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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos de matriz nas propriedades do plasma LIBS para quantificação de carbono / Matrix effects in the LIBS plasma properties for carbon quantification

Franco, Marco Aurélio de Menezes 26 June 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos 20 anos, a espectroscopia de emissão ótica com plasma induzido a laser (LIBS) tem se tornado uma das mais promissoras ferramentas em química analítica, cujas aplicações são destinadas às análises multi-elementares em amostras nos estados sólido, líquido e gasoso. Suas aplicações são as mais diversas, pois sua instrumentação é relativamente simples e pode ser portátil. Em especial, a LIBS apresenta grande potencial de uso na agricultura, com diversas publicações que exploram, principalmente, a concentração de carbono em solos. Entretanto, a construção de modelos gerais de calibração é uma das maiores dificuldades da técnica, pois ela está suscetível aos efeitos de matriz que adicionam comportamentos não-lineares às intensidades das emissões. Com intuito de compreender quais são as principais causas dessa dependência, este trabalho avaliou relações entre propriedades físicas do plasma LIBS e as inclinações das curvas de calibração para cinco emissões de carbono em amostras sintéticas de diferentes potenciais de ionização, sendo elas KCl e H3BO3 com 1% de CuSO4 e concentrações entre 0 e 10 % de carbono. Constatou-se que temperatura e densidade de elétrons dependem inversamente da concentração de carbono nas amostras, o que provavelmente está associado às taxas de ablação de material da amostra e recombinação no interior do plasma. Ademais, esses parâmetros em plasmas originados das amostras de KCl + CuSO4 são maiores do que para a matriz de H3BO3 + CuSO4, além de que apenas plasmas originados da primeira matriz satisfizeram o critério de McWhirter para C I, Cu I e Cu II em todas as concentrações de carbono, indicando que eles devem apresentar condições de equilíbrio termodiâmico local. O mesmo não foi obtido para o caso da matriz de H3BO3 + CuSO4, o que pode explicar suas elevadas incertezas nos valores da temperatura e densidade de elétrons. Verificou-se ainda que as inclinações das curvas de calibração para o carbono foram maiores para o caso da matriz com elementos majoritários de menor potencial de ionização e que isso está diretamente relacionado às propriedades intrínsecas dos plasmas originados, o que corrobora a hipótese deste trabalho. Além disso, cálculos de correlação entre a área do pico de carbono em 247,89 nm e cada ponto dos espectros LIBS mostraram que a emissão de Cu II em 224,72 nm linearizou as curvas de calibração, minimizando os efeitos de matriz. Por fim, este trabalho contribuiu tanto com avanços no conhecimento até então existente a respeito dos efeitos de matriz quanto com um eficiente conjunto de técnicas analíticas para espectros, cujo potencial de aplicação é enorme. / In the last 20 years, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been one of the main tools in analytical chemistry, whose applications are destinated to multi-elementar analysis in solid, liquid or gaseous samples. Its use is diverse, since its instrumentation is relatively simple and can be portable. In particular, LIBS has a great potential for use in agriculture, with many publications that explore mainly the carbon concentration in soils. However, the construction of general calibration models is one of the greatest difficulties of the technique, since it is susceptible to matrix effects that add non-linear behaviors to the emission intensities. In order to understand the main causes of this dependence, this study evaluated the relationships between physical properties of the LIBS plasma and the slope of the calibration curves for carbon emissions in synthetic samples with different ionization potentials. Those samples were made of KCl and H3BO3 with 1% of CuSO4 and carbon concentrations ranging from 0 to 10%. It was found that the plasma temperature and electron density are inversely proportional to the carbon concentration in the samples, which is probably associated with rates of sample ablation and recombination within the plasma. In addition, these parameters in plasmas originating from the samples of KCl + CuSO4 are larger than those originating from the matrix of H3BO3 + CuSO4 at all carbon concentrations, indicating that the first matrix must be in local thermodynamics equilibrium. However, similar results were not found for the other matrix which may explain its high uncertainties in the values of temperature and electron density. It was verified that the slope of the carbon calibration curves were higher for the matrix with elements of low ionization potential than for the other matrix and that this is directly related to the intrinsic properties the plasmas originated, which corroborates the hypothesis of this study. Furthermore, the analysis of correlation between the carbon peak area at 247.89 nm and each point of the LIBS spectra have shown that the Cu II emission at 224.72 nm linearized the calibration curves, minimizing the matrix effects. Finally, this study contributed with advances in the knowledge about matrix effects and with an efficient set of analytical tools for spectra whose application potential is huge.

