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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synaptische Plastizität im Kleinhirnkortex von FoxP2-mutanten Mäusen

Stoppe, Muriel 06 December 2011 (has links)
Die KE-Familie ist das am ausführlichsten untersuchte Beispiel für eine angeborene spezifische Sprachstörung. Die Sprachstörung in dieser Familie wird durch eine heterozygote Punktmutation im FoxP2-Gen hervorgerufen, die R553H-Mutation. Die betroffenen Mitglieder der Großfamilie haben Defizite beim Erlernen komplexer orofazialer Bewegungsabläufe als Grundlage des fließenden Sprechens und zeigen Störungen beim Sprachverständnis und beim Schreiben. Untersuchungen an der KE-Familie und an Knockout-Tieren hatten Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung des Kleinhirns an der Sprachstörung der KE-Familie geliefert. Entsprechend war zu erwarten, dass genauere Kenntnisse über den Einfluss vom FoxP2-Gen auf Entwicklung und Funktion des Kleinhirns helfen könnten, die Funktion von FoxP2 und seine Rolle bezüglich dieser Sprachstörung, aber auch in Hinblick auf die Sprachfähigkeit des Menschen weiter aufzuschlüsseln. Die Experimente, die der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit zu Grunde liegen, erforschten erstmals den Einfluss der KE-Mutation im FoxP2-Gen auf synaptischer Ebene durch Untersuchungen am in der Literatur ausführlich beschriebenen erregenden Schaltkreis im Kleinhirnkortex von heterozygoten R552H-Mäusen. Elektrophysiologische Messungen dienten dazu, die Verschaltung der Parallelfasern und Kletterfasern auf die Purkinjezelle auf Veränderungen der Übertragungseigenschaften zu prüfen. Durch Induktion von Langzeitdepression und Paarpulsbahnung an der Parallelfaser-Purkinjezell-Synapse sollte die synaptische Plastizität untersucht werden. Es zeigten sich eine intakte Verschaltung der erregenden Eingänge auf die Purkinjezelle, jedoch Veränderungen der Langzeit- und der Kurzzeitplastizität: Nach Induktion von Langzeitdepression entwickelte sich diese signifikant schneller. Die Paarpulsbahnung war bei kurzen Interstimulusintervallen signifikant verstärkt. Die Befunde sprechen für einen Einfluss des FoxP2-Gens auf die synaptischen Eigenschaften im Kleinhirnkortex. Die Aufschlüsselung dieses Einflusses und seine Bedeutung für die Sprachstörung der KE-Familie und die Sprachentwicklung beim Menschen ist Gegenstand weiterer Forschung.

Investigation of the effectiveness of coaching in the development of leadership competencies (emotional intelligence) within BPSA (Pty) Ltd.

Ebrahim, Habiburaghman 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research report is a qualitative study of the effectiveness of executive coaching for the development of emotional intelligence competencies. Eleven executives from a private organisation were interviewed regarding recent coaching they had received. This coaching was offered as part of a development program that was grounded in action learning. Through these interviews, the executives shared their perspectives of the coaching process and the degrees to which they were able to benefit. They described the different styles of their coaches and the rapport each had with their own team‘s coach. The executives reported that as a result of coaching they demonstrated increased awareness of their emotional intelligence competencies. The data collected through this study suggested that executive coaching is an effective tool in the enhancement of emotional intelligence competencies in executives. Certain factors add to the likelihood that a benefit will be achieved through the coaching process, including the participants‘ openness to learning, the relationship between the coach and the participants, tools and frameworks used in the coaching process and the relevance of the coaching to the work of the executives. Organisational culture and environment also surfaced as important factors in predicting success in the coaching process. This study will be of value to researchers or organisational leaders exploring the benefits of executive coaching. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsverslag is 'n kwalitatiewe studie van die effektiwiteit van bestuursopleiding vir die ontwikkeling van emosionele intelligensie vaardighede. Elf bestuurslede van 'n privaat organisasie is onderhoude mee gevoer in verband met onlangse opleiding in die verband. Die opleiding is verskaf as deel van 'n ontwikkelingsprogram wat gegrond is in aksie opleiding. Deur middel van die onderhoude, het die bestuurslede hul perspektief van die opleidings proses gedeel asook tot watter mate hulle daaruit voordeel getrek het. Hulle het die verskillende style van hulle opleiers beskryf en die rapport wat elkeen met sy span gehad het. Die bestuurslede het verslag gedoen van hulle toenemende bewuswording van hulle emosionele intelligensie vaardighede. Die data byeengebring deur hierdie studie suggereer dat bestuursopleiding 'n effektiewe instrument is vir die toename van emosionele intelligensie vaardighede van bestuurslui. Suksesfaktore dra by tot waarskynlikheid van voordele bereik deur die opleiding, wat ook insluit, die deelnemer se ontvanklikheid vir lering, die verhouding tussen die opleier en die deelnemers, instrumente en raamwerke wat gebruik word in die opleidingsproses en die relevansie van die opleiding het ook opgeduik as belangrike faktore in die voorspelling van sukses in die opleidingsproses. Hierdie studie sal waardevol wees vir navorsers of organisatoriese leiers wat die voordele van bestuursopleiding wil ondersoek.

