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Hambach Forest Occupation : Relationships of Care between Plants and HumansLehečková, Tereza January 2023 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the interspecies relationships of care in the Hambach Forest, Germany. It covers the caring relations between the human activists protecting the Forest by occupying it and the trees growing there. The text covers the affectionate dimension of the activists’ caring relation towards the trees as well as how the caring manifested in their attentiveness and actions. Apart from the traditional ethnographic methods, the research is rooted in multispecies methodology, particularly plant ethnography. As primary theoretical frameworks, the concepts of more-than human sociality and world-making by Anna Tsing were used, as well as the understanding of the interspecies ethics of care by Puig de la Bellacasa. The analysis shows that the caring relationship of the activists was often rooted in the situated relationality that emerges from particular relations with particular trees or other nonhumans. As a navigating tool, activists sometimes used also the nature-culture dichotomy, and sometimes they, on the contrary, contested it. I show that relationships of care were mutual and occurred in the direction from activists to the trees but also that the trees and Forest took care of many activists’ needs. I also demonstrate how the trees and other nonhumans actively participated in the processes of co-creating the more-than-human sociality in the Forest. The analysis shows that the activists’ behaviour was not always coherent or determined by the same values but was often ambivalent and changing depending on the situation.
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Modernidad y tradición en Kilisani de Ernesto MoreValdez Fernández, Juan José 21 October 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis expone a Kilisani, novela del autor puneño Ernesto More, como un texto
ficcional que se construye a partir de la interacción conflictiva de lo moderno y lo
tradicional. Ambas ideologías se interrelacionan y componen en un mundo posible donde
lo foráneo y lo autóctono dialogan constantemente. Producto de ello, el narrador-personaje de la novela reproduce dichos acontecimientos mediante acciones y
pensamientos que favorecen a lo moderno y minimizan a lo tradicional. En ese sentido,
el presente trabajo se plantea determinados objetivos. En primer lugar, el estudio evalúa
la perspectiva moderna, establecida principalmente por la lógica de progreso, y su
inmersión en la subjetividad del narrador-personaje. En segundo lugar, la investigación
evidencia los mecanismos sociales de carácter tradicional: tradicionalidad, sujeto
tradicional e historicidad propia, los cuales se refractan en la novela de Ernesto More. En
tercer lugar, el análisis literario evidencia la operatividad de la idea de raza, desarrollada
por la colonialidad del poder, como factor social determinante para deslegitimar a la
ideología andina representada en el mundo posible de Kilisani. En tal sentido, es
indispensable utilizar tres fuentes teóricas para su interpretación literaria: Colonialidad
del poder, modernidad y tradición. De esta manera, se logra visualizar que el narrador-personaje de la novela está regido por los patrones sociales de la modernidad, firmemente
ligados al pensamiento Colonial, los cuales desarrollan argumentos que subyugan
cualquier tipo de presencia relacionado al mundo tradicional. / Tesis
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Untangling More-Than-Human Design Words and Worlds: Cautionary Insights and ConsiderationsLópez Barbera, Franca 21 January 2025 (has links)
2 Collectivity and the politics of participation
3 Imploding the More-Than-Human here and now
4 The More-Than-Human is not only here and not only now
5 Resisting the spell of words
References / More-than-human design endeavours are expressions of a crisis of design amidst far wider onto-epistemological tensions. While driven by a desire to create alternatives to the Western dualist ontology of separation that finds its roots in the modern/colonial project, uncritically adopting posthuman concepts and vocabularies into design
practices risks reinforcing the very logics it aims to challenge. Do nonhumans do, or are they made to do? This paper does not focus on how to design with nonhumans but instead explores whether terms like ‹multispecies collaboration› and ‹more-than-human collective› accurately describe these relationships. To this end, it examines power
dynamics within more-than-human design experiments, emphasising the importance of addressing issues of provenance, consent, and labour. Attending to these concerns and refraining from assumptions of collectivity in more-than-human design activities may help prevent the theory from fully collapsing in practice.:1 Introduction
2 Collectivity and the politics of participation
3 Imploding the More-Than-Human here and now
4 The More-Than-Human is not only here and not only now
5 Resisting the spell of words
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Graphene-based Devices for More than Moore ApplicationsSmith, Anderson January 2016 (has links)