LIBS como ferramenta diagnóstica em plantas: um estudo nutricional de folhas de soja na busca pelos efeitos da infestação por Aphelenchoides besseyi / LIBS as a diagnostic tool in plants: a nutritional study of soybean leaves in the search for the infestation effects by Aphelenchoides besseyi

Ranulfi, Anielle Coelho 22 February 2019 (has links)
A soja e os seus derivados são uma das mercadorias agrícolas mais valiosas e comercializadas no mundo. O Brasil é o segundo maior produtor mundial de soja, cujo complexo é o principal gerador de divisas cambiais para o país. Porém, um dos principais fatores que podem limitar os rendimentos da cultura e a qualidade dos produtos é a presença de doenças. Para evitar maiores prejuízos é importante identificar rapidamente qual doença acomete a planta e determinar o método mais eficaz de manejo. Atualmente, uma doença recém descoberta que causa preocupação aos produtores é a infestação pelo nematoide Aphelenchoides besseyi, causador da, popularmente conhecida, Soja louca II. Ainda não existem métodos que proporcionem um diagnóstico preciso para a doença, sendo este realizado por inspeção visual da plantação. Sabendo que plantas sadias e doentes apresentam perfis nutricionais diferentes, este trabalho vem propor o uso da técnica analítica LIBS, associada ao método livre de calibração (CF), como uma ferramenta alternativa para diagnóstico da doença. A técnica LIBS permite análises multielementares simultâneas, de maneira rápida e de baixo custo. Já o método CF tem por principal vantagem dispensar o emprego de qualquer padrão de matriz compatível, ou material de referência, para as quantificações em LIBS, fazendo-o com base nas características físicas do plasma formado. Assim, a associação de ambos se torna absolutamente adequada para determinações analíticas em amostras desconhecidas. Neste trabalho, foram conduzidos estudos de caracterização qualitativos, por meio de um sistema LIBS de baixa resolução, e avaliações semiquantitativa e quantitativa por meio de medidas LIBS em um sistema com detecção de alta resolução (DP LIBS). O primeiro estudo demonstrou que, qualitativamente, as variações nos macroelementos Ca, Mg e K presentes nas folhas de soja, permitiu alcançar, em média, 90% de acurácia na diferenciação entre amostras doentes e sadias, e inferir que a doença provoca relativa diminuição da concentração de Ca e Mg, e um pequeno aumento nos níveis de K. As quantificações obtidas pelo método CF foram consideradas satisfatórias, além de pioneiras nas análises de amostras de folhas de soja puras. A partir dos perfis nutricionais quantificados foram construídos classificadores (classificação via regressão associada à regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais), cuja acurácia alcançada foi de 94%, 92% e 90%, respectivamente para os dados de concentração obtidos pela técnica de referência, e DP LIBS+CF nas geometrias colinear e ortogonal. Na tentativa de eliminar o emprego de qualquer reagente, e ainda assim obter uma ferramenta diagnóstica precisa, foi conduzido um estudo semiquantitativo, também a partir da associação DP LIBS+CF. Baseado nas relações elementares entre os analitos que compõem a amostra, este apresentou acurácia diagnóstica superior a 90% para a geometria ortogonal. Portanto, este estudo permitiu o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para diagnóstico que respeita 100% dos preceitos da Química Verde, e agrega muito ao sistema atual, quando o que se deseja é uma avaliação diagnóstica rápida para tomada de decisão imediata no campo. / Soybeans and their by-products are one of the most valuable and traded commodities in the world. Brazil is the second largest soybean producer in the world, whose soy complex is the main generator of foreign exchange for the country. However, one of the main factors that can limit crop yields and product quality is the occurrence of disease. To avoid further damage, it is important to quickly identify which disease affects the plant and determine the most effective method of management. Currently, a disease newly discovered and of concern to producers is the infestation by the nematode Aphelenchoides besseyi, which causes the disease known as GSFR (Green Steam and Foliar Retention). There are still no methods to provide a precise diagnosis for the disease, which is, nowadays, performed by visual inspection of the plantation. Knowing that healthy and diseased plants have different nutrient profiles, this work proposes the use of the LIBS technique, associated with the calibration free method (CF), as an alternative tool for the disease detection. The LIBS technique allows simultaneous multi-element analysis, quickly and inexpensively. The CF method has the main advantage of avoiding the use of any compatible standard matrix, or reference material, for LIBS quantifications, based on the physical characteristics of the plasma formed. Thus, the association of both becomes absolutely suitable for the analytical determination of unknown samples. Qualitative characterization studies using a low-resolution LIBS system, and semiquantitative and quantitative analysis using LIBS measurements in a high-resolution detection system (DP LIBS), were performed. The first study showed that it was possible to achieve, on average, 90% accuracy in the differentiation between diseased and healthy samples, and to infer that the disease provokes relative decrease in Ca and Mg concentration, and a small increase in K levels. Quantifications achieved by the CF method were considered satisfactory since it is a pioneer study in the analysis of pure soybean leaves. Classifiers were constructed from the nutritional profiles quantified by CF, applying classification via regression associated with partial least square regression, with accuracy of 94%, 92% and 90%, respectively, for the concentration data obtained by the reference technique, and DP LIBS + CF colinear and orthogonal. In attempt to eliminate the use of any chemical reagent and still obtain an efficient diagnostic tool, a semiquantitative study was conducted, also from the DP LIBS + CF association and based on the elementary relations between the analytes that make up the sample, with accuracy diagnosis greater than 90% for DP LIBS in orthogonal geometry. Therefore, this study allowed the development of a diagnostic methodology that respects 100% of green chemistry principles, and adds a lot to the current system, if the desire is a rapid diagnostic evaluation for immediate decision making in the field.

Laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie an Glas- und Mineralschmelzen

Matiaske, Anna-Maria 05 January 2015 (has links)
Eine umweltverträgliche Methode der Rückgewinnung anorganischer industrieller Abfallprodukte bietet die thermische Behandlung im elektrischen Lichtbogenofen. Hierbei wird der Abfallstoff geschmolzen und die enthaltenen Schwermetalloxide reduziert und von der mineralischen Phase abgetrennt. Der Prozess ist sehr energieaufwändig und noch nicht vollständig verstanden. Die laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (LIBS) soll als in situ-Messtechnik dabei helfen, das Verständnis zu verbessern und die Methode zu optimieren. In theoretischen Untersuchungen wurde gezeigt, dass die Güte von LIBS-Messungen durch Normierung auch mit einer gesättigten Linie eines Matrixelementes verbessert werden kann. Für LIBS-Messungen im elektrischen Lichtbogenofen wurde ein mobiles Doppelpuls-LIBS-System für industrielle Bedingungen entwickelt, getestet und optimiert. Als Modellsystem für Schlacken wurden dotierte Glasproben verwendet. Für festes und flüssiges Glas wurden Nachweisgrenzen im ppm-Bereich erreicht, was für die Gehalte in Schlackeproben ausreicht. Ferner wurden zwei Methoden entwickelt, Flüssigkeiten mit Hilfe von festen Standards zu quantifizieren. Um die Empfindlichkeit von LIBS zu verbessern, wurde Doppelpuls-LIBS untersucht. Es konnte eine Verstärkung des Signals um das 5,1-fache erreicht werden. Es konnten Emissionen der Moleküle CaCl, MgO, YO und ZrO in LIBS-Plasmen identifiziert und simuliert werden. Eine mögliche Verwendung der Molekülemissionen stellt die Quantifizierung sehr hoher Elementgehalte dar. Trotz der schwierigen experimentellen Bedingungen erwies sich das LIBS-System als empfindlich genug. Es wurde schrittweise Mangan- und Chromoxid zur Schmelze gegeben, was in einen linearen Anstieg der LIBS-Signale resultierte. Die Reduktion und Separation von Chrom gelang und konnte mit LIBS verfolgt werden, was durch die Referenzanalysen bestätigt wurde. / The reduction process in the electric arc furnace offers a sustainable method to recover industrial inorganic waste materials. The material is molten and the containing heavy metals are reduced and separated from the mineral phase. The energy consumption of the process is very high and the detailed reactions and dynamics are not yet fully understood. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy can provide online-measurements inside a furnace, enabling us to increase understanding and optimize the process. In a theoretical investigation it has been shown that intensity fluctuations of LIBS can be compensated by normalizing the line used for analysis with a saturated line from a matrix element. For LIBS-measurements inside the electric arc furnace, a mobile double pulse LIBS-system designed for an industrial environment was built and tested. Glass was used as a model system for slags due to its lower melting point. Limits of detection in the ppm-region were achieved for solid and liquid glass, which is sufficient sensitivity for recycling slags. Furthermore, two methods were developed to quantify a liquid using solids as standards. To improve the sensitivity of LIBS, double-pulse measurements were conducted. Signal enhancements of up to 5.1 were achieved compared to single pulse. In the LIBS plasma emissions of molucules CaCl, MgO, YO and ZrO were identified and their emissions simulated. These emissions could be used to quantify large element concentrations. Despite the difficult experimental conditions the sensitivity of the LIBS-System has been found to be sufficient for recycling-slags. When stepwise adding manganese and chromium oxide to the melt, the respective LIBS intensity increased linearly. The reduction and separation of chromium was successful, which was confirmed by reference analysis.

Anéis de crescimento do lenho de árvores como monitores ambientais: avaliação temporal e espacial da poluição atmosférica na cidade de Paulínia, São Paulo / Tree rings as environmental monitors: temporal and spatial assessment of air pollution in Paulínia city, São Paulo

