Spelling suggestions: "subject:"laser welding"" "subject:"faser welding""
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Simulation numérique des phénomènes thermohydrauliques et de diffusion des éléments chimiques lors du soudage laser d'aciers de nature différente / Numerical simulation of heat transfer, fluid flow and elements diffusion during laser welding of dissimilar steelsMétais, Alexandre 22 November 2017 (has links)
La formulation de nouvelles nuances d’aciers présentant des caractéristiques mécaniques équivalentes pour des épaisseurs moindres et la plus-value associée à la possibilité d'assembler deux nuances différentes, nécessitent le développement et la maîtrise des procédés d’assemblage. Grâce à sa haute précision et à sa flexibilité, le procédé de soudage par laser est devenu une des principales techniques pour le raboutage des flans d'aciers de nature différente. La prédiction de la composition chimique locale de la zone fondue formée entre deux aciers en fonction des paramètres de soudage est de grande importance, puisque la dilution et la distribution des éléments d'alliage conditionnent la résistance mécanique finale du cordon. La présente étude a pour objectif la conception et la validation d’un modèle numérique multi-physiques décrivant la formation du mélange dans le cordon de soudure entre des aciers de nature différente, obtenu par fusion laser. Pour une meilleure compréhension du mélange issu de la diffusion et de la convection dans le bain liquide formé lors d'un soudage laser débouchant, une simulation 3D à l'aide du code de calcul commercial Comsol Multiphysics®, couplant les transferts thermiques, l’écoulement du métal liquide, et la diffusion des espèces, a été réalisée afin de prédire la géométrie du bain liquide et d'obtenir des informations sur la distribution des éléments chimiques à l'intérieur du cordon. Afin de réduire le temps de calcul, le modèle a été développé avec les hypothèses simplificatrices suivantes : le capillaire de vapeur a une géométrie fixe et l’ensemble des équations est résolu sous forme pseudo-stationnaire. Un modèle d’écoulement turbulent est utilisé pour le calcul du champ de vitesse. La loi de Fick est introduite pour modéliser le transport des espèces dans le bain liquide. Dans un premier temps et afin de valider les hypothèses sur les phénomènes de convection, une série d’essais de soudage avec des inserts de nickel pur, utilisés comme traceur chimique, a été réalisée pour cartographier post-mortem la distribution du nickel dans le cordon de soudure. Les résultats de la simulation numérique ont été trouvés en bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux. Par la suite, le modèle a été appliqué au cas du soudage entre un acier Dual Phase et un acier TWIP riche en manganèse et enfin adapté à l'étude du mélange des revêtements dans le bain de métal liquide formé durant le soudage laser. / The design of new steel grades offering equivalent mechanical performances for lower thicknesses and the added value with the possibility to join two different steel grades, require development and control of joining processes. Thanks to high precision and good flexibility, the laser welding became one of the most used processes for joining of dissimilar welded blanks. The prediction of local chemical composition in the weld formed between dissimilar steels in function of the welding parameters is essential because the dilution rate and the distribution of alloying elements in the melted zone determine the final tensile strength of the weld. The goal of the present study is to create and to validate a multiphysical numerical model studying the mixing of dissimilar steels in laser weld pool. For a better understanding of materials mixing based on convection-diffusion process in the melted pool in case of full penetrated laser welding, a 3D simulation developed within COMSOL Multiphysics®, including heat transfer, fluid flow and transport of species has been performed to provide the weld geometry and quantitative mapping of elements distributions in the melted zone. In order to reduce computation time, the model has been developed basing on the following hypothesis: a steady keyhole approximation and solved in quasi-stationary form. Turbulent flow model was used to calculate velocity field. Fick law for diluted species was integrated to simulate the transport of alloying elements in the weld pool. In parallel, to validate the model, a number of experiments using pure Ni foils as tracers have been performed to obtain mapping post-mortem of Ni distribution in the melted zone. The results of simulations have been found in good agreement with experimental data. Afterwards the model was applied to laser welding between Dual Phase steel (DP) and high Mn steel (TWIP) and finally it was adapted to the study of coating dissolution in laser weld pool.
