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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bakom varje cancersjuk står någon som måste vara stark : En fenomenologisk studie om att leva nära någon som har en cancerdiagnos / Behind every cancer patient stands someone who has to be strong : A phenomenological study about being close to someone who has a cancer diagnosis

Buer, Olivia, Öst, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Närstående till cancersjuka hamnar ofta i skuggan. Den närstående, omgivningen och sjukvården är samtliga fokuserade på att hjälpa den cancersjuke och det är så svårt att se att det finns fler som påverkas av cancersjukdomen, nämligen de som står den cancersjuke nära. Denna kvalitativa fenomenologiska studie har som syfte att beskriva närståendes upplevelse av att leva nära någon som har en cancerdiagnos. För att få en djupare förståelse för fenomenet och dess essens använder denna studie systemteori, psykosocialt stöd samt copingteori som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Dessa bidrar till en förståelse för det socialpsykologiska perspektivet gällande vem som påverkas av en cancersjukdom, hur påverkan ter sig samt hur den hanteras. Tio informanter som samtliga lever/har levt nära någon som har/har haft en cancerdiagnos deltog. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att livet förändras i samband med att någon nära får en cancerdiagnos. Det visade också att det finns en trygghet i att få förståelse från omgivningen, men att närstående även i stor utsträckning vill klara sig själva för att på så sätt kontrollera situationen. / Cancer patients’ loved one’s often end up in the shadow. The loved one, the environment and healthcare are all focused on helping the cancer patient and it is then hard to see that there are more people affected by the cancer, namely the people being close to the patient. The aim of this qualitative phenomenological study is to describe the loved one’s experience of living close to someone who has cancer. To get a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and its essence this study use system theory, psychosocial support and coping theory as theoretical points. These contribute to an understanding of the social psychology perspective to whom is affected by cancer, how they are affected and how they handle it. Ten informants who all live/have lived with someone who has/had a cancer diagnosis attended. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The result showed that life changes when someone close gets a cancer diagnosis. It also showed that there is a security in the environments’ understanding, but that loved one’s also to a large extent would fend for themselves and in that way get control over situation.

Barn i sorg, Hur barn upplever förlusten av en nära anhörig

Claesson, Alexandra, Erlandsson, Jennie January 2012 (has links)
SammanfattningVid en förlust av en nära anhörig kan ett barns livsvärld förändras, vilket kan innebära ett lidande för barnet. Beroende på barnets ålder, utvecklingsstadium och tidigare erfarenheter reagerar alla barn olika. Sjuksköterskan kan möta barn i sorg inom vården och därför behöver denne veta hur barnet reagerar på förlusten av en nära anhörig.Syftet med studien är att belysa hur barn upplever förlusten av en nära anhörig. Vi gjorde en litteraturstudie mellan årtalen 1999-2011, där vi använde oss av åtta artiklar i vårt resultat. Där framkom fyra ämnen: barnets sätt att hantera sorgen, omständigheter kring dödsfallet, förståelsen av döden utifrån ålder och utveckling och genusperspektiv. Barnen behöver rak och ärlig information anpassat till dess ålder och utvecklingsnivå. Vidare framkom att sjuksköterskan behöver mer kunskap inom området.

Kanegelorato le Kanegeloboitshwaro ya Sepedi (Sepedi)

