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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När hemmet blir en vårdplats : - upplevelse av att vårda en närstående med Parkinsons sjukdom / When the home becomes a place for caring : - the experience of nursing a loved one with Parkinson’s disease

Hult-Lindkvist, Malin, Orrhult, Linnea January 2011 (has links)
Många närstående till en sjuk familjemedlem tar sig an rollen som vårdgivare vilket annars hade antagits av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Nedskärningar inom den offentliga sektorn fortskrider och inte tillräckligt med fokus läggs på hur detta påverkar de närstående som vårdar en sjuk närstående i hemmet. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva upplevelsen och vad som påverkar upplevelsen av att vara vårdgivare i hemmet till en närstående med Parkinsons sjukdom. Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie. I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier: Tid och relation, Stöd och information, Sjukdomsförlopp och Symtom. Resultatet visade att vårdgivare upplevde det svårt att ha en normalt fungerande vardag till följd av deras roll som vårdgivare. Vårdgivares upplevda börda ökade även i takt med den närståendes sjukdomsförlopp. En bra relation och mycket ömsesidighet mellan parterna minskade den upplevda bördan hos vårdgivarna samt ökade deras upplevda livskvalitet. Vårdgivare upplevde att stödgrupper minskar deras mentala börda genom att de fick möjlighet att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter till andra och att det hjälpte dem att förstå och själva handskas med sin situation. Vårdgivare upplevde att de inte fick tillräcklig information och stöd från hälso- och sjukvården. Vårdgivare ansåg att den fysiska funktionsnedsättningen var mer påtaglig vid direkt vård och gav mer fysisk påfrestning hos vårdgivaren än vad de psykiska symtomen gjorde. De psykiska symtomen hade större inverkan på vårdgivarens mentala hälsa och deras upplevda börda. Då antalet vårdgivare som vårdar en närstående i hemmet ökar är det av stor vikt att forskning genomförs och uppmärksammas. / Many people related to a sick person take on the role of caregiver, which would otherwise have been adopted by healthcare professionals. Cut downs in the public sector are progressing, and there is not enough focus on how this affects the persons who cares for a sick loved one at home. The purpose of this study was to describe the experience of being a caregiver and what factors affects the experience of a caregiver who cares for a loved one at home with Parkinson’s disease. The results revealed four categories: Time and relationship, Support and information, Disease duration and Symptoms. The results showed that caregivers find it difficult to have a normally functioning everyday life due to their role as caregivers. The caregivers perceived burden increases as the loved ones disease processes. A good relationship and a lot of mutuality between the parties reduce the perceived burden among caregivers, and increase their perceived quality of life. Caregivers feel that support groups reduce their mental workload by enabling them to share their experiences with others and that it helps them to understand and cope with their situation. Caregivers feel they do not receive adequate information and support from health care. The caregivers feel that the loved ones physical disability is more pronounced at the direct care and involves more physical stress than the mental symptoms makes. The psychological symptoms have a greater impact on caregivers’ mental health and their perceived burden. As the number of caregivers who care for a loved one at home increases it is of great importance to maintain research and attention to made research.

Försvarsmaktens professionalisering : Påverkande faktorer för soldatrekryteringen / The Swedish Armed Forces professionalization : Effecting factors for the recruitment of soldiers

Stenberg, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
<p>Inom kort stundar en av Försvarsmaktens kanske största processer sedan förändringen mot ett insatsförsvar påbörjades under 90-talet. Soldatförsörjningen övergår från värnplikt till en professionalisering av hela personalstyrkan och soldater skall på frivillig bas rekryteras och anställas för att fylla upp Försvarsmaktens insatsförband. Med grund i Bernt Öströms rapport från 2008: Soldatförsörjning – Redogörelse för modellerna i Danmark, Nederländerna och Spanien studeras de två nationerna Danmark och Nederländerna för att identifiera påverkande faktorer inom de bådas soldatförsörjningssystem. De två nationernas försvarsmakter, samt Sveriges, beskrivs övergripande med historisk bakgrund och nuläge angående soldatförsörjning. Detta analyseras och operationaliseras för att ta fram de essentiella faktorer som påverkar soldatförsörjningen i de aktuella länderna. Dessa jämförs och diskuteras i syfte att åskådligöra dessa faktorer. Slutligen presenterar författaren några reflektioner samt drar slutsatser angående de framtagna faktorerna och Sveriges framtida soldatförsörjning och soldatrekrytering.</p> / <p>In a near future the Swedish Armed Forces will undergo one of the biggest processes since the transformation towards a more expeditionary force began in the 90’s. The supply of soldiers changes from being full out based on conscription to a professionalization of all personnel and soldiers are to be voluntarily recruited and contracted into the Armed Force’s different units. With a base in the report: Soldatförsörjning – Redogörelse för modellerna i Danmark, Nederländerna och Spanien (Supply of soldiers – A presentation of the systems used in Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain;writers own translation.) by Bernt Öström, the two nations, Denmark and the Netherlands are studied to identify effecting factors in their system of soldier supply. The two nations armed forces are described briefly, a historic background to the change and the situation in soldier supply today is added. This is analyzed and operationalized to bring forth the essential factors that is affecting the supply of soldiers in the countries at focus. These are compared and discussed with the purpose of illustrating the factors. Finally the writer shares some reflections on the subject and presents conclusions concerning the factors at hand and the future Swedish recruitment and supply of soldiers.</p>