Sources of authority and effectiveness thereof for project managers at a South African automotive manufacturer

Kruger, W. E.(Wessel Edward) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research is a mini-study project that involves a Iiterature study of secondary sources as well as a questionnaire distributed within Nissan South Africa (NSA) to obtain primary data. A natural outflow from the matrix structure applied at NSA is the lack of positional authority for project managers to request resources from other functional departments; resulting in a "responsibility-author~ gap". This research project attempts to determine which sources of influence, as well as their effectiveness perceived by project team members, are used to overcome the "responsibility-authority gap" at NSA. A representative sample of questionnaires was received from respondents within NSA. According to the questionnaire results, the most important influence methods project managers should use, as preferred by project team members, were determined as project authority, professional integrity, knowledge and work challenge for the members. A positive correlation for all the project manager influence methods used at NSA when the project managers' effectiveness rating in completing projects, indicates that project personnel positively associates the above mentioned influence methods with a project managers' effectiveness. Project managers' preferred leadership techniques at NSA to overcome their "responsibility--authority gap" was found to be negotiation, personality and/or persuasive ability and competence. Based on the study, the most prominent need at NSA, work challenge, requires management intervention if employee satisfaction and retention requires improvement. The writer recommend that assigned tasks should be professionally challenging to project team members. The writer feels confident that the research done within this study is a helpful contribution to the pool of knowledge, regarding project manager influence styles and the relative effectiveness of each. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing is 'n mini studie projek wat 'n literatuur studie bevat vanaf sekondere bronne. Die navorsing projek het ook 'n vraeboog behels wat binne Nissan Suid Afrika (NSA) versprei is om primere data te verkry. 'n Natuurlike uitvloeisel van die matriks struktuur toegepas by NSA is die tekort aan posisionele outoriteit vir projek bestuurders om bronne te verkry van funksionele departemente; die resultaat is 'n "verantwoordelikheid- outoriteit gaping". Hierdie navorsings projek probeer om vas te stel watter bronne van invloed, en ook die effektiwiteit daarvan soos ervaar deur projek spanlede, word gebruik om die "verantwoordelikheid-authoriteits gaping" te oorkom by NSA. 'n Verteenwoordigde monster van vraeboe is ontvang vanaf respondente in NSA. Volgens die vraeboe se resultate is die belangrikste invloedmetode wat projek bestuurders moet gebruik, soos verkies deur projek spanlede, vasgestel as projek outoriteit, professionele integriteit, kennis en werk uitdaging vir die spanlede. 'n Positiewe korrelasie is gevind vir al die projekbestuur metodes wat gebruik word by NSA, met die projek bestuurder se effektiwitiet ten opsigte van die voltooing van projekte. Hierdie postiewe korrelasie dui aan dat projekspanlede bogenoemde invloed metodes positief aan 'n projek bestuurder se effektiwiteit koppel. Projekbestuurders se gekose leierskap metodes om hul verantwoordelikheidoutorite- gaping" te oorkom is bepaal as onderhandeling, persoonlikheid en/of oorredings-vermoë en bevoegdheid. Die studie het bevind dat die mees prominente behoefte, werk uitdaging vir die spanlede, benodig bestuurs intervensie as werknemer satisfaksie en behoud verbeter wil word. Die skrywer beveel aan dat take wat aan projekspanlede gegee word moet profesioneel uitdagend wees. Die skrywer voel optimisties dat die navorsing in die studie positief kan bydra tot die huidige poel van kennis, in verband met projekbestuurder invloedmetodes en die relatiewe effektiwiteit van elk.

