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Composite RCS frame systems: construction and peformanceSteele, John Phillip 30 September 2004 (has links)
The objective of this research program is to further evaluate the performance and constructability of reinforced concrete (RC) column-steel beam-slab systems (RCS) for use in low- to mid-rise space frame buildings located in regions of high wind loads and/or moderate seismicity. To better understand these systems, two full scale RCS cruciform specimens were tested under bidirectional quasi-static reversed cyclic loading. The experimental portion of this research program included the construction and testing of two full-scale cruciform specimens with identical overall dimensions but with different joint detailing. The two joint details evaluated were joint cover plates and face bearing plates with localized transverse ties. The construction process was recorded in detail and related to actual field construction practices. The specimens were tested experimentally in quasi-static reversed cyclic loading in both orthogonal loading directions while a constant axial force was applied to the column, to simulate the wind loads in a subassembly of a prototype building. To compliment the experimental work, nonlinear analyses were performed to evaluate the specimen strength and hysteretic degradation parameters for RCS systems. In addition, current recommendations in the literature on the design of RCS joints were used to estimate specimen joint strength and were compared with the experimental findings.
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Structural response of steel and composite building frames further to an impact leading to the loss of a column.Luu Nguyen Nam, Hai 15 October 2009 (has links)
See appended files.
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Dissection of phloem transport in cucurbitaceae by metabolomic analysisZhang, Baichen January 2005 (has links)
This thesis aimed to investigate several fundamental and perplexing questions relating to the phloem loading and transport mechanisms of <i>Cucurbita maxima</i>, by combining metabolomic analysis with cell biological techniques. This putative symplastic loading species has long been used for experiments on phloem anatomy, phloem biochemistry, phloem transport physiology and phloem signalling. Symplastic loading species have been proposed to use a polymer trapping mechanism to accumulate RFO (raffinose family oligosaccharides) sugars to build up high osmotic pressure in minor veins which sustains a concentration gradient that drives mass flow. However, extensive evidence indicating a low sugar concentration in their phloem exudates is a long-known problem that conflicts with this hypothesis. Previous metabolomic analysis shows the concentration of many small molecules in phloem exudates is higher than that of leaf tissues, which indicates an active apoplastic loading step. Therefore, in the view of the phloem metabolome, a symplastic loading mechanism cannot explain how small molecules other than RFO sugars are loaded into phloem.
Most studies of phloem physiology using cucurbits have neglected the possible functions of vascular architecture in phloem transport. It is well known that there are two phloem systems in cucurbits with distinctly different anatomical features: central phloem and extrafascicular phloem. However, mistaken conclusions on sources of cucurbit phloem exudation from previous reports have hindered consideration of the idea that there may be important differences between these two phloem systems.
The major results are summarized as below:<br>
1) O-linked glycans in <i>C.maxima</i> were structurally identified as beta-1,3 linked glucose polymers, and the composition of glycans in cucurbits was found to be species-specific. Inter-species grafting experiments proved that these glycans are phloem mobile and transported uni-directionally from scion to stock.<br>
2) As indicated by stable isotopic labelling experiments, a considerable amount of carbon is incorporated into small metabolites in phloem exudates. However, the incorporation of carbon into RFO sugars is much faster than for other metabolites.<br>
3) Both CO2 labelling experiments and comparative metabolomic analysis of phloem exudates and leaf tissues indicated that metabolic processes other than RFO sugar metabolism play an important role in cucurbit phloem physiology.<br>
4) The underlying assumption that the central phloem of cucurbits continuously releases exudates after physical incision was proved wrong by rigorous experiments including direct observation by normal microscopy and combined multiple-microscopic methods. Errors in previous experimental confirmation of phloem exudation in cucurbits are critically discussed.<br>
