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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marching to their own drum : British Army officers as military commandants in the Australian colonies and New Zealand 1870-1901

Clarke, Stephen John, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1999 (has links)
Between 1870 and 1901, seventeen officers from the British army were appointed by the governments of the Australian colonies and New Zealand as commanders of their colonial military forces. There has been considerable speculation about the roles of these officers as imperial agents, developing colonial forces as a wartime reserve to imperial forces, but little in depth research. This thesis examines the role of the imperial commandants with an embryonic system of imperial defence and their contribution to the development of the colonial military forces. It is therefore a topic in British imperial history as much as Australian and New Zealand military history. British officers were appointed by colonial governments to overcome a shortfall in professional military expertise but increasingly came to be viewed by successive British administrations as a means of fulfilling an imperial defence agenda. The commandants as ???men-on-the-spot???, however, viewed themselves as independent reformers and got offside with both the imperial and colonial governments. This fact reveals that the commandants occupied a difficult position between the aspirations of London and the reality of the colonies. They certainly brought an imperial perspective to their commands and looked forward to the colonies playing a role on the imperial stage but generally did so in terms of a personal agenda rather than one set by London. This assessment is best demonstrated in the commandants??? independent stance at the outset of the South African War. The practice of appointing British commandants in Australasia was fraught with problems because of an inherent conflict in the goals of the commandants and their colonial governments. It resembles the Canadian experience of the British officers which reveals that the system of imperials military appointments as a whole was flawed. The problem remained that until a sufficient number of colonial officers had the prerequisite professional expertise for high command there was no alternative. The commandants were therefore the beginning rather than the end of a traditional reliance upon British military expertise. The lasting legacy of the commandants for the military forces of Australia and New Zealand was the development of colonial officers, transference of British military traditions, and the encouragement of a colonial military identity premised on the expectation of future participation in defence of the empire. The study provides a major revision to the existing historiography of imperial officers in the colonies, one which concludes that far from being ???imperial agents??? they were largely marching to their own drum.

Razor gang to Dawkins : a history of Victoria College, an Australian College of Advanced Education

Roche, Vivienne Carol. January 2003 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy) Includes bibliographical references (leaves.

Organisational contestation over the discursive construction of equal employment opportunities for women in three Victorian public authorities

Hinton, Susan E., Susan.Mayson@BusEco.monash.edu.au January 1999 (has links)
The central arguments in this thesis rest on two premises. Firstly language and context are intimately bound up in the social construction of workplace gender inequalities. Secondly, organisational understandings and management of women�s access to employment opportunities and rewards in modern bureaucratic organisations are constituted through discourses or systems of organisational knowledges, practices and rules of organising. This study uses the concept of discourse to account for the productive and powerful role of knowledge and language practices in constituting the organisational contexts and meanings through which people make sense of and experience complex organisations.

Leadership in the Liberal Party: Bolte, Askin and the Post-War Ascendancy

Abjorensen, Norman, norman.abjorensen@anu.edu.au January 2005 (has links)
The formation of the Liberal Party of Australia in the mid-1940s heralded a new effort to stem the tide of government regulation that had grown with Labor Party rule in the latter years of World War II and immediately after. It was not until 1949 that the party gained office at Federal level, beginning what was to be a record unbroken term of 23 years, but its efforts faltered at State level in Victoria, where the party was divided, and in New South Wales, where Labor was seemingly entrenched. The fortunes were reversed with the rise to leadership of men who bore a different stamp to their predecessors, and were in many ways atypical Liberals: Henry Bolte in Victoria and Robin Askin in New South Wales. Bolte, a farmer, and Askin, a bank officer, had served as non-commissioned officers in World War II and rose to lead parties whose members who had served in the war were predominantly of the officer class. In each case, their man management skills put an end to division and destabilisation in their parties, and they went on to serve record terms as Liberal leaders in their respective States, Bolte 1955-72 and Askin 1965-75. Neither was ever challenged in their leadership and each chose the time and nature of his departure from politics, a rarity among Australian political leaders. Their careers are traced here in the context of the Liberal revival and the heightened expectations of the post-war years when the Liberal Party reached an ascendancy, governing for a brief time in 1969-70 in all Australian States as well as the Commonwealth. Their leadership is also examined in the broader context of leadership in the Liberal Party, and also in the ways in which the new party sought to engage with and appeal to a wider range of voters than had traditionally been attracted to the non-Labor parties.

