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Avaliação de propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais de juntas de aços maraging soldadas por meio dos processos laser e feixe de elétrons / Evaluation of mechanical and microstructural properties of joints in maraging steel welded by laser and electron beam weldingMAXIMO, HENRY W.P. 23 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-07-23T11:12:14Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-23T11:12:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho estudou-se as propriedades obtidas em juntas soldadas pelo processo de soldagem a laser do tipo estado sólido de onda contínua guiado por fibra, e os resultados foram comparados com juntas soldadas pelo processo feixe de elétrons. O material utilizado foi o aço maraging 350 - ASTM A 538 Grade C. As soldas realizadas com o processo feixe de elétrons possuem um procedimento de soldagem aprovado. A junta selecionada para a elaboração do trabalho foi do tipo sobreposta com material de base de espessuras diferentes, respectivamente iguais a 1,00 e 0,78 mm. As juntas soldadas foram avaliadas por: ensaio de cisalhamento, dureza Vickers e caracterização microestrutural das diversas regiões das juntas soldadas. Foram realizadas análises por microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura usando espectrometria de energia dispersiva (MEV/EDS). Foi realizado o teste de hipótese como técnica para a análise dos dados provenientes dos ensaios experimentais. Nas juntas soldadas com ambos processos não foi verificada a presença de descontinuidades, poros e depressões na superfície do cordão. Os resultados indicam que as condições usadas em ambos os processos de soldagem foram satisfatórias e possibilitaram a soldagem do aço maraging 350 atendendo aos requisitos necessários. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Caracterização microestrutural e mecânica de juntas soldadas a laser em um aço ARBL / Microstructural and mechanical characterization of laser welded joints on a HSLA steelHenrique Varella Ribeiro 14 October 2016 (has links)
Os aços de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL) são amplamente empregados nas indústrias automotiva, petrolífera e naval por apresentarem boas propriedades mecânicas e boa soldabilidade. A seleção do processo de soldagem utilizado para a fabricação de componentes depende de vários fatores, entre eles a qualidade do cordão de solda e a capacidade de produção, ambas obtidas ao se utilizar a soldagem a laser, processo que vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado nas indústrias. As propriedades dos cordões de solda são afetadas pelo processo de soldagem e pelos parâmetros do processo, e o conhecimento do desempenho mecânico do cordão de solda é essencial para garantir a confiabilidade da união soldada. A caracterização mecânica de cordões de solda é complexa devido aos diversos fatores que podem afetá-lo, como as alterações metalúrgicas, diferentes propriedades mecânicas nas regiões do cordão de solda, presença de descontinuidades, tensão residual e complexo estado de tensão devido à geometria da junta. O presente trabalho obteve uniões entre chapas de aço ARBL pelo processo a laser em duas condições diferentes: com alto aporte térmico e baixo aporte térmico. A utilização de diferentes aportes térmicos gerou cordões de solda com microestruturas distintas, e avaliou-se, deste modo, o comportamento mecânico associando-o à microestrutura gerada. Para a avaliação da microestrutura utilizou-se da microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, e para a caracterização mecânica empregou-se a aferição da dureza, ensaio de tração, ensaio de tenacidade à fratura, avaliada pelo CTOD, e ensaio de propagação da trinca por fadiga. Devido às alterações metalúrgicas causadas pelos diferentes aportes térmicos verificou-se diferente comportamento mecânico entre os cordões de solda em função da microestrutura obtida. / High-strength low-alloy steels (HSLA) are widely used in the automotive and oil industries due to their good mechanical properties and good weldability. The selection of the welding process used to manufacture components depends on several factors, including the quality of the weld bead and the production capacity, both obtained when using laser welding, a process, which is being increasingly used in the industries. The weld beads properties are affected by the welding process and by its parameters, and the knowledge of the weld bead mechanical performance is essential to ensure the reliability of the welded joint. The weld beads mechanical characterization is complex due to various factors that may affect it, such as metallurgical changes, different mechanical properties in the regions of the weld bead, presence of discontinuities, residual stress and complex state of tension due to the geometry of the joint. The present work obtained the joining of HSLA steel sheets by laser process in two different conditions, with high heat input and low heat input. The use of different heat inputs produced weld beads with different microstructures; therefore, the welded joints were evaluated according to their mechanical behavior, relating it with the microstructural generated. For the microstructure evaluation, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used, and for the mechanical characterization hardness determination, tensile test, fracture toughness test (evaluated by CTOD) and fatigue crack propagation were performed. Due to the metallurgical changes caused by the different heat inputs, a different mechanical behavior was observed between the weld beads as a function of the microstructure obtained.