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Development and Characterization of NiTi Joining Methods and Metal Matrix Composite Transducers with Embedded NiTi by Ultrasonic ConsolidationHahnlen, Ryan M. 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudio de la soldabilidad en continuo de aceros inoxidables ferríticos estabilizados empleados en los sistemas de escapes para la automociónParalera Romero, Jesús 18 December 2023 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación ha surgido de la necesidad empresarial de mejora y desarrollo para un nuevo proceso productivo en la compañía flejes industriales (Flinsa). En el año 2011, Flinsa se introduce en la fabricación de tubo de acero inoxidable soldado mediante tecnología láser. Durante el proceso, aparecen una serie de dificultades; entre estas dificultades se encuentra la baja eficiencia del proceso junto con un porcentaje de defectivo, además de numerosas incidencias en cliente.
Esto sucede debido a que el proceso productivo no está controlado. Se desconoce el comportamiento de los materiales, la nueva tecnología, y además, se está generando un fenómeno que produce desconfianza en la calidad de la soldadura, esto es, que el tubo de material de acero inoxidable ferrítico recién soldado no soporta el esfuerzo mecánico al que le someten los ensayos de deformación por aplastado y abocardado, aunque si ese mismo tubo se deja reposar durante 48h en el almacén, este será capaz de soportar esos esfuerzos.
Para comprender bien los fenómenos de soldadura y de proceso, se ha realizado un análisis sobre los 5 factores que pueden actuar sobre la calidad de la soldadura, esos factores han sido, Material, Mano de obra, Máquina, Medio, Método aplicando la metodología de Ishikawa.
Para cada uno de los factores se han desarrollado acciones de mejora que hagan al proceso lo más regular posible, siendo estable de modo que permita, fijando unas condiciones, comparar variables y se vea su grado de interacción en el resultado final.
De este modo se ha llegado a la conclusión que, para que el proceso sea estable, se necesita introducir materia prima con unos parámetros controlados y estandarizados para que la influencia del proveedor sea mínima. Esto queda reflejado en la ficha de compra de materiales. Además, se ha creado un método de trabajo con un estándar de montaje y regulación, donde se garantice la repetibilidad en cada puesta, o se reduzca al máximo la variación del proceso, tomando unos parámetros específicos de referencia, y por último se ha visto que el medio en el que se genera el procesado por láser tiene alto impacto en el resultado de la soldadura, para lo cual se han implementado unas mejoras que reducen la entrada de humedad en la soldadura, aunque no son 100% efectiva.
Se han conseguido los objetivos principales de reducir el porcentaje de defectivo a lo largo de las producciones y los problemas de calidad con los clientes, aunque ha quedado pendiente validar que la fragilización de la soldadura es debida a la disolución de hidrógeno en el baño, y a su atrapamiento en la estructura cuando este solidifica, debido a que no se ha podido contar con los equipos adecuados. / [CA] Aquest treball de recerca ha sorgit de la necessitat empresarial de millora i desenvolupament per a un nou procés productiu a la companyia fleixos industrials (Flinsa), aquests l'any 2011 s'introdueixen en el món de la fabricació de tub d'acer inoxidable soldat mitjançant tecnologia làser, apareixent una sèrie de dificultats, entre aquestes dificultats es troba la baixa eficiència del procés, un percentatge de defectiu, a més de nombroses incidències en client.
Això succeeix pel fet que el procés productiu no està controlat, es desconeix el comportament dels materials, la nova tecnologia, i a més, s'està generant un fenomen que produeix desconfiança en la qualitat de la soldadura, això és, que el tub de material d'acer inoxidable ferrític acabat de soldar no suporta l'esforç mecànic al qual li sotmeten els assajos de deformació per esclafat i atrompetat al tub, encara que si aquest mateix tub es deixa reposar durant 48h en el magatzem aquest és capaç de suportar el esforços previstos.
Per a comprendre bé els fenòmens de soldadura, i de procés s'ha realitzat una anàlisi sobre els 5 factors que poden actuar sobre la qualitat de la soldadura, aqueixos factors han sigut, Material, Mà d'obra, Màquina, Mitjà, Mètode aplicant la metodologia de Ishikawa.
Per a cadascun dels factors s'han buscat accions de millora que facen al procés el més regular possible, sent estable de manera que permeta fixant unes condicions comparar variables i es veja el seu grau d'interacció en el resultat final.
D'aquesta manera s'ha arribat a la conclusió que perquè el procés siga estable es necessita, introduir matèria primera amb uns paràmetres controlats i estandarditzats, perquè la influència del proveïdor siga mínima, això queda reflectit en la fitxa de compra de materials. S'ha creat un mètode de treball amb un estàndard de muntatge i regulació, on es garantisca la reproductibilitat en cada posada, o es reduïsca al màxim la variació del procés, prenent uns paràmetres de referència, i per últim s'ha vist que el mitjà en el qual es genera el processament per làser té alt impacte en el resultat de la soldadura, per aquest motiu s'han implementat unes millores que redueixen l'entrada d'humitat en la soldadura, encara que no són 100% efectiva.