Makgabo, Mmamoyahabo Constance 10 July 2008 (has links)
A close look at the first literary works in European countries reveals that love stories and the theme of romance took prominence among the authors of the time. French authors are a good example of writers of these love stories. An in-depth study shows that different and/or supporting themes or series of events accompany the main love story in these stories. This trend is supported by Cuddon (1977:758) by emphasizing that in these early writings it was the trend to combine an adventure story aspect with the love story. Lewis (1960:23) supports Cuddon’s view in stating that Chréstien de Troyes was the first writer in France to apply love as a main theme for a love story. Funk and Wagnalls’s New Encyclopedia (1876:344) bears out Cuddon’s idea of combining various series of events (love and moral) in the same writing and explains that a love story should enhance two views of what the writing is about, in this case (a) the love aspect and (b) the moral aspect. The trend of combining themes, where one theme supplements the main theme in the same writing, also exists in Sepedi literature. Examples are Noto-ya-Masogana (Tsebe,1954) and Morweši (Motuku,1969). It will, be important and necessary to explain the love story and the moral story first. Cuddon states that the idea of having a variety of series of events supporting the main theme of the narrative is visible where a love story is a two-in-one narrative, relating love and moral, such as in Sir Gawain and Green Knight (14th C.). This demonstrates the importance of a love story. This fact led Yelland et al (1984:161) to state, in support of the important role of character, that love and moral are evidence of chivalry, such as that found in Morte D’Arthur (Malory,1470). Character or chivalry depicts the impeccable manners of the main characters of the love story. This combination of love and moral can also be seen in Sepedi writing, such as Noto-ya-Masogana (Tsebe,1954), Morweši (Motuku,1969), Tshehlana ya ka (Bosoma,1990) and Sesasedi sa katlego (Kekana,1990). Before proceeding with a discussion on this type of love and moral story, it is important to explain the other types of stories as well. Research by Phala (1999:18) and Abrams (1998:98) describes the idea of character and conduct as what one finds, learns or acquires at home, from the community, society or wherever one finds one’s self. The education acquired in this way gives birth to the basis of character, conduct and behaviour, be it good or bad. This should not be confused with formal school learning, but upbringing which is reinforced by cultural practices, religion and socialization, for example. This influences the complete person, including the soul. A person influenced in this manner becomes complete and can distinguish between good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable, as well as proper and improper, according to place and time. Marggraff (1994:14) stresses this distinction between the two opposing views of good and bad; desirable or acceptable on the one side and undesirable or unacceptable on the other. Groenewald (1994:20) also supports this view of right and wrong, stating that it gives us the understanding that bad, evil and wrong deeds or behaviour displeases the ancestors and can lead to punishment and misfortune for the character concerned. This encourages people to strive towards good deeds. It can, therefore, be concluded that humanity was meant to be and do good. Good deeds, behaviour and conduct are important and should be the goal, as depicted by the main character in the love story. The main character who does wrong things and changes his behaviour to good, is rewarded for being good with happiness, love, success and prosperity in his relationship with his partner. Viewed in this light, the importance of further examining and analyzing the love and moral story will be emphasized. In this type of story, where the main character does wrong things with which the reader does not approve or align himself, the reader’s curiosity will be aroused to read further in order to know what will happen to the main character at the end. Since there is always the anticipated element of punishment and reward for the main character present at the end of these types of love and moral stories, it serves as an attraction and magnet that hold the reader’s interest until the end. It also adds a moral value for the reader. Sepedi authors who write love stories are also on this bandwagon of combining love and moral themes in the same story, such as in Noto-ya-Masogana (Tsebe,1954) and Morweši (Motuku,1969). In order to establish the importance of combining love and moral or behaviour in the same love story, the following have been examined and researched in full: Tsebe’s Noto-ya-Masogana (1954) and Motuku’s Morweši (1969). This will be preceded by taking heed of the research and study results of these works already done by other critics. / Dissertation (MA (African Languages))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / African Languages / unrestricted

Att vara närstående till en person med alzheimers sjukdom : en litteraturöversikt / Being a relative to a person with alzheimer’s disease : a literature review

Abdirashid, Samsam, Mohamed, Hawo January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom är en neurodegenerativ sjukdom som drabbar individen med sakta smygande symtom och påverkar det kognitiva, framförallt minnet. Diagnosen gör att personen ofta inte kan klara av vardagen, vilket innebär ett stort ansvar för närstående. Sjuksköterskans uppgift är att ge stöd till både anhöriga och närstående. Syfte: Att beskriva närståendes upplevelser av att vårda en anhörig med Alzheimers sjukdom. Metod: Metoden var en kvalitativ litteraturöversikt som är baserad på nio vetenskapliga artiklar som är hämtade från PubMed och Cinahl Complete. Resultat: Analysen resulterades i fyra huvudfynd: Närstående erfarenheter av att ta hand om den sjuke, vilket visade att en del saknade erfarenheter och att det var en stor påfrestning att ta hand om den sjuke. Svårigheter att kunna balansera sin vardag, vilket visade att närstående hade svårt att balansera mellan det sociala livet och livet i hemmet. Bristande kunskap, vilket visade stor brist på kunskap att ta hand om den anhörige. Brist på egen tid och återhämtning, vilket visade att närstående inte fick tid för återhämtning vilket gav negativa effekter på närståendes hälsa. Sammanfattning: Närstående som vårdar en person med Alzheimers sjukdom drabbas av både psykisk och fysisk belastning. Ett multiprofessionellt team som kan stödja och öka kunskapen hos närstående kan minska negativa upplevelser och ge trygghet i vårdandet. / Background: Alzheimer is a disease that affects cognitively. People with Alzheimer's have difficulties with communication, taking in information and their daily routines. This in turn, leads to the person needing support in their daily life. Aim: The aim was to describe loved one's experiences of caring for a relative with Alzheimer's disease. Method: This was a qualitative literature review based on nine scientific articles retrieved from the databases PubMed and Cinahl Complete. Results: The analysis resulted in four themes: Experiences of care-taking of the sick one showing that relatives do not have experiences which caused stress. Difficulties to balance their daily life, showing that relatives found it difficult to balance between their social life and the care for their loved one. Lack of knowledge resulting in difficulties in caring for their loved one. Lack of own time and recovery resulting in no time to recover, which in turn caused negative health effects. Others, on the other hand, described a sense of purpose in caring for the relative. Summary: Individuals who care for a relative with Alzheimer’s disease have strong feelings and need a lot of support from different professions and society. Knowledge, communication and trust can create a better quality of life for relatives caring for a loved one.

