361 |
An exploratory study of social group work practice in youth centres, with reference to the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups /Wong, Tin-sang. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987.
362 |
An exploratory study on teamwork in outreaching social work in Hong Kong /Tang, Wai-hung, January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987.
363 |
Federations in international politics /Rector, Chad. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-334).
364 |
Tatar nation, reality or rhetoric? : nation building in the Russian FederationMcIntyre, George Eric 16 February 2011 (has links)
Tatarstan’s degree of political, economic and cultural sovereignty within the Russian Federation is the result of Soviet era ethno-national politics. The re-adoption of the ethnic federal state model in 1992 by Russia allowed ethnic regions such as Tatarstan to challenge the federal authorities for con-federal relations within the Federation. The Tatar leadership has attempted to work within the institutional and legal framework of the Russian Federation in an attempt to codify their state sovereignty within the Russian Federation. The political and economic concessions gained through tedious negotiation with the center have provided the Republic with the means to build a culturally distinct and semi sovereign state in the heart of the Russian Federation. / text
365 |
Ideology and teacher education in communist Russia and post-communist RussiaYan, Man-kit, David., 甄文傑. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
366 |
An historical analysis of the ideology and practice of company unionism /Levant, Victor. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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The press in transition : a comparative study of Nicaragua, South Africa, Jordan, and RussiaJones, Adam 05 1900 (has links)
The Press in Transition adopts a comparative approach to transitional print institutions
worldwide. It is based on some 150 interviews and archival research on four
continents, over a decade of unprecedented global transformation and upheaval.
The dissertation seeks to fill a serious gap in the existing literature on
democratization and political transition. Theoretical chapters advance a comparative
model of press functioning (Chapter 1) and a more tentative model of transitional
media, with a strong focus on the mainstream press (Chapter 6). The bulk of the
work consists of four case-studies, each drawn from a different geographical region
(indeed, continent) and a markedly different "type" of liberalization or transition
process. The case of Nicaragua (Chapter 2) stands out somewhat. It concentrates
almost exclusively on a single newspaper, Barricada, the former official organ of the
Sandinista Front. The newspaper's transformations in the 1990s are, however, set
against the backdrop of Barricades history since 1979, intra-Sandinista politics during
and after the revolutionary era, and the more general interplay of media and politics
in Nicaragua. The remaining three case-studies (South Africa, Jordan, and Russia:
Chaps. 3-5) combine system-level analysis with micro-level portraits of transitional
institutions and individuals.
The core of the theoretical analysis lies in a delineation of "mobilizing" and
"professional" imperatives. The former I attach mainly to sponsors and managers
of media institutions; the latter mainly - not exclusively or universally — to the
editorial side of the operation. The interplay of these variables I see as integral to an
understanding of events at the case-study newspapers. The opening theoretical
chapter situates mobilizing and professional imperatives as both dependent and
independent variables. I argue that they reflect and respond to variables like
underdevelopment, authoritarianism, and pre-existing media culture. But they also
serve as founts of important and interesting initiatives, whether professional,
political, or commercial. Significantly, too, they regularly conflict. The dissertation
struggles to avoid heroicizing, but it also tries to show that tensions and upheavals —
both small-scale and radically transformative - tend to derive from the clash of
mobilizing and professional priorities.
368 |
Etnisk mångfald inom innebandyn – ledarnas syn : En kvalitativ studie om hur ledare inom svensk innebandy uppfattar arbetet med etnisk mångfaldByström, Erik, Forsvik, Olof January 2014 (has links)
Floorball is currently the second largest sport in Sweden, yet there is a low ethnic diversity. This study aims to describe, explain and understand how the leaders in Swedish floorball perceive the work with ethnic diversity from the Swedish Floorball Federation and within the associations they seem. The questions of the study are: How do leaders perceive that the Swedish Floorball Federation works to promote ethical diversity in the within the federation? How do the leaders describe their own efforts to promote ethnic diversity within their team / association? How do the leaders perceive their role in increasing ethnic diversity? How do the leaders perceive the sport as an integration arena? The study was based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The respondents were eight leaders from four different associations, two leaders from each association. Overall, the results show that leaders have a low knowledge in the work to promote ethnic diversity in floorball. Only one of the associations had been working actively on the issue. Finally, the leaders saw their role as important and they underlined that sport is a suitable integration arena.
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Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos ženklodaros strategijos formavimo aspektai / Aspects of LKF branding strategy formationStankevičius, Edgaras 21 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo objektas - Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos ženklodaros strategijos formavimas.
Probleminis klausimas:
kiek ženklodaros strategijos formavimo aspektai įtakoja organizacijos tikslus.
Probleminio klausimo formulavimas leido iškelti hipotezę:
H1: Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos ženklodaros strategija yra būtina siekiant didinti krepšinio federacijos žinomumą.
H2: Eurobasket 2011 komunikavimo strategija įtakojo LKF ženklo žinomumą.
Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos ženklodaros strategijos formavimo aspektus.
Tyrimo metodai:
1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė.
2. Anketinė apklausa.
3. Aprašamoji analizė.
Su šio magistrinio darbo problematika ir esminėmis dedamosiomis susipažinę Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos vadovai, patvirtino darbo temos naujumą ir aktualumą. Rašant magistrinį darbą buvo tampriai bendradarbiauta su federacijos atstovais, kurie darbo rašymo procese suteikė visokeriopą pagalbą. Išnagrinėję darbo struktūrą ir taikymo galimybes, LKF vadovai pripažino, jog egzistuoja galimybė gautas darbo išvadas integruoti į organizacijos rinkodaros strateginį planą.
Šiuo magistriniu darbu yra siekiama nustatyti pagrindinius ženklodaros strategijos proceso ir turinio formavimo elementus ir įvertinti jų įtaką Lietuvos krepšinio federacijos rinkodaros strategijoje. Magistrinis darbas gali būti naudingas dirbančiam tiek valstybiniame, tiek privačiame sporto sektoriuje, o taip pat rinkodaros, informacijos ir komunikacijos bei ryšių su visuomene specialistams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of investigation – based on theoretical aspects of formulation branding strategy, to prepare the LKF guidelines of branding strategy. The aim - the Lithuanian Basketball Federation branding strategy formation. This master work is to identify the key of branding process and elements and assess their impact to marketing strategy of Lithuanian Basketball Federation. The Master thesis can be useful for employment in both public and private sector sports, as well as marketing, information and communication and public relations professionals. Conclusions In the second study concluded that the active promotion of Eurobasket 2011 brand communication in the event Eurobasket 2011 championship attracted the greatest interest in the context of the last four years, and the popularity of the event browser Google has grown to three months before the tournament begins. This suggests that the branding strategy integrated with an organization's marketing strategy to achieve optimal results. Uniform and specific definition of the concept of characterizing the brand does not exist. Many researchers treat the brand as a marker, a combination of words and symbols that distinguishes one organization from its competitors. The most widely described and analyzed the components of brand structure and function.
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Nacionalinės Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos organizacinės elgsenos vertinimas / Assessment of organizational performance of national Lithuanian Dance Sport FederationKisielius, Mantas 22 June 2011 (has links)
Tema: Nacionalinės Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos organizacinės elgsenos vertinimas.
Raktiniai žodžiai: organizacinė elgsena, federacija, sportiniai šokiai.
Darbo objektas: Nacionalinės Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos organizacinė elgsena.
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos organizacinę elgseną.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. išanalizuoti NVO vertinimo modelio ypatumus;
2. identifikuoti Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos vietą Lietuvos sporto sistemoje;
3. įvertinti Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos organizacinę elgseną kiekybiniais ir kokybiniais rodikliais.
Darbe nagrinėjami klausimai:
1. Lietuvos sporto sistema ir jos sąsajos su NVO bei sporto organizacijų samprata Lietuvoje.
2. Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos struktūra ir valdymo organai bei jos priklausomybė kitoms organizacijoms.
3. Nagrinėjamos tokios sąvokos, kaip organizacijos veiklos efektyvumas, produktyvumas, organizacinė elgsena.
Tyrimo metodologija:
Remiamasi tokių autoritetingų teoretikų, kaip Winand ir kt. (2009) pateiktu sporto organizacijos organizacinės elgsenos modeliu ir tyrimo metodologija. Taip pat taikomas organizacinės elgsenos modelio kiekybinis ir kokybinis vertinimas, siekiant įvertinti Lietuvos sportinių šokių federacijos organizacinę elgseną.
1. Daugiausiai problemų kelia NVO apibrėžimas ir jų organizacinės elgsenos, veiklos efektyvumo ir produktyvumo vertinimas, ypač atsižvelgiant į jų turimas ne pelno siekiančių organizacijų charakteristikas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theme: Assessment of organizational performance of national Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation
Key words: organizational performance, federation, dance sport.
The main focus of this paper is on the assessment of organizational performance of national Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation.
The aim of the paper is to assess the organizational performance of national Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation
The main tasks of this paper are:
1. to traverse the singularities of the model of assessment of NGO‘s;
2. to identify the place of Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation in the system of sports in Lithuania;
3. to assess the organizational performance of Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation.
The points being laboured in this paper:
1. Lithuanian sports system, its relationship with NGO‘s and the conception of the sports organizations in Lithuania;
2. the structure and the governing bodies of Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation, including its pertainance to the other organizations;
3. the concepts of such notions as performance effectiveness, efficiency, organizational performance.
The methodology of the analysis:
The paper is based on the model of sports organiztion‘s organizational performance and its analysis‘ methodology first represented by Winand et al. (2009). Both qualitive and quantitive analysis of organizational performance is being used in purpose to assess the performance effectiveness of Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation.
The conclusion:
1. Lithuanian Dance Sport Federation is... [to full text]
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