S'han aconseguit els objectius principals de reduir el percentatge de defectiu al llarg de les produccions i els problemes de qualitat amb els clients, encara que ha quedat pendent validar que la fragilització de la soldadura és deguda a la dissolució d'hidrogen en el bany, i al seu atrapament en l'estructura quan aquest solidifica, pel fet que no s'ha pogut comptar amb els equips adequats. / [EN] This study work arises out of the business need for improvement and development to achieve a new production process in the industrial strapping company Flinsa. In 2011, Flinsa begins with the laser technology manufacturing process of welded stainless-steel tube. Nevertheless, a series of difficulties appear along with the process, such as the low efficiency of the process itself, together with a significant defective percentage and several customer incidents.
This happens because the productive process is not controlled. The behavior of the materials and the new technology is unknown, and, besides, a phenomenon is being generated which leads to distrust in the quality of the weld, i.e, the newly welded ferritic stainless-steel tube does not withstand the mechanical strain to which it is subjected by the crushed and flared deformation tests. But, if this same tube settles during 48h in the warehouse, it will be able to withstand such efforts.
To correctly understand the process and welding phenomena, it has been carried out an analysis of the 5 factors that have influence over the welding quality. Those factors are the following: material, labour, machine, medium and method (Ishikawa methodology).
For each of the above factors, improvement actions have been developed to make the process as regular as possible, being stable so that it allows to compare variables by settling previous conditions, and to see its interaction degree in the result.
In this way, it has been concluded that, for the process to be stable, it is necessary to introduce raw material with controlled and standardized parameters so that the influence of the supplier can be minimum. This is reflected in the material purchase sheet. Furthermore, a working method has been created with a standard of assembly and regulation, where repeatability is ensured at each set, or where the process variation is minimized by using specific parameters. And lastly, it has been proven that the medium in which the laser process is taking place has a high impact on the welding result, for which improvements haven been implemented to reduce the input of moisture into the weld, although they are not 100% effective.
The main objectives have been achieved: to reduce the percentage of defectives throughout production, and to minimize quality problems with customers. Although, there is still a pending matter to be validated: the fragilization of the weld is due to the dissolution of hydrogen during the bath and to its entrapment in the structure when it solidifies because it was not available the appropriate equipment. / Paralera Romero, J. (2023). Estudio de la soldabilidad en continuo de aceros inoxidables ferríticos estabilizados empleados en los sistemas de escapes para la automoción [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201136
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This dissertation describes the recent advancements in
micromechanical testing that inform how deformation mechanisms in austenitic stainless
steels (SS) are affected by the presence of irradiation-induced defects.
Austenitic SS is one of the most widely utilized structural alloys in nuclear
energy systems, but the role of irradiation on its underlying mechanisms of
mechanical deformation remains poorly understood. Now, recent advancement of
microscale mechanical testing in a scanning electron microscope (SEM), coupled
with site-specific transmission electron microscopy (TEM), enables us to
precisely determine deformation mechanisms as a function of plastic strain and
grain orientation.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>We focus on AISI 304L SSs irradiated in
EBR-II to ~1-28 displacements per atom (dpa) at ~415 °C and contains ~0.2-8
atomic parts per million (appm) He amounting to ~0.2-2.8% swelling. A portion
of the specimen is laser welded in a hot cell; the laser weld heat affected
zone (HAZ) is studied and considered to have undergone post-irradiation
annealing (PIA). An archival, virgin specimen is also studied as a control. We
conduct nanoindentation, then prepare TEM lamellae from the indent plastic
zone. In the 3 appm He condition, TEM investigation reveals nucleation of
deformation-induced <i>α</i>’ martensite in
the irradiated specimen, and metastable <i>ε</i>
martensite in the PIA specimen. Meanwhile, the unirradiated control specimen
exhibits evidence only of dislocation slip and twinning; this is unsurprising
given that alternative deformation mechanisms such as twinning and martensitic
transformation are typically observed only near cryogenic temperatures in
austenitic SS. Surface area of irradiation-produced cavities contribute enough
free energy to accommodate the martensitic transformation. The lower population
of cavities in the PIA material enables metastable <i>ε</i> martensite formation, while the higher cavity number density in
the irradiated material causes direct <i>α</i>’
martensite formation. In the 0.2 appm He condition, SEM-based micropillar
compression tests confirm nanoindentation results. A deformation transition map
with corresponding criteria has been proposed for tailoring the plasticity of irradiated