Moore's law has defined the semiconductor industry for the past 50 years. Devices continue to become smaller and increasingly integrated into the world around us. Beginning with personal computers, devices have become integrated into watches, phones, cars, clothing and tablets among other things. These devices have expanded in their functionality as well as their ability to communicate with each other through the internet. Further, devices have increasingly been required to have diverse of functionality. This combination of smaller devices coupled with diversification of device functionality has become known as more than Moore. In this thesis, more than Moore applications of graphene are explored in-depth. Graphene was discovered experimentally in 2004 and since then has fueled tremendous research into its various potential applications. Graphene is a desirable candidate for many applications because of its impressive electronic and mechanical properties. It is stronger than steel, the thinnest known material, and has high electrical conductivity and mobility. In this thesis, the potentials of graphene are examined for pressure sensors, humidity sensors and transistors. Through the course of this work, high sensitivity graphene pressure sensors are developed. These sensors are orders of magnitude more sensitive than competing technologies such as silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes. Further, these devices are small and can be scaled aggressively. Research into these pressure sensors is then expanded to an exploration of graphene's gas sensing properties -- culminating in a comprehensive investigation of graphene-based humidity sensors. These sensors have rapid response and recovery times over a wide humidity range. Further, these devices can be integrated into CMOS processes back end of the line. In addition to CMOS Integration of these devices, a wafer scale fabrication process flow is established. Both humidity sensors and graphene-based transistors are successfully fabricated on wafer scale in a CMOS compatible process. This is an important step toward both industrialization of graphene as well as heterogeneous integration of graphene devices with diverse functionality. Furthermore, fabrication of graphene transistors on wafer scale provides a framework for the development of statistical analysis software tailored to graphene devices. In summary, graphene-based pressure sensors, humidity sensors, and transistors are developed for potential more than Moore applications. Further, a wafer scale fabrication process flow is established which can incorporate graphene devices into CMOS compatible process flows back end of the line. / <p>QC 20160610</p>
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The enlightened Christian? Hannah More in a human rights picaresqueSteel, Connie Michelle 22 September 2010 (has links)
This report explores and questions the history of human rights rhetoric through the 18th century anti-slave trade poem of Hannah More, Slavery, a poem. Hannah More used the term ‘human rights’ more than 150 years before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Nevertheless, when historians and political scientists track the history of human rights, it is frequently presented as “from Locke through Paine” as part of a narrative of the “coming of age” of democracy in a longer quest for rights stemming from 18th century revolutions and radicalism. This report looks instead at the episodic nature of human rights rhetoric through 18th century ideas of the human. As argued here, More’s use of the term ‘human rights’ indicates an attempt to reconcile the tension between Enlightenment and Christian discourses to promote the anti-slave trade cause. / text
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Doing food-knowing food : an exploration of allotment practices and the production of knowledge through visceral engagementSandover, Rebecca Jane January 2013 (has links)
The original contribution of this thesis is through its conceptualisations of human more-than- human encounters on the allotment that break down the boundaries of subjectivities. This work extends knowledge of cultural food geography by investigating how people engage with the matter of the plot and learn to grow food. The conceptual tool by which this occurs is set out as processes of visceral learning within a framework of mattering. Therefore this work follows the material transformations of matter across production consumption cycles of allotment produce. This is examined through processes of bodily adaptions to the matter of the plot. The processes of growing your own food affords an opportunity to focus on the processes of doing and becoming, allowing the how of food growing to take centre stage (Crouch 2003, Ingold 2010, Grosz 1999). Procuring and producing food for consumption is enacted through the human more-than-human interface of bodily engagement that disrupts dualisms and revealing their complex inter-relationships, as well as the potential of visceral research (Roe 2006, Whatmore 2006, Hayes-Conroy 2008). Therefore, this is an immersive account of the procurement of food and the development of food knowledge through material, sensory and visceral becomings, which occur within a contextual frame of everyday food experiences. This study is contextualised in the complexities of contemporary food issues where matters of access, foodism and sustainability shape the enquiry. However the research is carried out at a micro-geographies lens of bodily engagements with food matter through grow your own practices on allotments. Growing food on new allotments is the locus of procurement reflecting a resurgence in such activities following from the recent rise in interest in local food, alternative food networks (AFNs) and food as a conduit for celebrity in the media (Dupuis & Goodman 2005, Lockie & Kitto 2000, Winter 2003). Moreover, the current spread of the allotment is examined as transgressing urban/rural divides and disrupting traditional perceptions of plot users. This allows investigations into spaces where community processes can unfold, providing a richly observed insight into the broadened demographics of recent allotment life.
