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Renegotiating Ovid's Heroides /Connelly, Jill L. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Dept. of Classical Languages and Literatures, March 2000. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.
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"Except you ravish me" [microform] : the images of Christ as courtly knight, bridegroom, and mother of the soul as woven through the religious love lyric "In a valey of this restles mynde" /McCullough, Eleanor G., January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Regent College, 2007. / Abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 137-155).
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Toward a pragmatic theology of love from the dark night of the postmodern soul to the love of God /Nordstrom, Derek Tatsuo, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, 2005. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-109).
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The 'love of neighbour' (Lev 19:18) : the early reception history of its priestly formulaAkiyama, Kengo January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the early Jewish reception of the love command (Lev 19:18) during the Second Temple period. Although the ascendancy of this command as the “greatest” command in later Jewish and Christian writings is well-known, the historical interpretative process through which this levitical love command came to be viewed as such is not widely known. The thesis begins by examining the meaning of Lev 19:18 in its original context and then systematically traces its interpretation in Second Temple, Jewish literature by carefully examining its citations in context. The study examines the Greek translation of Lev 19:18 in the Septuagint, followed by a series of sustained exegetical analyses of interpretations of Lev 19:18 in the Book of Jubilees, the Damascus Document, the Community Rule, Galatians, Romans, James, and the Synoptic Gospels. Although the citations of Lev 19:18 are infrequent in the Second Temple period, a careful consideration of each occurrence demonstrates diverse, if complex, developments vis-à-vis Lev 19:18. It is argued that no mainstream Jewish interpretation of Lev 19:18 existed during the Second Temple period, and the analysis repudiates a simplistic, evolutionary trajectory (e.g., from restricted, intra-communal obligation to universal altruism) regarding its interpretative development. The study concludes by identifying important areas of development that paved the way for Lev 19:18 to become the indispensable, hermeneutical key and summary command in Jewish and Christian thought.
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Un traité d’amour tardif : le Précis des martyrs d’amour de Muġulṭāy / A late Treatise on Love : the Clear and Eloquent in Speaking of Those Lovers Who Became MartyrsTillier, Monica 19 September 2009 (has links)
Dans la littérature arabo-islamique médiévale, le thème de l’amour a été traité par un grand nombre d’ouvrages en prose. Un véritable genre littéraire des traités d’amour courtois s’est développé à partir du IIIe/IXe siècle. Si les débuts et l’“âge d’or” du genre ont déjà fait l’objet d’études, ses développements tardifs demeurent encore inexplorés. Le Wāḍiḥ al-mubīn fī ḏikr man ustušhida min al-muḥibbīn, écrit par Muġulṭāy (762/1361), présente à ce titre des caractères originaux. A travers l’analyse littéraire de ce texte, il apparaît en effet que le Wāḍiḥ, tout en s’appuyant sur le patrimoine littéraire sur l’amour courtois qui le précède, se fait porteur d’une conception tout à fait nouvelle du Ýišq (amour-passion) ainsi que d’une théorie originale du martyre par amour. Par les déclarations mêmes de son auteur, de même que par sa structure et par son contenu, l’ouvrage se présente comme un manuel de comportement à suivre. La conception de l’amour que l’ouvrage sous-tend constitue donc un véritable tournant dans l’histoire du genre. Le Wāḍiḥ est le seul ouvrage de ce type à avoir été censuré. Les raisons de l’hostilité que l’ouvrage a rencontrée auprès des autorités mameloukes sont à rechercher dans la “théorie de l’amour” prônée par Muġulṭāy. Elle ne se dégage pas seulement de sa longue introduction, mais transparaît aussi dans la comparaison entre les notices du Wāḍiḥ et celles d’autres ouvrages du patrimoine arabo-islamique médiéval. Tout en rapportant des aḫbār très connus, Muġulṭāy réussit à les refondre de manière novatrice. Il présente ses histoires d’amour et de mort comme matière à édifier ses lecteurs. Le comportement des amants mentionnés dans le Wāḍiḥ, qu’ils soient les victimes de l’amour profane (hétérosexuel ou homosexuel) ou de l’amour de Dieu, est toujours présenté comme exemplaire. Ses martyrs deviennent dès lors des modèles de conduite à suivre par tout bon musulman. / In medieval Arabic Islamic literature, the topic of love was treated in a quite big number of prose works. A true literary genre of courtly love treatises started to develop from the 3rd/9th century. While the first period and the “golden age” of this genre have already been quite intensely studied, its later development remains still unexplored. The al-Wāḍiḥ al-mubīn fī ḏikr man ustušhida min al-muḥibbīn written by Muġulṭāy (762/1361), even though it has its place among the treatises of this genre, has its own special features. The analysis of the text