A case study in the strategic analysis of Pick 'n Pay Stores Limited : 1967-1999

Heckroodt, Anneke 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African business arena forms a rich platform for tertiary research in strategic management to post graduate students attending South African business schools. The problem exists, however, that very few of these case studies are written up and therefore available as research material to the students. The researcher contributes with this case study to the lean body of research material available for research of South African businesses. The chosen company for research purposes are Pick 'n Pay Stores Limited. This company is typically a leader in the food retailing industry. Information regarding this company is readily available, which increases the learning experience for the student. The study project is presented in the form of a case study that urges the student to work through the material and answer the questions. The questions are formulated with the purpose of guiding the student through the logical steps of a strategic analysis of a company. The case study also includes a model answer that serves the purpose of guiding the lecturer towards the expected answers to the questions of the case study. Initially the student is introduced to a model that could typically be used in the strategic analysis of a company. This model serves as a framework for the strategic analysis of Pick 'n Pay. The student is invited to use this model in the strategic analysis of the company. In so far as this model is not adequate, the student may introduce a new model as long as business-minded and/or academic arguments underpin it. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse besigheidsarena skep 'n ryk platform vir tersiêre navorsing in strategie bestuur aan nagraadse studente by bestuurskole. Die probleem bestaan egter dat min sodanige gevallestudies opgeteken is en derhalwe beskikbaar is as leerstof. Die navorser dra by wyse van hierdie werkstuk by tot die uitgedunde bron van leermateriaal beskikbaar vir strategiese analises van Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudies. Die gekose maatskappy vir analise, is Pick 'n Pay Stores Limited. Hierdie maatskappy is tipies 'n leier in die kleinhandel voedsel industrie. Daar is baie inligting beskikbaar en opgeteken aangaande hierdie maatskappy, wat die leerervaring vir die student vergroot. Die werkstuk word opgeskryf in die vorm van 'n gevallestudie wat die student noop om , deur die leesstof te werk en die opgestelde vrae te beantwoord. Die vrae is geformuleer met die doel om die student deur die logiese stappe van 'n strategiese analise van 'n maatskappy te lei. Die gevallestudie sluit ook 'n modelantwoord in wat ten doel het om die dosent te lei in die antwoorde wat verwag word in die gevallestudie. Die student word aanvanklik voorgestel aan 'n model wat gebruik kan word in 'n tipiese strategiese analise van 'n maatskappy. Hierdie model dien as raamwerk vir die strategiese analise van Pick 'n Pay. Die student word uitgenooi om hierdie model te gebruik om die strategiese analise van die maatskappy te doen. In soverre hierdie model nie voldoende is nie, kan die student 'n nuwe model bekend stel, solank dit met weldeurdagte akademiese en/of besigheidsbeginsels onderstreep word.

Functional Dysregulation in Stress-Induced Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome

Ghilan, Mohamed 30 April 2015 (has links)
The fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) is an important regulator of protein translation, and a lack of FMRP expression leads to a cognitive disorder known as fragile X syndrome (FXS). Clinical symptoms characterizing FXS include learning impairments and heightened anxiety in response to stressful situations. The Fmr1-/y mouse has previously been shown to have deficits in context discrimination and novel object recognition tasks, which primarily rely on the dentate gyrus (DG) region of the hippocampal formation, but not in the Morris water maze (MWM) or the elevated plus-maze tasks, which primarily depend on the Cornu Ammonis (CA1) region. Furthermore, previous research has demonstrated N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-associated synaptic plasticity impairments in the DG but not in the CA1. However, the impact of acute stress on synaptic plasticity in the Fmr1-/y hippocampus has not been examined. The current study sought to extend previous behavioural investigations in the Fmr1-/y mouse, as well as examine the impact of stress on activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis and on hippocampal synaptic plasticity. To further characterize hippocampus-dependent behaviour in this mouse model, the DG-dependent metric change spatial processing and CA1-dependent temporal order discrimination tasks were evaluated. The results reported here support previous findings and demonstrate that Fmr1-/y mice have performance deficits in the DG-dependent task but not in the CA1-dependent task, suggesting that previously reported subregional differences in NMDAR-associated synaptic plasticity deficits in the hippocampus of the Fmr1-/y mouse model may also manifest as selective behavioural deficits in hippocampus-dependent tasks. In addition, following acute stress, mice lacking FMRP showed a faster elevation of the glucocorticoid corticosterone and a more immediate impairment in long-term potentiation (LTP) in the DG. Stress-induced LTP impairments were rescued by administering the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist RU38486. Administration of RU38486 also enhanced LTP in Fmr1-/y mice in the absence of acute stress to wild-type levels, and this enhancement was blocked by application of the NMDAR antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid. These results suggest that a loss of FMRP results in enhanced GR signalling that may adversely affect NMDAR-dependent synaptic plasticity in the DG. Finally, synaptic plasticity alterations reported in this work were found to be specific to the DG and were unidirectional, i.e., restricted to LTP, as NMDAR- and metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-LTD were both unaffected by acute stress in the DG or the CA1 regions. This study offers new insights into synaptic plasticity impairments in the Fmr1-/y mouse model, and suggests stress and GRs as important contributors to learning and memory deficits in FXS. / Graduate

