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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Är Strindberg ett geni? Om kön och genus i läromedel : En komparativ analys av fem läromedel i svenska 2

Jonasson, Frida, Bylund, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utföra en komparativ analys av fem läromedel i svenska 2 i gymnasieskolan. Vi besvarar en frågeställning som rör hur fördelningen mellan kvinnliga och manliga författare ser ut i läromedlen. Vi besvarar även en fråga gällande hur kvinnliga och manliga författare framställs i läromedlen med avseende på allmänna beskrivningar av författarnas lynne, karaktär samt litterära produktion. För att besvara dessa frågeställningar använder vi oss av två teoretiska utgångspunkter, Yvonne Hirdmans genussystem samt Gisela Håkansson och Catrin Norrbys samtalsstilar. I den här uppsatsen kommer vi fram till att de läromedel vi har analyserat visar en klar majoritet av manliga författare sett till hur ofta de nämns och hur mycket utrymme de får i respektive läromedel.

Preliminary Investigation into Quantitation of Pharmaceuticals in Lake Victoria Sediments : Development of a Method for Analysis of 11 Pharmaceuticals

Lundberg, Robert January 2021 (has links)
Although Lake Victoria is threatened by pollution there is a lack of knowledge about pharmaceuticals contaminants drained into the lake from large cities bordering the lake. Hence, the purpose of this project was to develop, validate and apply a method for analysis of pharmaceutical compounds accumulating in the Lake Victoria sediments. A simple quantitative method for 11 pharmaceuticals combining accelerated solvent extraction, solid phase extraction, trimethylsilylation derivatization, and gas chromatography mass spectrometry was developed, partly validated, and applied to 18 surface sediments and a sediment core dated using the 210Pb method. The results showed the presence of the pharmaceuticals estriol, gemfibrozil, metoprolol, ketoprofen, naproxen, 17α-ethinylestradiol and estrone concentrated around the regions Napoleon Gulf and Thurston Bay with accumulation rates decreasing towards the top of the sediment core. Nonetheless, a randomness in the distribution of these compounds behooves a systematic assessment investigating not only the provenance of these compounds but also further investigations to errors meaning that this study should be treated as a preliminary investigation.

Museum Gustavianumssamling från utgrävningarna i Sedment : En efterforskning av de föremål som Museum Gustavianum förvärvade efter Petries och Bruntons utgrävningar i Sedment vintern 1920 - 1921

Kjellström, Charlotta January 2021 (has links)
One aim of this essay is to conduct a thorough investigation into the origins of the objects inthe Victoria Museum, Gustavianum, collection VM 346–362 (the sequence expanded, later inthe project, also to include VM 346) and how they got there. This will be achieved byfollowing the paper trail back to the excavation in Egypt. The other is to describe how objectsfrom digs were spread between museums and different countries by W.M. Flinders Petrie.Questions have been raised about the perceived origins of the objects in the Gustavianumcollection VM 346–362. The collection has until recently been believed to be the funeraryobjects of the First Intermediate Period man Wadjet-hetep. In 1921 this collection was mostlikely bought by the Victoria Museum through Pehr Lugn, from W.M. Flinders Petrie, somemonths after Petrie and Brunton ended their excavation season of 1920/21 in Sedment, Egypt.However, the collection as a whole cannot be the funerary objects of Wadjet-hetep, since themajority of those are owned by and exhibited at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Denmark.The one confirmed belonging of Wadjet-hetep in the Gustavianum VM-collection is the innercoffin which has his name on it. The collective memory of the museum claims that fivewalking sticks, also currently in the VM-collection, were found with the mummy inside theinner coffin at the excavation site. Unfortunately, the museum archive is extensively damagedand contains nothing that can tell us about the collection's origins.By investigating external sources, Petrie and Brunton’s accounts of the excavation, as well asonline catalogues and archives, the VM collection can be backtracked to Sedment. The resultsconclude that the objects in the collection derive from different tombs and periods.

