomic structure at room temperature with LEED and LEED-IV. From a total of six structural models included in the analysis, in which the Sn atoms on an ideally terminated Si(111) surface occupy different adsorption sites within the reconstructed ($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$ unit cell, it was possible to exclude alloying such as observed for the $\gamma$- Si(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Sn phase. The Sn atoms rearrange exclusively on the surface and lead to a relaxation of the underlying substrate, whose atomic displacements can be traced back to the sixth Si layer. In comparison to earlier structural investigations conducted on this material system, the presented analysis confirms that the deposited Sn atoms are energetically favorably deposited at T$_4$ adsorption sites. Furthermore, the experimental data recorded at three different angles of incidence from different positions on the sample show indications of an existing and/or missing Si atom on a S$_5$ lattice site in the underlying Si(111) substrate. In addition, the theoretical prediction of the dynamic fluctuation model for this surface reconstruction could be proven in the model calculations of the dynamic scattering theory due to the very strongly increased thermal displacements of the Sn atoms from their equilibrium position. Besides from the irregularly arranged Si defects, this could be a hint for the absence of the reversible structural phase transition at low temperatures from a ($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$ phase to a (3$\times$3) phase, as it occurs in the electronically comparable adsorbate system Ge(111)-($\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}$)R30${\degree}$-Sn.

LEED i Sverige och i byggprojektet Borgarfjord 3. / LEED in Sweden and in Borgarfjord 3 project.

Sundqvist, Peter, Porter, Maria January 2010 (has links)
This thesis provides a good introduction to the American environmental certification system LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and trough compar-isons between Sweden and the United States an explanation to the systems design is given. The work is closely linked to a LEED Core & Shell project in Stockholm, Swe-den, where the goal is to reach the second highest rating in LEED - Gold. This thesis gives a broad description of the LEED system and a more profound study of the energy sector, Energy and Atmosphere. Here, for example, an analysis has been made of how the energy consumption of an imaginary building designed according to the requirements of the BBR (Swedish building code) performs in comparison to the Baseline building in LEED. The existing model of Borgarfjord 3, which served as a case study in this work, has al-so been modified to investigate the energy savings that could have been achieved by adding extra insulation to the building. A description of the problems, regarding how the Swedish district heating system (DES) is treated in LEED, is given as well as the suggested modifications. This is an issue that will be pursued during the process of shaping a new, international, version of LEED due to be launched 2012.

Kan grönt bli till guld? : En studie av miljöcertifieringars värde och utveckling i den svenska bygg- och fastighetssektorn

