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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A sensor fusion method for detection of surface laid land mines

Westberg, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
Landminor är ett stort problem både under och efter krigstid. De metoder som används för att detektera minor har inte ändrats mycket sedan 1940-talet. Forskning med mål att utvärdera olika elektro-optiska sensorer och metoder som skulle kunna användas för att skapa mer effektiv min-detektion genomförs på FOI. Försök som har gjorts med data från bland annat laser-radar och IR-sensorer har gett intressanta resultat. I det här examensarbetet utvärderades olika fenomen och egenskaper i laser-radar- och IR-data. De testade egenskaperna var intensitet, IR, ytlikhet och höjd. En metod som segmenterar intressanta objekt och bakgrundsdata utformades och implementerades. Metoden använde sig av expectation-maximization-skattning och ett minimum message length-kriterium. Ett scatter separability-kriterium användes för att bestämma kvalitén på de olika egenskaperna och på den resulterande segmenteringen. Data insamlad under en mätkampanj av FOI användes för att testa metoden. Resultatet visade bland annat att ytlikhetsmåttet gav en bra segmentering för stora objekt med släta ytor, men var sämre för små objekt med skrovliga ytor. Vid jämförelse med en manuellt skapad mål-mask visade det sig att metoden klarade av att välja ut egenskaper som i många fall gav en godkänd segmentering. / Land mines are a huge problem in conflict time and after. Methods used to detect mines have not changed much since the 1940's. Research aiming to evaluate output from different electro-optical sensors and develop methods for more efficient mine detection is performed at FOI. Early experiments with laser radar sensors show promising results, as do analysis of data from infrared sensors. In this thesis, an evaluation is made of features found in laser radar- and in infrared -sensor data. The tested features are intensity, infrared, a surfaceness feature extracted from the laser radar data and height above an estimated ground plane. A method for segmenting interesting objects from background data using theexpectation-maximization algorithm and a minimum message length criterion is designed and implemented. A scatter separability criterion is utilized to determine the quality of the features and the resulting segmentation. The method is tested on real data from a field trial performed by FOI. The results show that the surfaceness feature supports the segmentation of larger object with smooth surfaces but gives no contribution to small object with irregular surfaces. The method produces a decent result of selecting contributing features for different neighbourhoods of a scene. A comparison with a manually created target mask of the neighbourhood and the segmented components show that in most cases a high percentage separation of mine data and background data is possible.

Segmentering och klassificering av LiDAR-data / Segmentation and Classification of LiDAR data

Landgård, Jonas January 2005 (has links)
With numerous applications in both military and civilian life, the demand for accurate 3D models of real world environments increases rapidly. Using an airborne laser scanner for the raw data acquisition and robust methods for data processing, the researchers at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Linköping hope to fully automate the modeling process. The work of this thesis has mainly been focused on three areas: ground estimation, image segmentation and classification. Procedures have in each of these areas been developed, leading to a new algorithm for ground estimation, a number of segmentation methods as well as a full comparison of various decision values for an object based classification. The ground estimation algorithm developed has yielded good results compared to the method based on active contours previously elaborated at FOI. The computational effort needed by the new method has been greatly reduced compared to the former, as performance, particularly in urban areas, has been improved. The segmentation methods introduced have shown promising results in separating different types of objects. A new set of decision values and descriptors for the object based classifier has been suggested, which, according to tests, prove to be more efficient than the set p reviously used. / Med många tillämpningar både inom det civila och militära, ökar efterfrågan på noggranna och korrekta omvärldesmodeller snabbt. Forskare på FOI, Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut, arbetar med att fullt ut kunna automatisera den process som genererar dessa tredimensionella modeller av verkliga miljöer. En luftburen laserradar används för datainsamlingen och robusta metoder är under ständig utveckling för den efterföljande databehandlingen. Arbetet som presenteras i denna rapport kan delas in i tre huvudområden: skattning av markyta, segmentering av data samt klassificering. Metoder inom varje område har utvecklats vilket lett fram till en ny algoritm för markestimering, en rad metoder för segmentering samt en noggrann jämförelse av olika beslutsvärden för en objektbaserad klassificering. Markskattningsalgoritmen har visat sig vara effektiv i jämförelse med en metod baserad på aktiva konturer som sedan tidigare utvecklats på FOI. Beräkningsbördan för den nya metoden är endast en bråkdel av den förra, samtidigt som prestandan, särskilt i urbana miljöer, har kunnat förbättras. De segmenteringsmetoder som introducerats har visat på lovande resultat vad gäller möjligheten att särskilja olika typer av objekt. Slutligen har en ny uppsättning deskriptorer och beslutsvärden till den objektbaserade klassificeraren föreslagits. Den har enligt de tester som presenteras i rapporten visats sig vara mer effektiv än den uppsättning som använts fram till idag.

