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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I epicentrum av världen och synden. Att vara ogift mor under 1900-talets andra decennium under modernitetens framväxt och i skuggan av en baptistförsamling

Holmstedt, Elisabet January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån en enskild persons sociala situation som ogift mor undersöka hur hennes liv gestaltades. Med utgångspunkt i den ogifta modern Anette Larssons identitet undersöks hur ett liv formades under nittonhundratalets två första decennier i mötet med en stenhuggarmiljö på Sturkö i Karlskrona skärgård, och under påverkan av samhällets lagar och av moderniteten i ett framväxande demokratiskt samhälle samt av familjens och släktens frireligiösa kultur. Studien bygger på dokument från bland annat Arkivcentrum Syd, Blekinge museum, baptistförsamlingen i Karlskrona och dagstidningarna Blekinge Läns Tidning och Wecko-Posten. De teoretiska begrepp som används är den övergripande diskursen som innehåller moderniteten, samhällets lagar och etiska idéer i den frireligiösa rörelsen, genus och kön med fokus på den ogifta modern och den syndiga kvinnan, mötet och dialogen vad gäller stenhuggaridentiteten, egensinne och skötsamhet i samband med begreppet klass, samt sociala nätverk kring familj och släkt. Uppsatsens slutsats är att den ogifta modern Anette Larsson formande sitt liv i epicentrum av den moderna världen i en sekulariserad skötsam arbetarklass, men där samhällets lagar utgick från en religiös föreställningsvärld, där syndabegreppet var i fokus och skam- och skuldbelade kvinnan, men där den egensinniga stenhuggarkulturens hedersbegrepp, som byggde på ansvar och lojalitet, förminskade syndens konsekvenser / The essay deals with the shaping of the social situation of an individual as an unmarried mother. The identity of the unmarried mother Anette Larsson is examined and her life which was formed during the first two decades of the twentieth’s century in a stone-cutter environment in Sturkö in the archipelago of Karlskrona, and under influence of the laws of society and the coming of modernity in a growing democratic society, together with the culture of her non-conformist baptistic family. The study is based on documents from Arkivcentrum Syd, Blekinge museum, Karlskrona nonconformist baptistic congregation, and the daily news-papers Blekinge Läns Tidning and Vecko – Posten. The theoretic concepts which are used are the Order of discourse, which means modernity, the laws of society and nonconformist ethic ideas, gender and sex with focus of the unmarried mother and the sinful woman, meeting and dialogue in stone-cutter environment, class and self-will and diligence, and the social network about family. The conclusion of the essay is that the unmarried mother Anette Larsson shaped her life in the epicentre of the modern world in a secularized diligenced working-class, where the laws of society were founded in a religious world of ideas, and where women got the blame and disgrace for a child born out of marriage. But the concept of honour in the self-willed stone–cutter culture, which had its origin in responsibility and loyalty, reduced the consequences of the sin.

Policies for buildings energy efficiency : A case study of the Swedish policy mixregarding buildings' energy efficiency / Policies för att bygga energieffektivitet i byggnader

Brindeby, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Increased energy efficiency is of major importance for Sweden to reduce their carbon emissions and to reach self-sufficiency in Europe on energy, which is important both from an economic standpoint and also to lower Russia's political influence over the EU. This thesis explores how the Swedish policy mix regarding buildings' energy efficiency is developed and which logic dominates in policy-making. To understand this, all key policies regarding building energy efficiency have been analyzed, and put into contrast with the policy goals. Through this viewpoint, it’s been evident that Sweden is heavily reliant on packaging for new policies, which is abandoning old policies and goals when formulating new ones. However, there has also been identified evidence of layering, which is when new policies are being added on top of old ones. / Den här uppsatsen behandlar hur byggnaders energieffektivitet regleras med hjälp av policies (rekommendationer, lagar, mm.). Detta är viktigt för att minska mängden utsläpp men även för att uppnå självförsörjning av energi inom Europa, vilket är viktigt både från ett ekonomiskt perspektiv men också för att minska Rysslands inflytande över den svenska politiken. Syftet med rapporten är att studera hur Sveriges policy mix har utvecklats, där policy mix syftar till alla policys utvecklade emot områden. Studien finner mönster för att Sverige karaktäriseras av både paketering och skiktning i dess utveckling av policys. Det är också tydligt att Sverige använder en stor andel information i sin policy mix, vilket skiljer sig tydligt från Finland och Storbritannien. Metodmässigt så har de olika policys sorterats utifrån ett ramverk som är uppsatt från tidigare forskning, vilket tydligt visar skillnaden för Sverige gentemot Finland och Storbritannien som tidigare har studerats.

