Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hand reclamation"" "subject:"hand declamation""
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Melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklės analizė Utenos rajone / The analysis of reclaimed lands and the condition state of land reclamation structures in Utena districtPurvinienė, Aušrinė 08 August 2007 (has links)
Magistratūros studijų baigiamajame darbe analizuojama melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklė. Tyrimai buvo atlikti Utenos rajone. Rajone nusausinta 30625 ha arba 59,9 % nuo šlapių žemių fondo – 51130,95 ha.
Nuo 1966 iki 1990 metų drenažu nusausinta 28564 ha, o nuo 1991 iki 1995 metų – 1570 ha ploto. Daugiausiai žemių drenuota 1970, 1971 ir 1975 metais – daugiau kaip po 1400 ha į metus. Mažiausiai naudoti atiduota 1994 metais – 298 ha, o daugiausiai 1975 metais – 1800 ha. Iki 1975 metų žemių sausinimo darbų tempai Utenos rajone didėjo, o vėliau sulėtėjo.
Melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklės tyrimais Utenos rajone nustatyta, kad geros būklės melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių techninė būklė kasmet blogėja. Žemės ūkio ministerijos lėšų skirtų melioracijos darbams nepakanka, kad užtikrintų jų gerą būklę. Norint Utenos rajone palaikyti gerą melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių būklę, valstybė turėtų skirti metams 2 mln. Lt. t.y. du kartus daugiau lėšų nei dabar.
Šiandien, esamų melioracijos statinių vidutinis amžiaus vidurkis siekia 35 metus. Žmonės neturi lėšų tinkamai naudoti ir prižiūrėti melioracijos statinių, todėl jų techninė būklė sparčiai prastėja.
Melioracijos statiniai teikia naudą žemdirbiams, kaimo gyventojams ir visai visuomenei. Nenorintis ar nepajėgiantis savo žemėje tvarkyti ir prižiūrėti drenažo, ūkininkas kenkia ir kaimyno nusausintoms žemėms. Sunykti melioracijos statiniams jokiu būdu negalima leisti, nes jiems atstatyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The condition state of reclaimed lands and land reclamation hydraulic structures was analysed in the final work of master studies. Researches were carried out in Utena district. 30625 ha or 59.9% of the wetlands fund (51130.95 ha) have been reclaimed in the district.
In the period of 1966-1990 28564 ha of the total area have been reclaimed and in the period of 1991-1995 – 1570 ha, respectively. The largest areas of lands were reclaimed in 1970, 1971 and 1975, i.e. more than 1400 ha per year. The smallest areas returned for the use were in 1994 – 298 ha and the largest areas returned for the use were in 1975 – 1800 ha. By 1975 the speed of draining works in Utena district increased and later slowed down.
With the help of the researches of reclaimed lands and the condition state of land reclamation hydraulic structures in Utena district it was determined that the technical condition of land reclamation structures and reclaimed lands that used to be in good condition is worsening every year. The means committed to the land reclamation works by the Ministry of Agriculture are not sufficient for the ensuring of the good condition state of these structures. In order to maintain the good condition of reclaimed lands and land reclamation hydraulic structures situated in Utena district the State should commit 2 million Lt per year, i.e. twice as much.
At present the average age of land reclamation hydraulic structures reaches 35 years. People have not enough means for the proper use... [to full text]
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Melioracijos statinių būklės analizė Vilniaus rajone / Analysis of the State of Reclamations Construction in the Vilnius RegionNarunec, Ruslan 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe analizuojama melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklė. Tyrimai buvo atlikti Vilniaus rajone, pagal Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio ministerijos duomenis. Rajone nusausinta 43224,8 ha arba 67,8 % šlapių žemių fondo - 56269 ha.
Nuo 1960 iki 2008 metų drenažu nusausinta 39061,4 ha. Daugiausia žemių drenuota 1976-1980 metais - daugiau kaip po 1800 ha per metus. Mažiausiai naudoti atiduota 1996-2000 metais – iš viso 155,7 ha. Iki 1980 metų Vilniaus rajone žemių sausinimo darbų tempai didėjo, o nuo 1985 m. sumažėjo iki 1400 per metus, vėliau darbų kiekiai tapo dar mažesni. Nuo 2000 m. nebuvo vykdomos naujos statybos.