Integration of the outsourcer's strategy with that of the client

May, Shaun Patrick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "Strategy is when you are out of ammunition but keep on firing so that the enemy won't know". (Mintzberg, 2005, 13) Business Connexion (Pry) Ltd (BCX) is a leading black empowered ICT company with a proud 25-year track record. BeX is an integrator of competitive, innovative business solutions based on information and communications technology (ICT). Business Connexion runs mission-critical ICT systems for many JSE listed organisations and manages products, services and solutions for key public sector organisations, parastatal enterprises and a host of medium sized emergent companies. Nampak is the largest and most diverse packaging company in South Africa, with operations in Africa and Europe as well. Nampak Pty. Ltd. has experienced declining revenues over the last two years despite an upturn in the South African economy. This has resulted in them putting pressure on BCX and going out on a request for proposal (RFP) for the infrastructure outsourcing. This research report addresses how a company like BCX can align its strategy to that of an outsource client, Nampak Currently in an outsource environment the client will say that they see no value add from being outsourced. BCX will produce statistics to say that they are performing to service licence agreements (SLA). Between BCX and the Nampak there is misaligrunent. The outsource market is a maturing one and companies like BCX are struggling to maintain and grow their market share. Currently there are international players like HP trying to enter the African market. Globalisation is affecting the economy of South Africa. An organisation's strategy defines the sum of its choices about where it will compete, how it will create superior value for its customers, and how it will generate superior profits for itself. If you look at the strategies of the competitors they will invariably say and come to the same conclusions as Bex. This report hopes to show that strategy development is the search for ways to build a competitive advantage through distinctive capabilities. It is about finding new ways of doing things that provide an advantage over the competitors. The literature review indicates that everyone is a strategy consultant and that there is no one definition in defining and aligning this strategy! Methodologies do exist and where a company takes the advice of consultants they fmd themselves ending up with a synonym for the word strategy - expensive. The literarure review looks at some of the academics and consultants thinking on the subject since 1960. Interviews were conducted with key players within Group IT for Nampak and with some of the business executives of Nampak. The interviews were supplemented by information gathered by the author from working on the account for two years. This researeh report aims to use the experience of the people working on the account to derme the strategy with Nampak going forward. Currently BCX runs the Nampak account within the structures of a cluster and uses shared services to manage the account. The strategy is a reactive one and Nampak sces very little value add from BCX. Nampak sees BCX as a strategic supplier as opposed to a strategic partner. The conclusion of this report represents the "what" of the report. By continuing to carry on in the fashion BCX has, will result in them losing the outsource contract with Nampak. This is the reason that Nampak has gone out on a general request for proposals to the market. The "so what" of the report is that BCX will lose the Nampak account should it not change the way it handles this outsource business. BCX would be better off running the account as a stand alone business with its own executive who is empowered to make decisions. This fmding supports the work of Miller and Heiman who do consulting on how to handle large strategic accounts (Miller, 2004). The recommendations of this research report support the direction some of the executives at BCX would like to take, which is treat each large outsourced account as a stand alone business. BCX needs to position itself as a strategic supplier to Nampak and be more involved in the business. The "now what" is more fully explored in the recommendations part of this report. Companies think that by introducing a new product or service they will beat the competition. Whilst this is sometimes true, companies are better off focusing on delivering what they do to the client better. The recommendations focus on how BCX can deliver better value and strucntre themselves more efficiently. A good strategy in outsourcing means fully understanding your own and your customer's position so that like a good general you are in the right place with the right people at the right time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Business