Ledningsersättningar : Insikter från ett intressentperspektiv

Lopes, Kevin, Toro Tjernström, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förmågan för ett företag att överleva och blomstra beror i stor utsträckning på tillgången till resurser från olika intressenter. För att intressenterna ska vilja tillhandahålla resurser är det kritiskt för företaget att dess handlingar uppfattas som legitima. Utformandet av den rörliga ersättningen till ledande befattningshavare är en sådan handling som enligt lagstiftning år 2019 måste kommuniceras genom ersättningsrapporter från publika bolag till dess intressenter, där intressenterna sedan får göra en bedömning huruvida ersättningen kan erhålla deras legitimitet. Vad en intressent anser legitimt kan variera avsevärt beroende på dennes förväntningar, normer och värderingar. Med den ökade transparensen som lagen om ersättningsrapporten främjar kan intressenter få det lättare att granska ersättningen och dess grunder. Således har diskussionen om rörlig ersättning till LBF aktualiserats, vilket vår studie syftar att öka förståelse kring med intressenters tillhandahållande av legitimitet i fokus. Syfte: Studien syftar till att öka förståelse för hur rörlig ersättning till ledande befattningshavare erhåller legitimitet av bolags intressenter. Vi undersöker även hur lagar påverkar detta erhållande. Metod: Studien antar en kvalitativ metod som sammanfaller med en abduktiv ansats. Den baseras på det hermeneutiska synsättet eftersom vårt val av små-N-studie gör tolkning till en väsentlig aspekt. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med olika bolags intressenter, där dessa valts ut genom ett målstyrt urval med avsikt att studera intressenttyper som innehar bred variation av arbetsroller, bransch, ålder och kön. Detta för att bidra till ökad generaliserbarhet gällande studiens resultat. Slutsats: Studien visar att transparens spelar en viktig roll för att erhålla förtroende och legitimitet från intressenter. Lagen om ersättningsrapporter har underlättat intressenternas granskning av rörlig ersättning till LBF och ökat legitimiteten sedan den infördes 2019. Tolkningsbarheten av detaljgraden gör dock lagen godtycklig vilket får bolag att etablera sig på en minimal transparensnivå. Kommunikationen av ersättningen bör anpassas för att erhålla legitimitet från de viktigaste intressenterna genom att antingen göra den lättbegriplig eller, vid fall av oetiskt handlande, använda sig av vilseledning. Studien visar att nivån på den rörliga ersättningen inte har legitimitetsproblem, men det finns olika åsikter om grunderna för ersättningen. God prestation från LBF visar sig vara den viktigaste grunden, men bolagets finansiella och icke-finansiella mått tas också upp. Media kan påverka intressenters medvetenhet och förändra legitimitetskraven. Transparenskraven förväntas att öka framöver, men viljan att uppfylla kraven bör komma från bolagen själva och inte från fler lagar, vilket föreslår att ersättningsrapporten tillfredsställer detta regleringsbehov. Framöver kan kopplingen mellan rörlig ersättning och hållbarhet bli viktigare för att erhålla legitimitet. Bolag kan därmed dra nytta av att proaktivt implementera hållbarhetsmål för att uppnå konkurrensfördel