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Two methods for processing an ultrafine ferritic grain size in steels and the thermal stability of the structurePan, L. (Longxiu) 19 October 2004 (has links)
In this thesis, methods to process ultrafine ferritic (UFF) structures in steels, i.e. grain sizes below about 3 μm have been investigated. It is shown here, in accordance with the results in the literature, that a steel with a UFF grain size can be obtained by two methods, more or less convenient to mass production: deformation-induced ferrite transformation from fine-grained austenite (the DIF route) and the static recrystallization of various heavily cold-worked initial microstructures (the SRF/SRM route).
In the present work, the influencing factors in the processing of UFF structure in the DIF route have been systematically studied in four low-carbon steels: one C-Mn steel and Nb, Nb-Ti and Nb-high Ti microalloyed steels. A high strain, a low deformation temperature close to Ar3 and a fine prior austenite grain size are beneficial to promote the formation of UFF grains. Especially by using complex pretreatments to refine the prior austenite grain size, cold rolling, repeating the low-temperature reheating cycle or using martensitic initial microstructure, a UFF grain size can be obtained in these steels at the strain of 1.2 (70% reduction) at 780 °C. By controlling the cooling rate, the type of the second phase can be adjusted.
When using the static recrystallization route, it was found that UFF is difficult to obtain from a single-phase ferrite, but it is relatively readily obtained from deformed pearlite, bainite or martensite, especially in high-carbon steels with 0.3–0.8%C. In deformed pearlite, the cementite lamellae fragmented and spheroidised in the course of heavy deformation can provide numerous nucleation sites by the particle stimulated nucleation mechanism and retard the subgrain and recrystallized grain growth. Nucleation and retardation of grain growth are effective also in deformed bainite, martensite or high-carbon tempered martensite, as discussed in detail in the work.
The thermal stability of UFF grained steels was tested and found to be generally excellent, but it varies depending on the processing method. The UFF structure obtained by the SRM route has a thermal stability somewhat weaker than that of the DIF route. For a given steel, UFF grains may show different grain growth modes, related to the dispersion of second phase particles. In the DIF structure, abnormal grain growth occurs at 700 °C after about 2.5 h, while in the SRM structure, normal grain growth takes place slowly at 600 °C. Carbides on the grain boundaries seem to play an important role in inhibiting grain coarsening. No coarse-grained zone was formed at the HAZ of electron beam or laser welded seams, as performed at low heat inputs (up to 1.5 kJ/cm) on thin strips. The hardness even increased from the base metal towards the HAZ and the weld metal in all seams as an indication that they were hardened during the rapid cooling.
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Etude des conditions de soudage laser d'alliages à base aluminium par voie expérimentale et à l'aide d'une simulation numériqueTirand, Guillaume 30 January 2012 (has links)
Le développement du soudage laser dans divers secteurs industriels particulièrement dans l’aéronautique au cours de la dernière décennie, a nécessité bien des études encore insuffisantes en nombre pour bien comprendre et contrôler les conditions de soudage laser que ce soit au niveau interaction laser/matière, au niveau des transferts thermiques ou au niveau métallurgique. La démarche suivie dans cette étude consiste (1) à mettre en évidence expérimentalement la problématique du soudage laser d’alliage base aluminium, c'est-à-dire le couplage des effets entre les différents paramètres de soudage, (2) à décrire l’histoire thermique d’une opération de soudage laser à partir d’une modélisation et d’une simulation numérique et (3) à exploiter la connaissance de l’évolution thermique d’un assemblage encours de soudage pour optimiser les performances mécaniques de l’assemblage en terme de résistance statique, de résistance à la fissuration à chaud, de tenue à la fatigue et de résistance à la corrosion. Les déficits de performance par exemple en terme de résistance sont principalement attribuable à des vitesses de refroidissement trop faibles au cours du soudage comparativement à des trempes ce qui justifie l’efficacité d’un traitement de mise en solution post soudage préalablement à un traitement de durcissement par précipitation. / The development of laser welding in various branches of industry particularly in the aeronautics during the last decade, required many studies still insufficient in number to understand and control the conditions of laser welding concerning laser / material interaction,as well as thermal transfers or metallurgical aspects. The approach followed in this study consists (1) to bring to light experimentally the problem of laser welding of aluminium based alloy, that is the coupling of the effects between the various welding parameters, (2) to describe the thermal history of an operation of laser welding from a modelling and from a numerical simulation and (3) to exploit the knowledge of the thermal evolution of an assembly all along welding operation to optimize the mechanical performance of the assembly in term of static resistance, resistance to hot cracking, fatigue and corrosion resistance. The deficit of performance for example in term of tensile resistance is mainly related to too low speeds of cooling during welding compared with quenching. It justifies the efficiency of a post welding solution heat treatment before a precipitation hardening treatment.