The teaching of history in the secondary schools of Australia

Blaine, Richard Townley 13 February 1975 (has links)
Australian students terminating their secondary education with completion of Form Four provided the major stimulus during the last decade for new curriculum developments in an organized study of man. To provide these fifteen-year old pupils with the necessary exposure to life for social adjustment underscored the debate between many social scientists and history teachers on the ability of their respective subject's focus. Where in the middle of the last decade Australia found herself in the middle of a communication revolution, many students, ending their educations during mid-adolescence, did not finish the normal sequence of history courses. History's dominance in the study of man was soon challenged. As a teacher and student in the Australian state of Victoria, it became soon apparent that many educational policies from abroad encountered a flexible if determined resistance. Arising from a different environment, many teachers and educators maintained that a few reforms or "enrichment" of history courses would more closely parallel contemporary needs than the more radical developments of the social sciences. A period of experimentation and uncertainty has persisted for at least the past ten years. A period which has not ended although many of the exponents of the extremes have retreated. History, a course which in 1965 was accepted by tradition, today is recognized and valuable for its own synoptic character.

The women's college, with special reference to Royal Victoria College, McGill University /

Dudkiewicz, Zina. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Macro- and micronutrient effects on stream biofilm and lake phytoplankton communities

Stoll, Jordyn Taylor 28 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Mi entrenamiento, mi ritmo: Los principios de la metodología de Victoria Santa Cruz para la exploración de un training actoral desde la intimidad

Cardozo Hidalgo, Diana 23 June 2023 (has links)
Estudiar el trabajo de Victoria Santa Cruz representa una gran oportunidad para insertar más voces femeninas y afrodescendientes en las líneas de estudio artístico de la Facultad. Su legado es materia de estudio histórico, político y artístico desde la óptica de los movimientos antirracistas y afrofeministas. En vista de que esta creadora invita a reconocer el saber corporal como igualmente válido que el conocimiento intelectual, resulta relevante investigar el aporte de su enfoque a las artes. La presente investigación desde la práctica busca analizar el “ritmo interior” y la “memoria ancestral”, conceptos acuñados por Santa Cruz, como medios para explorar rutas para un training actoral que integre el autoconocimiento y la memoria corporal íntima. Para este fin, los sustentos teóricos que guían el estudio son: el análisis de Heidi Feldman sobre la metodología de Santa Cruz, los principios del entrenamiento actoral según Varley y Carreri, el estudio del cuerpo como generador de conocimiento de Bardet y la teoría del archivo y repertorio de Taylor. A partir de un diseño de laboratorio, esta investigación encuentra que la memoria ancestral vincula al cuerpo de la actriz con sus raíces culturales a través del movimiento y la performatividad del archivo familiar y/o cultural. Asimismo, el ritmo interior requiere partir de la propia identidad e historia, permitiendo que la actriz se reconozca como un cuerpo íntegro que actúa con aquello que es dentro y fuera de la profesión. Por ello, la conclusión principal de esta investigación sugiere que ambos conceptos insertan al entrenamiento en una búsqueda de la enunciación propia en la escena, en tanto permiten trabajar en un descubrimiento y desarrollo de la verdad escénica propia de la actriz. Los conceptos invitan a manifestar un repertorio personal vinculado a nuestros orígenes, nuestra historia, nuestras luchas y nuestros placeres.

Análisis de los factores que permiten la incorporación del comercio electrónico en las MYPES del subsector de confecciones de ropa de mujer en Gamarra

Castro Escobedo, Ingrid Janet, Chuquillanqui Flores, Sandra Andrea 07 October 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los factores que permiten la incorporación del comercio electrónico en las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES) del subsector de confecciones de ropa de mujer en el Emporio Comercial de Gamarra. A nivel metodológico, el estudio tuvo un enfoque cualitativo con alcance descriptivo. La recolección de la información se dio a través de entrevistas a profundidad semi estructuradas. Primero, se entrevistaron a siete expertos empíricos para validar la relevancia de las variables y una mayor comprensión de los factores en el sujeto de estudio. Segundo, se entrevistaron a diecisiete dueños de MYPES, quienes desde su experiencia dieron a conocer los factores que permitieron la incorporación del comercio electrónico. Con la información recolectada, se realizó la triangulación de la teoría, perspectivas de los expertos y experiencias de los dueños. Así, se obtuvieron los hallazgos de cada factor y se determinó que solo siete son valiosos que permiten la incorporación del comercio electrónico en el sujeto de estudio. De esta manera, la tesis cumplió con el objetivo general, ello representa un aporte a la teoría de incorporación del comercio electrónico en el contexto MYPE peruano, ya que no existe un marco de referencia de factores que permiten la incorporación del comercio electrónico en este segmento empresarial, lo cual también contribuye para futuras líneas de investigación.