Correlates of Screening Mammography for Italian and Anglo-Australian Women

Coppe, Raelee Sharon, kimg@deakin.edu.au,jillj@deakin.edu.au,mikewood@deakin.edu.au,wildol@deakin.edu.au January 2001 (has links)
The first aim of the research was to determine the applicability of certain variables from the Health Belief Model (HBM), the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the risk dimensions from the Psychometric Paradigm, the Common-Sense Model of Illness Representations and the Locus of Control to Italian women’s beliefs and behaviours in relation to screening mammography. These models have predominantly been derived and evaluated with English-speaking persons. The study used quantitative and qualitative methods to enable explanation of research-driven and participant-driven issues. The second aim was to include Italian women in health behaviour research and to contrast the Italian sample with the Anglo-Australian sample to determine if differences exist in relation to their beliefs. In Australia many studies in health behaviour research do not include women whose first language is not English. The third aim was to evaluate the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria’s (ACCV) Community Language Program (CLP) by: (a) identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the program as seen by the participants; and (b) assessing the impact of the program on women’s knowledge and beliefs about breast cancer, early detection of breast cancer, self-reported and intended breast screening behaviours. The CLP is an information service that uses women’s first language to convey information to women whose first language is not English. The CLP was designed to increase knowledge about breast and cervical cancer. The research used a pre-test-intervention-post-test design with 174 Italian-born and 138 Anglo-Australian women aged 40 years and over. Interviews for the Italian sample were conducted in Italian. The intervention was an information session that related to breast health and screening mammography. Demographic variables were collected in the Pre-Test only. Qualitative open-ended questions that related specifically to the information session were collected in the Post-Test phase of the study. Direct logistic regression was used with the participants’ beliefs and behaviours to identify the relevant variables for language (Italian speaking and English-speaking), attendance to an information session, mammography screening and breast self-examination (BSE) behaviour. Pre- and Post-Test comparisons were conducted using chi-square tests for the non-parametric data and paired sample t-tests for the parametric data. Differences were found between the Italian and Anglo-Australian women in relation to their beliefs about breast cancer screening. The Italian women were: (1) more likely to state that medical experts understood the causes of breast cancer; (2) more likely to feel that they had less control over their personal risk of getting breast cancer; (3) more likely to be upset and frightened by thinking about breast cancer; (4) less likely to perceive breast cancer as serious; (4) more likely to only do what their doctor told them to do; and (5) less likely to agree that there were times when a person has cancer and they don’t know it. A pattern emerged for the Italian and Anglo-Australian women from the logistic regression analyses. The Italian women were much more likely to comply with medical authority and advice. The Anglo-Australian women were more likely to feel that they had some control over their health. Specifically, the risk variable ‘dread’ was more applicable to the Italian women’s behaviour and internal locus of control variable was more relevant to the Anglo-Australian women. The qualitative responses also differed for the two samples. The Italian women’s comments were more general, less specific, and more limited than that of the Anglo-Australian women. The Italian women talked about learning how to do BSE whereas the Anglo-Australian women said that attending the session had reminded them to do BSE more regularly. The key findings and contributions of the present research were numerous. The focus on one cultural group ensured comprehensive analyses, as did the inclusion of an adequate sample size to enable the use of multivariate statistics. Separating the Italian and Anglo-Australian samples in the analyses provided theoretical implications that would have been overlooked if the two groups were combined. The use of both qualitative and quantitative data capitalised on the strengths of both techniques. The inclusion of an Anglo-Australian group highlighted key theoretical findings, differences between the two groups and unique contributions made by both samples during the collection of the qualitative data. The use of a pre-test-intervention-post-test design emphasised the reticence of the Italian sample to participate and talk about breast cancer and confirmed and validated the consistency of the responses across the two interviews for both samples. The inclusion of non-cued responses allowed the researcher to identify the key salient issues relevant to the two groups. The limitations of the present research were the lack of many women who were not screening and reliance on self-report responses, although few differences were observed between the Pre- and Post-Test comparisons. The theoretical contribution of the HBM and the TRA variables was minimal in relation to screening mammography or attendance at the CLP. The applicability of these health behaviour theories may be less relevant for women today as they clearly knew the benefits of and the seriousness of breast cancer screening. The present research identified the applicability of the risk variables to the Italian women and the relevance of the locus of control variables to the Anglo-Australian women. Thus, clear cultural differences occurred between the two groups. The inclusion of the illness representations was advantageous as the responses highlighted ideas and personal theories salient to the women not identified by the HBM. The use of the illness representations and the qualitative responses further confirmed the relevance of the risk variables to the Italian women and the locus of control variables to the Anglo-Australian women. Attendance at the CLP did not influence the women to attend for mammography screening. Behavioural changes did not occur between the Pre- and Post-Test interviews. Small incremental changes as defined by the TTM and the stages of change may have occurred. Key practical implications for the CLP were identified. Improving the recruitment methods to gain a higher proportion of women who do not screen is imperative for the CLP promoters. The majority of the Italian and Anglo-Australian women who attended the information sessions were women who screen. The fact that Italian women do not like talking or thinking about cancer presents a challenge to promoters of the CLP. The key theoretical finding that Italian women dread breast cancer but comply with their doctor provides clear strategies to improve attendance at mammography screening. In addition, the inclusion of lay health advisors may be one way of increasing attendance to the CLP by including Italian women already attending screening and likely to have attended a CLP session. The present research identified the key finding that improving Anglo-Australian attendance at an information session is related to debunking the myth surrounding familial risk of breast cancer and encouraging the Anglo-Australian women to take more control of their health. Improving attendance for Italian women is related to reducing the fear and dread of breast cancer and building on the compliance pattern with medical authority. Therefore, providing an information session in the target language is insufficient to attract non-screeners to the session and then to screen for breast cancer. Suggestions for future research in relation to screening mammography were to include variables from more than one theory or model, namely the risk, locus of control and illness representations. The inclusion of non-cued responses to identify salient beliefs is advantageous. In addition, it is imperative to describe the profile of the cultural sample in detail, include detailed descriptions of the translation process and be aware of the tendency of Italian women to acquiesce with medical authority.