När hemmet blir en vårdplats : - upplevelse av att vårda en närstående med Parkinsons sjukdom / When the home becomes a place for caring : - the experience of nursing a loved one with Parkinson’s disease

Hult-Lindkvist, Malin, Orrhult, Linnea January 2011 (has links)
Många närstående till en sjuk familjemedlem tar sig an rollen som vårdgivare vilket annars hade antagits av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Nedskärningar inom den offentliga sektorn fortskrider och inte tillräckligt med fokus läggs på hur detta påverkar de närstående som vårdar en sjuk närstående i hemmet. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva upplevelsen och vad som påverkar upplevelsen av att vara vårdgivare i hemmet till en närstående med Parkinsons sjukdom. Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie. I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier: Tid och relation, Stöd och information, Sjukdomsförlopp och Symtom. Resultatet visade att vårdgivare upplevde det svårt att ha en normalt fungerande vardag till följd av deras roll som vårdgivare. Vårdgivares upplevda börda ökade även i takt med den närståendes sjukdomsförlopp. En bra relation och mycket ömsesidighet mellan parterna minskade den upplevda bördan hos vårdgivarna samt ökade deras upplevda livskvalitet. Vårdgivare upplevde att stödgrupper minskar deras mentala börda genom att de fick möjlighet att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter till andra och att det hjälpte dem att förstå och själva handskas med sin situation. Vårdgivare upplevde att de inte fick tillräcklig information och stöd från hälso- och sjukvården. Vårdgivare ansåg att den fysiska funktionsnedsättningen var mer påtaglig vid direkt vård och gav mer fysisk påfrestning hos vårdgivaren än vad de psykiska symtomen gjorde. De psykiska symtomen hade större inverkan på vårdgivarens mentala hälsa och deras upplevda börda. Då antalet vårdgivare som vårdar en närstående i hemmet ökar är det av stor vikt att forskning genomförs och uppmärksammas. / Many people related to a sick person take on the role of caregiver, which would otherwise have been adopted by healthcare professionals. Cut downs in the public sector are progressing, and there is not enough focus on how this affects the persons who cares for a sick loved one at home. The purpose of this study was to describe the experience of being a caregiver and what factors affects the experience of a caregiver who cares for a loved one at home with Parkinson’s disease. The results revealed four categories: Time and relationship, Support and information, Disease duration and Symptoms. The results showed that caregivers find it difficult to have a normally functioning everyday life due to their role as caregivers. The caregivers perceived burden increases as the loved ones disease processes. A good relationship and a lot of mutuality between the parties reduce the perceived burden among caregivers, and increase their perceived quality of life. Caregivers feel that support groups reduce their mental workload by enabling them to share their experiences with others and that it helps them to understand and cope with their situation. Caregivers feel they do not receive adequate information and support from health care. The caregivers feel that the loved ones physical disability is more pronounced at the direct care and involves more physical stress than the mental symptoms makes. The psychological symptoms have a greater impact on caregivers’ mental health and their perceived burden. As the number of caregivers who care for a loved one at home increases it is of great importance to maintain research and attention to made research.