5) Extrafascicular phloem was proved to be functional, as indicated by phloem-mobile carboxyfluorescein tracer studies. Commissural sieve tubes interconnect phloem bundles into a complete super-symplastic network.<br>
6) Extrafascicular phloem represents the main source of exudates following physical incision. The major transported metabolites by these extrafacicular phloem are non-sugar compounds including amino acids, O-glycans, amines.<br>
7) Central phloem contains almost exclusively RFO sugars, the estimated amount of which is up to 1 to 2 molar. The major RFO sugar present in central phloem is stachyose. <br>
8) Cucurbits utilize two structurally different phloem systems for transporting different group of metabolites (RFO sugars and non-RFO sugar compounds). This implies that cucurbits may use spatially separated loading mechanisms (apoplastic loading for extrafascicular phloem and symplastic loading for central phloem) for supply of nutrients to sinks. <br>
9) Along the transport systems, RFO sugars were mainly distributed within central phloem tissues. There were only small amounts of RFO sugars present in xylem tissues (millimolar range) and trace amounts of RFO sugars in cortex and pith. The composition of small molecules in external central phloem is very different from that in internal central phloem.<br>
10) Aggregated P-proteins were manually dissected from central phloem and analysed by both SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Partial sequences of peptides were obtained by QTOF <i>de novo</i> sequencing from trypsin digests of three SDS-PAGE bands. None of these partial sequences shows significant homology to known cucurbit phloem proteins or other plant proteins. This proves that these central phloem proteins are a completely new group of proteins different from those in extrafascicular phloem. The extensively analysed P-proteins reported in literature to date are therefore now shown to arise from extrafascicular phloem and not central phloem, and therefore do not appear to be involved in the occlusion processes in central phloem. / Phloem transportiert ein ausgedehntes Spektrum an Molekülen zwischen Pflanzenorganen, um Wachstum und Entwicklung zu koordinieren. Folglich ist eine umfassende und unvoreingenommene Metabolom-Analyse notwendig, um unser Verständnis über den Transport von Stoffwechselprodukten sowie über Phloemtransport zu vertiefen. Phloemexsudate von Kürbispflanzen werden unter
Verwendung der Metabolom-Analyse analysiert. Bei diesen Pflanzen wird angenommen, dass sie symplastische Beladungswege verwenden, um Photoassmilate als Ausgangsschritt des Phloemtransportes zu konzentrieren. Zwei neue Familien Callose-verwandter Substanzen, 1,3-Overknüpfte Glycane, sowie eine Reihe anderer kleinerer Metabolite werden in den Phloemexsudaten detektiert. Metabolom-Daten und physiologische Experimente widersprechen früher berichtetem
Verständnis des Phloemexsudationsprozesses in Kürbispflanzen. Folglich bestätigt sich der Phloemexsudationsprozeß durch Kombination unterschiedlicher mikroskopischer Techniken. Kürbispflanzen besitzen zwei Phloemsysteme mit eindeutigen anatomischen Eigenschaften. Es zeigt sich, daß Phloemexsudate in Kürbissen hauptsächlich vom extrafaszikulären Phloem, nicht vom zentralen Phloem, stammen. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde gewöhnlich mißverstanden, daß
Phloemexsudate vom zentralen Phloem stammen. Die eindeutigen metabolischen Profile der unterschiedlichen Phloemsysteme, die durch Metabolom-Analysen in der räumlichen Auflösung beobachtet werden, bestätigen die unterschiedlichen physiologischen Funktionen der zwei unterschiedlichen Phloemsysteme: das zentrale Phloem transportiert hauptsächlich Zucker, während das extrafaszikuläre Phloem ein ausgedehntes Spektrum von Metaboliten transportiert. Es kann auch ein unterschiedliches metabolisches Profil kleiner Moleküle zwischen internem und externem zentralem Phloem beobachtet werden. Von Strukturproteinen des zentralen Phloems wurden auch Proben genommen und mittels Massenspektrometrie analysiert. Diese Proteine erweisen sich als neuartige Proteine, die sich zu denen im extrafaszikulären Phloem unterscheiden. Dies bestätigt ferner den Funktionsunterschied der unterschiedlichen Phloemsysteme in Kürbispflanzen. Basierend auf diesen neuartigen Entdeckungen des Phloem-Metaboloms und dem vorhergehenden Wissen über den Phloemtransport in Kürbispflanzen, wird ein neues Modell vorgeschlagen, um den Mechanismus des Phloemtransports in der symplastischen Beladung zu verstehen.<br>
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Comparison Of The 2d And 3d Analyses Methods For CfrdsOzel, Halil Firat 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose is to compare the 2D and 3D analysis methodologies in investigating the performance of a Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam (CFRD) under static and dynamic loading conditions. Ç / okal Dam is the case study which is a CFRD