steels. Irradiation damage could enable fundamental, mechanistic studies of
deformation mechanisms that are typically only accessible at extremely low
temperatures. </p>
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Resistência mecânica e desajuste marginal do titânio comercialmente puro submetido a dois métodos de soldagem: TIG e Laser / Mechanic resistance and marginal misfit of pure Ti submitted to two welding methods TIG and LaserAtoui, Juliana Abdallah 05 December 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da soldagem TIG (\"tungsten inert gas\") e compará-la com soldagem a laser, em hastes cilíndricas e supra-estruturas implantosuportadas, confeccionadas em titânio comercialmente puro (Ti cp) por meio dos ensaios de resistência mecânica (tração e flexão) e desajuste marginal, respectivamente. Foram confeccionados noventa corpos-de-prova em titânio cp, sendo sessenta, na forma de hastes cilíndricas, obtidas por fundição de hastes de latão, e trinta na forma de supra-estruturas implanto-suportadas, obtidas por modelo de gesso com quatro análogos de implantes Microunit (Conexão), com dez repetições para cada grupo (controle, solda TIG, solda a Laser). Para a obtenção dos corpos-de-prova, foi realizada inclusão em revestimento Rematitan Plus, de acordo com as instruções fabricante. Os anéis foram submetidos aos ciclos térmicos e posicionados na máquina de fundição (Rematitan), sob arco voltaico, vácuo e atmosfera de argônio, com injeção de titânio sob vácuo-pressão. Após resfriamento, as fundições foram desincluídas e jateadas com óxido de alumínio. Os corpos-de-prova obtidos em forma de hastes cilíndricas foram distribuídos aleatoriamente, em três grupos, para ambos os ensaios, resistência à tração e flexão: grupo controle (sem solda), solda TIG e solda a Laser. As trinta supra-estruturas foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos: I- controle - monobloco; II-B- pós-soldagem TIG e III-B- pós-soldagem a Laser; os grupos II-A e III-A, foram constituídos dos espécimes antes do processo de soldagem: II-A- pré-soldagem TIG e III-A- pré-soldagem a Laser. Os dados obtidos para o Ensaio de Tração (MPa) foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes ANOVA e Tukey (α= 0,05). O teste complementar de Tukey (p = 0,05) evidenciou que houve diferença entre o grupo controle (605,84 ± 19,83) e os métodos de soldagem TIG (514,90 ± 37,76) e Laser (515,85 ± 62,07). Para o Ensaio de Flexão (MPa), o teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis mostrou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os processos de soldagem TIG (1559,66) e Laser (1621,64), contudo a diferença foi significante entre estes grupos e o controle (1908,75). Para análise dos resultados do desajuste marginal (μm) das supra-estruturas implanto-suportadas, o teste nãoparamétrico de Kruskal-Wallis revelou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos pós-soldagem TIG (250) e pós-soldagem Laser (241), entretanto, o grupo controle (770) apresentou o maior desajuste. Pelos resultados obtidos e dentro das limitações deste estudo, pode-se afirmar que a soldagem a TIG propicia a obtenção de resultados similares à soldagem a Laser. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of TIG welding (tungsten inert gas) and compare it with Laser welding, of the cylindrical rods and implant-supported frameworks, obtained by in commercially pure titanium (cp) through the mechanical resistance (tensile and flexural strength) and misfit marginal, respectively. Ninety specimens have been fabricated titanium cp, and sixty, cylindrical rods, obtained by casting of the brass rods, and thirty implant-supported frameworks, obtained by plaster die with four similar - Microunit implants (Connection), with ten repetitions for each group (control, TIG welding, laser welding). The specimens were invested in Rematitan Plus, according to the manufacturer instructions. The rings were subjected to thermal cycling and positioned in the machine of casting (Rematitan) under voltaic arc, vacuum and atmosphere of argon, with injection of titanium vacuumpressure. After cooling, were manually and airbone-particle abraded with aluminum oxide. The specimes cylindrical rods were randomly distributed in three groups, for tests, tensile and flexural strength: the control group (without welding), TIG welding and soldering laser. The above thirty-structures were randomly divided into three groups: I- one-piece-cast (control)-, II-B-after-TIG welding and III-B-after-Laser welding, the Group II-A, III-A, consisted of specimens before the process of welding: II-A-before-TIG welding and III-A before-Laser welding. The results for the test Traction were submitted to variance analysis ANOVA (p < 0.05) being observed difference between groups. The supplementary Tukey test (p = 0.05) showed that there was a difference between the control group (605.84 ± 19.83) and the methods of welding TIG (514.90 ± 37.76) and laser (515.85 ± 62.07). To test the Flexion nonparametric test Kruskal-Wallis showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the processes of TIG welding (1559.66) and Laser (1621.64), but the difference was significant between these groups and control (1908.75). For analysis of the results of marginal misfit implant-supported frameworks, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between groups after-TIG welding (250) and after- Laser welding (241), however, the control group (770) showed the largest misfit. With these and the limitations of this study TIG welding in may be to Laser welding.