CMOS time-to-digital converter structures for the integrated receiver of a pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinder

Nissinen, I. (Ilkka) 25 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this thesis was to develop time-to-digital converters (TDC) for the integrated receiver of a pulsed time-of-flight (TOF) laser rangefinder aiming at cm-level accuracy over an input range of 10 m – 15 m. A simple structure, a high integration level and low power consumption are the desired features for such a TDC. From the pulsed TOF laser rangefinder point of view an integrated receiver consisting of both the TDC and the receiver channel on the same die offers the possibility of manufacturing these laser rangefinders with a high integration level and at a low price to fulfil the needs of mass industrial markets. The heart of the TDC is a CMOS ring oscillator, the clock frequency of which is used to calculate the full clock cycles between timing signals, the positions of the timing signals inside the clock period being determined by storing the state of the phase of the ring oscillator for each timing signal. This will improve the resolution of the TDC. Also, additional delay lines are used to generate multiple timing signals, each having a time difference of a fraction of that of the ring oscillator. This will further improve the resolution of the whole TDC. To achieve stable results regardless of temperature and supply voltage variations, the TDC is locked to an on-chip reference voltage, or the resolution of the TDC is calibrated before the actual time interval measurement. The systematic walk error in the receiver channel caused by amplitude variation in the received pulse is compensated for by the TDC measuring the slew rate of the received pulse. This time domain compensation method is not affected by the low supply voltage range of modern CMOS technologies. Three TDC prototypes were tested. A single-shot precision standard deviation of 16 ps (2.4 mm) and a power consumption of 5.3 mW/channel were achieved at best over an input range of 100 ns (15 m). The temperature drifts of an on-chip voltage reference-locked TDC and a TDC based on the calibration method were 90 ppm/°C and 0.27 ps/°C, respectively. The results also showed that a pulsed TOF laser rangefinder with cm-level accuracy over a 0 – 15 m input range can be realized using the integrated receiver with the time domain walk error compensation described here. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli kehittää aika-digitaalimuunninrakenteita valopulssin kulkuajan mittaukseen perustuvan lasertutkan integroituun vastaanottimeen. Tavoitteena oli saavuttaa senttimetriluokan tarkkuus 10 m – 15 m mittausalueella koko lasertutkan osalta. Aika-digitaalimuuntimelta vaaditaan yksinkertaista rakennetta, korkeaa integroimisastetta ja matalaa tehonkulutusta. Integroitu vastaanotin sisältää sekä aika-digitaalimuuntimen että vastaanotinkanavan ja tarjoaa mahdollisuuden korkeasti integroidun lasertutkan valmistukseen halvalla teollisuuden massamarkkinoiden tarpeisiin. Aika-digitaalimuuntimen ytimenä toimii monivaiheinen CMOS-rengasoskillaattori. Aika-digitaalimuunnos perustuu rengasoskillaattorin täysien kellojaksojen laskentaan laskurilla ajoitussignaalien välillä. Lisäksi rengasoskillaatorin jokaisesta vaiheesta otetaan näyte ajoitussignaaleilla niiden paikkojen määrittämiseksi kellojakson sisällä, jolloin aika-digitaalimuuntimen erottelutarkkuutta saadaan parannettua. Erottelutarkkuutta parannetaan lisää viivästämällä ajoitussignaaleja viive-elementeillä ja muodostamalla näin useita erillisiä ajoitussignaaleja, joiden väliset viive-erot ovat murto-osa rengasoskillaattorin viive-elementin viiveestä. Aika-digitaalimuunnin stabiloidaan käyttöjännite- ja lämpötilavaihteluja vastaan lukitsemalla se integroidun piirin sisäiseen jännitereferenssiin, tai sen erottelutarkkuus määritetään ennen varsinaista aikavälinmittausta erillisellä kalibrointimittauksella. Vastaanotetun valopulssin amplitudivaihtelun aiheuttama systemaattinen ajoitusvirhe integroidussa vastaanotinkanavassa kompensoidaan mittaamalla vastaanotetun valopulssin nousunopeus aika-digitaalimuuntimella. Tällainen aikatasoon perustuva kompensointimetodi on myös suorituskykyinen nykyisissä matalakäyttöjännitteisissä CMOS-teknologioissa. Työssä valmistettiin ja testattiin kolme aika-digitaalimuunninprototyyppiä. Muuntimien kertamittaustarkkuuden keskihajonta oli parhaimmillaan 16 ps (2,4 mm) ja tehonkulutus alle 5,3 mW/kanava mittausetäisyyden olessa alle 100 ns (15 m). Sisäiseen jännitereferenssiin lukitun aika-digitaalimuuntimen lämpötilariippuvuudeksi mitattiin 90 ppm/°C ja kalibrointimenetelmällä saavutettiin 0,27 ps/°C lämpötilariipuvuus. Työssä saavutetut tulokset osoittavat lisäksi, että valopulssin kulkuajan mittaukseen perustuvalla lasertutkalla on saavutettavissa senttimetriluokan tarkkuus 0 – 15 m mittausalueella käyttämällä tässä työssä esitettyä integroitua vastaanotinta ja aikatason ajoitusvirhekompensointia.