2006 m. atlikus Vilniaus rajone melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklės tyrimus nustatyta, kad geros būklės melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių techninė būklė kasmet blogėja. Skirtų biudžeto lėšų melioracijos darbams nepakanka, kad užtikrintų jų gerą būklę. Norint Vilniaus rajone palaikyti gerą melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių būklę, valstybė turėtų skirti metams 4 mln. Lt, t.y. 4 kartus daugiau lėšų, nei skiriama dabar.
Šiandien esamų melioracijos statinių vidutinis amžiaus vidurkis siekia 35 metus. Žemės savininkai neturi lėšų tinkamai naudoti ir prižiūrėti melioracijos statinių, todėl jų techninė būklė sparčiai prastėja.
Melioracijos statiniai teikia naudą žemdirbiams, kaimo gyventojams ir visai visuomenei. Nenorintis ar nepajėgiantis savo žemėje tvarkyti ir prižiūrėti drenažo, ūkininkas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The condition of reclaimed lands and of land reclamation hydraulic structures was analyzed in the final work of master studies. Research was carried out in the district of Vilnius. 43224,8 ha or 67,8% of the wetlands fund (56269 ha) have been reclaimed in the district.
In the period of 1960-2008, 39061,4 ha were reclaimed and in the period of 1976-1980, 1800 ha per year were reclaimed. The smallest areas returned for the use were in 1996-2000, 155,7 ha per year and the largest areas returned for the use were in 1985, 1400 ha were reclaimed. From 2000, no new construction was carried out.
With the help of the research of reclaimed lands and the condition of land reclamation hydraulic structures in Vilnius district, it was determined that the technical condition of land reclamation structures and reclaimed lands which was in good condition is now deteriorating every year. The grant committed to the land reclamation works, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, is not sufficient for ensuring that these structures remain in good condition. In order to maintain the good condition of reclaimed lands and land reclamation hydraulic structures situated in Vilnius district, the State should commit 4 million Lt during the year, i.e. a fourfold increase.
At present, the average age of land reclamation hydraulic structures is 35 years old. Farmers do not have enough funds for the proper use and exploitation of land reclamation hydraulic structures, therefore, their condition is rapidly... [to full text]
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Melioracijos statinių būklės analizė Joniškio rajono savivaldybės teritorijoje / Condition Of Drained Lands And Land Reclamation Structure Analysis In Joniskis MunicipalityDirsė, Vidas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Joniškio rajono šlapių žemių fondas yra 98341 ha. Rajone nusausinta 80524,65 ha arba 81,9 % nuo šlapių žemių fondo. Darbo tikslas: Išanalizuoti ir įvertinti melioruotų žemių, bei statinių būklę Joniškio rajono savivaldybės teritorijoje.
Pagal atliktos 2006 metų inventorizacijos duomenų analizę melioruotas žemės plotas įskaitant plotą sausinamą drenažu nuo1987 metų padidėjo 1232,64 ha kas sudaro 1,55 %. Blogos būklės plotas sudaro 4490,99 ha iš kurių numatoma rekonstruoti 3190,76 ha., remontuoti 1083,04 ha. ir nurašyti 217,19 ha. Didžiausi pažeidimai melioruotame plote: užmirkęs drenuotas plotas, žemės ūkio naudmenos neveikiančio drenažo plote ir drenuotas plotas užstatytas statiniais, kur nutiesti keliai ar kitos komunikacijos. Blogai veikiančio drenažo plotas sudaro 6 % viso drenuoto žemės ploto.
2006 metų inventorizacijos duomenimis magistralinių griovių Joniškio rajone yra 1230,0 km. Bloga būklė sudaro 357,64 km., tai sudaro 29 %. Didžiausi pažeidimai: vaga užaugusi medžiais ir krūmais, vaga užnešta nešmenimis ir patvenkta vaga.
Išanalizavus 2006 metų inventorizavimo duomenis paaiškėjo, kad pralaidų būklė Joniškio rajone yra bloga: 56 % jų blogos būklės. Pagrindinės pažeidimų priežastys: pažeistos vietinių įgriuvų, įgriuvę antgaliai, apirę betoniniai elementai.