Middle Years of Schooling: The pressures on rural adolescents to achieve academically

Demarte, Adele Louise, adele@rahna.com January 2007 (has links)
Within a climate of continual change this study offers insights into the academic pressures experienced by rural adolescents to achieve at school. In the often challenging transition from childhood to adulthood expectations from others place additional pressures on adolescents' lives. To better understand these pressures, I conducted a qualitative study of six students (ages nine to 15) and their teachers in the Middle Years of Schooling within rural Victoria, Australia. Students were studied prior to the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) in order to examine the pressures on students facing the Middle Years of Schooling. The study was carried out over a 6 month period using a Naturalistic Inquiry process with semi-structured interviews and participant observation. This allowed access into the participants' subjective insights. A Collective case study approach was employed to situate the information in its holistic environment and offer thick and information rich narratives depicting the experiences of these early adolescents. The case studies also involved examination of the school experiences of the early adolescents. Academic pressure was then broadly viewed in light of these experiences and recommendations offered. The findings from this research revealed that the early adolescents in the study all experienced degrees of academic pressure and demonstrated varied abilities to cope with these pressures. External support provided by parents, the school, teachers and peers tended to provide support more than fostering resilience.

Diploma privilege: legal education at the University of Melbourne 1857-1946

Waugh, John January 2009 (has links)
When Australian law teaching began in 1857, few lawyers in common-law systems had studied law at university. The University of Melbourne's new course joined the early stages of a dual transformation, of legal training into university study and of contemporary common law into an academic discipline. Victoria's Supreme Court immediately gave the law school what was known in America as 'diploma privilege': its students could enter legal practice without passing a separate admission exam. Soon university study became mandatory for locally trained lawyers, ensuring the law school's survival but placing it at the centre of disputes over the kind of education the profession should receive. Friction between practitioners and academics hinted at the negotiation of new roles as university study shifted legal training further from its apprenticeship origins. The structure of the university (linked to the judiciary through membership of its governing council) and the profession (whose organisations did not control the admission of new practitioners) aided the law school's efforts to defend both its training role and its curriculum against outside attack. / Legal academics turned increasingly to the social sciences to maintain law's claim to be not only a professional skill, but an academic discipline. A research-based and reform-oriented theory of law appealed to the nascent academic profession, linking it to legal practice and the development of public policy but at the same time marking out for the law school a domain of its own. American ideas informed thinking about research and, in particular, pedagogy, although the university's slender financial resources, dependent on government grants, limited change until after World War II. In other ways the law school consciously departed from American models. It taught undergraduate, not graduate, students, and its curriculum included history, jurisprudence and non-legal subjects alongside legal doctrine. Its few professors specialised in public law and jurisprudence, leaving private law to a corps of part-time practitioner-teachers. The result was a distinctive model of state-certified compulsory education in both legal doctrine and the history and social meanings of law.

