Spelling suggestions: "subject:"legal judgment"" "subject:"segal judgment""
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Právní moc a vykonatelnost rozhodnutí / Legal effect and enforcement of judgmentPetriláková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the main properties of the legal judgment in a private law - legal effect and enforcement. The focus is on the accurate analysis of the traditional institutions of the private process. It is not examined only from the point of view of the valid legal regulation but also according to the reasoning of the legal theory and from the conclusions of the legal practice. Theoretical interpretation is often supported by practical examples that are used to improve the intelligibility of the thesis and understandability of individual problems. The diploma thesis is mainly focused on the issue of the legal effect of judgment. In relation with that there is explained the essence and purpose of this institution. Legal effect is conceived as the set of the specific properties (impacts), that the judgment acquires when the legal presumptions are fulfilled. There are defined the concepts of the formal and material legal effect including their mutual relation. Attention is also given to the individual impacts of the legal effect as the finality, the immutability and the obligation of the judgment. There is described not only its legal nature but also the specific utterances and consequences of its application. Following interpretation of bounds of the legal effect tries...
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O erro na ação rescisória / The error in actions for reversal of judgmentParro, Fabiana Monteiro 10 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tratou do erro na ação rescisória, compreendendo tanto o erro de fato como o erro de direito, apontando eventuais equívocos e acertos da doutrina e jurisprudência sobre o tema. Na primeira parte do estudo estabeleceu-se as premissas necessárias para as demais, iniciando-se por uma breve introdução a respeito da prestação jurisdicional e seus escopos, pois a ação rescisória não só é meio de prestação jurisdicional, como também é meio de revisão dessa mesma tutela prestada pelo Estado, passando-se, posteriormente, a uma sucinta apresentação da garantia da coisa julgada. Em seguida, ingressando já no tema da ação rescisória, na parte segunda traçou-se um panorama geral acerca do instituto, estabelecendo as principais diferenças entre a ação rescisória e os demais meios de impugnação das decisões judiciais, nos quais se insere a ação rescisória, dando ênfase à excepcionalidade do instituto ora em estudo, justamente por ser meio de revisão da coisa julgada, que goza de proteção constitucional. Na terceira parte, analisou-se o objeto da ação rescisória, que são as sentenças de mérito transitadas em julgado, apontando as possíveis decisões que podem abrir oportunidade ao manejo da ação rescisória, inclusive tratando de questão atual, que concerne à nova definição de sentença de mérito, concluindo-se pela impossibilidade de cisão formal da sentença, bem como examinou-se as principais divergências existentes no que tange às demais decisões, terminando, ainda, com uma breve abordagem do tratamento conferido à ação rescisória no anteprojeto do Código de Processo Civil. Finalmente, na quarta parte, foram feitas considerações sobre as principais questões que surgem em relação ao erro na ação rescisória à luz da doutrina nacional e italiana, bem como acerca dos erros e acertos da jurisprudência dos tribunais superiores a respeito do tema. Demonstrou-se que, para a ação rescisória por erro de fato exige-se apenas a existência de um requisito, qual seja, a ausência de controvérsia sobre ponto a respeito de que a sentença teve que se pronunciar ou teria que se pronunciar. Quanto ao erro de direito, concluiu-se que, para fins da ação rescisória, não é necessário nem que a norma seja clara, nem que a violação se dê contra a literalidade da norma, pois, dificilmente um órgão julgador irá contrariar uma norma de forma clara e frontal. / This paper addresses the error in actions for reversal of judgment, including both errors in fact and errors at law, and points out some possibly mistaken and correct understandings of legal scholars and case law on the subject. The first part of this study lays down the premises required for its other parts, beginning with a short introduction regarding jurisdictional relief and its scopes, since an action for reversal of judgment is not only a means of seeking jurisdictional relief, but also a means of revising such relief as provided by the State. Then, a brief presentation is given on the assurance of res judicata. Next, now entering the realm of actions for reversal of judgment, its second part provides an overview of their institution, setting forth the main differences between actions for reversal of judgment and other means of challenging court rulings, wherein actions for reversal of judgment are included, emphasizing the exceptional nature of the institution studied herein, precisely because such actions are a means of revising a res judicata, which enjoys constitutional protection. Its third part analyzes the subject-matter of actions for reversal of judgment, aimed at judgments on merit that have become res judicata, pointing out rulings that possibly can afford an opportunity for pursuing an action for reversal of judgment, including in dealing with a current issue, which concerns a new definition of judgment on merit, and then it concludes for the impossibility of formally splitting a judgment. It also examines the main existing divergences as regards other rulings, and it closes, furthermore, with a brief discussion of the treatment given to actions for reversal of judgment in the preliminary bill of law for the Code of Civil Procedure. Finally, in its fourth part, some comments are made on the main issues that arise in connection with errors in actions for reversal of judgment, in light of Brazilian and Italian legal scholarship, and on some mistaken and correct understandings in the case law of higher courts regarding the subject. It is demonstrated that for an action for reversal of judgment upon an error of fact, only one existing requirement is called for, namely, the absence of any dispute over a point that had to be heard, or would have to be heard, in the judgment. As for errors at law, the conclusion is reached that for the purposes of an action for reversal of judgment, it is neither necessary for the rule to be clear nor for the violation to be against the literalness of the rule, because a judging authority will hardly contradict a rule in a clear and outright manner.