Šiandien, esamų melioracijos statinių vidutinis amžiaus vidurkis siekia 35 metus. Neturint lėšų, tinkamai naudoti ir prižiūrėti melioracijos statinių neimanoma, todėl jų techninė būklė sparčiai prastėja.
... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Wet territory corpus is 98341ha in Joniskis district. 80524,65 ha or 81,9 % of the wetlands fund have been reclaimed in the district. Main job goal is to inspect existing melioration building’s condition in the local government’s territory of the Joniskis district.
According inventorisation data analysis accomplished in 2006 improved land’s area, including drained area become bigger from 1987, 1232,64 ha has structure 1,55 %. Quantity of building’s in bad shape has structured 4490,99 ha from which 3190,76 ha have been reconstructed, also 1083,04 ha have been reconditioned and 217,19 ha have been discarded as unusable. Most common drainage system break is influated by new buildings, roads and communication systems. The malfunction of the drainage area has structure 6 % of all land area.
According inventorisation of 2006 have emerged that main roads in the Joniskis district are 1230,0 km. Bad condition has structured 357,64 km, it is 29%. Most common drainage system breaks are: the main canal, which is overgrown by trees and scrubs, also main canal is choked up by outwashes and affluented.
According inventorisation were done become clear that overflows are in bad shape in the district of Joniskis city; that is 56 % of all them bad condition. The major reasons of breaks are: local failures are damaged, also the snouts are tumbled and finally the details of concrete are broke up.
At present the average age of land reclamation hydraulic structures reaches 35 years. People... [to full text]
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Áreas legais de preservação (APP e RL) do Município de Engenheiro Coelho-SP: distribuição espacial e situação sócio-econômica visando um plano de intervenção / Legally protected areas from Engenheiro Coelho municipality: spatial distribution and social-economic condition aiming an intervention planFrancisca Pinheiro da Silveira Costa 20 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho realizou o levantamento das áreas de APP (Área de Preservação Permanente) e das áreas de RL (Reserva Legal) do município de Engenheiro Coelho - SP e alguns aspectos sobre a situação sócio-econômica dos proprietários rurais, partindo da hipótese de que as informações geográficas e sócio-econômicas podem ser úteis para guiar um plano de intervenção prático e viável, que proporcione ao município a otimização ao cumprimento legal em relação a estas áreas. A metodologia empregada envolveu a elaboração e aplicação de questionários, com a finalidade de obter dados suficientes para traçar parâmetros sobre os aspectos sociais e econômicos, relacionando-os com a aceitabilidade no momento da implantação de um plano de intervenção ambiental local. O uso de geoprocessamento da área e a elaboração de mapas através de SIG (Sistema de Informação Geográfica) foram fundamentais para conhecer a realidade do município em relação às áreas de preservação em cada propriedade, identificando-as e localizando as áreas com passivos de cobertura florestal. Para a adequação dessas áreas foi levado em consideração de critérios legais, para a recomposição da APP e RL, sendo que a RL foi estabelecida para facilitar a criação de corredores ecológicos. A área total de APP do município corresponde a 9,96% da área total. Deste total 7,73% apresentaram uso inadequado com a legislação ambiental. Vários locais aparecem com uso agrícola ou até mesmo construção de imóvel. A RL para a região é de 20%, mas somente 4,41% está com cobertura vegetal, restando 15,59% para ser reflorestado adequadamente. Adequar estes locais ajuda no cumprimento da legislação, na diminuição da fragmentação e perda dos ecossistemas naturais. Espera-se que as informações diagnosticadas neste estudo sejam relevantes para o poder público municipal, estadual e federal, planejar e executar ações concretas para a adequação das áreas de preservação permanente de sua responsabilidade no município de Engenheiro Coelho-SP; bem como criar subsídios e incentivos aos proprietários rurais. Ao realizar ações de reflorestamento ou conservação das áreas, espera-se também que haja parcerias entre as instâncias pública, privadas e educacionais do município, e que outros trabalhos surjam em conseqüência deste. / The research was based on an inventory of the legally protected areas from Engenheiro Coelho municipality (State of São Paulo, Brazil) and the social-economic condition of the rural population to guide a practical and feasible intervention plan aiming the adjustment to legal requirements. The methods were based on field surveys with questionnaires to build an empirical database of social and economic information that were related to the