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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kemisk stabilisering av gruvavfall från Ljusnarsbergsfältet med mesakalk och avloppsslam / Chemical stabilization of mine waste with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residues

Höckert, Linda January 2007 (has links)
Mine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet in Kopparberg, Sweden, is considered to constitute a great risk for human health and the surrounding environment. Some of the waste rock consists of sulphide minerals. When sulphide minerals come into contact with dissolved oxygen and precipitation, oxidation may occur resulting in acid mine drainage (AMD) and the release of heavy metals. The purpose of this study has been to characterise the waste material and try to chemically stabilize the waste rock with a mixture of sewage sludge and calcium carbonate. The drawback of using organic matter is the risk that dissolved organic matter can act as a complexing agent for heavy metals and in this way increase their mobility. An additional study to examine this risk has therefore also been performed. The project started with a pilot study in order to identify the material fraction that was suitable for the experiment. When suitable material had been chosen, a column test was carried out for the purpose of studying the slurry’s influence on the mobility of metals along with the production of acidity. To clarify the organic material’s potential for complexation a pH-stat batch test was used. Drainage water samples, from the columns, were regularly taken during the experiment. These samples were analysed for pH, electrical conductivity, alkalinity, redox potential, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulphate and leaching metals. The effluent from the pH-stat-test were only analysed on a few occasions and only for metal content and change in DOC concentration. The results from the laboratory experiments showed that the waste rock from Ljusnarsberg easily leached large amounts of metals. The stabilization of the waste rock succeeded in maintaining a near neutral pH in the rock waste leachate, compared to a pH 3 leachate from untreated rock waste The average concentration of copper and zinc in the leachate from untreated waste rock exceeded 100 and 1000 mg/l respectively, while these metals were detected at concentrations around 0.1 and 1 mg/l, respectively, in the leachate from the treated wastes. Examined metals had concentrations between 40 to 4000 times lower in the leachate from treated waste rock, which implies that the stabilisation with reactive amendments succeeded. The long term effects are, however, not determined. The added sludge contributed to immobilise metals at neutral pH despite a small increase in DOC concentration. The problem with adding sludge is that if pH decreases with time there is a risk of increased metal leaching. / Gruvavfallet från Ljusnarsbergsfältet i Kopparberg anses utgöra en stor risk för människors hälsa och den omgivande miljön. En del av varpmaterialet, ofyndigt berg som blir över vid malmbrytning, utgörs av sulfidhaltigt mineral. Då varpen exponeras för luft och nederbörd sker en oxidation av sulfiderna, vilket kan ge upphov till surt lakvatten och läckage av tungmetaller. Syftet med arbetet har varit att karaktärisera varpen och försöka stabilisera den med en blandning bestående av mesakalk och avloppsslam, samt att undersöka risken med det lösta organiska materialets förmåga att komplexbinda metaller och på så vis öka deras rörlighet. Efter insamling av varpmaterial utfördes först en förstudie för att avgöra vilken fraktion av varpen som var lämplig för försöket. När lämpligt material valts ut utfördes kolonntest för att studera slam/kalk-blandningens inverkan på lakning av metaller, samt pH-statiskt skaktest för att bedöma komplexbildningspotentialen hos det organiska materialet vid olika pH värden. Från kolonnerna togs lakvattenprover kontinuerligt ut under försökets gång för analys med avseende på pH, konduktivitet, alkalinitet, redoxpotential, löst organiskt kol (DOC), sulfat och utlakade metaller. Lakvattnet från pH-stat-testet provtogs vid ett fåtal tillfällen och analyserades endast med avseende på metallhalter och förändring i DOC-halt. Resultatet från den laborativa studien visade att varpmaterialet från Ljusnarsberg lätt lakades på stora mängder metaller. Den reaktiva tillsatsen lyckades uppbringa ett neutralt pH i lakvattnet från avfallet, vilket kan jämföras med lakvattnet från den obehandlade kolonnen som låg på ett pH kring 3. Medelhalten av koppar och zink översteg under försöksperioden 100 respektive 1000 mg/l i lakvattnet från det obehandlade avfallet, medan halterna i det behandlade materialets lakvatten låg kring 0,1 respektive 1 mg/l. Av de studerade metallerna låg halterna 40-4000 gånger lägre i lakvattnet från den behandlade kolonnen, vilket innebär att slam/kalk-blandningen har haft verkan. Stabiliseringens långtidseffekt är dock okänd. Det tillsatta slammet resulterade inte i någon större ökning av DOC-halten i det pH-intervall som åstadkoms med mesakalken. Utifrån pH-stat-försöket kunde det konstateras att det tillsatta slammet bidrog till metallernas immobilisering vid neutralt pH, trots en liten ökning av DOC-halten. Om en sänkning av pH skulle ske med tidens gång föreligger dock risk för ökat metalläckage.