Matheus Peres Chagas 20 May 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo aplicar a análise dos anéis de crescimento de espécies arbóreas no monitoramento ambiental de uma área urbana com histórico de poluição atmosférica. Foram selecionadas árvores das espécies Caesalpinia pluviosa var. peltophoroides (Fabaceae-Caesalpinaceae) e Tabebuia pentaphylla (Bignoniaceae) e, do seu tronco, foram extraídas amostras do lenho através do método não destrutivo. A área de estudo selecionada foi o Distrito Industrial de Betel, município de Paulínia/SP, Brasil, cujo histórico de poluição ambiental de origem antropogênica é fornecido pela Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB) e através de estudos recentes encontrados na literatura especializada. Ainda, foram selecionas três outras áreas, nos municípios de Paulínia e Piracicaba, distantes em 10, 15 e 60 km, estabelecendo-se um gradiente ambiental de pressão antrópica. Foram aplicadas as análises: (i) caracterização anatômica macro e microscópica e densitometria de raios X, na identificação dos anéis de crescimento do lenho, (ii) dendrocronológica, na datação e avaliação do crescimento radial das árvores, (iii) climática, no estudo da influência dos fatores climáticos no crescimento anual das árvores e (iv) química, na determinação da composição de macro e micronutrientes e de elementos potencialmente tóxicos nos anéis de crescimento do lenho, através da aplicação das técnicas analíticas espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) e espectrometria de emissão óptica por plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP OES). Os resultados indicaram que, para as duas espécies, os anéis de crescimento possuem características anatômicas marcantes, correlacionadas com os valores de densidade aparente, que possibilitam a determinação da idade das árvores. A análise das séries temporais de largura de anéis de crescimento demonstrou que as árvores apresentam crescimento sincrônico, condicionado as condições específicas do ambiente onde estão crescendo. A constatação da ausência de um sinal climático comum determinando o crescimento das árvores nos 3 sítios sugere a influência de outros fatores, entre eles, a proximidade em que as árvores se encontram em relação às fontes estacionárias de poluição atmosférica, verificada através dos valores de incremento radial obtidos, sempre menores para as árvores localizadas no Distrito de Betel. A análise da composição química dos anéis de crescimento (ICP OES) revelou diferenças na absorção de elementos químicos entre as árvores das duas espécies e também entre as árvores da mesma espécie crescendo em diferentes locais. Ainda, a avaliação dos valores de intensidade das linhas de emissão dos analitos identificou padrões temporais de fixação de elementos químicos no lenho, com tendência comum para alguns, nos sítios de menor influência antrópica. Também, evidenciou os períodos de maior fixação de elementos com potencial tóxico no troco das árvores (ex. Al, B, Cu, Fe e Na), relacionados com os anos do início das atividades indústrias no Distrito de Betel. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitiram concluir que a análise dos anéis de crescimento das árvores de C. pluviosa e T. pentaphylla possui grande potencial no monitoramento ambiental. / This study aims to apply tree rings analysis on environmental monitoring of an urban area with air pollution history. Caesalpinia pluviosa var. peltophoroides (Fabaceae- Caesalpinaceae) and Tabebuia pentaphylla (Bignoniaceae) trees were selected and wood samples were extracted from their trunk by a non-destructive method. The study area was the Industrial District of Bethel, Paulínia, São Paulo State, Brazil. Its environmental pollution history of anthropogenic origin is provided by the Company of Environmental Sanitation Technology (CETESB) and by recent studies of specialized literature. Three other areas in the municipalities of Paulínia and Piracicaba were also selected, establishing an environmental gradient of anthropogenic pressure within 10, 15 and 60 km distance. The following analyses were applied: (i) macro and microscopic anatomical characterization and X-ray densitometry, for tree rings limits identification (ii) dendrochronological, in dating and evaluating of radial growth, (iii) climatic, analyzing the climatic factors influence on annual growth and (iv) chemical, determining the composition of macro and micronutrients and potentially toxic elements in the tree rings through the application of the analytical techniques Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). The results indicated that tree rings formed in both species have remarkable anatomical features correlated with apparent density values, enabling the determination of tree age. The analysis of tree rings\' width time series showed that trees exhibit synchronous growth, conditioned by the specificities of the environment where they are growing. The verification of an absent common climate signal determining the tree growth among the 3 studied sites suggests the influence of other factors, including the proximity of trees in relation to stationary sources of air pollution, verified through the obtained values of radial increment, always lower for trees located in the District of Bethel. The tree rings chemical composition analysis (ICP OES) revealed differences in the absorption of chemical elements among trees species and among individuals of the same species growing in different locations. The emission lines intensities assessment (LIBS) analysis identified temporal patterns of chemical elements fixation in wood, with a common trend for those located at sites with lower anthropogenic influence. It also showed periods of increased fixation of potentially toxic elements in tree trunk (e.g Al, B, Cu, Fe, and Na), related to the early years of industrial activities in the District of Bethel. The results obtained in this study allowed us to conclude that the tree rings analysis of C. pluviosa and T. pentaphylla has great potential for environmental monitoring.