The Queen of Aquatics:The 1849 Display of the Victoria regia Water Lily as Imperial Theatre

Jarvis, Katie Maurine 01 March 2018 (has links)
The Victoria regia was discovered in British Guiana in 1837, and for over ten years explorers and scientists tried different methods to transport viable seeds back to England. When the seeds were finally on British soil, no one could grow them successfully except Joseph Paxton, the head gardener for the Duke of Devonshire. Paxton built a special glass house at Chatsworth estate to mimic the tropical climate the Amazonian lily required, and created an innovative tank that was heated with coal and fitted with an apparatus to gently keep the water moving, replicating freshwater rivers. The œvegetable wonder, as it came to be known, had floating leaves measuring up to 6 feet in diameter and was considered truly magnificent. To reveal the successful growth of the œqueen of aquatics to the public, Paxton dressed his seven-year-old daughter Annie in a fairy costume, dimmed the lights, and set her on the largest of the floating leaves. She stood there and created a theatrical tableau that transfixed all who saw it. This performance, which I am calling a œbotanical-theatrical event, is the site of my examination. Drawing on ecocritical perspectives and performance studies, I argue that this presentation was coded with social and political messaging that reinforced English national identity and imperial intentions. The lily was a signifier of the exotic, while the child was a signifier of the domestic. This botanical-theatrical event was deeply significant because it embodied the social and political views of the time, acting out the British Empire being œon top of, and supported by, the œuncivilized world. The water lily had been taken from its natural habitat, transported across the ocean and grown in a manipulated environment. It became a specimen/spectacle. The little girl had been taken out of her natural habitat, dressed as another creature and displayed on the floating leaf. She also became a specimen/spectacle. The interaction between these two organisms in this theatrical exhibition synthesized a physical representation of Imperialism that was powerful to the people of the time because of the social and political system in which they lived.

Galen eller levande begravd inompatriarkala strukturer? : – En komparativ studie av motivet den galna kvinnan i gotisk litteratur

Gustafsson, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur Victoria Mas roman De galna kvinnornas bal (2022) anspelar på traditionen female gothic och motivet den galna kvinnan i en kontext av 1800-talets patriarkala strukturer. Romanen studeras därför i relation till Charlotte Brontës Jane Eyre (1847), Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper (1892) och Selma Lagerlöfs Spökhanden (1898), för att urskilja hur motivet den galna kvinnan har använts i 1800-talets klassiska gotiska litteratur, och om några signifikanta skillnader förekommer i Mas (2022) moderna roman. Den komparativa och intertextuella studien utförs med en kvalitativ textanalys som inbegriper närläsningar och tolkningar av materialet i syfte att tolka och förstå den galna kvinnans framställning och funktion. Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genussystem och genuskontrakt tillämpas för att analysera hur den galna kvinnan underordnas en manlig auktoritetsfigur, och vilka oönskade egenskaper som hon fångar upp. Slutsatserna visar framför allt hur den galna kvinnan i De galna kvinnornas bal (Mas 2022) fyller en samhällskritisk funktion, eftersom romanen med en samtida röst slagkraftigt kritiserar den manliga auktoritetsfiguren till skillnad från jämförelsematerialet. Den galna kvinnans oönskade egenskaper framställs heller inte som orimliga eller farliga, vilket särskiljer sig från Jane Eyre (Brontë 1847) där den galna kvinnan framställs med aggressiva och farliga egenskaper. En annan signifikant skillnad i Mas (2022) roman är att den galna kvinnan framställs som ett intressant forskningsobjekt att experimentera på och visa upp för allmänheten, till skillnad från de galna kvinnorna i 1800-talstexterna.

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