shows that, even if it is based on the traditional literary background of courtly love, the Wāḍiḥ defends a very new notion of passionate love and an original theory of martyrdom of love. Muġulṭāy presents his work as a handbook of good behaviour. A confirmation of this intention is to be found in the structure and the content of his treatise. Muġulṭāy’s approach of courtly love represents then a real turning point in the history of the gender. The Wāḍiḥ is the only courtly love treatise that has been censored by political and religious authorities. The reasons of the interdiction that has stricken the book are probably to be sought in Muġulṭāy’s theory of love. The author explains his theory’s main features in the introduction, but also in lover’s stories as the comparison between the aḫbār in the Wāḍiḥ and others books of Arabic literature shows. Even if the stories are very well known and have been told again and again, the fact that Muġulṭāy is presenting his histories like edification matter for his reader changes them in something really new. No difference is made between his lovers who can be the victims of God love as well as of profane love (heterosexual or homosexual). They are all martyrs and became the models of the behaviour that has to be followed by every good Muslim.
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PEDAGOGIAS DE UM “AMOR INTELIGENTE”: Empreendedorismo e racionalização dos afetos na Escola do Amor da Igreja Universal do Reino de DeusRODRIGUES, Emanuelle Gonçalves Brandão 11 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-07T13:43:38Z
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Dissertação Emanuelle Rodrigues PPGCOMUFPE 2015 (1).pdf: 2730118 bytes, checksum: 0042afb51780f1f5ebc517e48704b5df (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-07T13:43:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertação Emanuelle Rodrigues PPGCOMUFPE 2015 (1).pdf: 2730118 bytes, checksum: 0042afb51780f1f5ebc517e48704b5df (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-11 / FACEPE / A relação entre religião e empreendedorismo é a discussão que norteia este trabalho,
em especial quando desta se vê emergir um discurso mercadológico sobre os afetos
vinculados ao mundo corporativo. Ideias como “amor inteligente” ou “casamento-empresa”
nos abriram os olhos para uma reestruturação das práticas discursivas da Igreja Universal do
Reino de Deus (IURD): para além da esfera empresarial, o ato de “empreender” passa a ser
difundido na igreja, através de um tipo peculiar de pedagogia, como modo de agir em todos os
âmbitos da vida, em especial nas relações afetivas. Renato e Cristiane Cardoso, os
“professores do amor”, ensinam, através do próprio exemplo e de lições didáticas –
características “herdadas” da IURD, instituição a qual são vinculados – como alcançarmos a
felicidade na relação a dois e como ela pode nos tornar produtivos em outros âmbitos, como
educação e trabalho, principalmente. Partimos da hipótese que a religião tem sido cada vez
mais afetada pela cultura empreendedora, de modo tal que até mesmo os afetos passam a ser
compreendidos sob a ótica da racionalidade. Nossa proposta central é discutir a relação entre
empreendedorismo e religião no contexto moderno por meio de uma análise sociodiscursiva e
de trajetória de vida das narrativas do casal Cardoso e de seus seguidores, todas difundidas
nos programas da Escola do Amor, nas reuniões da Terapia do Amor, na igreja, e nos livros
do casal. O que nos parece mais latente, ao concluir essa pesquisa, é a concepção de vida
como projeto de autorrealização, no qual o indivíduo, em sua condição autorreflexiva, orienta
suas ações a partir de modelos ideais de felicidade perpetuados por agentes sociais e
religiosos. / Relation between religion and entrepreneurship is the main discussion that guides this
work, especially when we see arises a marketing discourse about affections related to the
corporative world. Conceptions such as “clever love” or “marriage enterprise” drew attention
to a restructuring process regarding the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG):
beyond the business strategy, the conception of entrepreneurship is spread among the Church
trough a peculiar kind of pedagogy, a type that became a modus operandi in all levels of
someone´s life, specially the emotional one. Renato and Cristiane Cardoso, the “teacher of
love”, teach, using themselves as examples and and didactic lections – features inherent from
UGCD, institution to what there are joined – how we can reach happiness in our marriage and
how this can make us more productive, mainly in the fields of education and work.Our start
point is that religion has been being overly influenced by entrepreneurship culture in such
way that even affects are understanding under the rationality view. We aim to discuss the
relation between religion and entrepreneurship in the modern context, using a sociodiscursive
analyses as well as analyzing the narratives regarding Cardoso´s couple and their followers
life path. All that can be found either on the School Love, a TV show, and on the Love
Therapy, in the Church, and on the books that the couple publish. It seems more conclusive to
us is that the conception of life as a self-realization project, in which the individuals, in their
autoreflexive condition, guide their actions from ideal models of life that come from social
and religious agents.