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Phenomena in material addition to laser generated melt poolsPrasad, Himani Siva January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Resistência mecânica e desajuste marginal do titânio comercialmente puro submetido a dois métodos de soldagem: TIG e Laser / Mechanic resistance and marginal misfit of pure Ti submitted to two welding methods TIG and LaserJuliana Abdallah Atoui 05 December 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da soldagem TIG (\"tungsten inert gas\") e compará-la com soldagem a laser, em hastes cilíndricas e supra-estruturas implantosuportadas, confeccionadas em titânio comercialmente puro (Ti cp) por meio dos ensaios de resistência mecânica (tração e flexão) e desajuste marginal, respectivamente. Foram confeccionados noventa corpos-de-prova em titânio cp, sendo sessenta, na forma de hastes cilíndricas, obtidas por fundição de hastes de latão, e trinta na forma de supra-estruturas implanto-suportadas, obtidas por modelo de gesso com quatro análogos de implantes Microunit (Conexão), com dez repetições para cada grupo (controle, solda TIG, solda a Laser). Para a obtenção dos corpos-de-prova, foi realizada inclusão em revestimento Rematitan Plus, de acordo com as instruções fabricante. Os anéis foram submetidos aos ciclos térmicos e posicionados na máquina de fundição (Rematitan), sob arco voltaico, vácuo e atmosfera de argônio, com injeção de titânio sob vácuo-pressão. Após resfriamento, as fundições foram desincluídas e jateadas com óxido de alumínio. Os corpos-de-prova obtidos em forma de hastes cilíndricas foram distribuídos aleatoriamente, em três grupos, para ambos os ensaios, resistência à tração e flexão: grupo controle (sem solda), solda TIG e solda a Laser. As trinta supra-estruturas foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos: I- controle - monobloco; II-B- pós-soldagem TIG e III-B- pós-soldagem a Laser; os grupos II-A e III-A, foram constituídos dos espécimes antes do processo de soldagem: II-A- pré-soldagem TIG e III-A- pré-soldagem a Laser. Os dados obtidos para o Ensaio de Tração (MPa) foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes ANOVA e Tukey (α= 0,05). O teste complementar de Tukey (p = 0,05) evidenciou que houve diferença entre o grupo controle (605,84 ± 19,83) e os métodos de soldagem TIG (514,90 ± 37,76) e Laser (515,85 ± 62,07). Para o Ensaio de Flexão (MPa), o teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis mostrou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os processos de soldagem TIG (1559,66) e Laser (1621,64), contudo a diferença foi significante entre estes grupos e o controle (1908,75). Para análise dos resultados do desajuste marginal (μm) das supra-estruturas implanto-suportadas, o teste nãoparamétrico de Kruskal-Wallis revelou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos pós-soldagem TIG (250) e pós-soldagem Laser (241), entretanto, o grupo controle (770) apresentou o maior desajuste. Pelos resultados obtidos e dentro das limitações deste estudo, pode-se afirmar que a soldagem a TIG propicia a obtenção de resultados similares à soldagem a Laser. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of TIG welding (tungsten inert gas) and compare it with Laser welding, of the cylindrical rods and implant-supported frameworks, obtained by in commercially pure titanium (cp) through the mechanical resistance (tensile and flexural strength) and misfit marginal, respectively. Ninety specimens have been fabricated titanium cp, and sixty, cylindrical rods, obtained by casting of the brass rods, and thirty implant-supported frameworks, obtained by plaster die with four similar - Microunit implants (Connection), with ten repetitions for each group (control, TIG welding, laser welding). The specimens were invested in Rematitan Plus, according to the manufacturer instructions. The rings were subjected to thermal cycling and positioned in the machine of casting (Rematitan) under voltaic arc, vacuum and atmosphere of argon, with injection of titanium vacuumpressure. After cooling, were manually and airbone-particle abraded with aluminum oxide. The specimes cylindrical rods were randomly distributed in three groups, for tests, tensile and flexural strength: the control group (without welding), TIG welding and soldering laser. The above thirty-structures were randomly divided into three groups: I- one-piece-cast (control)-, II-B-after-TIG welding and III-B-after-Laser welding, the Group II-A, III-A, consisted of specimens before the process of welding: II-A-before-TIG welding and III-A before-Laser welding. The results for the test Traction were submitted to variance analysis ANOVA (p < 0.05) being observed difference between groups. The supplementary Tukey test (p = 0.05) showed that there was a difference between the control group (605.84 ± 19.83) and the methods of welding TIG (514.90 ± 37.76) and laser (515.85 ± 62.07). To test the Flexion nonparametric test Kruskal-Wallis showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the processes of TIG welding (1559.66) and Laser (1621.64), but the difference was significant between these groups and control (1908.75). For analysis of the results of marginal misfit implant-supported frameworks, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between groups after-TIG welding (250) and after- Laser welding (241), however, the control group (770) showed the largest misfit. With these and the limitations of this study TIG welding in may be to Laser welding.