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Numerical and experimental study on residual stresses in laser beam welding of dual phase DP600 steel plates / Etude numérique et expérimentale des contraintes résiduelles générées lors du soudage laser sur des plaques d'acier dual phase DP600Liu, Shibo 08 June 2017 (has links)
Le procédé de soudage laser est largement utilisé dans les travaux d'assemblage, en particulier, dans ledomaine de l'industrie automobile. L'acier dual phase DP600 est un acier à haute résistance qui permet deréduire le poids de l'automobile dans le cadre de l'allègement des structures. Notre travail s' estessentiellement basé sur l'évaluation des contraintes résiduelles générées dans l'acier DP600 lors du soudagepar laser. Deux approches ont été réalisées. L'approche expérimentale a été réalisée à l'aide de méthodes derayon X et par neutrons pour calculer les contraintes résiduelles. L'approche de simulation a été réalisée parcouplage de différentes formulations numériques.Numériquement, le formalisme de la mécanique continue a été utilisé par des simulations par éléments finis(FEM) pour analyser et évaluer les contraintes résiduelles. Sur la base de tests de traction expérimentaux, lemodèle constitutif élasto-thermo-plastique de l'acier DP600 a été identifié. L'écrouissage du matériau a étéétudié par la loi de Ludwik et de Voce. A partir de résultats experimentaux, un modèle a été proposé et lesrésultats analysés en utilisant une loi de mélange martensite (écrouissage Ludwik) et ferrite (adoucissementde Voce). De même, nous avons étudié la sensibilité à la température en utilisant plusieurs modèles :Johnson-Cook, Khan, Chen. A partir de cette étude, nous avons proposé un modèle de sensibilité à tatempérature. Enfin, un modèle de sensibilité à la déformation plastique, à la vitesse de déformation issu destravaux d'A.Gavrus et un modèle d'anisotropie planaire définit par la théorie de Hill ont été ajoutés.Une méthode d'automate cellulaire (CA) 2D a été programmée pour simuler l'évolution de la microstructurelors de la solification liée au processus de soudage laser. Dans ce modèle, les phénomènes de nucléationavec prise en compte de l'orientation de la croissance, de la concentration et de la vitesse de croissance àl'interface solide/liquide, l'anisotropie de la tension de surface, de la diffusion, ainsi que la fraction desphases en présence ont été pris en compte. De plus, les équations de conservation ont été étudiées en détail etanalysés. Les résultats ainsi que le champ de température issu du modèle FEM ont été importés dans lemodèle CA. En comparant la simulation et les résultats expérimentaux, de bonnes concordances ont ététrouvées.Par la suite, nous avons réalisés un couplage des deux modèles CA et FEM. Concernant le procédé laser, lesrésultats du modèle par éléments finis ont été analysés. La géométrie de l'échantillon, la source de chaleur,les conditions aux limites, le comportement thermo-mécanique de l'acier dual phase DP600 telles que laconductivité, la densité, la chaleur spécifique, l'expansion, l'élasticité et la plasticité sont introduites. Lesmodèles d'analyse du terme d'écrouissage, de la sensibilité à la vitesse de déformation, de la sensibilité à latempérature, de l'anisotropie plastique et de l'anisotropie élastique ont été simulés. Les fractions volumiquesconcernant ta nature des deux phases en présence ont été également étudiées.Les résultats numériques finaux tes contraintes résiduelles ont été étudiées. Les comparaisons avec desmesures experimentales ont montré à la fois quels phénomènes étudiés sont prépondérants et tes effets moinsinfluents sur l'évaluation des contraintes résiduelles. Les résultats tes plus probants ont montré des bonnesconvergences entre l'approche numérique et expérimentale. Ces résultats confortent la robustesse du modèlenumérique developpé. / Laser welding process is widely used in assembly work of automobi le industry. DP600 dual phase steeis a high strength steel to reduce automobile weight. Residual stresses are produced during laser weldingDP600. Continuum mechanics is used for analyzing res idual stresses by finite element simulation.Based on experimental tensile tests, the DP600 steel constitutive model are identified. The hardening termaccording to Ludwik law, Voce law and a proposed synthesis model are studied. The temperature sensitivityof Johnson-Cook, Khan, Chen and a proposed temperature sensitivity model are investigated. The strain ratesensitivity model proposed by A. Gavrus and planar anisotropy defined by Hi ll theory are also used.Cellul ar Automaton (CA) 20 method are programed for the simulation of solidification microstructureevolution during laser welding process. The temperature field of CA are imported from finite element analysimodel. The analysis function of nucleation, solid fraction, interface concentration, surface tension an isotropy,diffusion, interface growth ve locity and conservation equations are presented in detail. By comparing thesimulation and experimental results, good accordances are found.Modelling by a finite element method of laser welding process are presented. Geometry of specimen, heatsource, boundary conditions, DP600 dual phase steel material properties such as conductivity, density, specifiheat, expansion, elasticity and plasticity are introduced. Models analyzing hardening term, strain ratesensitivity, temperature sensitivity, plastic an isotropy and elastic an isotropy are simulated.The numerical results of laser welding DP600 steel process are presented. The influence of hardening term,strain rate sensitivity, temperature sensitivity and anisotropy on residual stresses are analyzed. Comparisonwith experimental data show good numerical accuracy.Keywords: Laser Welding, DP600, Residual Stress, Cellular Automaton, Hardening, Temperature sensitivity,Strain Rate Sensitivity, Anisotropy, Mixture dual phase law.