Jernelius, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Certification systems, that assess companies’ work with social and environmental issues, have emerged in an increasing number of industries. Today, there are environmental certifications for the food industry, the forestry, the fisheries sector and several more. In apparel industry, certification for sustainable working conditions has been of major impact. The property sector is no exception from other industries. Today, there are a variety of different environmental assessment methods in the world, in order to support sustainable construction. In recent years, a rapid development has also been taken place in the Swedish real estate market, where many property owners show great interest in certifying their portfolios. On the Swedish market for commercial real estate there are three different environmental certification systems being used: BREEAM, LEED and the national label Miljöbyggnad. The GreenBuilding Programme, which focuses solely on energy efficiency, has also had a significant impact in the country. Environmental certifications are market-driven regulations, based on customer demand driving companies to conduct their operations in a sustainable way. According to Auld, Bernstein and Cashore (2008), the certification systems differs from other forms of CSR because the companies voluntary agree to let external organizations regulate their activities. In return, the companies get a credible recognition on the market, showing they work seriously and concretely with sustainability issues. According to previous studies, the demand for environmentally certified properties and offices is still limited (Broström & Weinz, 2010; Reuterskiöld & Fröberg, 2010; Bonde, Lind, & Lundström, 2009; van der Schaaf & Sandgärde, 2008). Yet, the interest of stakeholders in the real estate sector is widely spread. This examination aims to determine the value of environmental certification for property owners, and from that basis try to find out how the development might proceed. The study is based on qualitative interviews with stakeholders in the Swedish construction and property sectors, as well as a literature review of the development of certification systems in other industries and in international property markets. In order to get a holistic perspective of this complex industry, the commercial real estate is seen as a system through four phases: Construction, Management, Renovation and Transaction. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders who were considered representative for each phase, resulting in Property development companies, Property owners and Real Estate appraisals. Based on empirical findings, the interest of environmental certifications peaks in the phase of construction, while companies mainly active in management and renovations are more hesitant in the choice of certifying their buildings or not. The fact that the share of newly constructed buildings is very small relative to the total property stock implies that the market for certified buildings is virtually nonexistent, and will so remain unless the environmental certification systems spread to existing buildings. The minimal market has consequences in the transaction phase, since the yield is determined from previous transactions of comparable properties. In the present situation, certified buildings are compared to conventional ones, which imply that the certification doesn’t result in a higher market value. In addition, the limited supply leads to badly informed tenants and, thus, a low demand for certified offices. Despite the lack of purely economic value, that is, price or rent premiums, the environmental certifications still seems to be valuable, though in a more qualitative way. Interviewed companies think that a certification provides a communication value in the relationship with external stakeholders, credibility through third party review, insurance against future customer requirements, sustainable internal processes and an internal sense of pride among employees. To be able to transform qualitative values to monetary ones, the environmental certifications must develop through the value chain of commercial real estate, to the phases of management and renovations. This development can be supported and accelerated by adapting certification systems for the management of the existing building stock. In addition, the author argues for the importance of not restricting the number of certification schemes in the market, as well as not neglecting the importance of political leadership for a continued development in the sector. / Certifieringssystem för att bedöma företagens arbete med miljömässiga och sociala problem är ett fenomen som dykt upp inom alltfler branscher. Idag finns miljöcertifieringar inom livsmedelsbranschen, skogsindustrin, fiskenäringen och många fler. Inom klädindustrin har exempelvis certifieringar för hållbara arbetsförhållanden fått ett stort genomslag. Bygg- och fastighetssektorn är inget undantag. Idag finns det i världen en uppsjö av olika miljöcertifieringssystem som syftar till att stödja ett hållbart byggande. Under de senaste åren har en snabb utveckling även observerats på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden och det finns idag ett stort intresse hos landets fastighetsägare att miljöcertifiera sitt bestånd. På den svenska marknaden används framförallt tre miljöcertifieringssystem: brittiska BREEAM, amerikanska LEED och svenska Miljöbyggnad. Det EU-initierade energieffektiviseringsprogrammet GreenBuilding har också fått ett stort genomslag i landet. En miljöcertifiering är ett marknadsdrivet instrument, som bygger på att kundernas efterfrågan driver företagen till att bedriva sina verksamheter på ett mer hållbart sätt. Enligt Auld, Bernstein och Cashore (2008) skiljer sig certifieringssystemen från andra CSR-former (Corporate Social Responsibility; på svenska Företagens samhällsansvar) i och med att företagen frivilligt går med på att låta utomstående organisationer reglera deras verksamheter. I gengäld får företagen ett trovärdigt erkännande på marknaden som visar att de tar miljömässiga problem på allvar och att de arbetar konkret med hållbarhetsfrågor. Enligt tidigare studier är investerarnas och hyresgästernas efterfrågan på miljöcertifierade fastigheter och lokaler än så länge liten (Broström & Weinz, 2010; Reuterskiöld & Fröberg, 2010; Bonde, Lind, & Lundström, 2009; van der Schaaf & Sandgärde, 2008). Ändå är intresset hos aktörerna inom bygg- och fastighetssektorn stort. Denna undersökning har som syfte att ta reda på vad aktörerna ser för värde i en miljöcertifiering, och utifrån den utgångspunkten försöka ta reda på hur utvecklingen kan se ut framåt. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med aktörer inom den svenska bygg- och fastighetssektorn samt en litteraturstudie över utvecklingen av certifieringssystem i andra branscher och på internationella fastighetsmarknader. För att få ett helhetsperspektiv av denna komplexa bransch betraktas det kommersiella fastighetsföretagandet som ett system genom faserna nybyggnation, förvaltning, förädling och transaktion. Intervjuer genomfördes med aktörer som ansågs representativa för respektive fas, vilket resulterade i fastighetsutvecklande företag (nybyggnation), fastighetsägare (förvaltning och förädling) och värderare (transaktion). Utifrån de empiriska resultaten kan det konstateras att utvecklingen av miljöcertifieringar är som störst i nybyggnationsfasen, medan företag som huvudsakligen är verksamma inom förvaltning och förädling står mer tveksamma inför miljöcertifieringarnas fördelar. I och med att andelen nybyggnation är mycket liten i förhållande till det totala fastighetsbeståndet innebär det att marknaden för certifierade fastigheter är i det närmaste obefintlig, och att den även fortsättningsvis kommer att vara liten om inte certifieringarna sprids till det befintliga beståndet. Detta ger konsekvenser i transaktionsfasen, eftersom att avkastningskravet i marknadsvärderingarna bygger på att det finns jämförbara objekt. I dagsläget jämförs certifierade fastigheter med konventionella, vilket innebär att en miljöcertifiering inte resulterar i ett högre marknadsvärde. Det begränsade utbudet gör även att hyresgästerna har dålig kännedom och kunskap om miljöcertifieringar och därmed inte efterfrågar detta i någon högre utsträckning. Även om det inte existerar något rent ekonomiskt värde, i form av högre marknadsvärden och hyrespremier, i miljöcertifieringarna framkommer det ändå ett antal kvalitativa värden. Intervjuade företag anser att miljöcertifieringen ger ett kommunikationsvärde till externa intressenter, trovärdighet genom tredjepartsgranskning, en försäkring mot kundernas framtida krav, hållbara interna processer och en intern stolthet hos medarbetarna. För att de kvalitativa värdena ska kunna omvandlas till monetära värden krävs det att miljöcertifieringarna sprids genom värdekedjan till förvaltnings- och förädlingsfaserna. En sådan utveckling kan stöttas och snabbas upp genom att de certifieringssystem som används på den svenska marknaden anpassas till förvaltning av det befintliga beståndet. Författaren argumenterar även för vikten av att det finns flera miljöcertifieringssystem på marknaden, samt att politikens betydelse inte bör förbises för att även fortsättningsvis se en positiv utveckling i sektorn.