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O erro na ação rescisória / The error in actions for reversal of judgmentFabiana Monteiro Parro 10 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tratou do erro na ação rescisória, compreendendo tanto o erro de fato como o erro de direito, apontando eventuais equívocos e acertos da doutrina e jurisprudência sobre o tema. Na primeira parte do estudo estabeleceu-se as premissas necessárias para as demais, iniciando-se por uma breve introdução a respeito da prestação jurisdicional e seus escopos, pois a ação rescisória não só é meio de prestação jurisdicional, como também é meio de revisão dessa mesma tutela prestada pelo Estado, passando-se, posteriormente, a uma sucinta apresentação da garantia da coisa julgada. Em seguida, ingressando já no tema da ação rescisória, na parte segunda traçou-se um panorama geral acerca do instituto, estabelecendo as principais diferenças entre a ação rescisória e os demais meios de impugnação das decisões judiciais, nos quais se insere a ação rescisória, dando ênfase à excepcionalidade do instituto ora em estudo, justamente por ser meio de revisão da coisa julgada, que goza de proteção constitucional. Na terceira parte, analisou-se o objeto da ação rescisória, que são as sentenças de mérito transitadas em julgado, apontando as possíveis decisões que podem abrir oportunidade ao manejo da ação rescisória, inclusive tratando de questão atual, que concerne à nova definição de sentença de mérito, concluindo-se pela impossibilidade de cisão formal da sentença, bem como examinou-se as principais divergências existentes no que tange às demais decisões, terminando, ainda, com uma breve abordagem do tratamento conferido à ação rescisória no anteprojeto do Código de Processo Civil. Finalmente, na quarta parte, foram feitas considerações sobre as principais questões que surgem em relação ao erro na ação rescisória à luz da doutrina nacional e italiana, bem como acerca dos erros e acertos da jurisprudência dos tribunais superiores a respeito do tema. Demonstrou-se que, para a ação rescisória por erro de fato exige-se apenas a existência de um requisito, qual seja, a ausência de controvérsia sobre ponto a respeito de que a sentença teve que se pronunciar ou teria que se pronunciar. Quanto ao erro de direito, concluiu-se que, para fins da ação rescisória, não é necessário nem que a norma seja clara, nem que a violação se dê contra a literalidade da norma, pois, dificilmente um órgão julgador irá contrariar uma norma de forma clara e frontal. / This paper addresses the error in actions for reversal of judgment, including both errors in fact and errors at law, and points out some possibly mistaken and correct understandings of legal scholars and case law on the subject. The first part of this study lays down the premises required for its other parts, beginning with a short introduction regarding jurisdictional relief and its scopes, since an action for reversal of judgment is not only a means of seeking jurisdictional relief, but also a means of revising such relief as provided by the State. Then, a brief presentation is given on the assurance of res judicata. Next, now entering the realm of actions for reversal of judgment, its second part provides an overview of their institution, setting forth the main differences between actions for reversal of judgment and other means of challenging court rulings, wherein actions for reversal of judgment are included, emphasizing the exceptional nature of the institution studied herein, precisely because such actions are a means of revising a res judicata, which enjoys constitutional protection. Its third part analyzes the subject-matter of actions for reversal of judgment, aimed at judgments on merit that have become res judicata, pointing out rulings that possibly can afford an opportunity for pursuing an action for reversal of judgment, including in dealing with a current issue, which concerns a new definition of judgment on merit, and then it concludes for the impossibility of formally splitting a judgment. It also examines the main existing divergences as regards other rulings, and it closes, furthermore, with a brief discussion of the treatment given to actions for reversal of judgment in the preliminary bill of law for the Code of Civil Procedure. Finally, in its fourth part, some comments are made on the main issues that arise in connection with errors in actions for reversal of judgment, in light of Brazilian and Italian legal scholarship, and on some mistaken and correct understandings in the case law of higher courts regarding the subject. It is demonstrated that for an action for reversal of judgment upon an error of fact, only one existing requirement is called for, namely, the absence of any dispute over a point that had to be heard, or would have to be heard, in the judgment. As for errors at law, the conclusion is reached that for the purposes of an action for reversal of judgment, it is neither necessary for the rule to be clear nor for the violation to be against the literalness of the rule, because a judging authority will hardly contradict a rule in a clear and outright manner.