Att samtala med närstående inom specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård : sjuksköterskans erfarenheter / Conversations with family caregivers in specialized palliative home care : nurse´s experiences

Rosén, Ulf January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård ska tillgodose behoven hos patienter med livshotande (icke botbara) sjukdomar på alla vårdnivåer i Sverige. Studier har visat att närstående till patienter i specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård inte alltid har bemötts korrekt eller tagits på allvar vilket har resulterat i att de har slitit hårt ofta i skymundan. Att inte få rätt stöd har visat sig kunna leda till både fysiska, psykiska och psykosociala påfrestningar. Det har till exempel rapporterats om nedstämdhet, koncentrationssvårigheter och fatigue. Centralt i arbetet som sjuksköterska i specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård är stöd till närstående då de ofta är en förutsättning för att patienten ska kunna vistas den sista tiden i livet i hemmet. Stödet bestod till stor del av samtal. Genom att bekräfta och ta närståendes oro och funderingar på allvar ökade deras välbefinnande. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av att stödja närstående genom samtal inom specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård. Metod: Designen var en empirisk studie med induktiv beskrivande ansats. Datainsamling skedde genom kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Resultat: Efter analysen framträdde svaret på de två frågeställningarna: Hur gjorde sjuksköteskorna för att etablera en god kontakt med närstående? Hur kunde sjuksköterskorna stötta närstående?   Det framkom fyra subkategorier till varje fråga. Resultatet visade att samtalet i specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård var en stor del av det befintliga arbetet men att det inte alltid skedde under strukturerade och medvetna former. Erfarenheter av strukturerade närståendesamtal var uteslutande positiva. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades mot valda delar av Watson´s tio karitativa faktorer. Känslighet gentemot självet och andra, Mänsklig omsorgsrelation, Att ge uttryck för positiva och negativa känslor, Kreativ, problemlösande omsorgsprocess. / Background: Palliative care is intended to cater for the needs of patients with life threatening, non-curable, diseases at all levels of medical care in Sweden. Studies have shown that family and loved ones of patients receiving specialized palliative care in the home have not always been taken seriously or otherwise considered appropriately. This has led to them struggling under the pressure, often without acknowledgment. Not receiving the appropriate support has been shown to be a factor causing physical, psychological as well as psychosocial distresses. For example, depression, difficulties to concentrate and fatigue have been reported. Central to the work as a nurse in specialized palliative home care is to provide support to family and loved ones as it is often a necessity enabling the patient to be at home towards the end of life. The support in this case consisted largely of dialogue. By acknowledging and considering the thoughts and worries of the family, their wellbeing was increased. Aim: Describing the experiences of nurses supporting family and loved ones through dialogue within specialized palliative home care. Method: The study was by design inductive and data were collected via qualitative research interviews. Results: Following the analysis, the answer to the two questions emerged: How did nurses do to establish a good relationship with family and loved ones? How could nurses support family and loved ones? There were four subcategories for each question. The result showed that the conversation in specialized palliative home care was a major part of the existing work, but it did not always happen in structured and conscious forms. The experience of structured conversations with relatives was exclusively positive. Discussion: The result was discussed against selected parts of Watson's ten carative factors. Sensitivity to self and others, Human care relationship, To express positive and negative feelings, Creative, problem-solving care process.

Ruínas de um sonho: desilusão e ressentimento em um Thriller histórico de Leonardo Padura / Ruins of a dream: delusion and resentment in a Historical thriller by Leonardo Padura

Lima, Gabriel Cordeiro dos Santos 13 December 2016 (has links)
A presente investigação tem por objeto de estudo o romance El hombre que amaba a los perros (2009), de autoria do cubano Leonardo Padura. Em uma análise formal de tal obra, a pesquisa debruça-se sobre a posição de seus narradores, sobre a construção de seus personagens e sobre a estruturação de seu enredo, compreendendo seu funcionamento literário enquanto sintoma cultural da sociedade de consumo contemporânea. Assim, discute-se o pastiche da literatura policial noir engendrado pelo autor, bem como suas maneiras não realistas de figurar a história, situando o livro em meio ao panorama estético e ideológico da pós-modernidade. Com isso, busca-se esclarecer a relação dialética que se estabelece entre a forma narrativa do romance e o atual processo de transição histórica vivenciado por Cuba o qual conduz a ilha à integração ao sistema mundial do capitalismo tardio. / The current research aims to study the novel The man who loved the dogs (2009), by Cuban writer Leonardo Padura. In a formal approach to such work, the research focuses on the position of its narrators, on the construction of its characters and on the structure of its plot, understanding its literary functioning as a cultural symptom of contemporary consume society. Thus, the pastiche of noir crime fiction engendered by the author is put into discussion, as well as its non-realistic ways to figure history, in order to place the book amid the aesthetic and ideological panorama of postmodernity. Therefore, it intends to clarify the dialectical relationship established between the narrative form of the novel and the current historical transition process experienced by Cuba - which leads the island to integrate itself to late capitalism world system.