Étude et développement de la spectroscopie d'émission optique sur plasma induit par laser pour la réalisation d'analyses de terrain : application à l’analyse en ligne de métaux dans les liquides / Study and development of the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the realization of field measurements : application to analysis on-line of metals in liquids

Diaz Rosado, José Carlos 07 March 2013 (has links)
La contamination par métaux des eaux est un enjeu de santé publique important. Des contrôles et traitements de plus en plus drastiques sont ainsi effectués sur les eux destinés à la consommation humaine. Il est indispensable, pour cela, de posséder des outils analytiques fiables et sensibles, adaptés aux réglementations existantes et suffisamment souples d'utilisation. La technique de « Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy » (LIBS), ayant fait ses preuves pour l’analyse des solides, y compris dans les explorations exo-terrestres, présente des avantages très intéressants pour les liquides dont, par exemple, sont caractère multi-élémentaire et la possibilité des mesures in-situ de la contamination des eaux par métaux.Un première volet d’étude de ce travail de thèse à permis d'étudier les potentialités de la spectroscopie sur plasma induit par laser (LIBS) pour l'analyse des métaux dissous ou en suspensions dans les eaux. Etude qu’a permis de constater un effet important lié à la taille des particules lors de l’analyse de suspensions. Un deuxième volet consisté à regarder les effets de matrice organique représentée par un acide humique et ceux des minéraux naturels représentés par la bentonite et des particules d’alumine. Effets matrice qu’ont étais corriges par une normalisation par étalon interne. / Metal contamination of water is a major public health issue. Controls and treatments are more drastic and performed on them for human consumption. It is essential for this to possess reliable and sensitive analytical tools adapted to the existing regulations and flexible enough to use. The technique of "Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy" (LIBS), proven for the analysis of solids, including exo-terrestrial explorations, this very interesting advantages for liquids including, for example, are multi-character elementary and the possibility of in-situ measurements of water contamination by metals.A first part of this study thesis allowed to explore the potential (LIBS) for the analysis of dissolved metals or suspensions in water. Study has found an important effect related to the particle size in the analysis of suspensions. A second prong is to look at the effects of organic matrix represented by humic acid and those natural minerals represented by the bentonite and alumina particles. The matrix effect observed was corrected by normalization by internal standard.

Temporal and spatial characteristics of laser-induced plasma on organic materials and quantitative analysis of the contained inorganic elements

Lei, Wenqi 06 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This PhD work was devoted to the understanding of the laser-induced plasma on organic materials and theapplication of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to quantitative analysis of these materials. Itcontributes to deepen our knowledge on the physical mechanisms involved in laser-matter interaction, plasmageneration, evolution and expansion of the plasma into the ambient gas, with emphasis on plasmas induced onorganic targets. It also intends to improve the performance of LIBS for the analysis of organic materials. Thespecificity for organic targets fits the current focus of the international community working on LIBS, toimprove the control of the plasma induced on this kind of material which has a distinguished optical prosperitywith respect to that of metals, better known for laser ablation. It addresses also the growing need to apply theLIBS technique to organic materials for different applications in the environmental, food, or biomedicaldomains. The works in this thesis were therefore presented in this thesis document according to the followingorganization.After the General Introduction which introduces the scientific and technological contexts, Chapter Irecalls the basic theoretical elements necessary to understand the phenomenon of plasma generation by laserablation, and its evolution in the background gas. Ablation of organic material is emphasized. Procedures andtechniques of diagnostics of laser-induced plasma were then presented with a focus on the transient andinhomogeneous nature of the expanding plasma. Chapter II focuses on the generation and the evolution of theplasma induced on the skin of a potato, a typical sample of agricultural product. The characteristics of plasmainduced on a soft and wet organic target, such as a fresh potato, was something unknown when the thesis workstarted. These characteristics provide the necessary basis for the quantitative analysis of the trace andultra-trace metallic elements in these samples. Following this characterization, semi-quantitative analyticalresults were extracted from LIBS spectra corresponding to potato skin. Chapter III is presented in thecontinuity of Chapter II for the application of LIBS to the quantitative analysis of organic materials. Acomparative study on the analytical results with LIBS and ICP-AES for milk powders allows an assessment ofthe performances of quantitative analysis by LIBS for organic materials, and a validation of the CF-LIBSprocedure that we have developed. Different from Chapters II and III where attention was paid to trace metalelements, Chapter IV studies the behavior of the major elements that make up the matrix of organic material,which are 4 known organic elements: H, C, O, N. During the decomposition of organic material by laserablation, these elements can be found in the form of molecular fragments, or recombined into molecularspecies. We then study in this Chapter the evolution of these species as a function of the laser ablationparameters, the laser wavelength in particular. The thesis document ends with a general conclusion andoutlooks.