located in northwest Turkey at the Thracian Peninsula. Rockfill interface and faceplate were simulated as nonlinear modulus of elasticity, detailed nonlinear tractive behavior and total strain rotating crack model, respectively. These
behaviors were calibrated to define the exact behavior by detailed material tests. The analyses that cannot be done by 2D analyses, such as stress, crack width distribution along the face slab are conducted by 3D analyses to determine the necessity of these outcomes. Since effect of valley ends cannot be produced by 2D analyses, it is necessary to check 3D analyses to ensure liability of the results. Another comparison between detailed analysis of 2D models and linear elastic 2D models were covered to get practical and industrial solutions for the guiding methods of CFRDs for preliminary designs in this study.
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Fibromyalgia and self-regulatory patterns : development, maintenance or recovery in womenWentz, Kerstin January 2005 (has links)
Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to elucidate psychological processes and development, maintenance or recovery related to fibromyalgia based on in depth interviews. In a next step women with fibromyalgia, women without long-lasting pain and women with long-lasting pain were compared using psychometric instruments selected or developed based on qualitative results. Methods: Twenty-one women with fibromyalgia and 8 women recovered were interviewed. Their narrations were analysed using Grounded Theory. Tentative theory was built. The I Myself Scale (IMS) was constructed to mirror self-regulation prior to onset of symptoms and complemented with an instrument on current self-regulation: Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour (SASB) and SF-36 mirroring health related quality of life, regarding the two pain groups. The groups were compared using analysis of variance, principal components analysis paired with discriminant analysis and profile analysis. Results: Analyses of the interviews resulted in core concepts of an “unprotected self” (current fibromyalgia) or a “strong but not enough to be weak” self (recovery). Data patterns indicated that the women as children were unprotected in relation to stimuli and affects. Relationships with the parents were characterised by strain and low levels of support. The recovery group had as children simultaneously been able to develop obvious competence and capability to receive help. Psychological vulnerability was in adult life compensated for through pronounced helpfulness and dissociation/repression including intense activity. An increase in mental load such as localised pain or psychosocial crisis preceded onset of fibromyalgia accompanied by impaired cognitive functioning. The state of fibromyalgia meant maintained high levels of mental load such as difficulties of the selfstructures, impaired cognitive functioning and somatic symptoms. The recovery group experienced substantial social support and often used mastering strategies to ease symptoms. A decrease in strain as improved life conditions and cease of overexertion preceded recovery. Health was thereafter maintained through careful management as seeking low levels of strain and pacing of activity. Recovery ‘on parole’ also meant personal growth and use of efficacious defences. Psychometrical testing confirmed qualitative data patterns of self-regulation connected to fibromyalgia. Impaired selfreference/ understanding of health needs and others not being asked for help and advice was reported before onset of symptoms. Dissociation or repression including intense activity and self-loading were also employed. SASB and SF-36 indicated that women with fibromyalgia experienced higher levels of mental “load” than the other pain group. Conclusion: Qualitative data indicated that life prior to onset of fibromyalgia and current fibromyalgia held qualities of impaired self-regulation in relation to mental and physical load. The state of recovery relied on improved self-regulation allowed by conditions of life. Quantitative data patterns confirmed qualitative results on impaired self-protection before onset of fibromyalgia and a specifically high level of mental load during the state of fibromyalgia. Psychological disregulation is discussed and hypothesised to cause but also later in the process parallel alterations in somatic homeostatic functions. Recovery could mean that biological regulation regarding strain is replaced with more of “psycho-social” regulation as careful pacing of work. Implications for treatment are suggested.