Ruínas de um sonho: desilusão e ressentimento em um Thriller histórico de Leonardo Padura / Ruins of a dream: delusion and resentment in a Historical thriller by Leonardo Padura

Gabriel Cordeiro dos Santos Lima 13 December 2016 (has links)
A presente investigação tem por objeto de estudo o romance El hombre que amaba a los perros (2009), de autoria do cubano Leonardo Padura. Em uma análise formal de tal obra, a pesquisa debruça-se sobre a posição de seus narradores, sobre a construção de seus personagens e sobre a estruturação de seu enredo, compreendendo seu funcionamento literário enquanto sintoma cultural da sociedade de consumo contemporânea. Assim, discute-se o pastiche da literatura policial noir engendrado pelo autor, bem como suas maneiras não realistas de figurar a história, situando o livro em meio ao panorama estético e ideológico da pós-modernidade. Com isso, busca-se esclarecer a relação dialética que se estabelece entre a forma narrativa do romance e o atual processo de transição histórica vivenciado por Cuba o qual conduz a ilha à integração ao sistema mundial do capitalismo tardio. / The current research aims to study the novel The man who loved the dogs (2009), by Cuban writer Leonardo Padura. In a formal approach to such work, the research focuses on the position of its narrators, on the construction of its characters and on the structure of its plot, understanding its literary functioning as a cultural symptom of contemporary consume society. Thus, the pastiche of noir crime fiction engendered by the author is put into discussion, as well as its non-realistic ways to figure history, in order to place the book amid the aesthetic and ideological panorama of postmodernity. Therefore, it intends to clarify the dialectical relationship established between the narrative form of the novel and the current historical transition process experienced by Cuba - which leads the island to integrate itself to late capitalism world system.

Excessive funeral expenditure in the black townships, a pastoral challenge

Moreo, Bishop Stephen Mosimanegape January 2013 (has links)
Funerals are still considered as very important and well attended occasion in the black townships of South Africa. In the recent past, traditional African funerals practices have affected a number of powerful and complex systems that have been interaction in Africa. The three most important being traditional African cultures, modern Western culture and the environment. The study was conducted to establish factors that led to excessive funerals expenditures in some black townships communities of South Africa, in order to create a pastoral response to this phenomenon. The project was done in Ramatlabama village in the North West province and also in Soweto in the province of Gauteng. A qualitative methodological plan was followed allowing exclusive experiences to emerge. Families, adults and young church groups, clergy, Bishop, Social group and a Funeral undertaker , an in-depth qualitative analysis was employed in order to find the real reasons that led to excessive funeral expenditure. The data collected and analyzed revealed that factors such as impressing neighbors, meeting community and family expectation were the reasons for the phenomenon. There were other external factors that contributed indirectly to the practice and such as commercialization and politicization. In order to address this practice that is making the poor more vulnerable, the Shepherding Model of Gerkin’s and Pollard’s Theory of positive deconstruction was explored. It was found that the Clergy needed to be helped to be aware of the fact that excessive funeral expenditure requires a pastoral response with the right attitude and meaningful dialogues with those affected. The pastoral care-giver with adequate knowledge and exposure to life of pastoral care seeker will have a greater advantage to help most if not all families that usually find themselves in this predicament or dilemma. The best way for the church to help the poor families venture into the future, it’s by educating our communities on how not to spend beyond their means. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / Practical Theology / unrestricted

exploring pre-loved : consumers’ perception of the pre-loved concept in a traditional clothing store environment

Connysson, Linnéa, Landström, Emma January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore consumer perceptions regarding the emerging trend among traditional clothing stores in Gothenburg, Sweden, where a section of their retail space is dedicated to reselling pre-loved clothing. Additionally, it seeks to investigate the factors influencing consumers' preference for these sections over conventional thrift stores. Employing a qualitative approach, the study conducts 10 shop-along sessions comprising semi-structured interviews and unstructured observations in four traditional clothing stores, each featuring an integrated pre-loved section. The theoretical framework encompasses consumer value theory, supplemented by the Means-End Chain Theory, which is utilized to analyze the findings. Results reveal a positive response from participants toward pre-loved initiatives, indicating an overall favorable perception. Findings show that consumers perceive pre-loved initiatives as multiple valuable, including economic savings, functional quality, social value, and an enjoyable, empowering, and satisfying experience. Furthermore, various factors such as curated pieces, well-organized sections, unique garments, and diverse assortments influence consumers, leading to different consequences and values such as feeling efficient, self-fulfillment/self-expression, and enjoyment, thus favoring pre-loved initiatives over conventional thrift stores. In conclusion, the study sheds light on the growing preference for pre-loved initiatives among consumers in traditional clothing stores.

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