Connexion (pty) Ltd (BeX) is 'n voorstc swart-bemagtigde ICT-maatskappy met 'n trOlse rekord van 25 jaar. sex integreer mededingende, vemuwende sake-opJossings met inligtings- en kommunikasietegnoiogie (lCT) as grondsiag. Business Connexion bedryf missie-gerigte ICT-stelsels vir baie maatskappye wat op die JSE genoteer is en bestuur produkte, dienste en opJossings vir sleutelorganisasics in die openbarc sektor, semistaatsmstellings en 'n groat aaotal opkomende maatskappye van gemiddeJde groone. Nampak is die grootste en mees gediversifisecrde verpakkingsmaatskappy in Suid-Afrika, met takke in die res van Afrika en Europa. Nampak Pty. Ltd. het die afgelope twee jaar 'n afname in inkomste ondervind, ten spyte van 'n verbetering in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. As gevolg daarvan bet hulle druk op sex geplaas eo '0 algemene versoek in die mark gerig om voorleggings vir uitkontraktering van die infrastruktuur. Hierdie navorsingsvcrSlag dui aan hoe 'n maatskappy soos BeX sy strategie op eeo lyn kan bring met die van '0 uitkontrakteringsklient, Nampak. Tans sal die klient in 'n uitkontrakteringsomgewing se ciat bulle geeo waardetoevoeging sien in uitkontraktering nie. sex sal statistieke voorsien om te toon dat hulle presteer volgens dienslisensie-ooreenkomste. sex en Nampak is nie op een Jyn nie. Die uitkontrakteriogsmark is 'n ontwikkelende mark en maatskappye soos sex sukkel om bulle markaandeel te bebou en te vergroot. Daar is tans internasionale maatskappye soos HP wat probeer om die Afrika-mark binne te dring. Globalisering het 'n impak op die ekonomie van Suid-Afrika. 'n Organisasie se strategic defirueer die sam van sy keuses I.o.v. waar am te kompeteer, boe am uitstekende waarde aan kliente te bied, en boe om vir bomself uitstekende wins te genereer. As jy na die strategie van die kompetcsie kyk, jy sal sien dat bulle baie na aan die strategie van BeX is. Hierdie report wil wys dat strategie ontwikkeling is die besoeking van nuwe maniere om kompetitief te bly deur distinktiewe maniere. Dit is hoe u nuwe dinge doen, dat u kompetisie nie doen rue. Die literatuuroorsig dui aan dat almal strategiekonsultante is en dat daar geen enkele defirusie is wat hierdie strategie defmieer en belyn nie! Daar bestaan wei memdicke en waar 'n maatskappy die advies van konsultante aaovaar, vind hulle dat bulle eiodig met 'n sinoniem vir die woord strategic - duur. Die literatuuroorsig bekyk die gedagtes van akademici en konsullante oor hierdie ondelWerp sedert 1960. Onderhoude is gevoer met s!eutelro!spelers binne Groep IT vir Nampak en met sommlge van die uitvoerende sakebestuurders van Nampak. Die onderhoude is aangevul deur inligting ingewin deur die auteur, wat twee jaar lank op hierdie rekening gewerk het. Hierdie navorsingsverslag het ten docl om gebruilc te maak van die ondervinding van die mense wat op die rekening werk, om toekomstige strategic vir Nampak te dcfinieer. Bex bedryf tans die Nampak-rekening binne die strukture van 'n saamgroepering en gebruik gedeelde dienste om die rekening te bestuur. Die strategic is rcaktief en Nampak ondervind baie min waardetoevoeging van Bex. Nampak beskou BeX as 'n strategiese verskaffer cerder as 'n strategiese vennoot. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie verslag verteenwoordig die "what" van die verslag. As BeX voortgaan soos tans, sal die gevolg wees dat hulle die uitkontrakteringskontrak met Nampak verloor. Oit is waarom Nampak algemene versoeke in die mark gerig het vir voorleggings. Die "so what" van die verslag is dat sex die Nampak-rekening sal verloor as hulle Die 'n verandering aanbring aan die wyse waarop hulle hierdie uitkontrakteringsbesigheid hanteer nie. sex sal beter vaar as bulle die rekening as 'n aparte besighcid bedryf, met sy eie uitvoerende bestuurder wat mab>tiging het om besluite te neern. Hierdie bevinding ondersteun die werk van Miller en Heiman, wat konsu!teer op hoe om groot strategiese rekeninge te hanteer (Miller, 2004). Die aanbeve!ings van hierdie navorsingsverslag ondersteun die rigring wat sommige van die uitvoerende bestuurders by sex wi! inslaan, naamlik om elke groot uitgekontrakteerde rekening te hanteer as 'n alleenstaande besighcid. sex moet homself posisioneer as 'n strategiese verskaffer vir Nampak en moet meer betrokke raak by die besigbeid. Die "now what" word meer volledig ondersoek in die aanbevelingsgedec!te van hierdic verslag. 'n Maatskappy dink dat as hulle 'n nuwe produk skep dat bulle die komperisie sal oorwin. Party keur is dir waar, maar meestal is dit beter om dinge beter to lever as die kompetisie. Die rekomendasies vir sex wys dat dit bcter is as hulle korrek restrukteer vir die klient. 'n Goeie strategie vir uitkontraktering beteken volle begrip van jou eie en jOll klient se posisie, sodat jy soos 'n goeie generaal op die regte tyd op die regte plek is met die rcgte mense.