acceptance of an environmental adjustment plan. The use of geotechnologies resulting in Geographic Information System based maps was fundamental for the identification of the environmental standard of each rural property allowing the identification of areas that should be protected by natural forests and were used for other proposes. Legal criteria were considered for the adjustment plan of riparian forests (APP) and legal reserves (RL). RL were recommended to maximize the establishment of ecological corridors between the forest fragments. The APP corresponded to 9.96 % of the municipalities area. From these, 7.73 % didnt conform to legislation, i.e. were not covered by forests. Agricultural land use and even construction sites were observed in APP. The legal area of RL for this region is 20 %, but only 4.41 % was covered with forests, remaining 15.59 % to be reclaimed by natural forest plantations. The more adequate use of these land according environmental legislation contributes to reduce landscape patchiness and fragmentation and the lost of natural ecosystems. We hope that this academic information is useful to allow the municipal, state and federal governments plan and put into practice concrete actions to adjust legally protected areas of their responsibility in the municipality of Engenheiro Coelho; and also reinforce financial subsidy to encourage the rural land holders. The resulting reclamation and conservation actions may encourage cooperation among private, educational and public stakeholders bringing to new initiatives in the environmental sector.
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Ny tid över tegarna : Nyodling och skifte i Torstuna härad 1750-1914Lundqvist, Maja January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate the importance of the enclosure movement for the agricultural development in the area of Mälardalen, Sweden. This is done through a case study of Torstuna härad between the years 1750-1914 by sampling five points in time. By studying the long term development of land reclamation and its correlation with meadow acreage, crop rotation and animal stock the thesis argues that the the radical enclosures in the 1850’s was a course of action to regain opportunities for agricultural expansion. The most intense period of land reclamation was after the implementation of radical enclosure which brought with it a change from communal land use to private ownership. Private property rights meant a new set of advantages for the individual farmer to plan and invest and balance the arable and the meadow.
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River Sand Mining and Socio-Environmental Impacts: Parallel Case Studies Along the Red River in China and the Mekong River in CambodiaLauzon, Amélie 24 April 2023 (has links)
Asian countries are urbanizing at an unprecedented rate, which has led to significant demand for sand. While sand mining fuels infrastructure development, creates livelihoods, and stimulates local economic activity, it also drives a series of environmental and socio-economic consequences which cannot be ignored. These include erosion, the destruction of habitats and loss of biodiversity, the deterioration of traditional livelihoods, forced displacement of communities, and damage to homes and infrastructure. On the one hand, this thesis uses mixed methods to study the multifaceted impacts of sand mining along the Red River in China, near the Vietnamese border. On the other hand, using qualitative methods, it explores how these impacts unfold along the Mekong River in Cambodia, near Phnom Penh. Using a political ecology approach, it identifies the actors involved in sand mining, their motives, and their impacts on the environment and local communities. The extractivism framework is used to describe sand mining activities and practices. In doing so, this thesis contributes to the literature on the understudied sand mining industry and its far-reaching impacts.
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The cost benefit analysis of reclamation strategies used in surface coal mining to ensure sustainable post-mining land useGouws, Johan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, a cost benefit analysis was done to determine the best possible methods for postmining
reclamation. A comparison was made between a conventional method with additional
organic material added to the soil and a Backgrounding method where cattle are reared on the
land. The best method, according to the financial model that was built, was the method of
Backgrounding cattle on the rehabilitated land. The main reason for this outcome may be due to
the fact that the meat that is produced is a high value product. It might not be practically applicable
to mines at this stage, but the calculation provides an insight into the possibilities that reclaimed
mine land holds for the agricultural industry.