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Započtení v obchodněprávních vztazích / Offset on business transactionsPorod, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
OFFSET ON BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS Topic of this thesis is set-off in commercial relations. It is structured in three main chapters which deal with the most relevant issues and problems related to set-off in commercial relations. Not only it analyzes the current state of law and case law but tries to interpret Act No 89/2012 Coll., New Civil Code. First part of the thesis aims at the preconditions for set-off. Firstly, the possibility of set-off of foreign currency claims in New Civil Code is discussed. It also reflects upon the long standing discussion of set-off of due rights against rights which are not due. Then it proceeds to new precondition for set-off - certainty of rights. Author of this thesis argues that such precondition refers to reasonable doubts as to the existence and value of the right. Second part of the thesis deals with set-off of two or more rights and obligations. Author analyzes problematic aspects of current case law which en bloc excludes such possibility with the result that notice of set-off has to be overly specific. Controversy of the current case law, moreover, lies in the fact that it contradicts the previous case law which (in the author's view correctly) do not excessively distinguish between set-off and performance of the obligations. Admittedly, some author's...
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Utopie v Denících Kryštofa Kolumba / Utopia in The Diary of Christopher ColumbusLegátová, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
Utopia in The Diary of Christopher Columbus At first, we meet with the context of era of 15th century in Spain, as well as we come to know complicated journey of Christopher Columbus. The first chapter describes the most important moments of his life together with the Renaissance rebirth of thinking. The second chapter is concerned with the birth of hispanoamerican literature based on anal ysis o f Columbus's marine diary and his messages. All the content and formal part of diary confirm value of Columbus who enrich spanish vocabulary. The main part of this thesis is dedicated to utopia and th e et ymological meaning of the word. We know definition of the utopia but more important is to see the utopia as a literary genre. New literary and mental phenomenon is represented, it's the Utopia of America. The m yth is actual again, we comeback to the Beginning. Also we know differences between utopia and m yt h and we confirm that it is almoust impossible to separate them. The trust, hope and the return to the biblical Paradise are transformed to the isolated place and time, the literature plays the role of creative force which intensifies and spreads these hopes. We aplicate teorical work of Mircea Eliade to Columbus's Diary. Thanks to Eliade we know how the example act was born and his teories are...