LADAR Proximity Fuze - System Study -

Blanquer, Eric January 2007 (has links)
LADAR (Laser Detection and Ranging) systems constitue a direct extension of the conventional radar techniques. Because they operate at much shorter wavelengths, LADARs have the unique capability to generate 3D images of objects. These laser systems have many applications in both the civilian and the defence fields concerning target detection and identification. The extraction of these features depends on the processing algorithms, target properties and 3D images quality. In order to support future LADAR hardware device developments and system engineering studies, it is necessary to understand the influences of the phenomena leading to the final image. Hence, the modelling of the laser pulse, propagations effects, reflection properties, detection technique and receiver signal processinghave to be taken into account. A complete simulator has been developed consisting of a graphical user interface and a simulation program. The computer simulation produces simulated 3D images for a direct detection pulse LADAR under a wide variety of conditions. Each stage from the laser source to the 3D image generation has been modelled. It yields an efficient simulation tool which will be of help in the design of the future LADAR systems and gauge their performances. This master’s thesis contains the theoretical background about laser used to build the simulation program. The latter is described schematically in order to provide an insight for the reader. The graphical interface is then presented as a short user’s manual. Finally, in order to illustrate the possibilities of the simulator, a collection of selected simulations concludes the report.

Framkomlighetsanalys med hjälp av en digital terrängmodell och kartdata / Driveability analysis using a digital terrain model and map data

Edlund, Susanne January 2004 (has links)
<p>Driveability analysis of terrain data offers an important technique for decision support for all kinds of movements in the terrain. The work described in this report uses a high resolution digital terrain model generated from the laser radar data and further processed by the Category Viewer program, and information from the Real Estate Map. Properties of features found in a filtering process are calculated and compared with a set of rules in a knowledge base to get a driveability cost. This cost is then visualized in a graphical user interface. </p><p>An evaluation of what driveability is and what it is affected by is performed, and a general cost function is developed, which can be used even if not all relevant information is available. </p><p>The methods for property and cost calculation need to be developed further, as well as the rules in the knowledge base. However, the implemented program offers a good framework for furtherresearch in the area.</p>

Framkomlighetsanalys med hjälp av en digital terrängmodell och kartdata / Driveability analysis using a digital terrain model and map data

Edlund, Susanne January 2004 (has links)
Driveability analysis of terrain data offers an important technique for decision support for all kinds of movements in the terrain. The work described in this report uses a high resolution digital terrain model generated from the laser radar data and further processed by the Category Viewer program, and information from the Real Estate Map. Properties of features found in a filtering process are calculated and compared with a set of rules in a knowledge base to get a driveability cost. This cost is then visualized in a graphical user interface. An evaluation of what driveability is and what it is affected by is performed, and a general cost function is developed, which can be used even if not all relevant information is available. The methods for property and cost calculation need to be developed further, as well as the rules in the knowledge base. However, the implemented program offers a good framework for furtherresearch in the area.