The genesis of ‘giant’ copper-zinc-gold-silver volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits at Tambogrande, Perú : age, tectonic setting, paleomorphology, lithogeochemistry, and radiogenic isotopes

Winter, Lawrence Stephen 11 1900 (has links)
The ‘giant’ Tambogrande volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits within the Cretaceous Lancones basin of northwestern Perú are some of the largest Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-bearing massive sulphide deposits known. Limited research has been done on these deposits, hence the ore forming setting in which they developed and the key criteria that permitted such anomalous accumulation of base-metal sulphides are not understood. Based on field relationships in the host volcanic rocks and U-Pb geochronology, the deposits formed during the early stages of arc development in the latest Early Cretaceous and were related to an extensional and arc-rift phase (~105-100 Ma, phase 1). During this time, bimodal, primitive basalt-dominant volcanic rocks were erupted in a relatively deep marginal basin. Phase 1 rhyolite is tholeiitic, M-type, and considered to have formed from relatively high temperature, small batch magmas. The high heat flow and extensional setting extant during the initial stages of arc development were essential components for forming a VMS hydrothermal system. The subsequent phase 2 (~99-91 Ma) volcanic sequence comprises more evolved mafic rocks and similar, but more depleted, felsic rocks erupted in a relatively shallow marine setting. Phase 2 is interpreted to represent late-stage arc volcanism during a waning extensional regime and marked the transition to contractional tectonism. The Tambogrande deposits are particularly unusual amongst the ‘giant’ class of VMS deposits in that deposition largely occurred as seafloor mound-type and not by replacement of existing strata. Paleomorphology of the local depositional setting was defined by seafloor depressions controlled by syn-volcanic faults and rhyolitic volcanism. The depressions were the main controls on distribution and geometry of the deposits and, due to inherently confined hydrothermal venting, enhanced the efficiency of sulphide deposition. Geochemical and radiogenic isotope data indicate that the rhyolites in the VMS deposits were high temperature partial melts of the juvenile arc crust that had inherited the isotopic signatures of continental crust. Moreover, Pb isotope data suggest the metal budget was sourced almost wholly from mafic volcanic strata. Therefore, unlike the implications of many conventional models, the felsic volcanic rocks at Tambogrande are interpreted to have only played a passive role in VMS formation.

Researches of H2S generation from municipal landfills and systematical evaluation of landfills pollution / Komunalinių atliekų sąvartynuose išsiskiriančio H2S tyrimai ir sąvartynų taršos sisteminis įvertinimas