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Microstructure Development During Laser And Electron Beam Welding Of Ti/Ni Dissimilar JointsChatterjee, Subhradeep 07 1900 (has links)
Fusion welding of dissimilar metals constitutes a crucial processing stage in a variety of applications, and the use of high energy beams (HEB) like lasers and electron beams for such welding applications has several advantages, such as, precision, narrow heat affected zone, and consequently, low distortion. An understanding of microstructural evolution in the weld is a prerequisite for producing sound joints with desired properties. HEB welding of similar metals have been studied extensively. In contrast, fewer studies have been directed toward understanding the fundamental aspects of solidification of dissimilar welds. This thesis presents an effort in that direction by exploring microstructural evolution in Ti/Ni dissimilar welds.
Welding of Ti/Ni serves to illustrate the fundamental differences that distinguish dissimilar welding from the welding of similar metals. These are: (i) Thermophysical properties of the base metals are, in general, different, and this can have important consequences in the heat transfer conditions. (ii) Composition can vary over an wide range, the extreme being for the case of a pure binary couple, and the solid–liquid interface cannot be defined by a single liquidus isotherm. (iii) In addition to the surface energy driven Marangoni convection, a strong solutal convection can arise due to a large difference in the density of the base metals. (iv) Nucleation of phases assumes greater importance, especially in systems with intermediate phases.
We have carried out laser and electron beam welding (LW and EBW) experiments in a butt welding geometry to join Ti/Ni dissimilar couples. Weld microstructures were characterised using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM); composition information was obtained from energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of Xrays in the SEM. In addition to the pure binary couple, we have also studied electron beam welding of Ti/Ni with a thin Ta interlayer. We summarise our findings in each set of experiments in the following sections.
Laser welding of Ti/Ni
We have studied partial penetration welds obtained within the range of experimental parameters used in our study. These welds show the following interesting features:
1. The welds are asymmetric with respect to the initial joint. Despite its higher melting point, Ti melts more than Ni due to its lower thermal diffusivity, making the average composition of the weld richer in Ti (Ti–40at.%Ni).
2. Composition changes very steeply near the fusion interfaces in both Ti and Ni with associated microstructural changes. The variation is of much lesser magnitude in the rest of the weld, reflecting a well mixed melt pool on a macroscopic scale.
3. Growth of base metal grains into the weld pool at the fusion interfaces is severely restricted at both Ti and Ni ends.
4. The Ti fusion interface is marked by a band consisting of Ti2Ni dendrites which grow toward the Ti base metal.
5. Layered structures form at the Ni fusion interface. The sequence of the layers is: solid solution (Ni)→ Ni3Ti→ Ni3Ti+NiTi eutectic → NiTi. We note the absence of the (Ni)+Ni3Ti eutectic in this sequence.
6. NiTi and Ti2Ni are the major phases that appear in the bulk of the weld. Volume fraction and morphology of NiTi vary almost periodically to form microstructural bands.
7. Solid state transformation of NiTi results in the formation of the Rphase and martensite, which reflect the composition heterogeneity in the weld. Sometimes, Ni4Ti3 precipitates are observed also, providing indirect evidence of nonequilibrium solidification.