Contribution de l’instrument ChemCam à la compréhension de la croûte primitive martienne et des mécanismes d’altération de la surface de Mars : quantification LIBS des éléments traces Li, Rb, Sr, Ba et Cu / ChemCam contribution to the understanding of the martian primitive crust and alteration processes occurring on the martian surface : Trace element Li, Rb, Sr, Ba and Cu quantifications using LIBS

Payré, Valérie 01 December 2017 (has links)
Jusqu’à peu, Mars était vue comme une planète à substrat crustal homogène, dominé par des basaltes à olivine. Les missions in situ ont contribué à bouleverser cette vision si simpliste. Le rover Curiosity qui sillonne le cratère d’impact de Gale formé à l’Hespérien (3.5-3.8 Ga) creusé dans des roches noachiennes (> 3.8 Ga), a ainsi découvert, grâce aux analyses LIBS (‘laser induced breakdown spectroscopy’) de l’instrument ChemCam, des roches ignées alcalines felsiques noachiennes, révélant un magmatisme primitif évolué (Sautter et al., 2016) : ce résultat est en accord avec l’identification récente de clastes ignés felsiques d’âge Noachien observés dans la brèche martienne NWA 7533 et ses paires. Une croûte primitive martienne évoluée de type ‘continentale’ aurait-elle existé ? C’est ce que suggère ce travail de par l’observation orbitale GRS de plusieurs terrains noachiens felsiques enrichis en K et Th et abondants en feldspaths. Par ailleurs, du fait de l’identification de feldspaths peu calciques dans les roches et clastes de Gale et de la brèche, il est envisagé ici que la croûte primitive martienne ait pu se former selon un modèle différent de l’océan de magma défini sur la Lune. De plus, la quantification de Li, Rb, Sr et Ba dans l’ensemble des matériaux ignés de Gale analysés par la LIBS ainsi que leurs concentrations dans les clastes ignés de la brèche, suggèrent l’existence de plusieurs réservoirs magmatiques primitifs. En parallèle, la quantification du Cu à partir des données LIBS effectuée dans cette étude, met en évidence des abondances anormalement élevées dans des roches potassiques de la région de Kimberley. Majoritairement associées à des silicates détritiques ignés, ces phases de cuivre proviendraient d’une source magmatique primitive siliceuse localisée dans le flanc Nord de Gale. Au Noachien, la circulation hydrothermale dans un magma évolué aurait formé un gisement métallifère de cuivre aux alentours du cratère. Finalement, la Terre et Mars sont géologiquement plus proches que jamais / Until recently, Mars was considered as a planet with a homogeneous crust dominated by olivine-rich basalts. This simplistic vision has been largely disrupted especially with results of recent in situ missions. In this way, the Curiosity rover that travels in Gale crater, which formed by impact during the Hesperian period (3.5-3.8 Gyr) within igneous basement rocks dated at 4.2 Gyr, discovered Noachian alkaline igneous rocks (> 3.8 Gyr) using the ChemCam LIBS instrument (‘laser induced breakdown spectroscopy’): this observation along with the recent identification of Noachian igneous felsic clasts within the breccia meteorite NWA 7533 and subsequent paired stones, revealed an evolved primitive magmatic system (Sautter et al., 2016). Would an evolved ‘continental’ primitive crust have ever existed on Mars? This is favored in this work by orbital GRS observations showing several Si-K-Th-rich Noachian terrains displaying abundant feldspars. Besides, the identification of low-Ca feldspars within the clasts of the breccia and Gale rocks, suggests that the primitive martian crust may have formed according to a model that differs from the lunar magma ocean. In addition, the LIBS quantification of Li, Rb, Sr and Ba presented in this work in igneous rocks, along with the distribution of alkali trace elements within the igneous clasts of the breccia, suggests the potential occurrence of several magmatic reservoirs. Concurrently, in the Kimberley formation, copper quantification using LIBS data, reveals anomalously elevated abundances within potassic rocks: these Cu-phases mainly associated with detrital igneous silicates, would come from a primitive felsic igneous source located in the northern rim. During the Noachian period, the hydrothermal circulation within an evolved magmatic chamber favored the formation of a Cu-bearing deposit in Gale vicinity. After all, the Earth and Mars are geologically closer than ever

Etude et développement d'un système LIBS portable hautes performances de nouvelle génération et d'une source de marquage UV à faible durée d'impulsion / Study and developpement of a new generation portable LIBS system and of a short pulse UV laser for marking