High-tech hot spot or sleepy backwater? Innovation and the importance of networks

Wear, Andrew January 2008 (has links)
This paper draws on evidence from Victoria to examine why more innovation takes place in some areas than in others. In so doing, it explores the relationship between innovation and networks. / Despite a large number of recent government policy statements on innovation, there has been very little attention paid to the spatial dimensions of innovation. / The literature on innovation increasingly points to the important role played by local and regional networks in driving innovation. Innovation is the result of the production, use and diffusion of knowledge, and this demands collaboration involving networks of individuals, organisations and institutions. / To test the theory of a connection between networks and innovation across regional Victoria, patent data is used as a proxy measure for innovation. This data is then cross-referenced with various social and economic data sets. / The analysis reveals that innovation in Victoria is substantially concentrated in ‘hot spots’ such as inner Melbourne. In some parts of Victoria very little innovation takes place at all. / This research has found that all things being equal, more innovation will take place in those areas in which there is a greater density of informal networks. However, not all types of networks are positive, and they are more important in provincial areas than in big cities. Innovation clearly has a spatial aspect, and innovation policy needs to give particular attention to the requirements of provincial areas.

En retorisk analys av för- och emotdiskussioner kring det kungliga bröllopet på Facebook

Pagmar Hansson, Hedwig January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att utföra en retoriskanalys på de argument som förs bland medlemmarna på Facebookgrupperna ”Vägra betala Victorias bröllop!” respektive ”Våga betala Victoria och Daniels bröllop”. Grupperna är två intressanta debattforum att studera i syfte att ta reda på vad för typ av dialog som förs liksom gruppmedlemmarnas åsikter kring det kungliga bröllopet såväl som monarkin. Således kommer uppsatsen att fokusera på den medierande offentlighet som skapas i samspel med interaktionen som äger rum på respektive grupp.</p><p> </p><p>Uppsatsens utgår från tre frågeställningar: Förs en kommunikativ dialog i frågan kring <em>för</em> respektive <em>emot</em> det kungliga bröllopet på Facebook? Hur är dialogerna om bröllopet uppbyggda? Vad har medlemmarna för åsikter kring det kungliga bröllopet så väl som monarkin? Genom att fokusera på en för<strong>- </strong>respektive emotgrupps åsikter på Facebook tangerar uppsatsen olika forskningsfält såsom: forskning om det kungliga bröllopet 2010, det Internetbaserade forumet Facebook men även fältet för retorik och medierad offentlighet. Den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden har använts vid studium av grupperna.</p><p> </p><p>Genom att utföra en kvalitativ studie av respektive Facebookgrupp kan man fastställa att det förs en kommunikativ dialog inom grupperna såtillvida att den är ömsesidig och öppenhjärtig mellan de likasinnade medlemmarna. För emotgruppen ”Vägra betala Victorias bröllop!” saknar det kungliga bröllopet och monarkin nationell betydelse. Mina studier av de många inläggen i forumet för gruppen vittnar om att medlemmarna är <em>emot</em> bröllopet och monarkin i sin helhet. Förgruppen ”Våga betala Victoria och Daniels bröllop!” anser däremot att monarkin har en representativ betydelse och att monarkin symboliserar Sverige som nation. Mina studier visar på att medlemmarna är <em>för</em> bröllopet och bevarandet av monarkin, detta blir synligt genom medlemmarnas positiva tillrop och lyckohälsningar till Kronprinsessan i gruppens forum.</p><p> </p><p>Jag har haft hjälp av James Slevins teori kring medierad offentlighet skapad av Internet; en teori som bygger vidare på John B. Thompsons tankar och idéer kring den medierade offentlighet som var gällande i en tid präglad masskommunikation. Till sist kan jag, med stöd i de analyser jag utfört, konstatera att Facebook snarare främjar en Internetbaserad medierad offentlighet grundad i Slevins utveckling av Thompsons teori än en deliberativ medierad offentlighet.</p><p> </p><p>Det har aldrig tidigare publicerats en uppsats eller vetenskaplig publikation som förenar mina studieobjekt och val av teorier. Av tidsbegränsade själ kommer uppsatsen inte att se till historievetenskaplig forskning i analysen av synen på monarkin och kungafamiljen. Heller inte till tidigare forskning om Facebook.</p><p> </p><p>Nyckelord:      Argumentationsanalys, Det kungliga bröllopet, Ethos, Facebook, Facebookgrupper, Internet, Logos, Medierad offentlighet, Pathos, Retorikanalys, ”Våga betala Victoria och Daniels bröllop!”, ”Vägra betala Victorias bröllop!”.<strong> </strong></p>