'n Ondersoek na die oorsake vir die gaping tussen strategiese rigting en maatskappyresultate by APL Cartons (Pty) Ltd, en die ontwikkeling van 'n bestuursmodel waarmee die gaping deur middel van projekbestuurs- en strategiese bestuursbeginsels oorbrug kan word

Greef, F. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since packaging materials comprise a substantial percentage, namely 35% of the entire input cost on a fruit farm, the four largest fruit producers in the Western Cape decided in 1988 to erect their own corrugated cardboard plant at Worcester, namely A P L Cartons. The driving force of the company is to minimise the longterm input cost of packaging material in a sustainable manner. Therefore cost effectiveness and competitiveness had to be a distinct characteristic of the company. The company's corporate strategy is aimed at strong growth by means of a best value strategy that adds to the value of clients' products and production processes. Despite a well formulated strategy, it has been found that key targets are not met according to expected standards. While profitability, productivity, cost effectiveness and the workers' moral are on the decline, there is a constant rising in downtime, quality rejections and waste at the plant. The problem is further complicated when one takes into account that the company still succeeds in maintaining its specific growth performances. Yet, this take place at the expense of effectiveness in the plant. A literature study will be conducted to establish the general causes for strategic gaps at companies. Against this background the reasons for the gap between the strategic direction and the company results at A P L Cartons will be identified. A literature study will also be conducted to determine the project management and strategic management approach to goal achievement. This will be developed into a management model for bridging the strategic gap at A P L Cartons. An investigation into companies that have experienced project failures revealed two main causes, namely that such companies: a) Don't have a framework for projects; or b) Don't have a distinct strategic direction. Therefore strategic, as well as project managers must act as facilitators who rely on delegating and co-ordinating in order to create conditions for performance instead of failure. From the study it appeared that the main reasons for strategic gaps at A P L Cartons are the following, namely : a) Although a definite strategic direction has been formulated, the company does not have a proper framework for the implementation of its strategy, projects and initiatives. b) Functional managers do not contribute on a cross-functional basis to the training and development of skills lacking in other departments. c) The development of functional and competitive strategies don't go further merely than their formulation. Therefore they can't support the implementation of corporate strategy. d) Senior management is too intent on operational detail, so much so that a helicopter like vision of a strategic direction and its implementation mostly is lacking. e) There doesn't exist a procedure for the identification, handling and managing of critical issues for strategy implementation. The study suggests two related tools for the handling of critical matters, namely a critical issue management form and a critical issue register. This forms part of a management tool that can be utilised alongside a management model and management framework, especially developed for A P L Cartons to strive for reaching strategic goals. The framework was developed after discovering that both strategy and projects can be managed within the same framework of reference since both share the same origin and substructure. The origin is found in corporate