Kazlauskas, Dainius 14 June 2005 (has links)
In Lithuania the amount of waste generation is increasing every year. According to national strategy, all wastes should be disposed in new regional landfills. Landfills pollutes environment with leachate and landfill gas and odours. Landfill gas consists of odorous compounds and one of them is hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Hydrogen sulphide is highly toxic and affects the nervous system with low threshold. As the landfill gas and leachate generation was word widely investigated before this work, it is not necessary to provide new researches on them. The measurements of H2S generation were provided in Jerubaiciai landfill. For the measurements was used “site-on” measurement method, measurements were provided with equipment GD/MG 7, in 51 measurement points and 2 monitoring wells, during different seasons of the year. Results of the measurement shows, that amount of H2S varies in different areas of landfill and during different seasons. The results of dispersion modeling achieved with dispersion model AERMOD, provided under calm weather conditions and under wind dominated in that session winter speed and direction, during different seasons of the year shows, that H2S spreads from landfill in longest distances from landfill’s section during summer (almost in distance equal to 2.5 km the H2S concentration is higher then Highest Allowable Concentration ). In autumn and spring this distance is equal to 1.5 km, and in winter – 800 m. / Susidarančių komunalinių atliekų kiekis Lietuvoje kiekvienais metais didėja. Pagal nacionalinę strategiją, visos komunalinės atliekos Turi būti deponuojamos regioniniuose sąvartynuose, kurie teršia aplinka filtratu iš sąvartyno išsiskiriančiomis dujomis bei kvapais, kurių veina iš sudedamųjų dalių yra sieros vandenilis (H2S). H2S matavimai buvo atlikti Jerubaičių sąvartyne. Iš sąvartyno išsiskiriantis H2S kiekis buvo tiriamas jo išsiskyrimo vietoje, t.y. sąvartyno teritorijoje. Šis matavimo metodas buvo pasirinktas remiantis tuo, kad iš sąvartyno išsiskiriančios taršos dydis ir poveikis priklauso nuo daugelio aplinkos faktorių. Matavimai, naudojant prietaisą GD/MG 7, buvo atlikti 59 matavimo taškuose ir 2 monitoringo šuliniuose, skirtingais metų laikai. Gauti tyrimų rezultatai parodė, kad šios medžiagos kiekis yra skirtingas įvairiose sąvartyno zonose bei įvairiais metų laikais. Norint ištirti H2S sklaidą buvo atliktas skaitmeninis dispersijos modeliavimas naudojant programą AERMOD. Jo metu vienu atveju buvo pasirinktos stabilios meteorologinės sąlygos, o kitu pasirinkti dominuojančios konkrečiu metų laiku vėjo kryptys ir greičiai. Modeliavimo rezultatai parodė, kad vasarą H2S didžiausia leistina koncentracija pasiekiama tik maždaug 2,5 kilometrų, rudenį ir pavasarį 1,5 kilometrų, o žiemą - už 800 metrų atstumu nuo sąvartyno teritorijos.

An Investigation of the Role of Sodium Carbonate and Silica in the Neutral/Alkaline Pressure Oxidation of Pyrite

Peters, Samuel 31 August 2012 (has links)
Pressure oxidation of refractory gold ores containing carbonate minerals is conducted under neutral/alkaline conditions in order to promote fast kinetics, reduced reagent consumption and suppressing the formation of elemental sulphur and CO2 (which reduces the effectiveness of the process). In this work, both the addition of sodium carbonate and the presence of silica were investigated during the pressure oxidation of pyrite in the presence of calcium carbonate. It was found that the shift to an alkaline leaching environment favours the formation of soluble sulphate products over anhydrite (an industrial scale), but that the increase in kinetics is likely due to an increase in pH and carbonate/bicarbonate concentrations. The presence of silica in the autoclave induces the formation of an in situ iron oxyhydroxide silicate coating and a significant reduction in pyrite oxidation, which was minimized by addition of sodium carbonate.

An Investigation of the Role of Sodium Carbonate and Silica in the Neutral/Alkaline Pressure Oxidation of Pyrite

Peters, Samuel 31 August 2012 (has links)
Pressure oxidation of refractory gold ores containing carbonate minerals is conducted under neutral/alkaline conditions in order to promote fast kinetics, reduced reagent consumption and suppressing the formation of elemental sulphur and CO2 (which reduces the effectiveness of the process). In this work, both the addition of sodium carbonate and the presence of silica were investigated during the pressure oxidation of pyrite in the presence of calcium carbonate. It was found that the shift to an alkaline leaching environment favours the formation of soluble sulphate products over anhydrite (an industrial scale), but that the increase in kinetics is likely due to an increase in pH and carbonate/bicarbonate concentrations. The presence of silica in the autoclave induces the formation of an in situ iron oxyhydroxide silicate coating and a significant reduction in pyrite oxidation, which was minimized by addition of sodium carbonate.

The genesis of ‘giant’ copper-zinc-gold-silver volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits at Tambogrande, Perú : age, tectonic setting, paleomorphology, lithogeochemistry, and radiogenic isotopes