8. Nitrogen pickup from the atmosphere during welding leads to the formation titanium nitride dendrites in the weld.
9. Solutal convection and buoyancy forces manifest themselves through the segregation of the lighter nitride and Ti2Ni phases toward the top surface of the weld; the heavier liquid forms blocky NiTi in the bottom half of the weld.
These observations stand in striking contrast with the microstructures of conventional welds. We have proposed a set of composition and temperature profiles in the weld which reflect the diffusive and advective transport processes; when combined with thermodynamic information from the Ti–Ni phase diagram to yield spatial liquidus temperature profiles, these profiles can adequately explain most of the results. Our observations illustrate the importance of (a) nucleation, and (b) the inhomogeneous nature of the melt in which growth takes place. They also highlight the role of convective currents in bringing about local fluctuations in composition and temperature leading to ‘low velocity bands’.
Electron beam welding of Ti/Ni
We have carried out full penetration EBW of thin plates of Ti and Ni. The major observations are: (i) Average composition of the weld is in the Ni–rich side of the phase diagram (Ni–40at.%Ti). (ii) Fusion interface microstructures are very similar to that in LW exhibiting restricted base metal growth (although little amount of epitaxy can be seen in the Ni side), growth of Ti2Ni dendrites toward the base metal at the Ti fusion interface and the sequence of layers at the Ni interface: (Ni)→ Ni3Ti→ Ni3Ti+NiTi. Unlike LW, however, Ni3Ti, instead of NiTi, reappeared after the third layer on the Ni side. (iii) General microstructure consists of the Ni3Ti+NiTi eutectic, which appears in several anomalous as well as regular morphologies. (iv) Formation of NiTi is restricted mostly to regions near the Ti fusion interface. (v) Segregation of Ni3Ti was observed in a few places. The most prominent change in the microstructure compared to LW is a shift from the Ti2Ni– NiTi phases in the bulk of the weld to a Ni3Ti+NiTi eutectic structure. This is a direct consequence of the shift in the average composition of the weld to the Ni– rich side. The occurrence of different anomalous and regular eutectic structures bear similarity with bulk undercooling experiments conducted on eutectic systems having a strongly faceting phase as one of its constituents. The asymmetric coupled zone, along with composition and temperature fluctuation due to fluid flow, can be attributed to the origin of these structures.
Electron beam welding of Ti/Ni with a Ta interlayer
Motivated by the report of superior mechanical properties of Ti/Ni welds with an interlayer of Ta, whose melting point is much higher than those Ni and Ti, we performed EBW experiments using a Ni–Ta– Ti configuration. The key observations are: (i) The process is inherently unsteady in nature, and results in partial and irregular melting of the Ta interlayer. This partial melting essentially divides the weld into Ni–rich and Ti–rich halves. (ii) Microstructure near the fusion interface in Ni and Ti show similarities with that of the pure binary Ti/Ni welds; the phases here, however, contain Ta as a ternary addition. (iii) Microstructure in the Ti–rich half consists of dendrites of the Ni(Ti,Ta) phase with a high Ti:Ta ratio, and an eutectic formed between this phase and a (Ti,Ta)2Ni phase having significant amount of Ta. Two Ni(Ti,Ta) type phases dominate the microstructure in the Ni–rich half: the phase having a higher Ti:Ta ratio forms cells and dendrites, whereas the one of a lower Ti:Ta ratio creates an interdendritic network. (iv) Regions near the unmolten Ta layer in the middle show the formation of a sawtoothlike Ta–rich faceted phase of composition (Ta,Ti)3Ni2. Since very scarce thermodynamic data exist for the Ni–Ta–Ti ternary system, we have taken cues from the binary phase diagrams to understand the microstructural evolution. Such extrapolation, although successful to some extent, fails where phases which have no binary equivalents start to appear.
In summary, in this thesis, we explore microstructural evolution in the Ti/Ni dissimilar welds under the different settings of laser and electron beam welding processes. This study reveals a variety of phenomena occurring during dissimilar welding which lead to the formation of an extensive range of microstructural features. Although a few questions do remain, most results can be rationalised by drawing from, and extending the knowledge gained from previous studies by introducing physical and thermodynamic arguments.