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Valorisation agronomique des sédiments fins de retenues hydroélectriques en construction d’Anthroposols fertiles / Agronomic valuation of fine sediments from hydroelectric reservoirs under construction of fertile anthroposolsFourvel, Gaetan 12 March 2018 (has links)
Les sédiments fins qui s’accumulent naturellement en amont des ouvrages hydroélectriques sont parfois amenées à être gérés à terre, pour des raisons techniques ou environnementales. L’une des voies de valorisation envisagée pour les gérer est la construction de sols fertiles pour l’aménagement d’espaces végétalisés ou encore pour la réhabilitation de zones dégradées. Cet usage des sédiments en tant que matériaux alternatifs pour construire des sols contribue à préserver la ressource en terre végétale et nécessite de prouver la valeur agronomique et l’innocuité environnementale des sédiments. Une approche expérimentale (essai sous serre de 3 mois et essai in situ en bacs lysimétriques de 24 mois) a permis d’évaluer les composantes physiques, chimiques et biologiques de la fertilité de sols construits à partir de 6 sédiments, seuls ou mélangés avec 40 % (v:v) de compost de déchets verts.Les résultats de l’étude ont mis en évidence que la capacité d’agrégation des sédiments est un facteur clé de leur fertilité. Le suivi du développement de la couverture végétale des sols construits a démontré la capacité de tous les sédiments étudiés à être support de végétation. Les sédiments riches en matière organique (MO) (>30 g kg-1) sont adaptés aux végétaux des espaces végétalisés ayant potentiellement des exigences hydriques et trophiques élevées. Les sédiments pauvres en MO (<30 g kg-1), semblent davantage adaptés à une utilisation pour des opérations de restauration où les exigences des végétaux sont généralement moindres. Ce travail aboutit à la proposition de critères environneme / Fine sediments naturally accumulate upstream of hydropower facilities. For technical or environmental reasons, they occasionally have to be dredged and land managed. Using dredged sediment to construct fertile soils and set up green spaces or rehabilitate degraded land is one the ways dredged sediment can be valorized. This use of sediment as an alternative soil-building material helps preserve the topsoil resource, but its agronomical value and environmental safety first has to be demonstrated. We used an experimental approach (a 3-month greenhouse trial and a 24-month in situ lysimeter test) to assess the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of soil fertility from 6 sediments that were either pure or mixed with 40 % (v:v) of green waste compost.The results showed that sediment aggregation capacity is a key factor of their fertility. The monitoring of vegetation cover development on the constructed soil demonstrated that all six sediments could support vegetation. High organic matter (OM) content sediments (> 30 g kg-1) are suitable to grow plants with potentially high water and nutrient requirements. Low OM content sediments (< 30 g kg-1) appear to be more suitable for use in restoration operations where plant requirements are generally lower. This work leads to the proposal of environmental and agronomical criteria for directing sediments towards soil construction and propose adapted uses.
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Procena rizika od suficita i deficita vode namelioracionom području / Water excess and water deficit risk assessment in landreclamation areaBezdan Atila 01 July 2014 (has links)
<p>Učestale smene veoma vlažnih i izuzetno sušnih perioda mogu prouzrokovati značajne negativne<br />posledice na poljoprivredu, životnu sredinu, ekonomiju i na društvo u celini. Strogi zahtevi<br />poljoprivredne proizvodnje i specifičnosti agroklimatskih uslova i samog područja Vojvodine čine ga<br />veoma vulnerabilnim na pojavu viška ili manjka vode. Jasnije sagledavanje vremenske i prostorne<br />pojave viška i manjka vode i procena rizika od njihove pojave moglo bi dovesti do preduzimanja<br />odgovarajućih mera pripreme i ublažavanja negativnih posledica i pre pojave hazardnog događaja.<br />U ovom radu su kreirane metodologije na osnovu kojih su izvršene procene rizika od suficita i<br />deficita vode na melioracionom području Vojvodine. Procene rizika dobijene su kombinacijom procena<br />ranjivosti i procena hazarda, a baziraju se na identifikaciji ključnih faktora koji utiču na pojavu suficita i<br />deficita vode, na njihovoj analizi i adekvatnom vrednovanju i uz korišćenje geografskog informacionog<br />sistema. Ključni faktori su odabrani na osnovu njihovog uticaja na samu pojavu ili na ublažavanje<br />efekata suše ili pojave viška vode, na osnovu dostupnosti podataka i na osnovu istraživanja brojnih<br />autora. Vrednovanje faktora ranjivosti je izvršeno objektivnom metodom entropije. Analize hazarda su<br />izvršene savremenim hidrometeorološkim stohastičkim metodama koje sveobuhvatno sagledavaju<br />opasnosti od pojave suše ili viška vode. Rezultati procena ranjivosti, hazarda i rizika su dobijene<br />korišćenjem geografskog informacionog sistema u vidu karata.