Roux, Clément 04 November 2016 (has links)
Le travail de thèse décrit plusieurs sources lasers originales spécifiquement développées pour deux applications particulières que sont la spectroscopie LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) et le marquage de câbles par laser. Les travaux sur la LIBS ont eu pour principaux objectifs de proposer de nouvelles solutions pour rapprocher les performances de la LIBS portable de celles de la LIBS de laboratoire et d’évaluer leur potentiel sur des applications géologiques. De nouvelles solutions de spectromètres (technologie SWIFTS) et de lasers compacts ont ainsi été évaluées et ont conduit par exemple à la réalisation d’un nouveau pistolet d’analyse LIBS portable. Les deux sources laser disposent de performances spécifiques : une première source compacte de très bonne qualité de faisceau émettant à 532 nm permettant d'obtenir une forte résolution spatiale adaptée à de la cartographie chimique de surface et une deuxième source infrarouge d'encombrement minimum et de qualité de faisceau plus faible mais d'une grande robustesse. La source laser développée pour le marquage par balayage est donc un laser Nd:YVO4 impulsionnel, quelques watts moyens, émettant dans l’ultraviolet à 355 nm. L’architecture originale utilisée, le « Cavity-Dumped », permet d’obtenir une durée d’impulsion constante (2 ns) quelle que soit la fréquence de répétition et donc une puissance crête élevée même à cadence importante. La très bonne qualité de faisceau observée a aussi permis d’obtenir un spot laser de très faible diamètre compatible avec un marquage précis et bien contrasté. / This work describes three original laser sources developed specifically for Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and wire marking. The main goal of the work on the LIBS was to propose new solutions to make portable LIBS as efficient as laboratory LIBS and to evaluate their potential in geological applications. New spectrometers (based on SWIFTS technology) and compact lasers were evaluated and they led to the realization of a portable LIBS gun. The two types of analyze possible which are in situ analysis and chemical cartography of the sample surface led to design two specific lasers: a first compact source emitting at 532 nm with a high beam quality allowing a high spatial resolution and a second one with a lower beam quality but much more robust. The laser developed for marking is a Q-switched Nd:YVO4 emitting in the UV at 355 nm. The original architecture used, the “Cavity-Dumped”, make the pulse duration constant (2 ns) with any repetition rate so that the peak power is high even if the repetition rate is important. The very good beam quality observed makes the laser spot very small so that the marking is very precise and contrasted.

Efeitos de matriz nas propriedades do plasma LIBS para quantificação de carbono / Matrix effects in the LIBS plasma properties for carbon quantification

Marco Aurélio de Menezes Franco 26 June 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos 20 anos, a espectroscopia de emissão ótica com plasma induzido a laser (LIBS) tem se tornado uma das mais promissoras ferramentas em química analítica, cujas aplicações são destinadas às análises multi-elementares em amostras nos estados sólido, líquido e gasoso. Suas aplicações são as mais diversas, pois sua instrumentação é relativamente simples e pode ser portátil. Em especial, a LIBS apresenta grande potencial de uso na agricultura, com diversas publicações que exploram, principalmente, a concentração de carbono em solos. Entretanto, a construção de modelos gerais de calibração é uma das maiores dificuldades da técnica, pois ela está suscetível aos efeitos de matriz que adicionam comportamentos não-lineares às intensidades das emissões. Com intuito de compreender quais são as principais causas dessa dependência, este trabalho avaliou relações entre propriedades físicas do plasma LIBS e as inclinações das curvas de calibração para cinco emissões de carbono em amostras sintéticas de diferentes potenciais de ionização, sendo elas KCl e H3BO3 com 1% de CuSO4 e concentrações entre 0 e 10 % de carbono. Constatou-se que temperatura e densidade de elétrons dependem inversamente da concentração de carbono nas amostras, o que provavelmente está associado às taxas de ablação de material da amostra e recombinação no interior do plasma. Ademais, esses parâmetros em plasmas originados das amostras de KCl + CuSO4 são maiores do que para a matriz de H3BO3 + CuSO4, além de que apenas plasmas originados da primeira matriz satisfizeram o critério de McWhirter para C I, Cu I e Cu II em todas as concentrações de carbono, indicando que eles devem apresentar condições de equilíbrio termodiâmico local. O mesmo não foi obtido para o caso da matriz de H3BO3 + CuSO4, o que pode explicar suas elevadas incertezas nos valores da temperatura e densidade de elétrons. Verificou-se ainda que as inclinações das curvas de calibração para o carbono foram maiores para o caso da matriz com elementos majoritários de menor potencial de ionização e que isso está diretamente relacionado às propriedades intrínsecas dos plasmas originados, o que corrobora a hipótese deste trabalho. Além disso, cálculos de correlação entre a área do pico de carbono em 247,89 nm e cada ponto dos espectros LIBS mostraram que a emissão de Cu II em 224,72 nm linearizou as curvas de calibração, minimizando os efeitos de matriz. Por fim, este trabalho contribuiu tanto com avanços no conhecimento até então existente a respeito dos efeitos de matriz quanto com um eficiente conjunto de técnicas analíticas para espectros, cujo potencial de aplicação é enorme. / In the last 20 years, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been one of the main tools in analytical chemistry, whose applications are destinated to multi-elementar analysis in solid, liquid or gaseous samples. Its use is diverse, since its instrumentation is relatively simple and can be portable. In particular, LIBS has a great potential for use in agriculture, with many publications that explore mainly the carbon concentration in soils. However, the construction of general calibration models is one of the greatest difficulties of the technique, since it is susceptible to matrix effects that add non-linear behaviors to the emission intensities. In order to understand the main causes of this dependence, this study evaluated the relationships between physical properties of the LIBS plasma and the slope of the calibration curves for carbon emissions in synthetic samples with different ionization potentials. Those samples were made of KCl and H3BO3 with 1% of CuSO4 and carbon concentrations ranging from 0 to 10%. It was found that the plasma temperature and electron density are inversely proportional to the carbon concentration in the samples, which is probably associated with rates of sample ablation and recombination within the plasma. In addition, these parameters in plasmas originating from the samples of KCl + CuSO4 are larger than those originating from the matrix of H3BO3 + CuSO4 at all carbon concentrations, indicating that the first matrix must be in local thermodynamics equilibrium. However, similar results were not found for the other matrix which may explain its high uncertainties in the values of temperature and electron density. It was verified that the slope of the carbon calibration curves were higher for the matrix with elements of low ionization potential than for the other matrix and that this is directly related to the intrinsic properties the plasmas originated, which corroborates the hypothesis of this study. Furthermore, the analysis of correlation between the carbon peak area at 247.89 nm and each point of the LIBS spectra have shown that the Cu II emission at 224.72 nm linearized the calibration curves, minimizing the matrix effects. Finally, this study contributed with advances in the knowledge about matrix effects and with an efficient set of analytical tools for spectra whose application potential is huge.