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Uppföljningsanalys av en biogasanläggning : Sammanställning av driftdata från More Biogas Smålands ABSylveson, David January 2019 (has links)
Driftdata från More Biogas anläggning i Kalmar har sammanställts och analyserats för att föreslå förbättringar i sammansättningen av den inkommande substratmixen för att öka gasproduktionen. C/N kvoten för den inkommande substratmixen är låg då en optimal C/N kvot är mellan 20 till 30. För att få upp den totala C/N kvoten till 15 behövs 27 ton halm i månaden tillsättas och 80 ton för att få upp den till 20. Det är även bra att tillsätta halm från ströbädd eller hönsgödsel som har en hög TS-halt eftersom det finns möjlighet till en ökad VS-belastning i processen.Slakteriavfall gav en positiv effekt på gasproduktionen och efter en jämförselse av två tidsperioder gav resultatet att gasproduktionen ökade med en MWh per ton TS av tillsatt slakteriavfall.Det finns inget tecken på att processen är hämmad av de inhiberande parametrarna eftersom inte gasproduktionen minskade de månader då de inhiberande parametrarna var högre.
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Conception de convertisseurs de puissance DC-DC isolés pour l'avion plus électrique / Design of isolated DC-DC power converters for more electric aircraftBrunello, Julien 19 November 2015 (has links)
L'avion plus électrique est un concept qui a le vent en poupe chez les principaux constructeurs du domaine de l'aéronautique. Dans ce domaine, comme dans d'autres, les besoins en énergie électrique sont croissants et nécessitent de mettre en place des systèmes de conversion d'énergie fiables, performants et modulaires. Ces systèmes de conversion sont souvent couplés avec des systèmes de stockage d'énergie (type batterie) permettant dans certaines situations de rendre l'avion énergétiquement autonome grâce à une source de puissance indépendante des principaux organes de production d'énergie. Cette interconnexion batterie - réseau de bord présente un rapport de tension élevé ce qui, ajouté aux fortes valeurs de courant de la basse tension, en fait un objet particulièrement complexe à réaliser.L'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir de manière optimale un convertisseur de puissance isolé permettant l'interconnexion d'un bus basse tension 28 V (typiquement des batteries) à un bus haute tension 540 V (réseau de bord de l'avion) avec une puissance échangeable d'environ 12 kW. Elle se déroule dans le cadre d'un projet ANR (quatre partenaires universitaires, associés à l'entreprise AIRBUS) dont l'une des tâches est le développement d'outils de conception pour l'électronique de puissance. Le travail correspondant comprend une contribution à cette tâche sous forme de la construction de modèles des principaux composants intervenant dans un convertisseur, modèles destinés à être intégrés dans les routines d'optimisation. Pour cette raison, ils seront analytiques (physique, empiriques, mélange des deux).Ces modèles seront ensuite insérés dans un outil global développé dans une autre thèse du projet, à l'aide duquel différentes architectures de convertisseurs seront comparées afin d'en déduire la meilleure solution pour le cahier des charges énoncé précédemment. Un prototype du convertisseur retenu sera finalement réalisé en utilisant des technologies avancées, pour conduire une validation expérimentale. / The electric aircraft tends to become widespread at all the main manufacturers of the domain of the aeronautics. Needs do not stop growing and require setting up reliable, efficiency and modular systems of conversion of energy. These systems of conversion are often coupled with systems of storage of energy (battery) allowing in certain situations to make the punctually autonomous aircraft energetically thanks to a source of power independent from main organs of power production. This interconnection battery - network of edge presents a very high report of rise of tension what, added to the high current value of the battery bus, in fact a particularly complex object to be realized.The objective of this thesis is to design in an optimal way a converter of power isolated allowing the interconnection of a low-voltage bus 28V (typically batteries) in a high-voltage bus 540V (network of edge of the aircraft) with an exchangeable power about 12 kW. It takes place within the framework of an ANR project (four university partners + AIRBUS) the development of tools of conception of which one of the tasks is for the ENP. The corresponding work includes a contribution to this task in the form of the construction of models of the main components occurring in a converter, model intended to be integrated into the routines of optimization. For that reason, they will be analytical (physical, empirical or mix both).These models will then be inserted into a global tool developed in another thesis of the project, by means of which various architectures of converters will be compared to deduct the best solution from it for the previous specifications. A prototype of the reserved converter will be finally realized by using advanced technologies, to lead an experimental validation.
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