Försvarsmaktens professionalisering : Påverkande faktorer för soldatrekryteringen / The Swedish Armed Forces professionalization : Effecting factors for the recruitment of soldiers

Stenberg, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
Inom kort stundar en av Försvarsmaktens kanske största processer sedan förändringen mot ett insatsförsvar påbörjades under 90-talet. Soldatförsörjningen övergår från värnplikt till en professionalisering av hela personalstyrkan och soldater skall på frivillig bas rekryteras och anställas för att fylla upp Försvarsmaktens insatsförband. Med grund i Bernt Öströms rapport från 2008: Soldatförsörjning – Redogörelse för modellerna i Danmark, Nederländerna och Spanien studeras de två nationerna Danmark och Nederländerna för att identifiera påverkande faktorer inom de bådas soldatförsörjningssystem. De två nationernas försvarsmakter, samt Sveriges, beskrivs övergripande med historisk bakgrund och nuläge angående soldatförsörjning. Detta analyseras och operationaliseras för att ta fram de essentiella faktorer som påverkar soldatförsörjningen i de aktuella länderna. Dessa jämförs och diskuteras i syfte att åskådligöra dessa faktorer. Slutligen presenterar författaren några reflektioner samt drar slutsatser angående de framtagna faktorerna och Sveriges framtida soldatförsörjning och soldatrekrytering. / In a near future the Swedish Armed Forces will undergo one of the biggest processes since the transformation towards a more expeditionary force began in the 90’s. The supply of soldiers changes from being full out based on conscription to a professionalization of all personnel and soldiers are to be voluntarily recruited and contracted into the Armed Force’s different units. With a base in the report: Soldatförsörjning – Redogörelse för modellerna i Danmark, Nederländerna och Spanien (Supply of soldiers – A presentation of the systems used in Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain;writers own translation.) by Bernt Öström, the two nations, Denmark and the Netherlands are studied to identify effecting factors in their system of soldier supply. The two nations armed forces are described briefly, a historic background to the change and the situation in soldier supply today is added. This is analyzed and operationalized to bring forth the essential factors that is affecting the supply of soldiers in the countries at focus. These are compared and discussed with the purpose of illustrating the factors. Finally the writer shares some reflections on the subject and presents conclusions concerning the factors at hand and the future Swedish recruitment and supply of soldiers.

國軍幹部終身學習相關影響因素之研究-以空軍政戰軍官為例 / The Study of Effecting Factors that Affect the Lifelong Learning-For Air-Force Political Warfare Officers