Characterization of the response mediated by the plant disease susceptibility gene LOV1

Gilbert, Brian M. 09 October 2013 (has links)
Victoria blight, caused by fungus Cochliobolus victoriae, is a disease originally described on oats and recapitulated on Arabidopsis. Victoria blight is used as a model plant disease that conforms to an inverse gene-for-gene interaction. C. victoriae virulence is dependent upon its production of victorin, a host-specific toxin that induces programmed cell death in sensitive plants. In oats, victorin sensitivity and disease susceptibility is conferred by the Vb gene, which is genetically inseparable from the Pc-2 crown rust resistance gene. In Arabidopsis, victorin sensitivity and disease susceptibility is conferred by the LOCUS ORCHESTRATING VICTORIN EFFECTS 1 (LOV1) gene which encodes a NB-LRR protein, a type of protein commonly associated with disease resistance. LOV1-mediated cell death occurs when victorin binds Thioredoxin-h5 (TRX-h5) and LOV1 appears to "guards" TRX-h5. Together, these results suggest C. victoriae causes disease by inducing a resistance response. The work presented here aimed to determine if the response mediated by LOV1 is functionally related to a resistance response. We genetically characterized the response mediated by LOV1 with virus-induced gene silencing. We determined SUPPRESSOR OF THE G2 ALLELE OF SKP1 (SGT1), a gene required for the function of many resistance genes, is required for victorin sensitivity and involved in LOV1 protein accumulation. We screened a normalized library and identified six genes that suppressed victorin-mediated cell death and cell death induced by expression of the RESISTANCE TO PERONOSPORA PARASITICA PROTEIN 8 (RPP8) resistance gene: a mitochondrial phosphate transporter, glycolate oxidase, glutamine synthetase, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and the P- and T-protein of the glycine decarboxylase complex. Silencing the latter four also inhibited cell death induced by the expression of an autoactive form of the resistance gene PTO, and reduced PTO-mediated resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci. These results provide evidence that victorin-mediated cell death is functionally similar to a resistance response, further supporting the hypothesis that a resistance response is exploited by C. victoriae for pathogenesis in Victoria blight. Resistance function of LOV1 was evaluated by observing Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato virulence upon LOV1 activation. The LOV1 response pathway in Arabidopsis was adapted to activate upon infection with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato expressing the type III-dependent effector protein AvrRpt2, a well-characterized protease. We developed a construct to express a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) and TRX-h5 fusion protein separated by an AvrRpt2 proteolytic cleavage site, in which GUS sterically inhibits TRX-h5 function in LOV1-mediated cell death. The fusion is cleaved upon infection by P. syringae pv. tomato expressing avrRpt2, thereby leading to TRX-h5-mediated activation of LOV1 in the presence of victorin. However, when this strain was inoculated with victorin into transgenic LOV1 trx-h5 plants expressing the GUS/TRX-h5 fusion protein, no decrease in pathogen virulence was observed. Technical shortcomings likely prevented observable LOV1 resistance function. ��� / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Oct. 9, 2012 - Oct. 9, 2013

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