och säkerställa långsiktig legitimitet. / Background: The ability of a company to survive and prosper depends largely on the availability of resources from various stakeholders. For stakeholders to be willing to provide resources, it is critical for the company that its actions are perceived as legitimate. The design of the variable remuneration of executives is one such action that, by law in 2019, must be communicated through remuneration reports from public companies to their stakeholders, where stakeholders then must make a judgment as to whether the remuneration can receive their legitimacy. What a stakeholder considers legitimate can vary significantly depending on their expectations, norms and values. With the increased transparency promoted by the remuneration report law, stakeholders may find it easier to scrutinize the remuneration and its basis. Thus, the discussion on variable remuneration for LBF has become topical, which our study aims to understand with a focus on stakeholders' provision of legitimacy. Purpose: The study aims to increase understanding of how variable remuneration to executives obtains legitimacy from company stakeholders. We also investigate how laws affect this receipt. Method: The study adopts a qualitative method that coincides with an abductive approach. It is based on the hermeneutic approach as our choice of small-N study makes interpretation an essential aspect. Seven semi-structured interviews have been conducted with different companies' stakeholders, where these were selected through a purposive sampling with the intention of studying stakeholder types with a wide variety of job roles, industry, age and gender. This is to contribute to increased generalizability of the study's results. Conclusion: The study shows that transparency plays an important role in gaining trust and legitimacy from stakeholders. The Law on Remuneration Reports has facilitated stakeholder scrutiny of variable remuneration to LBF and increased legitimacy since its introduction in 2019. However, the interpretability of the level of detail makes the law arbitrary, leading companies to establish a minimal level of transparency. The communication of the remuneration should be adapted to gain legitimacy from key stakeholders by either making it easy to understand or, in case of unethical behavior, using misrepresentation. The study shows that the level of variable remuneration does not have legitimacy problems, but there are different views on the basis of the remuneration. Good LBF performance appears to be the most important basis, but the company's financial and non-financial measures are also mentioned. The media can influence stakeholder awareness and change legitimacy requirements. Transparency requirements are expected to increase going forward, but the will to comply should come from the companies themselves and not from more laws, suggesting that the remuneration report satisfies this regulatory need. Going forward, the link between variable remuneration and sustainability may become more important to gain legitimacy. Companies can thus benefit from proactively implementing sustainability targets to achieve competitive advantage and ensure long-term legitimacy.