Investing in Green Buildings : How sustainability factors influence investment decisions in the European real estate market?

Rautio, Saara Emilia, Stancu, Matei-Andrei, Alavidehkordi, Seyedamirhossein January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

En Jämförande Analys Av miljöcertifieringssystem För Svenska byggföretag : A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Certification Systems for Swedish Construction Companies

Amiri, Hakim, Habibi, Davod January 2023 (has links)
En stor utmaning för byggbranschen är att minska sin miljöpåverkan, och med nya miljöcertifieringar blir miljökraven större. Deklaration och bedömning av byggprodukters miljöpåverkan har också blivit en viktig fråga i branschens miljöarbete. Det är inte bara staten eller kommunerna som behöver ta ansvar för att minska miljö- och klimatproblem i Sverige, utan det är även näringslivet, däribland byggbranschen, som har ett stort ansvar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka byggsektorns påverkan på miljön baserat på vilka certifieringssystem de utvalda företagen använder och undersöka hur man kan minska byggsektorns miljöpåverkan genom att använda certifieringssystem. Studien syftar även till att utforska skillnaderna mellan olika system för att avgöra om ett av systemen är mer fördelaktigt från ett miljöperspektiv än andra system. Det påvisas att de olika certifieringssystem som används idag, både nationellt och internationellt, har en viss gemensamma nämnare men att det också finns faktorer som skiljer dem åt. Systemen har alla till syfte att öka antalet miljöbyggnader och minska miljöpåverkan, men de fokuserar på olika huvudområden. Studien pekar på att miljöfrågan är en viktig och prioriterad fråga i byggbranschen idag och att certifieringssystem bidrar till minskad miljöpåverkan. Studien föreslår att systemen har potential att utvecklas för att täcka fler områden, som energi- och klimatfrågor. Svenska byggföretag uppmanas använda miljöcertifieringssystem som Nordic Swan Ecolabel (Svanen), GreenBuilding Certifiering och Miljöbyggnadssystemets certifiering för hållbar utveckling. LEED och BREEAM anses vara de mest omfattande och internationellt erkända systemen. Företag bör välja det lämpligaste systemet baserat på projektets krav. Miljöcertifieringssystemen hjälper till att minska miljöpåverkan och främjar miljömedvetenhet. Certifieringssystemen bör utvecklas kontinuerligt genom att inkludera energi- och klimatfrågor, höja miniminivåerna för miljöbyggnad och öka kunskapen om kemikalier. Ingen certifiering är för närvarande helt miljövänlig, men de kan förbättras för att minska byggbranschens negativa påverkan på miljön. / National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning states that the construction and real estate sector contributes to approximately 20 - 30% of Sweden's environmental impact. The construction industry must reduce its environmental impact and environmental certification sets higher standards than those mandated by the National Board's building regulations. The declaration and assessment of construction products' environmental impact is a crucial aspect of the construction and real estate industry's efforts to protect the environment. Reducing environmental and climate problems is not solely the responsibility of the government or municipalities, but also the business community, including the construction industry. This study investigates certifications systems used by the selected companies. The aim is to compare and evaluate these systems to determine which one is more environmentally friendly and sustainable. The study finds that certification systems, both nationally and internationally, have common goals but differ in their focus and usage from country to country. Environmental issues are a priority in the construction industry, and certification systems play a role in reducing the sector's negative impact. The study suggests that these systems have the potential to be improved to address energy and climate issues, but management of the certification process should be made simpler for maximum impact.