Determinação direta de silício em folhas de cana-de-açúcar por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) / Direct determination of silicon in sugarcane leaves by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)

Paulino Florêncio de Souza 19 December 2012 (has links)
A cultura da cana-de-açúcar no Brasil é uma das atividades mais relevantes na agroindústria nacional devido ao alto potencial de produção e elevada importância econômica de seus subprodutos como e.g. açúcar e etanol. Embora o Si não seja considerado um elemento essencial, a adubação silicatada tem proporcionado aumentos apreciáveis na produtividade da cana-de-açúcar e na resistência a algumas pragas e doenças. Ainda não existem métodos bem estabelecidos para a determinação de Si em material vegetal visando à diagnose foliar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um método para determinação de Si em pastilhas de folhas de cana-de-açúcar por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS). O arranjo experimental foi composto por um laser pulsado de Nd:YAG a 1064 nm (pulsos de 5 ns, 360 mJ, 10 Hz) e os sinais de emissão foram coletados por um telescópio acoplado por fibra óptica ao espectrômetro Echelle com detector ICCD. Amostras laboratoriais consistiram de pastilhas preparadas com folhas de cana-de-açúcar moídas criogenicamente por 40 min. Melhores resultados foram obtidos quando a linha de emissão Si I 212,412 nm foi selecionada e os parâmetros instrumentais foram ajustados em 25 pulsos acumulados, 50 J cm-2, diâmetro de focalização de 750 \'mü\'m, 2,0 \'mü\'s de atraso e 4,5 \'mü\'s de integração. Os resultados obtidos por LIBS na análise de pastilhas de 20 amostras laboratoriais foram comparados com os obtidos por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP OES) após decomposição alcalina e por espectrometria de micro-fluorescência de raio-X por energia dispersiva (\'mü\'ED-XRF) após análise direta das pastilhas. Aplicando-se o teste t de Student pareado, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas ao nível de 95% de confiança nas determinações de Si por LIBS, ICP OES e \'mü\'ED-XRF. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese indicam a viabilidade de LIBS para determinação direta de Si em pastilhas de folhas de cana-de-açúcar e abrem uma expectativa para futuras explorações de LIBS em análises em campo / The high production of sugarcane and its subproducts (e.g. sugar and ethanol fuel) make this crop one of the most important for the Brazilian agro-industrial economy. Although Si is not considered an essential element, the Si-based fertilizers have provided considerable improvement in productivity of sugarcane and resistance to some pests and diseases. At moment, there are no well-established methods for the determination of Si in plant materials aiming at nutritional diagnosis. The aim of this work was to develop a method for Si determination in pellets of sugarcane leaves by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). The experimental setup was designed by using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (5 ns, 360 mJ, 10 Hz, \'lâmbda\' = 1064 nm) and the emission signals were collected by lenses into an optical fiber coupled to an Echelle spectrometer equipped with an ICCD. Pellets prepared from cryogenically ground sugarcane leaves were used as laboratory samples. Best results were obtained when the Si I 212.412 nm emission line was selected and the instrumental parameters were adjusted at 25 laser shots, 50 J cm-2, 750 \'mü\'m laser spot size, 2.0 \'mü\'s delay time and 4.5 \'mü\'s integration time gate. The results obtained by LIBS in the analysis of pellets of 20 laboratory samples were compared with those from inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) after alkaline digestion and by microenergy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (\'mü\'ED-XRF) after direct analysis of pellets. By applying a paired t-test at 95 % confidence level, there was no significant difference in the Si determination by LIBS, ICP OES and \'mü\'ED-XRF. The findings of this thesis indicate the feasibility of LIBS for the direct determination of Si in pellets of sugarcane leaves and open expectations for future investigations of LIBS for field analysis

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