Winter, Lawrence Stephen 11 1900 (has links)
The ‘giant’ Tambogrande volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits within the Cretaceous Lancones basin of northwestern Perú are some of the largest Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-bearing massive sulphide deposits known. Limited research has been done on these deposits, hence the ore forming setting in which they developed and the key criteria that permitted such anomalous accumulation of base-metal sulphides are not understood. Based on field relationships in the host volcanic rocks and U-Pb geochronology, the deposits formed during the early stages of arc development in the latest Early Cretaceous and were related to an extensional and arc-rift phase (~105-100 Ma, phase 1). During this time, bimodal, primitive basalt-dominant volcanic rocks were erupted in a relatively deep marginal basin. Phase 1 rhyolite is tholeiitic, M-type, and considered to have formed from relatively high temperature, small batch magmas. The high heat flow and extensional setting extant during the initial stages of arc development were essential components for forming a VMS hydrothermal system. The subsequent phase 2 (~99-91 Ma) volcanic sequence comprises more evolved mafic rocks and similar, but more depleted, felsic rocks erupted in a relatively shallow marine setting. Phase 2 is interpreted to represent late-stage arc volcanism during a waning extensional regime and marked the transition to contractional tectonism. The Tambogrande deposits are particularly unusual amongst the ‘giant’ class of VMS deposits in that deposition largely occurred as seafloor mound-type and not by replacement of existing strata. Paleomorphology of the local depositional setting was defined by seafloor depressions controlled by syn-volcanic faults and rhyolitic volcanism. The depressions were the main controls on distribution and geometry of the deposits and, due to inherently confined hydrothermal venting, enhanced the efficiency of sulphide deposition. Geochemical and radiogenic isotope data indicate that the rhyolites in the VMS deposits were high temperature partial melts of the juvenile arc crust that had inherited the isotopic signatures of continental crust. Moreover, Pb isotope data suggest the metal budget was sourced almost wholly from mafic volcanic strata. Therefore, unlike the implications of many conventional models, the felsic volcanic rocks at Tambogrande are interpreted to have only played a passive role in VMS formation.

Volatile sulfur compounds in coastal acid sulfate soils, northern N.S.W.

Kinsela, Andrew Stephen, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The cycling of biogenic volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) within marine and terrestrial ecosystems has been shown to play an integral role in atmospheric chemistry; by influencing global climate change through the creation of cloud condensation nuclei and controlling acid-base chemistry; as well as influencing sediment chemistry including the interactions with trace metals, particularly regarding iron sulfide formation. Despite this, the examination of VSCs within Australian coastal acid sulfate soils (ASS) is an unexplored area of research. As ASS in Australia occupy an area in excess of 9 M ha, there is a clear need for a greater understanding of the cycling of these compounds within such systems. This thesis looks at the concentrations of several VSCs within agricultural and undisturbed ASS on the east coast of Australia. Initial measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2) were made using passive diffusion samplers, which were followed by two detailed field-based studies looking at the concentrations and fluxes of both SO2 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) using flux-gradient micrometeorological techniques. These novel results indicated that this agricultural ASS was a substantial source of atmospheric H2S (0.036-0.056 gSm-2yr-1), and SO2 (0.095-0.31 gSm-2yr-1), with flux values equating to many other salt- and freshwater marshes and swamps. The flux data also suggested that the ASS could be a continual source of H2S which is photo-oxidised during the daytime to SO2. Measurements of both compounds showed separate, inverse correlations to temperature and moisture meteorological parameters indicating possible contributing and / or causal release factors. Further identification of these and other VSCs within ASS samplers was undertaken in the laboratory using gas chromatography in combination with solid-phase microextraction. Although SO2 and H2S were not discovered within the headspace samples, two other VSCs important in atmospheric sulfur cycling and trace metal geochemistry were quantified; dimethylsulfide (DMS; &gt 300??g/L) and ethanethiol (ESH &gt 4??g/L). The measurements of H2S, DMS and ESH are the first quantifications with Australian ASS, and they may be important for refining regional or local atmospheric sulfur budgets, as well as interpreting previous SO2 emissions from ASS. Ultimately this thesis further enhances our understanding of the cycling of VSCs within acid sulfate systems.

Implantação e otimização operacional de um sistema para remoção de sulfeto de hidrogênio, com uso de soluções de Fe/EDTA, de biogás proveniente de efluentes de suinocultura / Implementation and operational optimization of a system for removing hydrogen sulfide with the use of Fe/EDTA solutions to biogas derived from swine effluents