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Avaliação de propriedades mecânicas e caracterização microestrutural de consolidados de Cobalto-Cromo-Molibdênio obtidos por fusão seletiva a laser e fundição de precisão / Evaluation of mechanical properties and microstructural characterization of consolidated Cobalt-Chromium-Molybdenum obtained by selective laser melting and precision castingMERGULHÃO, MARCELLO V. 01 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-01T17:11:09Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-01T17:11:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar as propriedades mecânicas e a caracterização microestrutural de espécimes da liga de Co-Cr-Mo obtidos por manufatura aditiva fusão seletiva a laser (do inglês Selective Laser Melting SLM) e por fundição de precisão, visando a confecção de próteses odontológicas. A partir de pós de Co-Cr-Mo atomizados a gás foram realizadas as seguintes etapas: 1) investigação das propriedades físicas, químicas e térmicas dos pós atomizados em diferentes faixas granulométricas (denominadas: D1 < 15 μm, D2 de 20-50 μm e D3 > 75 μm); 2) confecção de espécimes, em dimensões padronizadas, por meio das técnicas de consolidação; 3) caracterização dos consolidados por análise de: citotoxicidade, porosidade, difração de raios X e dilatometria; 4) caracterização mecânica de tração, flexão em três pontos, dureza (macro e micro Vickers) e caracterização microestrutural (microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura). De modo geral, os resultados obtidos foram: a granulometria D2 (20-50 μm) é a que melhor se enquadra nas análises de empacotamento para a consolidação por meio de SLM; a biocompatibilidade das amostras obteve resultado positivo para ambas técnicas de processamento; a avaliação mecânica dos espécimes evidencia que a técnica de fusão seletiva a laser propicia propriedades mecânicas (tensão de escoamento, tensão de ruptura, tensão máxima, alongamento e dureza) superiores as obtidas pela técnica de fundição de precisão; a microestrutura obtida pelo processo SLM é composta por grãos ultrafinos e de elevada homogeneidade química. Conclui-se que, o desenvolvimento do presente estudo evidenciou que na fabricação de componentes odontológicos customizados (coroas) a técnica SLM apresenta qualidade superior quando comparada a fundição de precisão. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Approche probabiliste du comportement mécanique des composites thermoplastiques assemblés par soudage laser / Probabilistic approach of thermoplastics composites mechanical behaviour assemblied by laser weldingOumarou Mairagouna, Mamane 09 November 2012 (has links)
Les matériaux composites à matrice thermoplastique occupent de plus en plus un large domaine d'application grâce à leur aptitude à être recyclés et à être assemblés par fusion du polymère, encore appelée soudage. Parmi ces modes d'assemblage, le soudage laser propose de meilleures alternatives. Car, outre le fait qu'elle assure une meilleure tenue mécanique et un meilleur aspect esthétique, cette technique d'assemblage ne crée pas d'endommagement au sein du composite, à l'instar de certaines méthodes comme le rivetage, le vissage ou le boulonnage.L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer un modèle de rupture probabiliste de l'assemblage par faisceau laser d'un composite thermoplastique à fibres continues.Une description fine du matériau est d'abord effectuée par une approche multi-échelles dont le but était de pouvoir prédire le comportement macroscopique du composite de base connaissant les fluctuations locales de sa microstructure.La caractérisation mécanique de l'assemblage est ensuite effectuée par des essais multiaxiaux au moyen d'un dispositif spécifiques (Arcan-Mines) qui prend en compte l'état de confinement du joint soudé. Ce qui a permis de proposer un modèle de comportement élasto-plastique basé sur le critère de Drucker-Prager généralisé.Des tests par émission acoustique ont permis de faire l'hypothèse de l'existence d'un maillon faible au sein du joint soudé. La rupture est alors évaluée par le modèle statistique de Weibull. Un critère de rupture probabiliste basé sur le premier et le second invariant du tenseur des contraintes est finalement proposé. / Thermoplastic composite materials are more and more used in many fields of application as a result of their recyclability and their joining capabilities by polymer fusion, witch is called welding. Among these assembly types, the laser welding offers better alternatives. Because, beyond the high level mechanical strength and the good aesthetic appearance it provides, this assembly technique will not create damage within the composite material, like certain methods such riveting, drilling or bolting.The purpose of this study is to propose a probabilistic failure model of laser beam assembly of a continuous fibres thermoplastic composite.A detailed description of the material is first performed by a multi-scale approach, which was aiming to predict the macroscopic behaviour of the based composite knowing the local fluctuations of its microstructure.The mechanical characterisation of the assembly is then conducted through multi-axial tests using a special device (Arcan-Mines) which takes into account the confinement of the laser weld seam. This enables proposing a generalized Drucker-Prager élasto-plastic model.Acoustic emission tests allowed making the assumption of weak link model within the weld seam. The failure is then evaluated through the Weibull statistical model.Probabilistic failure criterion based on the first and the second invariants of stress tensor is finally proposed
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