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Conduction laser welding : modelling of melt pool with free surface deformationSvenungsson, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Laser welding is commonly used in the automotive-, steel- and aerospace industry. It is a highly non-linear and coupled process where the weld geometry is strongly affected by the flow pattern in the melt pool. Experimental observations are challenging since the melt pool and melt flow below the surface are not yet accessible during welding. Improved process control would allow maintaining, or improving, product quality with less material and contribute further to sustainability by reducing production errors. Numerical modelling with Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD, provides complementary understanding with access to process properties that are not yet reachable with experimental observation. However, the existing numerical models lack predictability when considering the weld shape. The work presented here is the development of a model for conduction laser welding. The solver upon which the model is based is first described in detail. Then different validation cases are applied in order to test specific parts of the physics implemented. Two cases focus on thermocapillary convection in two-phase and three-phase flows with surface deformation. Finally, a third case considers the melt pool flow during conduction mode welding.It is concluded that the convection of fusion enthalpy, which was neglected in former studies, should be included in the model. The implementation of the thermo capillary force is recommended to be consistent with the other surface forces to avoid unphysical solution. Free surface oscillations, known from experimental observations, are also computed numerically. However, further investigation is needed to check that these oscillations are not disturbed b ynumerical oscillations.
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Opravy filtračních částí ionexových filtrů na JE / Repairs of lattice parts of ion filtres at NPPKloboučník, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on repair preparation of Ion Filters at nuclear power plants cleaning units. The thesis shortly describes cleaning units of primary and secondary circuit where Ion Filters and Ion Catchers are implemented. The thesis introduces summary of convenient method for welding of thin filtration plates from austenitic materials to collecting pipe including convenient technology for fabrication of narrow loop holes in filtration plates. The aim of thesis is to propose convenient execution of repair and manufacturing of spare parts after different kind of damage of filter internals. Part of the thesis is welded joints quality verification on the testing sample including result of provided test, its evaluation and Ion Filters repair economical evaluation as well.
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Posouzení vlastností heterogenních tupých svarů metodami svařování laserem a svazkem elektronů / Assessment of heterogeneous properties butt welds in laser welding and electron beam weldingRozsypal, Oldřich January 2015 (has links)
The project was developed within the engineering degree in engineering technology, and is focused in welding together of two different materials. Welds will be done on a high strength steel Domex 420 MC and deep drawing steel DC01 using laser welding, and will be compared with the method of electron beam welding. Part of this project is a scientific research describing the basic physical principles of both methods, different types of lasers, welding material properties and inspection of welds. In the experimental part was carried tensile test, macroscopic and microscopic examination. Finally, work is to evaluate the individual tests.
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Studium vlivu směsné ochranné atmosféry při laserovém svařování austenitických korozivzdorných ocelí / Studying the effect of mixed shielding gas during laser welding of austenitic stainless steelsŽemlová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of laser welding in shielding gases. On the basis of theoretical knowledge in this thesis, was made welding an experiment of 10 samples of steel X5CrNi18-10 in two different shielding gases. Flow of shielding gases has been shown by schlieren method. On the samples of welding joints have been made mechanical tests (tensile test and hardness test). Welded joints were metallography evaluated and structure of them was confirmed by measurements on ferrite meter.
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Universal tool LASER - application examples for welding of HT fuel cells as well as heat exchangers and tank systems for H2 processingStandfuss, Jens, Dittrich, Dirk, Klotzbach, Annett, Mohlau, Phillip, Strohbach, Robert, Leyens, Christoph 25 November 2019 (has links)
The laser tool is predestined for automated manufacturing processes and has already proven its suit-ability in many areas. In particular, joining technologies in the field of hydrogen production, its storage and for bi-polar plates have to meet the highest requirements in terms of seam quality, reproducibility and manufacturing efficiency. By the examples 700 bar car H2 pressure tank with laser welded connection (welding depth 25 mm) Laser Remote Welding of HT Fuel Cell Stacks Laser-welded aluminum tube-ground heat exchanger for gas liquefaction the article presents the possibilities of modern laser beam welding technologies. Furthermore, it gives an outlook on future challenges, especially with regard to the requirements of welding bi-polar plates for upcoming applications in the field of mobility
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