Niklevicz, Rafael Rick 30 September 2015 (has links)
As energias alternativas avançam mundialmente devido aos problemas ambientais resultantes da obtenção e uso das fontes energéticas convencionais. Um combustível alternativo relevante, proveniente do tratamento anaeróbio, de resíduos ou efluentes, é o biogás. O biogás, devido à sua concentração de metano (CH4), tem sido usado para a geração de energia elétrica. Entretanto, a eficiência do processo é reduzida em função das elevadas concentrações de dióxido de carbono (CO2) e sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S). O CO2 reduz o poder calorífico do biogás e o H2S tem efeito corrosivo nas estruturas de produção e conversão de energia. Portanto é importante o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que auxiliem na redução destes dois gases no biogás. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as influências da concentração de soluções contendo ferro (Fe) quelado com EDTA (Fe/EDTA) e da razão entre vazão de líquido e biogás (L/G), em contracorrente em uma torre de absorção, na remoção do CO2 e do H2S. Para avaliar as eficiências de remoção a diferentes condições operacionais, foi proposto um Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR) 22, com três experimentos nos pontos centrais e quatro nos pontos axiais. Nos ensaios realizados, as concentrações de Fe/EDTA foram avaliadas entre 0,100 e 0,200 mol.L-1 e a razão L/G entre 0,73 e 1,27. Para o H2S, na faixa de valores estudada, as duas variáveis, concentração de Fe/EDTA e L/G, foram significativas (p<0,05) e a máxima eficiência foi de 97,84%. Em relação ao CO2, nas mesmas condições, a eficiência alcançada foi de 18,19%. A partir da análise dos resultados obtidos, com remoções elevadas para o H2S e satisfatórias para o CO2, pode-se concluir, de forma geral, que esse processo de purificação de biogás permite uma melhora na qualidade do biogás como combustível e reduz, eficientemente, as quantidades de H2S para níveis que causam poucos danos ao processo. / Alternative energy advances worldwide due to environmental problems resulting from the collection and use of conventional energy sources. An important alternative fuel, from the anaerobic treatment of waste or effluent, is biogas. Biogas because of its concentration of methane (CH4), has been used to generate electricity. However, the process efficiency is reduced due to high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The CO2 reduces the calorific value of biogas and H2S has corrosive effect on production and energy conversion structures. Therefore, it is important to develop technologies that help reduce these two gases in biogas. This study aimed to investigate the influences of solutions containing chelated iron (Fe) with EDTA (Fe / EDTA) and the ratio of liquid flow and biogas (L / G), countercurrent in a tower absorption in removal of CO2 and H2S. To evaluate the removal efficiencies at different operating conditions, it was proposed a Central Composite Rotational Design (CCRD) 2², with three experiments in the central point and four in axial points. In the tests performed, the Fe/EDTA concentrations were adjusted between 0.100 and 0.200 mol L-1 and L/G ratio between 0.73 and 1.27. For the H2S in the range of values studied, the two variables, the concentration of Fe/EDTA and L/G were significant (p < 0.05) and the maximum efficiency was 97.84%. In relation to CO2 under the same conditions, the efficiency achieved was 18.19%. From analysis of the results with high removals for H2S and satisfactory for CO2, it can be concluded in general that this process of biogas purification allows an improvement in the quality of the biogas as a fuel and reduces efficiently the quantities H2S at levels that cause little harm to the process.

Revegetação de Áreas de Mineração com Presença de Substratos Sulfetados / Revegetation of Mining Areas with Presence of Sulphide Substrates