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Étude d'une plateforme à ondes acoustiques de Love pour la détection de phycotoxines dans le Bassin d'Arcachon / Love wave platform dedicated to phycotoxin detectionFournel, Fabien 07 December 2011 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse, financés par la Région Aquitaine et partie intégrante des projets ASCOBAR et OSQUAR (2007-2009 et 2009-2011), ont été effectués au sein du laboratoire IMS-Bordeaux (Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS, UMR 5218) et sont le fruit de la collaboration de trois laboratoires. Ils ont visé l'étude d'une plateforme à ondes acoustiques transverses horizontales guidées, ou ondes de Love, dédiée à la détection de phycotoxines responsables d'empoisonnement par consommation de chair de coquillage.Cette plateforme intègre une partie microfluidique destinée à assurer un contrôle du flux de l'échantillon d'analyse au voisinage de l'interface sensible, tout en réduisant les volumes utilisés. Des tests de détections ont été réalisés, en collaboration avec le Laboratoire d'Immunologie-Parasitologie de l’Université Bordeaux 2, en équipant le capteur d'un biorécepteur spécifique de type anticorps, commercial pour la détection d'acide okadaïque, ou, pour l'acide domoïque, fabriqué à partir d'un haptène formé avec un mimotope d'une famille de toxines du type amnésiante (ASP) synthétisé par l'Institut des Sciences Moléculaires (Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS UMR 5255).Grâce aux efforts synergiques de ce consortium et à l'élaboration de protocoles de détections spécifiques, les premiers résultats permettent de discriminer un échantillon empoisonné au seuil sanitaire, soit 0,2 ppm pour l'acide okadaïque, 20 ppm pour l'acide domoïque (200 ng d'acide domoïque dans seulement 10 mg de chair de coquillage). / These works have been funded by "la Région Aquitaine" as part of the projects ASCOBAR (2007-2009) and OSQUAR (2009-2011). They have been done in the IMS-Bordeaux (Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS, UMR 5218) with the collaboration of two others laboratories.The main goal was to create a guided transverse horizontal acoustic wave (Love wave) platform for specific detection of phycotoxins, responsible of shellfish poisoning. The microfluidic chip integrated into this platform allows control of the sample flow above the sensitive surface while saving biological liquid consumption.Detection tests have been done with the collaboration of the "Laboratoire d'Immunologie-Parasitologie" (Université Bordeaux 2). The sensitive surface was made of antibodies, created from a hapten made with a mimotope synthesized by "l'Institut des Sciences Moléculaires" (Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS UMR 5255). This mimotope is a molecule part which is common to a family of amnesic phycotoxin (ASP).Thanks to the synergistic efforts of this consortium and development of specific detection protocols, results can discriminate poisonous samples at sanitary threshold, that is, containing 0.2 ppm of okadaic acid, 20 ppm of domoic acid (200 ng of domoic acid into only 10 mg of shellfish flesh).