A stabilized multi-channel CMOS time-to-digital converter based on a low frequency reference

Jansson, J.-P. (Jussi-Pekka) 30 October 2012 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this work was to improve the performance and usability of a digital time-to-digital converter (TDC) in CMOS technology. The characteristics of the TDC were improved especially for the needs of pulsed laser time-of-flight (TOF) distance measurement, where picosecond-level precision with a long µs-level measurement range is needed in order to approach mm-level measurement accuracy. Stability in the face of process, voltage and temperature variations, multiple measurement channels, alternative measurement modes, a high integration level, standard interfaces and simple usage were the main features for development. The measurement architecture is based on counter and timing signal interpolation on two levels. The counter counts the full reference clock cycles between the timing signals, while a new recycling delay line developed in this thesis interpolates within the reference clock cycle. This technique utilizes a short delay line several times per reference clock cycle, which minimizes the interpolation nonlinearity. The same structure also makes the use of a low, MHz-level reference frequency possible, and thus only a crystal is needed as an external oscillator component. The parallel load capacitor-scaled delay line structure acts as the second, sub-gate-delay interpolation level. The INL does not accumulate in elements connected in parallel, and the load capacitance differences enable high, ps-level resolution to be achieved. Four TDC circuits in 0.35 µm CMOS technology were designed and tested in the course of this work, of which the latest, a 7-channel TDC, is able to measure the time intervals between the start pulse and three separate stop pulses in one measurement and to resolve the pulse widths or rise times at the same time. In laser TOF distance measurement this functionality can be used when several echoes arrive at the receiver, and also to compensate for the detection threshold problem known as timing walk error. The TDC achieves 8.9&#160;ps interpolation resolution within the cycle time of a 20&#160;MHz reference clock using only 8 delay elements on the first interpolation level and 14 delay elements on the second. A measurement precision better than 9&#160;ps was achieved without using result post-processing or look-up tables. This work shows that versatile, high performance TDCs can be created in standard CMOS technology. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli parantaa CMOS-aika-digitaalimuuntimien suorituskykyä ja käytettävyyttä. Muuntimen ominaisuuksia kehitettiin erityisesti laseretäisyysmittauksen tarpeita ajatellen, missä millimetritason mittaustarkkuus laajalla mittausaluella edellyttää aika-digitaalimuuntimelta pikosekuntitason tarkkuutta mikrosekuntien mittausalueella. Stabiilius prosessiparametri-, jännite- ja lämpötilavaihteluita vastaan, useat mittauskanavat, useat mittausmoodit, korkea integraatioaste, standardoidut liitäntäväylät ja helppo käytettävyys olivat erityisesti kehityksen kohteina. Suunniteltu mittausarkkitehtuuri koostuu laskurista ja kaksitasoisesta ajoitussignaali-interpolaattorista. Laskuri laskee kokonaiset referenssikellojaksot ajoitussignaalien välillä ja työssä kehitetty referenssiä kierrättävä viivelinjarakenne rekistereineen interpoloi ajoitussignaalien paikat referenssikellojaksojen sisältä. Referenssinkierrätystekniikka hyödyntää lyhyttä viivelinjaa useampaan kertaan kellojakson aikana, mikä minimoi epälineaarisuuden interpoloinnissa. Sama rakenne mahdollistaa myös MHz-tason referenssitaajuuden, jolloin matalataajuista kidettä voidaan käyttää referenssilähteenä. Toinen interpolointitaso koostuu rinnakkaisista kapasitanssiskaalatuista viive-elementeistä, mitkä mahdollistavat alle porttiviiveen mittausresoluution. Rinnakkaisessa rakenteessa elementtien epälineaarisuudet eivät summaudu, mikä mahdollistaa pikosekuntitason mittaustarkkuuden. Väitöskirjatyössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin neljä aikavälinmittauspiiriä käyttäen 0,35&#160;µm CMOS-teknologiaa, joista viimeisin, 7-kanavainen muunnin kykenee mittaamaan aikavälin useampaan pulssiin yhdellä kertaa sekä voi selvittää samalla pulssien leveydet tai nousuajat. Laseretäisyysmittauksessa monikanavaisuutta voidaan käyttää kun useita kaikuja lähetetystä pulssista saapuu vastaanottimeen sekä kompensoimaan mittauksessa esiintyviä muita virhelähteitä. Käytettäessä 20&#160;MHz:n kidettä referenssilähteenä muunnin saavuttaa alle 9&#160;ps:n interpolointiresoluution ja tarkkuuden ilman epälineaarisuudenkorjaustaulukoita. Työ osoittaa, että edullisella CMOS-teknologialla voidaan toteuttaa monipuolinen ja erittäin suorituskykyinen aika-digitaalimuunnin.