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Concrete flat slabs and footings : Design method for punching and detailing for ductilityBroms, Carl Erik January 2005 (has links)
Simple but still realistic physical models suitable for structural design of flat concrete plates and column footings with respect to punching are presented. Punching of a flat plate is assumed to occur when the concrete compression strain at the column edge due to the bending moment in the slab reaches a critical value that is considerably lower than the generally accepted ultimate compression strain 0.0035 for one-way structures loaded in bending. In compact slabs such as column footings the compression strength of the inclined strut from the load to the column is governing instead. Both the strain limit and the inclined stress limit display a size-effect, i.e. the limit values decrease with increasing depth of the compression zone in the slab. Due respect is also paid to increasing concrete brittleness with increasing compression strength. The influence of the bending moment means that flat plates with rectangular panels display a lower punching capacity than flat plates with square panels – a case that is not recognized by current design codes. As a consequence, punching shall be checked for each of the two reinforcement directions separately if the bending moments differ. Since the theory can predict the punching load as well as the ultimate deflection of test specimens with good precision, it can also treat the case where a bending moment, so called unbalanced moment, is transferred from the slab to the column. This opens up for a safer design than with the prevailing method. It is proposed that the column rotation in relation to the slab shall be checked instead of the unbalanced moment for both gravity loading and imposed story drift due to lateral loads. However, the risk for punching failure is a great disadvantage with flat plates. The failure is brittle and occurs without warning in the form of extensive concrete cracking and increased deflection. Punching at one column may even initiate punching at adjacent columns as well, which would cause progressive collapse of the total structure. A novel reinforcement concept is therefore presented that gives flat plates a very ductile behaviour, which eliminates the risk for punching failure. The performance is verified by tests with monotonic as well as cyclic loading. / QC 20100929
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Osteocytes: Sensors of Mechanical Forces and Regulators of Bone RemodelingAl-Dujaili, Saja Ali 06 December 2012 (has links)
Osteocytes make up the largest cell population in bone and are believed to be the main mechanosensory bone cells. During mechanical disuse and overuse, osteocyte viability is compromised and is found to be co-localized with increased osteoclastic bone resorption. Osteoclasts are recruited to remodel sites of apoptosis or bone microdamage; however, it is unclear whether the apoptotic or neighbouring healthy osteocytes are responsible for targeted bone remodeling. I hypothesized that apoptotic osteocytes are: (a) directly responsible for initiating bone remodeling by recruiting osteoclast precursors and directing osteoclast differentiation, and (b) indirectly responsible by signaling to nearby healthy osteocytes that, in turn, regulate osteoclastogenesis.
In this in vitro study, apoptotic osteocytes were found to increase osteoclast precursor migration and osteoclast formation. Inhibition of the osteoclastogenic protein, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), in conditioned medium abolished the osteoclastogenic effect of apoptotic osteocytes. Healthy osteocytes surrounded by apoptotic regions were modeled by applying apoptotic osteocyte conditioned medium to healthy osteocytes. These cells also promoted osteoclastogenesis, and had increased expression of macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Inhibition of these factors abrogated the pro-osteoclastic effect of healthy osteocytes conditioned by apoptotic osteocytes. These findings support the hypothesis that apoptotic osteocytes directly and indirectly, by signaling to nearby healthy osteocytes, initiate osteoclastogenesis.