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Développement d'un biocapteur associant dispositif à onde de Love et polymères à empreintes moléculaires : caractérisation sous gaz / Development of a love wave sensor based on thin film molecularly imprinted polymer, and gas characterizationOmar Aouled, Nima 16 July 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherches concernent l'association de la technologie des polymères à empreintes moléculaires aux dispositifs acoustiques à onde de Love afin de réaliser un biocapteur dans le cadre d'un projet ANR Tecsan. La première partie de ces travaux de thèse a dressé plus spécifiquement la mise au point d'un protocole de dépôt localisé de polymères imprimés (MIP) et non imprimés (NIP) en films minces compatibles avec la propagation de l'onde élastique. La seconde aprtie des travaux a visé une caractérisation des films et des capteurs ainsi réalisés, par microscopie à balayage et apr mesures de détection sous gaz. Des éléments relatifs aux propriétés mécaniques (porosité, surfaces spécifiques) des MIPs et NIPs, avant extraction de la molécule cible, puis après extraction et après recapture, ont permis de valider le principe du capteur, ouvrant la voie à l'application en milieu liquide. / This work deals with the association of molecularly imprinted polymers technology and Love wave devices in order to develop a biosensor in the frame of ANR project, Tecsan. The first part of this work concerned the development and the validation of a protocol for localized deposition of imprinted (MIP) and non-imprinted (NIP) polymeric thin film compatible with the propagation of acoustic wave. The second part exhibited the cahracterization of the coated sensors, by scanning microscopy and deep gas characterization. The proposed characterization technique gives information on surface morphology and porosity of thin MIP films before extraction of the target molecule, then after extraction and after rebinding. It allowed hence, the validation of the sensor principle. These results constitute a god background for future application in medium liquid.
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Quelques problèmes inverses avec des données partielles / Some inverse problems with partial dataPonomarev, Dmitry 14 June 2016 (has links)
La thèse se compose de 3 parties. Dans la partie I, nous considérons des problèmes à lafrontière pour une EDP de Laplace dans un domaine simplement connexe de bordLispschitz continu. Depuis des données Dirichlet et Neumann suffisamment régulièresdisponibles sur une partie de la frontière, nous développons une méthode non-itérative derésolution de ce problème de Cauchy, régularisé par une contrainte en norm L2 portantsur la solution sur la partie complémentaire du bord. Notre approche par les fonctionsanalytiques de la variable complexe permet d'imposer des contraintes ponctuellessupplémentaires possédant un intêret pratique pour incorporer des mesures corrompues.La partie II concerne la structure spectrale d'un opérateur de Poisson tronqué intervenantdans diverses applications physiques. Nous établissons d'importantes propriétés dessolutions, des connexions avec d'autres problèmes, ainsi que, pour des valeursasymptotiques d'un paramètre, des formulations sous forme d'autres équations intégralesou EDO solubles. Dans la partie III, nous traitons un problème inverse particulier issud'expériences pratiques effectuées avec un microscope SQUID. Depuis des mesurespartielles de la composante verticale du champ magnétique, le but est de retrouvercertaines propriétés de l'aimantation d'un échantillon de roche. Nous présentons denouvelles méthodes utilisant les transformations de Kelvin et de Fourier pour l'estimationdu moment magnétique. / The thesis consists of three parts. In Part I, we consider partially overdeterminedboundary-value problemS for Laplace PDE in a planar simply connected domain withLipschitz boundary. Assuming Dirichlet and Neumann data available on its part to be realvaluedfunctions of certain regularity, we develop a non-iterative method for solving thisill-posed Cauchy problem choosing as a regularizing parameter L2 bound of the solutionon complementary part of the boundary. The present complex-analytic approach alsonaturally allows imposing additional pointwise constraints on the solution which, onpractical side, can help incorporating outlying boundary measurements without changingthe boundary into a less regular one. Part II is concerned with spectral structure of atruncated Poisson operator arising in various physical applications. We deduce importantproperties of solutions, discuss connections with other problems and pursue differentreductions of the formulation for large and small values of asymptotic parameter yieldingsolutions by means of solving simpler integral equations and ODEs. In Part III, we dealwith a particular inverse problem arising in real physical experiments performed withSQUID microscope. The goal is to recover certain magnetization features of a sample frompartial measurements of one component of magnetic field above it. We develop newmethods based on Kelvin and Fourier transformations resulting in estimates of netmoment components.