Value of Commercial Real Estate investments: Sustainability perspective in Sweden and France

Bryunina, Daria January 2014 (has links)
During the recent decades the notion of sustainability has been introduced to almost all businesses and business areas. Sustainability in real estate and particularity in construction has been discussed by many researchers and journalists. Nowadays, not only many countries have adopted the sustainable construction techniques and started using green building materials but also it has started to be important to have sustainable property management, sustainable real estate valuation techniques as well as on the investment side, there has been a major trend to sustainable real estate investments. Many real estate companies are interested in investments into "green" properties both in France and in Sweden. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the main force that drives these investments, whether they are driven by personal consciousness of investors, by the overall market trend or by the premium that they may receive from the sustainable investment. The purpose was to better understand the reasons behind the green real estate investments as well as to investigate the difference in value of certified sustainable real estate and its impact on the investment decisions. For the following thesis the qualitative research was used the most since its purpose is to get a better understanding of the motivation of companies to invest into sustainable real estate. However, quantitative data was as well applied in from of investigation about amount of investment transactions in different real estate sectors, repartition of types of investors, number of sustainable buildings with different certifications, etc. The research showed that real estate investors both in Sweden and France are most interested in the purchase of green buildings due to their ability to produce higher income and durability of buildings itself. The main premium that they are expecting from such investments is in better marketability of the building and thus shorter vacancy periods. Both qualitative and quantitative data have confirmed this conclusion.

Building certification as a driver in green building design : The holistic apporach of WELL

Labartino, Isabella January 2018 (has links)
Construction industry is based on the evaluation of building environmental impact. The current situation shows buildings reaching high standards in the field of environmental sustainability, but they often neglect occupants' satisfaction. The International Well Building Institute (IWBI) has released a new building standard called WELL, whose aim is to create sustainable buildings paying attention to occupants' health and well-being. The goal of this thesis is to understand what does WELL add to existent building certification systems. There is a large number of certification systems, green codes, green standards and several other kinds of documents that influence the way in which designers think and develop their projects. A research background is carried out to identify their requirements and fields of applicability. The innovative concepts proposed by the IWBI, need to interface with requirements from different regulations or certifications. The gap analysis performed in this work highlights which are the gaps and the overlaps between WELL and Swedish building regulations (BBR), Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM-SE and LEED-IT. The White Arkitekter's office in Stockholm, known as Katsan and certified with Miljöbyggnad Gold, is used as a case study to have a more specific approach to the problem than the general approach provided with the gap analysis. The report shows significant gaps between WELL and the other regulations and certifications, which are reduced when considering the case study. The outcomes for the different standards have been compared and they have evidenced some innovative features present only in WELL. These features answer to the research question and underline what WELL adds to sustainability concepts.

The Relationship Between Quality of Life and LEED-ND Certified / Certifiable Neighborhoods

Timm, Stephanie Nicole 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) has developed a rating system that examines the sustainability of neighborhoods. They have specifically stated that that LEED-ND certified neighborhoods will protect and enhance residents’ overall health, the natural environment, and quality of life. This study uses relevant quality of life indicators that are commonly identified by social scientists as accurate interpreters of the various quality of life domains to determine if there is, in fact, a relationship between LEED-ND and quality of life. Four of the ten domains examined were found to be related to LEED-ND certified/certifiable neighborhoods, thus, to a certain extent, LEED-ND certification does increase quality of life as compared to traditional suburban neighborhoods.

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