Unsupervised Building Detection From Irregularly Spaced Lidar And Aerial Imagery

Shorter, Nicholas 01 January 2009 (has links)
As more data sources containing 3-D information are becoming available, an increased interest in 3-D imaging has emerged. Among these is the 3-D reconstruction of buildings and other man-made structures. A necessary preprocessing step is the detection and isolation of individual buildings that subsequently can be reconstructed in 3-D using various methodologies. Applications for both building detection and reconstruction have commercial use for urban planning, network planning for mobile communication (cell phone tower placement), spatial analysis of air pollution and noise nuisances, microclimate investigations, geographical information systems, security services and change detection from areas affected by natural disasters. Building detection and reconstruction are also used in the military for automatic target recognition and in entertainment for virtual tourism. Previously proposed building detection and reconstruction algorithms solely utilized aerial imagery. With the advent of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) systems providing elevation data, current algorithms explore using captured LiDAR data as an additional feasible source of information. Additional sources of information can lead to automating techniques (alleviating their need for manual user intervention) as well as increasing their capabilities and accuracy. Several building detection approaches surveyed in the open literature have fundamental weaknesses that hinder their use; such as requiring multiple data sets from different sensors, mandating certain operations to be carried out manually, and limited functionality to only being able to detect certain types of buildings. In this work, a building detection system is proposed and implemented which strives to overcome the limitations seen in existing techniques. The developed framework is flexible in that it can perform building detection from just LiDAR data (first or last return), or just nadir, color aerial imagery. If data from both LiDAR and aerial imagery are available, then the algorithm will use them both for improved accuracy. Additionally, the proposed approach does not employ severely limiting assumptions thus enabling the end user to apply the approach to a wider variety of different building types. The proposed approach is extensively tested using real data sets and it is also compared with other existing techniques. Experimental results are presented.

Stretch Processing Of Simultaneous, Segmented Bandwidth Linear Frequency Modulation In Coherent Ladar

Brown, Robert L. 16 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

3D imaging using time-correlated single photon counting

Neimert-Andersson, Thomas January 2010 (has links)
<p>This project investigates a laser radar system. The system is based on the principles of time-correlated single photon counting, and by measuring the times-of-flight of reflected photons it can find range profiles and perform three-dimensional imaging of scenes. Because of the photon counting technique the resolution and precision that the system can achieve is very high compared to analog systems. These properties make the system interesting for many military applications. For example, the system can be used to interrogate non-cooperative targets at a safe distance in order to gather intelligence. However, signal processing is needed in order to extract the information from the data acquired by the system. This project focuses on the analysis of different signal processing methods.</p><p>The Wiener filter and the Richardson-Lucy algorithm are used to deconvolve the data acquired by the photon counting system. In order to find the positions of potential targets different approaches of non-linear least squares methods are tested, as well as a more unconventional method called ESPRIT. The methods are evaluated based on their ability to resolve two targets separated by some known distance and the accuracy with which they calculate the position of a single target, as well as their robustness to noise and their computational burden.</p><p>Results show that fitting a curve made of a linear combination of asymmetric super-Gaussians to the data by a method of non-linear least squares manages to accurately resolve targets separated by 1.75 cm, which is the best result of all the methods tested. The accuracy for finding the position of a single target is similar between the methods but ESPRIT has a much faster computation time.</p>

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