Silva, Silmara Costa 22 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:53:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 2042352 bytes, checksum: 97a51bd9bf50c7c465e7720af7d5242b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The constant concern about the contamination of mineral exploration areas and pressure from society and environmental agencies promotes the search for efficient techniques for environmental remediation of these sites. The extraction of certain minerals such as gold may be associated with the generation of acid mine drainage, promoting the contamination of adjacent areas, than recovery plans more complex and costly are necessary. Moreover, it is notable the occurrence of mobilizing heavy metals and metalloids such as arsenic (As) resulting from acid mine drainage. Since the techniques of reclamation of mining are usually related to revegetation, this study aimed to evaluate different materials and cover forms of gold exploration sulfide substrate remaining in order to provide conditions for the establishment and growth of vegetation. The experiment was conducted in field with thirteen treatments in a factorial (1 x 1 x 1) + (2 x 3 x 2), with a model of three layers above the sulfide substrate slightly weathered (B2). The first, called capillary breaking layer (CQC), which has the function of preventing the rise of water by capillarity, was composed of crushed limestone or laterite. The second, called sealant layer (CS), which has the function of minimizing the drainage of water and the gas stream, when present, consisted of soil (A and B horizons of an Oxisol LVA) or very weathered sulphide substrate (B1). The last layer, called coverage layer (CC), whose function is to support the growth of plants, consisted of soil or B1. The species used for revegetation were Melinis minutiflora P. Beauv (fat grass), Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy (velvet bean), Lolium multiflorum Lam (ryegrass), Crotalaria spectabilis Roth. (crotalaria) and Stylosanthes spp. Stylosanthes capitata Vogel and S. macrocephala M. B. Ferr. et S. Costa (estilosante). It was analyzed the chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics of these materials five months after planting, and evaluation of microbial activity and soil organic matter (MOS) ten and thirteen months after planting. We also evaluated the dry biomass and foliar contents of arsenic per treatment. The soil is very clayey (72 % clay), while the substrate B1 has silty loam texture (65 % silt). The moisture of the materials in CC averaged 0.11 kg kg-1 for soil and 0.03 kg kg-1 for substrate B1 (dry season), and 0.30 kg kg-1 for soil and 0.06 kg kg-1 for B1 (rainy season). After thirteen months, treatments that had the laterite CQC produced on average 0.98 t ha-1 (p < 0.01) more plant material than treatments containing crushed limestone, and foliar contents of As average in this treatment presented 6.12 mg kg-1 (p < 0.05) more than those which had laterite in CQC. The difference of biomass produced for treatments with soil or B1 in CS was significant only for treatments with crushed limestone in CQC. Treatments that had soil in CS produced on average 5.16 t ha-1 (p < 0.01) more biomass than those with B1 in CS. The average arsenic concentration available to the soil was significantly lower than that of the substrate B1. Thus, the presence of soil in CC caused the biomass significantly higher than in treatments with B1. The microbial biomass carbon (BMS-C) was significantly higher in the plots that received land in CC relative to B1, indicating lower environmental sustainability when the latter material is used as cover. The microbial quocient (qCO2), a relation between the amounts of CO2 generated per unit of microbial biomass per unit of time, showed high values, which are relatively higher for B1. Among the species used, the fat grass and crotalaria were more tolerant to B1 conditions and ryegrass was not established in this material. The use of soil as a constituent of the sealant layer and the cover layer resulted in better conditions for plant establishment. However, depending on the combination of layers, it is possible to use B1 in CC and CS, exerting less pressure on the use of soils in other areas, thus representing a considerable cost reduction of recovery area. / A constante preocupação com a contaminação de áreas de exploração mineral e a pressão por parte da sociedade e de órgãos ambientais promove a busca por técnicas eficientes de recuperação ambiental destes locais. A extração de determinados minerais como ouro pode estar associada à geração de drenagem ácida, promovendo a contaminação de áreas adjacentes, sendo nessários planos de recuperação mais complexos e de elevado custo. Além disso, é marcante a ocorrência de mobilização de metais pesados e metaloides, como arsênio (As) decorrentes da drenagem ácida. Uma vez que as técnicas de recuperação de áreas degradadas pela mineração normalmente estão relacionadas à revegetação, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes materiais e formas de cobertura de substrato sulfetado remanescente de exploração de ouro com a finalidade de fornecer condições para o estabelecimento e crescimento de vegetação. O experimento foi instalado em campo com treze tratamentos, em esquema fatorial (1 x 1 x 1) + (2 x 3 x 2), com um modelo de três camadas acima do substrato sulfetado pouco intemperizado (B2). A primeira, denominada camada de quebra de capilaridade (CQC), que possui a função de evitar a ascensão de água por capiliriade, foi constituida por brita calcária ou laterita. A segunda, denominada camada selante (CS), que possui a função de minimizar a drenagem de água e o fluxo de gases, quando presente, foi constituída por solo (horizontes A e B de um Latossolo vermelho amarelo LVA) ou substrato sulfetado muito intemperizado (B1). A última camada, denominada camada de cobertura (CC), cuja função é dar suporte ao crescimento das plantas, foi constituída de solo ou B1. As espécies utilizadas para a revegetação foram Melinis minutiflora P. Beauv (capim gordura), Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy (mucuna preta), Lolium multiflorum Lam. (azevém), Crotalaria spectabilis Roth. (crotalária) e Stylosanthes spp. Stylosanthes capitata Vogel e S. macrocephala M. B. Ferr. et S. Costa (estilosante). Realizou-se a caracterização química, física e mineralógica dos diferentes materiais aos cinco meses após o plantio; e avaliação da atividade microbiana e matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) dez e treze meses após o plantio. Foram avaliadas também matéria seca produzida e teores foliares de As por tratamento. O solo apresenta textura muito argilosa (72 % de argila), enquanto o substrato B1 possui textura franco siltosa (65 % de silte). A umidade dos materiais na CC foi em média de 0,11 kg kg-1 para o solo e 0,03 kg kg-1 para o substrato B1 (período seco), e de 0,30 kg kg-1 para o solo e 0,06 kg kg-1 para o B1 (período chuvoso). Após treze meses, tratamentos que apresentavam laterita na CQC produziram em média 0,98 t ha-1 (p < 0,01) a mais de material vegetal do que os tratamentos que continham brita calcária, e os teores foliares médios de As nos tratamentos com brita calcária na CQC apresentaram 6,12 mg kg-1 (p < 0,05) a mais do que naqueles que possuíam lateria na CQC. A diferença da biomassa produzida para os tratamentos com solo ou B1 na CS foi significativa apenas para tratamentos com brita calcária na CQC. Tratamentos que possuíam solo na CS produziram em média 5,16 t ha-1 (p < 0,01) a mais de biomassa do que aqueles que possuíam B1 na CS. A média dos teores disponíveis de arsênio para o solo foi significativamente menor do que para o substrato B1. Sendo assim, a presença de solo na CC ocasionou produção de biomassa significativamente maior do que nos tratamentos com B1 naquela camada. O carbono na biomassa microbiana (BMSC) foi significativamente maior nas parcelas que receberam solo na CC em relação ao B1. O quociente microbiano (qCO2), relação entre a quantidade de CO2 produzido por unidade de carbono da biomassa microbiana por unidade de tempo, apresentou valores altos, sendo estes relativamente maiores para o B1. Dentre as espécies utilizadas, o capim gordura e a crotalária se mostraram mais tolerantes às condições do B1 e o azevém não se estabeleceu neste material. O uso de solo como constituinte da camada selante e da camada de cobertura resultou em melhores condições para o estabelecimento das plantas. No entanto, dependendo da combinação das camadas, é possível a utilização de B1 nas CS e CC, exercendo menor pressão sobre o uso dos solos de outras áreas, representando assim, considerável redução de custo de recuperação da área.