Det blir sällan som man har tänkt sig, eller : En implementeringsstudie av Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskaps folkrättsliga utbildning för de bevakningsansvariga myndigheterna

Sjöblom, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Sverige har genom åren ratificierat en mängd internationella traktater inom folkrättens område som gäller vid krig och konflikt. Enligt Totalförsvarets folkrättsförordning ska de bevakningsansvariga myndigheterna ha kunskap om folkrättens regelverk i krig. Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap har till uppgift att erbjuda utbildning i det folkrättsliga regelverket i krig till dessa myndigheter. Denna uppsats ämnar därför undersöka hur denna folkrättsliga utbildning ser ut och hur väl den implementeras i enlighet med det som står i Totalförsvarets folkrättsförordning.

”Makten visar sig redan vid den första foten man sätter i receptionen, då man kliver in på vår planhalva” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare inom försörjningsstödsenheten upplever att deras yrkesroll och maktposition påverkar mötet med klienter. / "The power is already evident at the first foot you put in the reception, when you step into our side of the area" : A qualitative study on how the social worker within the social assistance unit experience that their professional role and their position of power affect the client meeting.

Cakar, Josefin, Barkho, Khaton January 2019 (has links)
Vår studie syftar till att undersöka hur socialsekreterare på försörjningsstödsenheten upplever att deras yrkesroll och maktposition kan ha en påverkan på mötet med klienter. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte har vi valt att genomföra fem kvalitativa intervjuer med erfarna socialsekreterare som arbetar på försörjningsstödsenheten. Studiens resultat påvisar att socialsekreteraren kan uppleva svårigheter med att förhålla sig till de organisatoriska förutsättningarna i arbetet med klienterna då de skapar ett begränsat handlingsutrymme. De slutsatser som man kan dra utifrån vår studie är att faktorer som tidsbrist, bristande språkkunskaper och klientens kännedom om sina rättigheter och skyldigheter kan begränsa mötet mellan klient och socialsekreterare. Vi kan dra slutsatserna att detta skapar en komplex yrkesroll för socialarbetaren då de måste tillfredsställa klienternas behov men samtidigt även representera organisationen i mötet. Vi kan konstatera att socialsekreterarens yrkesroll i kombination med deras maktposition kan ha en påverkan i mötet med klienter. / Our study aims to examine how the social workers at the social assistance unit experience that their professional role and their position of power can have an impact on the client meeting. To be able to answer the purpose of the study, we have chosen to conduct five qualitative interviews with experienced social workers within the social assistance unit. The results of the study show that the social workers are limited in their work as they must relate to the organization's laws and guidelines which in turn creates a limited discretion. The results highlight limitations that may arise in the meeting and what improvements that can be made to achieve a more equal meeting. The conclusions that can be drawn from our study are that factors such as lack of time, lack of language skills and the client's knowledge of their rights and obligations can limit the meeting. We can draw the conclusions that this creates a complex professional role for the social worker as they must satisfy the client's needs but also represent the organization. We can state that the social worker’s professional role in combination with their position of power can have an impact in the client meeting.

Laws, relations & education : A qualitative study of pension fund advising

Olsson, Johan, Åhlén, Tommy January 2009 (has links)
<p>In 2000, more then 4 million Swedish citizens were given the responsibility to invest a part of their earned money in the new premium pension system. With limited knowledge in financial markets was it now up to the people themselves to decide how to invest. Due to the citizens lack of knowledge lead them to a passive behavior. This meant a new role for the financial institutions and the advising that followed. Since the start, there has been constant debates on how well the system has been working and who it has been beneficial to.With the new role of the pension advisors the problem question was stated as: considering the customers’ knowledge and understanding of the financial factors, how has the advising of premium pension funds evolved since 2000? With the sub question: what role will the future of pension funds advising have?The aim of the study is to research how the knowledge among the Swedish public has changed, how the perception of risk has altered, how the trust and confidence among financial advisors have changed, what importance new laws and regulations have had, and how the relations between customer and advisors has developed with the uneven knowledge. The future of pension advising will be investigated.This study has a qualitative approach with seven semi-structured interviews with different institutions that are related to pension saving. Due to the nature of the study a hermeneutic approach and abductive perspective is obliged.The respondents have observed the level of knowledge among the public to be low, however has it gotten better. The laws and licenses implemented has changed how pension advisors are working, and increased the confidence for advisors. For the future, a majority of the advisors are calling for the government to take the responsibility on educating the public in private economy. This would, according to the respondents, simplify the advisors job. The insufficient level of knowledge has created both problems and opportunities for advisors. The trouble with a product/service such as advising its complexity, which makes it hard for the institutions to explain, and for the customers to understand it. Therefore, the authors agree with the respondents, to educate the Swedish citizens in order for them to understand the opportunity that is in front of them.</p>