<br />Metodologije na osnovu kojih su u ovom radu sprovedene procene rizika od suficita i deficita vode<br />na melioracionom području Vojvodine, omogućavaju stvaranje uslova za podizanje pripravnosti na<br />pojavu ekstremnih hidrometeoroloških događaja, unapređenje planiranja meliorativnih mera kao i izbor i<br />donošenje optimalnijih odluka vezanih za upravljanje i ulaganje u meliorativne sisteme, a sve u skladu<br />sa načelima i principima održivog razvoja poljoprivrede, vodoprivrede i melioracija.</p> / <p>Frequent changes of very dry and wet periods can cause significant adverse effects on agriculture,<br />environment, economy and the whole society. Strict requirements of agricultural production and special<br />characteristics of agro-climatic conditions of the Vojvodina region makes it very vulnerable to the<br />occurrences of excess water or drought. A clearer understanding of the temporal and spatial occurrence<br />of excess water or droughts and the risk assessment of their occurrence could lead to taking appropriate<br />measures of preparedness and mitigation of negative impacts before the onset of hazardous events.<br />In this dissertation, methodologies of risk assessments of water excess and water deficit on the land<br />reclamation areas in Vojvodina were created. Risk assessments were obtained by a combination of<br />vulnerability assessments and hazard assessments, and they are based on the identification of key factors<br />affecting the occurrence of water excess and water deficit, on their analysis and adequate evaluation and<br />by using geographic information systems. Key factors were selected based on their impact on the<br />occurrence or on mitigation of the effects of drought or excess water, on the basis of data availability<br />and based on the research of numerous authors. Valuation of the vulnerability factors is made by<br />objective method of entropy weighting. Hazard analyses were performed by using contemporary<br />hydrometeorological stochastic methods that comprehensively perceive threats of drought or excess<br />water. Assessments of vulnerability, hazard and risk are preformed in GIS and results are presented in a<br />form of thematic maps.<br />Methodologies for risk assessments of water excess and water deficit in land reclamation areas of<br />Vojvodina region, created or modified in this dissertation, allows the creation of conditions for<br />increasing preparedness to extreme hydro-meteorological events, improvement of land reclamation<br />measures planning as well as improvement of selection and decision-making regarding management and<br />investment in the irrigation and drainage systems, all in accordance with the principles of sustainable<br />agriculture, water management and land reclamation.<br /> </p>
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Biotehničke mere kao mogućnost za povećanje efikasnosti sistema za odvodnjavanje / Biotechnical measures as a possibility to increase the efficiency of drainage systemsVranešević Milica 09 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Pojave ekstremnih padavina dovode do stvaranja viška vode koji utiče na odvijanje stabilne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, ali i na životnu sredinu, ekonomiju i društvo u celini. Uvođenjem biotehničkih mera u melioracionu praksu, kao dopunske mere na sistemima za odvodnjavanje, posledice prevlaživanja zemljišta mogle bi biti značajno umanjene. Sagledavanjem vremenske i prostorne pojave viška vode na sistemima za odvodnjavanje primena biotehničkih mera može služiti, pored primarnog cilja, za postizanje povećanja efikasnosti sistema za odvodnjavanje, stabilizaciju obala, poboljšanje kvaliteta vode u vodotocima, zatim za ostvarivanje optimalne šumovitosti, povećanje i stabilizaciju prinosa poljoprivrednih kultura, kao i povećanje biodiverziteta.