objectives, while a directional value system provides its substructure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aangesien pakmateriaal 'n wesenlike gedeelte, naam1ik 35 persent van totale boerdery insetkoste in die vrugtebedryf beslaan, het die vier grootste vrugteprodusente in die Wes-Kaap in 1988 besluit om hul eie riffelkarton vervaardigingsaanleg, naamlik A P L Cartons te Worcester op te rig. Die dryfkrag van die maatskappy is om pakmateriaal insetkoste oor die langtermyn handhaafbaar te minimiseer. Daarom moes kostedoeltreffendheid en mededingendheid 'n onderskeidende kenmerk van die maatskappy wees. Die korporatiewe strategie van die maatskappy is ingestel op versnelde groei by wyse van 'n waarde-strategie wat waardetoevoegend tot kliente se produkte en produksieprosesse is. Ondanks 'n goed geformuleerde strategie, word gevind dat sleuteldoelstellings nie teen verwagte standaarde bereik word nie. Terwyl winsgewendheid, produktiwiteit, kostedoeltreffendheid en werknemermoraal afneem, styg staantye, kwaliteitsafkeurings en afval in die aanleg. Die probleemstelling word verder gekompliseer indien in ag geneem word dat die maatskappy steeds daarin slaag om sy reele groeiprestasie voort te sit. Dit vind egter plaas ten koste van doelmatigheid in die aanleg. Daar sal op 'n literatuurstudie staatgemaak word om die algemene oorsake van strategiese gapings by ondernemings vas te stel. Teen die agtergrond sal die oorsake vir die gaping tussen die strategiese rigting en maatskappyresultate van A P L Cartons identifiseer word. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie sal onderneem word om vas te stel wat onderskeidelik die projekbestuursbenadering en strategiese bestuursbenadering tot doelwitbereiking is. Daaruit sal 'n bestuursmodel vir die oorbrugging van die strategiese gaping by A P L Cartons ontwikkel word. 'n Ondersoek na projekmislukkings by maatskappye identifiseer twee hoof-oorsake daarvoor, naamlik dat sulke maatskappye : a) Nie oor 'n raamwerk vir projekte beskik nie; of b) Nie oor 'n duidelike strategiese rigting beskik nie. Daarom moet strategiese en projekbestuurders optree as fasiliteerders wat staatmaak op delegering en koordinering om die omstandighede te skep vir prestasie pleks van mislukking. Uit die ondersoek is vasgestel dat die hoof-oorsake vir strategiese gapings by A P L Cartons die volgende is, naamlik : a) Alhoewel 'n duidelike strategiese rigting geformuleer is, beskik die maatskappy nie oor 'n raamweek vir die implementering van strategie, projekte en inisiatiewe nie. b) Funksionele bestuurders dra nie kruisfunksioneel by tot die opleiding en ontwikkeling van vaardighede wat in ander departemente ontbreek nie. c) Funksionele en mededingende strategiee word nie verder as die formulering daarvan ontwikkel nie. Gevolglik rugsteun dit nie die korporatiewe strategie tot implementering nie. d) Senior bestuur is te ingegrawe in operasionele detail, sodat 'n helikoptervisie oor strategiese rigting en implementering meestal ontbreek. e) Daar bestaan nie 'n werkswyse vir die identifisering, hantering en bestuur van kritiese kwessies vir strategie-implementering nie. Die ondersoek stel twee instrumente wat met mekaar verband hou voor vir die hantering van kritieke kwessies naamlik 'n kritieke kwessie bestuursvorm en 'n kritieke kwessie register. Dit vorm 'n bestuursinstrument wat saam met 'n bestuursmodel en -raamwerk, wat vir A P L Cartons ontwikkel is, gebruik kan word om strategiese doelwitbereiking na te streef. Die raamwerk is ontwikkel nadat vasgestel is dat strategie en projekte binne dieselfde verwysingsraamwerk bestuur kan word, omdat beide dieselfde oorsprong en onderbou deel. Die oorsprong word gevind by korporatiewe doelstellings, terwyl 'n rigtinggewende waardestelsel die onderbou daarvoor verleen.