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Kanegelorato le Kanegeloboitshwaro ya Sepedi (Sepedi)Makgabo, Mmamoyahabo Constance 10 July 2008 (has links)
A close look at the first literary works in European countries reveals that love stories and the theme of romance took prominence among the authors of the time. French authors are a good example of writers of these love stories. An in-depth study shows that different and/or supporting themes or series of events accompany the main love story in these stories. This trend is supported by Cuddon (1977:758) by emphasizing that in these early writings it was the trend to combine an adventure story aspect with the love story. Lewis (1960:23) supports Cuddon’s view in stating that Chréstien de Troyes was the first writer in France to apply love as a main theme for a love story. Funk and Wagnalls’s New Encyclopedia (1876:344) bears out Cuddon’s idea of combining various series of events (love and moral) in the same writing and explains that a love story should enhance two views of what the writing is about, in this case (a) the love aspect and (b) the moral aspect. The trend of combining themes, where one theme supplements the main theme in the same writing, also exists in Sepedi literature. Examples are Noto-ya-Masogana (Tsebe,1954) and Morweši (Motuku,1969). It will, be important and necessary to explain the love story and the moral story first. Cuddon states that the idea of having a variety of series of events supporting the main theme of the narrative is visible where a love story is a two-in-one narrative, relating love and moral, such as in Sir Gawain and Green Knight (14th C.). This demonstrates the importance of a love story. This fact led Yelland et al (1984:161) to state, in support of the important role of character, that love and moral are evidence of chivalry, such as that found in Morte D’Arthur (Malory,1470). Character or chivalry depicts the impeccable manners of the main characters of the love story. This combination of love and moral can also be seen in Sepedi writing, such as Noto-ya-Masogana (Tsebe,1954), Morweši (Motuku,1969), Tshehlana ya ka (Bosoma,1990) and Sesasedi sa katlego (Kekana,1990). Before proceeding with a discussion on this type of love and moral story, it is important to explain the other types of stories as well. Research by Phala (1999:18) and Abrams (1998:98) describes the idea of character and conduct as what one finds, learns or acquires at home, from the community, society or wherever one finds one’s self. The education acquired in this way gives birth to the basis of character, conduct and behaviour, be it good or bad. This should not be confused with formal school learning, but upbringing which is reinforced by cultural practices, religion and socialization, for example. This influences the complete person, including the soul. A person influenced in this manner becomes complete and can distinguish between good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable, as well as proper and improper, according to place and time. Marggraff (1994:14) stresses this distinction between the two opposing views of good and bad; desirable or acceptable on the one side and undesirable or unacceptable on the other. Groenewald (1994:20) also supports this view of right and wrong, stating that it gives us the understanding that bad, evil and wrong deeds or behaviour displeases the ancestors and can lead to punishment and misfortune for the character concerned. This encourages people to strive towards good deeds. It can, therefore, be concluded that humanity was meant to be and do good. Good deeds, behaviour and conduct are important and should be the goal, as depicted by the main character in the love story. The main character who does wrong things and changes his behaviour to good, is rewarded for being good with happiness, love, success and prosperity in his relationship with his partner. Viewed in this light, the importance of further examining and analyzing the love and moral story will be emphasized. In this type of story, where the main character does wrong things with which the reader does not approve or align himself, the reader’s curiosity will be aroused to read further in order to know what will happen to the main character at the end. Since there is always the anticipated element of punishment and reward for the main character present at the end of these types of love and moral stories, it serves as an attraction and magnet that hold the reader’s interest until the end. It also adds a moral value for the reader. Sepedi authors who write love stories are also on this bandwagon of combining love and moral themes in the same story, such as in Noto-ya-Masogana (Tsebe,1954) and Morweši (Motuku,1969). In order to establish the importance of combining love and moral or behaviour in the same love story, the following have been examined and researched in full: Tsebe’s Noto-ya-Masogana (1954) and Motuku’s Morweši (1969). This will be preceded by taking heed of the research and study results of these works already done by other critics. / Dissertation (MA (African Languages))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / African Languages / unrestricted
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