于親文 Unknown Date (has links)
國軍為社會之一環,也必須隨著社會進步,積極提昇人員的本質學能,才不致於為社會所淘汱,國軍自85年「精實案」後,93年再實施「精進案」,其所透露的訊息即是國人希望國軍部隊是一個「質精,量小,戰力強」的勁旅,在未來的人員逐漸遞減,國防業務依舊繁重的情況下,國軍幹部必須大幅提升個人工作能力及效率,才足以應付各項挑戰。目前既有的軍事教育體系所無法一時滿足的,準此,國防部積極推動「終身學習制度」並以學費補助配套措施為誘因,鼓勵國軍幹部利用公餘進修,希望能將所習得的知識運用於工作上,大幅提昇工作效率。   我空軍二代兵力自86年起相繼成軍,高科技精密武器與裝備業已順利獲得,而戰力之發揮,有賴我空軍官兵高素質人員之操作,如此方可發揮我空軍最大戰力,因此,解決迫切的人員素質提昇,便是空軍幹部「終身學習」的重要課題。 空軍政戰軍官在未實施精進案第二階段組織調整前,雖佔空軍軍官人數的十分之一(約1000餘人),未來精進案組織調整定編後,可能更少於這個數字。然而,其分佈於空軍每一個層級,小至排、連級,大至師、軍團及總部級,只要有官兵的地方,一定就有政戰軍官在列。  空軍政戰軍官已參與終身學習,雖有逐年增加,但比例仍算少,如何瞭解影響空軍政戰軍官終身學習的真正原因,進而提昇空軍政戰軍官終身學習意願,除對提昇空軍整體終身學習具有指標作用外,對空軍未來發展將有重大影響。  本研究擬對空軍政戰軍官終身學習影響相關因素,做一分析探討,並針對其影響因素提出具體建議,以為學術單位及空軍組織提供終身學習政策之參考,主要研究目的有以下四點: 一、瞭解空軍終身學習制度是否週全。 二、大學院校終身學習管道能否配合空軍政策需求。 三、空軍政戰幹部個人及組織單位、家庭狀況及社會關係等問題,影    響其終身學習意願程度如何。 四、將研究結果做成具體建議,以為空軍組織及學術單位提供終身學   習環境與政策之參考。   最後依據研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、對國軍終身學習主管機關的建議 (一)貫徹「上下班制」,有助終身學習參與 (二)提高「學費補助」,促進終身學習參與 (三)加強「終身學習」政策推廣與宣導 二、對教育機構的建議 (一)進修科目排定,以進修者實需考量 (二)課程時間安排,採彈性化調整 (三)教學地點設置,採增設或彈性調整 三、對單位組織的建議 (一)主官(管)支持,鼓勵參與進修 (二)開放連結網際網路,增進資料蒐集 四、對個人及社會的建議 (一)充實本職學能,提昇國軍戰力 (二)爭取社會支持,獲得進修動力 / The Armed Forces, one part of the society, should actively enhance each individual’s profession in order not to be knocked out. After “Jingshih Program (The ROC Armed Forces Strengthening Program)” in 1996, the Armed Forces brought “Jingjin Program (The ROC Armed Forces Refining Program)” into practice in 2004. These moves meant that all ROC’s citizens expect the Military to be an armed force with “refined quality, low quantity and strong power.” In the future, military faculty is in gradual reduction but national defense affairs are still burdensome; therefore, in order to tackle all challenges, every cadre has to advance his personal working ability and efficiency in great deal. Presently, educational system in the army couldn’t satisfy the need. Because of this, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) actively sets ”Lifelong Learning System” into practice and provides tuition subvention as a seducing motive, encouraging all cadres go for advanced study on holidays. MND hopes all cadres to utilize their acquired knowledge in their works, consequently enhancing working efficiency. The second generational forces in Air-Force were formed since 1997. We also obtain high-tech weapons and equipments successfully. It still depends on the operation of all Air-Force members with high quality. In this way, Air-Force could bring its fighting power into full play. Accordingly, the significant problem of “Lifelong Learning” in Air-Force cadres is to solve the urgent enhance of personal quality. Before the second phase organizational modulation in Jingjin Program, political warfare officers were only 1/10 (about 1000 people) of all officers in Air-Force. In the future, the number would be less after the organizational modulation in Jingjin Program. However, political warfare officers are in every order in Air-Force, from a platoon and a company to a division, a legion and even the Headquarter; wherever there are officers and soldiers, there are political warfare officers. The number of political warfare officers in Air-Force who go for advanced study increases year by year, but it grows in low proportion. To understand the real reasons that affect lifelong learning in political warfare officers in Air-Force and to improve their will to learn would play the role as a directional function in enhancing the whole lifelong learning in Air-Force and have great influence on the future development in Air-Force. This research aims to do analysis and discussion about the relating factors that affect the lifelong learning for political warfare officers in Air-Force. To supply academic institutes and Air-Force organizations with the information concerning policies about lifelong learning, the research lists some practical suggestions by integrating those effecting factors. Four main objectives of this research are as follow: I. To understand if lifelong learning system in Air force is thorough. II. To know if the ways to lifelong learning in all colleges could meet the needs of Air-Force political policy. III. To see how personal problems, organizations, family situations and social relationship affect Air-Force political warfare officers’ will to lifelong learning. IV. To provide Air-Force organizations and academic institutes with information about lifelong learning environment and policy after summing up some practical suggestions based on the research results. Last, I offer some suggestions according to the conclusion: I. Suggestions about the military lifelong learning for the authoring institute: (I) Implement of “Working Hours from 9 to 5” helps participation in lifelong learning. (II) The increase of “tuition subvention” stimulates participation in lifelong learning. (III) Promotion and propaganda of lifelong learning policy. II. Suggestions for educational institutes: (I) Arrangements of learning subjects must meet the learners’ practical needs. (II) Schemes of timetables should be flexible. (III) Arrangements for teaching locations should be in larger quantity or in flexibility. III. Suggestions for the authority: (I) Support for the authority stimulates the participation in advanced study. (II) Free Internet connection helps data collection. IV. Suggestions for individuals and the society: (I) Fullfill personal profession to improve fighting power in the armed forces. (II) Gain social support to motivate advanced study. Keywords: The Armed Forces cadres,Lifelong Learning of the Armed Forces cadres,Lifelong Learning of the Armed Forces,Political Warfare Officers,Effecting Factors of Lifelong Learning

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