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Traitement automatique du langage naturel pour les textes juridiques : prédiction de verdict et exploitation de connaissances du domaineSalaün, Olivier 12 1900 (has links)
À l'intersection du traitement automatique du langage naturel et du droit, la prédiction de verdict ("legal judgment prediction" en anglais) est une tâche permettant de représenter la question de la justice prédictive, c'est-à-dire tester les capacités d'un système automatique à prédire le verdict décidé par un juge dans une décision de justice. La thèse présente de bout en bout la mise en place d'une telle tâche formalisée sous la forme d'une classification multilabel, ainsi que différentes stratégies pour tenter d'améliorer les performances des classifieurs. Le tout se base sur un corpus de décisions provenant du Tribunal administratif du logement du Québec (litiges entre propriétaires et locataires). Tout d'abord, un prétraitement préliminaire et une analyse approfondie du corpus permettent d'en tirer les aspects métier les plus saillants. Cette étape primordiale permet de s'assurer que la tâche de prédiction de verdict a du sens, et de mettre en relief des biais devant être pris en considération pour les tâches ultérieures. En effet, à l'issue d'un premier banc d'essai comparant différents modèles sur cette tâche, ces derniers tendent à exacerber des biais préexistant dans le corpus (p. ex. ils donnent encore moins gain de cause aux locataires par rapport à un juge humain). Fort de ce constat, la suite des expériences vise à améliorer les performances de classification et à atténuer ces biais, en se focalisant sur CamemBERT. Pour ce faire, des connaissances du domaine cible (droit du logement) sont exploitées. Une première approche consiste à employer des articles de loi comme données d'entrée qui font l'objet de différentes représentations, mais c'est cependant loin d'être la panacée. Une autre approche employant la modélisation thématique s'intéresse aux thèmes pouvant être extraits à partir du texte décrivant les faits litigieux. Une évaluation automatique et manuelle des thèmes obtenus démontre leur informativité vis-à-vis des motifs amenant des justiciables à se rendre au tribunal. Avec ce constat, la dernière partie de notre travail revisite une nouvelle fois la tâche de prédiction de verdict en s'appuyant à la fois sur des systèmes de recherche d'information (RI), et des thèmes associés aux décisions. Les modèles conçus ici ont la particularité de s'appuyer sur une jurisprudence (décisions passées pertinentes) récoltée selon différents critères de recherche (p. ex. similarité au niveau du texte et/ou des thèmes). Les modèles utilisant des critères de RI basés sur des sacs-de-mots (Lucene) et des thèmes obtiennent des gains significatifs en termes de scores F1 Macro. Cependant, le problème d'amplification des biais persiste encore bien qu'atténué. De manière globale, l'exploitation de connaissances du domaine permet d'améliorer les performances des prédicteurs de verdict, mais la persistance de biais dans les résultats décourage le déploiement de tels modèles à grande échelle dans le monde réel. D'un autre côté, les résultats de la modélisation thématique laissent entrevoir de meilleurs débouchés pour ce qui relève de l'accessibilité et de la lisibilité des documents juridiques par des utilisateurs humains. / At the intersection of natural language processing and law, legal judgment prediction is a task that can represent the problem of predictive justice, or in other words, the capacity of an automated system to predict the verdict decided by a judge in a court ruling. The thesis presents from end to end the implementation of such a task formalized as a multilabel classification, along with different strategies attempting to improve classifiers' performance. The whole work is based on a corpus of decisions from the Administrative housing tribunal of Québec (disputes between landlords and tenants). First of all, a preliminary preprocessing and an in-depth analysis of the corpus highlight its most prominent domain aspects. This crucial step ensures that the verdict prediction task is sound, and also emphasizes biases that must be taken into consideration for future tasks. Indeed, a first testbed comparing different models on this task reveals that they tend to exacerbate biases pre-existing within the corpus (i.e. their verdicts are even less favourable to tenants compared with a human judge). In light of this, the next experiments aim at improving classification performance and at mitigating these biases, by focusing on CamemBERT. In order to do so, knowledge from the target domain (housing law) are exploited. A first approach consists in employing articles of law as input features which are used under different representations, but such method is far from being a panacea. Another approach relying on topic modeling focuses on topics that can be extracted from the text describing the disputed facts. An automatic and manual evaluation of topics obtained shows evidence of their informativeness about reasons leading litigants to go to court. On this basis, the last part of our work revisits the verdict prediction task by relying on both information retrieval (IR) system, and topics assigned to decisions. The models designed here have the particularity to rely on jurisprudence (relevant past cases) retrieved with different search criteria (e.g. similarity at the text or topics level). Models using IR criteria based on bags-of-words (Lucene) and topics obtain significant gains in terms of Macro F1 scores. However, the aforementioned amplified biases issue, though mitigated, still remains. Overall, the exploitation of domain-related knowledge can improve the performance of verdict predictors, but the persistence of biases in the predictions hinders the deployment of such models on a large scale in the real world. On the other hand, results obtained from topic modeling suggest better prospects for anything that can improve the accessibility and readability of legal documents by human users.
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