An investigation into an expansion strategy for the garden centre strategic business unit of the Starke Ayres group of companies

Van der Vyver, Juan Lodewyk 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

A critical analysis of the strategic management of Boland PKS

Burger, Jaco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With each passing year and the intensification of competition, strategic management becomes more important. In an ever-changing business environment, management, and especially strategic management, becomes increasingly crucial. This empirical study attempts to conduct a literature study of strategic management in order to develop a strategic planning model. A simplified model is proposed as a framework on which a practical application can be made. Boland PKS, a division of the Board of Executors, has been elected as the organisation to whose strategic management the model will be applied. Boland PKS will be applied to the model in an effort to accept or reject the following statement of the problem: The author is of the opinion that strategic planning is not being applied in Boland PKS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Jaarliks toenemende kompetisie maak strategiese bestuur toenemend belangrik in hedendaagse besigheid. In 'n snel-veranderende wêreld word bestuur, en veral strategiese bestuur, kardinaal. Hierdie empiriese studie poog om 'n literatuur studie in strategiese bestuur te doen ten einde 'n strategiese beplanningsmodel te ontwikkel. 'n Eenvoudige model word dan voorgestel as 'n verwysingsraamwerk vir die praktiese toepassing van die model. Boland PKS, 'n afdeling van die "Board of Executors", is gekies as die organisasie waarop die model toegepas sal word. Die model sal op Boland PKS toegepas word in a poging om die volgende probleemstelling te aanvaar of te verwerp: " Die skrywer is van mening dat Boland PKS nie strategiese beplanning toepas nie."

An analysis and assessment of the wine industry as a viable business opportunity for CHEP SA (Pty) Ltd

Barnard, Bret 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the South African Wine industry as a viable market for CHEP SA (Pty) Ltd, using standardised pallet configurations, in the distribution of wine products. The study focuses on the global alcoholic beverage industry and how the South African wine industry is integrated within these markets. The global wine industry has experienced a decline in consumption since 1980, along with a number of changes in the way wine has been marketed. Means of marketing and consumption may vary from country to country, and remains a critical factor of consideration for CHEP SA. The results of the study indicates that in order for CHEP SA to successfully penetrate this market, CHEP SA will need to integrate themselves into the supply chain of the industry and to develop a better understanding of the global wine market. Results of interviews conducted and analysis of the industry indicates, that the market consists of a large number of producers in an industry, which is highly fragmented and uncoordinated. These producers and exporters are in the process of establishing a strategy, which will consolidate the industry and pursue the global wine industry. The identification of global export trends and markets in the alcoholic beverage industry, such as the gradual shift from European markets to North American and Asian markets provides CHEP SA with a clearer understanding of what future distribution and service requirements are needed. The importance of the retailer as well as branding in the wine industry has been identified as two critical factors which require more attention by market participants who wish to provide secondary products and services in the industry like CHEP SA. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die Suid Afrikaanse wynbedryf as 'n lewensvatbare mark waar CHEP SA (Pty) Ltd, sy standaard draagplate kan gebruik in die verspreiding van wynprodukte. Die studie fokus in die geheel op die totale alkaholiese drank bedryf en hoe die Suid Afrikaanse wynbedryf homself integreer in hierdie wêreldmarkte. Die wêreld se wynbedryf ervaar sedert 1980 'n afname in gebruik en dit gaan gepaard met verskeie veranderinge in maniere waarop die produkte bemark word. Hierdie gebruiksyfers en bemarkingstegnieke mag verskil van land tot land, maar bly uiters belangrike faktore wat CHEP SA in oorweging sal moet neem. Die uitslag van hierdie studie toon dat vir CHEP SA om met sukses die mark toe te tree, hulle genoodsaak sal wees om hulself ten volle te integreer met die aanvoerketting van die bedryf asook 'n baie beter begrip te hê van die wêreld se wynbedryf. Die resultate van onderhoude gevoer met industrie kenners toon daarop dat die berdyf uit 'n groot hoeveelheid en hoogs gefragmenteerde en ongeköordineerde groep produsente bestaan. Hierdie produsente en uitvoerders is huidiglik in die proses om 'n strategie vas te lê, wat die industrieë sal verenig om die wêreldwynbedryf te kan aandurf. Die identifiseering van wêreld uitvoer tendensies en markte van die alkoholisie drankbedryf soos byvoorbeeld die geleidelike verskuiwing van die Europese markte na die Noord Amerikaanse en Asiatiese markte, verskaf CHEP SA 'n baie duideliker begrip vir die toekomstige vereistes wat benodig sal word met betrekking tot verspreiding en dienslewering. Die belangrikheid van die kleinhandelaar asook die gebruik van handelsmerke in die wynbedryf word geidentifiseer as twee van die mees belangrikste faktore wat aandag sal moet geniet deur markspelers wat graag sekondere produkte en dienste wil verskaf in die industrie soos CHEP SA.

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