<br />U radu primenjena je metodologija na osnovu koje je prikazano kako biotehničke mere mogu povećati efikasnost sistema za odvodnjavanje kroz smanjenje vremena potrebnog za evakuaciju sakupljenih i dovedenih viškova vode. Postupak određivanja povećanja efikasnosti podrazumeva odeđene korake. Prvi korak zasniva se na određivanju ključnih kriterijuma koji utiču na odabir lokaliteta za primenu biotehničkih mera. Da bi se dobili pouzdani i realni podaci potrebno je isključivanje subjektivnih ocena. To je postignuto primenom entropije odnosno objektivne metode za određivanje težinskih koeficijenata na osnovu kojih su kriterijumi za odabir pogodnosti lokaliteta izračunati. Sledeći korak podrazumeva određivanje vremena odvodnjavanja na osnovu merodavnih viškova vode koji se formiraju na sistemima pri različitim povratnim periodima. Poslednji korak odnosi se pre svega na zasnivanje biotehničkih mera na osnovu kojih se stvaraju uslovi za povećanje efikasnosti sistema za odvodnjavanje. Rezultati pogodnosti lokaliteta za primenu biotehničkih mera, vreme odvodnjavanja, kao i povećanje efikasnosti svih sistema za odvodnjavanje na teritoriji Vojvodine, izraženo kroz smanjenje potrebnog vremena odvodnjavanja, prikazani su korišćenjem geografsko informacionog sistema u vidu karata.<br />Primenom biotehničkih mera sprovodi multidisciplinaran pristup koji teži da zadovolji zainteresovane strane koje su u teoriji komplementarne, ali u realnosti obično u konfliktu. Donošenje odluka gde, kakve i koji obim ovih mera primeniti trebalo bi da bude, od globalnog do lokalnog pristupa, što stručnije bez ili sa minimalnim uticajem subjektivnih ocena, kao i sveobuhvatno i objektivno sagledavanje konkretnih i specifičnih problema koji vladaju na svakom sistemu za odvodnjavanje. Iako imaju mane, prednost uvođenja ovih mera ogleda se kroz jednostavnost primene u praksi u okvirima postojeće zakonske regulative, a na osnovu načela integralnosti, prevencije i predostrožnosti, očuvanja prirodnih resursa, održivog razvoja i primene podsticajnih mera.</p> / <p>Occasional extreme rainfall leads to the accumulation of excessive amount of water, which affects the course of the stable agricultural production, as well as the environment, economy and the society as a whole. Introducing biotechnical measures into the land reclamation procedure, as an additional measure in drainage systems, could significantly reduce the consequences of waterlogging. By perceiving the temporal and spatial appearance of excessive amount of water in drainage systems, the application of the biotechnical measures could, in addition to its primary goal, help achieve increased efficiency of drainage systems, stabilization of banks, improved water quality in watercourses, but also in achieving optimal density of area under forests, increase and stabilization of the agricultural crops' yield, as well as increased biodiversity.<br />The methodology applied in this paper, based on which it was displayed how biotechnical measures could increase the efficiency of the drainage systems through reduction of the time needed for the evacuation of collected and imported excessive amount of water. Defining the procedure of efficiency increase includes certain steps. The first step is based on defining key criteria that influence the choice of locality for the biotechnical measures application. In order to obtain reliable and accurate data it is necessary to exclude subjective estimations. That is achieved with the application of the Entropy, an objective method for defining weight coefficients based on which the criteria for determining the suitability of the locality are calculated. Next step is defining the drainage time based on design excessive amount of water formed in systems with different return periods. The last step refers primarily on establishing biotechnical measures on the basis of which the conditions are created for increasing drainage systems' efficiency. The results of suitability of the locality for the application of biotechnical measures, the time of drainage, as well the increase the efficiency of all the drainage systems on the territory of Vojvodina, expressed through the reduction of the necessary drainage time, are shown using Geographical Information System in forms of maps.<br />Application of biotechnical measures means implementing a multidisciplinary approach that strives to please interested parties which are complementary in theory, but in reality are usually conflicted. Deciding where, what kind and in which extend to apply these measures, from global to local approach, should be as professional as possible, without or with the minimal influence of subjective estimations, as well as comprehensive and objective overview of specific and particular problems that command over every draining system. Even though they have certain flaws, the advantage of introducing these measures is reflected in simplicity of practical application within the frame of existing legal regulation, and based on the principle of integrity, prevention and precaution, conservation of natural resources, sustainable development and implementation of incentive measures.</p>
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