One limitation of our and other conventional in vitro models is the lack of real-time cell communication and physiologically-relevant mechanical environment. Using a microfluidics approach, a miniature fluid shear delivery system was created for in vitro osteocyte cultures. The purpose of this microsystem was to increase control of the cell microenvironment for subsequent integration into scalable screening platforms or co-culture systems for studying osteocyte mechanobiology under physiological loading conditions. Fluid shear stress was periodically applied without external pumping using a deflecting elastomer membrane, where up to 2 Pa of oscillating shear stress was possible by manipulating membrane dimensions. Osteocyte culture, viability and calcium response were demonstrated in the microdevice. Further studies should attempt to characterize calcium signaling in osteocytes which, using a conventional macro-scale system, was found to dependent on cell-cell communication.
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Effect of Intravenous Saline Infusion and Venous Compression Stockings on Upper Airway Size and ObstructionGabriel, Joseph 07 December 2011 (has links)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity is strongly associated with the degree of overnight peripharyngeal fluid accumulation. We hypothesized that intravenous fluid loading would cause upper airway (UA) narrowing or increase the frequency of apneas and hypopneas per hour of sleep (apnea-hypopnea index; AHI). We employed a controlled, randomized double-crossover experiment in 9 healthy men aged 23-46 years. In the control, subjects were administered approximately 80 ml of normal saline intravenously during sleep. In the intervention, subjects were administered approximately 1850 ml of saline during sleep while wearing compression stockings to localize fluid rostrally. The intervention induced nuchal fluid accumulation, resulting in an increase in neck circumference (+0.1 cm during control, +0.6 cm during intervention, P< 0.01 ) and a decrease in UA cross-sectional area (-0.08 cm2 during control, -0.43 cm2 during intervention, P = 0.023). Although the intervention did not increase the AHI (control AHI = 19.5, intervention AHI = 30.3, P = 0.249), the AHI during the intervention correlated with age (r = 0.8, P < 0.01). Thus, intravenous saline loading during sleep can narrow the UA, which in older men may induce or worsen OSA. Further studies are needed to test this hypothesis.
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Performance of Support Systems Subjected to Dynamic Loads at Two Underground Nickel MinesLiang, Grace Ya Chih 23 July 2012 (has links)
The consequences of mine seismicity can be mitigated by installing support systems capable of absorbing the energy generated by seismic events. Recent work has focused on the testing of individual support or reinforcement units under laboratory impact loads; this, however, does not render itself to easy extrapolation to field conditions. Hence, this thesis focuses on improving the understanding of the performance of support systems in real-world applications through passive monitoring of past rockburst events.
14 years of rockburst history were collected from Coleman Mine and Copper Cliff Mine, two of Vale’s underground (nickel) operations in Sudbury Ontario. Statistical analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square projection (PLS) were utilized to find relation between collected parameters and performance capacity. This thesis discusses the adequacy of various support systems and investigates the validity of perceived support performance as compared to the actual performance based on analyses of field data.
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Effect of Intravenous Saline Infusion and Venous Compression Stockings on Upper Airway Size and ObstructionGabriel, Joseph 07 December 2011 (has links)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity is strongly associated with the degree of overnight peripharyngeal fluid accumulation. We hypothesized that intravenous fluid loading would cause upper airway (UA) narrowing or increase the frequency of apneas and hypopneas per hour of sleep (apnea-hypopnea index; AHI). We employed a controlled, randomized double-crossover experiment in 9 healthy men aged 23-46 years. In the control, subjects were administered approximately 80 ml of normal saline intravenously during sleep. In the intervention, subjects were administered approximately 1850 ml of saline during sleep while wearing compression stockings to localize fluid rostrally. The intervention induced nuchal fluid accumulation, resulting in an increase in neck circumference (+0.1 cm during control, +0.6 cm during intervention, P< 0.01 ) and a decrease in UA cross-sectional area (-0.08 cm2 during control, -0.43 cm2 during intervention, P = 0.023). Although the intervention did not increase the AHI (control AHI = 19.5, intervention AHI = 30.3, P = 0.249), the AHI during the intervention correlated with age (r = 0.8, P < 0.01). Thus, intravenous saline loading during sleep can narrow the UA, which in older men may induce or worsen OSA. Further studies are needed to test this hypothesis.
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