Laws, relations &amp; education : A qualitative study of pension fund advising

Olsson, Johan, Åhlén, Tommy January 2009 (has links)
In 2000, more then 4 million Swedish citizens were given the responsibility to invest a part of their earned money in the new premium pension system. With limited knowledge in financial markets was it now up to the people themselves to decide how to invest. Due to the citizens lack of knowledge lead them to a passive behavior. This meant a new role for the financial institutions and the advising that followed. Since the start, there has been constant debates on how well the system has been working and who it has been beneficial to.With the new role of the pension advisors the problem question was stated as: considering the customers’ knowledge and understanding of the financial factors, how has the advising of premium pension funds evolved since 2000? With the sub question: what role will the future of pension funds advising have?The aim of the study is to research how the knowledge among the Swedish public has changed, how the perception of risk has altered, how the trust and confidence among financial advisors have changed, what importance new laws and regulations have had, and how the relations between customer and advisors has developed with the uneven knowledge. The future of pension advising will be investigated.This study has a qualitative approach with seven semi-structured interviews with different institutions that are related to pension saving. Due to the nature of the study a hermeneutic approach and abductive perspective is obliged.The respondents have observed the level of knowledge among the public to be low, however has it gotten better. The laws and licenses implemented has changed how pension advisors are working, and increased the confidence for advisors. For the future, a majority of the advisors are calling for the government to take the responsibility on educating the public in private economy. This would, according to the respondents, simplify the advisors job. The insufficient level of knowledge has created both problems and opportunities for advisors. The trouble with a product/service such as advising its complexity, which makes it hard for the institutions to explain, and for the customers to understand it. Therefore, the authors agree with the respondents, to educate the Swedish citizens in order for them to understand the opportunity that is in front of them.

Ibland är det svårt : Varför specialpedagogen ibland nekas tillträde av lärarna till klassrum/lektion

Guldmar, Britt January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work has been to investigate how it is that it sometimes can be difficult for special educators to gain access by teachers to the classroom/lesson to make observations. A partial order has been to determine whether the special educator can curb the negative response from the teacher in question, concerning access to the classroom/lesson.   The survey has a phenomenological perspective as the basis of the test procedures and the analyses made. Phenomenology has as its starting point that the human does not perceive the world in the same way, and that she has different motives and intentions for her actions. In order to understand why the human act like she does, you have to create an image of the personal meaning behind this action. To create this image, I have implemented conversational interviews with five teachers at a high school, in central Sweden.   The investigation revealed that it is missing that the school's teachers are clearly informed of which laws and regulations the special educator is subordinate to. None of the teachers had been informed by their headmaster on the importance of cooperation with the special educator. This means that when the special educator visits and because of confidentiality has been unable to tell us why, the special educator could be perceived as checking the teacher.   To inform before the visit about how the visit should be done, and what the purpose of the visit is are very important factors to make the teachers in the study to feel comfortable with having a special educator in the classroom. There were teachers in the study who demanded answers as to why the visit would take place, in order to let in special educator in the classroom. It was, however, none of the teachers who denied the special educator access to the classroom/lesson due to unwillingness, but there were underlying factors such as to protect students and provide them with an environment conducive to work.   Based on the descriptions, given by the teachers in the study, it appears as if the cooperation between all concerned to create good conditions for the pupils fails.

Samhällets syn på fattigdom : En jämförelse av begreppen "nödtorftig vård" och "skälig levnadsnivå"

Karlsson, Ellenore, Sundberg, Marie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor's thesis in social work has been to examine whether society's perception of poverty and poor people has changed over the more than 160 years have passed since the first national Poor regulation was enacted in Sweden. With a social constructionist approach and inspired by the critical discourse analysis we have conducted two studies to find answers to what differences and similarities between the concepts of scanty care (1847) and standards of living (2002). A study based on previous research was conducted to examine how society's perception of poverty has changed and designed in a historical perspective. We also conducted a textual analysis of relevant legal texts and legislative history to show how these texts reflect the society's official view of poverty based interventions targeted to poor people. The two sub-studies show that the concepts at different times in history has been crucial for the community support poor people were entitled to. Our overall conclusion is that despite today's advanced social policy there are many obvious similarities between the concepts of scanty care and standards of living. For example, there are similarities in the conjecture-driven individuals for warranted to support and which counterclaims society put on the individuals who are in need of society's ultimate financial safety net.

Die Arbeit der Frauen - die Krise der Männer : die Erwerbstätigkeit verheirateter Frauen in Deutschland und Schweden 1919-1939 = Women's work - men's crisis /

Neunsinger, Silke, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Univ., 2001.

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