Avaliação dos efeitos da adição de L-cistina e sais biliares na técnica de H2S na detecção de contaminação fecal em ambientes aquáticos. / Effect evaluation of L-cystine and bile salts in H2S method for fecal contamination detection in water environment.

Thiago Nepomuceno Silva 13 June 2016 (has links)
As fontes hídricas disponíveis para o consumo humano vêm sendo comprometidas. Para resolver este problema, várias técnicas de detecção de contaminação fecal foram desenvolvidas. Em 1982, Manja e colegas desenvolveram método H2S que é simples, rápida e de baixo custo e detecta bactérias produtoras de H2S e, assim, a contaminação fecal. Neste trabalho foi analisada a eficácia de detecção de micro-organismos produtores de H2S frente a adição de L-cistina (125mg/L e 250mg/L) e desoxicolato de sódio (DS) (0,1% e 0,3%) e na presença de bactérias não produtoras de H2S para verificar se a presença destas bactérias interferem na detecção dos isolados H2S+. Assim, comparou-se o teste H2S com a membrana filtrante e o Colilert®. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que o meio H2S com adição de 0,3% de desoxicolato de sódio se mostrou mais rápido e sensível. Quando comparado com outras metodologias clássicas, o meio com 0,3% apresentou uma ligeira queda na sensibilidade mas o método H2S se mostrou mais sensível que o Colilert. / Water supply for human consumption have been compromised. Several detection methods for fecal contamination have been developed to solve this problem. Manja and co-workers (1982) developed a simple, fast and low-cost method for fecal contamination based on detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, the H2S method. This work aimed to analyse the detection efficiency of the H2S method under different conditions: with L-cystine (125mg/L e 250mg/L) and sodium deoxycholate (0.1% e 0.3%). Also, non-sulfate-reducing bacteria interference were evaluated. Comparison tests were made through membrane filtration and Colilert®. Our results indicate a faster and more sensible for the 0.3% sodium deoxycholate condition. Compared to other classic methodologies, the 0.3% sodium deoxycholate condition slightly decrease the sensibility. However the H2S method was more sensitive than the Colilert one.

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